very high quality, high resolution image of the painting
is here,
at the National Gallery of Art, and they let you download a high quality image that is suitable for printing.
has degraded
Because clothing was so difficult to make
hundreds of years
ago, the poor people wore simple, bland clothing. Only the wealthy
could afford decorative, colorful clothing.
Technology has changed the situation dramatically.
Today we can produce
clothing with phenomenal colors, patterns, and styles. Even the poor
of today can afford clothing much more decorative and colorful than the
kings and queens a hundred years ago.
Today we have elastic bands, stretchable materials,
Velcro, snaps, buttons
and other technology to make clothing fit better and be more
We can easily afford to have tough, durable clothing for work, and
decorative clothing for leisure.
You might expect that as technology increased,
everybody would acquire
durable, functional clothing for work, and more comfortable, decorative
clothing for leisure. However, this has not happened.
The tendency of men to form hierarchies
has resulted in their
clothing styles degrading into a uniform.
for men.
For all
For all
For all
For both
work and
social affairs.
Clothing for men has become less
decorative, more
impractical, less
colorful, and more
bland. Men's suits
are only tolerable when a man is standing upright and motionless, and
a cool area. If a man were to wear the type of decorative clothing that
men wore 400 years ago, he would be ridiculed as homosexual or insane.
are becoming prostitutes
Women have a much wider variety of colors and
patterns, but
most women wear shoes that are painful, awkward to walk in, and deform
their feet. Some women have their toes altered by surgery so that they
can fit into the shoes, and others have surgery to correct problems
by the shoes. However, the surgeries don't always correct the problem
make it easier to wear the shoes, as one news report explains:
Clothing used to be designed to be attractive and
functional, but today
a lot of women's clothing is designed to sexually
titillate men. Men may respond that they enjoy
being titillated,
but what we want and what will make our lives happiest are often two
Women today also spend a lot of their
time and money on cosmetics,
hair colors, fingernails, piercings, and cosmetic surgery.
An extreme case of cosmetic surgery is Jocelyn
Breast implants are also becoming popular. Teenage
girls are also getting breast implants, and the
number of teenagers
doing this is increasing every year. Supposedly 329,000 American women
had breast implants in 2006.
A news item with some statistics
The implants are also getting larger,
especially for actresses
in pornography films.
How is any of this behavior making life better
for men or women?
Does the feminist movement approve of this behavior? Or is the feminist
movement part of the reason that women have degraded to prostitutes?
Why not take this behavior one step further and insert
electrodes into
a man's brain, and give the remote control units to single
In such a case, a woman wouldn't have to bother
with breast
implants, cosmetics, or high heeled shoes. Instead, when she finds a
to marry, she simply activates him.
After she gets married, she can give him the remote
control so that
he can entertain himself while she shops, eats, and watches television.
is becoming extreme
My grandmother never pierced her ears, and she
told me that
it was extremely unusual for anybody, male or female, to pierce any
of their body when she was young. During her lifetime (1906 - 1996),
went from being extremely rare, to extremely common.
Is the increase in piercings because the human
race is improving? |
Or, are these piercings increasing for other
reasons, such
as raising children with MTV and Hollywood movies? If you have never
how extreme body modifications have become, you've got to look at this
Main page: bmezine.com
today are overly concerned
with stains
Most people don't care whether their clothing
or shoes are
practical, and they don't seem to care whether their piercings are
or dangerous. They are more concerned that everything is shiny and free
of stains.
Some people will discard clothing for nearly
microscopic stains. Some
people will not purchase a automobile, applicance, or can of food if it
has a scratch on it.
What would you think if you owned a hardware store,
and your customers
were refusing to buy shovels
that had scratches on them?
you have any shovels without
The concern about stains and scratches is
absurd and wasteful.
We should accept the fact that clothing, cars, and all other products,
slowly get stained, chipped, scratched, and broken. The lack of proper
leadership is causing people to put emphasis on issues of no
are no longer a social activity

The painting from 1663 shows a man wih a
chicken in a basket
on his head, and there is another basket hanging above the people,
with chickens.
Since there were no prepared foods in that era, having
a meal meant
doing some work. The process of preparing food, eating the food, and
up afterwards would have taken hours every day.
The attitude today is that "work" is bad. Most people
believe that the
happiest people are the people who do the least amount of work.
As a result of this attitude, it is widely believed
that rich people
who are served meals at restaurants are happier than people who prepare
their own food.
This attitude also results in the extreme processing
of foods. Prunes
and dates are pitted; oats are flattened and pre-cooked; beef is aged
that it becomes softer; and carrots are sold in bags already cleaned
Americans took the processing of foods to
an extreme in 1953
with the development of the "TV Dinner".
The most pleasurable aspect of life is having
something to
do, and having people to do it with. Lounging in a chair is pleasurable
only for brief periods, or when you are tired or sick.
If you want to enjoy life, you've got to do
something. If your goal in life is to avoid work
and be pampered
by servants, you will be miserable if you ever achieve it.
It is impossible to do everything yourself. You cannot
make all of your
clothing, grow all of your food, prepare all of your meals, build your
own house, and play your own music. Therefore, we must make decisions
what we want to do for ourselves, and what we want to pay other people
to do for us.
All throughout history one of the daily pleasures in
human life was
getting together with other people, preparing meals, eating, and then
up the meal. Hours were spent during this process.
Today people claim that they are too busy
to engage in such time-consuming activities. But how could we be too
Technology should make life easier
for us.
People are not
too busy to socialize.
Rather, they want to spend more time with their
Life should be more relaxed today,
not more stressful

For most of human history, most of the men
spent most of their
time producing food. Today the situation has reversed; only a small
of the men are needed to produce food. The other men could develop
trains, computers, electricity, and public water systems.
Unfortunately, most of the men today, especially in
America, are doing
nothing of value, or they are detrimental
to society because they are lying, cheating, or manipulating.
The IRS is an interesting example. There are thousands
of people working
that agency, but they contribute nothing of value, and they cause a
amount of work for the rest of us. To make the situation more pathetic,
videos such as the Money
show that the IRS is actually a scam by the Rothschilds and other
The FBI, ATF, CIA, and Homeland Security have tens
of thousands of people working for them, but
instead of contributing
something to society, they protect
organized crime.
Our school system has an enormous number
of people on the payroll,
but only a few of them actually contribute something of value to the
of the students. Worst of all, many school employees are deliberately
to deceive students about history and current events.
people were willing to work...
If everybody in the world were willing to
contribute to society,
life would be easier than it was hundreds of years
Furthermore, if people had an interest in doing something
of value, they would resist jobs that are
useless or detrimental,
and the end result is that we would have beautiful cities, fresh food,
and other quality products.
Unfortunately, the attitude with most people,
especially in America,
is that "work" is bad and "play" is good. Most people fantasize about
rich, retiring, and having other
people serve
them. They are not
interested in working.