23 June 2024 I added a 5th image to entertain
you during these miserable times.
1) Who is afraid of GPT? 2) Why not send the whiny minorities back home? 3) Let's free the Jews from anti-Semitism. 4) An important press release! 5) Israel's DNA law. 30 July 2023 Too
soon old, too late smart
If you have to change bicycle tires, I recently had another "too-soon-old moments" when I discovered soapy water makes it easy. 10 Nov 2021 Ally
Carter's pedophile accusations!
As with David Shurter, Jenny Guskin, and others, she claims to have been used as a sex toy by the leaders of society throughout her childhood, but by people such as Obama and Biden. This would explain why Biden was selected to be president. 13 Sep 2021 David
Goldberg's accusations
The video has been removed, but I posted a copy of the audio in which Goldberg exposes Projects Pogo and Zyphr. Here is a transcript of the audio.
28 August 2021 I previously asked why
don't switch from jpg to the webp
format, and now I discover there's a better format, avif. So, why
don't people switch to that?
29 June 2020 Have you noticed the hypocrisy of the minorities who whine about racism? Here is one image to point this out, and here is another. Or will Twitter censor them? If you do not use Twitter, go to this page. 21 Apr 2020 Tamara's accusations
Her videos don't remain on YouTube very
long. I combined the audio from her videos into two MP3 files, here
and here
(each about 6mb). She has some amazing accusations
about Hollywood, and claims to have
raped by many policemen. She also says her father was forced by the
crime network
to allow her to be raped. If she is correct, that crime network has
been in control of our nation for decades.
Tamara and the other women who complain about being SRA victims have had such abusive childhoods that some of them have been convinced that they are “super soldiers”, or that they have seen space aliens. Don't let their crazy ideas fool you into thinking that they are imagining the rapes and tortures. She suggests listening to her Hollywood video, and the audio of that is here (3 mb). The audio from her first 6 videos that she deleted is on-line here. Will you help find some people among the apathetic sheeple to destroy this crime network? Pass this audio around! 8 Mar 2019 Karly
Franz videos deleted
A copy of her last video in which she is angry and names some of the people who abused her is here. And I put the audio of her testimony video here. She accuses her family and the Masons of being involved with pedophilia and murder rituals. As with Katy Groves and Jenny Guskin, she is ignored by the "pedophile investigators" and "truth seekers", so help us inform the Masons and other people about her accusations. Katy Groves identifies her parents Her father's page was quickly deleted from the Psychology Today website, and he removed his photo from his "about" page. Here is a copy, and here is his website, and her mother is here. Rather than hide, he should make videos to expose these crimes, like his daughter. Can you see the significance of these videos? These women are making incredible accusations about pedophilia and murder, and identifying some of the people. Will the police investigate? ![]() 28 Oct 2018 Videos of people who “sold out” The computer voice is irritating, but you might want to listen to one to test your ability to sense deception, such as Jennifer Garner, or Elvis Presley. Hints: 1) In this previous file, I pointed out that "truth seekers" are trying to direct our anger towards Hillary Clinton. 2) They don't mention who the people sold out to. 25 Sep 2018 Jew
diseased leaves
I just discovered the entire video folder was missing from my website. Did somebody at my ISP (DreamHost) delete it? Or did I do it by accident? Anyway, I put it back up. If they erased it, which videos were they trying to hide from you? Was that the one about the Jew who was caught smuggling diseased leaves? Note: you could let me know when important links don't work. My email is at the bottom of this page. 7 Sep 2018 Trump's
secret is out!
A woman named Jenny Guskin claims to be a witness to Trump being pressured into committing pedophilia so that he can be blackmailed. Trump is now free of that blackmail. 19 Aug 2018 Another
video of Michelle Obama!
I don't think it's as convincing as this video that I mentioned last year, (update: that video has been deleted, so try this) so I ignored it, but now that lots of people are disgusted by the FBI and media for claiming that the Russians got Trump elected, people may be more willing to consider that the Obamas are lying to us, also. (The unedited video is here). 30 July 2018 NXIVM and
Ben Szemkus claims to have been at a NXIVM recruitment party, and that he encountered James Alefantis, Stormy Daniels, Eric Schneiderman, Anthony Weiner, and other VIPs. If he is telling the truth, he provides more evidence that the Comet pizza parlor is truly involved with a pedophile network, and with our nation's leaders, which in turn explains why our media and police refuse to investigate Alefantis. Will you help to encourage people to demand a real investigation of the pedophile network accusations? Don't be like a
passive child who waits for somebody to take care of him. Don't
"trust the plan". Instead, get involved
with determining the future of the human race.
17 June 2018 A victim
of the pedophile network
She claims to be a victim of a pedophile network, and that the network would force some men to join the network by threatening to murder them and their family. In this video, she makes claims that are even more bizarre. Is she telling the truth? Are there enough people who care to investigate? And can we find enough people to put an end to the pedophile networks? 1 May 2018 I fixed the links to
the MP3 audio files of Benjamin Freedman at this page. So you can
now download them.
26 March 2018 YouTube has once
again deleted the videos of
the Hempstead children being interviewed by the police about pedophilia
and other bizarre activities that their father and
school officials were involved with. So now I provide a link that will
search for the videos for you.
13 Nov 2017 Is
Feldman covering up pedophilia?
The Corey Feldman and pedophilia issue has become so complex that I created this brief document about it. 24 May 2017 Have
you seen this
video in which a Jew admits that they are forcing multiculturalism on
Europe? Note that the Jews don't force Israel to
be multicultural. How much longer are you going to
tolerate this abuse? Spread information about our
problems if you don't know what else to do.
28 July 2016 7 July 2016 Sex
abuse among doctors
A recent analysis of doctors shows a surprising number of sexual molestation accusations. I would say that this report provides supporting evidence for the speculations that police and government officials are visiting children's hospitals for sex, as I posted in 2010 here. I would also say that this report provides supporting evidence for the claims of the two Hampstead children. 3 Mar 2016 Einstein
the plagiarizer
This is an old article, from 2006, but somebody just told me that it was posted on Facebook, and similar articles and videos are getting a lot of publicity right now as the Jews do damage control to protect the only Jew they can claim is a genius. So counteract the situation by spreading the truth about Einstein. 13 May 2012 Murder
Hollywood movies ![]() Pedophilia
the Adams family
Some older but still useful news is here |
6 Feb 2025 As mentioned here,
I posted this video to
explain why so many figs taste bad, and why we should consider growing
figs in greenhouses. And I made this
video about CNC lawnmowers that I had promised
in 2009, and mentioned here.
I also added a video to this page about
a pseudoscorpion that I found in my kitchen.
30 Jan 2025
4 Oct 2024
11 Aug 2022
29 Apr 2020 More Italian translations! Send Italians this link: ![]() ![]() 21 Apr 2020
27 Nov 2019 For something different:
• Nov 27: Have you tried a low temperature cooking device? I show what I do in this video. (My cooking videos are listed here.) • Nov 19: I created this video about “bowl pizzas” to encourage people to stop thinking that there is a “best” of something. • Oct 27: I was so impressed with the David Archy underwear that I wrote this to let you know about it. • Sep 10: I created this video as an update to the August 17 video, to show my latest troubles and fixes with the Contigo mug, and some fixes to an oat roller and water bottle • Aug17: I made this video review of a Contigo mug, and my toaster oven.
14 July 2013
Updated 18 Nov 2011
Updated - 17 March 2011
2 Oct 2010