Sheeple and Underdog Psychology
Improve Life;
Don't be a Smart Ass
We should encourage children to learn about the world and contribute
something of value to society. Instead, America encourages arrogance, sarcasm,
pouting, snide comments, and insults.
For example, People magazine frequently runs articles in which
they praise or ridicule famous people for being the best dressed
or the worst dressed, or having the best or the worst hairstyle.
This encourages people to believe that there is such a thing as the best
hairstyle or best clothing.
Everybody has personal preferences in regards to clothing styles, hairstyles,
foods, and home furnishings. However, American society encourages us to
believe that our particular tastes are correct, and that people with different
tastes are a sub-human species.
A lot of crummy behavior is tolerable in small quantities. The snide
comments about hair and clothing that we find in People magazine
is another example of behavior that is tolerable only when a small number
of people do it. If you think I am exaggerating, imagine everybody doing
Imagine teachers rating their students and other teachers as best or
worst dressed. Imagine cashiers at retail stores making snide comments
about your hair and clothing. Imagine the people inspecting your luggage
at the airport making comments on your taste in clothing.
It is acceptable to discuss your personal preferences with your friends,
but no society should be encouraging people to behave in this conceited
manner in public.
Television encourages "smart ass" behavior
Many television programs create the impression that snide comments
are intelligent and amusing. Children are inadvertently being taught to
be "smart asses".
Of course, there is a rumor on the Internet that this is not
inadvertent. Rather, there are accusations that these are deliberate attempts
to destroy society.
Why are so many people in Hollywood producing movies and television
shows that encourage snide remarks, homosexuality, and pouting? Is it simply
because they have discovered that most people enjoy this type of behavior?
Is it simply because they are doing whatever brings the most profit?
Or are some of Hollywood writers doing this deliberately in order to
encourage self-destructive attitudes? Are they trying to destroy America,
which in turn will make it easier for a small group of people to get control
of it?
Americans encourage hatred and revenge
The government is whatever the people make it, so if the government
is crummy or corrupt, it is because the people are lousy at selecting leaders.
When the citizens ridicule their crummy leaders, they are ridiculing themselves.
When faced with a crummy government, the citizens should ask themselves
what they did wrong, and how they can make a better government. However,
children in America are being encouraged to hate and get revenge on their
crummy government.
Most Americans routinely insult at least some of their government leaders.
There is so much anger towards government that comedians can make a living
by insulting government officials. Television programs also have a lot
of snide comments about government. Radio hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh,
provide insults about our government officials on a nearly daily basis.
The word "bureaucrat" has become synonymous with "stupid government
official". The word "bureaucracy" has developed the meaning:
"a group of incompetent government officials".
Many Americans believe that public schools are crummy simply because
they are managed by bureaucracies. A lot of people complain that
private businesses can do almost everything better than the government
simply because the government consists of bureaucrats.
There are also frequent insults about corporations, liberals, conservatives,
Republicans, Democrats, and especially lawyers.
Some people cheat their government and justify it with remarks similar
to, "I am just getting back with this corrupt government took from me."
Are lawyers the lowest form of life?
One reason lawyers have a bad image is because some of them
profit from the fighting of other people. However, criticizing the lawyers
is similar to complaining that the CIA is selling cocaine. The CIA could
not sell cocaine unless there were a lot of people willing to buy the cocaine,
and a lot of bank officials willing to launder money, and a lot of policemen,
news reporters, and military people willing to ignore the crimes.
If you are going to criticize the CIA for selling cocaine, you should
criticize all the Americans who directly or indirectly support their selling
of cocaine.
Likewise, lawyers could not profit from fighting unless there were a
lot of people fighting. The large number of lawyers who profit from fights
are a sign that America has lots of crummy people.
If you are going to complain about lawyers, you should complain about
the American people, also. Without a lot of people to fight with one another,
how would these lawyers make so much money?
In a nation of honest, respectable people, lawyers would help businesses
and government officials write and amend contracts, and help clarify mistakes
in contracts. In such a case, lawyers would be performing a useful job,
and they would have a good reputation.
Americans criticize lawyers as if lawyers are a disease that has infiltrated
our nation. However, complaining about lawyers is not going to make America
a better place.
People who react to problems with anger, hatred, insults, and revenge
could be described as the lowest form of human life. We could say that
the highest form of human life are the people who try to understand and
solve problems.
Hatred makes life worse, not better
When something doesn't work well, the most appropriate reaction
is to research and discuss the problems, try to understand what is going
wrong, and then experiment with different possible solutions.
Reacting to a crummy government with insults is considered "normal",
but it should be considered disgusting, immature, and detrimental.
Jokes and insults can be beneficial sometimes because they are like
a slap in the face. They can grab our attention and can force us to look
at in issue from a different point of view.
However, after an insult has grabbed our attention, it better be followed
up with some intelligent remarks. An insult without an intelligent reason
for it is equivalent to a parent slapping his child without an intelligent
Unfortunately, American television, movies, and magazines are full of
insults about bureaucracies, Republicans, Democrats, and especially lawyers.
American children are being raised among people who are essentially slapping
one another in the face because they think it is funny.
Insults encourage anger and tantrums, not discussions and research.
They encourage childish behavior, not responsibility.
Most parents ignore their children's snide remarks. How extreme does
this situation have to get before you decided that American society
has a serious attitude problem?
For example, what if the children in your neighborhood were putting
on shows every night where they made jokes about the incompetent,
parental bureaucrats?
What if the children were making snide comments several times a day
that the family's finances would be much better if taken out of the hands
of the incompetent parents and given to private businesses?
Our society is encouraging bad attitudes
What effect will it have on children when they grow up among
adults who ridicule lawyers as being one of the lowest forms of life? How
will children look at government when they are surrounded by adults who
insult their government for corruption, incompetence, and immorality?
American children are being taught that we are victims of incompetent
bureaucracies, disgusting lawyers, greedy corporations, and stupid, selfish
Democrats or Republicans. American children are being encouraged to insult,
ridicule, and make snide remarks.
Children should be taught that when they experience a problem, they
should research the issue, discuss it, and look for ways to make it better.
They should be taught that throwing objects, making snide remarks, and
having temper tantrums is a sign of a badly behaved child, not a responsible