Free enterprise cannot provide
us with advanced activities
There are a variety of reasons why a free enterprise system
is never going to provide us with useful social activities. One problem
is that when businesses provide the activities, the activities will be
designed by a small number of people. As a result, the activities can only
be as good as those few people can make them. By comparison, when
society provides activities, everybody
in society is allowed to make suggestions on what type of activities they
would like to try, and how to improve the existing activities. Also, everybody
could offer to get involved in creating or leading some of the activities.
Furthermore, since nobody would be able to copyright or "protect" any of
the activities, everybody would be free to improve upon the existing activities,
thereby allowing them to evolve through time.
Another problem with free enterprise is that businesses want employees
who work full-time, not one day per year. Also, businesses do not
want employees working with competing businesses. As a result, if
a business were to offer adventure tours or recreational events, they would
want their employees to do so on a full-time basis, and they would not
want their employees working with competing businesses. Those employees
would have to do the same jobs over and over, day after day, decade after
decade. How many people want to do that? Furthermore, when a person must
lead the same type of adventure tour over and over, they start becoming
dull and monotonous, like a robot.
By comparison, when society provides the activities, the government
officials don't care whether people are working full-time on the activity
or only one day every year. Nobody has to make any commitments. For example,
a biologist who studies ants might offer to lead an exploration trip to
show people the ants in his city, but he might be willing to do this only
one day each year. A farmer might be willing to spend an afternoon every
year giving a tour of his farm to show how sheep are raised and sheared.
A business would not want to deal with thousands of people working only
one day per year, and they would not want any of those people working for
their competitors, but society would encourage this part-time contribution
because it encourages more people to get out of their house and contribute
something to society. The more people who get involved in activities, the
better for all of us because it provides us with more variety, and it also
reduces the burden of providing social activities. The more people who
contribute, the less work each person has to do.
When society provides activities for us, the government officials are
in the role of parents who provide activities for their children. The government
officials would have no concern for whether the people creating or leading
these trips are working full-time, or whether they are working only one
afternoon every ten years. The government officials would be concerned
only with whether the activities were providing society with something
of value. There would be competition to create activities that people enjoy
and learn from, but the competition would not be over money, so if the
particular trip was a failure, it would simply be discontinued or modified.
There would be no bankruptcies or financial disasters. Any equipment that
was used in the failed activity would still be available for other activities.
Nothing would be lost. Nobody would suffer. It would be similar to parents
to design activities for their children. If a particular activity was unpopular,
or if the parents decided that it was inappropriate for the children, the
parents would discontinue it and try something else.
Social activities must be
"social", not
It should be noted that these activities would be very unpleasant
in society today for a variety of reasons. For example, real estate
agents would go to these activities simply as a way of meeting people;
lonely people would go to the activities in order to look for a potential
spouse or sex partner; pedophiles would go to some activities to look at
children or find other pedophiles; and politicians would go to some activities
to meet people and promote themselves.
In order to make our social activities more pleasant, we have to design
a society that is homogenous, and we need to provide ourselves with special
activities for courtship so that other activities are not contaminated
by lonely people who are looking for a spouse. We also need to eliminate
the need for profit so that real estate agents, salesmen, and other people
are not going to activities simply as a way of promoting their services
or products. We also need to find a better way of selecting leaders so
that political candidates are not using social events as a way to promote
themselves and manipulate us.
It's important to note that social activities will be fun only if people
are "sociable". America is an example of a society that is not very
sociable or homogenous. This nation has a lot of loneliness, crime, corruption,
pouting, envy, fighting, yelling, jealousy, and sarcasm. There seem to
be thousands of different religions in this country, and many of those
people are intolerant of other religions. There are also millions of Americans
with various drug and alcohol problems, and millions have violent tendencies,
mental disorders, and sexual problems. There are lots of people who whine
that they are discriminated against because of their particular race, and
there are lots of women who whine that they are being abused by men. America
is not a sociable society. It is a group of miserable people who are constantly
fighting, hating, whining, and pouting. Social activities will not be pleasant
unless a society consists of people who enjoy and respect one another.
Most people in America are under the impression that happiness comes
from money and fame, but you will be most happy when you living with people
you enjoy, and when you are doing things with those people. It doesn't
matter what you do with them. It doesn't matter whether you are
going on an afternoon adventure trip to your local park, or whether
you're having a picnic with them, or whether you are going on a
ride with them. What is important is that you enjoy and respect the
people. The activity is not as important as the people. The material
items are not important, either. It is the people, the activities, and
the interactions that will bring you happiness.
In order to create a life that we are happy with, we need to design
a city in which we are living with people we enjoy, trust, and respect.
We need to design our cities for human life, not business transactions.
We need to provide ourselves with lots of different activities to provide
ourselves with exercise, learn about the world we live in, meet one another,
and do something useful for society.
We should develop robotic
It's extremely difficult to get video of certain events, such
as fast-moving insects, flying birds, and tornadoes. It is also difficult
to get recordings of events that occur very quickly, such as hummingbirds
as they catch insects (yes, at least some varieties eat insects), and events
that occur over a long period of time, such as the growth of plants. The
current method of getting these videos is for people to spend hours, days,
and sometimes months sitting and waiting for events to occur. People
who try to record data about tornadoes, for example, drive around for hours
a day looking for tornadoes. This is a waste of time.
It would be better to develop robotic cameras that we can place in various
locations, and which watch for the events to occur. With motion detection
software, or, in some cases, with radar, they could follow moving clouds,
birds, or insects, and they could follow those objects with much greater
precision than a human. This would make it easy to get video of insects
that are crawling, flying, or moving at high speeds.
Video cameras that are controlled by computers to follow moving objects,
or observe items on a particular schedule, or wait for certain events,
would make it very easy for us to observe insects and other animals in
their natural environment. The robotic cameras could spend months sitting
in trees, crevices, creeks, or on rocks. Unlike human observers, the animals
and insects would not be afraid of robotic cameras. This would provide
us with incredible observations of animals.
Computer controlled cameras could be stationed in tornado areas in order
for us to get better understanding of tornadoes, and to give us better
warnings. We are wasting time and resources when we send people to drive
around in cars to look for tornadoes. It would be better to let computers
watch for tornadoes.
Once we develop cameras that are capable of locating and following mosquitoes,
rats, and other pests, we could develop pest-control devices that locate,
follow, and kill the pests with lasers or microwaves.
Adventure tours of your own
When we are willing to share expensive material items, it becomes
practical for us to do analyses of our own body. We could describe these
as adventure tours of your own body.
For example, we could provide activities in which people get together with
somebody with medical experience, and they would do analyses of their blood,
kidneys, or metabolism.
The free enterprise system is already providing pregnant women with
classes that help them learn about pregnancy and childbirth, but society
can offer a much greater variety of these type of medical-related activities.
We could provide activities for people who are growing old to learn about
the changes that people go through as they age, and to figure out whether
they are experiencing any of those changes yet, and if so, how they can
counteract some of those changes with diet, hormones, or exercise. We could
also have activities in which people learn how to set up an infrared camera
in their bedroom so that they can record themselves as they sleep. This
would help people to figure out if they are grinding their teeth, tossing
and turning, or talking in their sleep.
In a free enterprise system, we are not encouraged to do anything on
our own. We are encouraged to pay other people to do everything
for us. By comparison, in the society that I'm proposing, the government
officials want people to get involved in activities rather than
be passive, pampered, babies. Society would provide us with the buildings
and medical equipment that we share, and all we have to do is learn how
to use the equipment. Since I also recommend eliminating the restrictions
on prescription drugs, this would allow us to do a lot of our own diagnoses
and experimentation.
We already have small, easy to use, computer controlled devices
that make it possible for us to check our blood pressure without a doctor,
and as we develop other advanced medical devices, it will be possible for
us to do even more of our own diagnoses.
Some of these medical devices are inexpensive, but it is wasteful to
expect everybody to purchase whatever devices they need because most of
the time the devices are sitting idle. It would be better for us to borrow
the devices when we want them, or drop by one of the medical facilities
and use them at the facility without taking them home. Furthermore, the
truly advanced devices, such as those that analyze blood chemistry, digestion,
hormones, and kidney functions, are going to be expensive. Also, there
are some devices that you will only want to use once or twice, such as
the infrared video recorders to observe how you sleep at night.
The "best" medical devices will be expensive, computer-controlled devices
that are easy to operate. It would be better from the point of view of
society to develop some very advanced medical equipment that is so simple
to use that people can perform a lot of their own medical analyses. The
city should set up medical facilities around the city, provide them with
advanced equipment, and give us free access to the facilities. The equipment
that we need to take home, such as equipment to record us as we sleep,
would be borrowed and given back when we are done.
When you have free access to medical equipment, and when there are activities
that you can go to to learn how to use the equipment, you are more likely
to do analyses of yourself throughout the day and evening, which can give
you a much better understanding of yourself. Your body does not remain
exactly the same throughout the day and night. When you go to a doctor
for a medical analysis, you will discover what you are like at that particular
moment in time. If you do another analysis later in the evening, during
the middle of the night, or early in the morning, you will find that your
body has changed slightly.
The best way to understand yourself is to do periodic tests throughout
the day and night for possibly a few days in a row. It would be impractical
to expect doctors to be doing such extensive tests for us. We need to learn
how to use the equipment and do some of the tests ourselves.
We could have activities
to explore the aging
of our bodies.
As I described here
years ago, the human lifecycle is only about 45 years. Nature never intended
for us to live beyond that. Modern technology allows us to live up to 110,
but we should not consider this technology to be extending our lives. Rather,
we should look at people who are passing through the 45 to 60 age range
as doing the equivalent of an airplane passing through the sound barrier.
As we go through that age range, our bodies go through some very significant
changes. For example, our oil glands stop functioning, thereby causing
dry skin and dry hair, and causing older people to develop a different
odor. Also, our eyes lose the ability to focus on close objects, thereby
requiring us to wear reading glasses. We also go through hormone changes.
Certainly you have heard the stories of mothers who were so sexually
inhibited that they could not teach their daughters about menstruation,
and their daughters were shocked and confused when they started seeing
the changes. This same problem is occurring with aging. Most people seem
to be going through the 45 to 60 age range with no idea that they are passing
through a significant transition period in human life. They don't know
what to expect, or what is going on with their bodies. Many of them become
confused, frustrated, saddened, or shocked by the changes, and some people
react in a manner that is described as a "mid-life crisis".
Human emotions developed in an era in which children picked up almost
everything they needed to know simply by observing the adults around them.
This modern world needs adults who can provide information to children
about growth, sex, aging, childbirth, and raising children. As it is right
now, most adults cannot overpower their crude emotions in regards to these
subjects, and they either giggle as they try to discuss them, or they become
hysterical, or they become angry or disgusted.
Human sexual behavior is almost as crude as that of the animals. For
example, when a human man titillates a woman by giving her gifts and compliments,
he is behaving in a similar manner as a male peacock that titillates a
female by vibrating his feathers at her. Animals have sexual cravings only
to reproduce, not to enjoy, think about, or discuss. Likewise, male and
female humans have sexual cravings only to lure us into reproducing once
in a while. We were never designed to enjoy sex, or our relationships,
and we were never designed to study sexuality or discuss the issue.
We have to control our emotions and force ourselves to deal with sexual
issues. The same concept applies to aging. We have to force ourselves
to face the fact that we age, and we need to be able to talk about it.
We should not create a fantasy world in which we pretend that we start
a second life at age 50.
Everybody who lives beyond the age of 45 will go through significant
changes, but each of us will experience those changes at a different time,
and to a different extent. All of us would benefit if society supported
social activities in which adults could get together with somebody with
medical knowledge and equipment so that we can study and analyze our bodies
and determine how we are aging, and what we might be able to do to compensate
for some of the changes.
Some people, for example, might discover that their digestive system
is deteriorating in a certain manner that they can compensate for to certain
extent by altering their diet, or by taking digestive aids, such as papaya
or betaine hydrochloride. Other people might benefit from certain types
of hormone treatments, and others might benefit by changing some of their
recreational activities and lifestyle.
As we grow older, our ability to hear deteriorates, but unless we check
our hearing once in a while, how will any of us know what our level of
deterioration is? We can pay doctors to do these tests, but why should
doctors have to perform tests that are so simple that we could do them
ourselves? It would be better if society provided activities for us to
explore our own bodies in our leisure time. We can do a lot of medical
tests ourselves. We don't need to pay other people. Actually, I think it
would be better to encourage people to be more involved in their own health
and not expect other people to take care of them. This requires that our
society provide us all with access to information, equipment, and supplies,
as well as with people who can provide us with advice and guidance. We
can make these into social activities in which groups of people get together
to explore their own body and learn about their health.
Humans must evolve into more
sociable creatures
It is important to note that animals are not very "sociable".
If animals had the same intelligence as humans, they would be capable of
creating cities, but they would not be interested in social activities.
They are much too selfish and competitive. Even the "social animals" have
no significant interest in socializing. An animal exists only to reproduce.
They are not interested in observing the flowers, clouds, or forests. They
are not interested in getting together for dinner, a bicycle ride, or a
conversation. They have no desire to organize a birthday party for their
children, celebrate an anniversary, or play a game of volleyball.
Take a critical look at the humans around you. Not all humans are equally
sociable. Some people, for example, are extremely quiet at dinner tables,
and some have almost no interest in learning about the world or getting
together with other people to do something as a group. The people who tend
to become criminals and gang members are perhaps the best example of crude,
anti-social people. The members of a crime gang appear to be "members"
of an organization, but the bonds between those members are not much more
advanced than the bonds between a pack of hyenas. The behavior of the gang
is also very crude; they don't actually do anything useful together. Rather,
they behave like animals who mark their territory, fight over dominance,
and reproduce.
All humans are similar to animals, but most of the people who become
criminals seem to have a greater similarity to animals. Compared to you
and me, they have less of an interest in society, and a much greater interest
in sex, babies, money, food, status, and territory. We like to think of
criminals as just ordinary people who ended up involved in crime for mysterious
reasons, but we have to face the fact that people vary in their mental
qualities, and some people are more like primitive savages. The human race
has to evolve into an emotionally more advanced creature. Humans in the
future have to be less selfish and more interested in living and working
with other people.
Would you
be happy in a future world of robots?
Have you ever wondered what life would be like for you if we
had robots that were capable of doing all
of the work that we needed to do? Imagine living in the distant future
in which robots are doing virtually everything, and humans can spend all
day, every day, doing whatever they please. What would you do each
day if you didn't have to do anything in particular? This is the situation
some rich children find themselves in. Prince Charles, for example, doesn't
have to do anything in particular. So what does he do each day? What does
Queen Elizabeth do?
When an animal is provided with whatever it needs, it spends a lot of
its time sleeping. It doesn't want to socialize, learn about the
world, or meet new animals. It has no desire to do anything with its life,
other than to eat, reproduce, and fight over status and territory.
If we had robots doing all of the work for us, most people would waste
their life trying to titillate their emotional cravings for babies, sex,
food, and status. The reason I say this is because most people are spending
their leisure time that way right now. Some people won't even glance
at the evidence that Jews did the 9/11 attack. They want to entertain themselves,
not think about society, or do some work for society. They want to do things
for themselves, just like an animal. Humans must evolve more advanced
emotions in order to truly enjoy this modern world.
Did we almost have a nuclear
war in 1983?
Somebody told me about this
documentary that shows that Russia and America almost started a nuclear
war in 1983. I suspect this documentary was produced by Jews who are trying
to do "damage control". As is typical of their propaganda, they try to
blame all of the strange behavior on incompetent and paranoid government
officials and crude Russian computers. However, it appears to me as if
Jews within the Russian and American governments and militaries were struggling
to trick the Americans and Russians into attacking one another with nuclear
bombs. Ronald Reagan appears to have been just another mindless puppet
who was secretly manipulated by Jews.
This documentary claims that a Russian man, Stanislav Petrov, is one
of the people who could be credited with preventing the war because he
disregarded three consecutive orders from their security system
computer that America had launched nuclear missiles and that he must immediately
retaliate by launching the Russian missiles.
It's interesting that Petrov was not normally responsible for
monitoring American nuclear missiles or making decisions about whether
Russia should retaliate. One of the characteristics of some false flag
operations is that key personnel mysteriously change for no apparent reason.
The Jews want to replace personnel prior to a false flag operation for
several reasons, such as to remove members of their organization so that
they can appear innocent; to replace people that they don't think are gullible
enough to be fooled into following the plan; and to set up patsies to take
the blame.
I suppose the Jews had removed the man who normally was in that position
so that Petrov would be the sucker who would take the blame for accidentally
starting a nuclear war. However, Petrov had the sense to look at the radar
images, think about the issue, and come to the conclusion that the computer
was making a mistake. When the Jews discovered that he had disregarded
the order to launch an attack, they had the computer send out a second
demand to attack, and when he disregarded that, they must have become very
frustrated and sent out a third demand. However, by the time he disregarded
the third order, other Russians were getting involved and wondering what
was going on, and I suppose the Jews decided to not send out a fourth order
because they were worried that somebody would discover that Jews were sending
the orders, not the computer. However, my interpretation of this documentary
is that the Jews continued trying to trick the Russians into launching
an attack during the following days, but none of the other Russians were
fooled, either.
This documentary claims that many Russian government officials had been
fooled to such an extent that they had gotten their nuclear missiles ready
to launch and were just waiting for confirmation that America was attacking
them. It makes me wonder what would the world be like today if the Russians
had been fooled into launching an attack on America. We would have brought
damage to both of our nations. Would Israel be in control of the world
by now? I also wonder how many other times the Jews tried to instigate
a nuclear war. As I mentioned at the beginning of my audio file for 2_July
2008, I wonder if the movie Doctor Strangelove was based on one of
their failed attempts.
Men must become more cooperative
Take a look at the activities that men engage in. Notice how
many men are engaged in intensely competitive struggles for plastic trophies,
money, or status. How many men can play a sports game without worrying
about winning a trophy or money? How many men can play sports without deliberately
hurting one another? And notice the cheating, blackmail, sabotage, and
treachery as these men struggle for their silly goals. How many men can
compete with one another without resorting to cheating?
Somebody recently pointed out to me that some men in the British
military created the Tough Mudder
events for themselves. They refer to it as an "event" rather than a "contest"
or a "competition" because there is no winner, no loser, no trophies, and
no prize money. They created the contest for exercise, training, and fun.
Because there are no winners or losers, the participants can help
each other. Actually, they are expected to help each
The Tough Mudder event was based on the physically demanding training
that the British military men go through, but the concept of the event
appealed to some people outside of the military, and in other nations,
and also to some women. The event is proof that some men
and women are capable of getting together for activities without any reward,
and without fighting or cheating. They get together simply for exercise,
entertainment, socializing, and testing their physical and mental abilities.
It also shows that they can compete in a fair manner, and help their competitors
to get through the course and become better at it. Note that when they
are helping one another, they are not feeling sorry for losers,
or encouraging pouting or whining. Rather, they are helping people to get
through the course.
Imagine if the people in leadership positions had that same type of
personality. Imagine businesses developing products and services without
fighting, cheating, abuse, lies, and manipulation. Imagine scientists,
engineers, carpenters, business executives, farmers, technicians, and other
people helping and encouraging their
competitors to become better rather than sabotaging, blackmailing, and
intimidating them.
Unfortunately, we do not find this type of personality in the type of
men who dominate the world. Instead, we are dominated by men - and women!
- who are abnormally aggressive, crude, selfish, and animal-like. The communist
nations are an excellent example. China, for example, has more resources,
land, and people than other nations, so they don't need to fight for more
territory. Rather, they need to deal with their social and economic problems.
China is an incredibly dysfunctional society, and there is extreme suffering.
For example, have you seen the reports of Chinese people who are selling
one of their kidneys in a desperate attempt to make some money?
A nation in which people are so desperate for money that they will sell
their kidneys does not need to waste any of their time or resources on
fights over worthless land. However, the Chinese government officials don't
show much interest in analyzing China's problems or making China a better
nation. Rather, they are like wild dogs that are more concerned about eliminating
competitors, acquiring more territory, and proving to the world that they
are the top dogs in the hierarchy. For a current example, as of June 2012,
some Chinese government officials are wasting some of their time on fights
with Japan over the nearly worthless
Islands. If you were given dictatorial
control of China, would you suggest starting a war and killing your own
people over those islands? What would your priorities be if you
were the dictator of China?
As of July 2012, China is fighting
with Vietnam over some islands and the oil that may be in the area.
China already has more resources than almost every other nation, so they
don't need to fight for Vietnamese oil. China is behaving like an extremely
wealthy, bratty child that is grabbing everybody's toys.
As I will show in the next file of this series, China has recently built
some impressive apartments, hotels, and other buildings in Macau,
but they are only for gambling and prostitution. The Chinese
could be inspiring the entire world by building beautiful cities for themselves,
but their leaders have other priorities. Likewise, Argentina has a lot
of problems, and their leaders should be focused on improving their nation,
but some of their leaders want to waste resources on fights over the worthless
Who is to blame for the incompetent leadership in China and Argentina?
Now that I am aware of how the Jews are getting control of America's
media, government, police departments, businesses, schools, charities,
churches, and other organizations, I suspect that the Jews are also manipulating
as many other countries as they can get away with. The disgusting political
leaders in America are not entirely due to the American voters. The Jews
are partly to blame because they secretly give financial and media support
to the criminals and blackmailed puppets that they want in leadership positions.
I suspect that the Jews are doing this in other nations, also.
I suspect that the Jews are secretly promoting current criminals and
blackmailed puppets in China, Argentina, Venezuela, Germany, and other
nations. This would explain why government officials everywhere are have
dreary, bland personalities; never say anything intelligent; never seem
to be happy; and refuse to expose or complain about crimes by Israel or
Jews. The Jews are also secretly pushing all nations into fighting with
their neighbors, and having a greater tolerance for gambling, prostitution,
and crime.
Neither China nor Argentina needs more land or resources. All nations
need better leadership. We also need citizens who are more
honest, more responsible, more interested in thinking, and less interested
in acting like an animal. If the Chinese people, for example, would spend
just a few minutes thinking about the Senkaku islands, they would
realize that nothing is going to improve in China if they get control of
the Senkaku Islands. Regardless of who is in control of those islands,
some Chinese people will continue to sell their kidneys, and some Chinese
parents will continue to sell their children into sex and labor slavery,
and some Chinese people will continue to suffer malnutrition and monotonous
diets of rice, and some Chinese women will continue to travel to Macau
to work as prostitutes.
Likewise, the people in Argentina need to spend only a few moments to
figure out that their life will remain just as miserable even if their
nation gets control of the Falkland Islands. The people in Argentina and
China need to get rid of their criminals and corrupt government officials,
not fight over worthless islands.
The majority of people behave like savages. They allow crime
networks to manipulate and abuse them, and they continuously elect and
support incompetent governments. The majority of people in Argentina and
China have the intelligence necessary to realize that it is foolish to
fight over a worthless island, but the majority of people have no desire
to think about these issues. In order to improve the world, we have to
suppress the horde of sheeple in addition to removing the incompetent
governments and crime networks.
Why are some areas in dispute?
Why are nations still arguing over boundaries? Why didn't our
ancestors settle these border issues long ago? The reason is because our
ancestors didn't want or care about certain, nearly worthless islands,
mountain tops, and strips of barren desert. Our ancestors didn't care who
owned those pieces of land. For centuries people have avoided those areas.
So, if these areas are so worthless, why are people fighting about them
The reason is that the nations today have the equivalent of intelligent
dogs in leadership positions. Those government officials claim to be
patriotic people who are defending their nation, but in reality they are
crude savages who are starting senseless fights over worthless territory.
The Chinese and Argentine governments believe that they can resolve the
border disputes with military force, but the best way to resolve the border
disputes is for each nation to replace its government with a better
group of people.
Are Americans becoming more
A recent
study of 1500 American skulls came to the conclusion that the skulls
of Americans today are significantly larger - by an average of 200 cm³
- than those of the Americans of the mid 1800s. Some people interpret this
as a sign that Americans are becoming increasingly intelligent,
but there are other ways of explaining this.
For example, America was originally a dumping ground for criminals,
and a refuge for misfits and religious fanatics. A large proportion of
them may have had small brains. By 1900, however, Europeans with more intelligence
may have begun emigrating to America. |
Mugshot of John

Many of the early American immigrants may have been crude
If we were to study the ears
of early Americans, we might find that a greater percentage of those original
Americans had ears that stuck out, as with John Smith in the photo. If
we were to look at people's necks,
we might find that more of the early Americans had short, Neanderthal-type
necks. However, we would be foolish to conclude that our ears and necks
are changing as a result of evolution or better diets.
We all love praise, but unfortunately, praise doesn't do us any good.
We are not going to understand ourselves if all we do is look for ways
to praise ourselves. The only way to improve something is to look critically
at it and find flaws, mistakes, and problems. You cannot improve
something by looking for admirable qualities. In order to improve America,
we need to take a serious and critical look at ourselves.
The Americans like to boast that they are the greatest people
in the world, and there are indeed some impressive people in this nation,
but I think that the majority of Americans are just like the Statue of
Liberty describes them. This is why the nation is being destroyed by a
small network of Jews. If the majority of Americans were truly as great
as they boast, the Jews would not be able to get away with unbelievably
obvious and incredibly destructive crimes, such as blowing up the World
Trade Center buildings while broadcasting the demolition on television.
What is a "human"?
Animals do not care whether we treat them nicely, or whether
we torture or rape them. Animals do not care whether they live in a beautiful
city, or a toxic, radioactive waste dump. Animals also have no concern
about the quality or nutritional value of their foods, or whether arsonists
burn the forests that they live in. If a human also has no concern about
the quality of his life, is he really a "human"? If you show somebody
overwhelming evidence that the Jews are responsible for the 9/11 attack,
and if he shows no concern, is he really a "human"?
Watch that
documentary about the potential nuclear war in 1983. If evidence comes
out that the Jews tried repeatedly to instigate nuclear wars between America,
China, and Russia, and if some people do not care about this problem, how
can we justify describing them as "human"? What kind of "human" doesn't
care if people instigate a nuclear war? What kind of human doesn't care
that Jews are lying about the Holocaust? This is the type of crude behavior
that we expect from animals.
We have to set standards on human behavior, and we have to judge everybody
by their effect on society. If a human behaves like an animal, then we
should consider him to be like an animal, not a human.
How many people in China care that some of their citizens are selling
their kidneys? How many people in Thailand care that some of their teenage
boys are castrating themselves so that they can become better prostitutes?
People who don't care about these issues are not really "human". They are
more like animals. When we allow these crude people to dominate the world,
then we end up with a world that is dominated by primitive creatures who
don't care about crime networks, corruption, suffering, wars, or the quality
of anybody's life. These crude people should not be allowed to vote, influence
business activity, or have any effect on society. They should be regarded
as "second-class citizens", or as "talking monkeys", or as "sheeple".
The world cannot improve when it is dominated by people whose only concern
is feeding themselves, reproducing, and fighting over status and territory.
The world will improve only when we suppress the criminals, sheeple, and
parasites, and when we put people in control of the world who are truly
interested in the quality of life for all of us, and who want to work together
to improve society.