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Christopher Bollyn was born in Chicago and grew up during the 1960's in suburban Schaumburg, Illinois.  He was raised, without television, in an educated middle class family.  He delivered newspapers before school and became an Eagle Scout at age 15.  He served as an altar boy in the Episcopalian Church and earned the God and Country award.

His father, Albert, grew up in Chicago's Austin neighborhood and graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of Illinois after serving with the Army Corps of Engineers in Germany.  Christopher's father was his first proofreader and editor.  Albert Bollyn owned an interior decoration business and enjoyed acting in the theatre guild. 

The Bollyn family is related to Sir Thomas Boleyn, the father of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I.

The Johnson Children

Christopher's mother, Charlotte, with her brothers, from left, Arthur, who became a captain in the U.S. Navy and a survivor of Pearl Harbor; Paul, the best orthopedic surgeon in North Dakota; and Leland, a pilot and rancher who trained fighter pilots during World War II.

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 His mother, Charlotte, grew up in southwestern North Dakota, the daughter of Scandinavian and Swiss homesteaders.  Charlotte was an educator and interior designer who held advanced degrees from Columbia University.  When she studied in New York, Charlotte worked as governess for the Farish family and took care of the young William S. Farish III, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom and friend of the Bush family.

The Johnson Children as adults

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Bollyn's parents both served in World War II.

After graduating from high school, Christopher traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East.  For several winters he lived and studied in Oslo, Norway.  In spring he would cycle across Europe and the Near East.  In Norway, he lived with an erudite Swedish countess and studied Middle Eastern history and Semitic languages at the University of Oslo.

Bollyn returned to the United States in the late 1970s and began studies at the University of California at Davis.  He has a degree in history from U.C. Santa Cruz.  His emphasis was on Palestine/Israel.  His last year of university was spent in Norway, Greece, and the newly liberated Baltic states where he researched the psychological effects of the Soviet occupation on the native population.

Bollyn met his wife, Helje, in Oslo.  Helje is a Swedish citizen who was born and educated in Estonia. They were married in Kalmar Castle, Sweden (it is on the island on in the upper left corner of the photo below).  Their two children were born in Stockholm.

The Bollyn Wedding in Kalmar Castle, Sweden


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9 Sep 2006
Salt Lake City, Utah

Christopher, his wife Helje and their two children after speaking at the Constitution Party rally.

The video of his speech his here.

Oct 2005
Los Angeles, CA

Explaining the evidence that the WTC towers were brought down with explosives.

The book is Hufschmid's "Painful Questions, An Analysis of the September 11th Attack"

Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota.

This is near Medora, ND, just west of where his mother's family homesteaded.

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Christopher's children have a stand in their front yard.

Christopher was assualted and TASERed in this yard.

If you don't know what happened, it is here.

Helje worked as a professional model in Stockholm and Chicago for several years.

This photo was taken of Helje and Christopher while she was working in front of the Chicago Watertower.

Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I

Sir Thomas Boleyn whose grandfather Geoffrey was Lord Mayor of London