Anybody want a
"Katrina Commission"
to explain why the
levees failed?
September 2005
Could the breaking of the levees in New Orleans be a sequel to the 9-11
Could the "problems" with the rescuing of people be deliberate?
Could this be the largest, most destructive, most deadly attack that the
USA has suffered from so far?
Sure looks that way!
As with the 9-11 attack, there is lots of evidence. Let's look at
just one interview on September 4th, 2005 in which Tim Russert of NBC news
talked with Michael Chertoff, Aaron Broussard, and others.
Aaron Broussard provided evidence that the government took advantage
of Katrina:
Let me give you just three quick examples.
We had Wal-Mart deliver three trucks of water,
trailer trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said we
didn't need them. This was a week ago.
FEMA--we had 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel on a
Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard said, "Come
get the fuel right away." When we got there with our trucks, they
got a word. "FEMA says don't give you the fuel."
Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all
of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice.
Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts
armed guards on our line and says, "No one is getting near these lines."
That remark is a bit past half way down in the transcript for September
4, 2005:
Why would FEMA cut the communication
Considering that FEMA lies about fire bringing down Building 7 and the
towers of the World Trade Center, shouldn't we wonder if FEMA cut the communication
lines to stop the people inside New Orleans from letting the world know
what was going on?
Then, after the people in New Orleans were dead, the communication lines
could be restored, and nobody would know what really happened.
When Russert talked with Michael Chertoff about the levees, Chertoff
made the remark:
"What surprised them was that the levee
broke overnight and the next day and, in fact, collapsed."
That remark is almost half way down in the transcript:
So, the levees "collapsed", and in three different locations,
and after the hurricane had passed by. This does not happen to levees
very often -- if it has ever happened.
This peculiar "collapse" of the levees might remind you of the peculiar
manner in which the towers survived the airplane crashes and fires, and
then collapsed for no apparent reason.
Will we soon find PBS or National Geographic giving us such television
programs as "Why the Levees Collapsed"?
Will Larry Silverstein announce on TV:
I remember getting a call from the FEMA
commander, telling me that they were not sure they could evacuate the poor
people from New Orleans, and I said,
"You know, we've had such terrible crimes in the
Superdome, maybe the smartest thing to do is drown them."
And they made that decision to drown, and then
we watched the levees collapse.
Will the government hire Gene Corley to investigate? (Corley is
the engineer the government hired to investigate the fire at Waco, the
Oklahoma City bombing, and the collapse of the World Trade Center.)
"After a detailed, unbiased, scientific analysis, our team
of crack scientists and engineers have concluded that the government explanation
is -- once again -- 100% correct."
An interview with witnesses to
the demolotion
This couple was in the area that got flooded. They survived, but are
not smart enough to understand what happened. The man who interviews them
tells them that the levees were blown to save the city. Watch the video
(Update: the video has been deleted. I'll look for another copy)
Please help us educate people. If enough respectable people
discover how corrupt the world is, we might be able to make this planet
into something we can be proud of and enjoy.