The Media is the EnemyBy Eric Hufschmid Updated Oct 2007 to fix typos and links, and added a few images
President Bush may have committed a lot of crimes, but the most important
criminals are Edgar Bronfman, Sumner Redstone, Samuel Newhouse, and other
people who control Hollywood, television, school textbooks, and other sources
of information.
They are allowing
The September 11 attack, the Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the
USS Liberty, the sex slave trade, the raping of children at Boystown, and
other horrendous crimes would have been exposed long ago if it were not
for their suppression of people such as myself, Christopher Bollyn, and
who knows how many hundreds of other people.
They are criminals,
The people who control the media are often describes as "executives", but they should be referred to as "criminals" because they are deceiving us with propaganda; providing entertainment and sexual titillation to distract us; and suppressing people who try to expose their crimes. Many people on the Internet refer to this group as "The Powers That Be" (TPTB), but they are not powerful. They should be described as Criminals On The Loose (COTL). They only have control over our media because so many people allow
them to have control. It would not be difficult for us to get them out
of our lives, clean up our history books, and provide ourselves with more
serious news organizations.
The media criminals
By getting control of the information we are exposed to, they can distort our perception of the world. For example, there are still people all over the world who don't know what Building 7 is, let alone that it crumbled into a pile of rubble for no apparent reason on September 11. The September 11 attack would have been exposed years ago if it were
not for these media criminals. These people are collaborators in these
What effect do
These media criminals provide infantile and psychotic entertainment in their television shows, newspapers, magazines, movies, and other forms of propaganda. Diarrhea, bathrooms, and sex are a common subject. They often portray drunks as amusing people. Their slurring of words and their staggering as they walk is treated as family entertainment. They are making it appear as if alcoholics are amusing, as opposed to showing what sad creatures they really are. What would you think if they were doing this with people addicted to heroin or cocaine? Would you approve of children being taught that heroin addicts are amusing because they have trouble speaking properly and sometimes stumble when they walk? The media criminals also promote the musicians and actors who encourage violence, drug abuse, extreme collections of material items, sexual perversion, neurotic attitudes, or psychotic behavior. Throughout most of human existence, children grew up around their parents,
neighbors, and other children. Today they are growing up around selfish,
immoral business executives who are trying to manipulate them into purchasing
products; who titillate them with diarrhea jokes, sexual titillation, and
alcoholics who slur their words; and who offer them role models who I would
classify as psychotic. How can anybody justify this type of childhood?
What effect is this having on children? Do you see any evidence that this
is making children today better than they were in the past?
The media criminals
Have you ever seen the New York Times or a television show give
a book review on John deCamp's The Franklin Coverup?
And when will the reporters investigate these accusations about Woody
Or the Friedmans:
Or any of the other thousands of people accused of raping children,
selling sex slaves, or offering sex with animals?
• jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20Government/dyncorp_disgrace.htm There is no possible way that the sex slave trade, the kidnapping and raping of children, and other forms of perversion could be occurring on such a large scale around the world without support from the government, and without the media to suppress evidence of the crimes. It's OK to
Because most of the media criminals are Jewish, I am sometimes criticized as an anti-Semite for complaining about them. So let me point out that there are Jews who also complain about them. This is not an issue of religion, nor of Jews. It is an issue of crime. For example, the following excerpts are from a book by Norman Finkelstein,
Holocaust Industry:
Finkelstein also complains that some of the books that are promoted by the media criminals are blatant frauds: Which book gets into Barnes & Noble and other large distributors? Which book gets a favorable review by the New York Times, Scientific American, or Newsweek? The books that are promoted are the ones that the media criminals approve of. This is why you cannot find my book in the national bookstores, and it will never be given a review by the New York Times. The media criminals are not providing us with "news". They are not providing us with book reviews, either. Rather, they are providing us with propaganda to promote their particular view of the world, and to cover up their crimes.
Is anybody really "Self Hating"? Finkelstein's mother and father were inmates in the Nazi prison camps, so it is difficult to accuse him or his parents of being "anti-Semites". He is instead described as a "self hating" Jew. But how is describing someone as a "self hating" Jew any more sensible than describing somebody is a "do-do head"? Here is the list of "Self Hating, Israel Threatening"
The media criminals decided to label Finkelstein as a "self hating Jew"
rather than a "hero" or a "crime fighter" or a "professor who wants
accurate history books".
What are the goals
The American and European media spend a lot of time promoting the hatred Arabs, and they spend lots of time promoting pity for the innocent and superior Jews. Therefore, I would say that the primary goal of the media criminals is the creation of Israel. There are probably lots of other reasons that they provide deceptive news reports, such as supporting their friends in the defense, banking, and oil industry. They may be encouraging immorality in order to break down American and European nations, which would make it easier for them to get even more control over us. The reason they encourage crummy school courses may be to produce a
generation of ignorant and badly behaved children. This helps weaken the
nation, making it easier for a small group to get more control of it.
Don't dismiss the role Israel
Many people promote the idea that the Vatican is trying to take over the world, or that some mysterious group of people called "neocons" or "illuminati" are trying to get control. However, most of the wars and chaos of the 20th century seem to have been intended to help Israel and to destroy America, Europe, and Russia. Finkelstein also believes the support of Israel is one of the reasons they lie about the Holocaust: Organized American Jewry has exploited the Nazi Holocaust to deflect criticism of Israel's and its own morally indefensible policies. An article with this and other quotes is here:
Are you afraid
William Karel, in his television that insults people who think the Apollo moon landing was staged, put the following "disclaimer" at the end of the show: No goy was mistreated during the filming This is equivalent to writing: No Kike was mistreated during the filming The majority of goyim put up with this because... why? Why are most
goyim behaving like a retarded girl who lets one person after the
next rape her?
Arab terrorists and Nazis;
The media criminals are constantly promoting the idea that Arab terrorists are about to destroy America and Europe, and that Nazis are hiding everywhere. For example, the media is creating the impression that Jose Padilla is a member of some dangerous, world-wide terrorist network. However, if there was serious evidence that Padilla is part of a terrorist network, why is the government just letting him sit in jail? Why not expose the network, arrest the terrorists, and put an end to them? The news reports about Padilla are vague, as they are with Osama and
other terrorists. For example:
There is a lot of evidence that most of the Nazis and Arab terrorists
are actually Zionists, or idiots that the Zionists promote to create the
impression that these terrorists exist. For example, take a look at this
Even more amazing are the remarks that come from the Zionists. Here
is one attributed to Theodor Herzel:
The purpose of this deception is to create anti-Semitism, hatred of Arabs, and paranoia of Nazis. The media criminals often grossly exaggerate a person's involvment in terrorism in order to create this fear that Arab terrorists and Nazis are dangerous threat. Jose Padilla is one example.
"Young Singers Spread Racist Hate"
We are supposed to believe that these girls are just two of countless numbers of Nazis ready to jump out of the bushes and attack innocent Jews, blacks, and other people. However, there are people of every race, nationality, and religion who boast of their superiority. There are also women boasting about their superiority over men, and men boasting about their superiority over women. There are Democrats who believe they are superior to Republicans, and Republicans who believe they are superior to Democrats. There are people in New York City boasting that they live in the greatest city in the world. Many of them have bumper stickers and other signs that proclaim "I love New York". This attitude of "pride" or "superiority", or whatever you want to call it, is a problem that all humans suffer from. However, when a person of German ancestry displays even a little bit of pride, he is labeled a "white supremacist who spreads racist hate". The media criminals are not providing us with an intelligent analysis of the world or its problems. If we had a respectable media, we would be told that all humans suffer from this problem. Arrogance is not restricted to Germans. In fact, it is not even restricted to adults; many children believe they are superior to adults. Jews who behave in a similar manner, or worse, are not described as "Jewish supremacists", nor are they described as "spreading racist hate"; rather, they are given headlines such as:
Are you supporting
Most of our friends, relatives, and neighbors are supporting the media criminals financially by purchasing their deceptive publications and Hollywood movies. Each of us has a choice in regards to the publications we support. We can read articles such as this one, or we can buy a Newsweek magazine or a New York Times newspaper. Nobody is forcing any us to do anything. However, most people are choosing
to watch the deceptive news, and read the deceptive publications.
Tell your friends and relatives that if they support criminals, they should expect more crime. If they want a better world, they have to support people who are respectable. |