The C.I.A. , the Ambassador
and the Pregnant Woman
On a cool day in early November, Jocelyne Beaini was called to the posh
Phoenicia hotel in downtown Beirut by her friend Stephanie Ralph, a CIA
operative who lives in Kuwait. They both sat on the terrace overlooking
the tumultuous scene above the crater caused by the powerful explosion
that took the life of Rafiq Hariri, lord of the warlords that destroyed
Lebanon and whose family and friends destroyed its economy.
Jocelyne expected a serious discussion as both women were to be joined
by a Kuwaiti prince and a certain Tahlaoui, a high ranking military man
representing the Saudi Defense Ministry.
There was apparent urgency to that meeting including Saudi Princes Bandar,
Sultan, Faisal, and others, plus Kuwaiti Emirs who were aware of the public
relations disaster on the horizon for both the Islamic and Christian worlds.
More and more evidence was surfacing that the sleazy emirs and kings
had sold out the Palestinian cause and people in order to keep their thrones
at the same time that they had sided with international Zionism to uproot
the Christians in the Middle East whom they constantly accuse of being
the instrument that keeps bringing Western democracies and bullies into
their crystal shop. Events in Iraq and Lebanon are proving by the day that
cooperation between the two Gulf countries and Israel are the cause of
the quagmire and the slaughter of U.S. boys in Iraq.
On the agenda of the day: get rid of a witness whose struggle against
those evils proved that the CIA was not innocent and watching this anti-democratic
tragedy and even, at times, participating, if not engineering it, and ready
to sell their positions and intelligence access for gold and money.
The witness in question was eager to father children for he had lost
his six previous ones in all these machinations and struggles. The reports
that were coming through agents who infiltrated the Masonic lodges of the
District of Columbia where the witness acquired a 32nd degree as a Master
Mason meticulously described his pain. His fatherly instincts were his
weakness and exposed his vulnerable side.

Jocelyne Beaine, who was planted as his maid, was told of their plan.
In a few days, 19 year old Ganna Pylypenko would arrive in Lebanon from
Ukraine to work as a dancer and would be introduced to the witness and
have intercourse with him. The witness would be told by Beaine that the
Ukrainian woman had fallen in love with him, that she was tired of the
night life, that she wanted to start a family that would offer the opportunity
to start a new life for him with a wife and children. With the help of
the Kiev mafia, she was artificially inseminated at the last minute. All
this had to be organized before immigration authorities in Lebanon detected
the pregnancy whose test is a requirement for any females who work in night
clubs there.
Through either pure bad luck or a mysterious intelligence tip, the Lebanese
authorities postponed the physical examination, but through advanced testing
techniques discovered that the artist was indeed pregnant. She was quarantined
for ten days then deported.
******************* |
To Jew Or Not to Jew?
When Jocelyne Beaini decided to tell her story to her victim-witness,
she started by reading the confessions of her predecessor Melissa Carlson.
She found many similarities, but with much more violence. When she was
four years old, Lebanon experienced an Israeli invasion and their subsequent
hold on all the Christian regions and cities. Making it a top priority,
the Israelis soon started to recruit agents and used the Lebanese forces,
Saudi intelligence, Lebanese personnel, business executives working in
Saudi Arabia, Lebanese military forces and other warlords, plus the tobacco
and hashish mafias and anyone in Lebanon who was in need of money. Jocelyne's
mother, Jamal, apparently did not heed their warnings at first to join
their organization after the murder of her husband, Ibrahim, the father
of Jocelyne, a decision that caused Jocelyne to lose the use of her left
leg after being brutally maimed by unknown assailants who made it clear
that her right leg would follow. Mom then had to acquiesce and disappeared,
leaving her three infants behind.
According to Jocelyne , she was raised by her grandmother in the village
of Kartaba while the Catholic nuns at Bhannes Hospital tried desperately
to save her leg with pain killers and therapy. She did not see her mother
for years and she never went to school. Being vague and amnesiac, she does
not remember anything from her younger years until she found herself living
with a Druze family on the Golan heights. When she reached her teens, she
went into training as a total submissive. She would be beaten for any little
infraction and put up against the wall for hours regardless of her leg
Her handlers, mostly Lebanese working for the Israelis, would subject
her to rape and many other humiliations. They tried different sexual positions
and perversions on her until she felt that sleeping with a man of a different
age, color, filth, and smell was as normal as having a cup of tea. She
remembered the never ending scenes of sodomy and fellatio when different
men would enter and leave the room in which she was tied or partially tied.
She was trained in housekeeping, washing, and ironing until she became
a perfect maid because eventually she would take over where her predecessor
had left off after Carlson, under Israeli orders, subverted US Middle East
peace efforts and disappeared with the files of the board members of the
At the age of 22, she was ready to be put on to that same witness whose
expertise and experiences prove that the cooperation between Saudi, Kuwaiti,
Turkish and Israeli intelligence is the hard core of international terrorism
and that they are behind all the ills that the West is enduring.
Emile Henoud, the Lebanese-Israeli handler of Melissa Carlson who is
now in hiding, offered to plant Jocelyne at the shop of his cousin Sam
Henoud (who has US citizenship) in the town of Jounieh, a place that was
very receptive to the Israeli invasion. Successfully using that trap, she
easily became involved in the life of the witness who was in need of a
maid. In a few months, she became intimate with the witness and confided
to him her desire to seek revenge for the murder of her father and her
years of sufferings at the hands of her handlers. |
Jocelyne was not shy about her desire to leave the group, but was nevertheless
fearful. She talked to the witness about their power and their hold on
the Christian territory. There, there is the big deal maker and billionaire
entrepreneur Georges Frem, a former MP and government minister, and a close
friend to Rafic Hariri. Both of them died recently, but left behind scores
of money lovers and ass kissers ready to carry out any order given by Saudi
partners. She would go to meetings where Mansour el Bon, Farid el Khazen,
Samir el Khazen, and notables from different influential families like
the Gemayels, the Chihas, Sfeirs, Geagea, and others all asked her different
questions about the American witness and whether he had any contact with
the FBI or Interpol. They would put her in contact with owners of night
spots to which he could be lured like Tiffany's, California Dreamers, Lido's,
Thymes, and Excalibur where other women would come to assist her in spying
on the witness . Many other new girls would come with in an unending supply
from a different source: the palaces of the Arab Petro-Emirs .
This activity of five years was brought to an end by the outcome of
the war in Lebanon when the Israelis surprisingly suffered a shameful defeat
at the hands of the underdog Hezbollah. Suddenly, events took a completely
new course: Jocelyne Beaini retracted her story, not without considerable
fear, and confessed to a completely different version. She brought in two
females, a Canadian by the name of Carla Chaptini and a Lebanese woman
called Samar Raheb. Beaini said they both work for the CIA and that the
organization was behind the spy plan from the beginning, and that their
contact is a diplomat in the visa section of the US Embassy in Lebanon
who is an admirer of Samar and who is ready to facilitate visas for anyone
for her.
******** |
Desperately looking for a Hitler
Jocelyne Beaine wanted a safe place where she could tell an urgent story
about her friend Olga Sokolovskaya and her painful experiences and suffering
at the hands of the Israelis. She chose the Palace Hotel in Ferney, a suburb
of Geneva, on the French side of the city. The hotel is owned by Joseph
Yazbeck who previously owned the Grand Hotel in Washington D.C., a favorite
place for meetings for the Israelis and the Saudis where the sales of F15s,F16s,
AWACS, and other military toys for the Arab gulf states were discussed.
The urgent meeting was suggested by Marwan Souleiman a close confident
of Beaine. Beaine trusted him as he is from the same town of Kordaha in
Syria and is a distant cousin of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Marwan
assured Jocelyne of the support of his Uncle Sami Souleiman who holds a
high position at the Pentagon.
Surprised at the suggestion, the witness was reluctant at first, but
eventually decided to listen. He was suspicious and uneasy as he could
not understand the purpose of the meeting.
Jocelyne recounted, with precision, the unfortunate story of her friend.
Olga was born in a small village two hours drive from Minsk, the capital
city of Belarus. Fatherless and with an alcoholic mother who deserted her
at a young age, she grew up with low life cousins in an atmosphere of filth
and physical and mental abuse. At the age of eleven, she met her boyfriend
who was much older. Slowly, he introduced her to cocaine and other drugs.
When she was fully addicted and relying on him for supplies, he introduced
her to members of the Russian mafias who took full control of her habits
and needs, and she did not realize that she, along with a dozen other females
in her condition, were sold naked at an auction to a group of traders whom
she learned later were from Tel Aviv.
Olga was sent by her traders to Eilat after being smuggled from Egypt.
There, she met Boris who spoke Russian and assured her that she would
have her daily dose of drugs. She stayed with him briefly, then moved to
Ashdod to a safe house. There she met her pimp who made it clear that she
had to please his friends to pay back the expenses of her journey and the
He moved then to Rehovot, south of Tel Aviv, and introduced her to his
first friend. Brutal and sadomasochistic, the friend ordered her to strip
naked and lie down on her back. With his one inch thick cane he separated
her legs to penetrate her with his dirty bottomed cane. He found great
pleasure in seeing her scream with pain, especially when he burned her
tits with his cigarette. The friend obviously wanted the 16 year old to
be detached completely from human feelings and to turn into an animal.
Olga had an innocent virgin look, said Jocelyn, and was highly coveted.
She had to please between 15-20 men a day. She remembered going sleepless
for days and was never let out of her room. After months of this torture,
she was exhausted and thought about suicide, but another Ukrainian woman,
Ira, befriended her. Olga told Ira that she wanted to run away but Ira
discouraged her as, without any documents, she would end up in another
hell: the prison of
Neveh Tirza for women.
Olga was deteriorating by the day with no way out. Customers were complaining
that she was not pleasing them enough, so she was beaten and then beaten
again. On the brink of total collapse, a client was brought in, saying
he was from Kuwait, and he reserved her for three days with no sex. A relief
but a new life: The Arab man was buying her to be trained at his intelligence
agency. More violence and sex ensued in Kuwait until she agreed to move
to Lebanon and work at a night club owned by William Rayes, a friend of
Beaine, whose elegant Swedish wife was to keep an eye on her. The agents
who sent her from Kuwait told her not to fuck with their group as they
answered directly to the Israelis who could find her anywhere and at anytime
in the world.
Olga was forbidden to have any friends. She was always accompanied by
Beaine and she could not use taxis, but only a special private bus driven
by Jocelyne's brother Pierre Beaine.
But, Olga could not detach herself from her tumultuous and painful past.
Beaine started to cry and went on about more graphic sex and humiliation
at the hands of the Kuwaitis, more beating and bondage, bleeding rectum
and vagina, and lashes on the back for hours.
The witness at this point had to interfere and put a stop to the macabre
scenario. How can he help? Jocelyne said she wanted the help of the FBI.
She wanted someone from Washington, from the Administration, as it was
urgent not to leave her friend suffering. It was not human and something
had to be done.
The witness saw a red light in his mind. He remembered the Monica Lewinsky
affair and that, if it was not for the smart move by Bill Clinton to turn
the spy plan into a sexual encounter, he would have sacrificed all the
efforts made by the US to keep the Middle East peace process on track and
diverted all the good will into a battle among the Administration and the
women's movements and the Jewish people. He understood also why George
Bush avoided meeting any Israeli leader during the August 2006 Lebanese
war and decided to retire to his Texas ranch, because it would have taken
only one word from the President to be interpreted as anti-Semitic and
made him responsible for the defeat of the Tsahal at the hands of Hezbollah.
This time the shrewd witness knew that the manipulators of Jocelyne
were trying to entrap the FBI or the Secret Service or other Federal agencies
and send them into a quagmire that certainly would take them on a path
to be nailed as the American neo-Gestapo. He knew that Israel did not want
to have anything to do with the US sponsored peace plans that could oblige
them to be open and transparent and force the sleazy emirs of the Gulf
to share their wealth with their fellow poor Arab Muslims.
The witness asked Jocelyne Beaine to stop crying.
the witness who was not surprised, but felt sorry for the inaction of authorities
about Christian and Jewish relations. He concluded : "If the Americans
are really concocting a hateful campaign to slaughter the Jews and send
them to a new generation of ovens, then we should all feel ashamed and
give them back all our property and forgiveness for being part of that
campaign, after accusing them and insulting them for decades. But, on the
other hand, if this is really a Jewish way of dealing with Christianity
then every free man with or without any authority should come out and say
An anonymous call, declaring itself to be from the Boubari-Flika group
of Rabat-Casablanca, came to an investigative journalist stationed in the
sector of Lebanon, warning him that a Moroccan female agent called
Nawal H. was training to be planted in his life by elements belonging to
the February 14 group (in remembrance of the date of the assassination
of their
godfather, Rafiq Harir).
The handlers of the woman were two men: a Syrian-Kurdish pimp named
Hassan and a part time policeman called Elias who was on the government
payroll. They were both employed by the Khazen Family whose dean is a former
minister and whose son was previously busted in a drug raid.
The investigator was commenting in his articles about young Pierre Gemayel
whose family was dubbed the Kennedys of Lebanon and suffered successively
the loss of different members, including women and children. The investigator
opined that the young Gemayel was assassinated as a price for the
rapprochement that was being concluded by the mega-duo lawmaker/diplomats,
Baker and Hamilton.
The enemies of peace did not like to see America getting closer to Damascus
as a necessity to find an exit out of Iraq and the region, and thought
that an emotionally exacerbated Christian Lebanon would explode in anger
and result in the kind of bloodshed that they have been used to for decades,
something necessary for the enemies to hold on to power and protect their
After her diaries fell into the hands of US investigators, they revealed
that Johanna Gawlik was a trained Mossad agent, operating principally from
Krakow, Poland. Because of her cell's suspicious activitiesl, Polish and
Vatican authorities had more than once changed parade route plans for Pope
Jean Paul II during visits to his native country. She later befriended
an American power broker whom she followed throughout the Europe and North
Africa. She confided to him the methods used by the Mossad to recruit and
train their agents in Europe using Palestinian youths as a cover. |
Video tapes and hours of confidential testimony about a decade of training,
preparation, and spying were revealed by Melissa Carlson and obtained exclusively
by . Supported by Saudi agents, she was forced into prostitution
as a cover. Her intelligent approach led her to renowned American universities
and she had no difficulty in climbing upward in the political echelons
of Washington where she took
part in the subversion of White House Middle East peace efforts. (Read
her full testimony) |
Aline (left background) finds and recruits young women candidates for
the Mossad. She typically targets model agencies. |
Ilona from Belarus has operated between Egypt and Lebanon. She targets
Western diplomats in exlusive hotels and nightclubs. Her handler was a
Lebanese person named Joe S., is a triple agent offering services to the
CIA, Mossad and Syrian Mokhabarat.
Bonbon, a Swedish model, approaches her targets by gaining their sympathies.
She often portrays herself as homeless. |
Maria, considered a pro, is a Mossad trainer for new recruits. She lives
in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Morrocan government once denied her
entry into their country, citing irregularities in her passport. |
Dorota, an agent based in Belgium, is a "back-up" for female agents
who do not succeed in penetrating their targets. She is a close friend
of Joanna G., meeting at the same modeling agency a few years ago. |
Maszena is a pre-agent. Pre-agents are used to identify a target's personality
and characteristic. Pre-agents lack communication skills but play an important
role in setting up their targets to fall in the hands of the trained agent. |
Marie-Ange is based in Switzerland and speaks several languages. In
1998 she befriended an influential political activitist, following him
to Washington, DC, where she gained access to military facilities, taking
photographs. |
Sandra, an Italian woman, had infiltrated a member of the organization,
The International Coexistance Between Christian and Jews. She was ordered
to gather information about the Middle East peace process. Picture was
taken just off the beach in Southern Lebanon. |
Anna, based in Poland, was responsible for taking care of the welfare
of other young agents. The Mossad helped her gain the title of Miss Poland
in exchange for recruiting other models. Her speciality was to obtain U.S.
visas for other agents, including Joanna Gawlik for the purpose of spying. |
Kaisa is an Estonian woman based in Budapest, Hungary. Her latest target
was an American peace activist. |
Mahmood (left), owner of a restaurant in Krakow, Poland, was a direct
handler for Joanna Gawlik (right). He was the principal trainer of many
recruits including Gawlik. |
Joanna Gawlik speaking exlusively to about her long ordeal
with the Mossad. She vanished two months ago. |
Elena works with Sandra as a team when they attack their targets. Her
territory is around the ski resorts in the Swiss Alps. Her latest target
was a Swiss-American businessman, philanthropist, and a strong advocate
for promoting World peace. |
According to Joanna Gawlik, Katia was sold to the Mossad by her own
father. Her area of work was in Spain. Her latest known activity was to
follow an American diplomat to Casablanca in Morocco. She was, however,
detected by her suspicious behavior. After being detected, she became scared
and aborted her mission. She disappeared and was never seen again. |
Cheryl E.
According to Nabila K., Cheryl was using the British military position
of her father to infiltrate groups who were linking the uncle of Dodi Fayed
Adnan Khashoggi, notorious arms dealers and partner of Israeli officers
to the death of princess Diana. |
According to Nabila F., Xia had to follow an American activist
who was promoting the peaceful co-existence between China and the United
States. While in his company during a visit to China, shots were fired
but missed the peacemaker. |
Nabila F. was part of the Moroccan group, Moghraoui-Beya taking orders
directly from a defense attache to the kingdom in Washington. She
has been briefed about the activities of Cheryl E. and Xia f. But her mission
was to become intimate to Arab Americans who supported the Middle-East
peace efforts of the U.S. Administration. She presented herself as working
part-time for the United Arab Emirate intelligence services. |
According to Nabila F., Nan S. has operated from Bangkok, Thailand.
Along with a band of about half a dozen people, she has targeted a free
lance American investigator working on the international terrorism influence
in Asia. After failing to involve the top gun in a sexual scandal they
tried to organize his robbery. Failing again they became the laughing stock
of the Thai Justice Authority. |
Noura A., Hanan I, Majdouline S. have worked in team and according to
Nabila F. have posed as CIA agents to lure heavyweight Arab Americans who
worked on the Palestinian-Israeli Peace process. Their mission to rob their
victims then entrap them in sexual scandals. They took their orders directly
from a retired Saudi Colonel by the name of Wahbi T. |
Siham I. has been the supervisor and drug supplier for Nabila F. and
the Casablanca girls. She is in charge of organizing lude parties to bait
her victims. She worked closely with a certain Stephanie M. now in Kuwait
posing as a photographer for news organisation. |
Maria S. has befriended a Washington investigator who was working through
the nightlife in Lebanon and Cyprus on finding a connestion between the
Russian Mafia and the Mossad. After enduring extensive pressure she tries
to ask her victim to help her turn coat. She was hushed out of Lebanon
and never heard from her again. |
According to Nabila F., Karima is Jewish but portrays herself as an
Arab. Being from Morocco she has no difficulty communicating. She was placed
recently on an Arab American citizen closed to the Washington establishment.
Presenting many contradictions in her story she was depicted and had to
abandon her mission. |
Nabila F. was aware that the Mossad was taking advantage of the vast
presence of its Jewish minority by easily recruiting girls from Moroccan
poor families and orphans. Widad A. had the task of spying on Arab businessmen
and intellectuals and lure them to Casablanca and other Marrakesh night
spots. |
Corinne T. worked closely with Col. Robert D., former Pentagon official
and then executive at McDonnell Douglas Corp. She was ordered to follow
a board member of the organization, AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR HIGH POLITICS
and spy on him and "break" his family. She was betrayed by Melissa C.,
a confessed Mossad Agent who suspected her of trying to turn coat. She
was murdered two weeks later in what her family described to DOUBTCOME.COM
as a suicide. |
Along with Anastasia D. and Isabel H., Viktoria is from the Russian
enclave of Kaliningrad. The three were to work in team using sex to spy
on an American Journalist who was working on establishing a relation between
the Israeli military, Russian Mafia and Drug Cartel. When Isabel was unveiled
at the Beirut Airport, their plan fell apart. |
Arriving on Air France flight from Bogota, Colombia to Lebanon, Isabel
H. was to team up with Viktoria and Anastasia who had already put under
surveillance an American expert on International terrorism and whom Isabel
had previously befriended and followed from Switzerland, France, Spain
and Morocco. Finding irregularities in her passport, the Lebanese authorities
denied her entry into their country. |
Olga and Oxana worked in conjunction to infiltrate an American investigator
trying to establish the power of the Russian mafia in the nightlife industries
in countries involved in the Middle East conflict. By working closely with
a certain Gaby who manages a red district style night club, they have used
his connections to spy on certain political leaders. But their mission
has been recently compromised and have therefore aborted their mission. |
A native of Moldova, Anastasia D. was known for some and Natalia for
others. With a mission to infiltrate anti-Zionist individuals, she was
to have teamed up with two other women: A lady from Kaliningrad, named
Victoria; and the second woman, Isabel from Ecuador. They were to have
worked from Lebanon and Cyprus. Their plans were foiled when Isabel was
uncovered, denied entry at Beirut Airport by the Lebanese authorities and
sent back on the first flight to Paris. |
Natalia G. , known to her acquaintances by the name as Laura, was a
back-up to Anastasia. Their mission was to track an experienced private
investigator working on shedding new light on the horrific bombing of the
American Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, and the present-day harassment
of U.S. troops abroad in the Middle East region. Betrayed by an individual
in their group they aborted their mission and disappeared.
Nastya B. was known to by her acquaintances as Sofia. Working closely
with Masha Z., she was in charge of maintaining the protection and the
discipline of a group of Mossad agents trained by military personel from
the former Soviet Union. The group was operating without fear in Lebanon
benefitting from the large number of wealthy Saudi agents who enjoyed great
influence in the "political machine" in that country. |
Masha Z. was recruited by her own mother, who both presented themselves
to work for Egyptian Intelligence Services. Their specialty is to find
young, beautiful women from dance schools throughout Russia. With the help
of the Russian mafia they had no problem obtaining visas in the countries
bordering the war zone in the Middle East, gathering sensitive information
from night life and sex concerning the goals and movements of the U.S.
in the region. |
Katya, a woman from Belarus, was severely beaten when she stumbled into
an operation run by the Mossad in Lebanon. It is suspected members of the
Russian mafia conducted the operation. DOUBTCOME.COM found the woman in
a coma with a dozen stitches on the back of her head. The Lebanese authorities
are too fearful to conduct any sort of investigation. |
Karina, a young woman from Kaliningrad, traveled to Portugal and the
Middle East to help learn details about a botched spying operation by the
Anastasia's Group. She was explicitly trained in computer use and technology.
While touring the region around Iraq, she was ordered to infiltrate an
American group working on "soothing" the animosity sentiments of the Arabs
toward the United States during the warfare combats. |
Lili M. was part of a group to monitor U.S. activists in favor of improving
relations between Christian Europe and the fledgling country, Belarus.
Acting on information that she and other Russian nationals assisted by
Middle Eastern elements were about to gang up on and spy on a "big wheel"
for that unity, European diplomats interfered and botched that operation. |
Intimidated constantly by the wealth and influence of the Saudi Intelligence
Services, most of the Middle East governments have turned a blind eye when
the Mossad used night life as the best tool to control, threaten and blackmail
diplomats and politicians. According to Lili M., Anastasia B. was part
of a group sent by the Red Light District Mafias in Eastern Europe to make
it clear to owners of Clubs that unless they "submit," they will never
get the young ladies to operate their businesses. |
Jocelyn B. has had extensive training in cooking and home cleaning before
she was planted at the home of a U.S. politician. She used her acquaintance
with religious groups to gain the trust of her victims. She was followed
recently by Syrian agents when she met in Cyprus with Israeli elements
connected with a Saudi arms dealer. She worked closely with Olga S. from
Ukraine. When compromised, both girls disappeared and were never seen again. |
Olga S. is from Ukraine. Potraying herself as a virgin, she tries to
"bait" her victims through her innocent look. The Ukrainian mafia asked
her to infiltrate an American who was helping the Lebanese authorities
pin down the group responsible for dozens of political assassinations during
the civil war in that country. She teamed up with Jocelyn B., an agent
of the Mossad posing as a cook and maid. |
Julia K. was recruited by an agent who later married her. Teaming up
with Liliva, Jessy and other females of different nationalities targeted
a Swiss-American office whose work includes monitoring the rebirth of Christianity
in the former Soviet Union. Her mission was to seduce the director of that
office, break his family and drag him in a sexual scandal. The arrest of
one of their members on unrelated charges in Lebanon scared them off and
led them to abort their plot. |
Ukrainian Iryna S. confided to her lover that female agents are trying
to befriend her. The man, an American major watchdog against corrupted
politicians, organized oppression and human rights violations in the Middle
East asked her to play along. A flight from Beirut to Vienna, Austria was
supposed to take her to a meeting with an Intelligence Israeli officer.
An unexpected pilot strike aborted the plan |
Anna G. played the messenger role between the Ukrainian group headed
by Alona and Irina and the Smolensk group of Russia, headed by Masha. They
have together concocted parallel scenarios to gang up on a committee of
rapprochement between the US and different ME governments friendly to the
west. |
Tania Y. was prepared in Ukraine to replace Irina S. who along with
other agents had run into trouble with security agents of a Middle Eastern
country friendly to the US. Discovering that she is subjected to a very
closed surveillance, she camouflaged her mission with prostitution. |
Asmaa B. was part a four-girl team who covered themselves as night artists.
They were directed from Morocco by Nabila and others to go to Lebanon and
seek a job in a nightclub and then establish contact with Jocelyn B who
was working as a maid for an American private investigator. Their plan
was to open a trap for Justice authorities in Lebanon. The private I. a
pro, unveiled their plot and they all went into hiding. |
Marina B. was coached by Inessa A. and was pat of the same Vienna cell.
When she was betrayed by Jocelyn B. she claimed that the group took direct
orders from agents associated with the Pentagon and defense contractors |
For the safety of her son Antonio at the hands of
the Russian Mafia, Angela had to acquiesce to work with Souheil G. and
his assistant Afif who runs prostitution rings in the Middle-East. Serving
Saudi and Israeli arms dealers and intelligence agents, she created sexual
scandals in order to discredit a private investigator gathering information
about American and European hostage taking during the Nixon-Kissinger era. |
Presenting herself as a collaborator to Syrian Intelligence Nastya B.
did not have much problem getting closer to some shady operators in Lebanon.
Her mission was to gather information about the botched operation of the
duo Iryna-Alona from the Vienna Mossad group and who was behind their arrest
and jailing in November 2003 in Lebanon. An Arab American political and
intelligence pro unveiled her real identity and she was never seen again.
Olga K. a Belarussian in her teens was given a difficult task to befriend
an American-highpolitics doer who has just unveiled a plot by the Mossad
to subvert Washington Middle East peace efforts. Although she had to team
up with Natalia D. of Moldova she was not able to conceal her stress attacks.
As a result of numerous scandals as such, Belarus decided to curb the traveling
of their female citizens abroad. |
As a result of the defiance by Putin toward his countrymen oil Jewish
billionaires, Antonina A. got recruited by the Russian Mafia and ended
up along with a dozen other female agents in the Middle-East to track down
the level of cooperation between Washington and Moscow in their efforts
against international terrorism. She confided to Jocelyn B. that in case
she is caught to claim that she is an agent of the Turkish intelligence
trying to harass Armenians.
Sold by her own father Alex to the Russian Mafia made up of remnants
of the communist party, the Mossad and agents of the International military
industrial complex, Antonina A excelled in the game of luring men to her
charming web. Working closely with organized crime in the Middle East she
was sent to Lebanon and Syria where in case of failure she was instructed
to blame it on the Jews. Back in Moscow , along with her father they targeted
a peace activist. Alerted by West European agents the "pro" unveiled their
identities and both abruptly disappeared |
Under the directive of a local police official, Russians Katrina G.
and Anastasia B. teamed up to infiltrate any thing in order to learn the
extent of cooperation between US justice authorities and the Lebanese military
intelligence in the rapidly unfolding decades of notorious relations between
the Mossad and the Saudi Royal Family in the destruction of Lebanon. Operating
with fear and nervousness as a result of the Gaza Fiasco and despite their
representation as Syrian agents it did not take long before the plot unfolded
and they got struck with panic. |
Inessa A. was no small pity informer but a well trained agent who lived
in Turkey. Conflicting report about her back ground but according to Irina
S. she was dispatched to Lebanon on sensitive missions and took order from
a certain Abou Kakash who worked directly under former Lebanese Police
General Jamil el Sayyed who is now under arrest following a probe by a
UN envoy to investigate high ranking assassinations in that country.
In a rare photo taken together Marina B. was being trained by Inessa
A. (here on the right) in the Art of seduction and perfection of the English
language. The preparations were aiming to have Marina go to Kuwait as a
photographer and from there with the help of established agents to clandestingly
sneak into Irak and seduce local power players including Americans. Last
seen in Athens at the Hilton Hotel then never heard from
them again. |
Iryna M. goes by the name of Lolita for her innocent and young look.
Lacking communication skills she is mostly used to bait potential targets
and has worked as pre-agent for Iryna S. and Marina B. |
When Saudi arms dealers helped the Falachas eave Ethiopia to go to Israel,
different intelligence agencies recruited beautiful female children who
were sent later throughout the Middle East to keep politicians and intellectuals
under surveillance who potentially would be supportive of US inspired democracies.
Esthelle K. was one of these girls, brought to operate in Lebanon with
the help of a fashion designer. She joined Jocelyn Baini and both infiltrated
homes as maids. Trained also as a computer operator and using her good
looks, Esthelle had no difficulty in getting closer to an executive who
devoted most of his time and writings to the success of the US administration
in implementing its Middle East peace agenda |
Jocelyn Baini confided to that she had met Romanian born
Christina who is considered a super pro and who was doing public relations
for the Summerland hotel in a Beirut suburb, a posh beach resort owned
by the Saab Family who at the same time were partners with the Saudi Royal
family. Fluent in Arabic and through her job, she was able to come in contact
with other agents connected to international business and tourism and befriended
an American philantropist, highly placed during the Clinton Administration
in matters of world peace, and followed him to to the Hungarian capital
of Budapest. There she teamed up with an Estonian Girl named Kaisa, a confessed
Mossad agent who was taking music courses at a local university. Then,
she went on to Bucharest, her native city, where she threatened the peacemaker
to make him abandon his political interests. |
Jocelyn Baini knew Alona but, in the circle of the Mafia, she went by
her title "the colonel." Her mission was to groom Iryna Shenkevich, an
innocent looking teenager from Kharkow, Ukraine. As soon as she was satisfied
that her prey was ready to hook, she decided to take her to Vienna to meet
other military intelligence people. A posh party was organized by Mrs.
Baini with champagne, smoked salmon, caviar, and a cake to celebrate their
departure, and then a surprise: according to Beirut Airport administrators,
the Austrian Airlines plane was boarded by the passengers, but the pilot
did not show up. Lacking the proper visa, Iryna and the colonel ended up
in jail. Other agents were able to get them released with the help of MP
Elie Ferszli who later was involved in a major sexual scandal and was thrown
out. |
When Maria Sokerkina heard that her Middle Eastern boss and mentor William
Rayes was charged by Lebanese immigration authorities for passport fraud
and sent to jail, she decided to go back to Russia where she was caught
in the cat and mouse game between the KGB and the Mafia. Fearing that her
daughter Dasha would be harmed, she lived mostly underground and tried
to move clandestinely to Italy. Talking to Asmaa Boubarri, who worked for
the same outfit in the Rayes clan and had an intimate relationship with
the Kuwaiti intelligence services, she told her that she felt as though
she were being constantly followed and begged her to contact Doubtcome
for help. However, the phone number that she left which was issued to her
in the City of Smolensk close to the Belarus border never answered. |
A Kurdish individual by the name of Hassan was the liaison between Lebanese
MP George Frem, a Saudi entrepreneur and partner of late prime minister
Rafiq Hariri, and a group of Moroccan females led by Asmaa Boubari . Their
territory of surveillance included most of the Christian area in Lebanon
and Syria. When the group was caught spying against Americans in Switzerland,
they panicked and MP Frem was thrown out the government by his long time
friend, and then disappeared. His family claimed that he is terminally
ill and was undergoing cancer treatment in St Louis, MO. Fearing that the
man would have certainly had contact with the FBI, the group dispersed
and Asmaa Boubarri had to go back to Rabat where she was placed under 24
hour surveillance.
Before Nabila vanished between Morocco and Spain, she was very active
in enticing many people from the Middle Eastern jet set with her charms,
starting her activities within the United Arab Emirates using her friendly
personality and smile. According to Asmaa Boubarri, she belonged to a very
violent group made up of Saudi and Turkish agents and corrupt CIA off shoots
that took part in at least two prominent assassinations: the first victim
was Salim el Laouzi, owner of "Al Hawadess," a highly circulated political
weekly (ironically, now owned by Saudi interests close to the royal family),
who was tortured by having his hands immersed in sulfuric acid; the second
murder was of Dr. Rossell, owner of a clinic in the vicinity of Lausanne
in Switzerland that specialized in treating torture victims. Dr. Rossell
was involved in a mysterious car accident while visiting Egypt and died
a few months later after immense suffering. They both tried to help former
American hostages taken during the civil war in Lebanon. |
Seeking the protection of the American Council for High Politics after
being totally abandoned by her panicky masters, Jocelyn Baini revealed
that Nastya Batianova did not like the fact that Iryna Shenkevich tried
to introduce her to a creepy individual by the name of Raja Karam who,
Doubtcome learned, was under FBI and Swiss Government surveillance. Introducing
himself as an international diamond dealer, he was in constant contact
with notorious shadowy Israelis who specialized in trading Far Eastern
and African precious stones. At the same time, he was a close friend of
a Saudi officer, Wahbi Tahlawi, who besides being an intimate associate
to Kamal Adham, the head of Saudi military intelligence, was in charge
of recruiting American citizens working for compagnies that were building
desalinization plants in Al Khobar and, Jedda. The authorities in Switzerland
were particularly perplexed about why Raja Karam, in order to infiltrate
the powerful Lebanese Christian banking community, had imported a three
story high replica of the Our Lady of Lebanon statue and placed it in his
backyard in the Geneva suburbs. |
Authorities in Belarus were alerted when Liliya Martinava traveled to
Poland with two other females from Minsk in order to join two men at the
Warsaw Ramada Hotel. One was Michel from Antwerp, Belgium, and the second
was Claude, a Lebanese living in Ivory Coast. They were planning to have
Liliya bait an American expert on international terrorism, whom she had
befriended previously when both met through Johanna Gawlik in the town
of Opole in the south of Poland, and bring him to Belarus. Fearing unpredictable
and dangerous consequences, diplomats at the Belarus consulate in the Swiss
capital, Bern, had no choice but to refuse to issue documentation for the
American to enter their country.
Through a distressed, coded, and confusing message sent on October
27, 2005 to a doubtcome associated e-mail, using the russian ISP "yandex,"
Mrs. Martinava denied that she had ever been involved in spying and that
it was all connected to the requests of her mother, in order to open together
a boutique in Minsk, that her mother asked her to work in houses of prostitution
for a few years throughout the Middle and Far East. But, for the moment,
she lives in China making better money as an elementary teacher than sleeping
for sex. |
When Yakatserina Shasternick met Asmaa Boubari and Jocelyn Baini, she
imparted her knowledge to them of the best techiniques to find new recruits.
They met secretly in Larnaca, Cyprus with a Syrian individual by the name
Marwan, who speaks several languages including Russian and Hebrew,
and with an Israeli man named Berel. The plan was to bait beautiful girls,
who would be attracted by fame and money, and treat them to lavish dinners
at the Phoenicia Hotel in Beirut. Known for decades as the posh spot for
notorious arms dealers and intelligence agents from many parts of the world,
the Phoenicia was owned by Saudis and by the late Rafiq Hariri who was
assassinated on Valentine's Day in 2005. The Phoenicia offered the luxury
and protection necessary for the success of their operations. But, the
death of Hariri, the billionaire long term prime minister, shattered the
group and their plan. The Syrian vanished, Yakatserina returned to her
home in Minsk, Asmaa went back to Morocco, and Jocelyn Baini removed herself
to an isolated home. |

On a clear Spring 2004 night, the border post at the Saint-Gothard
pass on the Swiss Alps was put on full alert: bullet proof jackets and
walkie-talkies were distributed, nervous agitation everywhere, and fingers
on the triggers of all weapons. The post had just received a communication
from the Italian authorities that a gasoline truck was about to enter the
pass and blow up the tunnel connecting the two countries in the same wasy
as at the Mont Blanc crossing previously. These events coincided with the
arrival of a Euro-American investigator at that same border post who was
writing a report on the relationship among the explosions in the Alps,
the slaughtering of Swiss tourists in Egypt, the downing of several Swiss
aircraft, and the lifting of banking secrecy by Bern on criminally owned
accounts in their institutions. Two hours before, the investigator had
dropped Katrina Ivanskaya at the Milan Airport and was on his way to Geneva.
Presenting herself as a tour guide and then becoming intimate with him,
the investigator did not like the fact that she tried to snoop in his work
and photocopy some sensitive documents. He decided to leave and, at her
request, he took her to Malpensa Airport in Milan to return to Kaliningrad
in her native country. He learned that prior to her job as a tourist escort,
when she operated between the Georges V Hotel in Paris owned by Saudi Prince
Walid Bin Tallal and the posh Negresco hotel in Nice and their casinos,
she worked in a strip joint called California Dreamer (situated nine miles
north of Beirut, Lebanon) whose owner belonged to a family which included
several warlords whose violent hands were covered wtih the blood of their
victims. After a few months, some elements of the Russian Mafia odered
her to contact the antiterrorism pro and relay to him her desire to leave
her spying life behind, and now she is working as a maitre' d on the Carnival
Lines "Conquest" ship. Joining her on a cruise that left from New Orleans,
he found her without remorse, ready to lie, eager to know and afraid of
her handlers whom she described as powerful individuals having high positions
in Washington. |
Caring very little about their dying agents in neighboring countries
and realizing that they have little choice but to eventually aquiesce to
US use of military power to enter the remaining corners of the Middle East,
including Syria and Lebanon, in order to subdue and eliminate international
terrorism and to allow Uncle Sam too close to their secrets, Israel mobilized
its best female agents and dispatched them to the area for only one purpose:
to prove to the Jewish people that the US Administration has not been candid
about its aspirations regarding protection and gaining support by arousing
in them a Nazi-like fatalistic complex.
Jocelyn Baini who feared she would meet the same fate as Hariri, Kassir,
Chidiac, Tueini, Hawi, Murr, and other fallen Lebanese politicians and
media biggies who enriched themselves during the Lebanese civil war, and
known pro-Saudi and Israeli activists, reluctantly agreed to escort Margaryta
Muratova, Luiza Londareva, Olga Sokolovskaya, and a Polish woman by the
name of Kinga Szewczyk, and introduced them to US businessmen, intellectuals
and accademics for the sole purpose of finding any connection with the
White House or any Department that could have had secret or open contacts
with Syria or Iran or any other "bete noire" related to them, such as Islamic
Jihad, Hamas, or Hezbollah that Tel Aviv created in order to seek political
manipulation in Washington. |
Using charm and sex and a perfect mastery of
the English language, Ms. Muratova, who led the group, used the PR expertise
of Ms. Baini and, with a fake Ukrainian passport that had been altered
to show a younger age and with her intensive training as a spy, befriended
an American activist close to the Washington stablishment and launched
a campaign seeking information about Hezbollah and their military capabilities,
especially around the town of Baalbeck close to the Syrian border. Alarmed
by her aggressive interest in the Shiite group and her campaign of deceit
and disinformation, American, Lebanese and Syrian law enforcement agents
put her under 24 hour surveillance. They were helped by information supplied
to them by the Ukrainian intelligence agency (Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny,
SBU). Her movements and activities quickly fell into complete confusion
after the brutal death of media mogul Gibran Tuein, the bigwig of the An
Nahar newspaper group whose assassination revealed that, in case you have
worked for the Mossad, it is time to save you own skin. She lamented to
her friend Jocelyn Baini that she felt that the group had been abandoned
and was now left to the mercy of the unknown. As instructed during her
training that, when things go wrong, she should end her mission and get
in contact with a local Lebanese mafia trio by the names of Tony, Elie,
and Romeo, they then ordered her into prostitution as camouflage. |
When notorious Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, wanted to impress
the giants of the military industrial complex, such as Lockheed, McDonnell
Douglas, Raytheon, and others to do business with the petro-kings and Emirs,
he introduced the advice that, it is not by using their Islamic faith in
God or the Arab nationalist brotherhood, but rather what he had learned
from the Israelis about the art of using juicy females to entice the desert
Allah jockeys and satisfy their thirst for sex. Private planes and yachts
were ordered equipped with Jacuzzis, saunas, soft hand massages, porno
movies,vibrators, etc. that would take the animals to Las Vegas bungalows,
Monte Carlo casinos, or Spanish Marbella palaces where orgies took place
24/7. This tactic proved to be the norm for doing politics or business
in the Arab world.

Different Groups also were established to entrap their enemies especially
Arab freedom fighters and intellectuals.
We monitored several groups including the one directed by a Russian
female agent, Inessa Afdeeva, who operated among Turkey, Cyprus, and Lebanon
and Viktoria Lipchaite of Kaliningrad and her partner Moldovan Anastasia
Dolceac whose specialty was to organize daily sex parties where young beauties
were supplied constantly for any goal while sneaking, with no fear, through
the fingers of corrupt local immigration authorities, and where everything
was permitted and nothing was taboo.
Another extensive group was set up in Morocco and were mostly being
beefed up by hordes of females from poor neighborhoods, or lured by the
"Metaa Marriage" called also " Al Zawaj el Orfi" translated :( the official
marriage for Pleasure) a phenomenon used in Muslim ancient law that facilitated
the temporary union of a male with money with a teen delivered by her parents,
then sold to the Mafia, the intelligence agencies, or to another prince
or other deep pocket. Other streams of beautiful teens were found in orphanages
with the help of corrupt social workers while local authorities were looking
the other way. Nabila Flika used her own sister and dozens of lusty females
to track any foreigner that would be a threat to the position that the
Mossad had with the entourage of the Moroccan King. tracked
down some of the females, who at the time worked for a certain individual
by the name of Khairallah, who originated from Tartous Syria and who owns
the West House, a four star hotel which housed the Flika group that included
Hanan Bin Khalti, Majdouline Solhi, Siham Mouenness, Leila Massoud, Hayat
el Fena, and Hajar Alawi. Melissa Carlson, before joining a White House
Middle East peace group was ordered by the Mossad to join the Washington
Abu Rich brothers group who run a prostitution outfit serving mainly the
Saudi Embassy in the US capital.
But s ex in politics is a two edged sword: while serving in the government
of the late Rafiq Hariri and his mafia, Elie Ferzli was a powerful MP representing
the district of the Bekaa Valley and was known to be a protector of the
powerful and out-of-control group. But, magic Lebanon proved to be a continuous
bouquet of unpredictable surprises: ordered by a more powerful intelligence
agency, Ferzli was lured to a sex club in Paris named "les Chandelles"
and was, with the help of the French DSET, secretly videotaped, as the
masturbating statesman sipped Black Label scotch while watching his past
beauty queen wife being penetrated by individuals of different colors and
sizes. Soon the news of the event circulated on the internet and reached
almost all Arabic speaking internets. Needless to say the arrogant war-made
politician disappeared from the fast changing situation and holed up like
a rat.
The Asiatics
The very attractive and educated Thai female, Wiyarut Louallay, worked
as an assistant manager in a resort hotel of Chiang Ray in the northern
part of Thailand, close to the Laotian and Myanmar borders where troops
from various U.S. military bases would go on vacation in quest of relaxation
and sex. There, she struck up an intimate relationship with military personnel
who invited her to North Carolina. For years, she tried to track down a
U.S. peace activist and courageous investigative journalist who was a long
time pioneer in the struggle against international terrorism and who had
focused mainly on the satanic relation between Zionism, the military-industrial
complex and their greedy, corrupt high brass at the Pentagon as well as
politicians and dictators in the Far East. Wiyarut suggested that, if the
peace activist would visit her native country, he wouldl be met at the
airport by agents of the Thai Government who would provide the necessary
protection during his stay. The peace activist, considered to be the most
valuable witness that the US government has come to rely on to track all
those who for years have conspired in the name of US agencies to kill,
kidnap, destroy, and break anyone who has stood in the path of their greed,
was set to visit Thailand at the suggestion of Rut early this year.
Arriving on a flight from the Gulf state of Abu Dhabi, he was met at
the Bangkok Airport by an easy going, good looking blond female named Pamela
Haddad a, Lebanese national who lives in France. While helping the American
to clear customs, Pamela was detained briefly by Thai immigration authorities
and then disappeared to clear the way for Natcha Uttiya who goes by the
name of Joy and who presented herself as a business woman from the Tunyassiri
family (known to have members highly placed in Thai defense procurement
positions). Being herself a self employed business woman, she claimed to
represent traders from Dubai and Iran. Concerned about the safety of the
man in a country where organized crime is stronger than the government,
she volunteered to give him a briefing about why Thailand is a dangerous
country to visit, and that it is run by a few families who forged alliances
with different intelligence agencies from the Mossad to the CIA and the
Department of Defense and that they run all criminal cartels from armaments
to drugs and prostitution, and human trafficking, and money laundering.
Initially, the alliances were set up to fight communism, but had been
inherited by a new generation of spoiled, money loving military brats who
do not hesitate to use violence against anyone who stands in their way.
They control the mobile phone business and many banking industries, and
another widely known example is the powerful Prime Minister Shinawatra's
family which has control of communication satellites, internet service
providers, and the only privately owned free-to-air television network.
The national counter corruption commission, an independent state agency,
was never able to make a dent in their powerful machine. They do not like
visitors, especially Americans, who espouse democracy. She suggested he
should be accompanied in all his movements by a friend, Bee Rattanaarunotai,
who goes by the Arabic nickname of Farida. Farida is an elegant 25 year
old female with a top model look who said she lives for sex and is now
working for a Jewish diamond importer from the city of Antwerp, Belgium
and is not a bit shy when she talks about having sex with all the handsome
blond Belgians at her office, where nothing is taboo. She offered the man
a tour of "sex-Bangkok" by day and by night, and she pinpointed the places
that cater to different appetites and vices.
Here's a place for sex with passion where girls can kiss
while having sex in another place is for anal sex, and then there are the
houses for sadomasochists with torture equipments: crosses, dildos, rough
condoms, stimulating oils, and dripping hot candles, and the hard to find
alleys reserved for homosexuals, hard leather, lesbians, and transvestites.
Farida offered the American a tour of the different islands in southern
Thailand, especially Phuket, a favorite destination for European men for
sun and sex, and a perfect place for the female spy to divert the man from
his initial goal of looking for the connection between the military and
international terrorism. At first, Farida was a fiery and romantic lover,
missing no details from roses to soft massages with silky scented oil .
All went well until Farida started to get some alarming phone calls on
her cellular and things started to get bad when the professional journalist
noticed an attitude that did not match anything that he encountered before.
The woman did not match the actions of a regular prostitute or a lover
or a materialistic money lover or an educated intellectual or a professional
escort, but more a woman put by a third party into a difficult position
with no goal and no purpose. When confronted with his aggressive inquiries,
the woman broke down and started crying hysterically, and whispered in
his ear that someone had planted her. Farida asked the pro investigator
to allow her a moment of reflection and then she walked away and disappeared
in the wilderness .

Even though Jocelyn Baini was tight lipped about her background, she
nevertheless was generous in giving details regarding her connection with
the Mossad. She confided to our representative that, after the murder of
her father during the early part of the civil war in Lebanon, her mother
was recruited by Christian militias working with the Israelis. As she grew
up, she was trained by different individual
and found herself at times working with a CIA man by the name of Sam,
and at other times she was forced by Saudi intelligence to marry a Syrian
man as a cover. After that brief marriage, she wound up at a Catholic shelter
for homeless youth and begged charity from a priest by the name of Father
George who sheltered her in group housing run by the Order of the Apostles.
This relationship helped her infiltrate the Christian intelligentsia in
the Middle East. Seeking our trust and protection, she provided us with
volumes of information concerning her many experiences. |
