Brian Gerrish
A hero?
Or another
Zionist agent?
5 April 2009
updated 6 April 2009 with information on Barbara Jean
Gerrish exposes how the diabolical and secretive organization
Purpose has been "training" people for British and EU governments.
He also shows they are controlled by the CFR, the Tavistock Institute,
and other groups created by the "elite".
But is he really trying to protect us? Or is he part of the controlled
opposition? Or is he working with a rival
Zionist gang that is fighting for control of us?
The BBC has
one through four
and HD, but no BBC5. |
The lower left corner of a page from BBC5. |
It should be obvious that the people who created the BBC5 TV
are trying to fool us into thinking
they are part of the BBC. And I shouldn't have to tell you that this is
way respectable people behave. Why would the deceptive, manipulative, dishonest
people at BBC5 want to promote Brian Gerrish?
The BBC5 promotes Zionist
Take a look at the films that the BBC5 promotes. For example,
they promote Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo, The Obama Deception by
Alex Jones, and Zeitgeist by Peter Joseph.
They appear to be a British organization, and they appear to be providing
us with lots of useful information and a variety of opinions, but they
are promoting the exact same Zionist propaganda
that mysterious and suspicious groups are promoting in America, Australia,
and other nations.
Can you see the international
Zionist network?
Take a look at think tanks, truth groups, whistleblowers, and
patriot groups around the world and you'll discover that these mysterious
groups are promoting the exact same Zionist propaganda
regardless of which nation they are in. There are even mysterious groups
in Russia promoting Alex Jones, as
I mentioned in my article about Radio
Free Europe.
How is it possible for independent organizations around the world to
promote the exact same people, videos, and websites? Because they are part
of an international network of criminal
Jews. They are getting control of the world's media, 9/11 groups,
anti-war groups, and every other organization.
Before the Internet existed, it was very difficult to realize
that these groups had a connection to one another, but today it's very
easy to see their connections.
For example, the BBC5 promotes Brian Gerrish, Aaron Russo, Peter Joseph,
and Alex Jones, and Alex Jones also
promotes Brian Gerrish, Aaron Russo, and Peter Joseph.
Note: the interview with Peter
Joseph and Alex Jones in October 2008 shows one of the tricks that
Rosenthal described. That interview shows Jones and Joseph disagreeing
with each other on many issues, and it appears to be a serious discussion
between two men with different opinions.
The nearly two-hour interview has been posted on Google
video here,
in case you are interested.
However, Rosenthal explained that criminal Jews take all sides of every
issue so that they can dominate every
discussion. Virtually every discussion on television and radio is between
one criminal Jew and another criminal Jew. This is why television discussions
are so idiotic, superficial, and full of Zionist propaganda. |
The BBC5, Alex Jones, and all of the others are promoting only
the criminals within their network. As you click from one link
to the next, you appear to be getting different information at each site,
and you may even find yourself at a site in a different nation, which creates
the impression that you're getting information from around the world, but
in reality you are remaining within a Zionist
maze of websites. You are never
going to find my website in their lists,
for example.
The only time the criminal Jews mention my website is when they are
trying to appear unbiased, or become my friend, or gain some credibility.
However, they give themselves away by mixing my site among a bunch of Zionist
sites, and giving most of the attention to the Zionist sites.
Take advantage of their fear!
As I described in other documents and audio files, Alex Jones,
Dave von Kleist, and other people were willing to interview me on their
radio shows from 2002 to 2004, and they were selling
my book and video.
during the past few years they have begun to worry that they're losing
this battle. They are becoming frightened.
As a result, for the past few years they've been pretending I don't exist.
Furthermore, we can be certain that they're avoiding other
people, also, not just me. Therefore, this makes it easy
for us to identify members of their network. All we have to do is look
at who they promote!
We should assume that everybody they promote is part of their crime
network. The police don't have much work to do; the criminals are inadvertently
providing us with lists of their names.
For example, the John Birch Society
has this
list of their interviews. Their president, John McManus, was interviewed
on March 26, 2009 by Alex Jones, and
on April 3, 2009 by Barbara Jean.
note about Barbara Jean: She was willing to interview me
many years ago, but no longer. However,
after I made accusations that Christopher Bollyn and his family were kidnapped,
she interviewed Bollyn a few times on her radio show in an attempt to prove
that Bollyn was safe and free.
During one of those interviews, Mike of called her radio
show to talk to Bollyn, and he also called me to make a three-way phone
call, and that gave me the opportunity to talk to Bollyn, also.
I mentioned this here,
and I have an excerpt from the show so you can hear how they turn
down the volume when I come on, and then they cut
us off. I consider this to be evidence that she and her radio
station are connected to the crime network that kidnapped the Bollyns.
Barbara Jean was a radio host for k-talk
AM 630 in Salt Lake City for the past few years, and today she is a host
for the Republic Broadcasting
Network. This is more evidence that she is indeed a member of the Zionist
crime network.
Some MP3 files and descriptions of her k-talk shows are here.
You will notice that she promoted the same group
of Zionist agents that are promoted by websites and radio shows
all over the world, such as Edgar J. Steele, Joel Skousen, and Barry Chamish. |