The Nazis censored art
Since this constitution
gives the government total control
over all aspects of the city and its culture, some people are likely to
complain that it is more oppressive
than the Nazi and communist
Nazis are frequently used as an example of why we should not allow a
government to have much authority. For example, the Nazis censored
The Nazi government created two art exhibits to show the citizens what
was acceptable and unacceptable. They created one exhibit of art that
they approved
of, and a "Degenerate Art" exhibit that they considered unacceptable.
The organization Teach Democracy describes
those exhibits as: " part of an
incredible Nazi campaign to put art under control of the state."
Everybody wants to censor art
The Teach Democracy
organization boasts that they are "educating" children, but they
are giving children a distorted
view of life by implying that the Nazis
were the only group of people who want to censor art.
They are not
teaching children to analyze other cultures, try to learn from them,
look critically at ourselves, and notice that there is not much of a
difference between the different groups of people.
Instead, they
encourage children to hate the Nazis, which encourages the crude,
animal behavior of feeling superior to other groups of people.
A more honest description of the Nazis would point out that every
person, business, school, and
government wants to censor art. The difference between us is that each
person wants to censor different art.
For example, many people want to censor what they refer to as "child
pornography", but we differ on what classifies as child pornography.
Actually, most people want to do more than censor the child pornography. They
want the people who have it to be tormented
in jail or killed.
If the people who enjoy child pornography were the majority of the
population, then it would be considered as "beautiful art" rather than
"child pornography". Those people would complain about the censorship
of such art.
It is possible that every society is censoring art. However, people are
so ignorant about these issues that no society considers itself to be
censoring art. Instead, we consider our society to be protecting the citizens, especially
the children, and we insult other societies for censorship.
Censorship is a complex issue
The concept of "censorship"
is one of the aspects of the concept of "freedom". Many people boast
about how they support freedom, but most people are so ignorant about
this issue that they don't realize that they actually want to suppress a lot of freedoms. Nobody
wants to give people complete freedom to do whatever they please.
Rather, we want to give people the freedom to do what we approve of, and we want to
prohibit whatever whatever we dislike.
Dr. Nausikaä El-Mecky,
who " specialises in attacks on
art", wrote
that the Nazi Degenerate Art exhibit " cleverly manipulated visitors to
loathe and ridicule the art"
that " had been displayed at the
nation’s greatest museums".
However, somebody who approves of the Nazi censorship would respond
that El-Mecky is trying to " cleverly
manipulate readers into loathing and ridiculing the Nazis". For
example, her remark that the art had been displayed in the " greatest"
museums is an attempt to stimulate our emotional desire to become
submissive to our leaders by implying that those museums are a high
level in our hierarchy. Whether a museum is "great" or "disgusting" is
a personal opinion. We could respond that the Degenerate Art exhibit
had art from " the nation's most
disgusting museums".
all behave like Nazis
The Nazis were not a
different species of creature. An alien from another solar system would
have a difficult time finding a difference in the behavior of Nazis and
other people. Unfortunately, we are so arrogant, and most people have
such low levels of self-control, that they cannot see how similar they
are to Nazis because they cannot look seriously at Nazis or critically
at themselves. Most people prefer to titillate themselves with the
fantasy that they are wonderful people who are superior to the Nazis.
The Nazis were humans,
and all humans have the
same mental and physical characteristics. We all have similar behavior,
goals, desires, and fears. There are only subtle differences between
individual humans, and between the races.
The Nazi party was probably an Ashkenazi party
Historians have given us
such a distorted view of history that we must re-examine everything about the Nazis. For
example, the Nazi philosophy was
created by a Jew named Alfred Rosenberg so
we should assume that the Jews created
the Nazi party, and that they were secretly influencing it all throughout the
video shows a television news report from a few decades ago that
describe how the Nazis were helping the Jews to create a homeland for
themselves, and it is followed by a video by a man who looks like
Eustace Mullins
explaining how the Zionist Jews were working with the Nazis and Hitler.
Historians, and Jews, have given us such a distorted view of history
that we don't know how much of what Mullins is saying is the truth.
The words Ashkenaz
and Ashkenazi
originally referred to the Jews living in the Scythian region of
Asia, but sometime around the 11th century the Jews began referring to
the Jews living in Germany as "Ashkenazi Jews".
The small group that Hitler was a member of changed its name the "Nazi"
in 1920, and it is possible that some Ashke nazi Jew
convinced the members to use that name because Ashke nazi Jews
were infiltrating and influencing it. Or perhaps Eustace Mullins is
correct that the word Nazi was created from the
first two letters of the two groups of people involved with it: National
Socialists and Zionists.
The Nazi party supposedly vanished at the end of World War II, but the
war in the Ukraine has resulted in news reports
about Nazis in the Azov
Brigade in the Ukraine. The Ukraine also has lots of Jews, and
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
is a Jew. Did the Nazi organization really disappear at the end of
World War II? Or were Jews in the Ukraine, and other areas of the
world, continuing to support it?
There have been accusations
that Hitler had Jewish ancestors since at least 1933, and a recent DNA analysis
suggests that the accusation is true. If historians could give us
accurate analyses of history,
we might discover that the Nazi party is just another Jewish deception.
Everybody wants to censor a lot
of information and people
In addition to censoring art, every
citizen, organization, and society wants to
censor a lot of other culture. For example, everybody wants to censor clothing:
Each of us tries to
control the clothing styles of our family members and
friends, such as by making insulting remarks, glares, or noises if we
disapprove of their clothing, or their lack of clothing.
Most businesses,
orchestras, sports groups, and other organizations,
restrict the clothing freedom of their members, and some restaurants
and social clubs restrict the clothing freedom of their customers.
The US government
prohibits nudity in public areas, and requires women to hide the
breast-feeding of babies. |
Every person is also trying to censor the foods we eat. For
example, almost
every person opposes the eating of human
meat, and many
Americans are trying to stop people from eating cats, dogs, and horses.
Some fanatical vegans are trying to stop us from eating all types of
The most extreme
censorship is in regards to sexual and health issues,
such as digestion, sex, childbirth, masturbation, autopsies, and
breast-feeding. The censorship is so extreme that schools cannot
provide children with a proper education about these issues.
However, the abnormal
sexual behavior on television programs, fiction books, and Hollywood
movies are acceptable for children. There is also no demand that
and other businesses censor the obnoxious sexual jokes that men
frequently make, such as "camel toes" and "that's what she said".
 Until the past
century or so, breast-feeding was regarded as such a normal and natural
part of life that nobody complained that many of the
paintings of Jesus were of his mother breast-feeding him. Our ancestors
also had no problem with statues of naked people.
Today, however, there is so much censorship of sexual issues that it is
possible that only a tiny fraction of the human population today knows
whether male birds have a penis. The television documentaries
occasionally show birds mating, but they don't explain how they do it
with all those feathers covering themselves.
Although we don't need to know how birds mate, the point is that every
culture today has such extreme sexual inhibitions that we are denying
ourselves knowledge about the world we live in.
The censorship of sexual issues in our modern era is not an
advancement in human culture. It is not improving
our lives or our relationships. Rather, it is creating ignorance about
sexual issues; causing many men to develop obnoxious obsessions with
women's breasts and vaginas; and results in a lot of men making lewd
sexual remarks and jokes.
The same idiotic situation occurs with violence. Specifically, YouTube
and television companies are censoring autopsies, many medical
surgeries, and photos and videos of injured and dead bodies in
accidents, wars, and murders. However, there is no censorship of the
bizarre and abnormal violence in television programs, fiction books,
video games, Hollywood movies, or Halloween displays.
Everybody is promoting censorship, but everybody promotes irrational
and idiotic censorship because they are creating policies according to
their emotional desires and fears, and according to what they have
become accustomed to, and according to their peer group. In order to
provide ourselves with better censorship, this Constitution puts the
government in control of censorship, and the officials must explain
their policies so that we can pass judgment on whether their policies
are beneficial or idiotic.
The AI software should not censor
A lot of people want to
censor the images created by
the AI text-to-image software. As with the censorship of child
pornography, the people who want to censor the AI software boast that
they want to protect
us from " undesirable"
images. They do not
realize that they are behaving like Nazis when they censor art.
The people who are
promoting censorship of AI images are more examples of the hypocrisy of
people who boast about support freedom. They are
also examples of people who refuse to make humans
responsible for their
behavior, and who shift the responsibility to something else, such as
computer software.
This constitution prohibits
the text-to-image software from censoring images. Instead, every person
is responsible for his images, regardless of whether a person creates
an image with
a pencil, a paintbrush, his penis, a 3d printer,
a CNC laser,
Adobe Photoshop, Corel PhotoPaint, or Dall-E.
Every existing culture allows us to avoid responsibility for what we do
by allowing us to blame an inanimate object, a concept, or somebody
else. However, this Constitution requires each person to be responsible
for what he does.
Designing the AI software to censor images is as stupid as
designing the software that controls the 3D printers to censor the
items that people make with them. It would also be stupid to
design cell phone software to censor our conversations in order to
prevent us from spreading Holocaust Denial, hate speech, sexism, or
It is idiotic to expect
computer software to control or improve human behavior. It is better to
raise the standards for people and restrict
reproduction to the better behaved people.
Were the Nazis more oppressive than other
Every person and
organization wants to censor whatever they dislike. The
people who
boast that they support freedom and oppose censorship are either ignorant about this
concept, or they don't have the intellectual and/or
emotional ability to understand and/or acknowledge it.
Instead of insulting the
people who advocate censorship, we should discuss what type of censorship is most beneficial.
For example, do children benefit by the censorship
information about human health, childbirth, and sex? Or is it more
beneficial to censor information about ghosts, the flat earth theory,
astrology, or clairvoyance?
If we could get honest historical information about the Nazis, we might
conclude that they were doing less
censorship than Google, Facebook, the Wikipedia, ABC, CNN, and many
other organizations. We might even wonder if we would
have a more pleasant world today if they had won the war.
For example, would the Nazis have fired James Damore for promoting the
concept that that
men and women have different mental characteristics? Would their
text-to-image software censor as many images as it is doing today?
Would the Nazis censor or
arrest people for Holocaust Denial or Climate Change denial?
We want freedom for ourselves, not other people
The people who boast about
opposing censorship are hypocrites
want freedom
for themselves, but want to restrict everybody else's freedom. It
is dangerous to put people like that into leadership positions because
they will impose their particular ideas of censorship while boasting
that they oppose
Should we censor the Holocaust?
The most extreme example of
hypocrisy comes from the Jews who insult the Nazis for censorship, but
who want to censor discussions and investigations of historical events
such as the Holocaust and Anne Frank's diary. And the Jews who want to
arrest people for such investigations are even more hypocritical.