By comparison, the
non-military organizations tend to let their members create job titles.
The reason we want to create our job titles is because we, especially
men, have strong cravings for status. We want job titles that make us
feel as if we are high in the social hierarchy. This causes us to
create job titles that are
titillating rather than a
of the job.
For example, a lot of men
the title of "engineer", so they have created a variety of
"engineering" jobs, such as sanitation engineer, sales engineer,
software engineer, and chemical engineer. This is analogous to the
military allowing their members to call themselves Sanitation Colonels,
Maintenance Colonels, and Kitchen Colonels.
There are even more people who want to have the title of "
doctor". Millions of people describe
themselves as a "Doctor" simply because they some type of school
diploma, such as a Doctor of
a Doctor of
a Doctor of
Doctor, or a Doctor of
Furthermore, the title of Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD), doesn't tell us
anything about the person's education. He might have an education in
something idiotic, such as Freudian psychology.
There are so many people using the title of "Doctor" and "PhD" for
different purposes that it impossible for us to know what the "doctor"
in "
Ruth" means.
of British office workers showed that 70% of them said they
would rather have a more impressive job title than an increase in their
salary. The reason for this is that the social
animals, especially the males, have an intense craving for
We have
cravings to
be important and admired, but letting people create impressive titles
for themselves makes the job titles confusing. Furthermore, it
deception because
those job titles are analogous to the false fronts of buildings. We
could also describe it as putting
lipstick on a
We would create a more pleasant and sensible social environment if
children were taught to do something impressive in order to increase
their status, rather than try to impress people with false images,
lies, cosmetics, and job titles.

A retard is
just as retarded
with a superhero T-shirt.
Giving a person an impressive job title is as
absurd as giving
T-shirts with superhero logos to retarded people, as in the
the right.
Men have such strong cravings for status that a superhero
T-shirt can
fool a mentally defective man into believing that he is important and
admired, but that deception is
beneficial to the defective man, or to
Some people justify fooling idiots and retards into believing that they
are special, good-looking, and intelligent by pointing out that it
increases their self-esteem and makes them feel better, but we don't
know enough about the human mind to know whether that deception is
truly beneficial. It is possible that the deception is
detrimental by encouraging their
and by encouraging deception among the "normal" people.
What is the difference between "self-esteem" and "arrogance"?
We don't know, so we should have the
attitude of a scientist or engineer who is experimenting with unknown
rather than assume that we know what we are doing. Specifically, when
we do something to improve a person's self-esteem, we should
periodically analyze the person afterwards to determine whether we have
truly improved his attitude, or whether we have encouraged his
Superhero T-shirts and impressive job titles are a form of
because we use them to
titillate our emotions, or to impress or intimidate other people by
Unfortunately, pornography does
not provide
us with a better life. For example,
pornography allows us to
titillate our emotions, but that does
not improve
our life.
If sexual pornography improved our lives, all of us would
have discovered that when we were
teenagers, and all of us would have continued stimulating ourselves
with sexual pornography from that point onward.
Although there are some men who routinely stimulate themselves with
sexual pornography, it is
not because
the pornography is improving
their life. Rather, they are doing it because they are suffering from
something, and they are using the pornography to bring some momentary
into their miserable lives.
Giving us an impressive job title or a
superhero T-shirt allows us to titillate our craving for status,
thereby bringing us some
momentary pleasure, and it can fool other people into admiring or
praising us, and we are titillated when people admire us or praise us.
However, that type of
improve our life.
This concept applies to
that titillates us. For example,
titillates us, but eating more of it will
not improve
our lives. An even more important concept that modern humans must
understand is that after we have done a lot of
work, we are
titillated by being able to
rest, and that
can fool us into believing that if we could rest all the time and never
have to work, we would have the best life of all. This results in
millions of people struggling, and sometimes committing crimes, in
order to become so wealthy that they can quit their job and be pampered
by other people.
Animals spend their entire
lives trying to satisfy their emotional cravings, and in the process,
they find food, reproduce, and raise babies. However, humans have the
intelligence and technology to
the purpose of our
emotions and stimulate ourselves in an artificial manner, and
to an excessive extent. For example:
The purpose of our sexual emotion
is to make us reproduce, but
we have the technology and
intelligence to create sexual pornography and sex robots, thereby
allowing us to
titillate our sexual emotions artificially and excessively.
The men who titillate themselves with sexual pornography are not improving
their lives. Rather, they are wasting
a portion of their life, and the pornography can give them unrealistic
expectations of women and marriage, which can interfere with their
relationships and life.
Modern women titillate themselves by using technology to make
themselves more beautiful, but that inadvertently stimulates men to an
excess, which makes our relationships worse.
The reason men have
a strong craving for status is
to make us compete for leadership and women, but we can artificially
stimulate that craving, and to an excessive extent, with status
job titles, and plastic trophies.
The reason we feel hunger is to make us find food, and
the reason we have the ability to taste and smell food is to make us
eat the foods that are appropriate for us. However, we can now use
technology to create artificial foods that are more titillating than
natural foods, such as by adding enormous amounts of sugar, sodium
nitrite, and MSG. Those extremely stimulating, artificial foods could
be described as “food pornography”.
Stimulating ourselves with pornography can bring us
some momentary pleasure, but it can also ruin
lives by giving us unrealistic attitudes and goals, and cause us to
waste a portion of
our very short lives. The food pornography can ruin our health if we
don't design the foods to be healthy, and if we cannot refrain from
eating excessive amounts.
Masturbation could be described as a form
of "
cheating" because it allows
us to titillate our emotions without doing the work that the emotions
were designed to make us do.