Animals like to practice fighting
When animals are young,
they practice fighting with each other. We refer to it as "playing",
but they are not
entertaining themselves. They are preparing
themselves physically and mentally for when they become
adults and must fight
predators and neighbors.
Animals have intense desires to win their competitions
Animals are in a deadly
competition for life, and the males also have
to compete for
Therefore, animals do not want to
lose their battles. They put a tremendous
into winning.
Our activities evolved to fit
our monkey emotions
Our leisure activities did not develop
from people who got together to study the issue, and use their intellect to experiment with
activities that were sensible, safe, or beneficial. Instead, our
leisure activities evolved to satisfy our crude
emotional cravings to fight,
and our even more powerful craving to win.
This results in recreational activities that put such a tremendous
on winning that thousands of
people are
suffering from permanently
brains, joints, and other body parts.
The craving to win, and the lack of concern about the safety of a
recreational event, also results in a lot of minor injuries. For
example, 3.6 million Americans were treated
in the emergency departments during 2022 for injuries related to
leisure activities, which is a significant burden on the healthcare
Many people realize that boxing
can cause brain damage, but
most people are still ignorant about the dangers of other activities.
For example, cheerleading is a major source of brain damage for teenage
girls, and riding horses is a major source of brain damage for adults.
Bicycles and skateboards are causing a lot of brain damage for
We must suppress our craving
to fight

events should be beneficial,
not a fight.
It was beneficial for prehistoric children to bully the inferior
to such an extent that they died because a prehistoric tribe was more
successful when they were not burdened by cowardly, weak, or sickly
members. It was also beneficial for prehistoric children to practice
fighting with each
Today, however, there is no benefit to that behavior. Instead, it
results in recreational activities, bullying, and initiation rituals
that cause medical injuries that put a burden on the healthcare
system, and the people who are permanently disabled become a burden on
Prehistoric humans had to be prepared for deadly fights, but
modern humans will have a better life if we push ourselves into
developing a culture that encourages us to compete with one another for
purposes, rather than to hurt
one another. We should treat our competitors as our friends.
We must suppress our craving
to win
We evolved an intense
desire to win our battles, so
we become very upset when we lose, but modern humans are rarely in a
life or death battle. There is no benefit to winning a recreational
event, so it is idiotic for us to put emphasis on winning, or to feel
bad when we lose.
recreational events will be more enjoyable and beneficial when we
eliminate the emphasis on winning, and design
them to encourage exercise, socializing, enjoying nature, or learning
something about ourselves, other people, or the universe.
It is especially idiotic for us to become so obsessed with winning a
recreational event that we cheat
in order to win, or push ourselves to
such an extreme that we hurt ourselves.
A person who cheats in order to win a recreational event is doing
something that has no benefit
to him or anybody else. It is as idiotic as a person who had a knee
replacement cheating on his physical therapy, or a fat person who
cheats on his diet. We should regard those people as mentally inferior
to the rest of us.
We have strong cravings for status, but we don't benefit by
collecting trophies for winning recreational events. It is also
detrimental to treat the winners as superior and the losers as inferior
because that encourages the arrogance of the winners, and envy,
pouting, or anger among the losers. We should design our recreational
events so that everybody benefits, and we don't waste our labor or
resources on worthless items, such as trophies.
Why do we have food
eating contests?
Animals are in such a
deadly battle for food that they tend to eat as quickly as possible
when they find food. Humans inherited that craving, although it is only
when we are hungry.
The more hungry we are, the stronger our craving is to grab at the food
and eat it quickly. This emotion might be the reason that we developed
food eating
The emotional craving to eat quickly is detrimental today, and the
recreational activity of competitive eating has no benefit. Instead, it
has the disadvantage of wasting food, and it has resulted in a few
deaths, and it might cause some health problems.
There is no benefit to destroying
our mind or body
Some people are so
concerned about winning
competitions that they are willing to take the risk of suffering from
brain damage, joint problems, or other permanent physical disabilities
by taking drugs, or pushing themselves to extremes,
but there is no benefit to
taking those risks.
It is sensible for us to risk
our life when we are being attacked by a wolf or a crime network, but
it is idiotic to risk our life
to win a recreational activity. The people who damage themselves during
recreational activities are
making their life worse, and
some of them have to be taken care of, so
they become a burden on society.
Should a person have the freedom or right to damage himself for a
activity? There is no right or wrong answer to that issue, but this
Constitution chooses to put restrictions on how destructive people can
be in order to reduce the burden on the healthcare system.
The People
database has details on everybody's life, including injuries
and health problems, and this will allow the Leisure Minister to
accurately determine
which recreational activities are causing injuries, and
how serious those injuries are. The Leisure Minister is required to
experiment with the activities to reduce the damage, and increase the
satisfaction that we get from them.
If a person insists on risking his health for a recreational activity,
we can let him have that freedom, but we are under no obligation to
provide him with medical services. Therefore, if he suffers injuries,
he must deal with it himself, just as if he were a prehistoric savage
who did something stupid. If he becomes disabled and cannot function
properly at his job, he must be evicted
so that he doesn't become a burden on the rest of us.
The Leisure Ministry must reduce
brain injuries
This constitution considers
a person who deliberately damages somebody
else's brain to be guilty of murder
because when a person suffers brain damage, he is essentially killed,
and a similar, but different, person takes his place.
Understanding this concept can
help us identify the people who have suffered from brain damage as a
result of injuries, strokes, diseases, or genetic disorders. For
example, Arnold Schwarzenegger described his father as
schizophrenic, and as a
violent alcoholic. One of his remarks
"There was the kind father, and
other times when my father would come home drunk at three in the
morning and he would be screaming."
If the Europeans had maintained a database with the details of
everybody's life, we could analyze his father's history and possibly
determine when
he began showing signs of violence, alcoholism, and
mental disorders. We might discover that he was showing signs of mental
problems as a child, which would indicate that he was born with a
defective brain, but we might also discover that he seemed normal until
after he returned from World War II. The reason this possible
because Schwarzenegger said
that his father was involved in the war, and:
"...when he left Leningrad, he was
broken, physically and mentally.
He lived the rest
of his life in pain. Pain from a broken back, pain from the shrapnel..."
Some military personnel and civilians who were involved with wars have
displayed abnormal behavior since World War
I, but until recently nobody considered that
some of it might be due to brain
damage as a result of the firing
of, and explosions of, modern weapons.
By maintaining a database that has details of everybody's lives,
scientists and doctors will be able to get a better idea of when
somebody is suffering from brain injuries or other medical problems,
and the Leisure Ministry will be able to identify the dangerous
Trophies have no value to
human life
The extreme emphasis on
winning competitions is causing people to want trophies, which results
in modern
societies wasting a lot of their labor and resources on the production
and storage of items that have no value to human life. Some people have
so many trophies that they put many of them into storage, where nobody
sees them, which defeats the purpose of having them.
A trophy provides us with some momentary emotional
titillation, but it cannot
improve our lives. The pleasure that we receive from the trophy is not coming
from the trophy. It is the result of feeling important. The trophy is
essentially a sex toy that we use to stimulate ourselves.
We cannot improve our lives by
masturbating more often. Rather, we will improve our lives by providing
ourselves with activities and friendships, and a pleasant social
environment. Instead of setting a goal to gather trophies, our goal
should be to find ways to improve our culture so that we can enjoy our
friends, nature, city, jobs, meals, and leisure activities.
Our friendships and activities are more important than trophies and
material items. This is the reason that people, especially children,
enjoy camping
trips. When we go camping, we re-create the prehistoric social
environment in
which people
lived in close
contact with one another and nature, and did things together.

We evolved to
have intimate
contact with people and nature.
Camping gives
us the
intimacy that we want.
Unfortunately, the human population is so excessive, and we have
destroyed so much of nature, that there are not many pleasant camping
areas, and we are so accustomed to modern homes and beds that camping
is uncomfortable for us.
We assume that our prehistoric ancestors suffered because their lives
were physically difficult, but they were just as well adapted to life
as all of the other wild animals around them. Although most of their
children would have died before becoming adults, the survivors would
have loved life, and considered it to be easy.
Prehistoric life would be extremely difficult and painful for most of
us who are alive today, but that is only because the human gene pool
has degraded significantly during the past few thousand years.
Our modern technology provides us
with physical comfort, such as protection from the weather, and it
provides us with lots of foods and attractive clothing, but the
material items are luxuries,
not necessities.
By putting emphasis on the winning of recreational events and the
gathering of trophies, we encourage people to put their time and effort
into doing things that don't bring us real satisfaction.
It is absurd to practice leisure activities
Every culture puts so much
emphasis on winning leisure activities that most schools in the modern
nations provide children with training
the activities, and promoting the concept that they should win the
activity. However, it is idiotic to
practice a leisure activity. Some reasons are:
Practicing cannot change who wins.
The genetic
differences between us result in a small percentage of the population
having a genetic
advantage over the rest of the population for each particular activity.
Therefore, no matter how much time and effort we put into training,
a certain and
small percentage of people will always be
among the winners, and the
majority of people will always be among the losers. It is
impossible for everybody to
occasionally be a winner.
The only way practicing golf, baseball, or football can help a person
to win the event is if he is the only
person who practices it. However,
when everybody
practices it, everybody becomes better at it, so we
don't change who wins or loses.
This concept also applies to intellectual
activities. For example, when
all students practice math, chemistry, machining, or
carpentry, they all become better at those activities, but it doesn't
change which students are among the best. The students who are
genetically better able to do math or carpentry will continue to be the
best in those particular activities regardless of how much practicing
everybody does.
However, there is a significant difference between practicing baseball
and practicing chemistry. Specifically, when people become better at
baseball, nothing improves in
their life, and they do nothing
to help
society, because baseball is a useless
skill. However, when people become better at chemistry,
carpentry, or
machining, they become more useful and productive to society, which improves life
for everybody.
Winning leisure events is chasing rainbows
When we win a leisure activity, we do
not gain anything
except for some momentary emotional titillation. This is why we are
never satisfied by winning a leisure event. After a few minutes, the
excitement of winning begins
to vanish, and we will feel the need to win another event to
titillate ourselves again.
The people who are repeatedly struggling to win a
leisure activity are behaving like a rat that has an
implanted into a pleasure area of its brain, and is repeatedly pressing
the lever to titillate itself.
The rat is never satisfied,
and neither is a person who
wins leisure activities. No matter how many events he wins, he never
achieves satisfaction. No matter how many trophies he collects, he
struggles for more of them. He can never relax and enjoy his trophies
because we cannot get
satisfaction from trophies.
The rat would titillate itself to the point of exhaustion, and even
death, and likewise, many people push themselves to win leisure events
to such
an extreme that they hurt themselves, waste their money, and sometimes
die or suffer permanent injuries.
The pleasure of leisure activities comes from our enjoyment of
competition, people, and nature, not from
winning, or from the trophy.
We must change
our attitudes towards leisure events. We must
stop putting emphasis on winning and trophies.
People are wasting some of their precious
There are so many people who believe that they must win a leisure
activity that some people have part-time or full-time jobs training
people to become better at football, golf, and bicycle racing. There
are also people training animals to win
competitions, such as dog agility
competitions, and animal beauty
It is sensible to provide people with information on how to participate
in a leisure activity, such as teaching a person how to ride a bicycle
or how to row a kayak,
and it is sensible for a person to practice
using a bicycle and kayak so that he
is less likely to fall off the bicycle or tip over the kayak. However,
there is no value in
practicing to win
a leisure
activity, or training somebody to win. We don't benefit by winning a
leisure activity, and we don't suffer if we lose.
The people who practice a leisure activity, and the people who train
other people to become better, are wasting
a portion of their very
short, precious life. They would have a more satisfying life if they
did something that is more beneficial to themselves and society.
It feels as if we must train for and win a leisure activity because we
inherited the emotional cravings of an animal
to win our competitive
battles. Rather than pursue those cravings, we should help one another
ignore them.
Our nomadic ancestors were not likely to have practiced any
recreational activity, or provided trophies to the winners of
recreational events. However, during the past few centuries, businesses
and individual citizens have created thousands of competitive
activities and trophies. People today need to be aware of these
concepts, and we need to make intelligent decisions about which leisure
activities are truly beneficial, and which of them are sensible to
The Leisure Ministry must design beneficial
We want to do something
during our leisure time, but businesses, religions, democracies, and
mentally disturbed people cannot provide us with sensible
leisure activities. Therefore, the Leisure Ministry is responsible for
designing activities.
We do not know enough about the human mind to figure out what type of
leisure activities are the most appropriate for us, so the Leisure
must have the courage to experiment
with activities, and he must help people overcome their fear of the
unknown to try
new activities, and variations of existing activities.
The Leisure Minister is required to judge the activities
according to what effect they have on people's lives, not according to
what people like or dislike. His goal is to create activities that
encourage beneficial attitudes and behavior, and
cause people to accumulate pleasant memories that they enjoy
reminiscing about when they are elderly. He must terminate or modify
the activities that encourage fights, pouting, medical injuries, or
For example, some young girls enjoy hobby
horse competitions. The Leisure Ministry is required to analyze that
activity and
judgment on whether to allow that activity, alter it, or
prohibit it.
What is the benefit to having girls participate in or practice that
activity? What are
the disadvantages? Do the girls truly enjoy that activity, or are they
attracted to it because horses titillate a woman's sexual emotions? Or
do the girls enjoy having a wooden rod between their legs as they hop
Likewise, what is the benefit to marathon races, ultramarathon
races, and the Barkley
The Leisure Minister must also pass judgment on whether the labor and
resources required
to support an activity are worth the benefits, or whether the activity
should be redesigned to be less burdensome. An example of how we can
reduce the burden of a leisure activity is that by eliminating cleats, we
the damage to grass, and we eliminate the labor and resources necessary
to produce and recycle cleats.
People could have the freedom to
hurt themselves
The existing cultures have
almost no restrictions on how absurd,
dangerous, or
wasteful a leisure activity is. For example, people are allowed to risk
lives in
whitewater rafting, hiking in the deserts during hot weather, climbing
mountains during winter storms, doing flips on bicycles and
motorcycles, and
driving automobiles as fast as possible at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
When those people get hurt during their dangerous activities, every
culture feels sorry for them, and provides them with rescue and medical
services. Those people are often glorified as "thrill seekers", but
many of them might be more accurately described as suffering from a
mental or physical disorder that makes it difficult for them to live an
ordinary life.
The Leisure Minister is required to pass judgment on whether a leisure
activity is truly beneficial, or whether it is attractive
only to people with mental disorders.
The Leisure Minister has the authority to deny activities that he
regards as burdensome to society, excessively dangerous, or of interest
only to people with mental problems.
However, as mentioned earlier in this document, if a person insists on
doing a risky activity, then we could
allow him to do it, but those
people are responsible
for their injuries and
deaths. They must provide themselves and one another with
services they need. They are not our
For example, in 2009 John Jones decided to explore the narrow section
of a cave in Utah, but he got stuck. His brother called for help, and
135 people spent 27 hours trying to rescue him, but he died in the
cave, and they left his body inside. This video has
diagrams to explain what happened.
The Utah government reacted
to his death by using explosives to collapse an interior section of the
cave, and then fill a portion with concrete. That it is as
idiotic as using explosives to remove the top of Mount Everest after
somebody dies on it, and then covering the stub with concrete and guide
rails. Or as idiotic
as using explosives to destroy Niagara Falls after somebody dies while
going over the falls in a barrel.
The US culture has such a strong "Feel Sorry For The Underdog" attitude
that whenever an underdog hurts himself, we react by making
everybody suffer in an attempt to protect the underdogs.
example, when an underdog abuses a medical drug, everybody has to
with prescriptions, and when an underdog hurts his child by letting him
play with plastic bags, businesses have to print " This bag is not a
toy" on their plastic bags.
This constitution promoted a different attitude. Specifically, culture
is designed for the high-quality people (the City Elders), and the
underdogs must suffer
the consequences of their mental
problems. There is no pity for
underdogs. If a person does something that the City Elders realize is
risky, such as climbing into a narrow cave, it is his problem if he
gets stuck. None of us have an
obligation to risk our lives, or waste our time, trying to get
him out of the cave.
The only time that society is obligated to help a person is when our
culture encourages the
activity. For example, every culture encourages
mining, farming, bicycle riding, welding, gardening, and many other
jobs that require
people to use potentially dangerous equipment, or be put in potentially
dangerous situations, so every society has the responsibility to help
those people remain safe and provide them with medical assistance.
If the Leisure Ministry were to authorize an activity in which people
explore a narrow cave, then the Leisure Minister would be responsible
for ensuring that everybody is safe, has rescue services, and has
access to medical assistance. However, when people do unauthorized
activities that are regarded as risky, then they must suffer the
consequences, just as if they were living in a prehistoric era.
For another example of this attitude, the Leisure Ministry must provide
bicycles and bicycle paths, so the city is responsible for ensuring the
equipment and paths are safe, and that
people have access to medical help when needed, but the city is not
responsible for people who use bicycles in unapproved manners, such as
the people who go off the authorized paths, or who ride down
staircases, or
do backflips.
This attitude would be considered cruel in a democracy, but modern
technology allows us to hurt ourselves in a wide variety of manners
that were impossible in prehistoric times. Furthermore, as technology
improves, we have even more options to hurt ourselves. For example,
when the public has access to robots, there will be people who use the
robots in a manner that hurts themselves, other people, material items,
animals, and
other things.
The people who cannot follow the rules of society and take care of
themselves must be prohibited from reproducing so that there are
fewer of them in every generation. They are inferior people, and we
would waste our time and resources trying to rescue them or provide
them with medical services. Those that are extremely irritating should
be evicted or euthanized.
Activities for children should be safe
Democracies and free
enterprise systems allow organizations to arrange
for trips for children that are dangerous, such as camping trips into
the deserts during hot weather. There have already been some deaths as
a result of
this, and a lot of injuries.
One death was made into this episode of
the television series I Shouldn't Be Alive. It shows
three adults taking five teenagers on a camping trip in the Grand
Canyon during the summer, and one of the boys died from
The reason businesses offer risky activities to children is because
they are
competing to attract the attention of the children.
The Leisure Ministry must ensure that the activities
for children are especially safe.
The Leisure Ministry is required to design activities for children
according to what the City Elders regard as the "desirable" children,
not for the
children who are "thrill seekers".