Some strange events may truly be just strange events, but the Jewish
crime network is now so thoroughly exposed, and so despised by so many
millions of people, that we should assume that they are desperately trying
to stage some big operation in order to get total control of us before
we rise up against them.
Don't become one of their dogs!
World War I, World War II, the Korean War,... the Jews fool
the Goyim over and over into having
vicious wars with one another, while the Jews benefit.
Learn the Jewish tricks or you may become a victim!
Here are some excerpts from the Howard Stern show on September 11,
2001. Listen to their attempts to instigate hatred and nuclear war:
Video of his entire show is on youtube here.
Why is that black woman, Robin Quivers, helping the Jewish criminals? |
Are you learning to watch out
for their tricks?
Alex Jones proudly boasts
that “the ADL’s hit piece”
refers to him as a “Conspiracy King”.
When you realize that both the ADL and Alex Jones are covering up Jewish
crimes, you should wonder if this "hit piece" is a trick
to give Jones some publicity and counteract the accusations that he's a
Zionist agent.
When two criminals cover up the same crimes, you have to wonder if they're
working together, even if they criticize one another. |
Wal-Mart customers and eugenics
I played an excerpt from the Alex Jones radio show in which a caller
said that he supports eugenics, and he said that most of the customers
at Wal-Mart are examples of people who should not be allowed to reproduce.
There is no Wal-Mart in my area, so I don't know what he's talking about,
but here is a website that
has photos of Wal-Mart customers. |
We could develop robots for
gardening, surgery, mowing lawns
I'll add some links to explain this later, so check back! |