Popular Mechanics magazine conducted an investigation of the
9-11 attack. Their conclusion was that the Bush administration's explanation
of 9-11 is correct.
Art Bell, on his March 5th, 2005 radio show asked Ben Chertoff of Popular
“What made you, and/or Popular Mechanics, decide to
pursue this madness anyway?”
Chertoff responded that they saw Jimmy Walter's full page
ad in the New York Times for a book called Painful Questions.
Why would a philanthropist spend millions of dollars to sell
else’s book? And why would Popular Mechanics want to discredit
this book?
Perhaps an investigative reporter can help us understand this:
“Painful Questions is far and away the best book about
9/11. The rarely seen high-resolution color photographs put into the hands
of the reader the essential evidence that exposes the lies of the official
version.” -- Christopher Bollyn
For an example of the importance of the photos, consider the woman
(on page 27, and in photos at right) who walked through the fires that
were supposedly hot enough to cause the towers to collapse.
More reasons to be suspicious of the official 9/11 story:
Senator Dayton's accusations
(a 4mb Windows Media Player video) |