Terror Mastermind KSM is
an Imposter - The Confession is Fake
by Christopher Bollyn
16 March 2007
The person who is said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) clearly
does not appear to be the person who masterminded the attacks of 911. It
does not appear that he has ever masterminded anything.
He seems to be an imposter, a feeble-minded "fall guy," who has been
tortured and whose mind has been manipulated in order to make these incredible
It was reported on March 1, 2003, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been
captured during a raid on an apartment in Rawalpindi, the sister city of
the Pakistani capital, Islamabad:
"According to the local media, Khalid was seized while in the house
of one Ahmed Abdul Qudoos, who, it turns out, is a mentally feeble person
- he is also being held in custody as an al-Qaeda member - and as such
receives a regular stipend from a United Nations organization,"
- Pakistani journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad, early March 2003. |
Source: atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/EC06Df04.html
This was reported in the Pakistani and Indian press, which carried photos
of the feeble-minded Ahmed Abdul Qudoos. It is also reported near the bottom
of the following page with a photo of the arrested feeble-minded Qudoos.
Note the heavy-set frame, the nearly closed eyes, and the grey sideburn
in front of Qudoos right ear.
Ahmed Abdul Qadus (in handcuffs)
at an anti-terrorist court in Rawalpindi, Pakistan |
Source: tribuneindia.com/2003/20030309/world.htm
The caption to the above photo of Qudoos (also spelled
Ahmed Abdul Qadus (centre) is brought to an anti-terrorist court in
Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on Saturday. Qadus, an activist of the Jamat-e-Islami,
was arrested earlier this month with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, suspected
mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks in the USA. — AP/PTI |
Now compare that person's face with that of the alleged terror mastermind,
KSM (left)
Ahmed Abdul Qadus (right)
Again you will see that the suspect called KSM has the grey sideburns,
heavy frame, and lazy eyes of Qudoos. So, the confessed terror mastermind
is actually Ahmed Abdul Qadus. The real KSM was killed on September 11,
2002, as was reported in the Pakistani press at the time.
Another view of the person who is said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed |
By comparison, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before his arrest showed a sign
of intelligence. |
The first indication that this is not the real KSM, and that we are
talking about two different people is the fact that the person making the
confession in the secret military tribunal in Cuba can barely speak English.
The real KSM, on the other hand, was educated in the United States and
had obtained a degree in mechanical engineering from an American university
in 1986.
The really poor English found in the recent confession does not fit
with a U.S.-educated engineer.
See: news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/15_03_07_mohammed_transcript.pdf
The real KSM was fluent in Arabic, English and Urdu:
See: tribuneindia.com/2003/20030304/main4.htm
The real KSM attended Chowan College, a small Baptist school in Murfreesboro,
North Carolina, for at least one semester in 1983, according to Sarah Ward,
spokesperson for the college.
KSM then transferred to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
University and completed a degree in mechanical engineering in 1986. This
was confirmed by Nettie Rowland of the university office.
The real KSM was a person who had traveled and worked across Asia and
had lived in many foreign countries, from the United States to the Philippines
to Bosnia.
The real KSM would have simply had to have had a much greater command
of the English language than what we see in the 26-page transcript of the
recent confession.
Syed Saleem Shahzad, a senior political correspondent with the Dawn
Group of newspapers in Karachi, Pakistan, reported in October 2002 that
"Khalid Shaikh Mohammed" had been killed in a raid carried out by the FBI
and ISI in Karachi on September 11, 2002:
Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did
indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment
and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose
hands they remain," Shahzad reported on 30 October 2002. |
Initially, the joint ISI-FBI plan was to take Shaikh Mohammed alive
so that he could be grilled, especially as he was believed to have knowledge
of other al-Qaeda cells in Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and elsewhere.
However, as a plain clothed officer climbed the stairs toward the third-floor
apartment, a hand grenade was thrown, and he retreated. Reinforcements
then arrived, and for the next few hours a fierce gun battle blazed.
The FBI, still keen to take Shaikh Mohammed alive, tear gassed the area,
and a number of people were captured. However, despite instructions to
the contrary, a few Pakistan Rangers entered the flat, where they found
Shaikh Mohammed and another man, allegedly with their hands up. The Rangers
nevertheless opened fire on the pair.
Later, the Pakistani press carried pictures of a message scrawled in
blood on the wall of the flat, proclaiming the Muslim refrain of Kalma,
in Arabic: "There is no God except Allah, Mohammed is his messenger").
An official who was present in the flat at the time of the shooting has
told Asia Times Online that the message was written by Shaikh Mohammed
with his own blood as his life drained from him. |
Source: atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/DJ30Df01.html
On March 6, 2003, Shahzad wrote again about the mystery surrounding
whether KSM was alive or dead in an article entitled "Khalid: A test for
US credibility."
The following is a reconstruction of events that were widely reported
in the Pakistani print and electronic media, and information gathered from
intelligence sources.
The building stands alone, with no access to the ones next door. Initially,
a few plain clothed officials (including a major of the ISI and a civilian
inspector) entered the building and urged the people inside to evacuate.
A grenade was then thrown, which injured the major and the inspector, forcing
them to retreat.
Fresh troops then entered the building, and a fierce gun battle broke
out. At this point, according to an eyewitness, a car carrying a few "white
people" was seen speeding away from the scene. Tear gas was then fired
into the building, and the shooting subsided.
Pakistan Rangers along with many plain clothed officials and police
surged into the building and fired at two men in one of the flats, who
were standing with their hands up. One of these turned out to be Ramzi
Binalshibh, who had wanted to join the 19 hijackers for the attacks on
the US but who had been unable to get a US visa. He was taken into custody.
Nine other suspected terrorists were captured, and two were killed.
A woman FBI official examined the bodies, and, as reported by an ISI official,
suddenly exclaimed, "You have killed Khalid Shaikh Mohammad." The woman
then instructed that a finger be cut off the body, which she took away,
presumably for a DNA test.
Khalid's wife and child were taken away to an ISI safe house in the
vicinity where they were interrogated by the FBI, and it is said that the
woman identified one of the bodies as Khalid. Several weeks after this
incident, the then interior minister, Moinuddin Haider, stated in the country's
largest Urdu-language newspaper that Khalid's widow had been handed over
to Egyptian authorities.
Apparently, neither of the bodies was buried, a departure from usual
custom, and they were kept in a private mortuary operated by the Edhi Home,
a charity organization. After several weeks, some women, said to be widows
and mothers of those killed in Kashmir and Afghanistan, launched a protest
in front of the mortuary for the bodies to be handed over.
Again, according to Pakistan print media reports, these protest turned
into big demonstrations which forced the authorities to issue a statement
that the bodies had been buried in a local, unidentified, graveyard.
ISI officials close to the case at this time were convinced, as were
the FBI, that Khalid had been killed. But they chose not to disclose the
death as they wanted other al-Qaeda members to attempt to remain in contact
with him through the recovered satellite telephones, mobile phones and
laptop computers. |
Is Ahmed Abdul Qudoos being used as the imposter for the dead KSM? Is
this all a big deception to use a feeble-minded person as the scapegoat
for all of the false flag terror attacks of the past 14 years? If it is,
and it certainly appears to be, it is about as low as a government can
possibly go.
Unless the person who is claiming to be the terror mastermind of 911
is brought to the United States and put on trial in which all the evidence
is presented, there is nothing to convince us that there is any truth in
these incredible claims coming from a super-secret tribunal held behind
the closed doors of Camp Delta in Quantanamo, Cuba.
William Doyle, who lost his son on 9/11, heads a relatives' group called
the Coalition of 9/11 Families. Asked about the recent confession to the
super-secret military tribunal in Cuba, Doyle said it was "sickening."
"This is a complete new low," Doyle said. "The administration is using
him as a fall guy for the continuing cover-up of the U.S. government."
"He should be brought to the United States to face trial," Doyle said.
"He is not the only one involved."
"Who financed him?" Doyle asked. Doyle noted that the government has
classified 28 pages from the bi-partisan investigation into 9/11 from 2002.
"The administration has information about where he got the money," Doyle
said. "Our government knows. Why aren't these people being questioned?"
"At least there was a trial in Germany where all the evidence was presented,"
he said, referring to the Hamburg trial of terror suspect Mounir el Motassadeq.
This Ahmed Abdul Qadus is the person who is being presented to the world
as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. This is an imposter and the confession is a
fraud - and the military and government know it.
For more info:
When and Where was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured -
or Killed?
Bollyn-Ahmed-Abdul-Qadus-arrest.html |