do you know where the Bollyn family is?
![]() He also told me that his wife's blood pressure is dropping, but he did not answer the question as to what is wrong with her. Torture? Why wouldn't they ask for our help? How can they be doing fine if they are under terrible stress and sick? Can you see a contradiction here?
Can you understand why we worry? Their strange behavior makes sense only if they are prisoners. In such a case, the Zionists would want to convince us that the Bollyn family is fine and that we should forget about them. They would also threaten Christopher to make a brief phone call to me in a desperate attempt to convince us that they are fine. Then, if they can succeed in causing us to forget about the Bollyn family, the Zionists could kill the family. This would also explain why so many other people in this "truth movement"
are trying to attract our attention to exciting exposés of Zionism,
or Ed Brown's exciting fight with the
IRS over taxes.
That site has an image of the Statue of Liberty to make them appear to be patriotic Americans, and it identifies some of the Jews in control of the media, but take a close look at their articles and who they link to. For example, they promote the theory that the bridge in Minnesota collapsed because of Mexicans, blacks, and other minorities! The article has such stupid reasoning as: "The federal and state governments throughout the US are obsessed with diversity."
Bollyn has been doing original research for years. Does that look like one of his investigative articles? Or does that look like somebody wrote it for him, or that he is a prisoner who was ordered to write it? Follow the rats, such as Mike Rivero, and you can identify the network. You can use the deceptive websites to get an idea of who to trust. The deceptive sites might occasionally promote an honest person, but don't let that fool you. We cannot forget about the Bollyn family.
If we allow the Zionists to get away with kidnapping and murdering the
family, we will be showing the Zionists that Harold Rosenthal is correct,
and that they can safely go after
the rest of
us, also. How many of your
names are already on one of their lists of people who need to be dealt
with? Take this situation seriously.
Release the Bollyn family! Give it up! Zionism is a lost cause. Look at what has been happening over the past few years. The Internet is allowing us to expose Zionism, and there is nothing they can do to stop it. The problem we face is that the more intelligent Zionists will abandon the movement, and that will leave the more insane and stupid Zionists in control, and that could result in more crazy stunts, such as the kidnapping of more of us.
They are also fighting with each other. For example, Jim Hoffman's girlfriend,
Victoria Ashley, exposes some of the Zionists:
Somebody has to get blamed, so who will it be? Will it be Jim Hoffman
and his group? Will it be Alex Jones and his group? Will it be Rahm Emanuel
or Mike Chertoff?
David Shayler is an ex-MI5 agent, and he is referred to as a "whistleblower", but as I've pointed out before, we are fools to believe that there is such a thing as an ex-secret agent. He gets lots of favorable publicity, such as this on British TV and this in the UK news. However, since our media is controlled by Zionist Jews, any "whistleblower" who gets favorable publicity should be considered as one of their agents who will never do any "whistleblowing" on Jewish crimes. Daryl Smith used to promote Shayler, and Smith tried to convince me to trust Shayler, Michel Chossudovsky, Karen Kwiatkowski, and others who have since proven themselves to be a Zionist agents. Update July 2009: Shayler has become
a transvestite
squatter named Delores!
Notice that Tarpley misspells "Hufschmid". This is very common among Zionist agents as a way of reducing the chance of people successfully using Google to search on my name.
William Rodriguez became homeless after the World Trade Center was destroyed
because he spent his money trying to help the victims. The Zionists are
now using this "stray", homeless man as bait
to lure Gullible Goyim to deceptive websites and deceptive 9/11 meetings
all over the world:
It would help people understand what is going on if the Zionists would put a giant fishing hook into Rodriguez's nose. By the way, Shayler's website (daveshayler.com)
is registered to and hosted
by the Alex Jones group:
The name of person it is registered to is Dwayne Coots:
Learn about wolves in sheep's clothing
We leave you with this brief excerpt of Alex Jones complaining about
the "New World Order":