antiwar.com, and other deceptive groups Follow the rats to identify more of them This material was extracted from:
A Canadian version of the American Free Press Take a look at the writers for the Canada Free
He pretends to be a patriotic American. However,he constantly puts out
frightening messages that we are about to be attacked by terrorists. Some
of the writers are listed here:
Lee Kaplan writes for the Canada Free Press, and he also writes for Hagmann's homelandsecurity.com, as well as Frontpagemag.com. Kaplan is the founder of DAFKA, a Zionist organization whose main target is colleges. Doug Hagmann also works with Steve Quayle
to provide us with frightening stories of upcoming terrorist attacks:
Steve Quayle also provides idiotic
deception, such as giant species of humans up to 36 feet tall:
Steve Quayle should remind you of Jeff Rense, who also mixes
some serious information with lots of nonsense.
Steve Quayle and Alex Jones Update: On September 23, 2008, Alex
Jones interviewed Steve Quayle, and the two of them put out propaganda
as idiotic as what we get from Jeff
Rense, and the coast-to-coast radio show with Art Bell. Here is an excerpt
of the show:
alexjonespodcasts.com/September2008/ Steve Quayle claims that we have bases throughout the planets, especially on Mars, and we have teleportation devices that allow us to walk through a "gateway into dimensions". Alex Jones was surprised that these exist; he thought the military was only working on teleportation of weapons.
Notice that after Quayle makes those idiotic remarks, Alex Jones tries
to improve Quayle's credibility by claiming that he interviews only respectable
people. Jones says:
Then Jones makes the idiotic remark that the Special Forces in the US
military have the amazing ability to kill goats
with their minds.
I have an entire page on Alex Jones and his attempts to
confuse and deceive us, and his tricks to protect Israel and the Zionist
The idea that Alex Jones and these other people can get control of the world with such idiotic propaganda is truly shocking. The majority of people should be ashamed of themselves for not being able to see that the political candidates are Zionist puppets; that the news is actually Zionist propaganda; and that our schools are lying to students about 9/11, the Apollo moon landing, the Holocaust, and lots of other crimes.
antiwar.com ... another pro-Zionist group! By following the people within these Zionist groups, you can identify
more Zionist groups, and that leads you to more Zionists. Another example
of Zionist propaganda groups is antiwar.com
This site was created by Eric Garris and Justin Raimondo in 1995. Take a look at those two people. Wikipedia provides a Zionist view of them:
Follow them to lead you to more Zionist groups and agents. Take a look
at LewRockwell.com:
And the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Justin Raimondo spoke at a meeting in June 2007 where all sorts of suspicious
people were speaking:
Morgan Reynolds and Paul Craig Roberts are two of the people in the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Morgan Reynolds has been pushing the "blue screen theory", and Paul Craig Roberts routinely tries to imply that President Bush is responsible for all the world's problems. Trying to follow all of the associations quickly becomes overwhelming for a single individual. However, you should be able to realize that you can identify nests of criminals in this manner. There are lots of people writing articles for these three sites: • antiwar.com
All of these sites are deceptive.
They appear to be against the war, or for some noble cause, but they actually
post articles that keep you ignorant about Zionism. They also deflect blame
for the world's problems to George Bush, Neocons, Globalists, and Illuminati.
You can use this techniques with almost anybody. Take a look at the people who write for WorldNetDaily, or look at the guests who get favorable treatment by Coast-To-Coast radio, or the hosts and guests on the Air America radio show. Follow the connections between all of these people and you can identify
nests of criminals.
Be careful who you follow
Have you seen Rense.com? Occasionally you will find an article by Christopher Bollyn posted on that site. I assumed that Bollyn posted those articles, so one day I decided to ask Bollyn why he posts on Rense. Bollyn told me that he has never posted anything on that site. If fact, he did not even know his articles were on that site. Look at all the Bollyn articles at Rense:
If Rense is part of the criminal network, why would they post so many of Bollyn's articles? Posting these articles serves several purposes: • The regular readers of Rense will find lots of articles from lots of people. They will assume that Rense provides them with everything they need so that they don't have to bother looking at any other site.The Rense site certainly does provide some information about the world, but most of what the material is deception. Ideally, people would avoid that site, and all sites that support Rense. We could drive these criminals out of business without a single shot
being fired. All we have to do is stop supporting
them! Don't go to their web sites, don't buy their videos, don't
subscribe to their newspapers or magazines, and don't go to their Hollywood
The criminal network is not an amoebae Many people seem to think that the criminal network is a highly unified group of people that blindly follow one leader. Many people find it difficult to understand why there appears to be a difference between George Soros, Al Franken, Joe Lieberman, and Paul Wolfowitz. Look at the crime gangs of the early 20th century. Criminals within a gang do not have the exact same opinions. Furthermore, they frequently fight with one another for control of the group. They sometimes turn one another into the police, and sometimes they kill one another. Do you really think the criminal network that did 9/11 is much better behaved than the gangs of Al Capone's era? There is a very good chance that some of the members of the 9/11 gang will turn one another in to the police, kill one another, and double-cross one another, The criminal network that did 9/11 certainly has at least thousands of members, and probably thousands more when you count all their blackmailed Useful Idiots. We should assume that some of the members will double-cross each other, fight for control of the group, and even kill each other. So don't be confused when you find one group of them, such as the people at antiwar.com, criticizing some other group, such as WorldNetDaily. Some of these fights may be staged, but some of them may be real fights among the criminals as they fight each other for control of the horde of stupid sheeple. |