Alex Jones
An honest investigator of crimes?
Or a criminal trying to confuse
us and protect his network? |
Alex Jones is typical of investigators in this 9/11 truth movement.
Specifically, he has been exposing 9/11 and other crimes for many years.
He is an experienced investigator.
This page has some audio and video excerpts of Alex Jones to help you
understand that he is trying to shift the blame away
from Zionists and onto other people, mainly Americans, but also
some British and Chinese. Most of the people in the "truth movement" are
doing exactly as he does, so try to understand
this technique so that you are not fooled by it.
For a recent example, on 21 September 2007, Alex Jones tries to convince
us that the Zionists are actually subservient to other people, such as
the Queen of England:
only 540 kbytes
On 30 August 2007, he gives an emotional rant about how he is tired
of these criminals ruling over us, but listen to who the criminals are:
only 540 kbytes
Update January 12, 2010:
Millions of people now realize that
they have been lied to about 9/11,
and that politicians are puppets, so
Jones, on his radio show for January 12, 2010, tries to convince his audience
that people are starting to discover that the bankers
are the "Globalists", and are controlling the political puppets. |
290 kb
Can you see the trick? He is trying to tell
you what to think. And he's trying to convince you that it is
the bankers that we need to investigate
and arrest. If people are fooled by this trick, then a small
group of bankers will be arrested, and possibly millions
of other criminals will get away. The only way to protect ourselves
is to investigate everybody! Don't
believe somebody when he tells you that he knows who the criminals are! |
In 2008 everybody is under pressure
to talk about Israel's involvement in 9/11
Millions of people around the world now know that Israel played
a role in 9/11, and so the pressure is on Alex Jones to explain Israel's
involvement. Here is one audio file with several excerpts from his radio
show on 18 January 2008:
only 470 kbytes
is talking with Paul Craig Roberts,
another liar who protects Israel and Zionism. Roberts implies that only
a tiny group within Israel wanted the war with Iraq. Jones talks about
interlocking collusions, Straussian groups, splits between the elites,
soft-power Fabian elites, and other nonsense to trick us into believing
that Israel is a victim of a small group of evil people.
Then on 27 January 2008 somebody called in to the Alex Jones show to
complain that Israel was involved in 9/11, after Alex went on a rant to
defend Israel:
only 460 kbytes
He talks a lot, but what do you actually learn from him? His technique
is to mix confusion with remarks that make Israel look innocent.
Jones explains the attack on
the USS Liberty
One of his recent videos that try to make us fearful of the
police and military, Terror Storm, explains who was behind
the attack on the USS Liberty and other crimes.
Please listen to this audio excerpt in which he summarizes the attack
on the USS Liberty in 1967:
"In a nutshell, this is what happened. President Johnson had personal
control over the ship, parked it in the Mediterranean, made a backroom
deal with Israel to attack it, with an order to kill all aboard. Then the
attack on the ship was to be blamed on Egypt, the US would enter the war,
and take over the entire Middle East."
only 54 kbytes |
You can watch his entire video for free at Google
Consider what Alex Jones is telling us:
1) President Johnson had personal control
over a Navy ship.
Why would the US military give Johnson "personal control" over
one of their ships? Does any president have personal control over any Navy
ship, Air Force plane, or army tank?
2) Johnson made a backroom deal with Israel
to attack the ship and kill everybody on board.
Unfortunately, Jones does not provide any evidence that there
was a "backroom deal". He does not provide any documents, nor does he explain
how President Johnson convinced the Israeli government and Israeli military
to commit such an incredible crime against their best friend.
The absurdity of his accusation should become more apparent if you imagine
yourself in Israel's position. Imagine yourself getting a call from the
leader of a nation you regard as a friend, such as New Zealand. The New
Zealand president asks you to get your friends together, go over to one
of their military bases, and kill all the New Zealand soldiers on the base.
New Zealand will then blame the attack on Bolivia, and then take over all
of South America.
Would you and your friends commit such a crime? Wouldn't you be wondering,
"Why should I and my friends risk such a disgusting crime for the President
of New Zealand?"
Alex Jones expects us to believe that the Israel government and military
are submissive and innocent victims of the selfish, murderous, and cruel
American government officials. Alex Jones wants us to feel sorry for the
Those of you who trust Alex Jones might want to take a moment to shed
some tears for the innocent Zionists.
Some people claim that President Johnson's support for the Vietnam War
is evidence that he wanted war, but the evidence suggests that Johnson
was just another criminal who was promoted to president because he would
gladly follow orders from his Zionist masters.
Furthermore, the evidence suggests that it was Zionists who wanted
the Vietnam War, not "the Pentagon". Kay Griggs says that the Vietnam War
was pushed on America by such Jews as Henry Kissinger and Walt
Whitman Rostow. Please listen to the free excerpts of her interview:
American government officials and our media are under the control of
Zionists, not the other way around.
3) The US would take over the entire
Middle East.
Alex Jones says that the purpose for attacking the USS Liberty
was to allow the USA to take over the entire Middle
East. America was fighting the Vietnam War at the time, so starting a war
in the Middle East would mean the USA would have to fight two
very big wars.
However, Alex Jones has no evidence that President Johnson had plans
to start a second war and take over the entire Middle East.
What was President Johnson going to do with the Middle East after he
took control? Was the Middle East going to become America's 51st state?
If President Johnson was truly interested in conquering other nations,
why would he pick the Middle East rather than Canada or Mexico? Why wouldn't
he take South America? Why not Europe?
How much proof do you need?
In June 2006 there was a 9/11 event in Chicago, and Alex Jones
once again explained that Israel is innocent in the attack on the USS liberty:
Jones at
the Chicago 9-11 event, June 2006 (wmv video, 3.4 mb)
Alex Jones works with the John
Birch Society?!
In April 2006 Jones interviewed John McManus, the president
of the John Birch Society. Jones told
"I want to work with you guys, to see you grow."
McManus replied that he was:
"looking forward to seeing the relationship continue".
What relationship? Why would Jones be working with the John Birch Society?
Jones avoids articles from Hufschmid and Bollyn, but he promotes articles
from the John Birch Society, such as this silly article about the 4th of
The John Birch Society is lying
about the September 11 attack, and other Jewish crimes. It may have been
an honest organization when it was founded, but it is definitely controlled
by Zionists today.
The John Birch Society doesn't blame Israel or Zionists for anything,
which is why David Eisenberg joined
and was promoted to the JBS Council:
“My name is David Eisenberg, and I certify that the John Birch Society
is good for Jews!” |
Bob Dacy, an Alex Jones associate, admits to being part of
the John Birch Society:
Since, Bob Dacy -- a close associate
of Jones -- is part of the JBS, we should assume Alex Jones is, also. The
JBS appears to be another of the many Israeli/Zionist organizations designed
to control, manipulate, and confuse us. Everybody who works with or promotes
Alex Jones, Bob Dacy, or the JBS should be regarded as an enemy.
Alex Jones is married to a Jew
The fact that his wife is Jewish doesn't prove that he is a criminal,
but it provides a possible explanation for why
he is protecting Jewish crimes. Specifically, he may not be bribed, or
blackmailed, or afraid of Jews. Rather, he and his wife may be members
of the Jewish crime network.
An anonymous person looked into his wife's family and sent me
information about her. Note that Jones admitted:
"yeah, my wife was their attack dog, heh, heh..." |
Can you see that Jones manipulates
phone calls?
The television and radio talk shows and news programs are regularly
interviewing people, and they create the impression that they will interview
virtually anybody with something important to say, and that they interview
them in a fair and impartial manner. However, they interview only certain
people, and they manipulate the people who try to say something that they
don't want us to hear. It's important that you understand this trick so
that they don't manipulate you.
For example, listen to Alex Jones cut off a man who asked why Jay Walder,
who might have connections to the London 7-7 bombing, was hired by New
York city officials - and for a salary
of $350,000!:
160 kb
Alex Jones tried to frighten
people with Y2K
Remember Y2K? That was
the day when airplanes would fall out of the sky; electric power would
stop; and nuclear war would start.
In January 2000, Bill Cooper pointed out on his radio show that Alex
Jones was a "fear monger" pushing this Y2K nonsense. Listen to Alex
Jones try to create hysteria for Y2K:
7.1 mb
Cooper predicts false flag op
blamed on bin Laden
On June 28, 2001 Bill Cooper said that he expected some gigantic
false flag attack to be blamed on Osama Bin Laden.
Alex Jones claims to be the first person who expected an attack by Osama,
but Alex made his prediction after
Bill Cooper. Alex Jones may have been trying to divert attention away from
Bill Cooper:
If that video is removed again, here is the audio excerpt
of Cooper (there is nothing to see because it is from a radio show):
only 420 kb
“Follow me, not Bill Cooper!
And buy my DVD, Terror Storm!”
Bill Cooper was originally promoting propaganda, such as UFOs,
and later he came to the conclusion that he was a useful
idiot who was being lied to, and that may be why Bill Cooper
was killed by the Arizona police in November 2001:
By the way, a man named Troy
made a video parody of Alex Jones based on a show Alex did on 10 Dec 2007.
Troy calls a lot of radio shows to cause trouble, so you cannot trust him,
but you might enjoy his accurate imitation of Jones. He posted his video
on youtube, but he later removed it, so until I find another copy, here
are two short excerpts:
• Troy-1.wmv
2 mb
• Troy-2.wmv
1 mb
Jones is a Zionist Denier
There is a definite and obvious pattern with Alex Jones. He
is constantly shifting blame away from Israel, Zionists, and Jews, and
onto the Goyim or onto mysterious entities, such as "The New World Order".
How could such an experienced investigator as Alex Jones possibly be
oblivious to the role of Zionism in world corruption? How could he possibly
believe that all of the world's problems are coming from goyim?
There is only one explanation for Alex Jones and his Zionist Denial:
he is a Zionist, and his organization in Austin, Texas is a Zionist
terrorist cell.
Israel is innocent?
Jones has been studying crime and corruption for so many years,
so he should have a better understanding of the role of Zionism than any
of us.
However, Jones does not believe that Zionists have much of an influence
on America. For example, listen to Alex Jones on 4 April 2006 as he responds
to a caller who asked about this
report that claims Israel is influencing American foreign policy:
only 159 kbytes
He starts to answer the question, and then abruptly shifts the blame
for the world's problems to other groups, such as the Chinese:
"sir, listen, the Communist Chinese
have most our major ports..."
and the King of Spain:
"...our highways are being taken over
by the king of Spain..."
He then asks his guest, David Ray Griffin, who wrote The New Pearl Harbor,
for his comments, but David Ray Griffin will not talk about Zionism, either.
In fact, nobody that goes on the Alex
Jones radio show will seriously talk about Zionism. Coincidence? No!
Jones has a radio show on the Genesis Communications Network. If you
have access to their archives, listen to the 2nd and 3rd hours of the Friday,
February 9, 2006 show during which he interviews Robert Gaylon Ross. There
are several times during that show where he seems to be doing "damage control";
ie, he deflects criticism away from Zionism and Israel.
For example, in this excerpt, Jones tells us that the "Luciferian
Controllers" are responsible for the world's problems:
only 170 kb
Jones brings up the X-raying of 110,000 Sephardic Jewish children, but
he tells us that the US Government paid for the operation. This implies
that the Americans were somehow involved. However, Jones fails to tell
us who in the American government helped to fund it, and why
they helped.
Most likely the funding was coming from Zionists, Crypto Jews, Crypto
Zionists, and/or their puppets within the US government. However, by saying
the US Government funded it, Jones deflects blame away from Zionists and
onto the American government.
Notice that Jones also asks, "Why, why are
they always trying to kill Jews?"
This brings pity to the innocent Jews who are perpetual victims of the
mysterious "they".
Jones says that "they" are always trying to kill Jews, but he
fails to mention that the "they" are the Zionists.
During that interview, Robert Gaylon Ross mentions that there is evidence
that Hitler was an illegitimate child of one of the Rothschilds. This is
very significant because if the Zionists played a large role in helping
Hitler and the Nazi party, as well as the Communist Party, World War I,
World War II, and virtually every other war and disaster of the 20th century,
the Zionists are not the innocent victims they pretend to be.
However, Jones does damage control by changing the issue to the X-raying
of Sephardic children in Israel, and making it appear as if the mysterious
"they" are responsible for the X-raying. He fumbles for words as he tries
to bring pity to Israel:
"Well, I mean, this group openly went and killed a hundred plus thousand..
and.. or radiated, these... these... these... Sephardi. They... every time
we look they're killing Jews. And then I don't understand how we're...
how we could be bad... I mean Barry Chamish is Jewish. He's saying
exactly what... exactly what you're saying..."
MP3 Excerpt
#2 only 170 kb |
Jones said "every time we look they're killing Jews".
Once again Jones refuses to mention that the "they" are the Zionist
It doesn't matter which of his radio shows you listen to; you will find
the same pattern over and over. Specifically, he blames the world's problems
on a mysterious group that he refers to as the "New World Order", a "Germanic
death cult", the "Luciferian Controllers", the "Western Intelligence Agencies",
or the "Elite".
Why does Jones use "Germanic death cult" as one of his expressions?
Why not Jewish death cult? Why not Zionist death cult? How
about "Israeli death cult"? Why do so many of these truth seekers
try to create the image that Germans are evil when all the evidence suggests
that Zionist Jews are the problem?
By never mentioning the names of Zionists (such as Sam Newhouse, Joe
Lieberman, Sumner Redstone, Edgar Bronfman), Jones keeps his listeners
in a state of confusion and fear. How can we defend ourselves from a "Germanic
Death Cult"? How is it possible for the police to arrest the "Luciferian
Alex Jones works closely with Paul Joseph Watson and his brother Steve
Watson, who live in England, both of whom are rumored to be Jewish. (Further
information is still demanded on their background.) Their support of Israel
should be considered a sign that the Watsons are Crypto Zionists.
Considering that Alex Jones works and lives with suspicious people,
is it any wonder that he deflects criticism of Zionism to the "New World
Order"? Perhaps Jones is also a Crypto Jew.
Don't let the name "Jones" fool you; the man credited with founding
the B'nai B'rith was Henry Jones:
entry for B'nai B'rith
Alex Jones now working with Kurt
On 26 September 2007, Alex announced that he hired Kurt
only 330 k bytes
Nimmo created a site for the new video by Jones:
This is more evidence that Nimmo -- and all of the people he associates
with -- are working with the group that Alex Jones works with. It's a gigantic
network of criminals. They are all protecting Israel.
Michel Chossudovsky promotes
Kurt Nimmo
Did you know that professor Michel
Chossudovsky of
promotes Kurt Nimmo? Look at how many of his articles are at Global Research:
Author Kurt Nimmo
Christopher Bollyn has written hundreds of articles, but they selected
only 5 for promotion:
Author Chris Bollyn
My name doesn't appear in their list of authors, but they have Greg
Szymanski, and they have 10 articles by Greg Palast:
Author Greg Palast
Rivera promoted Alex Jones on television
Geraldo Rivera, who some people claim was born with
the name Jerry Rivers, has a Jewish mother, so it's not surprising that
he gave favorable publicity to Alex Jones after the DC Madame committed
By comparison, when Rivera interviewed Jimmy Walter about the 9/11 attack,
he interrupted Walter constantly and tried to make him look like a fool.
You can identify this Jewish crime network by noticing that they all
help one another.
Israel is their base of operation
If you wonder how this Zionist crime network can be so big,
consider that Israel is their base of operations.
They can make lots of diabolical plans in Israel without worrying about
being arrested. They can plan and organize the 9/11 attack, for example,
with no concern that the police are watching them.
They also have the support of foolish Christians and Jews who believe
that God wants them to kill Muslims so that Palestine can become a Jewish