Daryl Bradford Smith
interviews Christopher Bollyn
3 Dec 2006
Jeffrey Feltman has been U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon
since July 2004
There are significant
protests going on in Lebanon because of people such as Feltman.
"Down with Feltman's government!"
was one popular chant |
The Lebanese people don't merely dislike their government, rather, they
realize that their government officials are puppets of the US and Israel.
This is equivalent to millions of Americans protesting in the
street and chanting, "Down with the Zionist's
government", and referring to Bush, Pelosi, Harman, Waxman,
Emanuel, Clinton and other Zionist agents and puppets.
The Zionist propaganda devices (CBS, CNN, BBC, etc) are trying to minimize
the fact that the Lebanese are realizing that their government officials
are puppets.
The Zionists don't want the Americans or Europeans to start wondering
if their leaders are also puppets. Two news articles that mention
the chant about Feltman are this
and this.
Bollyn, Dec
3, 2006 8.9 mb
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For more info:
• |
Bollyn has an article about the Balkanization of Iraq
This map shows the nations today:
The Zionists encourage fights between races, religions, nationalities,
political groups, and even between men and women in order to break down
large nations. Don't become one of their suckers! Remain calm, discuss
issues, and think, don't just react like an animal.
Bollyn's articles are listed here, so check it out:
• |
Bollyn points out that some Iranian Jews are working in the Israeli
government. Are any of the "Muslims" in Iran actually Crypto Jews
who are secretly working with the Israelis to set up and destroy Iran?
Here is President Ahmadinejad's recent letter to the American people:
Will the Iranian president ever come out against the Zionists full force
by exposing 9/11 and other crimes? Is he really trying to stop Zionism?
Are the Crypto Jews within Iran sabotaging his efforts? |