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The Kastron Constitution
18) Sharing the wealth requires high-quality people

  19 May 2024

Animals do not share anything

Animals are generous only with their children

Animals provide food for their children, but they do not share food with other animals. Instead, they grab food away from one another. Animals do not care if another animal is starving to death. Animals are so selfish and stupid that some pet dogs growl at a human who gets near their food, even if the human had provided the food.

Or selfishness inhibits progress

Our selfishness interferes with both technical and social progress. For example, when new technology is developed, such as tractors, lithography, and artificial intelligence software, many people worry that they will lose their job. Instead of appreciating and adapting to the new technology, they try to inhibit it.

Businesses also interfere with technical progress by keeping a lot of technical information a secret. The business can benefit by keeping secrets, but the human race suffers because it forces other companies to waste time and resources developing something that has already been developed.

We benefit the most by working as a team

Ideally, each of us would regard other people as our friends and team members, and we would want to help everybody develop their talents. We all benefit when everybody in the team improves their abilities and behavior.

However, our selfishness is preventing that ideal situation. Instead of trying to help other people, many people, especially those who get into leadership positions, try to suppress, censor, blackmail, or kill their competitors.

In order for us to create a society in which we share resources and work as a team, we must design our culture to dampen our selfish behavior. Therefore, this Constitution requires everybody to get credit for anything beneficial they contribute that is beyond their normal job, even if it is quickly improved upon by somebody else. Nobody should be fearful that somebody else will get credit for their accomplishments.

This constitution also prohibits people from keeping technology a secret. Copyrights and patents are prohibited. Businesses are required to release all of their technology to the public after they have developed it.

Evolution opposes socialism

If socialism was a sensible philosophy, then the social animals would have evolved to share resources. However, the animals that survived the competition for life were those that were so selfish that shared resources only with their children, and did not care if other animals were suffering or dying. That type of selfishness resulted in the inferior animals dying or being less successful at reproduction.

If animals had enough intelligence to create an economic system, they would want a free enterprise system. The only animals that would support socialism would be the defective animals that had trouble feeding themselves, and the parasites, such as fleas and ticks.

As monkeys evolved into humans, they became more able and willing to work in a team and share food with the team, but we continue to ignore people outside of our team, and each of us continues to give our own children higher priority than other people's children.

We refuse to share resources equally. We are still fighting over resources like animals, even though we are now producing such an excess of food and material items that a lot of it is wasted.

Sharing requires dealing with defective people

If animals were to share resources, the genetically inferior animals would be more successful with reproduction, and the result would be that the animals would slowly degrade into retards.

Evolution caused animals to be extremely selfish because that is the only way for stupid creatures to avoid genetic degradation. However, modern humans have enough intelligence and knowledge to improve our genetic characteristics in a more sensible manner than fighting over resources. We have the ability to analyze people and pass judgment on who should reproduce. This will allow us to stop fighting over resources and share them, but it requires a lot of self-control because it requires us to follow culture that is emotionally unpleasant.

Animals evolved a desire to live as long as possible, and reproduce as much as possible. Animals have no concern about the quality of their own life, or that of their children or other creatures. They also have no concern for how they affect the lives of other creatures.

In order for us to share the wealth, we must push ourselves into being concerned about the quality of person's life. We must pass judgment on who should reproduce, and we need to pass judgment on which of the babies and other people need to be euthanized.

No culture yet allows the euthanasia of defective babies. Instead, we treat the defective people in the same manner that animals treat defective creatures; specifically, by ignoring them, and letting them suffer a slow and miserable death.

If a person were to euthanize the people along Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, he would be arrested for murder, but we could say that he is being kind to them by preventing them from further suffering. The people who ignore those miserable people, or who provide them with handouts of money or food, could be described as prolonging their torture.

This issue is similar to that of assisted suicide. Specifically, are we cruel to provide assisted suicide to the people who are suffering from terminal diseases, Alzheimer's, strokes, mental illness, or dementia? Or are we kind to give them the freedom to decide whether they want to end their suffering?

There is no right or wrong answer to euthanasia, assisted suicide, or abortion. All throughout history, every culture has resolve these issues by doing what is the most emotionally pleasing, and this has resulted in overcrowding, overpopulation, genetic degradation, mental illness, retardation, crime, loneliness, divorce, and the suffering of the terminally ill and elderly.

The only way we can create a society in which we share resources and everybody is cooperative, healthy, trustworthy, and enjoying life is if we exert self-control over our emotions and have more concern for the quality of life.

We want to give everybody a fair chance

The reason we do not want to euthanize people is because we want to give everybody a fair chance at life. This emotional characteristic is discussed in more detail here in regards to abortion.

Although we should give everybody a chance at life, we should not torment the people who fail in the competition for life. However, our emotions cause us to ignore the failures, and push them out of our lives. For example, our emotions do not want us to euthanize the people on Kensington Avenue, but we don't want them in our life, either, so we push them aside, as if they are trash.

This crude behavior is useful for animals and prehistoric humans because it causes the losers to have less success at reproduction and life. Today, however, the losers can survive because of welfare programs, crime, begging, alimony, divorce settlements, charities, and the abundance of food in garbage cans. They can also successfully reproduce in large numbers because they can put their children up for adoption.

Prehistoric tribes did not have homeless people, beggars, crime networks, or welfare recipients. The inferior people tended to die young, and quickly. They also did not have elderly people suffering a very slow death.

Today our technology is allowing the misfits and elderly to suffer for decades. Today we need to do what nature did for our ancestors. We need to reduce the suffering by euthanizing the defective babies as soon as possible, and providing assisted suicide and euthanasia to the people who are no longer enjoying life.

All attempts to create socialism have failed

During the past few centuries, several nations have tried some form of socialism, and hundreds of groups of people around the world have acquired a small patch of land to set up a society in which they share the wealth. However, all of them have been failures.

The only socialist communities that are still in existence as of 2024 are the few who made changes to their original plans, such as reducing the sharing of wealth. Furthermore, and more important, the only successful communities are those that are tiny, such as 100 people in the Twin Oaks Community, and 200 people at The Farm.

North Korea is still using socialism, but they are not "successful". Rather, the government has to use murder, fear, and torture to prevent the people from abandoning the nation, and they have to use deception and censorship to prevent the people from learning the truth about their culture.

We should learn from history, not repeat previous failures

When animals fail at something, they repeat the same procedure over and over, until they are dead. Humans inherited that characteristic, but in order to be successful, we must exert enough self-control to analyze our failures, learn from them, and experiment with new ideas.

Why have so many groups of people failed to share the wealth? Why is free enterprise, which encourages selfishness, cheating, abuse, inheritances, and exploitation, so much more successful?

The socialist societies were failures because they were designed according to emotionally pleasurable fantasies of what humans are, rather than according to the concept that humans are animals. By comparison, a free enterprise system puts us into a battle for life, which is the environment that animals evolved for.

However, free enterprise is a cruel system that treats us as animals. It is also an inefficient system, and it allows a lot of crime and abuse.

In order to create a better economic system, we need to take the beneficial aspects of free enterprise and socialism, and avoid the detrimental aspects of those systems. For example, one of the beneficial aspects of free enterprise is that it puts people into competition, which is what we were designed for, and one of the disadvantages of free enterprise is that there is no authority to stop the competition from becoming dishonest, abusive, and destructive.

Therefore, we need to find a way to provide an economy with authorities who supervise the competition and ensure that it is inspirational rather than a selfish fight. The authorities must also ensure that people are earning their position in the economy in a beneficial manner, rather than getting it through crime, inheritances, nepotism, and other forms of cheating. We must also find a more pleasant way of dealing with the losers of the competition rather than having them suffer unemployment and hunger.

We must design an economy for apes

If we believe that humans are a creation of a supreme being, or if we believe that humans are like a piece of clay that molds itself to the environment, we will create a government system, school system, and other culture according to a fantasy creature. That will result in culture that does not fit the true characteristics of humans.

For example, Marxism is a failure because it is based on the fantasy that humans are honest, loving, responsible creatures who are willing to work together. In order for us to be successful with a society that shares the wealth, we must design our culture according to what we truly are, which is a species of selfish apes.

Our culture needs a realistic foundation. For example, animals do not want to "work", think, or learn. As a result, if we provide food to wild animals, they will prefer to get the food from us rather than work for the food. Since animals are also extremely selfish, they will fight over the food that we provide them, rather than share it, even if we provide them with plenty of food.

Furthermore, by providing them with food, they don't have to spend time looking for food, which gives them a lot more leisure time, but since animals don't want to think or learn, they tend to waste their leisure time by taking naps. When their muscles get sore from doing nothing, they fight or play with one another, or pace back and forth, rather than do something useful.

Humans behave in exactly the same manner. This is most noticeable with the children who are pampered by their parents, and the wives who are pampered by their husbands. Specifically, when those children and wives are provided with everything they want, and don't have to do any work, they have a lot of leisure time, but they have no interest in learning a skill, doing useful work, or dealing with complicated problems. As with animals, they waste their leisure time by lounging, or by entertaining themselves with food, sex, babies, television, or status seeking.

If they decide to do some work during their leisure time, they will choose the work that they enjoy, and they will put only as much effort into it as they please. They will assume that they are "working hard" because they are putting in the maximum effort that they want to put in, but they are less productive than if they are under pressure to work.

Our lack of interest in working, learning, and sharing, and our lack of concern about the quality of other people's lives, are some of the reasons that socialism fails. Every socialist society expects people to work voluntarily, and to share the wealth equally, but we don't want to work, and we don't want to share anything with people who don't give us something equal in return. Free enterprise is successful because it forces us to work, and it doesn't require us to share anything.

We must evict the misfits

In order for socialism to be successful, everybody must be able to produce something of equal value so that the sharing is equal. A socialist society will be a failure when a significant percentage of the population cannot produce much of anything of value.

The only way we will be successful with sharing resources is to set high standards for people, require everybody to contribute something of value, and evict those who cannot contribute to the wealth. That will create a society in which we feel as if we are living among team members, rather than parasites.

We must change our attitudes towards leaders

Another change that we must make in order to be successful with sharing the wealth is to change our attitudes towards leaders. One of the reasons all socialist societies have failed is because they have allowed their leaders to have special treatment. This results in the hypocritical situation in which the leaders promote sharing and equality while giving themselves special treatment.

We must exert control over our craving to be submissive to our leaders. They cannot have any special privileges. We must push ourselves into treating them in the same manner that we treat everybody else. We must feel as if our leaders are working with us, rather than feel as if we are their servants. Our leaders must be our team members, not Kings and Queens.

Unhappy people are attracted to socialism

Children have a parasitic attitude. When they want something, they demand it, beg for it, or try to manipulate somebody into giving it to them. They do not want to earn what they want, or take responsibility for their problems. Their parasitic attitude causes them to be more attracted to socialism than the adults.

As a boy becomes an adult, he should lose his parasitic attitude and want to take care of himself and his family. He should also want to be at the top of the hierarchy, and he should have a strong craving to impress both men and women. He should want other people to admire him, not give him pity or handouts.

Unfortunately, many adult men have mental or physical disorders that make it difficult for them to think properly, achieve their goals, fit into society, form stable relationships, and enjoy life. Their troubles with life, and their mental and physical pains, can cause them to develop a feel-sorry-for-me attitude. Those men are likely to support Marxism or other types of socialism, but not because they want to "share the wealth". Rather, they want other people to give them wealth.

We must distinguish between a person who wants to work and share his wealth, and a person who wants other people to give him wealth.

If the adult men who have trouble in life would consider the possibility that their suffering is due to their genetic disorders, then they might figure out how to deal with their problems in an honest manner, but humans inherited such a high level of arrogance that we resist such thoughts. We tend to blame our troubles on other people, or mysterious concepts. This results in the men who have trouble in life developing a feel-sorry-for-me attitude. That attitude can cause them to be attracted to Marxism, and other types of socialism.

A group of men who have a feel-sorry-for-me attitude are not going to create a functional society. They will create a parasitic society because they will want other people to share the wealth with them, but they won't contribute much.

In order for socialism to work properly, all of the adults must be willing and able to learn a skill, get a job, and contribute something of value. This requires evicting the people who cannot contribute, or who want to contribute something that we do not need or want, such as "modern art".

Furthermore, in order for socialism to function properly, everybody must be willing to treat other people as their equals. Socialism will fail if there are hypocritical people who look for opportunities to give themselves, their children, or their spouse special treatment and privileges. The people who cannot treat other people as their equals must be evicted.

We must stop feeling sorry for the misfits and criminals. It is cruel to prohibit people from reproducing, and even more cruel to evict people, but all of us owe our wonderful physical and mental characteristic to the suffering of the inferior people in our past. For example, we have excellent color vision because our ancestors with inferior vision were less successful at reproduction and survival.

Humans evolved from a cruel process, but we now have the intelligence and knowledge to reduce the cruelty. For example, defective babies no longer have to suffer a slow and miserable death. We can now euthanize them in a quick and painless manner. We can also identify some of them before they are born, and abort them.

Likewise, we don't have to fight over a spouse. We can pass judgment on who among us should be allowed to reproduce, and how many children a person should be able to have.
Sharing wealth is a privilege, not a right

Most organizations practice socialism

A free enterprise system does not promote socialism, but almost every business in a free enterprise system operates with a variation of socialism. Specifically, all of the employees are provided with whatever they need, and they share the buildings, equipment, electricity, bathrooms, and cafeterias. However, the people in management positions are given special privileges, so it is not the type of socialism where everybody is treated equally.

A military also uses that type of socialism. A military provides its members with food, clothing, housing, and other supplies, and the people in management have special privileges.

Why have organizations been successful with socialism?

Why has socialism been successful for businesses and militaries, but not for Russia, North Korea, or the hundreds of communes that have tried to share the wealth?

The reason is because businesses and militaries require their members to be productive team members. They are intolerant of parasites and destructive members.

Businesses and militaries have no pity for the misfits or troublemakers, and there is no attempt to cure them with punishments, rewards, rehabilitation programs, Bible studies, or therapy. Instead, the misfits are evicted, and, until recently, the military sometimes executed their destructive members.

By comparison, the nations and communes give pity to the misfits; tolerates abusive and bizarre behavior; and try to cure criminals with punishments and rehabilitation programs.

A society must resemble a military

In order for a society to share the wealth, we must follow the concepts that have been successful for businesses and militaries. Specifically, we must require that everybody be a productive team member; we must stop tolerating abusive people; and stop trying to fix bad behavior through punishments and rehabilitation programs.

We must acknowledge the evidence that every person is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics, and that will always result in a certain percentage of every generation being a misfit.

We must face the evidence that we cannot improve a person's intelligence, behavior, or personality. We must let people be what they want to be, and remove the troublesome people rather than try to fix them.

We need restrictions on the sharing of wealth

The military provides its members with free helicopters, airplanes, submarines, ships, and various types of supplies and weapons, but they put a lot of restrictions on the use of those items. For example, the military members have free access to the helicopters, but they must qualify as a helicopter pilot, and the pilots have to follow restrictions on what they can do with the helicopter.

Businesses also follow this policy. Businesses provide everything to their employees for free, but they do not give their employees the freedom to use whatever item they please, whenever they want to use it, or for whatever purpose they please. For example, businesses allow their employees to use CNC plasma torches for free, but the only employees who are allowed to use that equipment are those who have proven to be able to use it properly, and who use it in a manner that is productive to the business.

A society has to follow those same concepts in order to make the sharing of wealth practical. We can provide everybody with free access to everything, but we cannot allow everybody to have access to any item they please, and use it for any purpose they please. We must require people to qualify to use certain items; we must put restrictions on what people can do with certain items; and we must hold people accountable for what they do.

Most families follow this philosophy, also. Parents provide their children with free food, toys, bicycles, beds, clothing, dental services, medical services, school books, and other items, and lots of other services and items, but they supervise the children rather than let the children do anything they please.

For example, parents do not let a child use a bicycle, matches, lawnmowers, or knife unless they believe the child has the education, physical strength, and responsibility to use the item properly. Likewise, the parents provide the children with free food, but they don't let the children decide when to eat, how much to eat, and what to eat. Parents put a lot of restrictions on the free items that they provide to their children..

A nation is just an organization or people, so a nation should follow the same concepts about sharing items that are successful for families, businesses, militaries, and other organizations.

Everybody must be responsible with shared items

There are lots of businesses that rent tools, apartments, vehicles, and hotel rooms, and there are lot of individual citizens who allow their friends, neighbors and relatives to borrow some of their tools. However, not everybody is responsible with the items that they rent or borrow. There are also some people who are irresponsible or inconsiderate in airlines, public bathrooms, retail stores, or restaurants. College students believe that they are superior to other people, but these college students were as destructive as a teenage gang.

In order for a group of people to share the material wealth, they must have the intellectual ability to understand how to use the items properly, and they must have the emotional desire to be willing to use the items properly. (More about this concept is here.)

This constitution provides people with small homes, and provides the city with lots of public facilities for people to spend their leisure time in. This requires people be responsible with public property.

For example, the Neighborhoods Minister must design the city with lots of small video rooms that have large, high resolution, curved monitors, very comfortable chairs, and high-quality audio equipment. That will provide us with better quality video, audio, and furniture than would be practical for our homes.

Sharing public facilities allows us to have much higher quality equipment and furniture.
Those monitors should also have advanced controls, such as cameras that recognize eye-movement and finger-pointing, and which understand verbal commands, so that we can easily control the videos, or search through the Internet, without a keyboard, and without touching the screen.

However, those rooms will need tremendous maintenance if the people are as irresponsible as the majority of people in the world today in movie theaters, music concerts, and restaurants.

Businesses and militaries require their members to use equipment properly, but no nation cares if people are irresponsible with public facilities, or with rented or borrowed items. Nations do not even care if people are irresponsible at national parks, such as spraying rocks with graffiti; putting objects into geysers; taking plants from the parks; or getting close to wild bison and bears.

Instead of evicting the obnoxious and irresponsible people, the government responds to their abuse by installing fences in wild areas; scrubbing off graffiti; picking up trash; and posting warning signs to stay away from the wild animals.

Our societies are so tolerant of bad behavior that businesses and citizens are often afraid to stop people who are stealing or vandalizing something because they don't want to be arrested for hurting the criminals.

In order for a society to be successful with sharing the wealth, we must set higher standards of behavior, and the destructive people must be evicted.
Children are immigrants, not citizens

Children must qualify for society

The primary purpose of every living creature is to reproduce, so we have intense attractions to children. This causes us, especially women, to believe that children are the most important aspects of our lives, and that we must dedicate our lives to taking care of them.

Animals are in a deadly battle for survival, so they must dedicate their life to protecting and caring for their children. However, our modern technology requires that we make a radical change to our attitudes towards children. It is now so easy for us to raise children that we need to regard them for what they really are; specifically, young humans that are a jumble of genetic characteristics and defects, and that half of them will always be below-average in their physical and mental characteristics.

All of us are finicky about who we choose as a friend and spouse, but we are not finicky about our children. Most parents will accept any child they give birth to, no matter how horrible his behavior is, and no matter how miserable his life is.

We must change our attitude towards children. We must treat children as if they are immigrants to our family and society. We must pass judgment on whether a child has the mental and physical characteristics to fit into our society. We must be as finicky with children as we are with immigrants.

Children should have four years of probation

Some businesses put new employees on probation for a few months, and they fire those who don't become a productive member. This constitution advocates a similar policy for children.

When a child is born, he is given a probation period of four years. During that time, the Death Ministry will pass judgment on whether he appears to have the mental and physical characteristics necessary to enjoy the modern world, and become a productive member of society. The children who have such serious mental or physical disorders that they are likely to suffer throughout their lives, and the children who cannot fit into society, must be euthanized.

The probation has to be limited to a few years because at a certain age the children will understand that they are on probation, and that awareness can result in them deliberately behaving in the manner that they think they should behave, which defeats the purpose of observing them. They need to be observed before they understand what is happening.

Furthermore, when they are old enough to understand the concept of being euthanized, they are likely to suffer from emotional trauma. Therefore, it is best to end the probation period before any of them understand or care about the issue.

This policy requires that we not tolerate parents who warn their children about this policy, or who train them to behave properly. Parents who try to circumvent the probationary period must be regarded as being analogous to people who help illegal immigrants get into the nation. Their children must be euthanized or prohibited from reproducing in order to prevent the future generations from having more of those parents.

Parents must regard their children as young humans, not as bundles of joy, or their personal possessions. The parents who cannot follow this policy must be prohibited from reproducing. This will result in each generation having more concerned about the quality of a person's life.