Men are supposed to take care
of women
Men evolved to be leaders,
and to take care of
their wife and daughters. The prehistoric men would have had no trouble
doing that because they only had to deal with simplistic problems.
however, we are living in such a complex environment that every man is
having trouble dealing with it. All of us are occasionally confused,
frustrated, angry, and disappointed. We also occasionally regret one of
our decisions.
Women and children expect adult men to take care of them, so when they
are confused or frustrated, they tend to react by crying or having a
tantrum, which is supposed to stimulate the adult men into
doing something to fix the problem. Unfortunately, the men are so
confused with modern life that they don't know what to do.
Instead of analyzing our modern society and looking for ways to improve
life for women, the men pander to the unhappy women by supporting the feminist movement.
is as idiotic as supporting a child who is having a temper
Women have never been abused
The feminists complain that
men have been abusive to women for 6000 years, but that claim
is as idiotic as a child who accuses his parents of abusing him. The
women have no evidence that they have been abused, and there is no
species of animal in which the males abuse the females.
Male animals have an intense craving to impress and protect the
females, and parents have an intense craving to protect and take care
of their children. There are some men who are abusive to their wives or
daughters, and there are some mothers and fathers who abusive
to their children, but those people are exceptions.
There would not have been many abusive people in a prehistoric tribe.
We have a lot of them today because of:
1) Genetic degradation.
2) The unnatural social environment that is causing us to behave in a
bizarre manner, similar to the mice in the utopia experiment.
Some women misinterpret leadership as abuse
We frequently misinterpret
other people's behavior. For example, when a mother refuses to give her
child a candy bar, the
child might misinterpret her behavior as "abusive".
This problem occurs with adults, also. For example, the
government has put restrictions on how many fish a business can take
from a certain lake or ocean, and what age the fish must be, and some
adults have reacted to those regulations by whining that they are being
abused by the government. However, the officials who created the
regulations did so to protect the fish from extermination.
Women are also occasionally misinterpreting their husbands attempt to
help them. Three examples are:
Protecting women from drugs
many or most of
the adults and children in the Middle Ages were regularly drinking beer
because of the fear of getting sick from the water in the creeks, men
have been
discouraging women from getting intoxicated and smoking tobacco for
centuries or millennia.
For example, until the 21st century, the women in Ireland were not
allowed to order a pint of beer at a pub unless accompanied
by a man, but men did not put that restriction on women in order to
hurt them. Rather, it was
to protect them from
alcohol and intoxicated men. Men also did not like to see their wives
intoxicated around their children.
The feminists who boast about making it acceptable for women to smoke
cigarettes and drink alcohol have not improved
life for any woman. Rather, they have caused an increase in the number
women who suffer from health problems, and the number of
children who suffer from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
and intoxicated mothers.

Women cannot
improve their lives by becoming intoxicated with men.
Likewise, encouraging women to become intoxicated in public locations
caused more
women to be in close contact with intoxicated men for long periods of
time, which has
resulted in an increase in the number of
worthless relationships, lewd remarks, sexual harassment, venereal
diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and rape.
Nobody has any evidence that alcohol or tobacco can improve our
lives, but there is a lot of evidence that those drugs can ruin a
person's life.
The strong craving for alcohol and tobacco among many of the feminists
is evidence that the feminist movement is
dominated by women who have significant mental disorders.
Those women are not
providing sensible guidance to women.
Rather, they are pushing women into following a destructive path.
Many of the feminists are lesbians,
and that might not be a coincidence. We should investigate the
possibility that whatever causes homosexuality and other sexual
disorders is sometimes
also causing other mental disorders. For example, one of the founders
of the Irish Women's Liberation Movement, and the woman who is
considered to be among the first to pressure men into allowing women to
drink at the pubs, is a lesbian named Nell McCafferty.
She also spent some time living on an Israeli kibbutz, but why would
that interest her? And
what influence did the Jews have on her? Her attraction to kibbutz
could have also been the result of a mental disorder.
Men should provide the women with guidance, such as explaining to the
women that neither men nor women benefit from alcohol or tobacco, and
that children suffer from drunken parents.
Instead, most men pander to or ignore the women, and businesses exploit the women, such as creating
cigarettes for women, and encouraging them to celebrate Women's Day by
drinking pink
gin, or one of these
other "Fine Drinks" for women.
Protecting women from dangerous
Men like to think of women
as princesses and goddesses, so it upsets us to see women who have
scars, crippled legs, or broken teeth. We want women to be
healthy and pretty. As a result, men have discouraged women from
getting involved with violent activities, such as boxing, bareknuckle
fistfights, rugby, and tackle football.
However, many women misinterpret the discouragement of violent
activities as proof that men are sexist, abusive, creatures who enjoy
denying women their freedom.
The complaints by feminists that men are denying women the opportunity
to get involved with dangerous sports is more evidence that the
movement is dominated by abnormally masculine
or mentally
defective women. They are not
improving life for women. Rather, they are encouraging brain damage,
broken bones, torn tendons, paralysis, and kidney damage.
Protecting women from sexist words
One of the most idiotic
"achievements" of the feminist movement is their changing of words,
such as changing "chairman" to chairperson or chairwoman, and changing
"cameraman" to camerawoman or cameraperson. The changing of those
words, and the belief that women are suffering because the word "man"
is in some
words, should be used in the schools as evidence that:
1) |
Women are
less intelligent than men. |
Most men do not
have the emotional and/or intellectual ability to provide proper leadership to the women in our
modern era. |
Blaming words
for the misery of women is as idiotic as blaming ghosts
or the devil. The words "human" and "woman" have the word "man" in
them, but that is not causing any woman to suffer. A woman can be a
cameraman, a policeman, and a fireman, as decribed here.
Nobody would have noticed or
cared that there is a "man" in those words if the women had not made an
issue of it.
This concept also applies to children.
For example, a child who uses a video camera could be described as a cameraman. He
does not need to be referred to as a camerachild, cameraboy, or
cameragirl. Likewise, a teenager does not have to be referred to as a
camerateenager, and a lesbian does not have to be referred to as a
Most people are incompetent leaders in our modern era
Some mothers put
restrictions or demands on their children that are unnecessary,
idiotic, or abusive, such as pressuring their children
to play a certain musical instrument or sport, or become a certain
religion. However, that abusive
behavior is not because women
are abusive to
children. It is because most women are incompetent
as leaders in this modern era.
Likewise, many men put idiotic, unnecessary, or abusive restrictions on
their wives, but not because men are sexist. It is
because most men are incompetent as
leaders in this modern era.
A lot of business executives exploit women, such as
by providing them with excessive and unnecessary cosmetics, weddings,
baby products, pet
products, and jewelry, but they are not
exploiting the women because
they are sexist, or because they want to hurt the women. Rather, it is
because they are too incompetent to provide themselves and their
business with sensible guidance, and that has resulted in them pursuing
the goal of becoming extremely wealthy and important.
Ironically, one of the reasons that men want a lot of wealth and status
is to attract women, and
to provide their wife and daughter with material
wealth. Those men are exploiting women, including their own wives and
daughters, in order to impress and pamper the women.
Most people are overwhelmed with the complexity of modern life, and the
result is that we routinely torment ourselves and
one another.
Many of our emotions are excessive today
Women developed a strong
attraction to children, and men developed a strong attraction to women,
because those characteristics were necessary
for our ancestors. Today those cravings are excessive, and causing a
lot of problems.
To a woman, a child is a "bundle of joy", but in reality a child is a
tremendous burden on a mother. Likewise, a man regards a woman as a
goddess, but in reality a woman is burden on a man, especially if she
has children.
The women who were the most successful in reproducing were
those who had an attraction to children that was so strong that they enjoyed
devoting their life to taking care of their children.
Likewise, the men who were the most successful in reproducing were
those who had
an attraction to women that was so strong that they enjoyed
their life taking care of a woman and her children.
Our emotions are so powerful that they are interfering with our
understanding of humans and life. Men have trouble regarding women as
"female humans", and women have trouble regarding children as "young
Women are likely to regard children as objects of pleasure, and men are
likely to regard women as objects of pleasure. It was acceptable for
prehistoric people to have such an attitude, but today it causes a lot
of problems between mothers and their children, and between men and
We must evolve for our new era
Our emotions evolved for a
prehistoric environment, and they are inappropriate
for the complex, technically advanced environment that we live in today.
A man's attraction to women, and a woman's attraction to children, is excessive
today, and this results in a lot of frustration,
fights, and arguments. Men must exert some self-control over our
cravings for women so that we can treat them as female humans rather than as
goddesses and sex toys, and women need to treat children as young adults, rather than as toys to
play with.
We aggravate the situation by allowing businesses to stimulate men with
sexual pornography, and stimulate women with "baby pornography".
The prehistoric men and women evolved to fit one another, so they would
have had pleasant relationships, just like the other animals. Today,
however, we have tremendous
problems with relationships, but not because men are sexist. It because
we have dramatically altered our environment while continuing to behave
prehistoric savages. For example:
Defective children
During prehistoric
times, the mentally and physically defective children tended to die at
a young age, and some were killed by their fathers. Today, we use
technology to keep the defective children alive, and we have laws to
prohibit parents from killing their badly behaved children.
Women have such a strong attraction to children that they will
take care of defective and badly behaved children, but men are less
attracted to children, and that can result in men arguing with their
wife about
the issue, and eventually getting a divorce. Our prehistoric ancestors
did not have to raise defective children, so they never had those type
of arguments.

cakes" amusing or obnoxious? How do men and women differ
in their reaction?
Obnoxious behavior
Women have such a strong attraction to children that they often giggle at a child's behavior that
men regard as obnoxious or irritating.
For example, some women
provide their babies with "smash
cakes" on their first birthday.
video (photo to the right) shows one of them. In
August 2023, it had 25 million views
after being posted for only nine months.
On 13 June 2024 it had 59 million
There is no information about who has watched the video, or what their
reaction was, or how many people watched it more than once, but I
suspect that women were more likely than men to
giggle at that video, and become inspired to give their baby a
smash cake birthday party.
Even though men are less likely to giggle at the obnoxious behavior of children, if
we could measure obnoxious behavior, we might find that
men are more obnoxious than women, and the reason could be because men
are more independent, adventurous, and have a stronger interest in
tormenting the people that they regard as inferior. For example, we
might find that the initiation rituals of fraternities
are more obnoxious and dangerous than those of the sororities.
Collecting video about everybody's life would help us to understand
human behavior, and the differences between men and women. For example,
we could look through the
video of the weddings and
determine if men are the most likely to smear
cake into the face of their spouse. I suspect that the video would show
us that men
are more likely to play an obnoxious prank on their spouse, friends,
and children.
The obnoxious behavior of people would have been less of a problem in
prehistoric times because they didn't have birthday or wedding cakes,
and it was more difficult for them to do obnoxious pranks. Today
people need to exert self-control over their desire to be obnoxious.
Living in isolation
Humans evolved to
live in close contact with their friends and relatives, but we now live
in houses on private plots of land that are separated from one another,
and we are not controlling reproduction or immigration, which results
in many of us living among people we don't like, and don't know.
Our unfriendly and isolated
environment causes a lot of loneliness, especially to the women who
remain at home to take care of their children. This is causing a lot of
people to be lonely and bored, which can cause their marriage to be
The method that men
and women use to find a spouse is worthless
today. The men try to impress the females with
gifts and his status, which is an ineffective
for a modern man to find a wife.
Likewise, single women find a husband by making themselves look
pretty, putting themselves
on display, and passively waiting for a man to titillate them. This is
an idiotic
for a modern woman to find a husband.
To make the situation even worse, most men are too concerned with a
woman's physical appearance, and most women are too concerned with
status and money. Furthermore, as with animals, we try to impress a
potential spouse, rather than let them know the truth about us. We lie
to them, and we keep secrets about ourself.
As a result of our animal behavior, most relationships today are so
miserable that they never
progress to a marriage, and most of the marriages either end up in
divorce, or are miserable. Most people have such a low success rate
with relationships that it is likely that artificial intelligence
software will soon be able to make better decisions about
who they should marry.
Prehistoric people were arrogant, but they didn't have many issues to
deal with, so it didn't cause any trouble. Today, however, our
arrogance is constantly causing problems.
In regards to relationships between men and women, our arrogance causes
us to avoid considering the
possibility that we are the reason, or part of the reason, our
relationships are miserable. Most people blame their failed marriage on
their spouse,
which prevents them from
improving their relationships.
If a government agency had arranged the same marriages that people
have been choosing for themselves during the past century, people would
complain that the government is doing a terrible job. They would demand
the freedom to choose their spouse. However, when people are
given the freedom to choose their spouse, they refuse to blame
themselves for their miserable marriage, and they refuse to
believe that they need somebody with more talent to either provide them
with guidance or choose a spouse for them.
This concept also applies to voters.
If Russia had gotten control of the USA at the end of World War II, and
if they had chosen government officials for the USA, and if they had
chosen the same officials that the voters have been selecting, the
public would complain that the Russians are tormenting us with
incompetent and corrupt officials. They would be especially disgusted
with President Biden. They would complain that the Russians are forcing
us to accept a senile and worthless president.
However, when the voters are free to choose their leaders, they refuse
to look critically at themselves and blame themselves for their
disgusting government. They refuse to believe that they need somebody
with more talent to either help them choose government officials, or
make the decisions for them.
We cannot improve our marriages unless we are willing to look
critically at ourselves, and the voters cannot improve the government
unless they are willing to look critically at themselves. We must be
able to control our arrogance.
Women are pampered, not abused
The accusation that men are
abusive to women is absurd.
Men have such a strong
attraction to
women that we regard
them as goddesses.
During prehistoric times, the men pampered their women with food,
furs, and protection, which was beneficial to the women. Modern men are
still pampering their women, but our technology allows men
to provide their wives and daughters with such excessive amounts of
food and material items that some of them have become
spoiled, sickly, overweight brats.
This concept also applies to women. A woman's treatment of children is
similar to a man's treatment of women that we can describe it by
changing a few words in the
previous paragraph:
During prehistoric
times, the women pampered the children with food,
tools, furs, and protection, which was beneficial to the children. Modern women are still pampering their children, but our technology
allows women to provide their children with such excessive amounts of food and
material items that some of them have become spoiled, sickly, overweight
The men today are not providing
their women with appropriate guidance,
and the women are not providing
their children with appropriate
guidance. Although women could complain that they are abused by
their husbands, it would be more accurate for them to say that their
husbands are inadvertently tormenting
the women because men cannot provide appropriate leadership for their
wives in this modern era.
Likewise, children could complain that they are being abused by the
but it would be more accurate for them to say that their mothers are inadvertently tormenting the
because women cannot provide appropriate leadership for their children
in this modern era.
To aggravate the situation between men and women, modern technology
allows women to become more sexually attractive than prehistoric women,
and businesses are permitted to use sexual titillation to attract
customers. Businesses are also allowed to produce sexual pornography,
sex robots, and Viagra. This causes men to be sexually stimulated much
more often, and to a greater extreme, than we were
designed for.
To further aggravate the situation, many men boast about having lots of
sex with lots of women, and in lots of weird
positions, and in lots of unusual locations, such as the bathroom of
airplanes. That boasting encourages men
to believe that they need lots of sex in order to enjoy life. Hollywood
movies, such as the James Bond series, also promote the attitude that a
man's life improves as he has more sex with more women.
The extreme sexual titillation that men are experiencing today is unnatural, and it is causing a lot
of men to look for ways to exploit women for sex, rather than protect
them from abuse.
These concepts also apply to women. For example, modern technology and
photo editing software allows babies and children to be much more
visually attractive, thereby stimulating women's emotions more often,
and to a greater extent, than the women were designed for.
are titillating women to an unnatural extent with wedding pornography,
baby pornography, jewelry pornography, romance pornography, and
cosmetics pornography. Businesses also stimulate women to an excess by
breeding dogs and creating dolls that resemble babies.
To summarize this section, it is absurd for women to complain that they
have been abused by men. We make our situation worse when we react to
problems with anger, accusations, hatred, pouting, rebellion, and
whining. It is more sensible for us to realize that we are all having
trouble coping with this modern world. We need to look critically
at our culture and experiment
with improvements to it.
The feminists are misfits
feminists are not providing us with intelligent analyses of our
problems, or intelligent suggestions on how to improve life for women,
or improve the relationships between men and women. All they do is make
idiotic accusations.
The feminist movement is just a temper tantrum, and I suspect that an
analysis of the feminists would show us that most of
them are misfits who
mistakenly assume that they are typical
which brings them to idiotic conclusions about why they are having
trouble fitting into society and enjoying life.
For example, the women who do not have a strong
desire for children will be annoyed by the pressure to become a mother.
If they assume that they
are typical women,
then they will assume that other women are also annoyed by that
pressure. This will cause them to make the idiotic accusation that the
"sexist" men are forcing women to raise children.
Likewise, if a young girl does not have much of an interest in
playing with dolls, wearing pretty clothing, or grooming, she will be
annoyed by the pressure to do those things. If she assumes that she is
a typical girl, then she will assume other girls are also annoyed by
that pressure. This will cause her to make the idiotic accusation that
sexist men are forcing girls to behave in an "unnatural" manner.
Those accusations of sexism would be reduced or eliminated if children
were given a more realistic education about human behavior. This
constitution requires schools to teach children such lessons as:
Male and female
animals have different mental and physical characteristics because we
evolved for different roles in
life. |
Every creature is a
unique jumble of genetic characteristics, and there is no dividing line
between male and female. As a result, most people will be typical, but there will be a small
percentage of unusual people,
such as girls who are more
similar to boys, and boys who are more similar to girls. |
Every person should
analyze himself and try to determine his particular characteristics and
limitations, rather than assume that he is perfect or typical. |
The proper reaction
to a problem is to investigate
and discuss it,
rather than whine, pout, hate, or have a tantrum. |
It makes no sense to
say that one sex is better
than the other.
For example, girls should not
insult boys for playing in the mud
puddles. Rather, children should be taught that boys and girls are different, and that girls do not
like getting muddy because they evolved to be mothers,
whereas boys evolved to spend a lot of time in nature.
Prehistoric men spent most of their time "outdoors", not in a cave or a
shelter. That required they be able to deal with rain, wind, storms,
lightning, and mud. The prehistoric men who did not like "bad" weather
were less
successful in life than those who either enjoyed it or were unaffected
by it.
Insulting boys for playing in mud is as idiotic as insulting girls who
enjoy playing with dolls, or insulting a duck for enjoying water, or
insulting a cat for licking its butt. None of us want to lick our butt,
but a cat is not
inferior to a human because it enjoys doing so. |
Women should not compete with
The feminists encourage
women to compare themselves to men, and try to prove that they can do
everything a man can do. When a woman does something unusual for a
woman, the feminists tend to give her a lot of
publicity and praise, and point out that it proves that women can do
what men do.
Women ruin our social
environment when they compete with
That type of
competition creates frustration, resentment, and anger among the women,
and it irritates and saddens a lot of men. It is as idiotic as children
trying to prove to adults that they can do everything an adult can do.
For example, this
document has the title: 5
Women in Science Who Broke Boundaries, Made a Mark in Science History.
That type of document does not help us to
understand anything. Rather, it brings our attention to the fact that
most scientists are men, but
becoming aware of that does not help us in
any way. Most construction workers are men, also, but bringing that to
our attention doesn't help us. That document is as idiotic and
detrimental as such documents as:
5 Midgets in
Science Who Broke Boundaries |
5 Nearsighted
Redheads in Science Who Broke Boundaries |
5 Anorexic Men in
Science Who Broke Boundaries |
5 Men with Micro
Penises in Science Who Broke Boundaries |
The female scientists should help us to understand life, not search for
evidence to support their theory that men are sexist
creatures who have been oppressing women. For example, this
news article points out that " prehistoric
weren’t all male" because a prehistoric woman was buried with
items that suggests that she hunted animals, and this
news article claims that the grave of a woman " upends what's known about sex and
gender in prehistoric societies" because she was buried with
material wealth than anybody else in that region.
Three reasons why we cannot use those graves as proof that men and
women are unisex creatures are:
1) |
There are different
ways to interpret a burial.
An elaborate funeral of a woman does not prove
that men and women are unisex creatures. For example, England spent
million on the funeral
of Queen Elizabeth, but that does not prove
that men and women have identical mental characteristics. It does not even
prove that Queen Elizabeth was more talented than an ordinary woman, or
that she was
admired by everybody.
A significant percentage of the English population wants to eliminate the monarchy, and they
would not have given Queen
Elizabeth an elaborate funeral. If we could analyze the
mental qualities of the people who approve of the monarchy, and compare
them to the people who want to eliminate the monarchy, we would likely
discover that the people who approve of it are less intelligent and
creative, and more sheeplike.
The the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the popes of the Catholic Church
extravagant funerals, also, but that doesn't prove that men and women
are unisex creatures.
The extravagant funerals should be
interpreted as evidence that the majority of people cannot make wise decisions about
who their leaders should be, how they should react to a death, or what
they should do with their labor
and resources.
Funerals are
emotional, not intellectual
The title of this
article is: Anglo-Saxon
Burials Are Challenging Our Understanding of Gender Identity.
The author points out that some Anglo-Saxon graves of women had items
that we associate with men, and some of the men were buried with
feminine clothing. However, the items that a person was buried
with doesn't necessarily tell us anything about the person in the grave.
Anthropologists are frequently trying to find a "sensible" reason for
what our ancestors have done, which implies that our ancestors were
carefully analyzing all of their options and choosing the most
intelligent option. In reality, they were more uneducated than people
are today, and more likely to follow their emotional cravings and fears.
People today are designing funerals according to their emotional
feelings, not according to intellectual analyses and discussions. We
should assume that our distant ancestors were also designing funerals
according to their emotional feelings, rather than according to
intellectual analyses.
The items that people today
put into graves, or leave at graves, are irrational, and we should
assume that our ancestors were at least as irrational as we are. For
example, some of the items that have been placed
at the grave of Mohammed
Ali are:
hand-decorated fly swatter.
Many toy,
model, and carved elephants.
A glass
bottle with a John Deere ribbon that says "tractor
adult-sized rocking chair.
Flags from
various countries.
A pair of
sunglasses with a note that says "The Crawfords were here 6/21/16".
A first-place
medal from the 2016 Trampoline National USTA Championship.
The people who put those items on his grave were doing so because it
provided them
with some emotional pleasure, not because
they did some research into the issue of what Mohammed Ali might want
on his grave.
People conduct funerals and put objects in or
on graves in order to please
themselves, not for the benefit of the dead person. They are
using the dead person for their personal, emotional pleasure, which
could be considered a non-sexual variation of Necrophilia.
This behavior is similar to the mothers who provide smash cakes for
their one-year-old babies.
People today have irrational funerals, and we should assume that our
ancestors had irrational funerals, also, and that some of the objects
that they put into graves had nothing
to do
with the dead person.
People today also have irrational
birthday parties, religions, holiday celebrations, recreational
activities, and contests. However, we did not create our irrational
culture. Rather, we inherited
it from our parents, who inherited them
from their ancestors, and so on.
We have modified that old culture a bit, but it has been irrational for
as long as it has existed. The reason is because our culture evolved to
fit our emotions, not our intellect.
The only significant difference between modern culture and prehistoric
culture is that our culture has degraded
as a result of centuries of
manipulation by businesses, religions, Zionist organizations,
feminists, vegans, monarchies, Hollywood, think tanks,
charities, crime networks, and lunatics.
Many of our modern customs are
more irrational and abusive than the customs of prehistoric people. For
example, our culture today promotes the attitude that children will
be harmed if they see naked
bodies, childbirth, sex, or breast-feeding.
This is more absurd than the prehistoric culture.
We cannot use unusual
people as standards.
The majority of people are similar to each other in
physical and mental characteristics, but there is always a small
percentage of the population that is at the extreme edges of the bell
For example, some men
are homosexual, and some men are so childlike that want to be taken
care of. There are also women who do not have much of an interest in
becoming a mother, and some women like to
get intoxicated or use heroin.
We must not allow anybody to use the unusual
people as proof of what the majority
of people are like. For example, some women are taller than the
majority of men, and some women are
more intelligent than the
majority of men, but those women are not
proof that men and women are
unisex creatures who are identical in
height and intelligence.
Instead of being surprised to discover that some prehistoric women
behaved differently than the majority of women, we should expect a
variety of behavior in both men and women.
should stop comparing themselves to
men. Women should ignore what the men are doing and enjoy being
female. They should stop competing with men, and stop trying to prove
that men and women are identical in physical and mental abilities.
It is especially important for the women who are unusually masculine to accept the evidence
that they are unusual women.
They should live the life that they want, and let the majority of women
be feminine. They must stop insulting the other women for wanting to be
mothers or wear pretty dresses.
The primitive tribes of today are failures
Reason #3, listed above,
about not using unusual people as standards, applies to the primitive
tribes of today. For example, some women recently
analyzed the role of women in 63 of the primitive
societies of the past century, and they wrote:
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s
contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts
A journalist described
their research as:
New Research Shatters the Myth of
Men As Hunters and Women As Gatherers
Those feminists believe that the primitive tribes of today can help us
understand ourselves, but those tribes are primitive because there is
something inferior about them.
We cannot use a modern,
primitive tribe
to understand our ancestors or ourselves.
Those primitive tribes are branches of the human race that are heading
towards extinction. They exist in the world today only because
we feel sorry for them; they live in undesirable locations of the
earth; and we treat them as an endangered species.
We don't know much about our primitive ancestors, but it is possible
that one of the reasons our ancestors advanced, while other tribes
remained primitive, is because the tribes that advanced were those in
which the men and women took different roles in life.
Germany and Japan have been criticized for being more "sexist" than
most other nations, but that might be one of the reasons that those
nations became so much more advanced than others, and have such low
crime rates.
Many feminists have insulted Germany and Japan as "sexist", but we
could say that the cultures of those nations are intended to provide
guidance to the women, not to abuse the women. For example, Japan has a
law that requires
women to wait 100 days after getting a divorce before getting married
again, whereas men don't have to wait. That law was not intended to oppress women.
Rather, it was intended to give
the woman and her next husband enough time to figure out if she is
We cannot use unusual people as examples of typical behavior
The feminists are
frequently using unusual
people to justify their theories. For example, they will find evidence
that a prehistoric woman hunted animals, and was as successful at
hunting as a
typical man, and then claim that all women are similar to her.
Likewise, they find some of the worst behaved men to prove that men are
cruel, sexist, and abusive to women. They imply
that those unusual men are typical,
but that type of "research" is deceptive, and should not be tolerated.
Feminists try to prove theories rather than discover knowledge
The goal of a scientist
should be to investigate
issues and discover
knowledge, not
look for evidence to support his ideas. A scientist must be willing to
consider the possibility that his ideas are partly or entirely false.
He should have the attitude of an explorer who is trying to learn about
the universe.
However, many of the female scientists and journalists are not trying to
discover knowledge about men or women, or trying to help us understand
how to improve our relationships. Instead, they are trying to prove
something to us, such as men are sexist, or that women are equally
talented as engineers, hunters, or plumbers.
For example, the title of this
document is " One of The Biggest
Hunter-Gatherers Myths Is Finally Getting Debunked". The author
claims that " The enduring idea
that men evolved to hunt and women evolved to gather is a relatively
baseless assumption".
The women who are doing that "research" are not investigating anything.
Rather, they are searching for evidence that supports their particular
theories, which is easy to do because we can interpret life in almost
any manner we please. For example, these scientists believe
that some old pieces of wood are from Noah's Ark.
By disregarding the evidence that we don't like, and interpreting other
evidence in the manner we please, we can support almost any theory,
such as we will go to heaven when we die; we will improve our life if
we acquire more money; and we can reduce crime with rehabilitation
programs and punishments.
The feminists are telling us what
believe, not providing us with information that they have discovered, asking
us to verify that information, and discussing the
information with us.
Men are ignorant about women, not sexist
Some of complaints of
sexism are due to the ignorance
of men, not because men want
to be abusive to women. For example, some
women have
suffered damage to their clitoris as a
result of medical procedures by doctors who did not have adequate
knowledge about the clitoris. The New York Times published this
document about the issue that was written by Rachel Gross, who refers to herself as a
"Science Journalist". The title
and subtitle is:
Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why
Don’t Doctors Study It?
The organ is
“completely ignored by pretty much everyone,” medical experts say, and
that omission can be devastating to women’s sexual health.
Her document has remarks such as:
Even in fields like urology, where
male sexual pleasure and orgasm are considered integral, women’s sexual
health “is seen as hysteria, Pandora’s box, all psychosocial, not real
medicine,” said Dr. Rubin, who is also the education chair of the
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. “Sexual
health and quality of life is not something we focus on for
women. (In contrast, Viagra is one of the most lucrative
pharmaceutical drugs in recent decades,”
Her article implies that men are sexist creatures who are ignoring
the sexual aspects of women, and have a much greater interest in
Viagra, but that conclusion is detrimental and unacceptable. She
is pouting,
whining, and accusing rather than investigating, analyzing, and
thinking. She is not a
"science journalist"; rather, she is an angry, feminist journalist.
Her article encourages women to whine, and to accuse men of sexism or
selfishness, but in this modern era, women need to display more
advanced attitudes. Her article would have been useful if it had been
written like this:
Some women have suffered damage to
their clitoris as a result of doctors who had an inadequate
understanding of its structure or connection to nerves. This article
has some examples of this problem, and recommends that the school
curriculum for gynecologists include more information about the
clitoris to reduce these problems.
That type of article makes people aware of a problem, and it encourages
people to experiment with improvements.
Women are part of the reason for
men's ignorance
The feminists blame men for
being ignorant about women's bodies, but part of the reason men are
ignorant about women's bodies is because women have evolved such a high
level of sexual inhibitions that they are preventing both boys and
girls from learning about their body and their sexual characteristics.
Women have such intense inhibitions, and/or such low levels of
self-control, that many young girls don't learn about menstruation
until they start
doing it. That problem is not the result
of men being sexist. It is because women cannot control their sexual
Likewise, a lot of women believe that their hair and body odors are
evil and disgusting, and must be washed away with shampoo and soap, and
covered with hair sprays and perfumes. Their ignorance about how their
body odors are, or should be, sexually attractive to men is the result
of women being
unable to control their sexual inhibitions, not because of sexism.
Furthermore, the reason so many men are obnoxious and lewd is because
the inhibitions of women are causing a lot of boys to develop idiotic
obsessions with sex and women's bodies.
The only way we are going to create a society in which the men are more
aware of women's health issues, and have more sensible attitudes toward
sex and women, and in which young girls are more aware of their own
body, is to pressure both women and men into controlling their
sexual inhibitions and allowing children to learn about the human body.
That is likely to require forcing children to become accustomed to
nudity, and giving them a more serious and extensive education about
sexual issues.
It is impossible for men to understand women when women are too
embarrassed to be honest about their feelings and thoughts.
Furthermore, every woman is slightly different, so in order for men to
truly understand women, we need a lot of them to talk about themselves
so that we can get an idea of how they differ, what is typical, and
what is unusual.
Furthermore, women cannot expect men to understand them when they
insist that we are unisex creatures. Women must be willing to
acknowledge that men and women are different.
Young boys and girls can be
treated as equals
When boys and girls are
below perhaps eight years of age, they are very similar to each other
in physical and mental characteristics, and they need to learn the same
lessons, such as how to use language, how to read and write, and how to
use recreational devices, such as bicycles.
Young children also need to be in frequent contact with one another so
that they can learn about socializing, and learn about the similarities
and differences between boys and girls.
Therefore, schools should put the young boys and girls together
in classrooms and recreational activities.
Schools should treat the older boys and
girls differently
Boys and girls start
developing noticeably different physical and mental characteristics
when they are about eight years old, so the Schools Ministry is
required to separate the boys and girls when they are
about eight years old, and adjusting the environment and curriculum for
each sex.
We don't know much about the differences between boys and girls, but we
have to start the process with what we know, and as we learn more about
human behavior, we can adjust the school environment and curriculum to
make it increasingly more appropriate. Some of the differences between
boys and girls that have been known for centuries are:
Boys have a
stronger interest in nature, tools, and science, and girls have
a stronger interest in taking care of babies, home related issues, and
socializing. |
Boys are better at
working in teams, remaining quiet while they work, following orders,
and dealing with criticism. Girls prefer to be their own boss but want
to work close enough to other girls so that they can chat with them.
Girls also need
more praise and have more trouble tolerating criticism. |
Boys are more
competitive, independent, and adventurous, whereas girls
are more likely to remain with, and mimic, other girls. |
As a result of these differences, the teachers and computer software
should put boys under more pressure to learn. The boys also need more
competitions, and the competition
should be more demanding.
We should eliminate unnecessary titillation
Every culture expects
people to control their cravings for material items, sex, alcohol, and
other things. Every culture assumes that we can disable those type of
cravings, as if there is a switch inside of us they can be turned on
and off. Some people even claim that we can choose to be homosexual or
This constitution is
based on the theory that our behavior is the result of both our genetic
characteristics, and our social
environment, but that we cannot
control our
genetic characteristics. Therefore, we cannot disable or alter any of
our emotional cravings or fears, or choose whether we are homosexual,
heterosexual, or a pedophile.
Since we cannot change our emotions, the best way to improve our lives
is to change our social environment to reduce the stimulation of the
undesirable emotions, and increase the stimulation of the desirable
emotions. Three examples of this concept are:
1) |
the titillation caused by sugar.
Instead of providing people with enormous amounts of sweet pastries,
cakes, pies, and meats, and instead of expecting people to control
their craving for those sweet items, we would have more success in
controlling our consumption of sugar by changing our culture to reduce the
The method
that this constitution advocates is requiring everybody
get all of their meals from restaurants, and requiring the restaurants
to follow rules that are set by the Meals Ministry in regards to the
amount of sugar that can put
into foods.
That will allow the Meals Ministry to restrict all of the sweet foods
to lower sugar levels, thereby making it much easier for people to
control their consumption of them.
Another option that the Meals Ministry has is to restrict the access of
the sweet foods, such as restricting people to only one, small slice of
a sweet pie on Saturdays.
Those techniques are treating people in a similar manner as we treat
pet dogs and
farm animals. Therefore, in order to enjoy a culture in which the
restaurants are controlling our consumption of sugar,
we must be able to acknowledge that humans
are animals, rather
than complain that such treatment is insulting, and that it is denying
us our freedom to eat whatever we please. |
the sexual titillation.
Instead of allowing women and young girls to dress in sexually
attractive manners all day, every day, and expecting men to ignore or
control their sexual cravings, we would have a more pleasant social
environment by reducing the
sexual titillation. This constitution advocates the following methods:
from wearing sexually attractive clothing, jewelry, and cosmetics while
they are working and involved with recreational activities, and
restricting that behavior to certain social affairs.
schools to
teach young children about sex, human bodies, and other issues so that
the boys don't develop obsessions with sex and female sex organs. |
• |
Putting the
boys and
girls into different school classes, and
prohibiting the girls from wearing sexually titillating clothing,
jewelry, and cosmetics while they are in school. |
• |
Putting male and
female employees into different offices or buildings if they do not
need to work together.
This constitution believes that humans evolved for an
environment in
which the men spent most of the day with
other men, and the women
spent most of the day with women and
children. Men and women did not evolve to
work together, or spend a lot of time together, except in the evenings. Therefore, businesses are
required to
separate men and women at their jobs
whenever possible.
• |
activities for single people, and prohibiting flirting
in public locations. |
• |
businesses, journalists, and other people and organizations from using
sexual titillation to attract men. For example, the women who appear in
television documentaries must be middle-aged or older, dressed in a
non-sexual manner, and not have any cosmetics or jewelry. The audience
should focus on the information
in the documentary, not the woman who
is narrating it. |
• |
journalists, television programs, and other people from promoting the
concept that we will have a better life by having sex in strange
locations, such as an airplane bathroom; in strange positions; or with
drugs such as alkyl
nitrite or Viagra. |
A culture that separates male and female employees, or prohibits women
from being sexually attractive at their jobs, is treating humans
in a similar manner as a farmer who separates the sexually receptive
females from the male animals until it is time for them to mate.
Therefore, that type of culture requires people who are willing to
acknowledge that
humans are
Eliminate the titillation by material wealth.
All existing cultures allow people to have extreme differences in
material wealth, and this results in people comparing what they have to
what other people have, and struggling to get more wealth. This
competition for wealth creates a lot of fighting,
cheating, pouting, hatred, envy, and sadness. It also results in some
people getting involved with jobs they don't like simply because those
jobs offer high incomes, and, even worse, it results in some people
doing things to make money that are destructive, illegal,
Instead of expecting people to understand the concept that "Money
cannot buy happiness", and instead of expecting them to control their
cravings for material wealth, we would have more success by altering
our economic system and other culture so that there is no money, and
all of the material wealth is divided equally among the people. That
makes it impossible for people to compare what they have to what other
people have, thereby eliminating the competition for material
wealth and money. |
When we are willing
to acknowledge that humans are apes,
then we can design our culture to suppress our undesirable, animal
characteristics, and encourage beneficial behavior. That will provide
us with a much more pleasant and relaxing social environment, and it
will be much more successful in reducing bad behavior compared to
trying to control people with punishments and rehabilitation programs.
Should women shave their body hair?
Modern technology allows
women to stimulate a man's sexual emotions beyond what our mind was
designed for. Even though we are
capable of resisting the excessive titillation, it is frustrating and
annoying to do so. We would have a more pleasant life if we reduced the
One experiment this constitution recommends is prohibiting women from
shaving their body hair, but we cannot judge that type of
experiment according to what people " like".
Rather, we need to have the attitude of a farmer or a zoo manager who
judges it by the effect
it has on our lives, attitudes, and relationships.
We must pass judgment on whether we have a better life by allowing
women to shave their body hair, or by prohibiting them from shaving.
Men might find women more attractive without body hair, but does our
life improve when they shave their body hair?
There are
lots of benefits to prohibiting
women from shaving. For example:
It makes life
slightly more pleasant for the women
by preventing their skin from rubbing against itself. |
It eliminates
time women spend on shaving, thereby giving them more time for
activities that are more satisfying and beneficial, which is similar to
extending their life. |
We eliminate the
labor and resources needed to produce and recycle hair removal devices
for women, and we all benefit by eliminating undesirable chores. |
We reduce the
sexual titillation of men, thereby making life more comfortable for
both the men and the women. |
We eliminate one of
the excuses that men use for their lewd behavior; namely, that women
are provoking men by making themselves unnaturally attractive.
Therefore, it becomes easier for men to behave properly
around women, so we can set higher
standards for the men. |
This concept also applies to other types of cosmetic issues, such as
whether we should provide either men or women with piercings. Does life
improve for us when we pierce our ears, nose, eyebrows, or tongue, and
install jewelry into the holes?
The government has control over all products and culture, so they have
the authority and responsibility to experiment with these issues. As
with all government officials, they must make decisions according to
what provides us with the best life, not according to what people want,
and they must post a document to explain each decision so that we can
pass judgment on whether they are providing sensible guidance and
Both men and women have crude
The feminist movement is
giving girls a distorted view of life by criticizing men but not women.
This constitution requires the schools to teach children that both men
and women are animals, and
that neither sex is better than the other. Both
men and women have crude and irritating characteristics.
An example of a crude characteristic of women is that they are willing
to marry a man they do not like
simply because he has high status. The women who have the most extreme
craving for status are willing to marry men who have criminal
backgrounds, or terrible reputations.
 An example are the
women who chase after Hollywood celebrities and
They are attracted to those men because of their status
and wealth, not
because they believe those men will make wonderful
That crude behavior allows men such as Harvey
Weinstein to attract a lot of women. Those women have such a strong
desire for wealth and fame that they disregard the drug problems, lewd
behavior, and violence of the wealthy men.
Most people consider a man to be disgusting if he gets involved with a
woman only for sex, and has no desire to see her a second time. That
type of behavior is similar to a
dog that is trying to have sex with our leg. However, women who get
involved with wealthy men that they dislike are also behaving like an
animal, but most people admire them rather than regard them as crude or
There are lots of disgusting women
The feminist movement
complains about the violent and selfish behavior of men, but both men
and women are violent, selfish apes. Women are "different" than men,
not better. An example are the women who killed their husband after
arranging for him to get life insurance.
An extreme example of abusive women are those who steal babies from
other women, and
sometimes cut open pregnant women to steal their baby.
women who fantasize about
stealing a baby but who have enough self-control to resist the urge are the female
equivalent of the men who have fantasies of raping women but can resist
the urge to
do so.
The women who grab and kiss the babies of other women are behaving like
a man who grab at and brush up against women.
Both men and women have crude qualities, and we need to understand them
and deal with them rather than insult the other sex for having crude