we know why Trump is silent
secret is out
Eric Hufschmid, 3
Sep 2018
Updated 4 Sep 2018 here
Updated 7 Sep 2018 here
The recruiting
method of the Jewish crime network
In the movie, They Live, this scene
shows a human who justifies working
with the aliens because:
1) The aliens have total control of the world, so there's no point in
fighting them.
2) The humans who join will benefit by helping the aliens create a
better world for everybody.
That movie caused me to assume that people were working with the Jewish
crime network for those same two reasons.
Some people had been claiming for years that the mysterious New World
Order (NWO)
would force people to join by drugging them, or by
getting them drunk, and then forcing them to have sex with children,
thereby providing the NWO with blackmail material.
Unfortunately, the people who made such claims never provided any
evidence for what they said, and they never accused anybody of being
one of their victims.
Now, finally, I have discovered that a woman named Jennifer Guskin is
providing evidence for that accusation.
She is producing videos in which she claims to have been one of the
children that the pedophile networks used to provide blackmail
material, and she is naming the people who were forced into having sex
with her and other children.
The Jewish
crime network forces its members into pedophilia
Jenny Guskin says that she and other children would be
divided into three age
groups and put on display, and the people
who were forced to have sex with children had to pick one of
the children. She says in this video
that Donald Trump
was among the people who were forced to do this.
In this
video she provides more detail and says that Trump would pick
the oldest of the teenagers. Apparently Trump is
not interested in having sex with children.
Why would somebody defend Weinstein?
She believes that Trump is appalled with the
pedophile network and is trying to destroy it, and she thanks both
Trump and Ivanka in that video.
Jenny Guskin also mentioned Harvey Weinstein as one of the
pedophiles. This would explain why the media is willing to accuse
Weinstein of being lewd with adult women; specifically, they are hiding
his pedophile crimes.
How many pedophiles are adopting
In this
video, Jenny Guskin says she was adopted by a
couple who were working with a pedophile network. To her father, she
was just a source of income. For example, she was sent to a Jewish
community center camp, and at night she and other children were often
taken to sex parties, and she was given a wad of cash
to give to her parents in return for being a sex toy.
Jenny Guskin, and the other people who are complaining about being used by the
pedophile network, don't seem to have had much of an education, and
that makes it very easy for the pedophiles to fool them into believing
something nonsensical. For example, in her video for 3 September 2018,
with the title: "Want full disclosure? Demand it!!", she claims that
she is not completely human because she has some other type of DNA in
Like most people, she doesn't know what DNA is. She also believes
the mysterious people called "Q" are fighting the pedophile network. (If
you don't know what Q is, I mentioned Q here).
However, as I mentioned (here
about the “Contaminate the Punch Bowl” trick, and here about
unicorns), don't dismiss the victims of pedophilia simply
because they make some nonsensical remarks.
Jenny Guskin is releasing some devastating and embarrassing information about
the Trump administration, and many other people in government and
Hollywood, so we should expect the pedophiles to convince her to
believe something idiotic so that people will dismiss her as a crazy
Now we
have an explanation for Trump's obedience
to Israel
In some previous documents I wondered why the
Trump administration is so quiet about the lies about the 9/11 attack,
and other crimes. I also wondered why he wants his daughter in the White
Jenny Guskin's information provides us with one
possible explanation. Specifically, the reason Trump behaves like a
puppet of the Jews and is quiet about their crimes is because the Jews
have video of him having sex with teenage girls.
And the reason he wants his daughter in the White House is because she
is aware of the blackmail, and she knows some of the victims, such as
Guskin. Since the pedophile network is so large and diabolical, Trump
wants Ivanka in his administration because he doesn't know who he can
trust, and he wants somebody who is as disgusted with the network as he
is, and who wants to destroy it as much as he does.
is free! His secret is
During the past couple of years I occasionally
noticed an accusation on the Internet that Trump had raped a teenage
girl, but there was no evidence to back it up, or any details, so I did
not mention it in my documents. Guskin now provides support for that
Trump can stop worrying that his past will be exposed. Guskin has just
exposed it.
Blackmail material has no value when the material is put on
the Internet for
everybody to look at. Therefore, Trump no longer has to bow in
submission to the Jews who threaten to release the video of him having
sex with teenage girls.
is time for Trump to become a warrior
Trump should become the warrior that
his supporters assume he is. |
Trump should get off his hands and
and expose the Jewish crimes to the public. This will bring a lot of
sheeple into the fight, which will help us expose and destroy the
network at a much faster rate.
All of the other people in the military, government, police
departments, businesses, and other organizations who are in the same
predicament as Trump should stop worrying that they will be exposed.
They may not yet have been exposed, but more information is coming out
every day, and it is spreading around the world.
The Internet has changed human life significantly. More
victims of the pedophile network are going to come
forward with more information, and eventually we might find some of the
blackmailed victims are willing to release the information they know,
The pedophiles are the only people who benefit by allowing this battle
to drag on for years. It would be better to bring this battle out
the open and encourage all of the victims of the network -
both the
children who were raped, and the people such as Trump who were forced
to rape the children - to expose what they know and help destroy
The people who don't want to destroy the pedophile network should be
considered as criminals, not as victims.
Why are there so many
pedophile investigators?
In my previous document here, I
pointed out that a lot of the people exposing pedophiles seem to be wolves in sheep's clothing.
Guskin's accusations can explain why so many of them have appeared
during the past year, and why so many other people have come forward to
ridicule the "pizzagate theories".
Specifically, Jenny Guskin, Holly Baglio, Katy Groves, and some other people
are putting out some truly important and devastating
accusations, and
this is causing the pedophile network to panic. So the pedophile
network may have found a bunch of unemployable losers to become
investigators, and they also have found some losers to ridicule the
"pizzagate" and pedophile accusations and investigators.
Guskin has been posting videos since March 2018, which is almost 6
months ago, but so far she has not
had much publicity. By comparison, the other people who are repeating
the same information over and over get lots of publicity. Is it
possible that all of those pedophile
investigators are truly unaware of her? I don't think so. I think they
are deliberately ignoring her.
Judging by the treatment I get from the Jews, I think the Jews have set
up an army of Pied Pipers to ignore Guskin, Baglio, and the other people
who are exposing truly important information. Those Pied Pipers are
trying to lure you
to their videos and websites, thereby limiting the damage, and the Jews
are also trying to get you
caught up in their idiotic discussions and arguments.
Until recently, I was also getting lots of Jews trying to become my
friend or spouse, when in reality they were just trying to get
information about me, manipulate me, or set me up for blackmail or
death. They
don't contact me as often now, perhaps because they have failed so many
times that they are working on other people.
I'm sure that Jenny Guskin and the other people who are truly a threat to the
pedophile network are also being contacted by "wonderful" people who
want to be their friend, but who in reality are trying to find ways to
sabotage and manipulate them.
The pedophile network might be Q, also, because Q does not encourage us
to join in on exposing or destroying the pedophile network. Rather, Q
encourages us to become passive, contented sheep who "trust Sessions"
and "trust the plan".
has an opportunity that nobody has had before
On September 11, President Trump is expected to
make a speech about the 9/11 attack. Trump said that he likes to fight,
and he has an opportunity to start what future historians will
undoubtedly consider to be the most important, unusual, and significant
battle the human race has ever seen.
Specifically, he could use that 9/11 speech to expose to the public
that we have been lied to about the attack.
If he can find enough courage, he could go even further and point out
that the 9/11 attack is just the tip of the iceberg of lies.
He could
point out that we have been lied to about the Holocaust, the world
wars, and the Apollo moon landing.
He could then ask the military, police departments, businesses, and
public to join him on the destruction of an international pedophile
network that is blackmailing thousands of people in influential
If Trump can find the courage to do this, he would start a fight that
is bigger than any fight the world has ever seen before. It would
involve more nations than the world wars. It would also be a
fight of much more importance to the human race.
Put pressure on Trump to do it!
If you know of people in the government,
military, police departments, etc., tell them to put pressure
on the Trump administration to start the greatest battle in the history
of the human race.
If it turns out that Trump is too emotionally weak to start such a
fight, or if he has a lot of other horrible secrets that he is still
hiding, then maybe we can find somebody else to do it, such as Vladimir
Putin. If Putin is also too afraid, maybe we can find some person in a
leadership position of Japan, China, or India.
Update 7 Sep 2018 In other documents I pointed out that Katy Perry and Bob Dylan mentioned that they made a deal with the devil in order to become famous. What exactly did they do?
If you wonder what else Trump could be hiding, here and here are just two of many people who claim that if we want to become famous in the entertainment business, we must be willing to agree to have somebody we
know, such as our mother or friend, be murdered.
If this is occurring in the entertainment business, is it also
occurring with government officials, military leaders, or other people?
few years ago I wondered (here) about the hidden meaning in Lady Gaga's
Marry the Night video. The scene in the video that looks like a
hospital made me wonder if she agreed to have some type of
surgery, but now I wonder if she chose somebody to be murdered.
Lady Gaga became incredibly famous in 2008, shortly after her friend, Lina Morgana, died. When I first heard about that "coincidence",
I wondered if Gaga had murdered her, or paid somebody to murder her,
but I couldn't think of any motive, so I dismissed it as a coincidence.
Today, however, I can see a motive. Specifically, Gaga was told by the
Hollywood Jews to pick somebody to be murdered, and she chose her
If a lot of the people in Hollywood, the media, and government had to agree to have friends or family members murdered in order to become famous, this could explain the extreme, almost psychotic, level of hatred and fear of Donald Trump.
But will Trump actually expose them? Or is he too afraid? Put pressure on Trump to bring everything out in the open! |
We need somebody in a leadership position to get
this battle started. People like me, Jenny Guskin, and the others who are
willing to start the fight don't have the authority to do it, and we
don't have enough influence over the public. The majority of people
behave so much like sheep that they will listen only to "authorities",
not to people like me, Jenny Guskin, or Katy Groves.
You can send this document to
Trump, and here
are some letters
and videos.
Update 4
September 2018:
blackmailing Jews want secrecy more than you!
those of you who are afraid that the video of you having sex with
children is going to be released, keep in mind that the people
blackmailing you want secrecy more than you do.
As I mentioned
in this file, blackmail is only useful when the victim is easily
frightened. They do not want to release the information they have
because that would expose them and their blackmailing operation.
they frighten you into submission. If you fight them, they try to kill
you. They do not want to release the information about you.
if a large number of you would find the courage to stand up to them,
they cannot kill all of you because that would also expose them. They
can only get away with murder when they do it one at a time and make it
look like an accident or suicide. They cannot fight a large group of
people who stand up to them at one time. So find the courage to stand
up to them. Stop being frightened.
The journalists are afraid to
expose you, also
You might also be comforted to notice that the
journalists are ignoring Jenny and the other
victims. If you do not think this is important, then notice how the
journalists have been struggling for years to make
Trump look bad, and to justify impeaching him.
Jenny is providing them with information that he has raped teenage girls!
Why don't the journalists, or any of the Democrats in Congress, use
that information to embarrass Trump, or have him arrested or impeached?
Why don't they interview Jenny? Why don't they use her to justify
impeaching Trump? Why are they instead wasting their time trying to
prove a "Russian collusion"?
The journalists do not want to interview Jenny because she would expose
them, and their blackmail operation.
Likewise, the FBI and Congress do not want to bring Jenny into a
congressional hearing to provide information to justify impeaching
Trump because that would expose all of them, also.
significance of this is that the journalists, the FBI, the Supreme
Court justices, the lawyers, and the Congress, do not want to expose you, either,
and for the same reason they do not want to expose Trump. So stop being so frightened!
you need a deadline?
Do you need some pressure
on you?
about if we set 11 September 2018 as the date at which the blackmailed
puppets find the courage to stand up to the crime network? After that
date, the people who continue to promote keeping the fight a secret
should be regarded as criminals who are trying to
protect the network, rather than as victims who
want to destroy it.
Will that help you get off your hands and knees
and fight the crime network?