1) Who is Whitney
Houston, and
why should we care?
![]() When I first saw news reports of Whitney Houston's death, I recognized her name as a female singer, but I did not know much else about her. Apparently I never listen to her style of music. ![]() The reports about her death don't make sense to me. For example, she was in her large, luxury hotel room on a pleasant Saturday afternoon with several other people. She ordered lunch and began to eat, but during the meal she decided to stop eating and take a bath. Instead of leaving her food on the table (in the photo), she took a turkey sandwich and some jalapenos into the bathroom. She was planning to eat them in the bathroom after she was finished with her bath.
I wonder if she stopped eating because she wasn't feeling very good. Perhaps one of her "friends" put a drug into her food or drink, and when she complained about feeling sick, her friend recommended that she take a bath to relax. Her friend may have also filled the bathtub with warm water to encourage her to get into the bathtub.
Learn from other people's mistakes I did not write this article in order to justify my speculation that Whitney Houston was murdered, or to speculate on who may have murdered her. Rather, the attempts by journalists to convince us that her death was an accident are so absurd that I thought this incident would be a useful educational tool to help you to notice the tricks that some journalists are using to manipulate us. You might also benefit by being reminded that you must be very careful of who you trust. ![]() I don't understand how an adult can look at these news reports and not wonder if we are being deceived by the journalists and police. I think that the willingness of the public to accept these idiotic explanations should be used as more evidence that most people are mindless sheep who should not be allowed to vote or influence society.
In a television interview with Diane Sawyer, Whitney Houston was talking about her drug problems, and she told Sawyer that nobody makes her do anything, that she is responsible for her life and problems. She admitted that she is her worst enemy.
How obvious does a murder have to be? The refusal of the ordinary people to think for themselves makes me wonder how bizarre an accidental death has to be before the majority of people - including my own gullible relatives! - suspect that it was actually a murder.
Can we trust the Mickey
Fine pharmacy?
Some news reports tell us that Whitney Houston filled her prescriptions at the same pharmacy that Michael Jackson had used; specifically, the Mickey Fine Pharmacy of Beverly Hills. What would you think if a news report that told us, "Whitney Houston died today, and although police do not know why she died, it is known that she had a home in California, which is the same state that Michael Jackson was living in!"
Some people are getting away with their crimes by being in positions of authority and opposing the crimes that they are involved with. This fools us into thinking that we can trust them. For a recent example, did you hear about the Arizona Sheriff, Paul Babeu, who complains about illegal aliens? He is being accused of having a homosexual lover who is in the country illegally, and that he and his lawyer were threatening that illegal alien with deportation if he did not agree to remain silent about the homosexual relationship. That Sheriff is just one of many people who complain about illegal aliens but who secretly use them as gardeners, maids, or lovers.
With all of the evidence that crime networks are rampant in every nation, and that the Jews have the biggest and most destructive crime network of all, we have to investigate everybody on this planet, including those in pharmacies, ambulances, hospitals, and police departments.
It might help you to be reminded that we are in a battle of intelligence. Get into the habit of being suspicious of all journalists, historians, whistleblowers, investigators, truth tellers, and "experts". Watch out for their attempts to manipulate our opinions, instigate fights, and exploit our weaknesses.
Another example of journalists scraping the bottom of the barrel is this timeline in which she is described as "jumping in and out of the pool and doing somersaults in the pool area". Most people would consider that to be a sign that she was physically active and healthy, but the journalists are trying to convince us that it is evidence that she was drunk, mentally unstable, obnoxious, erratic, psychotic, or on drugs.
Anything Houston did would be used against her As you look over the news reports about Whitney Houston's death, it should be obvious that no matter what Whitney Houston had done in the days prior to her death, the Jews would have used it against her. For two examples:
Our information about Whitney Houston is coming from a small number of journalists, and they are carefully selecting photos, information, and witnesses to describe what happened. Our only defense is to be suspicious of the journalists and their information.
A few weeks ago I posted this file in which I mentioned the value of covering a city with surveillance cameras - including hotel rooms - and saving the video at a storage center for a while. That policy would enable us to look at the video from Whitney Houston's hotel room and figure out exactly what happened to her. If nothing had happened to her that day, then the video would just sit in storage for a while, and eventually be erased, so who would be harmed by such a policy? Whitney Houston may have been murdered by her "friends". If you make bad decisions about who to trust, you may end up becoming a victim of a con artist, or worse, a murderer. You better take this issue seriously! We are not living in a world of wonderful people created by a loving God. Humans are just intelligent monkeys, and many of them are behaving like savages.
It's easy to disguise a murder as an accident if the victim is known for having problems with drugs, relationships, gambling, or self-esteem. For example, did David Carradine die because he went too far with his risky sex act? Or was he murdered?
The Jews are not getting away with their crimes because they are too clever for us. Rather, the majority of people in every nation simply refuse to deal with the problems of modern society. Also, there doesn't seem to be any shortage of people who can be bribed with offers of money, fame, or sex. ![]() Asking the sheeple to help expose or stop the corruption is like asking a spoiled child to clean his room. They turn away and make excuses, such as that they're too old, there's nothing we can do to stop it, they're too busy, they're too young, they have no influence, or they don't know what to do. They are not sweet, loving, innocent citizens. They are deserters during a time of war. They are irresponsible, selfish animals.
At the beginning of this article I mentioned that I had initially ignored Whitney Houston's death, and I suppose some people will interpret this as an insult to Whitney Houston. However, it's not an insult. It's actually a very simple concept, but most people don't seem to understand it, so I will briefly mention it. ![]() In regards to entertainment, most people assume that the singers, painters, actors, dancers, and musicians who are the most popular are the most talented, and those popular artists are given awards. For example, Taylor Swift is often in the news for winning awards and being praised as a popular country-western singer, but is she popular because she is more "talented" than the other singers? I don't think so. I think her popularity is due to her music crossing the boundary between country-western and other styles. Her particular songs appeal to a larger audience. Other country-western singers are just as talented, but only a small percentage of the world population is interested in that style of music. |
2) Have you noticed
the attempt
to hurt the US military?
Once you become accustomed to being suspicious of journalists, you should notice that they are frequently trying to give the US military a bad image. For example, did you notice that journalists recently showed us a video in which US soldiers were peeing on dead Afghans?
Who benefits? Whenever you analyze world events, remind yourself of the expression, who benefits? Who benefits by giving worldwide publicity to a "disgusting" video? The only people who benefit are those who are trying to create anger towards the US military.
Bradley Manning, the homosexual US soldier who gave military documents to Wikileaks, and who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, is described by his supporters as a "whistleblower" who is trying to help the world, but he is not providing us with any intelligent analyses of our problems, and he is not offering any solutions.
I think that video of the US soldiers looks staged. It reminds me of the photos of the Abu Ghraib "torture and prisoner abuse". Judging by the attempts during the past 10 years of Jews to get me to do or say something that they could later use against me, I think that the Jews are routinely arranging for embarrassing videos and photos of soldiers, politicians, businessmen, and other people, and they keep them in storage until they find a use for them.
The photo below is confusing. Since most Americans have been convinced that the Nazis are the most evil creatures to ever exist on the planet Earth, it is not likely that the Marines accidentally created a logo for themselves that is virtually identical to the Nazi SS logo. So, how do we explain this photo? ![]() It's possible that the Jews tricked the Marines into posing for this photo in order to give the US military a bad image, but let's hope that the Marines created that photo in order to send a message to Wolf Blitzer and other Jews that they are becoming aware of the truth, and fed up with their disgusting behavior. |
3) Can you see the
to instigate racial fights?
Once you become suspicious of journalists, you might notice that certain journalists, mainly Jews, frequently give publicity to idiotic cartoons, images, and remarks that they claim are insulting to some group of people. For example, the Jews occasionally give publicity to a Mohammed cartoon in an attempt to incite anger with Muslims. The Jews arrange for these cartoons to be created, and then they give them worldwide publicity.
You ought to spend some time considering how much more peaceful the world would be if the journalists were not constantly reminding the Chinese people that they are victims of racist Americans; reminding women that they are victims of sexist men; and reminding Americans that they are victims of fanatical, suicidal Muslim terrorists who hate us and want to attack us with nuclear bombs. These journalists should be described as "con artists", "criminals", and "destructive influences on society". |
4) John Kerry; a
tough hockey
player? Or flea-bitten fool?
In January 2012, John Kerry had a broken nose and bruises on his face. He proudly boasted to the other government officials that it was from playing ice hockey.
Since politicians are sleeping with dogs, it's not surprising that they seem miserable, and that they are occasionally beaten, and sometimes killed. |
5) Peggy is still
calling me on the phone!
![]() After what I wrote about Peggy (here is the first page), I assumed that she would never contact me again. However, she has been calling me almost every month since then! |
6) Does "Marry
The Night" have hidden meanings?
Lady Gaga's latest music video, Marry The Night, reminds me of the "California Gurl" video by Katy Perry in that both videos seem to have hidden meanings about how they became famous. Gaga's video starts with her being prepared for surgery, and she cries a bit as she complains that she has nothing to lose. ![]() Update: there is now so much evidence that the people who have become extremely wealthy and famous have agreed to "sell their soul to the devil," that is, join a crime network, that I now think that Marry the Night is about her decision to join the crime network.\ ![]() The ceiling of the building is decorated with art, and it has the words "The Cross Is My Anchor" written on it, but in a mirrored form. (You can read the words in the image below because I reversed the image.) ![]() Compare Lady Gaga to Whitney Houston Although Lady Gaga is often criticized and insulted, she gets a lot of favorable publicity, and she has been able to work with some government officials in an attempt to push the military into accepting homosexuals, and to change society's attitudes towards "bullying". How would you treat Whitney Houston? Imagine if you were the owner of a music business, and Whitney Houston was one of your clients. How would you treat her? Would you encourage her to associate with cocaine users or psychopaths? Would you encourage her to go to bars and get drunk? Or would you encourage her to take care of herself, develop her talent, and associate with people who will be a good influence in her life? ![]() The Jews do not work with us, and they do not want to help us develop our talents. The Jews cannot compete with us in a fair manner. They have dreary personalities, and they are so ugly that they don't even like the way they look. Jews frequently have cosmetic surgery to look more like us, but we never ask a cosmetic surgeon to make us look more like a Jew. Getting publicity is not an honor! We assume that we are "special" if we win a Nobel Prize, an Academy award, or are interviewed on television, but it seems that everybody who gets publicity is either a member of the Jewish crime network, or one of their "useful idiots". We need to raise standards for influential people Lady Gaga spends some of her time on a campaign to stop bullying and promote homosexuals. She claims to have been bullied when she was in school. I don't know what she is like in real life, but from the few video interviews I've seen of her, I would describe her as dreary, drab, dull, and extremely self-centered. I can understand why she was bullied. She's not what I would describe as happy, cheerful, or sociable. She does not have the type of personality that I am attracted to. |
7) Why is Jennifer
Aniston in
the news so often?
I get most of my news from the Google news page, and I frequently find articles that encourage us to feel sorry for, or admire, Jennifer Aniston, and there are lots of other articles that criticize Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It seems as if a lot of journalists are furious that Brad Pitt divorced Aniston, but why would any journalist care who Brad Pitt is married to? ![]() Some journalists accuse Jolie of "stealing" Pitt, and although it's true that women are capable of deceiving men, nobody is showing evidence that Jolie has fooled Brad Pitt. Furthermore, if Aniston was such a desirable woman, then there would be lots of other men who would be happy to replace Brad Pitt as her husband, but where are all those men? ![]() I suspect that the anger towards Pitt and Jolie is actually an intense envy. The Jews are probably emotionally distraught that the public continues to be attracted to Pitt and Jolie despite all of the insulting articles the Jews have written about them.
You may assume that the people in Hollywood have no significance to your life, but the people in the media are providing us with most of our information about the world, and they also write and publish school books, history books, and scientific magazines. They also have a tremendous influence over children. We are fools to allow criminals to get control of our media. We should provide ourselves with a media of respectable, intelligent journalists that we can trust.We should identify and stop criminals, not ignore them A lot of what appears to be meaningless Hollywood events might actually be very significant. For example, why is the Kardashian family in the news so often? It seems that Ryan Seacrest is promoting the family, but why that particular family? ![]() Your first thought might be that Seacrest simply sees a profit potential in the Kardashian family, but Seacrest is a highly paid, influential man in the media, so we ought to consider the possibility that the Jewish crime network is considering him as a replacement for one of the aging criminals who currently dominate the media. If Seacrest is a "rising star" in their crime network, then his actions are not simply for profit. Rather, they are to help the crime network. Therefore, we should consider that his promotion of the Kardashian family has some benefit to the crime network. |
I can't prove that Whitney Houston was murdered, and I can't explain why the Kardashian family is in the news so often, but we don't need the details of world events to realize that we are being taken advantage of by criminals, and we don't need the details to improve the world. All we have to do is identify and remove the people who are causing trouble. But who among us is causing trouble? |