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Science Challenge #27
How did pieces of
the moon end up in Antarctica?
(see my article here if you don't know about this)

Here is a photo of a piece of the moon laying on the Antarctic ice:And here is the description of that meteorite from that webpage:
“Before the systematic recovery of meteorites from Antarctica, most researchers didn't believe you could knock a piece off of a big planetary body, and send it to Earth as a meteorite.

In 1981, that was proven to be false when this meteorite was found near the Allan Hills.

There was no doubt that it came from the moon- studies of the Apollo specimens had revealed a distinctive and limited range of lithologies there, and this specimen was a spitting image for one of the more common types.

In a short time researchers realized they might have samples of other planets as well, including Mars.”

So, how did pieces of the moon end up in Antarctica?
 A.  When meteors hit the Moon, Venus, and Mars, sometimes a few of them were traveling so fast that they knocked lose some pieces of the planet that exceeded the escape velocity of the planet, which is only about 8,600 kmh  (5,100 mph) in the case of the moon.

Those pieces then went flying through the solar system, and a few landed on the earth.
NASA on lunar meteor strike

 B.  NASA sent a team to Antarctica prior to the moon landing, and they searched the ice for meteorites and other unusual rocks, and then they gave them to the Apollo astronauts.
NASA site about meteorites

Can you figure this out?

“Yes! The correct answer is A.

“That is the only way to explain the piece of Jupiter that I found in my backyard!”


Need some clues?

The image below (source) shows top Apollo officials and scientists in the Antarctica preparing for the launch of Apollo:
Left to right: Maxime A. Faget (NASA Space Task Group), Dr. Robert Gilruth (director, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center), Werner von Braun (the German rocket scientist), two un-named scientists from the mysterious "Project Deep Freeze", and Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (another of the German scientists who worked with von Braun and was brought to the USA after the war).

Can you figure out why top NASA officials and German rocket scientists were sent to Antarctica shortly before the Apollo moon landing?

“Yes, I can figure it out! 

NASA needed cold temperatures to test some lunar equipment, and money was no concern during the Apollo mission.

So, instead of building a big freezer or traveling to Canada or Alaska, they splurged on a luxury trip to Antarctica!”


Is NASA just a gang of educated criminals?
Maxime A. Faget

In this Tribute to an unsung space hero, Faget is praised as knowing how to "wring the maximum advantage out of his mind and body".

The example mentioned is that he would start a poker game in the unpressurized NASA aircraft when they crossed over the Rocky Mountains because the low oxygen levels diminished his co-worker's thinking abilities.

Max Faget is another example of a crude Neanderthal who considers other humans as opportunities to exploit rather than as friends.

Don't assume that Faget's poker games were the only times in his life when he took advantage of his "friends", and don't assume that we can convert these crude people into advanced humans simply by punishing them. We have to accept the fact that people are different. Many people are disgusting, dangerous, and detrimental because of the type of mind they were born with. We must set higher standards of behavior for people, especially those in leadership positions.


James Hansen

He is another suspicious NASA "scientist". He has won numerous awards, but instead of doing something useful for society in return for all of the resources he consumes, he wastes a lot of his time trying to frighten the world with global warming hysteria. (I have several pages about global warming here.)

“Global Warming is about to destroy the entire earth. Most of you will die a slow, miserable death!

However, the governments can fix the earth's weather if you allow them to collect carbon taxes.”