Science Challenge #27 |
the moon end up in Antarctica? (see my article here if you don't know about this) |
Can you figure this out?
Need some clues? The image below (source) shows top Apollo officials and scientists in the Antarctica preparing for the launch of Apollo: |
Left to right: Maxime A. Faget (NASA Space
Task Group), Dr. Robert Gilruth (director,
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center), Werner von Braun
(the German rocket scientist), two un-named scientists from the mysterious
"Project Deep Freeze", and Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger
(another of the German scientists who worked with von Braun and was brought
to the USA after the war).
Can you figure out why top
NASA officials and German rocket scientists were sent to Antarctica shortly
before the Apollo moon landing?
Is NASA just a gang of educated
Don't assume that Faget's poker games were the only times in his life
when he took advantage of his "friends", and don't assume that we can convert
these crude people into advanced humans simply by punishing them. We have
to accept the fact that people are different.
Many people are disgusting, dangerous, and detrimental because of the type
of mind they were born with. We must set higher standards of behavior for
people, especially those in leadership positions.
James Hansen
He is another suspicious NASA "scientist". He has won numerous awards,
but instead of doing something useful for society in return for all of
the resources he consumes, he wastes a lot of his time trying to frighten
the world with global warming hysteria. (I have several pages about global
warming here.)