by Chicago's Zionist police gang! Arrested on Tuesday, 15 August 2006
The bizarre arrest of Christopher Bollyn gives us an opportunity to identify some of the criminals who are influencing our police departments. In 1976 Harold Wallace Rosenthal said "Your people don't have guts." Have you seen Rosenthal's remarks yet:Please help us let the Zionists gangs realize that some of us are fed up with their abuse. Harold_Rosenthal.html The Americans and Europeans have proven over and over and over that Rosenthal is correct. For just a few examples: • Most American military personnel who know about the attack on the USS Liberty are afraid to talk about it. So far, all throughout history,
when a Zionist abuses a Goy, the other Goyim run away in fear, even though
the Goyim outnumber the Zionists by an incredible amount.
Will Goyim ever stand up to the Zionists? The abuse that Christopher Bollyn suffered was trivial compared to the abuse suffered by the men on the USS Liberty and the abuse Americans and Arabs are suffering right now in the Middle East. However, they abused Christopher Bollyn in an American city in front of everybody. If we let them get away with this, they may do it to more of us. Stand up to this abuse! Here is Hufschmid's response to WingTV and Russell
Pickering, who defend the police, and his words of encouragement:
Was it Homeland Security that ordered it?
Michael Chertoff is in control of Homeland Security. Take a look at
who he is, who his loyalties lie with, and why he would be angry with Bollyn:
"But what can I do? I'm just a nobody!"
You can help! It doesn't take any money. You can send a link to this article to your own police department, or to the police department in Chicago. The link to send people is here. Somebody scanned a business card of a Los Angeles detective, and the message on the back of the card helps explain who are police departments work for: Send a link to that image to the police.
It is not silly to send e-mail
When thousands of people send e-mail messages asking for an investigation, the Zionists will realize that some of us are not docile sheep. Why doesn't Senator Obama help Bollyn, or care about 9/11, or care about Zionism? You can send messages to Senator Barak Obama of Illinois here:
His main page:
Or call him and leave him a message to start acting like
a leader instead of a Zionist puppet:
Governor Rod Blagojevich, State of Illinois
The arresting officer's name is Fitzgerald You should also send this link to fire departments, military bases,
and local government offices. They need to grow up and smell the Zionism,
Thanks for helping! |