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Professor Steven Jones has confirmed that Rosie O'Donnell's staff have
contacted him:
Alex Jones, Steven Jones, and Rosie O'Donnell appear to be heroes who
are exposing 9/11. However, they only accuse the Bush family and a few
others of the crime.
They refuse to expose the role of Zionists in 9/11, the attack on the
USS Liberty, and other crimes.
Can you figure out what is happening?
Zionists cannot stop 9/11 from being exposed. They are now desperate to
save themselves.
They are trying to direct all the attention to Bush, Rockefeller, the
CFR, and other people that they are willing to sacrifice.
If they fool the Americans and Europeans again, we will arrest George
Bush and a few other people, and the Zionists will end up with even more
control over our media, police, voting machines, government, etc.
We must demand that all people be investigated,
including the ADL, the Democrats, blackboxvoting.org,
the peace groups, the Green Party, Professor Jones, Jeff Rense, Webster
Tarpley, Alex Jones, and Aaron Russo. NO EXCEPTIONS!
The only way to protect ourselves is a total and complete investigation! |