Christopher Bollyn
offers to let me interview him!
However, I must first send him
What advice would you give me?
18 August 2009
On 14 August 2009, Christopher Bollyn sent me an e-mail message
in response to my "latest article" (he didn't specify the article). He
suggested we do a telephone interview! Here is a summary of the e-mail
messages, all of which have been posted below because – as with the five
"dancing" Israelis – I want to document the event.
• Bollyn suggested that
I interview him via telephone so that he can clear up some issues.
• I agreed, and I asked him
if he will call me, or if I should call him.
• He responded that he's not sure
how we would get into contact, but first I must send him a $500
gift "as a sign of good faith".
• After discussing this issue back
and forth a bit, he became bitter and sarcastic, and he insisted that I
send him $500 or there will be no interview.
believe a young girl is in love with you?
Before I continue with the Bollyn saga, consider the situation
a man named Leon recently found himself in. (Leon has been sending e-mail
messages to both me and Christopher in an attempt to get us together.)
Leon is a divorced man in his early 60s. As with millions of other men,
he was looking on the Internet for a woman. A few months ago he told me
that he discovered a beautiful, young Russian woman named Tatyana. They
communicated with one another via e-mail, and she quickly fell in love
with him. She decided to visit him in America. However, when she was ready
to fly to the USA, she told Leon that she needed $980, and that she would
pay him back later. What advice would you have given to Leon?
A. It's a scam!
B. Leon, you lucky,
old man! Send her the money immediately!
If you need help making a decision, the following text is a portion of
one of her e-mail messages to Leon, along with two of the photos she sent
to him.
Note: I added the
text to the photos - there was no text in the originals.
A portion of an e-mail message from
I have some money but it's not enough to complete my trip. Please send
me $980 US dollars and I will complete my trip! After it please write me
all details about the transfer - your FULL NAME and Money Transfer Control
I will call you as soon as I receive it. When I receive the money I
will pay for my trip and only then the embassy will put all final stamps
on my documents.
I've bought you few souvenirs with Russian attributes!!! I'm sure you
will like them!
If you need something more please let me know, they are not expensive.
Also I bought two boxes of Russian chocolate!
I hope so much when I come to you we will like each other! You are already
very special to me!
Please when I come to you tell me more about you and your country!
I will listen to everything you tell me and I will do everything you tell
me! I trust you really much!
I hope you will not do something to hurt my feelings.... I think you
are really good man. I will never do anything to hurt yours!!! |
What do you
suggest I do about Bollyn's request for $500?
Leon didn't send any money to Tatyana because he decided she
was a con artist. However, Leon doesn't
believe that the Bollyns have been kidnapped, so he told me to send the
$500 and stop my ridiculous accusations that the Bollyns are prisoners.
What do you think I should do?
(All of the e-mail messages between me and Christopher Bollyn are below
if you want to read them first.)
A) I agree with Leon! Show good
faith and send $500!
B) Don't send anything! Don't give money
to kidnappers! That will encourage more crime!
Have you seen Weekend
at Bernie's?
I think some Hollywood movies are based on actual crimes committed
by the international, Jewish crime network. Did you watch any of the excerpts
of videos that I provided links to in my article
about Michael Jackson's mysterious death? Try the
movie excerpts.
The plot for Weekend
at Bernie's is that two men are pretending that a man who accidentally
died is still alive. I suspect that this movie is based on the actual crime
that some Jews are committing in which they kill or kidnap a person, and
then pretend that their victim is alive. |
For example, where is Peter Kawaja?
Just like Christopher Bollyn, he is no longer seen in public, and all contact
with him is weird. For example, I sent an e-mail message to him two days
ago, on 16 August 2009, but his response is a bit strange, and his phone
number is being used by several suspicious companies. I put some info and
the e-mail messages here:
Peter-Kawaja.html |
My e-mail messages with Christopher
Here are the e-mail messages I received from Christopher Bollyn,
in the order that I received them and replied to them.
In a message dated 8/14/2009 2:47:47 P.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
Dear Eric,
I read a bit of your latest article and will read the whole thing tomorrow.
I read the part about what DBS said about me. I think we should do
an interview that you can post. I want to clear up the issues and
think that a "radio" show interview would be the best way to do this.
Let me know if you would be willing to do a discussion for an audio
Best wishes,
Christopher Bollyn |
My response:
Sure, we can do an interview!
How am I supposed to call you? Or are you going to call me?
Do you have a telephone number that I can call? Or do you have Skype?
I still have the same phone number.
Eric, 805-968-5351
In a message dated 8/14/2009 11:13:47 P.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
I have not worked out the details for the phone connection yet but would
think that you would probably have to call me. I need to find a good
phone line to receive the call. When I used a mobile phone last time
I was on a radio show, I was cut off every time I started to talk.
I would prefer not to use a mobile phone.
I think we can plan to do the audio file later this week, at the earliest.
I am in the process of putting the first 14 chapters of my book on-line
with illustrations and want to have this finished before we do the show
so that I can tell your listeners that they can read my book online, at
least as far as it is finished. I want to find who made the super-thermite
that was found in the dust of the World Trade Center and who put it in
the building. That will be the final chapter of my book. I
suspect that Burton Fried's LVI was involved in the application of the
super-thermite as a spray on the interior surfaces of the Twin Towers.
His son-in-law, Matthew Dembin, comes from a family that had a criminal
member on the FBI's most wanted list during the 1930s and 40s. The
bank robber and gangster Meyer Dembin is probably Matthew's great uncle.
Matthew is head of sales for LVI and is married to Fried's daughter, Shari.
Despite all the terrible things you say about me and my work, I would
like to give you the benefit of the doubt. The purpose of making
this audio file is to clarify my position on many things and your attitude
to my work since I was forced to leave Illinois. You certainly don't
need reminding that you still call my work "Zionist bait" and "Mossad approved."
Since you maintain this position to this day, I don't consider you to be
sympathetic to my work or thesis about 9-11. All of my appeals for
you to change these things have fallen on deaf ears as did my early and
repeated warnings about DBS.
Because of your hostile position regarding my work and the damage you
have caused me, I expect you to cover the costs of this show and make a
contribution to my work as a sign of good faith. This is not something
that will make amends for all the pain and damage you have caused me, but
is simply a donation for my research efforts and a sign of good faith.
I think a donation of $500 would be a suitable donation although you are
free to send more if you like. The best way to send it would be as
a GIFT to me via PayPal using my email address at
If you send it as a GIFT there is no money lost in the process. Your
sign of good faith would have to come before I speak with you on the phone.
You may not want to make a donation to my work, since you claim that
I am working with the Israelis and that my articles are all approved by
the Mossad. You may think that the $500 is going to the Israelis
that are holding me and my family hostage. I would not be surprised
if that is what you think at this point. These are some of the things
that need to be addressed and clarified. If, however, you really
want to do the audio file -- as you have said before -- you will need to
show a sign of your good faith and donate to my work. The best way
for a doubting Thomas, such as yourself, would be to send a small donation
first. You can do so by clicking on my donation button or directly
via PayPal. Send a small amount, say $100 first and we can see how
it goes. I will let you know when I receive it.
When we do the audio file, I would certainly expect to clarify all the
issues that are outstanding between us. That, I hope, will get you
to change you mind about my status and my work. I would hope that
by doing this audio file (more than one are probably required) we could
make sense of these misunderstandings and get you back on the right track.
You might not think that you are on the wrong track, but I can tell you
that at least as far as I am concerned, you are completely on the wrong
track and deep in a very dark tunnel. By discussing these things
I would hope that you can see the errors in your assumptions. I would also
hope and expect that you would then see fit to remove such hostile comments
about my work being Zionist bait and Mossad approved. As I said,
I would like to give you and your intelligence the benefit of the doubt.
When you send a donation we can plan our telephone conversations in
more detail.
I look forward to your response and contribution to my work.
Christopher Bollyn |
My response:
Hi Christopher,
Since you don't know how we can make phone contact, let's do something
that would be more fun and practical. I could buy airline tickets for you
and your family, and then we could meet somewhere, such as Japan, or perhaps
somewhere closer to you, such as Europe.
That way I can have a vacation, and we can meet in person. It would
be much easier to have an interview in person anyway. And it would be more
fun, also!
Or I could buy airline tickets for you to fly out here to Santa
Barbara. I know my house is a bit cramped for so many people, but all of
you could stay here as long as you want.
So, how about meeting somewhere and doing an interview in person?
Eric |
In a message dated 8/16/2009 5:32:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
Dear Eric,
I can certainly do a "radio" show audio file with you, as I offered.
As I said, the end of the coming week would be the best time for me.
There is no problem arranging a phone line, but there will certainly be
some costs involved and time required for preparation. I am not sitting
in my home in California with an established land line, as you are.
A mobile phone simply does not work for a two-hour radio show. Sometimes
I rent a hotel room to do a show. Sometimes I have to pay to use
a phone line in a Internet call shop. In any case, there are significant
costs and time for preparation to consider.
The school year begins next week and we have a lot of things to arrange
for our two students. I have been teaching them advanced math skills
during the summer: arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. They
are starting 6th and 8th grade this year so we used the 8th Grade Mathematics
book (review for the Illinois Standards Achievement Test) as our main study
text. Both kids now speak three languages: English, German,
and Estonian. This year they will begin their fourth and fifth languages.
Although your offer to fly us to California is very generous, we have made
other plans and are not ready to go anywhere at this point. Perhaps
we will take you up your offer later, thank you very much. We need
to take this one step at at time.
Leon from Fresno really wanted me to get in touch with you and appealed
to me to do so, at least until he lost confidence in you recently.
Then I saw a slew of emails about somebody being afraid of talking to you
or something to that effect. As I said, I would like to give you
the benefit of the doubt, although you have really stretched me on that.
Since you have been so hostile to my work since the summer of 2007, I thought
that we should talk about this in a audio file and clear the air, so to
speak. You have often complained that I speak with K-TALK and others
but won't speak with you. I would think that this radio show could
be very important in straightening you out on some points and assumptions
where you are way off. That should be of interest for you, if you
are really interested in the truth.
The fundamental difference between you and Barbara Jean (Born on the
4th of July) and others is that they are not spreading vicious lies about
me and calling my articles "Zionist bait" and "Mossad approved."
Furthermore, Barbara Jean and her listeners are steadfast and generous
supporters of my work. This is why I have asked you to show a sign
of good faith by making a suitable donation to my work. Your campaign
of spreading fear and doubt about me since 2007 has done a great deal of
damage to my credibility and fund-raising efforts. You have also
spread vicious and slanderous nonsense about my wife and family.
Although $500 will certainly not compensate for the losses I have suffered,
it would be a sign of your good faith.
I won't be hostile or rude to you on the phone. I would be only
polite and honest. But I do think that you would be a very good person
for an interview, despite your hostile position to my work since 2007.
So, Eric, the choice is yours. If you are willing to do a short radio
show with me (of about 30-45 minutes) then show your good faith and send
me the basic questions you want to discuss. This way I can see what
it is you would like to talk about. If you want to do a show, I will
also send you the main talking points that I want to cover. In the
meantime, I am posting the first 14 chapters of my book online at
When that is finished, I will be ready to talk.
With all the best wishes,
Christopher Bollyn |
My response:
Hello Christopher,
What about using Skype for a phone call? Then you don't have to worry
about the cost. Or, I can call you, and then you don't have to worry about
it. Regardless, you don't have to worry about the cost of a phone call.
Since you have been interviewing people for years, I'm sure you realize
that I can provide you with some basic questions that I'd like to ask you,
but exactly what we talk about will depend on how you answer the questions.
So here are three issues I'd like to discuss with you.
1) Can I or other people meet you in a public location?
My primary concern about you is that you and your family have been kidnapped.
Other people - some in other nations - are also concerned that you are
dead or kidnapped. It doesn't matter whether I am responsible for causing
people to worry about your safety, or whether people are worried due to
their own analysis of your behavior. The fact is that a lot of people are
now worried. Therefore, the most important issue for you to respond to
is whether you are truly free and independent.
What sort of evidence can you provide of your freedom? Before you left
America, on 11 June 2007, you occasionally traveled to interview people.
Are you willing to allow somebody, such as myself, to meet you in person
in a public location, such as inside an airline terminal? Or how about
at a police station? If not, why not? It would be at our expense, not yours.
2) Why are you promoting General Stubblebine?
In July you wrote the article "Plane Did Not Hit Pentagon: U.S. Major
General Stubblebine".
Even the most superficial analysis of Stubblebine will show that he
is best classified as either mentally ill or as a con artist. Even the
Wikipedia article about him shows this.
The US military should be ashamed that they have such disgusting men
in leadership positions. So, why are you promoting this man and his theories?
My assumption is that you have been kidnapped by Jewish criminals, and
they are forcing you to promote this particular man because he is working
for the criminal Jews. What is your explanation for promoting this man?
3) Why don't you look for a job?
You have been complaining about a lack of money for years. Are you ever
going to look for a job? Or are you going to spend the rest of your life
begging for donations?
My assumption is that you cannot look for a job because you have been
kidnapped by Jewish criminals. What is your explanation for refusing to
look for a job?
Eric |
In a message dated 8/16/2009 10:43:38 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
I don't have Skype and would prefer to use a telephone. I could
either call you or vice-versa. In either case the cost per minute
should only be a few cents.
You can ask me whatever you like. I am hoping that this interview
will allow you and your listeners to realize that your assumptions have
been quite wrong, at least as far as they concern me. It is unfortunate
that you have labored under false assumptions for so long, but I am willing
to give you the benefit of the doubt. I understand how people often
hold onto beliefs that have been proven wrong in spite of evidence showing
that they are wrong. You must be in that category of people.
This interview will give you the possibility to correct your views on my
status and proceed on a factual basis, rather than to continue to labor
under false assumptions.
I, of course, am most interested in discussing the latest evidence about
super-thermite from 9-11 and the connections between 9-11 and the huge
Zionist rip-off that occurred via Maurice Greenberg's A.I.G. and the banks
which he provided insurance to for the mortgage-based securities.
The dismal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would also be important talking
points. The Israeli control of the White House is also a key subject.
After I post the 14 chapters of my book, you will have a better idea of
my line of my thesis about 9-11 and the financial meltdown. These
are the main issues I would want to discuss.
I think we could discuss all of this in about thirty minutes.
I look forward to the opportunity to talk with you.
Best wishes,
CB |
My response:
OK, when do you want to talk? You can pick the day and time. I am available
most days and times. |
On the morning of 17 August 2009, I found two messages waiting
for me:
In a message dated 8/16/2009 11:26:13 P.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
We can talk at the end of this week, as I said. I need to finish
posting my book on my website and have a lot of things to do. We
can arrange the details for the interview after you send the donation to
show your good faith.
Christopher |
In a message dated 8/17/2009 5:33:06 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
In your emails and website you often use the plural pronouns "we" and
"us." For example, in one of the recent emails you sent, you wrote
this: "It would be at our expense, not yours."
Who are you referring to when you say "we" and "our." Who are
the people you are working with? How many people are in the group
you refer to? Who are they?
Best wishes,
CB |
My response:
It's amusing that you want a small amount of money for "good faith",
as if I'm purchasing a product that is in high demand, and I need to put
a deposit down!
Since the donation is just a meaningless value to make you feel better,
I could send you a dollar when you are finally ready to talk to me. Just
let me know when you are done with your work and ready for an interview
and I will send a dollar. In the meantime, perhaps this image will make
you feel better:
Eric |
My response:
Remember when you are staying at my house? You would ask Helje and/or
me to take a look at what you wrote to help correct your mistakes. I don't
have anyone to check for mistakes, and I don't even look over my own e-mail
messages very closely.
Unfortunately, many people assume that I have spent hours composing
my e-mail messages and reviewing them, and that I have carefully selected
every word.
A lot of people have been analyzing my e-mail messages and articles
and then trying to make something of a particular word or phrase. They
are looking for hidden meanings.
You shouldn't take any of the words I use too seriously. I write my
e-mail messages quickly, and I'm often interrupted with phone calls, and
sometimes I do copy and paste without noticing that there are mistakes
in what I'm doing.
Eric |
In a message dated 8/17/2009 9:43:35 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
You are the one who makes a big deal of the fact that I have not been
making radio interviews with you since 2007. You says things like,
"Bollyn talks with K-TKK but he won't talk with us."
You are also the one who has made many false assumptions about me and
then written a great deal based on your false assumptions. With this
offer for an interview, I am offering you the chance to speak directly
with me and get your facts and information straight, but you don't seem
very interested. Why would that be?
You have even offered to fly me and my family to California or Japan.
But you are unwilling to post any of my articles since the summer of 2007
and now you are unwilling to make a suitable donation to my research.
How much sense does that make? Why would you be willing to spend
thousands of dollars to fly us someplace but unwilling to make a much smaller
donation to my work? That's why I say this donation is a sign of
your good faith and required before we do an interview..
I am very sorry, but there won't be an interview without a donation
of $500 or more.
Best wishes,
CB |

In a message dated 8/17/2009 11:03:10 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
Your response to this question simply does not make any sense.
Are you saying that you don't know whether to use the singular pronouns,
I, me, and mine when talking about yourself? When you write your
notes or post your articles, you are speaking to yourself as you write,
and many of the times you use plural pronouns such as we, us, and ours
when referring to yourself, or are you referring to others?
You used to work with DBS, who was clearly an agent of some dark force.
As a matter of fact you worked closely with him for several years in spite
of the fact that I warned you repeatedly about him and gave you solid evidence
of his lack of good faith. You told me that you were working with
a person who was nothing more than a "voice on the phone." I remember
how you were not at all interested in dealing with the fact that DBS was
evidently NOT on the side of the truth. So what side are you on,
Now, although you say that you are no longer working with DBS, you still
use the plural pronouns. So, who are you working with now?
Who is the voice on the phone that now tells you what to do now?
Who has replaced DBS? You have often said that you write your articles
in response to people who call you and communicate with you. So,
who are your handlers? Who are these people who call you and tell
you to forget about 9-11?
It is not credible that a native speaker of English (like you) would
use a plural pronoun to refer to himself if there were not some other people
included in the mind of the writer to warrant the use of the plural form.
I, for example, would never say "we" when referring to myself. It
doesn't make sense, does it? Are you referring to those voices on
the phone?
By the way, you do know what the term "good faith" means, don't you?
Your comments about sending me $1 indicate that you don't understand what
is meant by showing a sign of good faith. Offering to send me one
dollar is a clear sign that you lack good faith and proves that I was right
to ask for this donation. There is no sign of good faith on your
In your writings, I notice that you seem to have a chip on your shoulder
about not having finished university. That is really a shame, because
you certainly ought to do that for yourself. You should attend classes
at UCSB and get your degree. You really should. It would be
good for you.
Best wishes,
CB |
My response:
The reason I'm willing to spend money flying your family to Japan, or
some place, is to allow me to meet you in person and verify that your family
is alive and free. And the reason I would like to talk you on the telephone
is to verify that you are alive and free. I'm not making these offers because
I want to entertain myself.
I'm not the only person who wonders about the safety of your family,
or about the safety of Carol Valentine, Peter Kwaja, or Ahmed Rami. There
are people around the world you have to convince.
You can't even guarantee that the interview will take place. If you
cancel this interview simply because you want some money before you even
arrange for it, you will reinforce my accusation that you are a kidnap
victim, and that this is a trick by your kidnappers to get some money.
By the way, Leon, who mailed a $50 check to you, just called me on the
phone and reminded me of an incident a while ago in which a woman tried
to get more than $900 from him. You should ask him about that. He suspected
a con artist. Telling people to give you money is NOT the way to gain their
It is you that is in the sticky predicament, not me. I don't have to
convince anybody of anything. It is you who must convince people that you
are safe and free. I think one of the expressions is: "the ball is in your
court". It is you who must act, not me. I don't have to do anything.
If you continue to behave like a kidnap victim, you will continue to
support my accusation that you are a kidnap victim.
So, what will you do? Will you continue reinforcing my accusation that
you have been kidnapped? Or will you show me that I am wrong?
Eric |
My response:
I'm saying that I have lots of typos in my articles, and even more
in my e-mail messages. And lots of mistakes are due to interruptions from
phone calls. They're mistakes, not a misunderstanding of the use of pronouns.
Besides, people often use the word "we" when they mean "I".
Why are you making an issue out of this? The Christopher Bollyn that
I remember never wasted his time on such meaningless issues. Are you really
Christopher Bollyn?
Furthermore, if you want to get picky about words, when you say that
I was "working" with Daryl Smith, I wasn't really "working" with him. I
would describe it as "helping" him with his website and his interviews.
By comparison, you were actually working with the American Free Press,
so we could say that you were the one working with the dark forces!
Note: I just looked over the preceding paragraph and noticed I used
the pronoun "we" in the last sentence!
I managed the website for the "scholars for 9/11 truth" when they first
got started in 2005, and they've all turned out to be criminals. So, why
don't you make an issue out of that?
I also spend time answering questions from David Ray Griffin, and he
has turned out to be a criminal. I helped Sofia, who made the video 911
Mysteries, with various images that she wanted for her website and video.
I also help Sofia with some of her audio recordings.
Furthermore, when she was making her video, 911 Mysteries, she wanted
to include some burning wood, and a pencil poking through a screen, and
so I set up both of those situations here at my home, filled them with
my camcorder, and then send her the video, and she put them into 911 Mysteries.
I didn't charge her for the work I did. And I did all that other work for
everybody for free.
The point I'm trying to make is that you could complain that I spent
a lot of my own time and money helping and "working with" a lot of criminals
during the past few years, not just Smith.
Regarding the expression "good faith", from what I understand, it is
mainly used by salesmen, often con artists.
I think it would make more sense if you behaved like a high quality
restaurant. In other words, provide the interview, and then I can send
some money after I am satisfied with your high quality service.
Eric |
In a message dated 8/17/2009 10:02:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
You wrote: "Will you continue reinforcing my accusation
that you have been kidnapped? Or will you show me that I am wrong?"
I don't know if you are being completely honest when you say "my accusation
that you have been kidnapped." This may very well have been something
that you and DBS dreamed up together since it began in the summer of 2007
when you were working very closely with him.
This is exactly what I mean about your incredible tenacity to hold on
tightly to completely false assumptions in spite of ample evidence proving
them to be quite wrong. Do you really think that my family appeared
on national television in Estonia while being held kidnapped? Do
you think that my wife and children worked and attended school in Estonia
while being kidnapped? Evidently so. That means that you are either
very stubborn in holding onto false beliefs or you are working to spread
disinformation about me. Since I know you are not that stupid, I
believe the latter.
You are the one who came up with this ridiculous story about my family
being kidnapped and who stubbornly refuses to admit that you are completely
wrong -- and that I have been telling you this via emails and telephone
calls since the summer of 2007. Once again, we see that you are the
one unwilling to correct false information which you have created and spread.
You have shown yourself to be utterly lacking in any good faith.
You have libeled and defamed me and lied to your readers for years about
me. You even told me on the phone that it didn't matter if your claim
was true or not because it brought attention to your website. I guess
that says it all.
I don't have to prove to anyone that your ridiculous claim is false.
You are the one who is making the false and slanderous claims, not me.
There is already a great deal of evidence in the public domain that your
claim is preposterous and false. The only person who seems unwilling
to admit this is you.
By the way Eric, what is your job? Who pays you to write all this
nonsense and how much are you paid? It seems to me that you spend
all of your time in a dark and stuffy room in a little suburban house in
Goleta, California. (We know you spend a lot of time looking at some
very strange photos on the Internet. You even showed us. I
won't go into the nature of these photos in this email.) How do we
know that you are not getting paid by the Murdoch family to do all the
dirty work you have been doing on the 9-11 movement? How do we know
that you are not being black-mailed? How would you like it if people
made such allegations about you and then asked you to prove that they were
not true? This is exactly what you have been doing to me and others.
You are the one who will be held to account for the damage you have
done to me and others. People will not forget what you have said
about them, Eric. I certainly won't, nor will my family. You
are making some pretty big enemies -- you should remember that. You
have shown that you are lacking any good faith and are wilfully spreading
disinformation about me and my family. There are not many alternatives
to this. This means that your disinformation and slander campaign
aimed against me and my family has been malicious all along. You
are the one who will be held to account Eric, not me. Life and memories
are likely to be much longer than you might think.
CB and family |
In a message dated 8/17/2009 9:28:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
Right. I am not really Christopher Bollyn -- somebody has hijacked
my email and is writing in my name. And the person who ran around
Paris with you chasing after William Rodriguez loading up at the Burger
King was not Bollyn either. As a matter of fact, we don't even know
if Bollyn actually exists, but if he does he is being held by the Mossad
on a river boat in Germany. At least that is what Eric Hufschmid
Are you really so goofy in your thinking or is this all an act?
This is where I give you the benefit of the doubt. I think you really
could be that goofy.
I was an independent contractor with AFP, which I think I have told
you before. I was not an employee and was not included in any of
their fraudulent employee-owned schemes which began in the summer of 2001,
when AFP replaced the Spotlight. I had been an independent contractor
since the fall of 2000. This meant that I was paid a salary and my
only job was to write articles. I saw it as the only way to get my
information about the Estonia sinking and other important matters out to
the reading public. AFP served as a vehicle for my work, articles
that never would have been published in any mainstream media outlet.
I don't know if AFP can be called dark forces but they certainly have some
pretty dodgy characters working there. AFP paid me to do 9-11 research,
something you are unwilling to do and I don't know of any connections between
AFP and Rupert Murdoch...
Your relationship with DBS, however, went much further. You worked
closely with him, producing radio shows and a website long after I showed
you how he had worked to defame me with a person in Canada. DBS defamed
me very much in the same way that you have done. You didn't care
about it then and you don't care now. At least you are consistent
in your defamation policy.
You say that David Ray Griffin is a criminal. If you have evidence
to support that claim you should go the local police and turn it in.
What do you mean when you say he is a criminal? Criminal means a
person who engages in criminal activity. What criminal activity is
your neighbor Mr. Griffin engaged in? What evidence do you have to
prove this allegation?
This is the same kind of thing that you have said about many people.
You slander and libel people in your campaign of sowing suspicion of everyone
who is investigating 9-11, including me and my family. Who would
be interested in sowing suspicion of people like Dr. Steven E. Jones, the
person who identified the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the
World Trade Center?
Eric, I am sorry but I am not a restaurant where you can eat first and
pay later. If you are unwilling to show a sign of good faith (evidence
of good intentions and honesty) there will not be any conversation on the
phone. I have work to do.
Best wishes,
CB |
Bollyn's final message to me: (as
of 18 August 2009)
In a message dated 8/18/2009 1:55:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight
Time, writes:
If you really want to do an interview on the phone for your website
to verify that I am alive and well (and free), you will need to send a
donation of $500 to prove your good faith. If you don't want to do
an interview on these conditions then we can forget about it. I have
a lot of things to do and time is money. I have been compensated
for all the radio shows I have done lately. The people affiliated
with Barbara Jean have been generous supporters of my work for years.
With all the best wishes,
Christopher Bollyn |
(Two more photos of Tatyana. I added the text)