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The Kastron Constitution
21) Euthanasia

17 May 2024

The quality of life is important, not the quantity

Animals do not care about the quality of life

Animals have a tremendous craving to live and reproduce, but they have no concern about the quality of their life, or the quality of any other creature's life. An animal will struggle to survive and reproduce no matter how much it is suffering.

We inherited our emotional characteristics from animals, so we have their intense craving to live and reproduce, but since animals never developed a concern about the quality of life, we did not inherit such a concern, not even for our own life.

We want to enjoy our lives, but that is not a concern about the quality of our life. That is merely a desire to stimulate ourselves, similar to the rat in the photo below that has an electrode in its brain and is pressing a lever to stimulate itself.

That rat is not concerned about the quality of its life. Rather, it is concerned with entertainment; it is concerned about stimulating itself. That rat could be described as "masturbating".

Humans have the intellectual ability to think about what we should do, but we differ in our intellectual abilities, our desire to think, and our self-control. Most people are average or below-average in intelligence, self control, and the desire to think and learn. Their mental characteristics were adequate in a prehistoric, nomadic tribe, but they are substandard for this modern era.

Even the people who are the most intelligent and have the most self-control have difficulty controlling their emotional cravings and doing what is most intellectually sensible.

As a result, all of us spend our lives behaving in a similar manner as the rat in the photo. Specifically, trying to stimulate ourselves without much concern for the quality of our life, or how we affect other people's lives. Three examples of how we behave like that rat in the photo are:

1) We stimulate ourselves with food to such an extent that we occasionally eat to the point at which we feel uncomfortable, and a significant percentage of the population becomes overweight or sickly.

We enjoy stimulating ourselves with material items, and many people do it to such an extent that their home becomes cluttered with items, and they have to stuff some of it into closets and attics. Even worse, many people are willing to commit crimes in order to stimulate themselves with material items, and even worse than them are the people who join crime networks so that they can acquire phenomenal amounts of material items.

We provide excessive amounts of food, candy, pampering, and gifts to children. We are titillated by the smiles and giggles of children, and so we give them food, pampering, and gifts in order to stimulate them into smiling and giggling, which stimulates us. We have trouble controlling our craving to stimulate ourselves and making intelligent decisions about raising children. We are masturbating when we give candy and gifts to a child. We are not thinking about the quality of the child's life.

Modern humans need to make a distinction between when we are masturbating, like that rat in the photo, and when we are using our intelligence to determine what will provide us with a truly pleasant and satisfying life. We must also be concerned about how we are affecting the quality of other people's lives.

We oppose euthanasia because we are animals

Animals do not have the ability or desire to pass judgment on whether another animal is so miserable that he should be euthanized, or whether another animal is so destructive that he should be euthanized to protect the other animals.

Humans have the intellectual ability to make those judgments, but we don't have the emotional desire. We have such a strong craving to take care of children that every culture puts pressure on parents to take care of defective children rather than euthanize them. No culture cares whether the children are enjoying life, or will ever enjoy their life.

We also have such inhibitions about killing people that we provide nursing homes for elderly people with no concern for whether they are enjoying their life. Some of the elderly people have begged for assisted suicide, but we ignore their requests.

This Constitution authorizes euthanasia

This constitution changes the situation dramatically. It is intended for people who are more concerned with the quality of life than the number of years that we exist. Therefore, this constitution requires euthanizing the babies that are not likely to have a pleasant life, or who are likely to be a burden or irritation to society.

It is foolish to wait for a perfect solution

We do not have the knowledge or technology to adequately understand anybody's genetic characteristics or defects, so there is no way to determine which baby is "so defective" that he should be euthanized. However, ignoring this issue allows a lot of defective people to suffer throughout their lives. Those defective people can also be a significant burden on their parents and society, especially if they have destructive behavior.

The Death Ministry of the Health Division has the responsibility and authority to pass judgment on which of the fetuses and babies are not likely to have a pleasant life, and to euthanize them, regardless of whether the parents want to raise the child. The Death Ministry makes a decision, not the parents.

Every existing culture regards children as the personal possessions of parents, but this constitution changes the situation and regards children as belonging to society. A child is a member of the next generation of people.

When a couple has a child, they are adding a member to a large team of people, and that child must fit into the team. That child belongs to the team, not to the people who created him. His parents are responsible for raising him, but they do not own him.

Our ignorance about genetics will result in a lot of disagreements over which babies to euthanize, but this constitution does not promote the popular attitude of doing nothing while we wait for somebody to discover "the perfect solution". This constitution does not believe that there is a perfect solution to any problem, other than some math problems.

The Death Ministry also has the authority to pass judgment on which of the elderly people should be euthanized, and they offer assisted suicide to whoever wants it, including children.

We cannot be afraid to make mistakes

One reason many people oppose the euthanasia is because we are still very ignorant about life. For example, a lot of people with cancer were told by their doctor that they had only a few months or years to live, but they lived for decades.

Our ignorance might occasionally result in a baby being euthanized that could have had a fairly pleasant life if given appropriate surgery or medical drugs, but we cannot expect perfection.

There is no shortage of babies, so they are not a "precious resource". They seem to be a precious resource only because we inherited the intense attraction to children from our animal ancestors.

The people who demand perfection should be regarded as intellectual nitwits. Our goal should be to improve our lives, not ignore our problems while we wait for a perfect solution.

By ignoring the issue of defective people, they are becoming an increasingly large percentage of every generation. There are already millions of people around the world suffering from serious mental disorders and physical problems, and many of them are tormenting other people with their destructive behavior.

We would be disgusted of people were keeping elderly, crippled, cancerous, and senile dogs alive in Dog Nursing Homes.
We would consider a farmer or a zoo to be cruel if they allowed the animals to become as elderly, sickly, defective, and miserable as the human race has become.

We would also be disgusted if a farmer or a zoo were to put the animals that were dying of cancer or old age into "Animal Nursing Homes" where they suffered until they died.

We would also consider a farmer or zoo to be cruel if they had something analogous to Kensington Avenue, where mentally disturbed animals were trying to relieve their misery through drugs.

We should consider ourselves to be just as cruel for allowing such extreme suffering with humans.

We must resist the intimidation and insults

The people who oppose euthanasia have no intelligent supporting evidence so they try to intimidate their opponents with insults and sarcasm. They try to make their opponents feel guilty. For example, one group of people who oppose as euthanasia and assisted suicide has created many short videos, such as this, that ridicule the concept of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Rather than be intimidated by their sarcasm, we should notice that all they are doing is laughing at the reasons that we support euthanasia. They are not providing any intelligent reasons to oppose it. That type of sarcasm can backfire by causing some people to think about the issue, and realize that euthanasia makes sense.

To understand this concept, consider how religious people are using this technique to criticize atheists. They believe that they can convince people that evolution is nonsense simply by laughing at and insulting the evolutionary theories, such as by telling a person: "They believe that humans evolved from an ape! Have you ever heard anything so stupid?"

To a religious person, evolution is nonsense, and so they believe that they can convince a person that evolution is nonsense simply by showing him those "nonsensical" evolutionary theories. However, when they show that "nonsense" to a person who can think properly, he is likely to notice that it makes more sense than religion.

Likewise, to a person who opposes euthanasia, the reasons for supporting euthanasia are "nonsense". Therefore, from their point of view, they can convince people to oppose euthanasia simply by exposing them to that "nonsense".

The only two ways to convince a person of something is to either provide him with intelligent supporting evidence, or to deceive him. Most people don't have much intelligence, and they don't like to think or learn, so the easiest way to convince most people of something is to deceive them.

For example, when the 9/11 attack occurred, the journalists and government officials immediately began explaining what happened without bothering with an investigation. They deceived people into believing that they had quickly figured out what happened, and that they knew that the solution was to attack Afghanistan and Iraq

Likewise, the people who are defending the Apollo moon landing have created documents and videos in which they provide a deceptive analysis of the issue, such as by exposing the audience to some idiotic theories about it, and then criticizing those theories. For example, they might tell the audience something like this:

Narrator: Here is John Doe, who doesn't believe we went to the moon. John, why don't you believe in the moon landings?

John Doe: Since the earth and moon are flat, NASA is obviously lying when they said the astronauts were circling a spherical earth and moon.

Narrator: As you can see, the people who don't believe we went to the moon are uneducated and stupid!

That type of deceptive information will cause people to laugh at the "crazy conspiracy theorists" who don't believe that Apollo astronauts went to the moon.

The Jews who control the media are aware of this concept. That is why, when they arrange for television debates, they choose people who will give a distorted view of the issue.

It is important for modern humans to understand this concept so that we are not manipulated by deceptive information, fraudulent interviews, censorship, intimidation, insults, and sarcasm. We must ensure that the only people who influence our future are those who have truly intelligent supporting evidence for their theories.

A person who has something intelligent to say does not need to oppose or fear critical analyses of his opinions. He will not fear the people who essentially toss his opinions into an acid bath because a critical analysis of his opinions will show that his opinions are truly intelligent.

The people who need deception, censorship, blackmail, intimidation, murder, false flag operations, and sarcasm to convince us of their opinions must be regarded as the losers or criminals who have nothing intelligent to say.

It is cruel to make people commit suicide

When a society opposes assisted suicide, the people who want to die are forced to either suffer a miserable life, or commit suicide. However, it is difficult to commit suicide because we have a very strong craving to survive regardless of how much we are suffering. Suicide is an emotionally tormenting option. It is cruel to allow a person to suffer to such an extent that he is capable of committing suicide.

To make the situation even worse, by not providing people with the ability to commit suicide painlessly, people have to choose methods that are brutal, and sometimes fail. This has resulted in people who have survived a gunshot, jumping off a bridge, or an overdose of pills, and ended up with very serious mental or physical problems as a result. That causes the person to suffer even more.

By providing assisted suicide services, a person can die in a pleasant manner, and without failing at it. Furthermore, he will not irritate other people by jumping off of buildings or bridges, or shooting himself in his home.
Eliminating secrecy reduces mistakes with euthanasia

Artificial intelligence can assist with health and euthanasia

By eliminating secrecy, installing security cameras throughout the city, and by using facial recognition and tracking software to observe everybody, the AI software will be able to compare the people to one another and identify those that seem to be different, such as those who walk differently, choke more often on food, sneeze more often, laugh more or less often than typical, or spend more time in the bathroom.

If people are willing to have cameras in their bedrooms, the software could help us understand who has trouble sleeping, and by analyzing what those particular people did during the day, we will learn more about how our sleep is affected by such environmental issues as our meals, the weather, our activities, dust, and pollen.

That type of analysis would be valuable to each of us because it would allow us to get a better understanding of our particular health issues and personality, and how we compare to other people.

As we collect more data about people, our analysis of their mental and physical characteristics will become more accurate, thereby reducing the mistakes about which babies and young children should be euthanized.

Citizens do not have right to euthanize anybody

The Death Ministry of the Health Division has the responsibility and authority to determine which of the fetuses should be aborted, and which of the children should be euthanized. They are also the only agency that has the authority to perform those procedures.

The citizens do not have the right to make decisions about euthanasia. The reason is because most citizens make ordinary or below-average decisions about who to euthanize. This will prevent the religious fanatics, idiots, and lunatics from killing witches, evil people, and heathens, such as the hundreds of women who are killed in Pakistan each year for "honor killings".

The Reproduction Ministry of the Quality Division can get involved with the decisions about abortions and euthanasia, but only the Death Ministry can authorize and conduct the abortions and euthanasia.

These two ministries are independent so they provide some checks and balances on one another. If they have a conflict over which child to euthanize, then the director of the quality division must settle the dispute, preferably within a month.

There are more details in the section that describes the Death Ministry.

Elderly people can be euthanized

Many religious people believe that they will go to heaven when they die, but when they or their friends, parents, or children are dying, they struggle to keep the person alive rather than let him go to paradise. They allow elderly people to suffer for years or decades in nursing homes, hospital beds, and wheelchairs rather than let them go to heaven.

The Death Ministry is required to promote the attitude that the quality of life is more important than the number of years we live. They are authorized and responsible for analyzing all of the elderly people and passing judgment on when a person has deteriorated so much that he should be euthanized.

The Death Ministry cannot be concerned with whether the family members agree that the elderly person should be euthanized. They must make decisions according to what they think is best for the elderly person and society.

The elderly people can request assisted suicide whenever they please, but our craving to live is so strong that many people will not be able to make that request. Furthermore, some elderly people become so mentally incapacitated from old-age, strokes, and disease that they become unable to make a decision about assisted suicide.

The Death Ministry must pass judgment on whether a person's mind has deteriorated to such an extent that he cannot make a decision about assisted suicide, in which case the Death Ministry will make the decision for him.

When the Death Ministry makes a decision to euthanize an elderly person, they should not tell him about it. Rather, they should do it quietly and in a pleasant manner, such as putting a drug in his food that puts him to sleep, and then kills him.

The Death Ministry can allow people to arrange for some type of test to determine when they should be euthanized. For example, a person could request that he be euthanized when he is no longer able to do certain types of arithmetic problems, or when he can no longer get dressed by himself.

There is no pity for “emotional” people

One reason that some people want to prohibit assisted suicide is that most of the people who make suicide attempts do not want to kill themselves. Rather, something is upsetting them, and they are reacting by pouting. Their suicide attempt is a variation of a "temper tantrum". They are trying to attract the attention of other people, and they hope that other people will help them solve their problems.

Unfortunately, giving pity to people who react to problems with temper tantrums or pouting will encourage them to react like that in the future when they have another problem, and it will encourage other people to do it.

All of the existing cultures feel sorry for people who fail at suicide attempts, and some police and citizens have risked their lives to stop a person from committing suicide. However, the death ministry is required to regard suicide attempts as a sign that the person is suffering from something very serious.

If somebody is so mentally disturbed that he doesn't use the assisted suicide service, and instead tries but fails to kill himself, the Death Ministry is required to finish the suicide by euthanizing him. They are not allowed to help the suicide victims survive.

If a person has a failed suicide attempt because he is not truly interested in killing himself and merely trying to get pity, then the Death Ministry is required to regard him as mentally unacceptable for a modern society for not being able to deal with his problems in a more intelligent manner.

We must raise standards for people. We have to expect young children to react to problems by pouting and having tantrums, but adults, especially men, should not behave in that manner. An adult man who behaves like a child should be regarded as a defective man; a man with childish behavior. If we give pity to adults who behave in childish manners, we encourage them to do it more often, and if we allow them to reproduce, then we will have more childish adults in the next generation

This Constitution does not give pity to people who want to fake a suicide attempt. The officials in the Death Ministry are not permitted to pass judgment on whether a person truly wants to commit suicide, or whether he is merely having a temper tantrum. Anybody who requests suicide is to be provided with assisted suicide, without any interrogation or questions. Nobody has to justify their request for suicide.

Although it is possible the death ministry will occasionally provide assisted suicide to people who did not truly want to die, this constitution has the attitude that it is better to kill the people who react to problems in this manner. In this modern era, we need people who react to problems by thinking about them, discussing them, and experimenting with solutions. We do not benefit from people who react to problems with temper tantrums, pouting, or phony suicide attempts.

This constitution does not promote pity for the underdogs. Rather, it supports the concept that every generation should be in better mental and physical health than the previous generation. Ideally, everybody would enjoy themselves, other people, and life. When a person has a problem, he should react by investigating it, and by experimenting with methods to improve his situation.

A person who reacts to problems with tantrums is showing signs of inferior mental qualities. We don't need more of those people in the next generation; we need less of those people. Therefore, the Death Ministry is not permitted to interrogate a person who wants assisted suicide, or try to convince him to cancel his request.

This policy applies to children, also. It is extremely unlikely for a child to request assisted suicide, but if some child does so, then the Death Ministry must fulfill his request. They are not allowed to feel sorry for, or try to fix, the children who are having a miserable life, or who are suffering from serious mental or physical problems.

Eventually fetal DNA will help with the decisions

Eventually computers will be able to analyze the DNA of a fetus to help people determine whether it has any of the genetic disorders that they consider to be unacceptable. They will then be able to euthanize the fetus while it is still very tiny.

That technology might not be available for centuries or thousands of years, but when it becomes available, it will make it much easier for people to create a world in which everybody is in wonderful physical and mental health. They will create a world that resembles heaven because there will be no suffering, pouting, fighting, hatred, envy, mental illness, digestive problems, ugliness, baldness, or suicide.

It will also make life much more pleasant for the parents because they will be able to raise children who are intelligent, attractive, healthy, responsible, and have wonderful personalities.
Who should we kill?

Everybody wants to kill or torture somebody

A lot of our opinions are hypocritical. The Censorship document pointed out that everybody who opposes censorship is a hypocrite because we all promote censorship, and the people who oppose murder and torture are hypocrites because we all want to kill or hurt somebody.

The people who describe themselves as "liberals" are the most extreme hypocrites. They often promote "rehabilitation", but that is just a variation of torture.

It is impossible to create a modern society that does not torture or kill certain people. The reason is because a modern society needs a lot of laws, and a small percentage of the population violates some of the laws once in a while. Those people are "criminals", and there is no way to deal with criminals without tormenting them.

Everybody who boasts about opposing murder and torture wants to kill or torture somebody. For some examples:

If the fanatical vegans got control of a society, they would either execute the "criminals" who violated their laws against eating meat, or torture them with rehabilitation programs or punishments.

If the Google executives got control of society, they would either kill the "criminals" who suggested that men and women have different mental characteristics, or torture them by firing them, arresting them, or punching them.

If the Jews got control, they would torture or kill the Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, Nazis, white supremacists, and millions of other "criminals".

Everybody wants to evict somebody

This constitution gives the Courts Ministry the authority and responsibility to evict the people who they consider to be disrupting society. If no other city wants those misfits, they will be sent to the City of Exiles.

Some people might describe that policy as cruel, but all of us routinely follow that policy in our personal lives. For example, we routinely pass judgment on other people we meet, and we ignore or push away the people we dislike. We are essentially "evicting" the people that we dislike. We also occasionally try to hurt a person by insulting them, or by making sarcastic noises or facial expressions.

All organizations also evict the people that they dislike. Even homeless shelters evict the people that they regard as disruptive. Many prisons will evict a criminal for bad behavior, and sent him to some other prison.

Furthermore, none of us care if any of the people we evict suffer from loneliness, or whether they end up dying.

It is hypocritical for a person to claim that he does not support the concept of passing judgment on people, and evicting those who don't fit in, because we all do it. This constitution merely acknowledges this concept, and makes it an official policy of the government.

By giving a government agency the authority to evict people, and by eliminating secrecy, we can see when the government authorizes the an eviction, and who the person is, and what the reason is. This lets us pass judgment on whether our government officials are making sensible decisions.

A certain percentage of the population is inferior

If the human gene pool did not have any crude qualities, then all of us would behave in a rational manner, but the human gene pool is a haphazard jumble of animal genes. All of us have excessive levels of arrogance, selfishness, and violence, and excessive cravings for sex, status, material items, and food. That results in all of us occasionally behaving in a crude, selfish, or idiotic manner.

Furthermore, the human gene pool has a wide variation of intellectual, emotional, and physical characteristics. That results in each of us having different opinions, goals, and behavior, which makes it difficult for us to work together and compromise on policies. It also results in some people having trouble with school, getting a job, and controlling their desire for gambling, alcohol, drugs, credit cards, and food.

We must acknowledge, and find a way to deal with, the unpleasant fact that a certain percentage of the population will be misfits. No matter what we do about them, it will be unpleasant for them, and for us.

Misfits are removed rather than punished

This Constitution prohibits all types of punishments and rehabilitation programs. The misfits must be dealt with in a different manner.

The people who are only irritating, such as the men who lack the self-control to resist bumping up against women in offices, could be put on restrictions, such as restricting them to certain neighborhoods or jobs. However, the people that we regard as "criminals" are to be evicted or euthanized.