The ministries of the Health
The Health Division is
responsible for maintaining the physical and mental health of the
people. The ministries that are suggested to initialize this division
Safety Ministry
The Safety Ministry is
responsible for
investigating the environmental factors that
can cause damage to both our brain and our body, such as concussions
and chemicals. They use that knowledge to reduce the damage, such as by
setting safety standards for work environments and recreational events.
They are responsible for designing protective gloves,
goggles, hardhats, and other equipment for employees and citizens.
Until recently, no culture had a concern about brain injuries, but the examination
of the brains of football players has shown that brain injuries are
very serious. The military has also recently discovered
that our brains can be damaged simply by being nearby a powerful gun.
This Constitution considers our brain to
be the most valuable part of our body, and that a person who
deliberately causes or allows a person to suffer brain damage is guilty of
murder, so the Safety Ministry must be
especially concerned about understanding and reducing brain injuries.
The Safety Ministry also decides where fences, warning signs, and
barriers should
be installed in the city and inside factories to protect people from
dangerous areas, such
as electrical transformers and chemicals; and what type of
devices and procedures are needed to prevent children and animals from
getting access to certain areas and items.
Although the goal of the Safety Ministry is to make our lives safer, it
is impossible to
protect people from every possible danger. The Safety Ministry has to
make a judgment on where to draw the line on safety procedures and
In the USA, many safety rules are set to protect the most stupid,
ignorant, and mentally disturbed people, but the Safety Ministry is
prohibited from doing that. For some examples:
The Safety Ministry
that ethyl alcohol be contaminated with methyl alcohol in order to stop
people from drinking the alcohol. The reason is because methyl alcohol
is poisonous, so
its production is restricted to applications that truly need it.
The Safety Ministry
cannot require
plastic bags and other items to have warning labels that the item is
not a toy. The reason is because there are thousands of things that
children should not play
with, and it would be annoying to people, and a waste of resources, to
put warning labels on all
of them. Warnings should be designed for the City Elders, not for the
When we create an excessive number of warnings, we create a situation
similar to the Boy
Who Cried Wolf.
Specifically, we ignore the warnings.
There should be so few warnings that
people pay attention to them. However, there is no way to determine if
a particular warning is "excessive", so
the Safety Ministry has to make a guess, and then observe the effect it
has on society to ensure that people are observing and benefiting from
If they discover that people are ignoring the warning, they need to
eliminate or redesign it.
When the Safety
Ministry specifies a fence
around an area, they must design it to be attractive and informative.
The purpose of a fence is to warn us of danger, or to let us
know that a particular area has some restrictions, rather than be an impenetrable
security fence that is intended to prevent irresponsible and stupid
people from climbing over the fence. |
When the Safety
Ministry specifies a railing
for a bridge or staircase, the railing must also be designed to be
decorative. The city must be designed for the City Elders,
not for idiots. Our foot
and bicycle bridges should beautiful, not ugly
security fences that make us feel as if we are living in a prison or a
mental hospital, as this one

With 3d printers and CNC machines, we can easily make all
of our bridges and other structures beautiful.

Furthermore, all of the bridges, foot paths, plazas, and neighborhoods
should have unique decorations
and architecture
so that we don't become bored with the same design everywhere in the

The Safety Ministry must design policies that are beneficial to the
City Elders, not the idiots or the mentally disturbed people. The
Safety Ministry must protect children from
a lot of dangerous things, but the adults
who climb over
fences, or abuse ethyl
alcohol, medical drugs, and other substances, are regarded as low
quality humans. The people who cannot behave properly must
be either put on
restrictions, or evicted.
If an employee of a business were to abuse items or chemicals at
his business, he would risk being fired, or given a job that prevents
him from having access to dangerous items.
The government officials must have the same attitude. Specifically,
when people do something that hurts themselves or other people, the
government must pass judgment on whether the person has a behavioral
problem, or whether the Safety Ministry should try to prevent that type
of problem.
Employment Ministry
In a free enterprise
system, there is no concern for whether a job has value to
or what effect it has on the mental or
physical health of the employees. As a result, many people have jobs
that they dislike, and they waste a lot of their life fantasizing about
quitting their job and retiring.
The Employment Ministry is required to regard a job as
the primary source
of pleasure in our life, and
retirement is
desirable only when we have
reached such a level of mental or physical deterioration that
we become as helpless as a
baby. Their goal is to analyze the jobs and ensure that all of them are
beneficial to society, and providing people with job satisfaction.
A person who is in good mental and physical health will be miserable if he has nothing to do.
Jobs are an important part of our lives, and they have a
significant influence on our attitude. The only people who enjoy
doing nothing are
people who are suffering from serious mental or physical disorders, or
recovering from a medical problem.
Many retired people claim that they are never bored, but that is only
because they are finding things to do. A common
method for retired people to avoid boredom is to travel, such as to
visit grandchildren, or to
visit some other city. Traveling consumes an enormous amount of
time, so a lot of retired people enjoy doing it.
Another reason that some retired people don't become bored is because
their mind and body have deteriorated so much that every activity takes
much longer. They need a lot more time to get dressed, eat, walk, and
take a
shower. They can spend several hours
in the morning doing what a teenager would accomplish in 15 minutes.
This Constitution prohibits people from promoting the attitude that
retirement is our "Golden Years". It is detrimental to teach children
they are suffering when they have to "work", and
that they will enjoy life only when they retire.
This Constitution requires
schools to teach children
that our golden years are the first 50 years because that is when we
are physically and mentally capable of doing things, such as working,
socializing, swimming, and riding bicycles. After the age of 50 we
start to slowly die, and if we live long enough, there will be a point
at which our mind and body has deteriorated so much that we cannot do
much of anything.
The schools are required to provide children with information about the
aging process
that is currently secretive, such as the percentage of adults who wear
diapers. Sales information shows that there is a large
market for adult diapers, but the democracies and free enterprise
systems allow the citizens and businesses to be secretive about the
This Constitution eliminates secrecy and requires the government to
maintain a People
database that has details of everybody's life. The schools will be able
to use the People
database to provide children with analyses of what happens to people
when they become old, such as what age people begin to wear adult
diapers, and what percentage of adults are wearing adult diapers at
different ages, and whether it is more common for men or women to need
The people who wear adult diapers are embarrassed to let people know
about it, but when children grow up in an environment in which there
are no secrets, they will not regard that information as embarrassing.
Instead, they will regard it as one of the unpleasant aspects of
growing old, similar to getting wrinkles and gray hair.
When a culture allows people to keep their health information a secret,
everybody becomes embarrassed to admit to having health problems. This
creates the absurd situation in which people become ashamed of things
that they have no control over, and which happens to everybody, such as
having to get up in the middle of the night to pee, needing reading
glasses, and wearing adult diapers.
Is absurd for us to be ashamed of natural events in life and common
health problems. Furthermore, keeping that information a secret is
preventing children from understanding the aging process, and that it
inhibits doctors and scientists who are trying to understand human
health and the process of aging.
It is better for us to eliminate secrecy and stop encouraging people to
be ashamed of themselves. People who are old should be proud that they
made it to old age rather than died young. The elderly people were
those who were successful at dealing with the dangers of life. They
should be relaxed, not ashamed of themselves, or struggling to deceive
people about their wrinkles, gray hair, bladder problems, and digestive
problems. They should also be proud that they can provide doctors and
scientists with information about aging.
The children must be taught that elderly people retire because their
mind and body has deteriorated to such an extent that they can't do
much of anything, and become like a sickly baby. Children must
understand that the retired people are in their "death years", not
their "golden years".
The government is given control of all aspects of culture, and they are
required to prohibit people
from promoting the concept that retirement is more exciting than
The government must encourage people to enjoy their youth, enjoy
learning a useful skill, and enjoy contributing to society. However, in
order to enjoy our youth, school, and work, we must make some changes
to our culture, four of which are:
1) |
Design jobs to be
compatible with
human mental and physical characteristics.
Many jobs in a free enterprise system are emotionally and/or physically
unpleasant. The Jobs
document explains that one of the
responsibilities of the Employment Ministry is to pass judgment on
whether a particular job is so physically or mentally inappropriate for human minds or
bodies that the job should be eliminated, altered to be more pleasant,
or taken over by a machine.
If a lot of people quit or complain about a particular
job, the Employment Ministry must investigate to determine whether it
is an unpleasant job that should be altered or eliminated. However,
if only a few people complain about a job, then it is more likely that
those particular people need to find a different job.
If the Employment Ministry cannot find a way to make a job pleasant,
they can tell the business to explain the problem in the "Irritation" entry
the job description to help potential job candidates make better
decisions about whether they should apply for the job. That will reduce
the number of people who take the job and then complain about it.
Design an economic system
that treats people as friends.
The free enterprise systems allow people to create businesses that are
similar to medieval kingdoms. For example, the businesses are allowed
to set salaries to whatever they want, and this has resulted in many
businesses putting their employees into a role that is similar to
medieval peasants who pampered Kings and Queens with enormous amounts
of material wealth.
The businesses are also allowed to encourage their employees to hate
and fight with their competitors, and try to conquer them, similar to
the medieval Kings and Queens that sent their peasants to fight with
the neighbors.
In order to provide ourselves with a more pleasant and productive
economic system, this constitution regards everybody as a city
employee. Everybody is a team member who works for the benefit of the
city. The businesses must treat their competitors as friends. The businesses compete with
one another in order to inspire one
another, and to learn from one another, not to destroy or conquer one
Design a school system
to prepare children for a modern society.
Every nation is still using a school system that was designed about
6000 years ago to teach children how to read and write and do
arithmetic. Modern schools need to be redesigned in order to prepare
children for our much more complex society.
This is discussed in other documents, such as this.
Design a culture
that lets children become adults
In the existing cultures, when a child is ready to move out of his
parents home and become an adult, he must spend years or decades
struggling to afford a home, vehicle, clothing, food, and other
This constitution changes the situation dramatically. When the
teenagers graduate from Teentown, they immediately
become adults who are provided with a home and access to all of the
food and material wealth of the city. They don't have to waste any of
their youth struggling to become an adult.
The Employment Ministry ensures the
jobs are beneficial
The free enterprise system puts people under so much pressure to make
a living that many people create businesses or take jobs that they
don't like, cannot do
properly, or regard as disgusting, detrimental, or embarrassing.
Examples are the people who produce worthless products, become
prostitutes, or create advertisements to
manipulate children.
One of the responsibilities of the Employment Ministry is to pass
judgment on whether a job is useful to society, and will provide a
person with job satisfaction. Nobody should have to do a job that they
are ashamed of, and ideally, everybody would have a job that they enjoy.
If they decide that a particular job is not very useful to society, or
undesirable to people, then they can post a request to alter the job
and/or the business that is offering it in order to improve the
Unemployed people must do
temporary chores
Every healthy adult is required to have a job, but everybody is free to
choose their job. The students who are about to graduate from Teentown,
and the
unemployed adults, can find a job by looking through the Jobs
database. The Employment Ministry can also provide people with advice
on what type of jobs they might be good at.
Since everybody is provided with a free home and free access to all of
the city's material wealth, nobody is under pressure to get a job. This
can create the problem of a person doing nothing for months or decades
while he waits for a particular job to become available. In order to
prevent that
problem, the Employment Ministry is authorized to provide the
people with whatever chores they are capable of doing while they look
for a
Nobody is allowed to do nothing. This allows the Employment Ministry to
force a person to work, but only
until he finds a job that he is willing to do. If a person spends years
looking for a job, then he will spend those years doing whatever the
work that the Employment Ministry tells him to do.
Since there is no secrecy, the Employment Ministry can maintain a list
of unemployed people, and all of the organizations can respond to it by
identifying chores that they need done. This will allow the Employment
Ministry to assign chores to the unemployed people.
For example, a farmer might need help harvesting peaches;
a school might need help repairing some computers; and a city park
might need some help with gardening. The
Employment Ministry will assign chores to the unemployed people until
they find a job.
If an unemployed person finds only a part-time job, then the Employment
Ministry will assign chores for him to do during the hours that he is
not working at his part-time job. That unemployed person can look for
another part-time job, or a full-time job.
If nobody wants a job, somebody
can be forced to do it
There might be times when a particular job is necessary, but nobody
wants to do it. If the Employment Ministry cannot figure out how to
eliminate the job or make it more desirable, then they can force
to take the job.
Since none of the government officials have secrecy, when the
Employment Ministry forces somebody take a job, they must post a
document in the Explanations
category to explain their decisions so that everybody can pass judgment
on their reasoning.
The obvious reason as to why the Employment Ministry might have to
force a person to take a job is because there are some jobs that nobody
wants, but which are necessary, such as fixing sewer systems
or working on assembly lines.
Another possible reason to force a person to take a job is because
there might not be
enough people applying for the leadership
positions in government or
In a free enterprise system, and in a democracy, there is an excess of people competing for
leadership positions. The two primary reasons are:
1) |
Fhe leaders of those
systems are treated like Kings and Queens. They get special privileges,
such as extreme wealth and, even more important, the ability to get
away with crimes. They are also allowed to pass enormous amounts of
wealth, businesses, and land to their children, allowing them to set up
economic monarchies. |
Nobody has to meet any
qualifications to become a leader of a free enterprise system or a
democracy. This allows everybody, including lunatics and crime network
members, to become leaders.
In order to provide ourselves with better leadership, this Constitution
prohibits leaders from having special privileges. They are treated as
city employees, except that they must meet higher standards
than the typical
employee. They must have an above-average intelligence and education,
and an above-average ability to understand that humans are apes.
The standards must be set so high that only slightly more people
qualify than there are leadership positions. For example, if there are
a thousand executives and ministers in the city, then the standards for
leadership should be so high that perhaps only 3000 people would
Although there will be enough qualified candidates for leadership jobs,
many of them will not want to be a leader because leadership positions
in this type of culture are not emotionally exciting. The people in
leadership positions have to deal with problems that are intellectually
difficult and emotionally painful, and the leaders are not given any
special privileges.
When we provide leaders with wealth, pampering, and the ability to get
away with crimes, we encourage selfish, dishonest, and abusive people
to fight for leadership. We end up with leaders who are attracted to
the status, wealth, and pampering, not leaders who are interested in
improving life for us.
We will provide ourselves with better leaders when we design our
culture so that the only people who are attracted to leadership
positions are those who are truly interested in analyzing our problems
experimenting with improvements to our lives.
Since the human mind has not adapted to this type of economic system,
there might not be enough people who want to be leaders. As a result,
it is possible that the Employment Ministry will have to pressure some
people to take
those jobs.
The inferior people can
contribute something to
A free enterprise system puts people into a battle for money, and this
results in some people having low incomes, or being unemployed. The
historians and social
scientists claim that the poor and unemployed people are suffering
because the wealthy people are selfish, but some people become poor for
the same reason that certain antelopes
are more likely to get caught by lions.
Specifically, in every type
of competitive battle, half of the contestants will perform at a
below-average level. They are the "losers" of the battle because of
their particular mental and physical characteristics, not because the
winners are selfish or cruel.
Women are at a disadvantage in a free enterprise system because of
their genetic characteristics,
such as being more submissive than men. The free enterprise system puts
people into a battle, but
women are not as successful at fighting with men. Therefore, women tend
to make
less money than men
However, the women, social scientists, and historians give us a
view of that situation. They claim that women make less money
men are sexist
creatures who
abuse women and help other men. However, men are not helping
one another. Rather, they fight
with one another for status, money, and jobs. They also try to drive
their competitors to bankruptcy, and they steal one another's
technology and employees.
This concept also applies to the battles between societies. For
example, Germany has been very successful in war, but it is not because
they are more "evil" than other people. It is because they are more
successful at producing technology, working together as a team, and
Japan and Taiwan are also more successful in economic fights and war,
compared to mainland China. This is because of their talent, not
because they are evil.
However, the losers do not want to admit that they are inferior. We are
very arrogant creatures, so the losers are likely to complain that the
winners were cheating, evil, or lucky.
Whenever we put people into a competition, there will be losers, and
although some people do indeed cheat, the losers are going to blame the
winners even if they are giving the losers a fair chance. Furthermore,
some of the losers cheat, also.
Many people believe that they can help the losers in a free enterprise
system by setting a "minimum
wage", but that hurts the losers by making them uneconomical.
As the minimum wage goes up, the most useless employees become less
valuable to the businesses, and that results in an increase in
their unemployment.
In every generation, half the population will always be below-average,
and a small portion will be so inferior that they will have trouble
finding a job. It is detrimental to allow the unemployed people to feel
sorry for themselves, or to accuse other people of discriminating
against them, or not giving them opportunities.
It is more sensible to make them realize that they have inferior
characteristics, and to deal with it in a calm and quiet manner. It is
also more sensible to assign them chores to do rather than be
unemployed. It is better for them and everybody else that they maintain
a good attitude and contribute something of value to society rather
than do nothing.
We must restrict reproduction
The only way to improve life for the losers is to restrict reproduction
so that there is a smaller difference between the most talented and the
least talented people. There will still be losers, but they will be
much more talented, so they will not suffer.
In the world as of 2024, the difference between people is so extreme
that a lot of people are suffering. There are some people who are very
talented and productive as carpenters, doctors, engineers, scientists,
farmers, and factory workers, but there are a lot other people who can
make a living only through unskilled labor, prostitution, crime, or
welfare. The organized religions and government agencies also provide a
lot of jobs to people who cannot, or will not, do much of anything of
This concept also applies to medical problems and our physical
characteristics. For example, in the world today, there is a tremendous
difference between the best looking and healthiest people, and the
ugliest and most sickly people. By restricting reproduction, we can
reduce the differences. Half the population will continue to be uglier
and more sickly than the other half, but everybody will be in excellent
health and attractive.
People can ask for
help and training
Everybody is encouraged to become better at their jobs, so everybody is
encouraged to request training and assistance with their job. This is
already occurring in the free
enterprise system to a certain extent because everybody is free to take
educational classes during their leisure time, and some businesses
offer their employees training
programs or financial assistance for education.
This constitution goes even further by allowing people to request
somebody to help them learn their job. This option will probably be
used mainly by the people doing difficult jobs, such as managers,
computer programmers, scientists, and technicians. For example:
A manager might
become so frustrated with the supervision of his team that he requests
some assistance,
in which case a person with a history of successful management would be
told to work with him to help him organize the team and provide him
with some training. |
A farmer might
request some help in managing his
farm, in which case an experienced farmer will help
him learn how get the farm operating more efficiently. |
computer programmer who is having trouble incorporating AI functions
into his software can request somebody with experience to provide him
with some training. |
All existing cultures are still promoting the animal attitude of
creating an impressive image of ourselves, rather than be honest. We
afraid to admit that we have imperfections or limitations, or that we
could use some help with learning our
job. However, this Constitution discourages phony images, and requires
that schools give children practice in identifying and admitting to
their imperfections and limitations.
When everybody is working for the same team, everybody
benefits when everybody is as talented as possible. This constitution
encourages people to help one another to improve their talents.
Animals do not want their competitors to become better. Rather, they
want to suppress, intimidate, or kill their competitors. There are a
lot of people with a similar attitude. However, this constitution
regards those people as crude and animal-like.
We should not tolerate people who try to suppress, intimidate,
blackmail, murder, or censor their competitors. Modern humans should
want to live among people who are talented, and
who are our friends and team members. We
should inspire one another to become more talented and better behaved.
We should want to live among people who are developing their talents to
the maximum. This requires that we be honest about our abilities and
limitations, and help one another improve themselves.
The misfits cannot

Employment Ministry is required
to find ways to reduce the unpleasant jobs, but we must expect a small
percentage of the population to have trouble enjoying the jobs that are
available to them.
Those misfits degrade our social environment with
complaints about their job, their bad attitude, and their unpleasant
remarks and cartoons about TGIF and Mondays.
We cannot fix the misfits, so the misfits who are extremely troublesome
must be
evicted, and the others need to be tolerated, but they must be
prohibited from reproducing.
Schools Ministry
The Schools Ministry is
responsible for supervising all of the schools,
including the adult education courses for adults who want to change
jobs, or learn how to do a part-time job.
However, the Schools Minister cannot judge a school according to
whether parents or
students approve of the school. Rather, he must judge a school
to how it is affecting the students after
they graduate. The details are here.
All of the schools
follow the guidelines of the Schools Ministry, so all schools provide
the same education. There is no benefit to society to let parents
which school to send their children to, so children will go to
the school nearest to where they live.
Although every school will teach the same information, the Schools
Ministry is expected
to conduct experiments to determine how to improve the teaching
methods. For example, they might have one school use a different
technique to teach arithmetic, and another school teach chemistry in a
different manner, and then they observe the children to see which group
is learning the material faster and/or more thoroughly.
The schools must also prepare children for society, so the School
Ministry must also compare the graduates of each school to determine
which group of graduates has become the most productive at their jobs,
developed the best friendships and marriages, suffered the least health
problems, and is the best at cleaning up after themselves in the
restaurants, recreational areas, and offices.
Schools must teach
children about genetics
Most schools in the world as of 2024 are teaching evolution and
genetics, but they
provide only
a minimal amount of information about it because every culture is still
putting up a resistance to the evidence that humans are apes, and that
our behavior is determined by our genetics.
For a recent example, some psychiatrists recently published a report
that claims
that the children that we associated with during our childhood can
affect our mental and physical health, such as whether we become
addicted to drugs or develop psychiatric disorders.
Those psychiatrists noticed that some of the children who developed
drug or psychiatric problems when they became older had associated with
children who had drug or psychiatric problems. Their conclusion is that
we can develop the problems that other people have simply by
associating with them. However, that is an idiotic conclusion.
We pick up information from our friends, but not mental problems.
Rather, we associate with people that we feel comfortable with, and
this can result in people with mental problems associating with other
people who have mental problems.
We are very finicky about who we associate with. We look for people we
enjoy, and avoid people who irritate us. For example, the people who
enjoy drinking alcohol prefer to associate with people who either drink
alcohol or are tolerant of it. Likewise, religious fanatics are likely
to associate with other religious fanatics, and vegans are likely to
associate with other vegans. We also tend to associate with members of
our own race, and people of similar ages.
The People
database will help scientists understand this issue. By keeping track
of who each child associates with, and which activities he prefers, we
will be able to make more accurate predictions of how that child will
behave as an adult. For example, the children who are sexually mixed
will have a preference for certain other children and activities. This
can help us identify which of the children have sexual problems.
Schools must teach
children about emotions
This Constitution requires
the schools to teach children much more details about how humans
inherited our mental and physical characteristics from animals, and
how our emotions can affect our thoughts and behavior.
Our natural assumption is that the things that we enjoy doing are
things that we should do, and
the things that bother us should be
avoided. The schools must teach children that those assumptions were
sensible only
for our prehistoric ancestors because human emotions evolved to fit
that prehistoric environment.
The schools must ensure that children understand that many of their
emotional cravings and fears are inappropriate or excessive today and
need to be controlled. Modern humans must frequently suppress the
desire to do something that is pleasurable, and we often have to push
ourselves into doing something that irritates us. Four examples of
what the schools must teach are:
1) |
We must control our eating habits.
An example of this concept that is been mentioned in other documents is
that we have a strong attraction to sugar, and we dislike certain
other chemicals that we regard as bitter or stinky. The reason humans
evolved those
particular characteristics is because the prehistoric people who were
most successful were those who ate fruit that was ripe, and those were
the people who had a attraction to sugar and who disliked the chemicals
that were in the unripe and rotten fruit.
Today, however, those emotions are
causing us to eat excessive amounts of sugar.
Our stomach and hunger emotion developed for prehistoric people
who needed more food than modern humans, so we must be able to control
our hunger and "suffer" by eating slightly less than we want to eat. |
Women must control their grooming.
All animals have a desire to groom themselves, but this is not because
grooming is a "fun" activity. Grooming is a chore; it is a burden. However, it is necessary for animals to clean
themselves. Therefore, the animals that were the most successful in the
competition for life were those who enjoyed grooming.
Female humans have a stronger desire than men to groom themselves, and
they assume they enjoy spending hours a day grooming. They also love to
decorate themselves with jewelry. However, their
craving for grooming is the result of the competition among prehistoric
women to attract a man.
prehistoric women who were most successful in reproducing were those
who were able to attract and hold onto a man who had the ability and
talent to take care of her and her children. Their strong craving to
groom themselves resulted in them keeping themselves, their clothing,
and their home neat and clean.
Unfortunately, women assume that they enjoy grooming because it's
"fun", and our modern technology allows them to waste a lot of time and
resources on grooming techniques that many, or most, men dislike, such
as cosmetics,
fingernail polish, rainbow hair, jewelry, and facial piercings. Some of
them are also piercing their children's ears, and giving jewelry
to their pet dogs.
the craving that women and homosexual men have for jewelry could be the
reason that heaven is described as
having streets of gold, pearly gates, and lots of gemstones.
Some men have complained to their wives and daughters about their
excessive grooming, and some of the
women have responded that they do those things because they enjoy it, not to please
the men.
If a woman understood that her enjoyment of grooming was intended for a
prehistoric environment, and that its purpose was to attract a man,
then she might be able to keep her craving under control and groom only
to the point at which she is clean and neat.
Men must control their craving for sex and status.
Men have a strong desire for sex and for status, but not because sex
and status make our lives more satisfying. Rather, it is because the
prehistoric men who were the most successful at reproducing had very
strong cravings for sex and status.
A man's craving for sex was intended to make him attracted to, and take
care of, a woman and her children, not because sex is "fun". And a
man's craving for status was intended to cause him to compete for
leadership and women, not because our life gets better as we increase
our status.
If a man understands those concepts, then he will realize that he
doesn't need to have lots of sex or status. However, if he doesn't
understand those concepts, he will assume that he must satisfy his cravings for sex
and status in order to enjoy life, and that ignorant attitude can
result in him wasting his life, irritating people, and committing
In addition to giving boys and girls practice
in dealing with overly aggressive boys, the schools must teach boys and
girls that our sexual emotions will create conflicts between us, but
the purpose is not to torment either of us. Rather, it is to allow
stupid animals to make good decisions about which of them should
reproduce. We have to deal with our crude animal characteristics,
rather than become angry at one another.
The girls must expect boys to have strong cravings for sex, rather than
be shocked or angered, and they must be taught that they should be able
to deal with it in a calm manner, such as by telling the boy to leave
them alone. The girls should complain about a boy only if he refuses to
behave properly.
We must understand and control our masturbation
An important aspect of the human mind is that it has an excellent
ability to stimulate itself. For example:
A person can
repeatedly tell
himself that he is being abused by corporations, rich people, the
military-industrial complex, or the
government. He can do this to the point at which he becomes extremely
angry at some intangible concepts. |
A woman who
has a miscarriage can repeatedly remind herself of the dead
baby, and stimulate herself into sadness day after day, year after
year. |
– |
A person can
repeatedly tell himself that he is the most educated,
intelligent, talented, good-looking, and wonderfull person. He can make
himself extremely arrogant, and convince himself that he is superior to
everybody else. |
– |
A child can
repeatedly tell himself that he must have a particular toy
or candy bar in order to enjoy life, and an adult can repeatedly tell
himself that he must have a mansion, private jet, or some diamond
jewelry in order to enjoy life. This can cause them to become angry at
anybody who interferes with their attempt to get those items.
Our ability to stimulate ourselves allows placebos to be
effective medical remedies. If a person's medical problem is trivial or
imaginary, then a placebo can help him feel better because it will
cause him to switch from reminding himself of his pain to reminding
himself that he is being cured of the pain.

becomes less severe, or disappears, when we stop using it to stimulate
This can also be seen with young children when they poke their finger
with a thorn, or suffer from some other trivial pain, and
their mother kisses them.
The child will usually feel better because he will remind himself that
his mother just made the pain go away.
Pain is just a sensation from our nerves, but if we repeatedly remind
ourselves of the pain, we will continue to suffer from it.
If we ignore the pain, or repeatedly tell ourselves that the pain
is diminishing, we will feel better.
It is even easier for us to eliminate emotional pain
because that is not a "real" pain. It is not an electrical signal
coming from nerves within our body. It is the result of our mind stimulating itself with unpleasant
thoughts. We can eliminate emotional pain simply by ignoring the unpleasant thoughts
and thinking about something else.
Many parents claim that they cannot ignore
the death of a child, and
the people who become hoarders insist that they cannot ignore
the pain
of discarding the items in their home, but the people who cannot deal
with unpleasant events should be described as mentally unfit
for this
modern era. People today need the ability to control their masturbation.
Most parents realize that they should help their children ignore pain,
but no culture applies that policy to adults.
Instead, every culture encourages adults
to stimulate miserable feelings, especially when a baby dies.
California also encourages
this with a "Bereavement Leave" law that allow employees to take some
time off to pout when one of their family members dies.
Modern technology
allows “Jerk Off Festivals”
Our prehistoric ancestors had to deal with problems quickly. For
example, when one of their children or friends was killed by wolves or
neighboring tribes, they had to deal with the death quickly. They did
not have the option of taking
time off from work to have elaborate funerals or therapy.
Our modern technology has changed the situation dramatically by
allowing us to waste enormous amounts of our life on "masturbation
festivals" in which we use the death of a family member to
stimulate ourselves into pouting and crying.
Our technology also allows us to spend enormous
amounts of time stimulating ourselves to excess with food, pornography,
pets, children, and status symbols.
Animals want to stimulate their pleasant emotions and avoid whatever is
irritating, but modern technology allows us to waste enormous amounts
of time stimulating ourselves to an excess. Our prehistoric ancestors
were under pressure by nature to keep their masturbation and obsessions
under control, but we have eliminated that pressure. We are now using
our technology to waste enormous amounts of our life on "jerk off
Millions of adults around the world are regularly stimulating
themselves to an excess with food, funerals, weddings, jewelry,
material wealth, status, and pet animals.
Funerals have evolved
into masturbation parties in which people stimulate themselves and one
another into crying and pouting. A recent development is "extreme
embalming", which puts the dead body on display instead of in a coffin,
such as in a chair or on a motorcycle.
If a person doesn't join in on the
funeral masturbation party, he is considered to be abnormal. If the
dead person was murdered, those "abnormal" people, (such
as Jodi
Trexler), might be considered to be the murderer.
Every culture also encourages "poor people" to stimulate themselves
into becoming
miserable and angry by repeatedly reminding them that they are
poverty", and "unable to enjoy the finer things in life".
Many people commit crimes because they become convinced they must have
some of the items that they cannot
afford. This
survey shows that 23% of the American adults have shoplifted items.
There are
even some extremely wealthy people who are foolishly stimulating
themselves into
believing that they don't have enough money to enjoy life. Some of the
wealthy people have even convinced themselves that they are entitled
to shoplift items.
Every culture also encourages adults to stimulate hatred by encouraging
them to believe that they need more freedom.
This results in millions of people stimulating their anger as they
remind themselves over and over that they are oppressed by their
spouse, boss, government, rich people, corporations, white
people, men, or the military-industrial complex.

should deal with emotional pain,
not pout, have tantrums, or need therapy.
Every culture also promotes the attitude that we have the right to
reproduce, and this can result in people repeatedly telling themselves
that the people who want restrictions on reproduction are denying them
their freedom and rights, and making it impossible for them to
enjoy life.
Many people are routinely reminding themselves that abortions are a
woman's right, and many other people are repeatedly reminding
themselves that abortions are murder. Both groups stimulate themselves
to such an extreme that they are constantly angry at one another, and
some of them fantasize about killing one another.
All of these examples of self-stimulation are different types of
detrimental "masturbation". We will create a much more pleasant social
if we discourage destructive
We need to be under pressure to keep our masturbation under control,
and the only way we are going to get that pressure is from our culture.
We must alter our culture so that it discourages pouting and crying,
and we need to be pressured into controlling our cravings for food,
sex, jewelry, freedom, and status.
We must stop promoting the attitude
that we should do whatever feels good. We need to be under pressure to
make intelligent decisions about what to do, and to treat other people
as friends and team members.
We must stop letting people use "tragedies" to justify their bad
behavior. For example, some of the hoarders (such as Barbara)
and obese people use the death of a family member to justify their bad
behavior. Everybody has to die, so we must stop treating death as if it
is an unexpected and preventable problem.
Every culture is also refusing to acknowledge the evidence that we
deteriorate with age. Instead of encouraging us to be proud of
ourselves for surviving to an old age, businesses encourage us to be
embarrassed or ashamed of gray hair, wrinkles, and bad eyesight. The
businesses encourage us to deceive people about our age with hair dyes,
Botox injections, and facelifts. We are also encouraged to keep our age
a secret, or lie about our age.
We will have a more pleasant and relaxed life when we accept aging and
death. We are tormenting ourselves by pretending that we do not
deteriorate from age.
As mentioned in other documents, we have a tendency to become obsessed with our goals. This
characteristic was sensible for prehistoric people because their goals
were sensible, such as finding food and taking care of a family, but
our modern technology allows us to become obsessed with worthless or
destructive activities, such as becoming extremely wealthy; winning
lots of sports events; or, in the case of Beverly,
recording thousands of television programs.
It is important for children to understand the concept of masturbation,
and that we can become obsessed with stimulating ourselves,
so that they are less likely to stimulate their unpleasant
emotional feelings, and less likely to become obsessed with idiotic
Furthermore, and more important, we must deal with the people who
cannot make intelligent decisions. They
need to be restricted from reproducing so that every generation is
better able to deal with our modern era.
We inherited the emotions of apes, and we need to deal with our crude
fears and desires without ruining our lives,
or tormenting other people. Many of the times that we make stupid
decisions it is because of our desire to please ourself, not because of
stupidity or ignorance. A simple example is that we often eat excessive
amounts of food.
Women expect men to have
self-control over their sexual cravings and
arrogance, but women should
have self-control over their cravings to
groom themselves, eat, and play

Women are
cluttering their bathroom and bedroom, and wasting their time and our
resources, with excessive amounts of cosmetics, shoes, clothing, and
A woman who insists
that she cannot enjoy life unless she spends hours
a day on grooming, is analogous to a man who insists that he cannot
enjoy life
unless he has lots of sex or fame.
A woman who insists that she be able to have lots of lipsticks,
jewelry, hair dyes, facial piercings, and other cosmetics is analogous
to a man who insists that he must have lots of pornography videos or a
gigantic yacht.
Those people are
behaving like animals
that do whatever is titillating with no concern for the effect it
has on their life, or the lives of other people. They are following the
Marquis de Sade philosophy.
People need guidance, and an education about their emotions, not the
freedom to behave like animals. The Teentown Ministry is required to
provide teenagers with an extensive education in animal and human
behavior. The schools are required to ensure that the teenagers
understand the purpose of their emotions, and that their emotions are
no longer appropriate.
Teenagers must be given practice in thinking about what to do, and
exerting self-control. For example, the teenagers could be required to
answer such questions as:
the differences between:
a) A
woman who titillates herself with cosmetics and jewelry.
Biden, who titillates himself with the scent of a woman.
A woman who titillates herself with the scent of a baby, a
rose, or a lemon.
The Behavior Ministry is required to pass judgment on what is
"pornography", and when pornography is acceptable. This allows them to
restrict cosmetics and jewelry to certain social affairs, and to
prohibit women from having them in their home.
Example: Cannibalism
Another example of how teenagers can be given practice in understanding
emotions and exerting self-control is the issue of cannibalism.
We have emotional
inhibitions about eating our own species, but people who do not
understand their emotions will misinterpret that inhibition to mean
that cannibalism is evil, disgusting,
immoral, and unacceptable.
To help teenagers understand their emotions, and give them practice in
controlling their emotions and developing intelligent policies, a
teacher could ask the teenagers to imagine that they are a
government official, and their job is to write a policy for
All of the teenagers are likely to create a law that prohibits
cannibalism, but they will not have a sensible explanation for that
policy. The teacher
can then explain that they don't have an explanation because they never
thought about the issue. Instead, they reacted to their emotional
feelings, just like a stupid animal.
The teacher could then have them try again on another day, and then
analyze their responses to determine if any of the students is showing
signs of thinking about the issue.
The teacher could also ask the students to imagine that there are
aliens on another solar system, and they are raising humans for meat,
just like we raise pigs and cows for
meat. They have human farms in which they provide the humans
with homes and food, and as soon as the humans became adults, or
perhaps while they are still children, they are slaughtered for

Is it wrong for aliens to raise humans for
Those humans would have a nice life, but it would be short. The
teacher could ask the students to explain and discuss such issues as:
How we should react to those aliens? Is it right or wrong for
aliens to raise humans for food? Is it right or wrong for humans to
raise chickens, pigs, or cows for food, or to determine which
flowers, trees, and other vegetation are allowed to grow in our cities?
Is it right or wrong for humans to kill cockroaches, rats, or spiders?
Those type of exercises will help the teenagers become accustomed to
thinking and controling
their emotions. The exercises will also show which teenagers are
better at producing intelligent analyses, which will help us determine
who is best suited for leadership positions.
Some students will not
respond properly
As mentioned many times, an education is of value only to the
students who can understand the concepts, and who have the emotional
desire to apply the concepts. Therefore, teaching students about their
emotions will be useful only to certain students.
The students who cannot understand the concepts, or who refuse to apply
them, will become adults who insist on doing whatever they please, and
avoiding whatever annoys them. They will behave more like animals than
modern humans. They must be regarded as inferior people, and prohibited
from reproducing.
Meals Ministry
The Meals
Ministry makes decisions about what type of foods to
produce, ensures food is safe to eat, and
sets standards for the meals at restaurants. The details are here.
Childcare Ministry
The Childcare Ministry is
responsible for designing and operating all of the childcare
facilities in the city. They also
set the work environments for pregnant women and mothers with young
babies. They determine when a pregnant woman should quit her job,
and how long she can remain home with her baby before she returns to
part-time or full-time work.
They also develop products for pregnant women and mothers with babies,
although they don't manufacture anything. They post their requests just
like all of the other ministers, and the Economic Ministers produce the
Since human life has priority over material wealth, the decisions must
be made according to what is best for the mother and the child, not
what the mother or children want.
All childcare facilities in the city are available to all
mothers. None of the mothers have to sign contracts or make commitments
to any of them. Therefore, a mother can use any facility she pleases.
Mothers will normally use the facility near their home, but if a mother
is visiting a friend in another neighborhood, she can use the facility
in that neighborhood.

Fences can be
informative and decorative.
The Products Ministry should design fences to identify the
purpose of the fence.
That concept could be applied to the fences that set boundaries for
young children. For example, in the image to the right, the fence has
carvings of children.
The Childcare Minister is responsible for selecting executives for the
daycare facilities, and must routinely replace the executive who does
worst job so that somebody else has the opportunity to test their
The Childcare Minister is responsible for experimenting with the
daycare facilities to figure out where to place them, how to design
what their operating hours should be, and what type of equipment and
supplies to provide for them.
For example, in the image below, the small building that is surrounded
by the office towers could be a daycare facility for the mothers
who work in the offices. The daycare facility would provide meals for
children, beds for them to take naps, recreation and educational
activities, and whatever else the Childcare Minister thinks would be

One of the problems with
daycare facilities in the USA and Europe is
that pedophiles
want to become employees. Although many women
have been involved with child trafficking, ritual murders of babies,
and pedophile networks, we can reduce the problem of sexual abuse abuse
restricting all of the employees of the childcare facilities to women.
Although nobody has much information about pedophile networks, they
probably would not exist if it were not for men to create and manage
them. Women do not have a strong desire or ability to form large teams.
Women are more independent, like cats. Therefore, we should
significantly reduce the problems of pedophile networks by restricting
the employees of childcare facilities to women.
The abuse of children will also be reduced by eliminating secrecy. The
Security Ministry is authorized to install surveillance cameras inside the rooms of
the daycare facilities. The video would be analyzed by software
rather than sent to monitors for people to watch.
The daycare facilities belong to everybody in the city, so they cannot
be secretive. They are
analogous to nursery rooms in a large mansion. The mothers
are free to wander around any area of any daycare facility to see what
is inside the rooms, and they are free to observe the activities
and people in the facility. The employees of the facility are employees
of the city, not employees of independent businesses who can operate
in secrecy.
Since everybody's medical records, school
records, and other information, is stored in their entry of the People
database, we can further reduce the problem of child abuse by
having artificial intelligence routinely scan through the medical and
school records of children to determine if any of them are showing
signs of physical or mental abuse.
We cannot depend upon parents or daycare center employees to notice
signs of child abuse, and many parents have a tendency to ignore the
evidence. Therefore, we should develop software to look for abuse.
That software could also be designed to look for wives who are abused
by their husbands, or changes in a husband's behavior that would
indicate that he is being tormented by his wife.
Eventually that type of software would have enough knowledge about
animals that it could observe video of animals at the farms and
identify those having health or behavioral problems.
Teentown Ministry
This Ministry is
responsible for managing Teentown. Details are here.
Elderly Ministry
Although many cities have
neighborhoods for elderly people, those neighborhoods are
scattered at random in the cities. This can result in the elderly
people living far away from the medical, recreational, and other
facilities that they need.
The Elderly Ministry has the authority to work with the Neighborhoods
Ministry to plan for the living arrangements for the elderly people.
They are also responsible for dealing with disabled people.
The Elderly Minister will be able to experiment with policies that
would be impossible
in a democracy or a free enterprise system. For example, he could
design apartment buildings, or an entire neighborhood, with doors and
bathrooms for elderly people. And he design restaurants, medical
facilities, and leisure facilities for elderly people, and put them in
the same building or neighborhood so that the elderly people have easy
access to them.
For another example of what the Elderly Minister can do, he could
experiment with requiring a
person who reaches a certain age, such as 70, to move
to an apartment building or neighborhood that has been designed
specifically for people
in his age group and physical abilities.
That would prevent some of the problems that occur in our neighborhoods
today, such as elderly people who depend upon servants to provide them
with cleaning services, medical support, or meals. This constitution
does not permit a peasant class, so nobody is allowed to have servants
in their home.
Also, by forcing the older people to move to a neighborhood
specifically designed for them, the younger people will be able to live
among people that they have something in common with, and the older
people will be more comfortable.
Although many people become upset when they are referred to as
"elderly", or if they are told to move to a neighborhood that has other
people their age, the Elderly Minister is not allowed to pander to
those people. He must design policies that are best for society.
We are not hurting a person's feelings to tell him that he has
deteriorated so much that he should not live among younger people.
Everybody must be able to acknowledge that we deteriorate from age, and
eventually we die. There is no pity for the people who cannot accept
this fact of life.
The Elderly Ministry is also responsible for passing judgment on when a
person has suffered so much physical or mental deterioration that he
should be offered assisted suicide. If a person has become so mentally
disabled that he cannot think well enough to make a decision about
that, the Elderly Ministry can recommend that he be euthanized. They do
not have the authority to perform assisted suicides or euthanasia, so
they have to submit requests to the Death Ministry to investigate the
person and make the decision.
Those type of investigations and decisions will be emotionally
unpleasant for all of us, but this Constitution requires everybody be
able to deal with the fact that everybody deteriorates with age and
eventually dies. Everybody must also deal with the fact that
keeping people alive with machines and technology is a burden on
society, and it lowers the quality of life for the elderly person.
The Death Ministry must make arbitrary decisions about when a person
has lived long enough. People can post their objections to the
decisions that the Death Ministry makes, but everybody must be able to
acknowledge that no matter what we do, it is an arbitrary decision that
has no right or wrong.
Behavior Ministry
The Behavior Ministry
observes and
analyzes the
behavior of the people in the city for the
purpose of understanding human behavior, passing judgment on who is
behaving properly, and experimenting with culture
to improve everybody's behavior.
The Behavior Ministry also sets or recommends the customs that the
other ministries are not involved with. For example, they determine
when women have access to cosmetics, and what type of cosmetics. They
also recommend greeting customs, such as whether people should say
hello, kiss on the cheeks, bow, or shake hands.
They are responsible for maintaining
the social credit
system, and their analyses of people will be a significant portion of
the data in the social credit system. As with the Security Ministry,
they have the authority to pass judgment on the value of
The main responsibilities of
the Behavior Ministry:
Setting policies for
This constitution regards "pornography" as information that we use to
titillate an emotion for no purpose other than titillation. All
pornography can be described as "information" because, from the point
of view of our brain, pornography is just some signals coming from our
eyes, nose, mouth, or other senses.
There is no
dividing line between when we are titillating an emotion for a purpose,
and when we are doing it simply to titillate ourselves, so the
Behavior Minister is authorized to pass judgment on what type of
information is classified as
"pornography"; which pornographic material is restricted or
prohibited; and what the restrictions are. He does this for all
types of information that stimulates our emotions, such as information
about sex, weddings, travel, babies, and status.
His goal is to prohibit the pornography that encourages bad behavior,
and promote the pornography that encourages beneficial behavior.
Everybody who produces information for the public must follow
his rules for pornography. For example, this
document suggests prohibiting "superhero pornography", such as
Superman comic books.
Food pornography
Food can be described as "information" because from the point of
view of our brain, food is just some signals coming from our mouth,
nose, ears, and eyes. Some of that information stimulates pleasant
emotions, and some stimulates unpleasant emotions.
Modern technology allows us to create foods that should be described as
"pornographic" because they stimulate us beyond what our mind was
designed for. For example, lollipops and cotton candy should be
described as "food pornography" or "pornographic food" because those
items titillate our emotions to an extreme, but do not provide us with
A sugar cube is a pornographic food item, and a person who eats a sugar
cube by itself could be described as "masturbating with food
pornography". However, adding sugar to bread, cookies, pizzas, or
sausages is not necessarily harmful. There is no dividing line between
when we are titillating ourselves in a beneficial manner, and when we
are causing trouble.
The Meals Ministry is responsible for determining what type of meals
that the restaurants can serve, and to provide some checks and balances
on the Meals Ministr, the Behavior Ministry is authorized to pass
judgment on when the sugar, salt, oils, and other ingredients are so
excessive that they should be classified as pornographic, and are
causing health problems, bad attitudes, or some other troubles.
Since the ministers have total control of culture, they can do things
that are impossible in every nation today. For example, the restaurants
would be allowed to provide donuts, pies, and other sweet foods, but
the Meals Ministry could put restrictions on the quantity of sweet foods that the
restaurants can provide a person, thereby preventing people from eating
excessive amounts of sugar.
Recipes can also be altered to provide the same amount of sweetness but
with less sugar and flavoring agents. For example, warm
foods need less sugar and flavors than frozen foods, and putting the
sugar on the outside
of the food
also allows us to reduce the sugar and flavors.
Another method is to separate the sweet, flavorful portion from the
dough, and either put it on top of the bread, cookie, or biscuit,
similar to a pizza and a piece of bread with jelly, or put it in the
middle of the bread product, similar to jelly donuts and ravioli.
For example, the photo below shows a thin sheet of bread that I made
from sprouted grains, and after it
was baked, I spread a sweet topping over it. (In this case it
was a lemon sauce, so it has a yellow color.)

To achieve the same sweetness and flavoring when all of the ingredients
are mixed into the dough, we must add significantly more sweetness and
flavoring. A further disadvantage to mixing all of the ingredients
together is that it creates a bread, cookie, or biscuit that is either
dry or only slightly moist.
I prefer a wet sauce on dry bread rather than a dry or moist cookie.
adding a wet sauce to bread requires that it be eaten quickly or it
becomes soggy and disintegrates. Therefore, those type of recipes are
best suited to restaurants that don't have menus. That allows the chef
to create a batch of that type of food, and provide it to a large group
people while it is still warm and fresh.
Furthermore, since it is made with sprouted grains, it is a "meal"
rather than a "desert". Eggs can also be added to the bread and/or the
sauce to increase the nutritional value, or to give it a different
texture and flavor.
People would have
some freedom to misbehave
Setting restrictions on how much sugar the restaurants can put into
foods cannot stop people from eating too much sugar because a person
could circumvent the limits by going to
more than one restaurant to get additional sweet foods. It would
also be possible for people to become overweight, malnourished, or
Eventually the technology will exist to have computers observe
everybody at restaurants and identify the people who are not eating
properly, but this Constitution allows people to have a
certain amount of freedom to hurt themselves, as long as they don't
cause trouble for other people.
This constitution promotes the attitude that it is better to give
people the freedom to misbehave if they do not cause trouble, and
restrict their reproduction so that each generation has better
behavior. To rephrase that, instead of trying to control people, it is
better to restrict reproduction to the people who don't need to be
Therefore, the people who have trouble controlling their eating habits
have a certain amount of freedom to disregard the guidelines that the
ministers have set, but they would be
prohibited from reproducing. This policy reduces the tormenting of
the misfits, and it causes each generation to be better adapted to our
modern era.
A person who wants to be anorexic, malnourished, or overweight would be
allowed to do so only until he starts causing trouble. For example, as
a person becomes increasingly overweight or anorexic, he becomes less
productive at his job, and has more trouble fitting into our social and
recreational activities. He becomes dirt in a transmission.
The word "obese" refers to a person who is "excessively" overweight,
and the Medical Ministry has to determine if a person's weight is
"excessive". The Medical Ministry also has to decide when a person is
excessively anorexic. The Medical Ministry can put restrictions on
those people to force them to lose or gain weight, or recommend that
those people be evicted, and the Courts Ministry can
decide whether they should be evicted.
Meals could be
adjusted for each person
Eventually facial recognition and other software will be advanced
enough to allow us to put surveillance cameras at the entrance to
restaurants to identify each person entering the restaurant, and let
the people or robots in the kitchen know how to adjust the meal to fit
each person's physical
activities, desires, allergies, nutritional needs, age, and size.

could adjust meals according to each person's nutritional and calorie
needs, allergies, and food preferences.
For example, the people who do physical work at their job would be
given larger meals and be allowed to have higher levels of sugar
compared to the people who sit at a desk.
The meals would also be adjusted to a person's particular food
As of 2024, we don't have the technology to accurately determine
everybody's food allergies, so the
Medical Ministry is required to support research projects into
that technology,
and to determine which allergies are genetic, and which are due to
environmental issues, such as raising children in excessively sterile
environments, or not exposing them to certain foods at a young age.
The people who believe that humans are a creation of a supreme being,
or that we are pieces of clay, believe that we should
protect babies from pathogens and allergens, but the Medical Ministry
is required to
investigate the possibility that it would be best to expose newborn
babies to a variety of pathogens and allergens, and then observe their
reaction. It might be best to euthanize the 10 or 20% of the babies
that have the most trouble dealing with the pathogens and allergens,
rather than give them pity and raise them in a sterile environment.
That concept is similar to putting diamonds into an acid bath to
determine whether they really are diamonds. By euthanizing the babies
that are sickly, we will create a generation of people who have much
better health, and who enjoy their life a lot more.
Setting policies for
men and women
Since we don't know much about the
differences between men and women, the Behavior Minister is required to
programs into understanding the differences, and using that knowledge
to experiment with improvements to our social
During the past few years, many people have been trying to convince us
that homosexuals and transgenders are "normal" people who have sexual
differences that are as insignificant as differences in hair color, but
the Behavior Minister should investigate those people to discover why
they are different, and what is different about them. We might discover
that homosexual or transgender men are more likely to have the
intellectual and emotional characteristics of a woman, thereby causing
them to be more attracted to religion, astrology, children, pouting,
crying, and being taken care of.
As we develop a better understanding of the differences between men and
women, and between homosexual and heterosexual people, the Behavior and
other ministries will do a better job of arranging for more appropriate
work environments, diets, and leisure activities.
The Behavior Ministry can also work with the Schools Ministry to
with providing boys, girls, and homosexuals with a different
environment at school, such as putting them into different classes, or
adjusting the educational software to treat the them in a
slightly different manner, such as providing girls and homosexuals with
more praise and
less criticism, or providing the girls with more images,
diagrams, or videos.
This constitution prohibits
people from promoting
feminist theory that men and women are unisex creatures, and the theory
that men are sexist, and that people can choose whether they are
homosexual or heterosexual. Those theories are
considered as idiotic and detrimental as somebody who claims
that some women are witches.
Everybody has "freedom of
speech", but that does
not allow a person to claim that something is factual
when there is no supporting evidence for it. Furthermore,
freedom of speech does not allow a
person to push
his opinions on other people.
There is no dividing line between "discussing"
an issue and "pushing" an
unsupported opinion
on other people, so the Behavior Minister has the authority and
responsibility of observing people and passing judgment on when a
person or organization has crossed the line from "freedom of speech" to
pushing an opinion on people
If the Behavior Minister concludes that a person is pushing an
opinion, he can tell him to stop doing it, but if he
doesn't stop, he can post a request to the Courts Ministry to conduct
an intellectual trial of the person and his opinions. The Courts
Minister has the authority to determine whether the person's
information and behavior is so bad that he should be put on
restrictions or evicted.
Although a government with this authority resembles the government in a
dystopian horror fantasy, it is a policy that is common among families,
businesses, militaries, and other organizations. For example, parents
pass judgment on what their children are teaching one another, and if
they conclude that one child is pushing a detrimental attitude on
another child, they will demand that he stop it.
Likewise, if an employee were to push a detrimental attitude on other
employees, his manager is likely to tell him to stop it, and if he
doesn't stop, he risks being fired.
Giving a government this type of authority is dangerous only
if the voters provide us with the type of dishonest, neurotic,
and abusive leaders that we have in the world today. With appropriate
government officials, we will benefit from their guidance, just as
children benefit from having
intelligent, responsible parents.
• |
Setting policies for
mental quality
The Behavior Ministry observes the behavior of the people in the city,
including the government officials, and passes judgment on whether they
are behaving properly. Three of their goals are:
research programs that improve our knowledge of genetic mental problems, such as
obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, ADHD, shyness, and hoarding.
research programs that determine what type of chemicals, brain
injuries, diseases, and other environmental
factors can affect a person's thoughts and behavior. |
– |
Pass judgment
on who is behaving inappropriately, and recommending whether a badly
behaved person should be evicted or put on restrictions. This includes
passing judgment on the behavior of children in school, government
officials, and citizens during their recreational activities.
When people get into serious or long-term disputes or fights, the
Behavior Ministry should get involved to analyze the mental qualities
of the people, try to determine what is causing the dispute, and pass
judgment on whether the problem is due to a cultural issue or the
mental characteristics of the people. If they conclude that a person
has a low quality mind, they can recommend that the Reproductive
Ministry reduce his priority
for reproduction.
Teachers, parents, business supervisors, and other citizens can post
complaints about somebody's behavior in the Suggestions
category, and the Behavior
Ministry will investigate both the person who made the complaint, and
the person he
complained about, and pass judgment on whether either of them seems to
mental disorders.
The people who post complaints that are determined to be valid will
have that listed as a success
in their database entry, and that will help them get the jobs that
require analyzing people, such as the Behavior
and Courts Ministries.
When the Behavior Ministry passes judgment on somebody's mental
health, they must post their analysis in the person's entry of the People
database so
that everybody can see it. They cannot pass judgment on somebody's
mental health in secrecy. Furthermore, the people who
were involved with the analysis must have their names listed as the
authors. They cannot pass judgment on people anonymously.
Businesses provide a variety of fantasy
products, such as fictional Hollywood movies, fictional story
books, role-playing games, toy unicorns, and costumes that allow us to
dress like Superman, elves, and Star Trek characters.
Although there is no dividing line between what is and is not a
product", the Behavior Ministry is authorized to make that
determination, and to determine which fantasy products are
beneficial, and which are potentially troublesome.
For example, the fantasy romance novels are causing some young girls to
develop unrealistic expectations for weddings, marriage, and men. (The
problem with those fantasies is mentioned in a previous
document here.)

children benefit
from fantasies of elves, fairies, unicorns, monsters, ghosts, or
Nobody knows how Harry Potter fantasies, Star Trek fantasies, or other
fantasies are affecting children, so the Behavior Ministry must support
research into this issue.
They must experiment with our culture to determine which fantasies are
detrimental in which are beneficial.
They must also investigate the effect of frightening
fantasies, such as the horror movies, and the frightening Halloween
costumes and
carved pumpkins.
Many cultures also entertain children with fantasies of Santa Claus,
tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny.
Do fantasies improve a child's life? Or does it waste some of their life on a
worthless activity, and cause disappointment when they become
older and discover that the fantasies are nonsensical?
The Behavior Ministry is required to
investigate whether children will have a better life when they are
raised on a more realistic culture, and in which they spend more of
their childhood with people rather than with such nonsensical concepts
as unicorns, gods, magic, hobbits, and
Every culture is "protecting" children from information
about sex, masturbation, childbirth, digestion, autopsies,
and other types of sexual and medical information, but there is no evidence that children are harmed
by that
information. That policy is the result of our sexual
inhibitions, not because somebody has evidence that children benefit
from that type of censorship.

is no evidence
that children benefit from unrealistic fantasies.
It might be much better to protect children from nonsense, such as the blue
creatures in the avatar movie, and the fantasies of trolls, elves, and
We might have more satisfying lives, relationships, goals, and
attitudes when our minds are not contaminated
with idiotic fantasies.
Millions of adults spend some of their leisure time imagining
themselves in some type of fantasy, such as a religious, Harry Potter,
Avatar, or science fiction fantasy. Some of do more than fantasize;
they go to
events where they can pretend to be a character in their fantasy, such
as a Star
Trek or Silmarillion
Those people believe that they are enjoying themselves, but it is more
that they are attracted to those fantasies because their life is
miserable, perhaps because of loneliness, mental illness, or confusion.
There is no evidence that the adults who get involved with fantasies
are having a better life than the rest of us. There is more evidence
that their fantasies are interfering with their life by causing them to
expect other people to behave like the people in their fantasies, which
results in disappointment and frustration when people do not behave
like that, and by ignoring their personal problems and the problems of
society, which allows those problems to get worse.
The Teentown, Schools, and Behavior Ministries are required to
our emotional inhibitions, fears, and desires, and experiment with the
social environment and curriculum of children. Their goal is to help
children form stable relationships, enjoy life, and become productive,
honest, responsible adults.
The Behavior
Minister must also work with the
Events Minister in conducting experiments with our holiday
such as eliminating Santa Claus and Jesus from Christmas, and changing
children's stories to get rid of the ghosts, witches, and other
nonsensical concepts.
The Behavior Minister must also prevent children from picking up
unrealistic and detrimental attitudes, such as the feel-sorry-for-me
attitude in the stories by
Charles Dickens (discussed here),
and the concept that the ordinary people suffered during the Middle
Ages because of selfish wealthy people (discussed here).
By conducting these experiments on children, and by observing what
happens to them when they become adults, the Behavior
Minister will slowly improve our understanding of how the environment
affects children. That knowledge will allow us to do an increasingly
better job of providing children with the most pleasant childhood, and
helping them to become adults who are well behaved, capable of forming
pleasant relationships, and enjoy life so much that they have no
regrets when they become elderly.
All of the officials in the
Behavior Ministry must show an above-average understanding of the
concept that humans are a species of ape, and that human behavior is
just a modification of animal behavior. They are essentially zoologists
who are studying a species of ape, and who are trying to
improve the "zoo exhibit" that the apes live in.
Our emotions
are so crude that they are stimulated by simplistic
They must realize that our emotions are very crude. For
example, some emotions are stimulated by simplistic images, such as the
two images
to the right.
Understanding that images can stimulate emotions will allow them and
the other ministers to make sensible decisions on how to censor art,
and how to decorate the city, as mentioned in this previous
They must also show that they understand that we do not need to
satisfy our all of our emotional cravings in order to enjoy life. The
emotional pain that we feel when we cannot do what we want to do is a meaningless pain.
They must also understand that our emotions evolved for a primitive
era, and some of them are no longer needed, and some are inappropriate
today. This will enable them to make better decisions about what type
of behavior to encourage, and what type of behavior to discourage.
For example, why do we have a tendency to giggle at farts? Furthermore,
we giggle at the sound, not
the smell.
It is possible that the reason we giggle at farts is because our
ancestors who were best adapted for prehistoric life were those who
considered them to be amusing. Since they lived outdoors, they would
rarely be bothered by the smell, so to prehistoric people, a fart was
mainly a low level and unusual noise.
We have no control over farting, so if a prehistoric person was
disgusted by it, he would be disgusted with himself every time he did
it, and he would be disgusted with other people every time they did it.
The end result is that unpleasant emotions would be stimulated on a
routine basis all throughout his life. Since had no control over his
farting or that of other people, there would be nothing he could do to
stop that unpleasant stimulation.
By comparison, a person who considered farts to be amusing would be
amused every time he did it, and every time somebody else did it. He
would be better adapted to life because he would be in a more pleasant
mood, whereas the other person would be frequently irritated with
himself and with other people.
Today, however, we live in densely populated cities, and we spend most
of our time inside buildings. We now notice the odor of a fart, and
that odor is not amusing. It is now better for us to figure out how to
design our meals so that they are less likely to result in farts.
This concept of prehistoric people adapting to their environment
explains all of our mental and physical characteristics. For example, a
person who lives in the Sahara desert
would be best adapted to life if he enjoyed sunshine, heat, and large
amounts of barren land. He would also be best adapted if his
body could handle the large amounts of ultraviolet radiation, heat, and
low humidity.
By comparison, a person who lived in Norway would be best adapted to
life if he enjoyed cold weather, forests, grass, long summer days, and
long winter nights. He would also be best adapted if his skin was able
to use the dim sunlight for producing vitamin D.
In order for the ministers to improve our culture, they must understand
that humans are animals that adapted to their particular environment.
They must pass judgment on which of our characteristics have become
inappropriate and should be suppressed, and which should be encouraged.
They also need to pass judgment on who has so many undesirable
characteristics that they should be prohibited from reproducing.
The ministers must also understand that each race is similar to the
others, but not identical because we each race evolved for a
slightly different environment. And within each race, each person is
Medical Ministry
The Medical Ministry is the
authority for health issues so that we have
only one group of people to deal with, rather than millions of people
and organizations with incredibly
contradictory, and
sometimes nonsensical, health information.
responsibilities of the Medical Ministry are:
the hospitals, doctors, and dentists
In a free enterprise system, the
doctors and dentists are under competitive pressure to attract
customers, and to provide profitable medical treatments, but the
Ministry must judge medical personnel according
to how successful they are at maintaining the health of their patients.
Therefore, the doctors and dentists are under pressure to keep
people in such good health that they reduce
the amount of work they
have to do.
For example, if the patients of a particular dentist need less dental
care than the patients of some other dentist, and if the teeth of his
patients are just as healthy as those of the other dentists, then he
would be
considered to be the more talented dentist.
This ministry is also responsible for designing the equipment and
supplies that the healthcare industry needs, such as x-ray machines,
scalpels, and bandages. However, they cannot manufacture anything. They
post their requests for items, and if the Economic Division approves
the request, then one or more of the economic ministers will
manufacture the item.
Medical procedures are a burden on society, and in a free enterprise
system, the decision about whether to perform an operation is
determined by whether somebody can afford to pay for it, and whether
the insurance companies want to pay for it. The Medical Ministry makes
those decisions, and they do so according to what is best for the City
Elders, rather than what the people want.
This ministry determines which medical treatments are allowed, and when
they are allowed. This allows the Medical Ministry to determine whether
doctors are permitted to perform Brazilian but surgeries, Botox
injections, and tattoo removal operations. If they approve of a medical
procedure, they also determine when it is permitted, and who qualifies
for it.
Determine which
drugs are authorized
The Medical Ministry is responsible for ensuring that medical drugs are
safe and effective. They
determine whether a drug has been tested adequately, and what it can be
used for.
However, unlike the FDA of the American government, the Medical
Ministry cannot promote a "Feel Sorry for The
Underdog" attitude. They must design drug policies according to what is
best for the City Elders, not according to the worst behaved people in
the city.
For example, the US government makes the medical drugs by prescription
only, and the prescriptions are limited
to a maximum of one year's worth of medication. This requires people
who need the medication throughout their life to go to a doctor at
least once each year simply to get a new prescription.
This constitution requires the City Elders to be responsible people,
and so the Medical Ministry cannot require prescriptions for medical
drugs. The doctors will provide prescriptions, but the prescriptions
are "advice" rather than laws. People are allowed to experiment with
medical drugs without a doctor's prescription, and when they have a
prescription, they can renew it whenever they want.
The Medical Ministry cannot put
restrictions on a medical drug, such as an addictive morphine-based
drug, in an attempt to stop idiots, irresponsible people, and mentally
ill people from abusing the drug.
They must also allow people who are dying to have even more freedom to experiment
with drugs.
They must protect children
from drugs, but adults who abuse drugs are
regarded as low-quality people, and they are not given any pity. If an
adult causes trouble as a result of his drug use, or by wasting the
drugs, then must be evicted or put on restrictions. The ministers are
prohibited from making the high-quality people suffer in an attempt to
prevent the crude people from causing trouble.
Supervise the
collection of medical information
Information about everybody's life is saved in the People
database, and the Medical Ministry is responsible for helping to
determine what type of medical and dental information is practical to
collect, and to ensure that it is being collected accurately.
Their goal is to provide doctors, dentists, scientists, and other
people with easy access to medical data about humans for research or

The People
database will allow easy access to everybody's information.
Doctors and dentists will not have to
ask anybody about their medical
history, and nobody will have to fill forms to describe their
allergies, the drugs that they have taken in the past, the drugs that
they are currently taking, or any of their
other medical characteristics, because all of that information will be
in their entry of the People
The robots and software that accesses the People
database should have voice recognition abilities, and be able to speak,
so that the
doctors, nurses, dentists, and other medical personnel can use their
voice to ask the database for medical information about a particular
person, rather than use a keyboard. The software would provide
information in a generated voice, in addition to displaying
information, videos, charts, and graphics on a computer
Help to maintain a
health database
The Medical Ministry is responsible for working with the Knowledge
Division of
the World Government to ensure that there is that there is adequate and
accurate information about all of the medical drugs and procedures in
the Health
database that the World Government maintains.
The Medical Ministry manages all of
the facilities and services for women who are pregnant, giving birth,
dealing with babies. They provide educational classes for women who are
interested in having babies, and they design the curriculum for them,
so that they know what to expect
with pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, and babies.
The Women's Division
is expected to provide suggestions to the Medical Ministry about those
educational courses.
Investigate health
The Medical Ministry cannot authorize research programs, or manufacture
products for surgical procedures or health, but they are expected to
post requests for research programs and products related to health
Rather than ignore the people who show signs of physical problems, such
as low energy levels, excessive nose blowing, excessive sleeping, low
healing rates, excessive tooth decay, the Medical Ministry is required
to request investigations of those people to determine what is
different about them. The
purpose is to understand which of these problems are inheritable, which
are environmental, and how we can reduce them.
Help design the
school medical curriculum
The Medical Ministry is responsible for helping to design the school
curriculum to provide children with useful health related information.
An example is that they can help create some educational material about tooth decay.
When I was a teenager
dentists were offering to teach people about tooth decay and how to
clean our teeth. They explained that bacteria was constantly growing on
our teeth and forming plaque, and we
should remove as much of the bacteria as possible. We do not need
toothpaste to remove
plaque, or stiff bristles. Instead, we should use a toothbrush with
soft bristles, and gently brush as much of every tooth as possible.
However, many people don't know anything about tooth decay, and the
result is that some of them are under the impression that all they have
to do is put some toothpaste on a brush, and then rub the toothbrush
around a bit to create foam. Those people are probably removing only a
small amount of bacteria from only a few teeth.
Some people put so much pressure on the toothbrush that they cause the
bristles to become permanently bent. In addition to destroying the
toothbrush, the high pressure combined with an abrasive toothpaste will
increase the
erosion of their teeth.
In a free enterprise system, the businesses compete to make profit from
tooth products and tooth decay, so they don't have any incentive to
reduce tooth decay, or care if people use their products properly, or
care if toothpaste is necessary, or care if people waste the
In a democracy, the government and school officials pander to the
public, but not many parents are asking them to provide children with
an education about health. There are a lot more
parents asking the schools to let their children pray to some
The American dental Association posted this
document that has a few paragraphs to describe the technique to clean
teeth, but not many people know about the document, and most people,
especially children, would have trouble understanding it. Most people
would need to watch a 3D animation of the technique to understand what
to do.
To improve this situation, this Constitution requires the Medical
Ministry to study and understand medical problems, including tooth
decay. They are required to analyze the design and value of
toothbrushes, toothpastes, water flossing machines, and other tooth
related products.
The Medical Ministry is required to collect data about tooth decay in
order to determine who is more
likely to have problems with tooth decay, and why. Since there is no secrecy,
everybody's dental records will be posted in their entry of the People
database for everybody to analyze.
The Medical Ministry can use this knowledge about tooth decay to help
figure out what type of information children would benefit from, and
they would work with the Education Minister to adjust the school
curriculum accordingly.
Rather than try to increase the sale of medical products, their goal is
to improve our health, reduce
tooth decay, and reduce the amount of medical products that we need.
They must also investigate which medical problems are genetic, and
provide that information to the Reproductive Ministry to improve the
health of the future generations.
The Medical Minister is to be judged by his effect on society, not whether
people like him. If he is doing his job properly, people will become
healthier, have fewer dental problems, and become more educated about
medical issues.
Medical research
requires a realistic attitude
Medical research is inhibited in the existing cultures for two reasons:
1) |
Free enterprise systems inhibit research.
The medical research businesses in a free enterprise system look for
ways to profit from health
problems, rather than try to understand what
causes them, and experiment with solutions. For example, many people
have bad breath, and businesses
have developed a variety of profitable treatments for bad breath, such
as mouth sprays, mint candies, and chewing gums. CNET published this
article that provides seven remedies to bad breath, and they boast that
we can trust the remedies because the author is "expert-vetted".
There are also people
with unpleasant body odors, and businesses have responded with a
variety of perfumes and deodorants.
However, treating bad breath and unpleasant body odors with mint
candies and perfumes is as idiotic as car mechanics telling a person
whose engine is producing smoke to spray the car with a mint scented
A more sensible reaction to a health problem is to conduct a research
program to determine what causes it.
In the case of bad breath, it tends to occur with certain people, such
people with diabetes, thyroid problems, or other disorders, rather than
occurring randomly among the population. This implies that there is a
genetic and/or environmental reason for bad breath, which in turn means
that we can reduce the problem if we can figure out what is causing
some people to have the problem.
The anti-evolutionary people inhibit
Every culture is opposing the attitude that humans are a species of
ape, and that our behavior and other characteristics are genetic. This
results in scientists, doctors, and everybody else being afraid to
discuss the issue of genetics, which inhibits medical research because
we cannot understand our medical problems when we ignore genetics.
For a recent example, when we are a fetus, we have three arteries in
our arm, but one of those arteries usually withers away before we are
born. Some scientists who have been analyzing dead bodies have noticed
that about 10% of the people who were born in the mid-1800s still had
some of that third artery when they were adults, but 30% of the people
who were born in the late 20th century still had some of that artery.
The scientists were surprised that there could be such a significant
increase in a genetic characteristic after only a few generations. They
assumed that evolution was somehow favoring the people with that third
artery, but that doesn't make any sense.
The pressure on scientists to ignore genetics is interfering with their
analyses of humans. It is absurd to believe that evolution has been
favoring people with that third artery because that requires the people
who did not have that third
artery to be less successful at
A more sensible explanation is the same as why there has been an
increase in
Americans with brown skin. When America was first created in 1776,
about 79% of the population was European and 21% were African. There
were very few, if any, people from Mexico,
India, China, Vietnam, or Cambodia. By 2020, only 62% of the USA was
white, only 12% were black, and there were lots of other races.
The increase in "brown people" was not because evolution was favoring
people with brown skin. Rather, it was because so many of the brown
people have been emigrating to the USA, and having large families.
By ignoring genetics, scientists cannot provide serious analyses of the
differences between
races, men and women, wealthy and poor people, religious and
nonreligious people, and alcoholics and nonalcoholics.
For example, there are different races of people in Britain because
about a thousand years ago, Scandinavians settled in certain areas of
Britain, and the Celts from France settled in certain other locations.
Therefore, the people in those areas will have slightly different
genetics compared to the people in other areas of Britain. There were
also some Romans that remained in Britain, or reproduced with some of
the British women, so some of the British people will have their
genetic characteristics.
If scientists were free to study humans in the same serious manner that
they can study animals and plants, they would be able to identify the
genetic characteristics of the European people, and by noticing
differences in their language, culture, and behavior, they would be
able to help understand what is different between us.
However, everybody is afraid to mention the possibility that there is a
genetic difference between the people in Wales and the people in
Scotland, or the Germans in Bavaria and those in Hamburg, or between
the Italians in Sicily and those in northern Italy.
Scientists are also afraid to consider the possibility that a lot of
English people have defective teeth because the original population of
England had large jaws and teeth, and the immigrants from Scandinavia
and France had smaller jaws and teeth, resulting in many children with
an incompatible mixture of genes for teeth and jaws.
Obesity, crime, alcoholism, and other problems are not randomly
distributed throughout the world's population. A genetic analysis of
everybodty would help us to understand why certain problems are
occurring in certain families and certain areas. However, that type of
research requires a culture that accepts the evidence that our mental
and physical characteristics are genetic.
In order for us to understand human health and behavior, scientists
must have the freedom to investigate issues without any pressure to
reach certain conclusions, or to ignore certain issues.
This is another example of how many people do not understand the
concept of freedom. We are not free when we are under pressure
by anti-evolutionary people to ignore genetics. Those people are oppressive.
The Medical Ministry is authorized to analyze everybody so that we can
understand the differences between us, and to understand the cause of
the health problems. We should determine which of these three
categories a person's health
problem belongs in:
1) |
An inheritable genetic characteristic.
A random genetic defect that is not
An environmental issue, such as
disease, radiation, pollution, or accidents that damage our body or
brain, or improper diets.
Doing this type of research requires restricting the government
officials, scientists,
and doctors to the people who
have the ability to acknowledge the evidence that we are a species of ape, and that
all of us are genetically imperfect
and unique. We must also
acknowledge the evidence that men and women are genetically different,
and that different races are genetically different. We must also
acknowledge that our body changes as it ages.
Television Ministry
Journalism Ministry
The Journalism and
Television Ministries are explained here.
Wildlife Ministry
The Wildlife Ministry deals
with the non-human creatures of the city. They maintain the city parks
and gardens, and control the rats and other animals inside the city.
They are responsible for keeping birds away from airports and other
areas, such as with drones or lasers that scare or kill the birds. They
can design rooftops with bird repellent spikes that discourage birds
from landing or building
nests on them, but the spikes should be decorative.
The ministers must give human life priority over economic issues, so
the Wildlife Ministry can
justify putting resources into making decorative
bird repellent spikes, rather than these
ugly spikes.
are two attempts by the AI
software to create attractive bird
repellent spikes.
The products document recommended that
fences have specific designs to identify the purpose of the fence. The
two images above show that we could apply that concept to bird
repellent spikes by designing them with images of birds so that
everybody understands their purpose.
With 3D printers and CNC machines, we can easily make decorative bird
repellent strips, and make them unique for each building, thereby
making all of the buildings more interesting.
The Wildlife Ministry maintains a database about the city's wildlife
for both residents
and tourists. In addition to providing information to satisfy people's
curiosity about the wildlife in the city, it will also allow people to
find out which
animals and plants are dangerous, such as Dendrocnide
moroides, and what types of pollen and other allergens are in the city,
and which days of year the
allergens are most likely to cause trouble.
As mentioned in this
regarding the alligators in Florida, the Wildlife Ministry can put
barcodes to signs to provide us with additional information.
Incidentally, the Security
Ministry in the Quality Division will maintain a surveillance system
for the city, and eventually the software that processes the video will
be so advanced that it will be able to identify animals and plants in
the video, thereby providing a live map of where some of the
alligators, rats, skunks, and snakes happen to be, and where in the
city the poison oak or poison ivy is growing.
Death Ministry
The Death Ministry is the
only agency authorized to kill people; specifically, by providing
abortions, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the execution of
criminals. The Events Ministry determines
what type of funerals people
can choose from, but
the Death Ministry determines what happens to the dead bodies.
Everybody belongs to
All existing cultures give people the right to choose whether they want
to provide information about themselves to other people. That freedom
allows people to keep
their DNA a secret from the police, and to hide or lie about their
mental illness, criminal history, hair color, age, and marital
status. Every culture also gives people the right to determine what
happens to their dead bodies.
This Constitution regards society
as more important than an individual
citizen. Every person is regarded as a team member, not as a god or
goddess. Everybody benefits by being able to study the human race, so
the government maintains a People
database that has details of
everybody's life. When a person dies, his body belongs to society, and
everybody has a right to benefit from his death, such as by analyzing
his body to determine why he died, or for schools to use in
medical classes.
The Death Ministry decides what to do with dead bodies, regardless of
whether person died naturally or was executed or aborted. This
Constitution opposes the customs of cremation and of filling a dead
body with formaldehyde and burying it in a graveyard. This constitution
does not support the concept of graveyards.
The death customs of all existing cultures are dominated by religious
fanatics who regard dead bodies as something special. However, this
constitution considers that when a person dies, his life is finished,
and his dead body is no more special than the body of a dead mouse, a
cockroach, and a dead pine tree.
Burying dead bodies in graveyards, or having them cremated and saved in
urns or spread out over the ocean, is as idiotic as having graveyards
and cremations for all of the insects and plants that we kill.
When a person dies, the Death Ministry will deal with the dead body,
not the family members, and the Death Ministry is required to choose a
more beneficial option for dead bodies, such as using them for medical
research, schools, fertilizer, or food for animals. The Death Ministry
must make decisions
according to what is best for society, rather than to appease citizens
or organizations.
Execution of criminals
The Courts Ministry is the only agency that can authorize a criminal to be executed,
and the Death Ministry is the only agency that is allowed to conduct the execution. This provides
some checks and balances because the Death Ministry has the option of
refusing to execute a person if they believe the Courts Ministry has
become corrupt or made a mistake.
However, unlike the USA, in which executions of criminals are elaborate
ceremonies, the Death Ministry must conduct them efficiently and
quickly, such as by cutting off
the circulation to the brain by closing the arteries in the neck.
Assisted suicide
Unlike the
state of Oregon, which allows a doctor to provide a person with drugs
to kill himself, thereby giving him the option to kill himself whenever he is in
the mood to do so, and wherever
he pleases, this constitution does not provide people with that
freedom. Instead, a person must travel
to one the areas designated by the Death Ministry for suicide, and he
will be provided with a few methods to
choose from.
If a person is unable to travel, he can call the suicide
department and they will take him to the suicide location. If he cannot
even make a phone call, then somebody else can do it for him.
The reasons for prohibiting people from committing suicide wherever
they please is:
1) |
It is unpleasant
for us to watch dead bodies being removed from the area where we are
living, or where we have dinner, recreational activities, or music
concerts, and there is no benefit to making us watch such events. It is
pleasant to have deaths occur in a secluded location. |
When a person dies,
fluids and poop can dribble out of his body, thereby
making a mess in the home, park, restaurant, or wherever he decides to
kill himself. This requires somebody to clean
up the mess, which nobody enjoys doing. |
Although everybody
in the city can move from one apartment to
another, there are restrictions. For example, some apartments are set
aside for families rather than single people, and others are set aside
for the elderly and the people who are incapacitated due to diseases or
injuries. Therefore, most of the assisted suicides would occur in
the apartments for the elderly people.
When we become old and have to move to one of the elderly
apartments, it will be more pleasant for us move into an apartment
where the previous residents were alive,
as opposed to an apartment in
which hundreds of previous residents had committed suicide
inside of. |
The government of Oregon requires people to go through an elaborate
procedure to be given the drugs for assisted suicide, but this
constitution authorizes the Death Ministry to provide assisted suicide
to anybody who asks for it. The Death Ministry is prohibited from
trying to convince people to cancel their request for assisted suicide,
and they cannot even ask the person for an explanation of why he wants
to die. They must provide the service to whoever asks for it.
The Death Ministry could have a beautiful courtyard where people could
have a last meal in which they eat whatever they want without any
concern for their health benefits, such as sweet donuts or sausages, or
an enormous amount of chocolate candies.
The food would have
something in it to put them to sleep and eventually kill them. They
would also be able to invite their family members, but the family
members would arrive after
they ate. They would then be able to reminisce about their life and say
goodbye. That would be a lot more pleasant than dying slowly and
painfully in a nursing home, or climbing into a suicide pod.
Some people will complain that some of the people who want to kill
themselves do not really want to kill themselves. Rather, they are
upset with something, and are pouting. However, this constitution
considers those people to be behaving like an animal. The proper way to
deal with problems is to investigate them and experiment with
solutions, not pout and request assisted suicide.
Anybody who requests assisted suicide because they are frustrated with
their problems should be allowed to die because that will eliminate
another of the mentally inferior people who have inappropriate
reactions to problems.
Most people have so little
self-control, and such a strong craving to take care of babies, that
they cannot analyze the abortion issue seriously. Instead, they
fantasize that every fetus is going to become a wonderful person. This
leads them to the conclusion that aborting a fetus is murdering a
wonderful person. In reality, most of the people who abort a fetus are
getting rid of a low-quality fetus.
Tens of thousands of Americans die, become paralyzed, and become
brain-damaged every year from automobiles, but the people who are
concerned about abortions have no concern about those deaths or
suffering. Instead, they are more likely to slow down as they drive
past an automobile accident, and entertain themselves with the
If abortions were
conducted along the side of the road, how many people would slow down
to entertain themselves by watching the abortion? Why are people so
opposed to the killing of a fetus but not the death or destruction of
The reason people care so much about abortion is because we inherited
the intense craving of animals to take care of babies, but animals
don't have any emotional concern about the lives of adults. The people
who are trying to stop abortions are following their emotional cravings
like stupid animals, rather
than thinking about what is most sensible.
This constitution changes the situation by requiring the Death Ministry
to provide abortion services for two different reasons:
1) |
Forced abortions of defective fetuses.
When a woman is pregnant, the doctors are required to check the health
of the fetus, and if they determine that the fetus is defective, the
Death Ministry must pass judgment on whether it should be aborted. The
Death Ministry must make the decision according to what is best for
society, not according to what the parents want.
Specifically, they must pass judgment on whether the fetus is likely to
become a person who has a pleasant life, and fits into society
properly. If not, they must abort the fetus, regardless of what the
mother wants.
The decisions of the officials in the Death Ministry are posted in the
Explanations category so that we can pass judgment on their decisions.
If an official allows fetuses to live that turn out to be seriously
defective, he will be considered incompetent, and be fired.
Women who request abortions.
The Death Ministry must perform an abortion for any woman who asks for
it. The Death Ministry is prohibited from trying
to convince her to keep the baby, and from asking her for a reason as
to why she wants the abortion.
Giving women the right to have an abortion is similar to giving them
the right to amputate their foot. Nobody with a functional brain would
amputate their foot unless it was suffering from cancer, gangrene,
frostbite, or some other serious problem.
Likewise, no woman with a functional brain wants to abort a healthy
Women choose to have abortions only under extreme circumstances, such
they cannot care for the child, or because the child is defective, or
because the father was a rapist, or because they have no desire to take
care of a baby.
Some mentally defective women might want an abortion simply because
they don't think very well, but the mentally defective women are not
permitted to have children because their children are likely to have
inferior genetic qualities, also.
of babies
Since we do not yet have
the technology to determine whether a fetus is in good physical and
mental health, some of them turn out to be babies with serious defects,
or which develop serious problems during the following months or years.
This is why children have a probation period.
The Death Ministry is required to pass judgment on which of the babies
are so defective that they must be euthanized. This will allow them to
eliminate the babies with obvious defects.
Unfortunately, a lot of the physical and mental problems do not appear
for a decade or more, and it would be unpleasant to live in a society
in which teenagers and adults are euthanized when they show signs of
genetic disorders. Therefore, this Constitution restricts
the euthanasia of defective babies to those who are less than four
years old. The people
don't show serious genetic problems until later in life are allowed
to live, but restricted from reproducing.
Euthanasia of elderly and sick
The Elderly Ministry can make recommendations to the Death Ministry to
investigate elderly people who they believe should be euthanized, but
the Death Ministry does not have to wait for those recommendations.
They have the authority to pass judgment on when a person has
deteriorated from age, accidents, or disease to such an extreme that he
should be euthanized.
The Medical Ministry can also recommend people for euthanasia when they
are suffering from serious problems that cannot be solved, such as
muscular dystrophy, brain damage, and cancer.
and adopted children can terminate their relationship
Since half the
population is prohibited
from having children, and 20% of the
population is limited to two children, there are likely to be a
lot of adoptions.
The potential problem with adoptions is that the parents might have
significantly different personalities than the child, which can cause
the child to feel as if he doesn't feel comfortable with his parents.
It is also possible that an adopted child will
have trouble fitting in with the other children of the family.
Rather than torment the child or the parents by forcing them to remain
together, they all have the option of terminating their relationship.
The adopted child can then go to another family, and the parents can
adopt another child.
Death Ministry encourages temporary officials
The Death Ministry is
another agency that encourages
both part-time and temporary officials
in order to increase the variety of opinions and prevent a small number
of people from dominating the ministry.
For example, if a person would like to get involved with decisions
about which fetuses should be aborted, but he does not want a part-time
or full-time job doing
it, then he would apply for the job of a temporary abortion official.
If he qualifies, his name would go on a list of temporary abortion
officials. When a woman gets pregnant, the people on that list would be
and each of them would decide if they have the time and desire to get
involved with analyzing the fetus and passing judgment on whether it
should be aborted.
If another person is interested in becoming a temporary official for
cases of euthanasia, then he would apply for that job, and when one of
those cases appears, the people on the euthanasia list would be
contacted, and each of them would decide whether they want to get
involved with it.
Death Ministry serves society,
not parents
The officials in the Death
must provide an explanation for every abortion and euthanasia,
and identify themselves as the author.
Their explanation does not have to be lengthy, but they need to provide
something to force
them to think about the issue, and to allow us to judge their reasoning.
Two examples of how the Death Ministry must make decisions for the
human race rather than to appease parents are:
Example 1: Premature birth
Premature babies put a burden on society because
they require medical care immediately after birth. Even worse, the more
premature they are, the more likely they are to suffer permanent
Modern medical technology can allow a lot of premature babies
to survive,
but this Constitution considers the quality of life
to be
more important than the number of years a person survives.
Although some premature babies became adults who appear to be in
excellent physical and mental health, the percentage of them with
serious mental and physical disorders is so high that this constitution
does not consider the risk to be worth taking.
If there was a shortage of babies, then it would be sensible to put the
effort into taking care of premature babies, but there is always
an excess of babies because we
inherited the intense craving of animals to reproduce in large numbers.
Therefore, we should not waste our
medical labor and resources on attempts to salvage babies that have a high
potential for
turning out to be stupid, neurotic, sickly, ugly, or deformed.
Babies that are not capable of surviving on their own after birth must
be euthanized. Babies are regarded as the next generation of humans,
and they must meet high standards.
Example 2: Fetal and baby surgeries
Many hospitals provide surgery for babies, and some are now providing
surgery for a fetus. As with premature babies, the fetuses that need
surgery have a greater chance of having permanent health problems
throughout their life, and the surgeries can create ugly scars, thereby
making them less attractive.
Although the problem of scars is considered trivial by all existing
cultures, this constitution considers the quality of life to be more
important than the number of years a person lives.
Humans and other animals dislike ugly and deformed members of their
species, and this results in defective people disliking themselves.
They degrade our social environment because they develop bad attitudes.
Some develop low self-esteem, and others become angry. Some of them
waste a lot of their life on pouting, or being envious of other people,
or having cosmetic surgeries.
We will create a much more pleasant social environment when everybody
enjoys themselves and the people that we live with. Ideally, every
generation would be in good mental and physical health, and be
nice-looking, and enjoy themselves and one another. We are cruel to
give life to babies who are deformed or ugly.
There is no
need for us to salvage defective babies. It is more sensible to put the
babies through tests during the first few years to ensure that they are
in good health, and euthanize perhaps 20% of the most inferior babies.
The Death Ministry is required to support research programs into
identifying the mental and physical characteristics of babies so that
they can euthanize the most defective babies during their four year
probation, thereby creating a generation of children that is healthier,
and more likely to enjoy life and other people.
“But I
(or you) would have been killed
with that policy!”
Some people justify opposing abortion and euthanasia by finding an
adult who appears to be a wonderful person,
but who would have been aborted or euthanized if we had been following
a policy of euthanizing the defective babies. They respond with a
remark similar to, "With your
policy, he would have been killed as
a baby!"
However, that type of remark is not
justification for salvaging defective babies. It is an attempt to
intimidate us by making us feel cruel and irrational.
It is true that when we euthanize defective babies, we will sometimes
kill a baby
who would have been a wonderful person, but we cannot achieve
The people who demand perfection are behaving like animals that react
to unpleasant situations by becoming angry. We must not let them
intimidate us. Modern humans must occasionally make emotionally
unpleasant decisions, and we must accept the fact that we cannot make
perfect decisions .