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The Kastron Constitution
4h) The Courtship Ministry

15 June 2024

The structure of the Social Division

Our courtship emotions are inappropriate today

The natural method for a woman to find a husband is for her to make herself look pretty, put herself on display in some public area, and wait for men to pursue her. She pretends that she doesn't have any interest in men, which we refer to as "playing hard to get", and the men have to ignore her lack of interest and continue pursuing her.

That method was acceptable in a prehistoric, nomadic tribe, but it is inappropriate in modern societies. The primary problems with it are:

1) Our population is too large.

A prehistoric, nomadic tribe would have had only a few single men and women, and there was not much contact between the single people of neighboring tribes. Therefore, the single women only had to deal with a few single men.

Today a woman in a modern city is living among thousands of single men, and if she has a job that puts her into contact with the public, she might encounter single men all throughout the day. Women enjoy being pursued by single men, but not by dozens of men every day.

To make the situation worse, there are a lot of men today who are single beyond the age of 30, but women were designed to find a spouse in their late teenage years and early adult years. Women were not designed to be pursued by old, lonely men.

Secrecy interferes with courtship.

Humans evolved for a social environment in which there was no secrecy. The people in a nomadic tribe knew every detail about everybody else's life, including what their bodies looked like. Therefore, when the single men and women flirted with each other, neither of them had any questions about what the other person was like.

Our prehistoric ancestors knew each other more intimately than brothers and sisters today know one another. They did not need to ask one another any questions about themselves. Therefore, when they flirted, it was purely for entertainment. When the women made themselves look pretty, it was for fun, not to deceive the men about their appearance. When the men tried to entertain the women with gifts, it was to impress the women, not deceive the women about their wealth.

By comparison, our modern societies allow so much secrecy that single men and women today cannot even be certain if the person they are talking to was born male or female. We also have no idea who among us is an alcoholic, or who has a problem gambling, or who has a venereal disease.

The secrecy results in single people, especially women, being cautious, and sometimes frightened, of a potential spouse. They are not relaxed, and they do not enjoy the flirting. Rather, they are uncomfortable and concerned.

Secrecy also makes it difficult for the men to figure out which women they should pursue. The intimacy of a prehistoric nomadic tribe allowed the boys to get a good idea of which girls were attracted to them, and this resulted in the men being more likely to pursue the women who had an interest in them.

By comparison, people today are so secretive and deceptive that the single men do not know which women are rejecting them because they truly do not like them, and which are merely playing hard to get.

This can be especially troublesome for an attractive woman who has a job that puts her into contact with the public. She will be pleasant and friendly to everybody, so a single man might misinterpret her friendliness for an attraction to him, which can cause him to waste his time on a futile pursuit of a woman that doesn't care for him, and it can irritate the woman.

If the man has certain types of mental problems, he might become so obsessed with the woman that he stalks her, or pesters her for months before he gives up.

We are living among different cultures.

Humans evolved for a homogeneous group of people, but today most societies are a mixture of cultures and races, especially the USA and Western Europe. This puts the single people into uncomfortable situations because they don't know how to behave around one another.

For example, different cultures have different methods for people to greet one another. Therefore, when a single man meets a single woman, he will not be certain if he should shake her hand, bow, nod his head, tip his hat, give her a hug, kiss the air while their cheeks are touching each other.

People of different cultures also have different foods, clothing styles, religious practices, and recreational activities.

The human race is degrading.

We evolved to live among people that we trust, and who are in good physical and mental health. We did not evolve to live among people with bipolar problems, alcoholism, ADHD, migraine headaches, food allergies, or deformed bodies. We also did not evolve to live among lonely, older adults who are desperate for a spouse.

In a prehistoric, nomadic tribe, all of the single men and women would have been healthy and capable of taking care of themselves. Therefore, flirting would have been a fun activity. Today, however, single people are in a situation that is as unpleasant as a person who is looking through the trash at a city dump and trying to find something valuable.

Single people today have to search for a spouse. It is a frustrating chore, rather than a relaxed, pleasant activity.

Sexual ignorance causes trouble.

Prehistoric boys and girls picked up detailed and realistic information about human bodies, sex, childbirth, breast-feeding, and the roles of men and women.

Today, however, most parents are afraid that sex education will damage their children, so they keep their children ignorant. This causes many boys to develop obnoxious obsessions with women's bodies and sex.

Furthermore, businesses cause children to develop unrealistic expectations of sex, marriage, and weddings. To make the problem even worse, feminists are teaching children the absurd concept that men and women are unisex creatures, and that men are sexist. And Hollywood often portrays women as sexually promiscuous, and giggling at lewd remarks.

We should love to reminisce about being single

Flirting was a pleasant, relaxed activity in prehistoric times, and it provided the single people with lots of pleasant memories, but finding a spouse today is a frustrating, confusing, time-consuming, and difficult chore to many or most of us. The men who have trouble finding a wife can also waste a lot of money on the process. The single people can also annoy the adults when they gather at shopping malls, city plazas, and other public locations.

Becoming a teenager and flirting with the opposite sex should be one of life's exciting pleasures. When we get old, we should enjoy reminiscing about that time of our life. If we develop software to identify people in security videos, many couples will enjoy requesting video of themselves when they were young.

Our teenage and early adult years should be one of the most exciting times in our life because it is when our mind and body go through a lot of significant changes. For example, we start to think for ourselves, and we notice things that we didn't have much of an interest in when we were children.

It should be a time of our lives that we accumulate a lot of pleasant memories of doing things with our friends, flirting, exploring the city, discovering the varieties of foods, developing skills, planning our future, and discovering sex. Watching video of ourselves at that age should stimulate pleasant memories.

If we do not enjoy our teenage and young adult years, we miss out on the most exciting portion of our life. Those years are analogous to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It is the time when we transform from a child to an adult. It is a time when we are the most flirtatious, good-looking, and healthiest. Those few years should provide us with a lot of wonderful memories.

Miserable relationships are a failure of culture

Although we cannot determine how many teenagers and young adults are enjoying their relationships with the opposite sex, it appears that most Americans are not accumulating many pleasant memories of being single and flirting. For example:

Americans are getting married later in life, and the most likely reason is because many people are having trouble finding a spouse.

An increasingly large percentage of people have so little faith that they have selected an appropriate spouse that they are living together without getting married, sometimes for decades.

There are so many people having failed relationships that an increasingly large percentage is becoming infected with venereal diseases.

The increasingly miserable relationships between men and women should be considered as evidence that our culture is becoming increasingly inappropriate, and the adults should react by experimenting with it to improve it. However, no culture encourages people to look critically at themselves or their culture.

Instead, every culture has evolved to give us what we want, and that is to boast about ourselves and our culture. Most parents believe that they are wonderful parents, and they refuse to consider the possibility that we need to experiment with our schools, parenting concepts, jobs, recreational activities, and other culture. However, the miserable relationships should be regarded as a failure of our culture, not as an unavoidable characteristic of modern life.

This concept also applies to feminism. Specifically, an increasingly large percentage of the women have been complaining about life, and that should be regarded as a failure of our culture. The men should react by experimenting with culture to improve the lives of women. Men are responsible for the lives of women because women are naturally submissive to men, and they expect men to provide them with guidance.

Men are supposed to be leaders, but most men are so overwhelmed with modern life that they don't know what to do for the women, or for themselves or their children. Rather than providing the women with guidance, most men ignore, pander to, or become angry at the women, and some men exploit women and children for money or sex.

In order to reduce the number of miserable teenagers and women, the men must be willing to take responsibility for our societies, and find the courage to experiment with our culture.

The misfits will be tormented

One of the most unpleasant concepts that men must deal with is that even if we could create a perfect culture, there will continue to be some miserable teenagers and women simply because of genetic variations and defects. Therefore, in addition to experimenting with culture, we must restrict reproduction.

Restricting reproduction to the people with higher-quality genetics will reduce the percentage of misfits in every generation, but it cannot prevent them. There will always be genetic variations in the children, so there will always be a small percentage of misfits.

This brings up an interesting problem. Specifically, once we begin restricting reproduction, each generation will become better looking, more intelligent, more talented, more honest, and more sociable. Furthermore, as we improve our culture, the recreational activities, jobs, social affairs, schools, parks, swimming areas, and other aspects of the city will become increasingly pleasant.

Every year the city will become more like heaven, which would be wonderful for the people who enjoy it, but it will cause the misfits to suffer even more. The reason is because the misfits will be constantly in contact with people who are having wonderful friendships and marriages, and who love their jobs, school, the recreational and social activities, and everything else about life. They will be reminded every day that they are misfits.

By comparison, many of the misfits in the world today do not feel as if they are misfits. The reason is because they are surrounded by lots of other miserable people, and they are living in cities that are miserable. This can make them feel as if they are typical people who are suffering simply because life is cruel to everybody.

If we were to create a city in which most of the people are good-looking, intelligent, talented, honest, and in good mental health, and who have wonderful friendships and marriages, the misfits will be tormented by watching all of the people around them enjoying life. They will be in the same sad situation as a crippled child who is watching other children enjoy life.

The teenagers and young adults who are ugly, deformed, mentally ill, sickly, stupid, or who have unusual personalities will not be able to enjoy be courtship activities, or their teenage years. Instead, they will be lonely, sad, bitter, envious, angry, disappointed, or frustrated.

The misfits are likely to develop a detrimental attitude, such as Elliott Rodger, who was envious of the boys who had friends, and who became angry when he saw boys and girls showing affection towards one another. Rodger would have been even more miserable if he was living in a city where the majority of people had wonderful friendships, and were routinely showing affection towards one another.

As we make life more wonderful for the majority of people, we make life more miserable for the misfits. Therefore, as we improve our city and culture, it becomes increasingly important to identify and euthanize the misfits while they are young so that we can reduce the number of adults who become lonely, angry, envious, sad, violent, and miserable.

We need courtship guidance

In order for people to enjoy flirting and finding a spouse, we must be willing to experiment with new attitudes towards life. One of the experiments that this constitution advocates is to prohibit the single men from pursuing women in public areas, and restricting that behavior to the official courtship activities.
Although this is a restriction of their freedom, it is no more oppressive or cruel than prohibiting people from pooping, spitting, and masturbating in public. We do not suffer from those type of prohibitions. Rather, those restrictions make our social environments more relaxing and pleasant.

By prohibiting courtship in public areas, single people can get together in public areas without being concerned about sexual comments, being touched, or any of the other annoying things that single men and women do to one another.

The courtship executives have to experiment

The Courtship Minister hires the executives who organize and supervise the courtship activities, but he cannot tell the executives how to operate their activity. Since nobody knows the best way for men and women to find a spouse, nobody can tell the executives what to do. Therefore, each executive is on his own to experiment with his courtship activities.

The Courtship Ministry is required to help the executives learn from one another. The executives cannot operate in secrecy, so if one of them discovers an effective technique, or learns something about human behavior, it becomes public knowledge so that the other executives can learn from it. The executive who discover something will get credit for it, which will help him remain in his job.

The courtship executives are in a role that is similar to that of scientists who are conducting experiments in order to learn something and improve life for everybody, and who share their discoveries with the world. The courtship executives are not analogous to businesses of a free enterprise system that try to destroy one another, and keep their technology a secret.

The courtship executives have access to the entire city

The courtship activities are restricted to evenings and weekends since almost everybody works or goes to school during the weekday. All of the courtship executives work on a part-time basis, and they choose which days they want to work, and how many people they want to deal with.

Courtship activities do not need permanent facilities. Instead, each executive will have access to whatever facilities he decides to use. For example, if an executive decides to arrange for his group to get together for a discussion, he can arrange for them to meet at a facility that has some type of meeting room or auditorium. If he wants to get the group together for a dinner, he will arrange for them to have access to a large dining area. If he wants to arrange for them to get together for a recreational activity or at a gazebo in a park, he will arrange for them to have access to that area.

Since the executives are working for the city, and the city owns all of the buildings and facilities, the executives can use any of the facilities that are vacant in the evenings and weekends, and he can reserve areas at restaurants, lounge rooms, museums, conference rooms, and other facilities for his group.

Courtship begins in Teentown

The courtship activities begin with the teenagers in Teentown, but not to help the teenagers find a spouse. Although some of the teenagers are likely to find a spouse while in Teentown, the purpose of the courtship activities is to help them become accustomed to the concept of courtship activities, and help them meet a lot of people of the opposite sex. After they get out of Teentown, the adult courtship activities will help them find a spouse.

Courtship executives can discriminate

Each courtship executive decides what type of people he is offering his services to. For example, one executive might want to take the typical, heterosexual adults that are between 18 and 24 years old; another might want to take people who have a strong interest in art and music; and another might want to take people who have a strong interest in science.

Since this constitution does not believe that there is a dividing line between men and women, and that homosexuals will appear in every generation, the Courtship Minister must provide activities for homosexuals, also. This constitution does not promote the philosophy that we should hate, ignore, or insult the homosexuals.

It is especially detrimental to force homosexuals to be heterosexual. We must acknowledge the evidence that everybody is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics, and there is no benefit to ignoring or tormenting the people who have an unpleasant jumble.

Some or most homosexuals are likely to be due to inheritable genetic characteristics, rather than to chemicals that interfere with the development of a fetus, in which case forcing them to behave like heterosexuals and have children will result in more sexually defective people in the next generation. Therefore, it is best to let them be homosexual.

The single people would choose an executive according to the group he is advertising for. Ideally, a person would remain with an executive until he gets married so that the executive can get to know him. That allows the executives to help the people figure out who they are most compatible with. It also allows the executives to determine whether a person in his group is so incompatible with the others that he should switch groups.

Nobody should be criticized for being a misfit in a particular courtship group because that would be as idiotic as criticizing a person who tries a shirt, and then discovers that it doesn't fit properly. We must accept other people for what they are rather than insult them or try to make them become like us.

Courtship activities will be uncomfortable

The Courtship Minister cannot be concerned with whether the people like the courtship activities. The courtship activities are not intended to be entertainment. Rather, they are a type of educational program in which the people are under pressure to interact with the opposite sex in a variety of supervised situations in order to learn about themselves and one another.

The courtship activities could be described as a way of compensating for the unnatural social environment of a modern society, and helping us to regain the intimacy of a prehistoric, nomadic tribe.

The unfortunate aspect of a courtship activity is that it will be emotionally unpleasant because it requires the executive to dampen our natural craving to create a phony image to impress one another, and to be secretive about the aspects of ourselves that we are embarrassed of.

We cannot expect single people to be honest with potential spouses because we were designed to compete for a spouse, and we do that by trying to impress potential spouses.

It is unlikely that anybody has been honest with potential spouses. Instead, there are some people who are the most honest, and at the other extreme are the people who are so deceptive that it is difficult to believe that news reports, such as this man who pretended to be a woman, got married, and got away with it for 12 days. There was also this woman who pretended to be a man in order to get married so that she could get a dowry.

The only way we can stop people from behaving like selfish, deceptive animals is for the courtship executive to put people under pressure to be honest. The courtship executive can use the People database to provide people with analyses of themselves, and to ensure that they are honest about themselves.

Unfortunately, the pressure to be honest will make people feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the courtship minister needs a personality that allows him to to put people under pressure. He cannot be a shy or submissive person.

The executive cannot design the sessions to be entertaining, or even pleasant. Instead, he needs the attitude of a teacher or military drill sergeant. His goal is to help people understand themselves, and put pressure on everybody to allow other people to get to know them.

We don't know what we want from a spouse

Our ignorance and arrogance causes each of us to believe that we know what we want from a spouse, but the dating websites show that most people have an unrealistic view of themselves and what they want from life.

For example, many people make remarks such as, "I enjoy romantic walks along the beach" but only a few married couples can be seen taking romantic walks along the beach, or anywhere else.

I rarely see couples taking a walk, and of those, very few could be described as a "romantic" walk. Most of the people that I see walking are walking their dogs, and usually by themselves. Their walks are not romantic or pleasant. Rather, it is more of a chore because they have to frequently stop and wait for their dog to sniff, pee, or poop, and they frequently have to pick up and carry dog poop.

Those people are pandering to a stupid animal, not enjoying a romantic walk, or enjoying nature. Some of them seem to enjoy it only because they're bored and lonely, and because their muscles are getting irritated by sitting in front of a television for hours.

The courtship executives have to counteract idiotic beliefs

Everybody alive today was raised in a social environment that exposed us to idiotic, conflicting, and deceptive information about marriage, courtship, sex, homes, traveling, children, and other issues. Businesses, charities, organized religions, and other organizations are contaminating our minds with movies, fiction books, travel pornography, wedding pornography, sexual pornography, religious pornography, pet pornography, and baby pornography.

Therefore, the courtship executives must experiment with activities that counteract the nonsense that we picked up, and help us discover what we truly like and benefit from.

In the future, when children grow up in a more sensible environment, the courtship executives will have an easier time because they won't have to deal with people who have idiotic expectations of marriage, sex, and other issues.

Furthermore, most of the people in the advanced nations are so unaccustomed to nudity and so ignorant about sex and human bodies that the courtship executives will have to find ways to counteract the inhibitions about nudity and sex issues, and the obsessions that many men have with sex and women's bodies.

I suspect that the courtship executives will discover that they are most successful when they arrange for people to occasionally go to swimming areas and force them to be naked in front of one another. That should help the men get over their obsessions with women's bodies.

By becoming accustomed to naked women, the men should develop the attitude of prehistoric men who enjoy seeing women in pretty clothing, and have no desire to look under their dresses. That would allow the men to be much more relaxed around women, and make life for women more comfortable.

Improving courtship is a very slow process

The Courtship Minister judges the executives according to how successful they are at helping men and women form stable marriages, not according to whether people like him. This requires the Courtship Minister to keep track of the "graduates" of a courtship activity, determine how many of them get married, and then occasionally check those married couples throughout many years to determine which of them seems to have a stable and pleasant marriage.

That will be a very slow process since the requires observing people for years, but it is the only way the Courtship Minister will know which of the executives were the most successful. By determining which of them is the most successful, the other executives will be able to learn from them.