Parents cannot provide useful guidance
One of the reasons that
teenagers are sent to Teentown is because we cannot expect parents to
do a good job of providing them with leadership. Parents are so
biased in favor of
their children that they resist looking critically at them, and they
have a
tendency to pander to them. Also, most parents are
average or below-average in their mental qualities and education, so
they will provide average
leadership for the teenagers, rather than excellent
Teenagers can be a bad influence on each other
Even if some parents do an
excellent job of providing guidance to their teenagers, their teenagers
are in frequent contact with other teenagers who can inadvertently
encourage bad attitudes and behavior.
We cannot expect teenagers to provide one another with good leadership
because they are too ignorant about life. Also, the younger a person
is, the more likely he is to follow his emotional cravings and fears,
and less likely to than exert self-control over his emotions and
produce intelligent thoughts about what to do.
Prehistoric children had excellent
role models
The children in the
prehistoric, nomadic tribes grew up around adults who were in much
better physical and mental health than they are today. All of the
adults in a tribe spoke the same language, followed the same culture,
and were closely related to each other. The children had excellent role
Today most children are growing up in densely populated cities that
provide them with direct contact with hundreds of other people, many of
whom have serious mental disorders or different cultures. Most children
also have access to the Internet, television, cell phones, magazines,
and libraries, which exposes them to propaganda from businesses,
religions, Zionist groups, think tanks,
feminists, vegans, Hollywood movies, and governments, and to every
culture that exists in the world today, and the cultures of our

children had beneficial role
Modern children
are influenced and
exploited by
organizations and mentally disturbed people. |
Teenagers believe that they are making wise decisions about life,
but they are more accurately described as helpless victims
of the businesses, religions, and other organizations that compete to
manipulate their thoughts and behavior. Many teenagers also become
victims of
people whose brains don't function well, some of whom are their friends.
Teenagers are at the point of human development at which they start to
think for themselves and become independent, but they are not capable
of making wise decisions because their brain hasn't fully developed,
and because they are extremely inexperienced with life. Therefore, it
is very easy
for teenagers to get involved with activities that are useless,
wasteful, or detrimental.
Our teenage years should be one of the most exciting times of our
lives. It is when we start to notice and appreciate the beauty in the
world, create plans for our future, and discover the opposite sex.
However, it is often a time when many of us do things that we regret
when we become adults.
One of the purposes of Teentown is to put
the teenagers into an environment in which it is easy for adults to
observe the teenagers, provide them with guidance, and prevent them
picking up detrimental attitudes.
Example: Women do not
suffer more than men
Some feminists complain that life is more difficult for women because
many of women suffer during childbirth, and a lot of women have died
during or shortly after childbirth. That concept encourages young girls
to pout, which gives them an unpleasant attitude.
If it were possible to measure the amount of suffering that each person
experiences in his life, we would discover that everybody suffers occasionally. We
might discover that men and women suffer equally, but the suffering is
slightly different.
For example, a woman with a defective body might have trouble giving
birth, or she might die during childbirth, but a man with a defective
body can have trouble making a living. Men also suffer and die more
often at their jobs because they do jobs that are more dangerous.
Is detrimental to encourage women to compare themselves to men, and to
believe that they are suffering from both nature and sexism. The
Teentown Ministry is required to suppress the feminist nonsense and
teach boys and girls that they are different,
that neither sex is
better than the other, and that neither sex is suffering more than the
other. The girls must be taught to enjoy their life and enjoy being
female, and stop comparing themselves to the boys.
Teentown protects the teenagers
from bad influences
By having the teenagers
live in Teentown, they will be under the
influence of adults who have been chosen by the Teentown Minister to
provide leadership to the teenagers. The teenagers will be
treated as "young adults" rather than as "bundles of
joy". The Teentown officials will prepare them for life as an adult,
rather than pander to them or entertain them.
The attitude of the Teentown officials will be more similar to that of
a military school, and the training classes that a business provides
for its employees, rather than the public or private schools in the USA.
The Teentown managers are required to observe the teenagers and pass
judgment on which of them are a bad influence on the others, and to
separate them into different classes and apartment buildings.
are likely to become upset if their teenager is labeled as a bad
influence, but the managers of Teentown are required to ignore what
parents and teenagers want. They must do what is best for preparing the
teenagers for
Teentown gives teenagers
practice as adults
Schools were created 6000
years ago to teach children how to read and write and do arithmetic,
and schools have since been expanded to
teaching a lot of other information, much of which is deceptive, false,
and worthless.
This Constitution requires the schools to prepare
children for life in a modern society. The preteen children need to
learn how to interact with people, in addition to learning how to read
and write, do arithmetic, and use the common devices of our modern
world, such as phones, computers, and (soon) robots.
However, the
schools must treat the teenagers differently. Teenagers need to learn a
useful skill, and they need practice dealing with the issues that
adults must be able to handle. That includes learning about marriage,
sex, jobs, social activities, masturbation, digestion, and raising
Teentown is a tiny city
When a child becomes a
teenager, he moves to Teentown, which is a
separate neighborhood in the city. As with the other neighborhoods, it
is a cluster of tall buildings, surrounded by grass, trees, creeks,
bicycle paths,
and foot paths. Some of the buildings are apartments for the teenagers
to live in, and the other buildings are for their school.
Although the AI software doesn't understand the
concept, the image below, and the others in this document,
might give you some ideas of what it could look like.
Teentown has kitchens,
dining rooms, healthcare,
clothing stores, and recreational facilities, except
that all of them are designed for teenagers. Teentown is a
little city for teenagers. They don't have any summer vacation, so they
stay in Teentown until they are adults.
The teenagers live, work, and study in
Teentown. This makes it
easy for them to be put into
situations where they can practice behaving like an adult. For example:
The teenagers must
do chores
The teenagers do all of the chores of Teentown that they are
capable of doing, such as preparing meals, cleaning, gardening, and
simplistic maintenance. They will also occasionally be given chores
of Teentown, such as chores at a farm, recycling business, machine
shop, research laboratory, hospital, or factory. The reasons for having
them do these chores are:
To reduce the
amount of unskilled labor that the adults have to do.
Having them do
a variety of chores will help them decide what type
of work they want to do as an adult.
To help the
teenagers become accustomed to working, taking care of themselves, and
cleaning up after themselves.
The most
important purpose for giving the teenagers chores is to give them an
understanding of the type of work that is necessary to support a modern
When teenagers are pampered by adults, their only knowledge
about chores comes from watching other people work. They are likely to
become arrogant, spoiled brats who don't appreciate
what the farmers, factory workers,
plumbers, carpenters, nurses, and other people are doing for them. They
are likely to want to spend their time giving orders to other people,
entertaining themselves, and avoiding work.
By comparison, when teenagers grow up in a social environment in which
they must
share the chores, they will have a much better understanding of what
those chores are, and which chores are the most monotonous or
They will have a greater appreciation for the people who do the work,
and more of an interest in eliminating the irritating chores.
A common attitude in the USA is that we will improve a child's life by
pampering him. For example, most of the schools in
the USA do not
make the students clean their classroom or cafeteria, or assist with
This constitution believes that children will become adults who have
better attitudes when they learn at a young age to participate in the
chores that are necessary for their support. It will help them
to realize that providing them with food, clothing, schools,
electricity, and a home
requires a lot of work, and that they should contribute to taking care
of themselves rather than expect other people to be their servants.
The schools are required to give the young children some simple chores,
such as cleaning up after themselves, and the teenagers are given
chores that are more similar to those of adults, such as gardening,
operating the school cafeterias, and simple maintenance chores.
Some children
will not respond properly
to school
Schools are unnatural for us, and everybody
is genetically unique, so every child will react differently to school.
Most of the children will react in a manner that is
"typical", but there will always
be a small percentage that reacts in a below-average manner, such as by
becoming abnormally rebellious, depressed, angry, or apathetic.
To complicate the issue, how a child reacts to education and chores
depends upon how the education and chores have been designed. For
example, teenagers who are forced to go to a religious school but who
believe in evolution are likely to become irritated, depressed,
rebellious, or angry. Likewise, chores have to be appropriate or they
will cause physical injuries or bad attitudes.
Assuming that the Teentown officials design appropriate educational
courses and chores, any of the teenagers who don't respond properly
be regarded as misfits.
Every culture
reacts to the misfits by trying to improve their behavior through
punishments, or by pandering to them, such as by lowering the standards
of behavior, or by eliminating the requirement that they do chores.
By comparison, this Constitution requires the people in leadership
positions to expect
a small percentage of the children to be misfits, and to separate them
from the other children. It is detrimental to torment the misfits with
punishments or insults, and it is detrimental to let them be a bad
influence on the other children.
The teenagers must
test their leadership abilities
All of the teenagers must occasionally become the leader for a
group who are involved with some chore. They will be given job
performance reviews by their team members and by the Teentown managers.
The purpose is to help the
teenagers determine whether they enjoy being in a leadership position,
and to determine which of the teenagers show the most potential to be a
More important, it will help them to realize that a leadership
position is a difficult chore, and that the people
in leadership positions have a lot more responsibilities and burdens
than the team members.
Men have a strong craving to be a leader, and this causes us to
fantasize that we will experience excitement if we can become a leader,
that everybody will admire us. Furthermore, women are attracted to the
men with high status, so that is another reason men want to be in
influential positions.
By repeatedly putting every teenager into a leadership position for
several different chores, and by giving them critical reviews, they are
more likely to realize that a leadership position is difficult job, not a source of
excitement. It should provide them with a more realistic view of
leadership, thereby dampening their tendency to fantasize about
becoming a leader.
Furthermore, by treating the teenagers in leadership positions as
ordinary teenagers, rather than giving them special treatment, they
will become more accustomed to the concept that our leaders are
ordinary city employees in a management job.
The teenagers create
their own activities
Instead of adults providing the teenagers with recreational and social
activities, the teenagers create their
activities, and the adults provide guidance, and ensure
that the teenagers create beneficial and safe activities.
The purpose for this is to help the teenagers
understand that social and recreational activities are arbitrary, and
that they should learn to experiment with them rather than be
frightened to make changes to them.
It will also help them determine whether they enjoy creating social or
recreational activities, and whether they have the talent to create
useful activities. This will help them determine
whether they should consider a job in the Social Division of the