Humans react to our
A paramecium, and other
extremely stupid creatures, cannot be educated or trained. They don't
need a "childhood". They always
behave in the same manner no matter how we raise them. They are not
affected by "information" because they do not have a memory or
By comparison, the brains of dogs, humans, monkeys, and certain other
animals have the ability to accumulate information about the world, and
they also have the ability to think about that information, thereby
causing the
behavior of those animals to be affected by their environment.
This also causes the babies of those animals to be helpless. They need
a "childhood" during which they pick up information about how to
The people who raise animals for the purpose of
releasing them in the wild have discovered that the
animals will become much more likely to survive if their contact with
humans is minimal, and if they can grow up among some older members of
their species so that they can learn how to do whatever their species
does, and how to interact with other members of their species.
If a baby wild animal is given an inappropriate
environment, it
becomes an adult that has trouble interacting with its own species, and
has trouble surviving. An example is the female chimpanzee that was
raised in the home of the Temerlins as if she was a human child. The
documentary Lucy,
the Human Chimp has details about it.
The Temerlins did not want to believe that animal and human behavior is
genetic, so they assumed that by raising Lucy as a human girl, she
would behave like a human girl, although a girl with the intelligence
of a chimpanzee.
During her childhood, Lucy behaved as the social scientists
expected. Specifically, she learned about 120 words in the human sign
language, thereby allowing her to communicate some simple thoughts. She
also learned how to put on human clothing, and use human eating
utensils. She appeared to be a dumb human. Unfortunately, as she became
an adult, she became more independent, and began behaving more like a
The reason it is easy for us to raise a baby monkey,
wolf, or lion is because all intelligent animals are
extremely helpless and submissive when they are babies.
They will accept almost any creature as their parent, and they will
treat that parent very nicely. They will also mimic that parent.
The non-violent and submissive personality of baby animals can fool us
into believing that the
mind of an animal is like a piece of clay that we can mold to whatever
we want it to be. However, as a baby animal becomes an adult, it
becomes more independent and less submissive, and its behavior becomes
more influenced by
its genetic emotional cravings.
The Temerlins came to the
conclusion that Lucy should be sent to a nature reserve in Africa where
she could be rehabilitated and released in a forest. However, it was
not easy to rehabilitate her. She had grown up
with humans rather than chimpanzees, so she did not know how to
interact with
chimpanzees. She was a social misfit.
Furthermore, she had become accustomed to eating human food, so she did
not want the natural diet of a chimpanzee.
After many years of trying
to rehabilitate her, she was released into a forest, but her dead body
was discovered
about a year later.
Most people now realize that the only way to successfully raise a baby
animal so that it can be released into the wild is to provide it with a
childhood that allows it to pick up the type
of information that it would have picked up if it had been raised by
its parents. Also, the animal needs to be provided
with the food that is natural for its species, not human food.
Unfortunately, no society is yet willing to believe that these concepts
apply to humans, also.
are more intelligent than animals, and we have a longer
childhood, and we need to learn more information than any animal.
Therefore, our childhood is more important to us than the childhood of
a chimpanzee or a wolf. However, instead of having a greater concern
for the childhood of humans,
we are more concerned about the childhood
of pet animals.
For example, there are so many people who are concerned about the food
that they provide their pet cats and dogs that a lot of businesses are
putting a lot of labor and resources into researching the dietary needs
of animals.
comparison, the businesses that produce food for human children tend
to advertise their "great taste". They provide children with food that
has large quantities of sugar, artificial flavors, processed white
flour, and other ingredients of questionable value. An example are the
" Magical
Unicorn Marshmallows" in the Lucky Charms cereal. That ingredient
added to manipulate and exploit children, not to improve the
health of children.
is more concern for providing dogs with
appropriate meals than humans.
The businesses that
produce dog food have created different foods for different types of
dogs, and for dogs of different ages, but the people who design foods
for humans do not show much of an interest in whether children have
different nutritional needs than adults, or whether elderly people have
different digestive characteristics or nutritional needs.
To make the
situation more absurd, the "liberals",
"anti-fascists", and "freedom lovers" don't
anybody to consider the possibility that men and women, or different
races, have
slightly different nutritional needs, digestive abilities, or desires
for food.
Free enterprise gives us the foods we want,
but that tends to be the foods with excessive amounts of sugar, salt,
fats, artificial flavors, and flavor enhancing chemicals. This causes
children to eat unhealthy foods, which creates another problem.
Specifically, they become accustomed
to unhealthy foods. Since adults have a strong resistance to change, it
results in adults who believe that they prefer
the unhealthy foods, and who put up resistance to healthy foods.
Raising children on magical unicorn marshmallows is as idiotic as
raising a chimpanzee on human food.
If children grow up in an environment in which the adults provide them
with guidance, rather than exploit or pander to them, then the
children would have had no option
except to eat healthier foods,
and that would prevent them from having a concept of, or desire for,
Unicorn Marshmallows.
Although we have certain genetic desires for certain smells, visual
patterns, and other sensations, part of what we like and dislike
depends upon what we have become
accustomed to during our childhood.
Unfortunately, we cannot expect a free enterprise system or a democracy
to provide us with an appropriate social environment.
Young animals need contact
with other animals of their species
The people who have raised
wild animals to release into the forest have noticed that the animal
will be a social
misfit if it doesn't have a lot of contact with
other members of its species during its childhood. However, no society
is applying this concept to humans.
During prehistoric times, all of the children grew up in small tribes
in which they were always surrounded by other people. The children did
not spend the day or evening sitting alone in a large house,
isolated from other people. They did not pick up any
information from Hollywood movies, cartoons, video games, organized
religions, or
think tanks.
Today most parents believe that they will provide their children with
the most appropriate childhood when they provide their children with
large houses, lots of toys, televisions, video games, cell
phones, pet dogs, and organized sports activities that put extreme
emphasis on winning.
assume that our modern childhood is beneficial because the parents and
enjoy it, but just because we enjoy something doesn't mean that
it is beneficial to us. An obvious example of this concept is candy.
Most parents have the intelligence to realize that we hurt a child by letting him eat as
candy as he wants, but what about providing children with toys,
television, Hollywood movies, cartoons,
and pet dogs? Are any of those truly beneficial to children?
Nobody yet knows what environment is best for a child, so this
Constitution wants the government to experiment with
these issues. Based on my own personal life and observations of other
children, my suspicion is that most of the modern activities for
children are detrimental. For
example, I
picked up a lot of stupid attitudes from television, fiction books, and
movies. An example that I mentioned in other documents is that I
developed a craving for a house with a staircase similar to
the one I saw in the Beverly Hillbillies television program. Another
example that I mentioned here
is that I and other children picked up the "smartass" remarks that were
common in television shows.
I suspect that children will develop into better adults, and their
bodies will be healthier, if they spend more time interacting with
other children and less time lounging in front of a television or video
game. As with animals, children may prefer to spend their day lounging
and eating, but parents should provide them with a childhood that will
help them become functional adults.
It is certainly possible to
create video games that are beneficial for children. For example, the
advanced equipment and software in the photo
to the right could certainly be modified to provide children with
beneficial tasks, such as helping them learn how to operate vehicles or
equipment, design a city, perform surgery, or control a robotic arm to
fix something underwater or on a space telescope.
In a free enterprise system, children will be provided with the games
that they want, rather than the useful games, but in Kastron they will
not have any option. This will create a situation that is similar to
what I mentioned earlier about food. Specifically, the children would
know only of the video games that are useful, and they would have no
concept of the silly games.
Furthermore, everybody in Kastron will have access to material items
for free. The city will not produce any low quality items for
consumers. Rather, the children and adults will have access to what
would otherwise be prohibitively expensive videogame equipment, drones,
3D printers, robots, arts and crafts equipment, microscopes, and
musical instruments.
In a free enterprise system, software must be purchased, and the
businesses do not share their source code with one another. In the
Kastron economic system, the software belongs to the city. This will
allow everybody to have access to all software, no matter how expensive
it is. Every business will be free to improve upon any software they
please, also. This policy will allow the children to have access to
software routines that the adults use, thereby allowing video games
that are much more advanced and entertaining. We will benefit tremendously by sharing the material
Children should have a more
appropriate education
Prehistoric children
accumulated realistic and valuable information about
life in their era, and that allowed them to make wise decisions about
how to
treat other people, and what their goals in life should be.
By comparison, children today are accumulating a lot of nonsensical,
and false information as a result of businesses, Zionist organizations,
psychologists, religions, and feminist groups.
This is resulting in children who become adults who are socially
ignorant about sex, and who develop idiotic goals in life,
such as becoming a YouTube celebrity, or choosing one of these
suggestions for setting a world record.
This Constitution gives the government the authority to
with the information that children are exposed to,
including fiction books and television programs. The goal is to figure
out what type of information will allow the children to become adults
who can form stable friendships and marriages, and who have a better
understanding of, and
more sensible attitudes towards, food, jobs, sex, material wealth,
nudity, fame, and happiness.
We need to experiment with the information
we provide children, and the manner
in which we provide the
information to them. Through these experiments we will slowly figure
out how to provide
them with an environment that allows them to become adults who are
better able to deal with modern life. For two
1) Food and health issues.
Children today are
accumulating a lot of unrealistic
but emotionally titillating
information about food from businesses and adults that
titillate them with candy bars, Magical Unicorn Marshmallows, and
McDonald's " Happy
Furthermore, adults keep children ignorant about many health issues
because they believe they are protecting their children from harm by
censoring the "disgusting" information about
digestion and waste products, thereby creating adults who are
ignorant about digestion, pee, and poop.
For example, most adults do not care if they get blood on their
hands when they help a child put a Band-Aid on a cut on their finger,
and they consider it to be acceptable to rinse blood off in a sink or
bathtub, but they are horrified if they get pee on their hands, or if
somebody pees into a sink or shower. Not many adults realize that pee is nothing more than blood without the
blood cells and food particles, and with a slightly different balance
of chemicals, and most adults are so ignorant about poop that they
realize that it is an indication of their meals, digestive system, and
censoring of health issues and medical information is also preventing
children from acquiring an accurate view of some health problems. For a
personal example, I did not realize how serious diabetes was when I was
a child because a lot of the information about diabetes is being
censored because it is considered "disgusting".
For example, children are not allowed to see people sticking
with lancets and needles, so I did not realize how often the diabetic
people are doing that, or what effect it has on their skin. We also
prohibit children from watching surgeons amputate the toes of
diabetics. The adults
are censoring so much information about diabetes that I assumed it was
a trivial health problem, similar to a person with an allergy or
crooked teeth. We allow children to see the horrible monsters at
Halloween, but we hide information about diabetes.
I was aware that diabetes can cause blindness, but I thought it was
extremely rare. I did not realize how common " diabetic
retinopathy" is until I wrote the paragraph above, which inspired
me to look on the Internet to find out how common it was.
If a person in a prehistoric tribe was a diabetic, and if he had
to modern medical supplies, every child in the tribe would
see him poking himself every day, and throughout the day, to get blood
samples, and they would see him sticking needles into his body every
day. They would also see him suffering mood changes as his blood sugar
levels go up and down. If he developed any circulatory problems in
his toes or feet, they would see the problem, and they would notice the
groaning and suffering. They would also notice how many of those
diabetic people have problems with their vision. By the time those
children were adults, they
would have accumulated thousands of memories of how a diabetic person suffers every day. They would not regard diabetes as a trivial
We are censoring so much information that children don't even realize
how unpleasant it is to be overweight, or obese, until they become
This Constitution authorizes the government to experiment with
providing children with access to honest and detailed
information about food, health, and nutrition. Children should be
provided with the truth about
what happens to people who don't take care of their health. That
information is not going to
hurt them. Rather, it will help them make better decisions about how to
take care of themselves.
As I have mentioned many times, life is more complex than it seems.
Providing children with the truth about health and nutrition will help
only some of them make better decisions. Other children will continue
making terrible decisions about food and nutrition. Our natural
tendency is to feel sorry for the children who suffer as a result of
their decisions, but it is more sensible to acknowledge the evidence
that each child is a jumble of genetic traits, and some of the children
will be unable to cope with this modern world. We should design culture
for the high-quality people, not the low-quality people.
2) Drugs.
In the beginning of the
twentieth century, many American adults believed that they could stop
children from smoking marijuana and using other drugs by frightening
them with false stories about how the drugs would cause them to become
sexually perverted, dishonest, neurotic, and miserable. The movie Reefer Madness
is an example.
It is true that filling a
child's mind with frightening stories about marijuana will likely cause
him to avoid marijuana. The problem with that policy is that if the
child discovers that the stories are false, then he is likely to lose
respect for his parents and the authorities. That is what happened to
many teenagers (including myself) and adults during the 1960's and
The people who discovered that marijuana is mild compared to alcohol
realized that the authorities are either ignorant about drugs, or they are liars. This caused many people to
lose respect for the authorities. Some people even got together to
watch Reefer Madness, smoke marijuana, and laugh at the authorities.
Our leaders should impress us
with the knowledge and behavior, not cause us to be disgusted or
disappointed with them. We should admire
and respect our leaders, not
ridicule them.
It is idiotic to believe
that we can help children make wise decisions by filling their
minds with false information.
A better way of helping children make
wise decisions is to provide them with accurate
information. So, why is every society trying to help their children by
giving them false information?
suppose that one reason is because children do not think very well,
especially when it comes to issues that titillate their emotions, as I
mentioned earlier in this document. Many parents react to the stupidity
and ignorance of their children by trying to control them with
rewards, intimidation, threats, lies, and deception.
Another reason that we tend to use lies, deception, and intimidation to
"help" children is because we inherited that behavior from our animal ancestors.
The animals that are high in the hierarchy control the lower-level
animals by glaring at them, hitting them, kicking them, and
Very young children can be controlled through punishments,
rewards, and intimidation, at least to a certain extent, because
young children are more similar in behavior to an animal than an adult human.
However, as a child becomes
more intelligent and educated, those techniques become increasingly
It should also be noted that when monkeys punish one another for bad
behavior, the punishments are trivial.
They glare at, slap, growl, and
hit one another, but they don't cause
damage. Their intention is not to hurt the other monkey. Rather, it is
to attract their attention and
make them realize that they are misbehaving.
The adults who inflict physical injuries on children are
punishing them to an excess. A child should respond to the same insignificant punishments that a
monkey responds to, such as glares,
angry tones of voice, and trivial slaps. If a child does not respond to
punishments, the adults should consider the possibility that the child
is defective,
rather than assume that the child needs more brutal punishments.
This Constitution wants the government to experiment with providing
children with the truth
about drugs rather than frighten them
about drugs. As I mentioned in regards to food, providing children with
the truth about drugs will help only some of them make wise decisions.
Other children will continue to abuse drugs.
Our natural reaction to those children is to react like a monkey, such
as hitting them, or trying to frighten
them into avoiding drugs. A more sensible policy is to face
the evidence that some people simply don't have the characteristics
necessary for our modern world.
We should provide all children with accurate and honest information
about life, and those that choose to make idiotic decisions should be
regarded as inferior.
They should either be restricted to one or two children, or prohibited
from reproducing.
This will result in each generation having more of an interest in
thinking, controlling their emotions, and making wise decisions.
Do children benefit from pet
We realize that in order
for a wild animal to develop properly, it
should be in contact with members of its own species, not with humans
or other species. However, we are not applying this concept to humans.
Instead, we have the opposite attitude. Specifically, a lot of people
believe that their child will develop into a better adult if he forms a
close relationship with a pet animal.
If human children truly benefited by having pet animals, then we
should see lots of evidence of this in the USA because there are millions of
children growing up with pets, and forming very
close relationships with their pets. We should notice that the adults
who are having the most stable and pleasant friendships and marriages,
or who are the best behaved,
are those who spent the most time with pet animals during their

Pet dogs may be
causing children to believe that lounging and pampering provides the
best life.
We don't have a database to
show us who had the most contact with pet
animals during their childhood, so it is difficult to determine
whether pets are helping children become better adults. However, I
doubt if children learn anything of value from a pet animal.
We can learn a lot about animal and human emotions and behavior by studying
animals, but I doubt if we benefit by forming a friendship
with an
animal. That seems to be as worthless as forming a friendship with a
porcelain doll, a robot, a fictional character in a Star Trek movie, or
Many people envy the life of a
pet animal. They make such remarks as, "In my next life, I want to be a pet
They assume that the dog is enjoying his life and "relaxing", but a pet
dog sleeps almost all day, every day, because he has nothing to do. He
is so bored that he would
rather sleep than be tormented by the boredom.
I don't believe children learn anything of value by having a
friendship with an animal. Actually, I suspect that children who form
close relationships with animals may be more likely to become socially
awkward because they are learning how to interact with what is
essentially an emotional idiot.
That might help a child deal
retarded people, but I don't see how it will help him deal with normal
We must suppress the "pigpens"
addition to being influenced by television and fiction books, I also
picked up some bad attitudes and desires from other children who I
now regard as neurotic, confused, or misguided. Children will form
friendships with almost anybody, and so they need adults to protect
them from the badly behaved children.
For a personal example, when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was walking down
the sidewalk with a neighbor boy the same age who I regarded as a
friend. I don't
remember where we were going, but we might have been going to the creek
do our typical exploration of it. As we were walking, my mother came
out of the house and called out to me for something, perhaps to come
home. The neighbor boy told me to ignore her and yell something at her,
like "jackass" or "go to hell". I wanted to do what my mother asked,
but being a
submissive child, I did what he told me to do, and we continued on our
way, and I have felt guilty ever since.
year or so later we moved to a different neighborhood, and I didn't see
again, but when I was a teenager I heard that he had been arrested (I
think it was for burglary, but I forgot the details). This is
another pattern that I've noticed. Specifically, the children who are
badly behaved tend to become badly behaved adults.
Teenagers can be troublesome because that is the age at which they
start to think, and in our nations today, they are being lied to,
exploited, and manipulated rather than provided with intelligent
guidance and a realistic view of life, but young children are
controlled primarily by their
emotions, so their behavior is an indication of what their true
personality is. Therefore, a good way to judge an adult is to look at
how he behaved as a child.
Children are very trusting and submissive, and they are not very
finicky about who their friends are. Therefore, adults should help
their children choose friends, and they should remove the badly
behaved children so that they do not become a bad
influence on the other children.
Unfortunately, there are so many badly behaved adults in the world
today that there is a lot of pressure on us to feel sorry for the badly
behaved children, and to make excuses for them, such as, "He is just a
The badly behaved children and adults are analogous to the pigpen
character in the Peanuts comic strip, but instead of spreading dirt
everywhere they go, they spread idiotic or false information, or
destructive behavior or attitudes.
However, we do not always recognize them as a bad influence because
some of what they spread to us appeals
to our emotions.
For example, the people who flaunt their expensive automobiles,
jewelry, and other items are encouraging us to put excessive emphasis
on material wealth, but we don't regard them as bad influences because
we envy their wealth. We regard them as "successful".
The people who flaunt their
material wealth are masturbating in
public. They are stimulating
themselves over and over
with the thought that they are special
people, and that we admire
and love them.
Likewise, the people who react to those wealthy people by
becoming angry, envious, or sad are also masturbating in public, but
they are stimulating unpleasant
emotional feelings. They are foolishly tormenting
The flaunting of wealth, and the pouting about not having it, is
creating the idiotic social
environment that is in the Dr. Seuss book about the star bellied sneetches.
People are very competitive, and we have a tendency to mimic one
another, so raising children among adults who boast about something
will encourage the children to fantasize about those achievements.
the people who
boast about traveling to "exotic" locations
are encouraging us to believe that we need to travel. They are
masturbating in public in order to make themselves feel special, and
their behavior can cause people who cannot afford to travel to become
angry, or sad.

People who boast
about worthless achievements are a bad influence.
The same is true of the
people who boast about having lots of sex, or who boast about having
sex with lots of different women, or who boast about having sex with young women.
The same concept applies to the people who boast about doing risky
activities. They boast that they are adventurous, or thrill seekers, or
courageous, or that they love excitement. They encourage white water
rafting, skateboarding down the handrails of a staircase, climbing
Mount Everest, or ridiculing the use of safety equipment and procedures.
Militaries and most other
organizations are concerned about the
behavior of their members, so they pass judgment on which of
their members are encouraging beneficial
behavior, and which are destructive.
For example, if some of the employees of a business were
flaunting their high salaries in front of other employees, thereby
causing some of the lower-paid employees to become upset, most business
executives would regard those high-paid employees as behaving in a
destructive manner. This is one of the reasons that most executives
want to keep everybody's salary a secret.
if some employees were boasting about doing risky things on the job,
such as sliding down stairway handrails, swinging from light fixtures,
or not wearing safety goggles while using a grinder, the executives
would regard
them as a destructive influence
on the team. The executives would also prohibit them from posting
videos of their reckless and dangerous activities.
The executives would not allow their employees to boast about their
sexual activities, either. For example, if a business was located in a
tall office building, and if the 23rd floor was restricted to the
managers, the executives would not tolerate a group of managers
who boasted about being part of "The 23rd Floor Club," in which they
have sex in the bathroom of the 23rd floor. That type of boasting could
result in some of the employees developing bad attitudes, such as
wishing that they could join the club, or becoming angry that they do
not have access to the 23rd floor.
If a group of people were boasting about being members of the 23rd
Floor Club, they would be masturbating
because they would be titillating themselves over and over with remarks
about how they are special people who enjoy life more than the rest of
Likewise, the people who react to that boasting by becoming angry, sad,
vengeful, or envious
would also be masturbating,
but they would be stimulating unpleasant,
detrimental emotions.
What is the difference
a) A man who believes
that his life is worthless because he cannot have sex in the bathroom
on the 23rd floor, and who repeatedly stimulates his feelings of anger,
revenge, sadness,
or envy.
b) A man who believes that his life is worthless because he has an ordinary income, and who repeatedly
stimulates his feelings of anger, revenge,
sadness, or
Both of those men are masturbating,
but in a way that causes them
to develop bad attitudes. They
are undesirable team members,
and a bad
influence on other people, especially children.
Likewise, what is the difference between the opposite type
of behavior:
a) A man who titillates
himself over and over with praise for having sex in the bathroom on the
23rd floor, and who convinces himself that his life is better than ours
because of it.
b) A man who titillates himself over and over with fantasies of other
people admiring him because he has a
high income, and who
convinces himself that his life is better than ours because of it.
Both of those men are masturbating, also. They are titillating
themselves, and by
doing so, they become undesirable team members because it gives them a
bad attitude, and they become a bad influence on other people,
especially children.
The leaders of most organizations realize that a member can be a
destructive influence even if he follows the rules of the organization.
Therefore, they pass judgment on whether the members are a good
influence on the team, and if not, they do something about that member
than ignore him and let him continue to cause trouble.
Our government officials, however, have a different attitude.
Government officials routinely flaunt their material wealth and status,
and they allow other people to do so, as well. Government officials do
encourage self-control or thinking, and they do not demand that the
people in influential positions be good role models for children.
Imagine a "Mile High Club"
for food
of us in the USA, and probably some other nations, have grown up around
adult men who giggle or become hysterical about nudity and
breast-feeding, make so many " Dick Jokes"
that there is an entry for that issue in their Wikipedia, boast about
having sex with lots of women, boast about having sex in the bathroom
of an airplane, and boast about having sex in lots of weird positions.
We regard this
as "normal" behavior for an adult man. To understand how abnormal
this is,
imagine the same behavior with food.
living in a nation
in which our leaders were frequently boasting about eating food in
unusual locations and while in unusual positions, such as eating while
they are doing yoga, taking a shower, inside the bathroom of an
airplane, or inside the vault of a bank. Imagine that there are so many
people so frequently making the same joke about eating food in
strange locations, (namely, " That's
Where She Ate"), that there was an entry in the dictionary for
it, as there is for " That's
What She Said", and with just as much detail.
Imagine some
people boasting that they can drink a
smoothie while holding certain difficult yoga poses, and that makes
them members of the exclusive and prestigious "Yoga Smoothie Club".
Imagine those people drawing pictures to show us some of the "exciting"
positions that we should try to maintain while we drink a Smoothie. |
Imagine some
people responding by struggling to become a member of the Yoga Smoothie Club.
We would regard a person as psychotic
if he was struggling to join a Yoga Smoothie Club, but there are
hundreds of millions of people around the world who are involved with
competitions that are equally idiotic.
What is the difference
between raising a child to believe:
a) We
must join the Yoga Smoothie Club.
b) We
need a lot of money. |
c) We
must have sex in dozens of odd positions. |
d) We
need a Guinness World Record.
In order for children to
develop sensible attitudes and goals,
the adults need to exert enough
self-control to stop encouraging the
pursuit of simplistic emotional titillation. The adults need to be
"virtuous monkeys" who can
recognize that some of their cravings are
inappropriate and need to be controlled.
We should observe the behavior of the children and adults, and we
should adjust the environment until we find people behaving in what we
have agreed is the most sensible, pleasant, and productive
Ideally, all adults would be
good role models
Ideally, all adults would encourage
beneficial attitudes. Humans may be too similar to monkeys for
that situation to occur during our lifetimes, but we can certainly
provide a city with leaders who are
much better role models than the leaders in the world today. We can
also raise standards for the citizens.
With this Constitution, the residents of Kastron are analogous to
employees of a large business. Everybody in the city is part of the
same team. Therefore, everybody should work together, and inspire one
another. They will compete with one another, but it is to
inspire one another, not hurt each other. Furthermore, the leaders of
the city will ensure that the competitions are beneficial, not beer
drinking contests.
The government officials are required to pass judgment on whether the
citizens are productive team members, or a destructive influence. With
that attitude, people must do more than follow the laws. They must also
encourage beneficial behavior and attitudes.
Everybody in the city will have the same level of material wealth, so
it will be impossible for people to flaunt material wealth, but it will
be possible for people to flaunt other things, such as sexual
activities, traveling, and status. For example, it would be possible
for a man to boast that he is having lots of sex, or that he has sex in
unusual locations, such as elevators, swimming pools, and in the trees
at the public parks. It is also possible for people to boast about
winning some recreational event, or that they have traveled to
"exotic" locations on the planet.
The concept that a government should deal with citizens who boast might
seem bizarre, but this is not a new concept. Most military, businesses,
and other organizations dampen this type of behavior among their
members. It is a strange concept only to governments.
As I pointed out here,
all current societies have two, very
different social environments:
1) While we are working at
our job, we have
to follow high standards and treat people with decency.
2) During our
leisure time, we have the freedom to behave like jerks, slobs, and
This Constitution eliminates that second social
environment and requires everybody to continue behaving in the same
respectable manner that they do at their job. The people in Kastron
will have the freedom to do whatever they want
during their leisure time, but nobody has the freedom to ruin morale or
encourage bad attitudes or behavior.
Pornography gives us unrealistic attitudes and
Men are strongly attracted
to sexual pornography because it titillates us, but that doesn't make
it beneficial. If pornography was truly beneficial, then we would
notice that the men who spend more time with pornography are having a
better life, or are better in some way, than the men who spend less
time with pornography.
we don't have a database to show us who spends the most time
with pornography, we cannot be certain what effect it has on our lives,
but I doubt if it is improving anybody's life. I suspect that it is
giving men, and especially young boys, an unrealistic view of
pornography is especially detrimental to young boys because they
don't know much about sex or women. The pornography will give them unrealistic expectations of sex and
women. |
Likewise, the romance
novels and movies that young girls are attracted to should be described
"romance pornography", and it
will give them unrealistic
expectations of marriage and men. |
By comparison, prehistoric
developed realistic
views of marriage and sex because they didn't have businesses,
religions, feminists, or other people trying to manipulate their
attitudes and desires. The children knew exactly
what to expect from a marriage, and how men and women treat each other,
because they were always in close contact with adults. The children
regularly observed the teenagers and adults flirting, having sex,
giving birth, breast-feeding babies, masturbating, and sleeping.
A prehistoric boy expected
his wife to be a mother,
not a sex toy. And he expected her to provide her with food while she
remained at "home" with the other women and children. |
A prehistoric girl
expected her husband to
spend the day making tools and hunting with other men, not holding her
hand while she gives birth, or taking care of babies. |
When a man has been fooled
into believing that
women are sex toys, and that
the more often he
has sex, the better his life
will be, he will become disappointed with women and sex. This can cause
him to come to the false conclusion that he needs to find a "better"
woman, or a younger woman, thereby wasting his life chasing after a
pornographic fantasy, and ruining his relationships. He will also be
irritating to the women.
Children need a realistic
view of life
Prehistoric children did
not have goals of becoming billionaires, collecting hundreds of
trophies, retiring early, or being pampered by servants. Also, they
knew exactly
what they were going to do as adults, and what skills they needed to
learn. The boys knew that they were going to hunt animals, and the
girls knew that they were going to take care of children and the
campsite. Today, however, children are being exposed to a wide variety
of unrealistic information about jobs and goals. The television
programs, for example, are giving children extremely distorted views of
the job of a lawyer, policeman, and doctor.
Many children become adults who are disappointed when they discover
that their "dream job" is not what they expected. Some of those adults
then waste time and resources trying to switch to a different type of
job, and they
are sometimes disappointed again, and then repeat the cycle. This
situation should be considered as evidence that we have created an
inappropriate social environment for children. Children should pick up
a realistic view of jobs.
minds should not be full of idiotic fantasies. Many parents are
concerned with what their children eat,
but no society yet shows much
of a concern for the information that is going into their brain.

should prepare students for
not deceive them about jobs.
Some people are promoting
the STEM
education for girls. They tell the girls that they are just as talented
as the boys in science and engineering, and that the reason there are
not many girls in those jobs is because
of sexism. Those people are deceiving
the girls, wasting their life,
and wasting society's
The chemistry classes that show students how to create explosives and
cause chemical solutions to change color are entertaining the students, not educating them, or preparing
them for a job. They give students an extremely warped view of what a
chemist does.
Young girls should be told the truth; specifically, that boys and girls
have subtle differences in our physical and mental abilities and
desires. We
don't know exactly what our differences are, but it should be obvious
that boys are usually better at engineering and science. We are not
helping the
girls by lying about this issue.
Children who are independent can appear to be neurotic or rebels
Another example of why it
is important for people today to understand emotions and genetics is to
allow us to
realize that children are going to vary in their independence and their
desire to think for themselves, and that this will have a
effect on their behavior.
The children who are more independent are more likely to do what they
want to do, but since children are uneducated and cannot think very
well, this can result in those children doing a lot of idiotic and
dangerous things. This can cause adults to assume that those particular
children are stupid, irresponsible, disobedient, or mentally ill, when
in fact they are simply more independent.
The children who are the least interested in thinking for themselves
are going to be more likely to mimic other people and follow orders,
which will make them appear to be polite, obedient, and well behaved.
At the other extreme, the
children who are more interested in thinking
for themselves are going to frequently ask why they
are being told to
do something, which can irritate other people. Furthermore, since
children are uneducated and don't think very well, they may not
understand the reasons, and that can cause them to do something else,
thereby appearing to be neurotic, badly behaved, or rebellious.
I can see examples of this in my own childhood. An example that I
mentioned years ago is when my mother taught me to sit on the plastic
toilet seat but did not explain the reason, and one day I decided the
seat was unnecessary, so I decided to sit directly on the porcelain
Although that did not cause any trouble, there was another time when I
did something that could have been deadly. Specifically, sometime
around the age of 10 years old, I was in the kitchen by myself,
and for some reason I was looking in one of the cupboards along the
I noticed a bottle of applesauce. My mother did not keep applesauce in
that location, and that triggered a "fear emotion" to tell me that
something is wrong. We have a fear emotion that warns us that something
is different from what we are accustomed to.
Furthermore, the applesauce was red
rather than the usual pale green, so my fear emotion was triggered over
the color, also.
Finally, about 25% of the applesauce was missing, which implied
that we had already eaten some of it, but I did not remember seeing
anybody eating red applesauce, so my fear emotion told me
that something is wrong about that,
If I had been a "normal" child, the fear that something is
wrong would have caused me to leave the applesauce alone. However, I
seem to be more independent than average, and more interested in
thinking, and so I thought about the issue and came to the conclusion
that it was applesauce made from red
apples, and the green applesauce
was made from green apples, so I disregarded the fear that the color
was incorrect.
I don't always notice when my parents eat, so I assumed that one of
them had eaten some applesauce, which would explain why
the bottle was not full, so I disregarded that fear, also.
I could not think of a sensible reason as to why my mother would
the applesauce in that location, but I disregarded that fear. I suppose
my successful dismissal of the other two concerns gave me confidence
that I could dismiss this issue.
I opened the bottle and poured a bit into my mouth, trying not to get
my mouth on the edge of the glass so that I would not contaminate the
applesauce. As soon as the applesauce went into my mouth it occurred to
me that feels and smells like paint,
and that caused me to wonder if it
was the red paint that my mother had let us use for painting. I cannot
remember if I swallowed the red substance or spit it out, but if it had
been poisonous, or some type of acid, I could have been injured or
I look at my life, I can see why animals and humans have a very strong
craving to mimic, and a strong fear of anything that is different. It
is dangerous
for animals and prehistoric humans to ignore established
procedures and think for themselves. It is especially dangerous for
However, animals and prehistoric people benefit from exploration.
Therefore, it is beneficial for a small
percentage of the population to have a desire to explore.
We must watch for children who are
abnormally independent
The children who are more
independent will be more trouble to take care of. Fortunately, I
learned from my mistakes and became more cautious, but if I had been
stupid or mentally ill,
I might have made a lot of idiotic decisions. Children who have an
explorer's personality, but who are
stupid, rebellious, or neurotic, are dangerous to themselves and other
A lot of children have hurt or killed themselves or other people, and
our tendency is to assume that those children are stupid, rebellious,
or neurotic. However, some of them may simply be more independent and
more interested in thinking for themselves. They may actually be quite
responsible and intelligent, but they make "honest mistakes" as a
of their lack of education and their undeveloped intellectual abilities.
This concept also applies to adults. The adults who are more
independent and more interested in thinking for themselves can hurt
themselves and other people because no matter how intelligent and
educated a person is, the universe is much too complicated for any of
us to figure it out.
We need to be aware of which of our established procedures are arbitrary, and which developed for a
good reason.
For example, the
established procedures for how to place eating utensils on a dinner
table are arbitrary, but the concept that we should never look directly
at the sun developed for a very good reason, and should not be
We should provide reasons for established
I was not rebellious, and I
did not disregard established procedures simply to become the center of
attention. I would consider disregarding an established procedure only
if it did not make any sense to me, and only if I could think of something
that made more sense. Also, I was often looking for a way to improve
I wanted to know the reason
doing something. Most children, by comparison, do not need reasons.
They will follow established procedures without asking why, and without
looking for a way to improve the procedure. Those children are easy to
because they will quietly do what they are told.
The children who are more independent are likely to ask for reasons,
which can irritate adults. Furthermore, if the adult doesn't know the
reason, or if the child doesn't think the reason makes sense, the child
may do what he thinks is best, which can be dangerous since children's
minds have not fully developed, and children are extremely ignorant.
Most people react to the independent children by becoming angry and
demanding that they do what they're told and shut up. However, it is
not wise to ignore or suppress the children who are more
independent. The best policy is to provide them with intelligent
reasons for what they should do so that they are less likely to do what
they think is best.
This concept also applies to adults.
Even though I am now an adult and aware of these concepts, I continue
to want reasons for what I'm supposed to do. Most other adults,
however, will follow established procedures regardless of whether they
have a reason, and even when they think the reason is idiotic or
Some people are claiming that the Covid vaccine
is infecting people with some type of prion disease, and I would not be
surprised if some of the people who are taking the vaccine suspect
this, but their desire to mimic is overpowering their fear of being
The people who are more independent are more likely to disregard
procedures that nobody has an explanation for, or which seem idiotic to
This can be dangerous, especially with safety procedures.
For example, when I first heard about some of the safety procedures to
avoid explosions at the factories that process sugar and rice, I
thought the management was excessively cautious. Sugar and rice do not
explode, so why should employees follow safety procedures to avoid
It is true that sugar crystals and
rice grains
do not explode, but the dust that
forms at the factories that process those materials is extremely
explosive. In 2008,
for example, the sugar dust at a factory in Georgia exploded,
killing 14 people, and injuring 36 others. Those type of disasters
caused people to realize that we must follow a lot of "senseless"
safety procedures.
The people who are more independent need to be aware that many, or
most, of our safety procedures developed in response to accidents.
Therefore, we should push ourselves into following safety procedures even if they don't make sense to us.
is also important for us to realize that the human mind is not
capable of figuring out the universe. A lot of things do not make sense
to us simply because the human mind is not nearly as intelligent as we
think it is, and we are ignorant about a lot of issues.
In other documents I emphasized that schools should help children to
analyze themselves, and discover their talents, limitations, and
problems. That type of school system would help the children determine
if they are abnormally independent, and if so, those children should be
told to be
especially cautious about disregarding established procedures and doing
what they think is best.
We must recognize that each of us is a jumble of genetic traits. We all
have the same characteristics, but we are not identical. There are
subtle differences between us, and we
should identify those differences rather than pretend that we are all
Every society is already following this concept to a certain extent
with physical characteristics.
For example, children are regularly
analyzed by doctors, and they are given eyeglasses, hearing aids,
drugs, or whatever they need to compensate for their physical defects.
However, we are not analyzing their mental
characteristics, or helping children to compensate for their particular
mental characteristics and defects.
The more independent you are, the more cautious you must be
Ideally, each of us would
have an excellent understanding of our
particular mental characteristics. This would allow us to compensate
for our particular characteristics.
For example, the people who are unusually
should be aware of that characteristic so that they realize they are
likely to ignore established procedures and wander away from the crowd.
Those people should visualize themselves as explorers in an unknown
land who must be more cautious, think more often, and do a better job
of thinking, so that they can avoid drowning in quicksand, or running
out of water.

successful explorers were cautious,
and most were part of a team.
It is also very important
to realize that the explorers who were successful, such as
Ferdinand Magellan and Leif Erickson, were leaders of a team, and that gave them an advantage
over an individual.
By comparison, an independent child is on his own, and that makes it
even more important for him to be cautious.
and teachers should analyze the characteristics of children so
that they can be aware of which children are more independent. The
adults should expect
those independent children to be less likely to follow orders and
established procedures. The adults will
make the situation worse by yelling at the independent children, or by
punishing them. We need to figure out a more intelligent response.
We must distinguish between
independence and mental disorders
city of Kastron is likely to attract the adults who are much more
independent than typical. Therefore, we should expect the children
in the city to be abnormally independent. This will
create a city in which there are a lot of children who frequently ask
"Why", who disregard established procedures, and who do what they think
Unfortunately, children with mental disorders can behave in a similar
manner. Therefore, we must pass judgment on whether a child is truly
independent, or whether he should be classified as badly behaved,
rebellious, neurotic, or stupid.
This concept is similar to what I mentioned in the previous document of
this series about how people with mental
disorders can appear to have initiative.
It is also similar to the concept I mentioned earlier in this document
about how we must be concerned about the motives of a person.
We don't yet have any
parenting knowledge
scientists, and
other people have been studying animals for centuries, and they have
acquired a lot of knowledge about how to raise and care for animals. A
person who wants to raise pigs or chickens can find a lot of valuable
information on how to
take care of those particular animals.
However, we still don't have any useful knowledge about the raising of human children because social
science is still as worthless today as it was thousands of years ago.
The social scientists and religious fanatics are still providing
parents with the same absurd
advice they were providing 2000 years ago.
of the best information available for parents is coming from other
parents who have already experimented with techniques of
children. For example, Kelly Holmes created this website in which she
explains what she has learned about raising her children. In this
particular document, she points out how frustrated she became as a
result of her daughter frequently asking "why", and eventually she
discovered a better way of
dealing with that issue.
Her document, and some of the documents
from other parents, are more useful and intelligent than those coming
from the religious leaders and social scientists. This is not because
parents are super-geniuses; rather, it is because religion and social
science are nonsense.
We must experiment with
raising humans
In order to develop useful
knowledge about the care of
humans, we need to acknowledge that humans are a species of monkey, and
that we follow the same biological rules that the animals follow. We
must also find the courage to conduct experiments
with ourselves.
Constitution authorizes school officials and scientists to experiment
with the method we raise children. The school officials are not to be
concerned with what parents or students want. They are to have an
attitude similar to that of farmers who are managing pigs or chickens,
or scientists who are studying wolves or dolphins. We have to be
willing to experiment because
there is no way we can figure out what
is best.
For example, consider the layout of a city. The people who manage zoos
and farms are often conducting experiments to determine the best
structures and environments for animals, but we are doing nothing to
determine what type of city is best for humans. Instead, we allow
people and businesses to do whatever they please. Unfortunately, most
people follow their emotional cravings, and this results in people who
want a giant home on a large plot of land. Many people want their own
swimming pool, and they want to provide their children with lots of
toys, and they want expensive automobiles, boats, jet skis,
snowmobiles, and off-road vehicles. However, as I discussed in other
documents, I
don't believe we benefit from that type of city.
Although I don't know what is best, I suggest designing Kastron so that
people are living in clusters of tall apartment buildings, and that
home be a place for people to sleep and relax, not a place to entertain
guests, make or eat meals, or for children to play in. I
advocate that the city provide lots of facilities and activities for
and children so that the people don't want to spend much of their
time in their home.
Each of the apartment clusters will have schools, cafeterias, and other
facilities for children. This will allow the children to be within
walking distance of other children, meals, schools, toys, swimming
areas, and other activities. This type of city will prevent homes from
becoming cluttered with toys, and parents won't have to be bothered
with transporting their children to school or recreational areas.
Parents will not have to be bothered repairing toys, either.
An additional advantage to that type of city is that the children will
spend most of their time in public facilities, which will make it
easier for the teachers, doctors, and scientists to observe
and manage them.
Why not develop some “Why Robots”?
IBM created the Watson
software that
is capable of playing the game of Jeopardy, and we could use it to
create a robot that is capable of answering the questions that children
have. The robots would not have much computer hardware within them.
they would connect to the city's larger and more advanced
When parents and teachers
become annoyed by children who ask "why", they could tell the children
to ask the "Why Robot".
Since robots have the
ability to display video, they can provide much better answers
than parents.
The robots could be especially useful for answering a child's questions
about sex and other issues related to the human body, since most
are too inhibited to do that properly.
The robots would also get the children accustomed to learning from
a computer, thereby preparing them for the Kastron schools
in which the teenagers are expected to learn from computers,
and the human teachers only provide guidance
and assistance to the students.
The robots as of 2021 are too crude to be teachers, but they
will eventually be able to walk and use their hands almost as well as a
human, and that will allow them to demonstrate techniques, such as how
to use, lubricate, or clean a machine, how to use a cell phone or
drone, and how to perform maintenance on
a bicycle.
robots would be useful for adults for both leisure and work.
Businesses could provide the city's computers with information about
their assembly lines, manufacturing processes, farming technology, and
other procedures, thereby allowing the Why Robots to help people learn
their job. The robots could make it much easier and quicker for
employees to get useful information compared to searching through
manuals or asking people for help.
We already
have the Watson software, so we could modify it to give answers to
questions, instead of using the silly
Jeopardy-style questions and answers. And then we could make it
available through cell phones and the
Internet so that all of us can ask it questions.
Incidentally, in
case you believe that a computer that plays Jeopardy is asking a question when given an
answer, rather than answering a
question, that is not
true. The contestants are answering
questions, but the questions are presented in the form of a statement,
and the contestants have to give the answer in the form of a question.
It is a silly concept that is intended to be entertaining, but I think
it is annoying, and the contestants occasionally have to be reminded to
put the answer in the form of a question because it is unnatural for
us to follow that format.
If you have trouble understanding how silly that game is, then reverse
the order of the answers and questions. For example, there are some
sample Jeopardy answers here.
One of them is:
Answer: This number, one of the
first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!).
What is Seventeen?
Now reverse the situation by asking somebody that question, and see if
such an answer makes sense:
Question: What is Seventeen?
Answer: This
number, one of the first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!).
I prefer the game use conventional
questions and answers, like this:
Question: Which number, from one to
twenty, uses only one vowel 4 times?
should be noted that the Watson software would be useful only if it is
provided with honest information. In our world today, the leaders of
society would be certain to fill it with propaganda about climate
change denial, sexism, white privilege, Holocaust denial, and "toxic
A nation that is dominated
by pedophiles, lunatics,
crime networks, and people who inherited their leadership positions
will not
produce robots that are educational.
It is detrimental to suppress
a child's curiosity
Most parents are
suppressing the curiosity of their children. The most obvious examples
are the religious people and the people who oppose genetics. There are
also a large number of people who have been
convinced that nobody should show any curiosity about the Holocaust,
Anne Frank's diary, or the world wars.
When a
society is dominated by people who suppress curiosity, it has a
detrimental effect on both the children and adults who are more curious
than normal. I will give a couple of personal examples:
• I met a man who worked
for a company that was involved with the charging stations for
electric cars. I was curious about what he did at his job, but he
seemed irritated to answer my questions. For some reason I mentioned
that I had
watched some videos that were posted by this
man in Canada who repairs jet engines, and he asked me if I work with
jet engines, and when I said no, he had a confused facial expression
and asked me something like: "Then
why would you watch those videos?"
His reaction is similar to what I have had from other people. They are
perplexed as to why I would want to learn
something that I don't need to learn about. Why would I want to
learn how a person repairs a jet engine? Why would I want
to learn what a farmer does to produce food? Why would I want to watch
video from Britain about how people keep the sewers clean?
I think it's interesting to find out what people do for a
living, and how they do their jobs, and what sort of work is necessary
to support a modern society, but most people have so little curiosity
the world that they are irritated
when I ask them about their job. And they consider me to be weird for
watching videos about what other people do for a living.
• When I was 8 or 9 years
old, there was a boy who had a lot of toys. He had so many that some of
them were in a box in his closet, and one of them was a telephone. When
I asked him why the telephone was in the box, he said it was because he
didn't use it any more. I was intensely curious as to what was inside a
telephone, so when he said he doesn't use the phone anymore, I thought
I should take it home and open it up to see what's inside. I didn't
think of myself as "stealing", but that's what it was.
stole the unwanted phone. When I got home, I climbed to the top of
the hill behind our house, which at that time was a vacant lot, and
busted open the phone. I had been fascinated by the interesting and
colorful components of pill bugs, flowers, butterflies, and other
creatures, so I was expecting a telephone to have lots of interesting
and colorful components. However, I was very disappointed to find out
that there
was nothing colorful or exciting inside. I felt guilty and foolish, but
it was too late to give it back, and
besides, he didn't want it. At least I learned not to make that type of
mistake again.
Now that I look back at that incident, I have to wonder, why didn't I
just ask an adult what was inside a telephone?
An adult could have explained what I was looking at.
Why was I more afraid to ask that
question than I was to steal
the phone?
My guess is that our societies are causing children with
curiosity to feel as if we are deviants, and that is causing us to be
cautious about asking questions. Throughout my childhood I can remember
being afraid to ask questions, and perhaps that fear came from people
respond with a condescending tone of voice and facial expression: "Why are you asking? Why do you
care? Why do you want to know? What difference does it make?"
Women have so little curiosity that they often
become irritated with
questions about themselves,
and they often respond with a
critical remark, such as: "Why
are you so nosy?", or with the demand: "Don't be so nosy!" or "It's none of your business!"
Unlike some children, I don't have to be reprimanded very often before
I learn to avoid those situations.
animals and humans have a tendency to do the minimum amount of work
possible, but most people have such a lack of interest in thinking,
exploring, and learning that they will do it only when they are under a
lot of pressure, such as from school teachers or their boss.
prehistoric times, it was beneficial for most people to follow
established procedures, but today those people are interfering with
progress by dampening curiosity,
research, analyses, and discussions. If they were a small minority of
the population, they would not be a problem, but they dominate. This
can result in a child being routinely reprimanded for having curiosity,
wanting to explore, and questioning established ideas. This in turn
causes some children to suppress their questions, which can fool the
adults to believing that they have improved the child's behavior, but
reprimanding and punishing children does not change their genetic
My suggestion is for Kastron to develop the Watson software to be
useful for children and adults, and to encourage
the children to use that software.
Schools should help children
understand themselves
The prehistoric children
did not have career choices. The boys knew that when they became adults
they would spend most of their time hunting and making tools, and the
girls knew that they would spend their time "at home" in the campsite
with children and other women.
Today, however, children have thousands of possible jobs to choose
from, but they don't get much help in selecting jobs. Instead, the
democracies and free enterprise systems pander to and exploit the children and their
Instead of providing children with guidance, the businesses ask the
children what they want to do with their life, and the
compete with one another to offer the educational courses that the
children and parents desire. There is no requirement that the
businesses show evidence that their educational courses have some value
to the children, or that there will be a job available to the children
when they graduate.
The Kastron schools will have a different attitude. The Kastron schools
will not ask the students, " What do you want to learn?" Instead,
they will tell
the children:
"We are going to put you
through a variety of courses and tests in order to help you determine
your talents, limitations, and desires, which will help us narrow down
the choice of jobs that you should consider."
Kastron schools will not design educational courses according to what
parents or children want. Rather, the school officials will work with
businesses to design courses according to what jobs are expected to be
available when the students graduate.
The schools will not let the children take just any course they please.
Instead, the schools will put the children to a variety of courses and
tests to determine their abilities and desires, and restrict them to
the courses that they show the potential for doing properly. Ideally,
every student who graduates will be able to get a job in the field that
he studied for.
Furthermore, it is important that a student enjoy
the job that he has trained for rather than be disappointed and want to
switch to some other job. This is happening frequently in the free
enterprise system because children are picking up unrealistic
expectations of jobs.
The Kastron school officials are required to help children develop realistic
expectations of jobs. Children should not be fooled into believing that
certain jobs are going to be "exciting". The children should understand
that whether they like a job depends upon their particular abilities
and desires. Therefore, it is important for every student to develop an
accurate understanding of his particular characteristics and desires,
and an
accurate understanding of the jobs. The students should also try
different tasks to see which of them they enjoy, and which of them they
can do properly.
This type of school system does not give the students much freedom, but
it is similar to the training programs that have been
in use at militaries and businesses for centuries.
The organizations that have training programs for their members do not
design those programs to pander to the people. They create training
programs to provide the organization with the skills that it needs.
They don't care what the people want. They
care what the organization needs.
they don't allow a person to get into a training program
unless he shows that he has the potential to do the job properly, and
they don't allow so many people to be trained that they end up
with an excess of people with that skill, and a shortage of people with
some other skill.
The school systems in the world today are providing students with the freedom to choose their own education,
but modern children do not benefit
from this
freedom. The end result of this freedom is that most students
graduate without any useful skills, and often with very large debts.
Our modern era is so complex
that we need to restrict our freedoms and provide children with guidance.
Children will never
get guidance from a free enterprise system or a
democracy. Instead, those systems allow exploitation and abuse. For
example, the Hollywood movies, television programs, and fiction
books are giving children unrealistic
expectations of what it is to be
a doctor, fireman, lawyer, and policeman. Likewise, NASA is hiding the
undesirable aspects of being an astronaut, thereby fooling millions of
children into wanting to be an astronaut. Some children have also been
fooled into believing that a sensible career option is a YouTube Celebrity
or a Social Media Influencer.
We should consider that our
misery is internal
The people who dominate
the world today promote the attitude that we can improve our lives
simply by titillating ourselves with material items, sex, servants,
fame, and
lounging. This is encouraging people who are unhappy to pursue such
This Constitution wants the schools to teach children that if they are
not enjoying
life, the first thing they should consider is that their suffering is
due to an internal problem. The
schools should teach children that all people are just a random
collection of
animal traits, and that all of us are imperfect, and we all have
defects in our
brain and body.
Whenever we are unhappy, the first thing we should
consider is that our misery is coming from something inside of us, and
has nothing to do with other people, other nations, other races,
material wealth, our job, our spouse, or the devil.
If a person who is suffering from an internal problem does not consider
that his suffering is due to his particular mental or physical defects,
he might come to the false conclusion that his suffering is due to a
lack of
money, his job, his spouse, or his children. That mistake can cause him
to become angry at other people, or quit his
job, or get a divorce.
Or he might react to his misery by trying to
find a way to titillate himself, such as by having sex with more
people, or by eating more food. Or he might try to mask the misery
with alcohol, or distract himself from his misery by getting involved
with dangerous
athletic events.
Earlier in this document I pointed out that some people misinterpret
laughter and emails as insulting. If we could examine the people who
have a tendency to whine about being insulted, I think we would
discover that - as a group - they have more internal problems than the
rest of us. Their internal pains are causing them to be irritable, so
an event that would be meaningless or amusing to a normal person can
cause them to become angry, pout, or cry.
We should consider that our misery is self-inflicted
Some people are miserable
because they developed an unrealistic
or detrimental attitude. An
example is Chris Morgan, who became somewhat famous for his tantrum about
women having a preference for tall men. He believes that his life is
because he is short, but his life is
miserable because of his bad attitude.
A man's life is not ruined simply because he is shorter than the
average man. Chris Morgan is tormenting himself by convincing himself
that short
men cannot enjoy life. There are other short men, such as Danny DeVito,
who found a way to benefit from being short, rather than waste their
life whining about it.
I am bald, scrawny, and have thyroid problems, but I don't waste
my life whining that my problems are preventing me from enjoying life.
Women have certain preferences for men, and men have certain
preferences for women. The men with the most desirable characteristics
will have more women attracted to them, but a man's happiness doesn't
depend upon how many women are attracted to him. Besides, everything in
life has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the men
who are very attractive to women have ruined their lives because they
did not have enough self-control to resist the women, making it
difficult for them to form a
stable marriage. Some of those men also had unwanted children, or
picked up a venereal disease, or were pestered at their job by
aggressive women.
The issue of being attractive to the opposite sex is similar to the
issue of fame.
Just as we want to be attractive to the opposite sex, we also want to
be famous. We assume that the more famous we are, the more happy we
will be, but this is a false assumption. In reality, fame has
advantages and disadvantages.
Everybody could be described as being "famous". The difference between
us is that some people are famous only to a few
people, such as their friends, parents, neighbors, and coworkers, and
other people are famous to hundreds of people in their city, and other
people are famous to millions of people in the nation, and a few people
are famous to people around the world, and some people are famous even
thousands of years after their death.
Our emotions fool us into believing that the more people we are famous
to, the more happy we will be, but a person who is
famous only to a few of his friends is
capable of enjoying life just as much as a Hollywood celebrity who is
famous to a billion people. Our prehistoric ancestors were famous to
only the few people in their tribe, but they enjoyed life.
Furthermore, the people who are famous to a large number of people,
such as the Hollywood celebrities, have a similar problem as the men
and women who are extremely attractive to the opposite sex.
Specifically, they cannot mingle among us without being pestered by
other people.
People who believe that they need to be more famous, or that they need
to be more attractive to the opposite sex, are tormenting themselves.
They have destructive attitudes.
Furthermore, their bad attitudes make their life even worse
because it makes them even more undesirable than they would otherwise
For example, a short man who whines that women prefer tall men is more
undesirable to both men
and women than a short man who quietly accepts
the fact that women have a preference for tall men. Nobody wants to be
around a man who is constantly whining and hating, except perhaps
other people who want to whine and hate.
During prehistoric times, the men and women did not have many
choices for a spouse. Today we have a lot more choices. The short men
do not have as many choices as the taller men, but they have more
choices than our prehistoric ancestors had.
Furthermore, a man does not need
a wife. Men have such a strong craving for a wife that we can easily
fool ourselves into believing that our life is worthless without a
wife. Likewise, women have such a strong craving for babies that they
can fool themselves into believing that their life is worthless if they
cannot have babies.
In reality, having a wife, and having babies, has both advantages and
The purpose of an animal or plant is to reproduce, so we have intense
cravings to do that, but it is entirely possible for a person to enjoy
life without satisfying that particular craving. The men who believe
that they must have a wife,
and the women who believe they must
have a baby, are tormenting themselves. They are suffering because of
their attitude, not because
they are unable to satisfy an emotional craving.
is entirely possible for a person to accept his mental and physical
defects, and
find a way to enjoy his life. I don't waste my time being envious of
other people, or convincing myself that I cannot enjoy life because of
my problems. I accept my problems
and find other aspects of life to enjoy. I try to understand my
problems and
limitations, figure out what my talents and abilities are, avoid what I
am not good at, and do what I am better at.
There are probably millions
of people around the world who are frequently in a
state of anger, envy, pouting, depression, or misery because they have
convinced themselves that they are suffering from poverty, racism,
discrimination, or sexism, or because they are short, ugly, or have a
small penis. However, they are suffering because they are tormenting themselves. They
are suffering because of their bad
They also irritate the rest of us with their whining and accusations,
which causes us to want to avoid them, which in turn makes their life
even worse.
This Constitution wants the schools to experiment with reducing this
problem by getting the children accustomed to looking critically at
themselves, and accepting their
defects. The school should also teach children that the first
thing they should
consider when they are unhappy is that their misery is coming from
inside themselves, and not to blame other people, or mysterious
concepts, such as poverty, racism, or white supremacy.
The children who become adults who cannot understand these concepts,
and who continue to complain that women discriminate against short men,
or who accuse other people of sexism, need to be regarded as
unable to cope with the modern world. They need to be put on
restrictions or exiled so that we don't have to suffer from their bad
attitudes and idiotic accusations. We must stop ignoring or giving pity
to the people who are dirt in our transmission.
Weird people should be investigated, not punished or
This Constitution wants the
quality control department to observe people, and to consider that the
people who have bizarre behavior are suffering from an internal
problem. We should investigate
the people with weird behavior, not ignore them or make excuses for
them. Some of our internal problems are now
correctable to a certain extent through medical drugs or
changes in diet, so we should check to see if we can help those people.
The National Institutes of Health recently released the results of an analysis
of young American adults, and it showed that the people who smoke
marijuana are more likely to have suicidal thoughts than the rest of
us, and the people who smoked the most marijuana tended to have the
most suicidal thoughts.
The primary scientist of the study, Nora Volkow, ( a
great-granddaughter of Leon Trotsky!),
admits that she cannot claim that smoking marijuana increases suicidal
thoughts, but she and other people are frequently trying to convince us
that marijuana will cause mental health
It is possible that some drugs can cause brain damage, but a more
sensible explanation for why the people with the strongest
attraction to marijuana have the most suicidal thoughts is because of a
concept that I mentioned in other documents. Specifically, the people
who are suffering from certain
mental and physical disorders are likely to look for relief, such as through
drugs. Therefore, the people who have attractions to drugs should be investigated to see if they are
suffering from a problem that we can help them deal with.
Likewise, the people who spend an abnormal amount of time masturbating,
shopping, eating, and struggling to be the center of attention, should
also consider that
they are suffering from some type of mental or physical disorder, and
that they are
reacting to their misery by titillating themselves.
Children should be taught that the first thing they should consider
when they feel miserable is that their misery is coming from inside them. If everybody had
that attitude, then we would not
regard the people who have cravings for alcohol, marijuana, and other
drugs as being evil, stupid, ignorant, or rebellious, and
would not try to cure them of
their drug problem with punishments or rehabilitation programs.
Instead, we would
analyze them to determine whether they are suffering from an internal
problem that they can reduce by changing their diet, getting more
sleep, or adjusting
their hormone levels. We would also realize that the unhappy people are
genetically inferior to the
rest of us, and that the only way to reduce this problem is to restrict reproduction to the
higher-quality people.
The environment affects what
we "like"
knows what they like and dislike in regards to food, clothing,
hairstyles, music,
and art, but our mind is never aware of how our desires are
influenced by our social environment. To rephrase this, we assume that
what we like and dislike is something definite,
rather than something arbitrary
and easily changeable.
Our emotions have genetic preferences for certain colors, patterns,
foods, and odors, but our mind also has the genetic flexibility to
adapt to our environment to a certain extent. Therefore, if we had
grown up in a different era or a
different society, we would have developped slightly different desires
for foods,
music, clothing, hairstyles, and art.
Furthermore, it is important for us to realize that once we become an
adult, our mind resists changes,
which can fool us into believing that what we like and dislike is definite rather than arbitrary.
Our resistance to change can fool us into believing that something that
is different from what we are accustomed to is dangerous, unacceptable,
or unappealing.
If we do not understand these emotions and characteristics, we can be
afraid of things that we would otherwise enjoy, and we will insist that
we enjoy something that we became accustomed to during our childhood
but would not otherwise have much interest in. An
example that I have mentioned is
that the American children who grew
up eating American ice cream become adults who are frightened by the
Japanese ice cream called Mochi.
I will now give a personal example of how our desires in artwork are
also influenced by our environment. When I was in sixth grade, the
gave each of us students a piece of clay, and told us to make something
from it. She had arranged for our clay objects to be fired in a kiln,
and then we would be able to glaze it, and she would then fire it a
second time. The year was either 1966 or 1967.
At that time the Jews were pushing the "sexual revolution" on the
world. It was also the time when LSD was legal,
and there were lots of people burning incense, playing with Ouija
boards, and promoting clairvoyance and horoscopes. It was the era of
beatniks, hippies, and " Love-Ins".
One of the styles of
pottery that was popular at that time, and which attracted my
attention, were the miniature vases with tapered necks, similar to the
three vases in the
photo to the left, below. I decided to make a vase that was the same
size and
shape of my hand, and then add a tapered spout to each finger and the
thumb to create a vase with 5 of those tapered spouts. The result is in
the photo to
the right. ( I did not have access to a pottery wheel, so I had
to form
the tapered spouts with my fingers, so they are somewhat defective.)
I made
some more pottery in high school, and I had access to a pottery wheel,
but I
was still so lacking in creativity that I ended up making a vase with a
long tapered spout that resembled the "hippie vases" that had
fascinated me as a child. (The vase at the right in the photo
The other vase was my attempt to be unique, but it ended up being just
a slight modification of the hippie
The point I want to make is
that my pottery was influenced significantly
by my
environment. They were not designed according to what I "wanted", or
what I "liked". Rather, they were just modifications of the vases that
fascinated me as a child.
The point I want to make is that if I had grown up in a different era or society, I would
have created different
pottery. For
example, if I had grown up in a prehistoric tribe, I might have
created a clay figure of an animal or a fat woman, and if I had grown
up in ancient Egypt, I would have made something that resembled the
pottery of that society.
If I had been born 700,000 years in the future, I would have been
exposed to a much wider variety of pottery, and I cannot guess at what
I might have created.
We all believe that we know what we like, but in reality what we like
and dislike should be regarded as arbitrary
or "nebulous".
A person who doesn't understand these concepts can become obsessed
achieving desires that are meaningless or idiotic, thereby wasting his
time and
resources, and possibly causing him to get into lots of arguments with
his spouse or friends.
For example, a man who convinces himself that he must decorate his
house with a certain style of furniture, or he must have a certain
style of ice cream and pizza, or he must celebrate Christmas in a
particular manner, or that he must have a
sailboat, private airplane, or certain model of automobile, will have
endless arguments with his wife if she has convinced herself that they
need a different style of furniture, foods, holiday celebrations, and
recreational activities.
Both of them will be convinced that they must satisfy their particular
desires, when in reality they picked up those desires during their
childhood, and they are as arbitrary
as their language, clothing styles, and hairstyles.
Our prehistoric ancestors were not affected by this particular problem
for two reasons:
They grew up in tiny tribes that were isolated
from most of the world,
and so they only knew the culture of their tribe. Therefore, there was
not much of a disagreement on what to do or believe.
Today we grow up around
thousands of people who have a variety of different beliefs, and we are
exposed to the cultures of people from around the world. This is
resulting in children developing a wide variety of desires and
2) They had very few desires. Their primary goal was finding food and
water every day, a safe place to sleep at night, and protection from
Today, however, not many of us are
concerned about finding food or a place to sleep. Instead, we develop
desires for furniture, television, snowmobiles, yachts, mansions, pets,
Guinness World Records, expensive cars,
airplanes, Olympic gold medals, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of
Modern technology
provides us with a phenomenal number of products and activities. If we
don't look critically at our desires, we
can waste our life pursuing meaningless and arbitrary desires. We can
also get into lots of arguments, and get into a lot of debt.
Our desires are affected by
our physical condition
To complicate the issue of
what we like and dislike, our desires can be affected by our physical
For example, our hunger emotion becomes activated we need to start
looking for food. The more hungry we are, the stronger our attraction
to food will be, and the more sensitive we will be to the flavors of
I mentioned earlier in this document, a food that has a mild flavor,
such as mushrooms, walnuts, and almonds, will seem bland if we eat them
at the end of a meal, when we
are not
hungry. However, if we are extremely hungry, our mind will be much more
sensitive to the subtle flavors of those foods. We will notice that
almonds and walnuts actually
have a pleasant flavor. (This is assuming that we
have access to fresh nuts, not the stale nuts that most retail markets
are selling.)
Our hunger emotion was not intended to allow us to enjoy food, or to
make our lives more pleasant. Rather, it is similar to our sexual
emotion. These emotions are tricks
that stimulate us into doing
something, such as looking for food, or reproducing. Once we have had
enough food, our hunger emotion diminishes in order to make us stop
If we do not understand our emotions, we might assume that we will
increase our pleasure in life by continuing to eat at the end of a
meal. However, since food tastes bland at the end of a meal, we will
switch to foods that are more stimulating, such as foods that are high
in sugar. This has resulted in our custom of having sweet desserts at
the end of a meal.
We assume that having sweet desserts at the end of the meal is a
sensible method of feeding humans, but in reality it is a method to
our hunger emotion. The end result is that we increase our chances of
becoming overweight and unhealthy. Having sweet desserts at the end of
a meal is analogous to a robot that disables one of its safety switches
so that it can do something that it is not supposed to do.
similar situation occurs to the people who never let themselves
become hungry because they eat all throughout the day. Since they are
never hungry, the foods with subtle flavors will seem bland. This will
cause them to be more attracted to the foods with sweet, salty, and
strong flavors. For example, raw almonds will seem tasteless, so they
will prefer the almonds that are flavored or have a candy coating. They
will prefer salads
that have dressings with artificial flavors and sugar, and they will
prefer meats that have sugar,
sodium nitrate, smoke
flavorings, and spices.
Our desires are affected by
our attitude
When we are happy, everything in
life will be more
pleasant. Food will taste better, the flowers will be more attractive,
other people will be more enjoyable, and the chirping of
birds will be more pleasurable. At the other extreme, when we are unhappy, the same things can be seem
unpleasant, dreary, or even
irritating. This concept is similar to a concept I mentioned years ago here in which we can
develop attractions to, or become repulsed by, inanimate objects.
Understanding these concepts can help us to identify mental and
problems in ourself and other people. Specifically, when a person is
suffering from an internal pain or mental disorder, their threshold for
irritation will be lower, thereby causing them to be irritated by
events that would not bother normal person.
When somebody is not enjoying what other people are enjoying, and
especially when they complain
about what other people enjoy, we should
consider the possibility that he is suffering from some type of mental
or physical disorder.
Many people have noticed that when they are lacking in sleep, or
suffering from an injury, they are more irritable, but we are not yet
considering that there are lots of mental and physical problems that
can put us in a state of irritability and misery.
A person who is in good mental and physical health will be able to
enjoy life, but a person who is suffering from a mental or physical
disorder will be in a state of misery, so trivial irritations can
increase his misery to the point at which it causes him to complain,
frown, make sarcastic remarks, or want to be alone.
the world today, we don't regard complaining, sarcasm, accusations,
or antisocial behavior to be a symptom of a problem. We are more likely
to ignore or pity those people, or make excuses for their strange
behavior. We are especially likely to make excuses for the weird
behavior of children because we have such a strong craving to protect
A more sensible reaction is to treat ourselves and other people in the
same manner that we treat animals and machines. When a machine is
behaving abnormally, we investigate.
We don't make excuses for the machine, pity the machine, ignore the
machine, or punish the machine. Likewise, when a farmer notices that an
animal is walking differently, or behaving differently, or making
strange noises, he does not ignore the problem or make excuses for the
animal. He investigates.
This concept applies to the people I mentioned earlier who interpret
laughter and other meaningless events as insults. Instead of being
intimidated by those people, and instead of apologizing to them, we
should consider the possibility that they are suffering from some type
of internal pain, which puts them in a state of irritability, which in
turn causes them to become upset by meaningless events.
Businesses have quality control departments to deal with defective
products, and human societies need a quality control department to
investigate the unhappy and weird people. Ignoring those people can
allow their problems to become worse, and some of them might eventually
become violent.
People today need the education and intelligence to realize that every
animal, plant, and human is just a jumble of genetic characteristics.
We should not pity the people
with bizarre behavior, or who do not seem to be enjoying life. We should investigate them. Some
of them may have problems that we can deal with, such as blood sugar
problems, kidney problems, thyroid problems, or allergies.
If the conclusion of our investigation of an unusual person is that we
cannot figure out what his problem is, he should at least be made aware
that there is something wrong with him to reduce the chance that he
makes the mistake of assuming that his misery is due to other people.
Furthermore, the security force and the voters should be aware of who
is miserable because the miserable people are the most likely to
cause trouble. One reason is that they may blame their misery on other
people, and try to get revenge. Another is that they may get involved
with absurd quests for happiness. An extreme example is
Benjamin Sifrit
and his girlfriend, who got involved with crimes and
random murders in the hope that those activities would bring excitement
to their miserable lives.
Some other examples of people who seem to be suffering from internal
problems and are on a quest for happiness are those who are:
• Struggling to become
billionaires, famous celebrities, and government officials.
• Engaging in risky stunts, or encouraging dangerous pranks.
• Shopping for things that they don't need.
Our desires are affected by
the strength of our emotions
all have the same emotions, but there are subtle differences in their
intensity, what will trigger them, and how long they stay triggered.
This results in each of
us reacting slightly differently to the same environment. Some men have
a stronger craving for sex, others have a stronger craving for status,
and others have a stronger craving for food.
men have a craving to be at the top of the hierarchy, but our emotional
differences cause us to be attracted to slightly different aspects of
leadership. For example:

A man with a strong
craving to feel important is likely to be impressed by the attention
pampering that our leaders receive. He will want to be a leader so that
he can become the center of attention. He will fantasize about crowds
of people applauding him, and groups of photographers following him
around, and military personnel laying red carpets on the ground for him
to walk on.
• A man who has an abnormally intense craving for sex is more likely to
notice the young women that pursue the men in leadership positions, so
he is more likely to fantasize about becoming a leader so that he can
have access to those women.
• A man who has a strong craving for material wealth is likely to be
impressed by the mansions, yachts, or private jets of the men in
leadership positions, so he will be more likely to want a leadership
position so that he can have that extreme amount of material wealth.
Have you ever considered what impresses you, or what attracts your
attention? For example, when you see a billionaire, are you most
impressed by his material wealth? Or by the young and pretty women who
chase after him? Or by the groups of photographers that follow him
The better we understand ourselves, the better we will do at making
decisions about our lives and our culture. For a simplistic example,
consider the two wristwatches in the photos
If you were told
to select one of these watches for yourself,
which of them would you prefer? |

wristwatches are no longer popular, if they were, and if you were truly
given those two watches to select from, you should notice that your
emotions want you to
hesitate about making a decision until you know the brands and prices. The reason
is because your emotions want to make a decision based upon what you
assume other people will like.
You want to choose the items that other
people will be impressed by. Some of us are more concerned with our status than others, but all of us are concerned with our
If we could measure everybody's emotional feelings as they look at
those watches, we would likely discover that the men who are suffering
from low self-esteem, or who are trying to attract a wife, or who have
cravings for status, have a greater concern with the brand and prices
other men.
Furthermore, it is important to note that our emotions are concerned
about the status
value of the watches, but not their quality or ease of
maintenance, and especially not the ease of recycling them.
This characteristic can also be seen when people choose foods, wedding
rings, and clothing. For example, as I pointed out in other documents,
the expensive foods, such as lobster and caviar, are considered
"delicacies", and I think the extreme attraction to expensive foods is only because they are expensive, not
because they taste better than pork, beef, or chicken.
Likewise, tennis was considered to be a special sport during the
1960's, and I think the attraction to it was only because at that time it was a
sport of the wealthy people, not because it's more enjoyable or useful
than other sports.
The free enterprise system gives us the products and activities that we
"want", but
our emotions are concerned only with status, flavor, odor, and visual
appearance. Our emotions do not care about
such issues as maintenance, quality, health, or recycling. When
businesses provide us with the products
that we are emotionally attracted to, they give us items that are
polluting, high maintenance, worthless, low-quality, and unhealthy.
In order to provide ourselves with better products and activities, we
need an economic system that allows an authority to ignore our
emotional cravings and make decisions according to what will truly
improve our lives. Likewise, in order to provide ourselves with better meals, we need leaders who have
enough self-control to make decisions for humans as if they are making
decisions for animals.
This Constitution gives the
government officials control of the economy, but the government
can authorize a product only if they can show that it truly brings
improvements to human life. They must also take into account the
maintenance and recycling issues of the product, the effect the product
has on the environment, and the effect
it has on the jobs of the
people who must build and maintain it.
Getting back to those two wristwatches in the photos above, the photos
don't have enough detail for you to truly decide
which one is most visually attractive, but pick one of them anyway.
Then look at the prices by clicking on each watch. Then try to notice
whether you can feel your emotions reacting to the prices.
You are likely to notice your
emotions are triggered when you discovered which watch was the most
expensive. For example, if you picked the lower cost watch, you might
find your emotions praising yourself for not caring about price,
whereas if you picked the more expensive watch, you might find your
emotions praising you for recognizing the "better" watch. Or, if you
picked the lower cost watch, you
might find that your emotions are trying to push you into changing your
decision so that you can feel special.
point is that if you observe yourself carefully, you will notice
that your emotions try to influence your decisions. In order for us to
truly enjoy our modern era, we need to understand our emotions, exert
some self-control, and make intelligent decisions.
The free enterprise
system is based on the assumption that consumers will make wise
decisions about products, but one of the reasons that consumers cannot
make wise decisions is because our emotions influence our decisions,
and most people do not have much self-control, or much of an
understanding of their emotions. This results in most purchasing
decisions being significantly influenced by our emotions.
The businesses respond by providing us
with advertisements that titillate our emotions rather than provide us
with intelligent information. Likewise, the websites that most
businesses create are dominated by
idiotic but emotionally titillating images and remarks. There is almost
no useful information in their product descriptions, or their videos.
videos that most businesses create to explain their products are
usually just some simplistic images and boastful remarks, and often
have more
music than intelligent narration. We learn almost nothing from their
videos. We learn more about products by watching the videos posted
by ordinary citizens who purchased the product and decided to tell us
what they think about it.
By allowing the government officials of Kastron to control the economy,
and by restricting the government officials to people who have
demonstrated an above-average
level of self-control, we will have leaders who will ensure that
businesses are producing products that are truly beneficial, and easy
to manufacture, maintain, and recycle. The businesses will also
be under pressure to provide
product descriptions that are useful.
False beliefs are no longer
theories are detrimental to everybody, including prehistoric people.
For example, if a prehistoric tribe believed that they could cause rain
by sacrificing a child, they would murder one of their own members
every time they wanted rain. Today the false theories can be even more
dangerous because we have a significant effect on one another, and on
the future generations.
People today need more intelligence,
a greater desire to think and learn, and much more self-control. We
also need an understanding of emotions, and we
must be able to understand the concept that what we "want" and "like"
is not
necessarily what we truly want, like, need, or benefit from. We also
need enough intelligence and
knowledge to understand that human behavior is genetic, and that we are
a species of monkey.
It is no longer acceptable for people to follow some idiotic fantasy.
beliefs cause a lot of fights, frustrations, and disappointments
because humans do not behave as those theories predict. For example,
the feminists are continuously failing to make men and women become
unisex creatures, and in the process they cause a lot of resentment,
fights, frustration, and anger.
It is important to realize that some of these false theories appear to
be sensible because they are based on real people or real events.
However, they are based on only a tiny sample of the population. People
today need to understand that we cannot base theories on the exceptions.
For example,
when a feminist wants to convince us that men are cruel, she tells us
about the small percentage of men who are extremely violent with their
wives and/or children. When a
feminist wants to convince us that women are just as intelligent as
men, she finds the unusual women who have unusual intellectual
abilities. When a psychologist wants to convince
us that punishments can cure a criminal, they find the unusual
criminals who appear to become honest after spending time in jail.
Those people are picking out a few unusual people to justify a theory
that would be disproven if we looked at a larger group of random people.

religious people, feminists, Freudian psychologists, and many other
people are tormenting themselves and the rest of us by trying to force
humans to behave in a manner that is unnatural and unrealistic.
The people who follow a
false philosophy are tormenting themselves and
other people by trying to force people to behave in a manner that is unnatural.
An example are the religious people who insist that there is a
distinct dividing line between male and female. They torment the
masculine women
and the feminine men since they cannot tolerate the concept that some
people are a mixture of male and female traits.
Everybody today realizes that it is cruel and senseless to force
left-handed children to become right-handed. Everybody is capable of
acknowledging that this characteristic is due to genetics, and that we cannot control it or change it.
However, most people are continuing to
believe lots of equally stupid theories,
such as the theory that we
can force the badly behaved people to behave in a better manner by
punishing them with jail, sarcasm, or beatings. And some people believe
that they can cure homosexuality, mental illness, alcoholism, and
depression with punishments or rehabilitation programs.