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The Kastron Constitution
7h) The Reproduction Ministry

27 May 2024

Nobody has the freedom to reproduce

We have options for reducing genetic defects

There are different ways we can reduce the number of genetically defective children in every generation. Two options are:

Allow everybody to reproduce but euthanize the majority of children.

This option allows everybody to have as many children as they please. However, since every city is required to maintain a particular population level, this policy requires euthanizing as many of the lowest quality children as necessary to keep the population stable, which could be more than 80% of the children if most people have large families.

This option is similar to how nature treats all of the wild animals and plants.


Put reproduction restrictions on most adults.

This option requires passing judgment on which of the adults have the best genetic characteristics, and letting them reproduce. It also requires making a decision about what the restrictions should be. For example, we could prohibit 50% of the adults from having children, restrict 20% to two children, and let the remaining 30% have as many children as they please, and encourage them to have extra children for adoption.

This option has the advantage of requiring fewer children to be euthanized.

There is no right or wrong method for controlling reproduction. We have thousands of possible options, but all of them are unpleasant because all of them require us to euthanize children and/or prohibit some adults from reproducing. However, we cannot ignore this issue. We must choose an option.

Until somebody devises a better option, the Reproductive Ministry is required to follow option #2 because it should be less emotionally traumatic and wasteful than the options that give people the freedom to reproduce.

The options that are similar to #1 require killing a lot of children, and there would undoubtedly be a lot of parents who have all of their children killed, which would be emotionally traumatic to them, put the woman's body through a lot of abuse, and waste a lot of the best times of their life on pregnancies and raising babies that are eventually euthanized.

The Reproduction Ministry determines who reproduces

Nobody has the right or the freedom to reproduce. Instead, the reproduction ministry is the only group with the authority to determine who can reproduce, and in what quantity.

Since no one knows much about genetics, and we don't have the ability to accurately determine a person's genetic characteristics, the reproduction Ministry must update their policies as we learn more about genetics.

The Reproduction Ministry must divide people into three categories: 1) prohibited from reproducing, 2) restricted reproduction, and 3) unrestricted.

The people who are prohibited or restricted are allowed to adopt children. The unrestricted people are encouraged to have as many children as there are couples who want to adopt children.

Nobody can be forced to reproduce

If one of the unrestricted people does not want to have children, they cannot be pressured into reproducing by the government, their family members, or anybody else. If we pressure people into reproducing, then we will increase the number of people in every generation who don't want to reproduce, which is an absurd situation, especially for their children.

The People database provides information

When a couple has decided to get married, the reproduction Ministry must pass judgment on whether they should be classified as prohibited, restricted, or unrestricted. The Reproduction Ministry must base their decisions on the People database. That database will have analyses from the Behavioral Ministry, and a lot of information from schools, doctors, and businesses.

If the reproduction ministry has questions about that data, or wants more information about a person, they have the authority to interview people who personally know him, and they can also interview the person they are judging.

As scientists learn more about DNA, the People database will have increasingly useful genetic analyses. The Reproduction ministry will also be able to have increasingly useful AI software to help analyze the data.

Parents can choose which child they want to keep

If a couple is restricted to two children, they are allowed to have more than that, but they can only keep two of them. Every child has a four year probationary period, so both the Death Ministry and the parents have four years to decide whether to keep a child or have it euthanized. Identical twins would be considered as one person.

For example, parents could have three children, and when their oldest child becomes four years old, the Death Ministry and the parents must decide whether to keep it or euthanize it, and when the next oldest child becomes four years old, they repeat that cycle. However, neither the parents nor the death ministry has to wait until the four year probation period is over.

Although some people would condemn that "freedom" as evil, it is the same policy that everybody follows when they are planting a vegetable garden. Specifically, we plant more seeds than we actually want to grow, and then we euthanize the plants that we don't like.

The people who cannot understand and acknowledge that humans are just another living creature, and that we need to control the quality of our children, must be regarded as intellectually and/or emotionally unfit for this modern era. We must control reproduction now that we prevent nature from doing it, and the people who oppose such a policy will destroy the human gene pool and increase in number of people in every generation who suffer from physical and mental disorders.

Unauthorized pregnancies are aborted

Since our birth control methods are imperfect, some of the people who have been prohibited from having children, or who have been restricted to only two children, might inadvertently get pregnant, and in those cases, the Death Ministry must abort those babies.

This constitution does not promote the attitude that a fetus has a right to live, or that a fetus is a precious resource that we must protect. This constitution regards a fetus to be no more valuable than a sperm or an egg. No culture has a concern about the death of sperms or eggs, and nobody should have a concern about the death of a fetus.

Unauthorized children are executed

It is conceivable that a couple that has been prohibited from reproducing, or restricted to two children, can hide their pregnancy so well that they can give birth to a child that they are not supposed to have. It is also conceivable that they secretly raise that child for many years.

With security cameras around the city, and facial recognition software, that child will not be able to go out in public without being identified as an unknown person, so eventually that child would be noticed. The secretive children must be executed, and their parents must also be executed or evicted to the City of Exiles.

The couples who secretly have babies are regarded as dangerous criminals because they are proving to us that they are so concerned about titillating their emotional cravings for children that they don't care about the effect they have on other people or the future generations. They are behaving like the people who kidnap, purchase, or give birth to children that they treat as slaves, and the people who join crime networks to become wealthy or famous.

One of the lessons to learn from history is that allowing criminals to reproduce causes every generation to have more mentally defective people than the previous generation. As of 2024, there are so many mentally defective people, and they are so seriously defective, that the majority of the population cannot believe that some of the accusations about them, such as the Pizzagate accusation.

The FBI, MI5, police departments, businesses, media companies, and other organizations are dominated by criminals who have so little concern about other people's lives and society that they will "do whatever is necessary", "take it to the next level", and "go the extra mile", in order to achieve their goals.

We cannot reduce crime and corruption with punishments, therapy, or Bible studies. The only way to improve the behavior of people is to restrict reproduction to the people who are in better mental and physical health.

Twins might need to be prohibited from reproduction

It is possible that we will discover that identical twins are not truly random events, but that certain people are more likely to produce twins. In such a case, the parents who produce twins should be prohibited from having more children because having multiple children at one time is unpleasant for the mothers. There is no benefit to allowing the human race to become like rats that have a large number of babies at one time.
We must determine the foods for the future generations

Nobody is an expert on nutrition

There are millions of people claiming to be an expert on human nutrition, but a person cannot provide sensible advice about nutrition when they do not understand, or will not accept, the evidence that humans are a species of ape; that the human gene pool is becoming increasingly diverse and defective; and that each person is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics.

We benefit by discussing which foods are the most appropriate for humans because those discussions can give us ideas on how to experiment with our own diet, and it can help us understand how we differ from other people. It can also help parents experiment with the meals that they give to their children.

However, it is idiotic for a person to claim that there is one diet that everybody should follow. The ideal diet for a person depends upon his particular genetic characteristics and defects, and whether the environment has altered or damaged any of his characteristics.

Since we do not yet have the technology or knowledge to read and understand our DNA, nobody knows for certain what his particular genetic characteristics and defects are. We also do not have the technology or knowledge to know whether we are suffering from environmental damage, such as damage to our liver, kidneys, or pancreas. Therefore, nobody can figure out the best diet for himself, and we know even less about what the best is for other people.

Humans must evolve for our modern foods

The battle for life causes every species to evolve to eat certain foods. The squirrels that eat acorns, for example, have evolved the ability to deal with high levels of tannic acid.

Prehistoric humans also evolved to eat a particular diet, but that diet was slightly different for different groups of people. For example, the people living in Alaska evolved to deal with the diet that was high in meat and fat, and the people living in some tropical areas evolved to handle higher levels of fruit.

When humans settled into cities, grains became an increasingly significant part of the human diet. Since that was an unnatural food for humans, some of the children in every generation became "misfits" who suffered from various bad reactions. Some of those misfit children died as a result, and others became adults who were so sickly or unhealthy that they had trouble forming stable friendships and marriages, had trouble working, or had trouble participating in social activities.

Those misfits were less successful at survival and reproduction, thereby causing the human race to slowly evolve for the new foods.

The suffering increased during the past few centuries as a result of developing the technology to produce and distribute large amounts of sugar; by breeding fruits and vegetables to have higher levels of sugar; and by providing large amounts of foods that humans were not intended to eat, or not in large quantities, such as dairy products, eggs, nuts, and shellfish.

Although the suffering of people during the past few thousand years has resulted in humans evolving to be better able to handle the modern diet, the evolution is not complete. A significant percentage of the population is continuing to suffer from grains, nuts, eggs, dairy products, and other modern foods.

Today the human race is not evolving for the modern foods because the people with problems are compensating for it, such as by avoiding the foods that they have trouble with. This is allowing every generation to have more trouble with modern foods.

We must make a decision about what we regard as "normal" meals for humans, and restrict reproduction to the people who can handle those meals. That will increase the rate at which humans evolve for our modern diet, and reduce the number of people in every generation who suffer from food related problems.

We must also make decisions about what is normal in regards to our ability to taste and smell food, and in regards to the texture of the food. Our prehistoric ancestors who did not have appropriate attractions to food would frequently eat the wrong foods, and suffer as a result, but this is no longer happening.

Today the people with bizarre and defective abilities to taste and smell foods can survive and reproduce, but allowing them to reproduce will cause every generation to have more problems tasting and smelling food. We must restrict reproduction to people who have what we consider to be appropriate abilities to taste and smell food.

We must also pass judgment on who can eat properly. Ideally, everybody would be able to eat without choking on their food, biting their tongue, needing water to compensate for a low production of saliva, or producing too much saliva.

Our desire for food developed for a sensible reason

We do not enjoy food because some god wants us to enjoy it. Rather, we have a craving for food to push us into providing our body with nutrients, and we enjoy certain foods and dislike others to ensure that we get the appropriate nutrition.

This concept applies to other emotional cravings, such as sex. Specifically, a man does not have a strong craving for sex because sex is a pleasurable activity that improves our life. Rather, we have a strong craving for it in order to entice us into reproducing, and to remain with a woman while she takes care of the children.

The competition for life ensured that prehistoric humans had appropriate desires for food, sex, status, water, and other issues, but today we feel sorry for the people who have bizarre or defective desires or characteristics, and we help them to survive and reproduce.

It is desirable to help everybody have a pleasant life, but we must restrict reproduction to the people who have the qualities that we want in the next generation. We must pass judgment on who among us has appropriate physical and mental characteristics.

There are so many genetic characteristics that we need to analyze that I think it is beyond our abilities. I think that the only way we can deal with such a complex task is to use software to help us analyze people.

The Meals Ministry must decide which foods we should eat

The Meals Minister has the authority and responsibility to make a decision about what type of meals the restaurants can provide. This requires they make a decision on what type of foods we want the human race to eat.

The people who need special meals will be able to have them, but their database entry will identify them as less desirable for reproduction, so they will have restrictions on the number of children they can have, or prohibited from having children if their differences are too extreme. For example:

The Meals Minister should regard certain grains (such as wheat, buckwheat, corn, and oats) as a normal part of the modern human diet, and the people who dislike them, cannot digest them, or have allergic reactions to them, should be considered unacceptable for reproduction.


The Meals Minister should regard meat as a normal part of the human diet, and the people who dislike or cannot digest meat would be allowed to be vegetarians, but they would be considered inappropriate for reproduction.


The people who have abnormal preferences in regards to the flavor, odor, or the texture of the meals that have been approved by the Meals Minister would be allowed to have special meals, but they would be considered inappropriate for reproduction. For example, the people who want abnormally low or high levels of salt, pepper, sugar, or other spices, or who want food to be abnormally wet, dry, hard, or soft should be considered unacceptable for reproduction.

That policy would reduce the number of finicky people in every generation and reduce the problems with food allergies. It will increase the percentage of people who can enjoy and digest the meals that the restaurants are providing. That will make it much easier for restaurants to eliminate menus and provide a particular meal for everybody, which is much more efficient than letting people choose their foods.
Attitudes towards children must change

Existing cultures treat children as toys

All cultures regard children as the personal entertainment objects of parents. Everybody is given the freedom to have as many children as they please, even if they don't have any desire or ability to take care of the children. There is also no concern for whether the children are healthy or retarded.

To make the situation even more absurd, no culture cares whether the schools are providing children with useful skills and honest information, or whether the schools are providing worthless courses and Jewish propaganda.

Furthermore, there is no an attempt in any nation to stop the pedophile networks or human trafficking. The US government produces a report every year about human trafficking, but instead of stopping the human trafficking, there is more evidence that the FBI officials, sheriffs, district attorneys, lawyers, judges, journalists, professors, and many other influential people are involved with and protecting the human trafficking and pedophile networks.

Children are the next generation

This constitution requires a dramatic change in attitude towards children. Children are regarded as the next generation of humans, and they belong to the human race, not to the parents. Children are regarded as "young humans", not as "precious resources" or as "bundles of joy", and they must go through a probationary period to determine whether they have the qualities we desire.

Parents cannot treat children as toys, or try to control what they choose for a job, or force them to learn a certain musical instrument or athletic activity. Instead, parents have a responsibility to assist the schools with preparing their children for life as an adult.