Most organizations are finicky
about accepting members
Businesses are cautious
about accepting people into their team. In addition to putting
potential employees through interviews and background checks, many
businesses put the new employees on a probation period for 30 to 90
days, and all businesses evict members who are
troublesome or parasitic.
The militaries are even more cautious. Instead of putting new
members on probation, they put them through an intense and difficult
training program. Even more significant, instead of trying to ensure
that everybody
graduates from the training program, the military expects a
certain percentage to quit
the program or be evicted from
the program. The military also evicts the people who cannot fit in, and
centuries ago they would kill
the deserters and traitors.
Schools are not finicky
The military designs
training programs to provide the graduates with useful skills. The
people who fail the course don't have the skills that the military
wants, so the military doesn't want those people.
The public and private schools have a different attitude because
schools are in competition with one another to attract students, so
they want to please parents and students. Unfortunately, parents and
students want the schools to provide diplomas and good grades, not
useful skills, or prepare the students for life as an adult.
As a result, the schools want every student to graduate, so they have
created lots of useless courses to allow students to get good grades
and diplomas. There is also no concern for whether the information that
the students are learning is accurate or useful, so a lot of what the
students are taught, especially about history, is nonsense or
Schools have some of the lowest standards for their members and
students. For example, the students who are failures in school are
repeatedly tormented with bad grades, rather than evicted from the
school and sent to school that fits their particular mental
characteristics. The students who don't go to school are regarded as truants, and
they are forced to go to
school. The students who fail to graduate are often allowed to
stay in the school another year or more and try again. Schools also
allow students to have such serious physical and mental disorders that
they are routinely bullied by the other children. Students have to be
extremely troublesome in order to be evicted from a school.
Most parents are not finicky about their children
A family is a team of
people, so it is essentially a tiny business, or a tiny military. The
concepts that apply to businesses and militaries apply to families,
also. For example, a family will become a more productive and pleasant
team if they restrict their members to those who fit into the team.
However, no culture encourages parents to pass judgment on their
children and evict those that they don't want in their team.
All states in the USA have a Safe Haven law
that allows parents to give their unwanted baby to the government, but
each state limits parents to doing this within 3 to 30 days of the
child's birth.
Nebraska had initially allowed parents to do that with children up to
the age of 18, but after some parents gave the Nebraska government some
older children, the Nebraska government decided that they didn't want
to deal with unwanted, older children, so they quickly altered
the law to restrict parents to babies less than 30 days old.
Obviously, there are parents who want to get rid of older children, but
no culture is providing them with that option. None of the governments
want to deal with unwanted, older children, and so government officials
around the world are doing what they typically do with unpleasant
problems; they ignore the problem.
As a result, parents are under pressure to keep their unwanted
children, no matter how irritating those children are. This results in
some parents suffering constant abuse from one or more of their
children, and some parents become so frustrated and angry with a child
that they attack or kill him.
Not many parents use the Safe Haven option, perhaps because most people
don't know about it since the school system doesn't provide any
education about marriage or raising children. Most people are aware of adoption
agencies, so there are about 150,000 adoptions each year in the USA.
That is enough unwanted children to fill a large city every year. The entire population of
London was less than that until
Our prehistoric ancestors had the freedom to kill and abandon their
unwanted children, but they probably did not do either very often
because most of their children were dying as a result of nature.
Today we use modern technology to prevent nature from killing children,
so we must pass judgment on which of our children should live, and
which should be euthanized. However, we would create a miserable social
environment if parents had to make such decisions and do the
killings, so we need to create a government agency to pass judgment on
the children, and perform the killings.
We must make significant changes to our
No culture cares
whether a child is suffering from mental or physical disorders, or
whether a child will be able to get a job, follow the
rules of society, or form stable relationships.
There is so little concern about the quality of a child's mind or body
that every
culture encourages the adoption of the unwanted and defective children
of drug addicts,
alcoholics, idiots, lunatics, and criminals.
We are using our technology to interfere with nature, and that requires
that us to take care of our
gene pool, but most adults are either too stupid or ignorant to
understand that concept, or they are emotionally unable to accept it.
In order to improve this situation, this Constitution promotes the
attitude that children belong to the world,
and that they are not the
personal possessions of parents.
As described
in other
documents, modern technology allows a child to influence everybody in
the world, and the future generations, so we must restrict the children
to those who will be beneficial influences on the world.
Parents do not
have the right to raise children who are criminals or parasites, or who
ruin our social environment with hatred, pouting, whining, envy,
vandalism, or revenge. Instead, everybody has the right to live among
people that they can trust and who will contribute to the team.
Half of the children are below-average
Parents regard their
children as wonderful creatures, but half of them are below-average in
their mental and physical characteristics, and a smaller percentage of
them are significantly inferior to the rest of the children.
We need a “Prevention of Cruelty of Humans Act”
The Reproduction
document pointed out that the Australian government created the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals Act to prohibit the Australian people from
breeding animals with genetic defects. Most adults consider a person to
be cruel if they breed defective dogs, cats, birds, or other animals.
However, nobody cares if genetically defective humans give birth to defective
children. We have such intense cravings to protect and take care of
children that we regard all children as "precious, bundles of joy".
If a business were breeding dogs that were as defective as a human
children, the government would shut them down for "animal cruelty".
Furthermore, if any business were to try to fix the violent dogs with jail and other types of punishments, they would be
considered insane and cruel.
Humans are just another species of animal, but most people are either
too stupid to understand that, or emotionally unable to acknowledge it.
As a result, every culture refuses to believe that breeding defective
humans is just as cruel as breeding defective animals. Furthermore,
every culture refuses to believe that trying to fix the violent and
defective humans with punishments is just as insane, worthless, and
cruel as it is with animals.
Almost every adult realizes that if we allow genetically defective
cows, dogs, or chickens to reproduce, they are likely to produce babies
that have inferior characteristics, but every culture is refusing to
believe that this concept applies to humans. As a result, the children
of criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, idiots, and retards are
considered just as precious as those of the healthy people.
Almost everybody who decides to get a pet animal looks for an animal
that is healthy, and some people go even further and want to know the
genetic history of the animal. However, no culture applies this concept
to people. Very few people care about the genetic history of their
family or the family of their spouse.
Likewise, not many people who decide to adopt
children care about the genetic history of the children. Most people
believe that the child of a criminal, alcoholic, drug addict, idiot,
and retard is just as precious as every other child. However, most of
the adopted children are coming from the genetically inferior adults,
and this is resulting in people adopting the genetic trash of the human
By not caring about the genetic quality of children, we allow defective
children to become defective adults, and this increases the problems
with crime, alcoholism, gambling, loneliness, divorce, obnoxious
adults, pedophilia, religion, and obesity. It also increases the number
of people who have such abnormal cravings for wealth and fame that they
are willing to join crime networks.
This constitution promotes the attitude that humans follow exactly the
same rules as animals, and
that we need a “ Prevention
of Cruelty of Humans Act”.
The Reproduction Ministry is responsible for passing judgment on which
humans show the genetic characteristics that we want in the next
generation, and the other adults are prohibited from reproducing, or
have limits on how many children they can have.
Furthermore, the only children that are offered for adoption are those
who have parents with good genetic characteristics. If a couple that
has limits on reproduction were to accidentally get pregnant with an
unauthorized child, the child must be euthanized. They cannot give it
up for adoption.
By restricting reproduction to the people with better genetic
characteristics, we will reduce crime, alcoholism, loneliness, divorce,
pedophilia, temper tantrums, pouting, migraine headaches, diabetes, and
all other problems. We will increase the number of people who enjoy themselves and life.
People have been successfully breeding animals and plants for thousands
of years, and we can be just as successful at improving the human race.
The reproduction
has more information.
We must resist intimidation by hypocrites
Many of the people who
oppose euthanasia and restrictions on reproduction are hypocrites. For
example, Ed Henkler wrote this
document to justify raising children who are blind. One of his remarks
Raising a Child Who is Blind isn’t
easy but, with a positive attitude and some patience, it can be even
more rewarding than raising a child who is sighted.
That remark creates the impression that he would enjoy raising a blind
child because he would be "more rewarding" than normal children.
However, when his wife gave birth to a daughter, he was very upset when
he discovered she had a problem.
He wrote:
When our older daughter was born, my
wife and I could both tell something was wrong when the doctor visited
us. Happily for us, the problems were all temporary. But I will never
forget that initial feeling.
If it was true that raising defective children was more rewarding than
raising healthy children, then he would not have cared whether his
daughter was healthy or defective. He is a hypocrite. He
promotes the
raising of defective children, but he does not want to raise a
defective child. That is why he wrote " happily for us", and
why his " initial feeling"
was of horror and sadness rather than pleasure.
We must stop sweeping trash in
other people's yards

People who
refuse to care for the unwanted, criminal, and retarded people are
dumping trash into their neighbor's yard.
Ed Henkler is one of many people who promote the raising defective
children, but who are terrified of the thought that they might have a
defective child. They want other people
to raise the defective children.
The people who oppose abortions have the same attitude. They want to be
heroes who save the babies from death, but they don't want to be
responsible for
what happens to the unwanted or retarded babies that they save. They
want somebody else to deal with that problem. They are dumping the
unwanted children into their neighbor's yard.
The people who want to punish criminals have this same attitude.
Specifically, they want to punish criminals in jail, but they don't
want to be responsible for what happens to those criminals after they
are released from jail. They don't want to help the criminals find
friends, a job, or a place to live. They don't want the criminals
to live in their neighborhood or marry their children. They want to
dump the criminals into
somebody else's neighborhood.
It was sensible for prehistoric people to let everybody reproduce and
help every child to survive because it gave everybody an opportunity
to compete in the battle for life. Today, however, we prevent nature
from eliminating the inferior people, so we must
decide who lives and reproduces.
There is a reason animals
are finicky with mates
There is a very important
reason that male and female animals are finicky about who they
reproduce with, and why the male animals fight with one another for
females. The reason is because even subtle differences in genetic
characteristics can determine which group of animals survives their
competition for life.
Every male animal that
survives to adulthood is an excellent physical and mental health, but
they are not
equal to one another. If they were genetically equal, it would not
matter which of them reproduced.

must understand why
male animals fight for females.
Another reason that the animals are so finicky about which of them
reproduces is because they have a smaller pool of genetic
characteristics. The animals that live in small groups have incestuous
relationships, so they do a lot of "inbreeding".
Many people believe that incest causes
retardation, but that is false. Incest
limits the genetic
variations of the children, which limits their ability to adapt to
changes in the environment, which reduces the rate at which they
However, if a group of incestuous people or other animals is put into a
deadly battle for
life, and if the males and females must battle for a mate, incest will not cause
Retardation is the result of unrestricted
reproduction, not incest. An
example is the Habsburg jaw. Their ugly jaw was not the result
of inbreeding.
Rather, it was because they were not
restricting their reproduction. If they had restricted reproduction to
the members who had the least ugly jaw, then they would have eliminated
that genetic characteristic.
It is idiotic to dilute bad genes
Some people believe that if
one parent carries a bad gene, they can dilute it with a spouse who has
good genes. Although it's true that an undesirable gene will vanish if
it is not passed along in the particular sperm or egg that creates a
child, the concept of diluting bad genes is as idiotic as somebody who
believes that by
adding some clean water into a bucket of sewage, he can provide himself
with safe drinking water.
It is better for us to drink sewage that has been
diluted with clean water than to drink undiluted sewage, but it is more
sensible to drink clean water.
The American people are diluting bad genes more than any other nation
because we are a mixture of almost every race, and we have an enormous
variety of mental and physical defects. Therefore, if diluting bad
genes got rid of them, then the American people should be eliminating
bad genes faster than other nations, and we should be evolving into
more advanced, healthy, and intelligent people at a faster rate than
everybody else, but there is
more evidence that the Americans are degrading
into retards faster than everybody else.
Every characteristic that we see in living creatures developed for an
important reason. The only exception are the characteristics that
developed for sexual selection, such as the large nose of a proboscis
Every male and female animal that survives to adulthood has excellent
genetic characteristics, but male and female animals are finicky about
who they reproduce with, and there is a very important reason for it:
diluting bad genes is not an
effective method of eliminating them.
The animals had the least concern about who they reproduced with became
more defective than the other animals, and they were the least likely
to survive the battle for life. The animals that dominated were those
that were very finicky about
who they reproduced with.
Likewise, the farmers who were the successful with the breeding of
animals and plants were finicky about which creatures they selected for
the next generation. They did not follow a
policy of diluting bad genes.
The people who believe that it's sensible to dilute bad genes must be
regarded as intellectually and/or emotionally unfit for
this modern
world. They are either too stupid to understand these concepts, or they
are emotionally unable to acknowledge them.
Diluting my grandmother's
bad genes did not help
My mother's mother
developed joint problems and arthritis as she grew older, but none of
my other three grandparents had any noticeable joint problems. All four
of my grandparents came from different areas of Europe, but diluting
their genes did not
eliminate the bad genes. Instead, my mother and two
of her sisters developed arthritis and joint problems as they grew
older. My mother has had both hips and both knees replaced, and her
sisters have had some of their hips and knees replaced, also. One of my
mother's sisters had spinal fusion in both the cervical and lumbar
areas when she was in her late 70s.
My father's family doesn't have any problems with joints, but rather
than dilute and eliminate the bad joint genes that my mother has, my
sister and one brother recently had a artificial hip, and in January
2024, after moving some heavy logs in my yard, I was feeling some
discomfort and in my
left hip. An x-ray of my left hip showed that I have plenty of
cartilage, but that arthritis is starting to develop. I used a cell
phone to take pictures of the x-ray
monitor, so they are not high quality, but here are four images:
I cannot see the arthritis. We need some AI software
to analyze x-ray
photos for us.
I suppose I
inherited arthritis from my grandmother. It is also possible that I
caused some
problems for my hip by trying to keep my feet parallel.
If my relatives had been inbreeding with one another, people would
claim that our joint problems were the result of inbreeding, but they
were not
inbreeding, and all four of my grandparents were from different nations in Europe.
The theory that we can eliminate defective genes by diluting them with
good genes is nonsensical. Even if a particular defective gene does not
get passed down to a
child, there are thousands of
defective genes in the human gene pool,
so avoiding one defective gene will not stop a child from picking up
other defective genes.
The only sensible policy to follow is the policy followed by nature and
farmers. Specifically, to restrict reproduction to the people who have
the fewest
mental and physical disorders.
For another example of how diluting bad genes is worthless, my mother's
father had one baby tooth that was never replaced with an adult tooth
and his wife had all of her adult teeth. However, my mother inherited
the problem of a baby tooth that was never replaced, so diluting his
genes did not
solve the problem. Likewise, my father had all of his adult teeth, but
my sister had a baby tooth that was never replaced, so that was another
example of how diluting bad genes did not solve the
Diluting baldness genes is
not eliminating
Only one of my four
grandparents' families had a problem with baldness, but diluting those
baldness genes did not prevent me from becoming bald, and at an early
(in my 20s). Likewise, a lot of other bald men had fathers or
grandfathers with hair, but that didn't stop them from becoming bald.
Genes are not dominant or
As I pointed out in several
documents, the less we know, the more we think we know. When people
first started discovering the concept of genes, they assumed that genes
followed a very orderly set of rules, similar to a game of checkers, in
which one gene dominates the other, but life is never as simple as our
mind assumes. Everything is more complex.
Genes are just molecules, and they have no intelligence. They follow
the laws of chemistry and physics, not the concepts that the human mind
to be sensible.
For example, a brown eyed man in the blue-eyed woman will not
necessarily produce a child who has eyes that are a blend of those two
colors. Our
genes do not mix together
like colored paints, and they are not like militaries in which one
conquers the other.
The truth is that nobody truly understands what happens when a sperm
and egg come together. We have no idea which genes will be expressed
which will be ignored. The people who claim to know such details are
simply too arrogant and/or ignorant to realize that they don't
understand much about the issue.
We do not even know for certain if genes are dominant or recessive. For
example, the reason some people have
freckles could be because they
have a mixture of genes, and that neither of them becomes dominant.
They might have genes from their mother to promote dark skin, and genes
from their father that promote light skin, but instead of mixing
together like colored paints and giving them skin of a light brown
some of the dark pigment genes create patches of dark skin, and other
genes create patches of light skin.
Likewise, the people who have teeth that are so overcrowded that they
are pushing one another into abnormal positions may have some genes for
a large jaw, and other genes for a small jaw, but instead of having
their teeth and jaw become a sensible compromise, they end up with a
jaw and teeth that don't match well, resulting in gaps between the
teeth or teeth that are overcrowded.
We are not perfectly
Another interesting aspect
of animals is that we are not perfectly symmetrical between left and
right. This is most noticeable
when we take a photograph of somebody's face and mirror the right or
left side.
In my case, I'm developing arthritis on my left side. For example, my
little pinky finger has a knuckle that has swollen a bit, and my thumb
has a
lump developing in it. Neither of those joints cause any pain, unless I
push on them in a certain manner, but I don't have such problems on my
right hand.
Why are we not symmetrical? It is possible that our genes design us to
be perfectly symmetrical, but that as we develop, the genes don't
always do what they're supposed to do since they are mindless
molecules, and we have genes that conflict with one another.
Some genetic defects are not "defects"
To complicate the issue of
bad genetics, some of the physical and mental problems that we are
suffering from are not truly "genetic defects". For example, after the
age of about 50, most people need reading glasses because their eyes
lose their ability to focus on close objects. That would be a "genetic
defect" if it happened to a teenager, but it is not a defect
when it happens to people over 50. The reason is because humans did not evolve to
live beyond the age of 50. Therefore, everything that happens to us
after the age of 50 is simply due to the result of living beyond what
we were designed for.
This concept also applies to material items. For example, if a
refrigerator is designed to survive for 20 years, and if the motor
fails when it is 25 years old, that is not because
the motor is "defective". It is because the refrigerator was used
beyond the age that it was designed for.
Likewise, it is not
a genetic defect that women over a certain age cannot get pregnant, or
that we develop gray hair when we are beyond age 50, or that we develop
heart problems in our old age.
Now that we are using technology to survive for several decades beyond
what we were designed for, everybody over age 50 is going to suffer
from problems that our prehistoric ancestors rarely
experienced, such as cataracts, bad joints, and a brain that

Hip and knee
replacements are estimated
to increase from 2020 to 2040.
Furthermore, these old age problems are going to increase in
generation because we are doing nothing to stop the genetic defects
from accumulating. These old age problems will also occur at an
increasingly earlier age.
The graph to the right
is one of the estimates of how hip and knee replacement surgeries will increase in the USA, but there is no
concern about this. Rather, businesses regard this as a profit
We cannot reduce these problems by diluting our low-quality genetic
characteristics. We need to restrict reproduction, and we must consider
the genetics of our grandparents and great-grandparents. This will be
emotionally traumatic because many teenagers will appear to be in
perfect health, and they will not want to be told that they cannot have
babies because their grandparents developed Parkinson's or dementia at
an unusually early age.
In order to improve the future generations, we must stop worrying about
hurting people's feelings. We must be concerned about the quality
of everybody's life, rather than concerned with helping people to
satisfy their craving for babies. The people who are prohibited from
reproducing can adopt
children from people with higher-quality genetics.
Once we start restricting reproduction, the people hundreds of
generations later will become elderly without needing reading glasses,
and without waking up in the middle of the night to pee, and without
suffering from arthritis. Even more important, their brains will not
have deteriorated as much, giving them a much higher quality life. If
we could be born into that era,
we would be thankful that our
ancestors had been restricting reproduction all those centuries.
should develop robots to
assist with elderly people
The elderly people need a
lot of medical treatment, and they will become an increasingly large
burden on us as more people live beyond the age of 70, so we should put
more effort into developing robots to assist with and perform the
medical treatments that they need, and assist them in their homes.

robots are more beneficial than
entertainment projects.
There are some people developing robots with snake-like
arms, some for medical purposes, but in a free enterprise system, and
in a democracy, there is not much support for those type of projects.
This constitution also recommends putting less into the entertainment
products and more resources into
robots for medical purposes, such as surgery.
Surgical robots would also benefit from software that converts CT or
MRI scans into a 3d mesh of our body and
and software to create CNC programs for the robots.
Robots can use tools that are much smaller than what is practical for
people, and they can work more precisely, and without fatigue. They
will eventually be able to repair joints, and other types of surgical
operations, with much less damage to muscles, ligaments, nerves, and
blood vessels.
The snake-like robot arms might eventually be able to do
appendectomies by traveling through our colon and large intestine. The
snakelike robots should also be able to perform much safer abortions,
and they might eventually even be able to travel through arteries to
clean the arteries or perform maintenance on our heart.
As people live longer, there will be more people needing surgery to
deal with arthritis, cartilage problems, appendicitis, cataracts, and
other medical issues, but surgical operations are difficult for
people to learn, and they are risky, so we should put more effort into
developing machines to assist us.
The surgical robots will require a lot of engineering and computer
talent, but we could find that talent by taking it away from activities
that are less important to us, such as video games, Hollywood special
effects, pet products, gambling machines, cosmetics, and the
development of private jets. The surgical robots also need practice,
and criminals would be useful for that.
Of course, we have different ideas on which projects are "less
important". To some people, pet products are more important than
surgical robots. With this Constitution, the ministers will determine
what is the most important to us, and the ministers will ignore what
the public wants and do what they think is most beneficial for the City
Children are not clones of their parents
Another reason some people
justify allowing people with genetic
disorders to reproduce is that there are lots of parents with a genetic
disorder, but their
children do not
have the disorder. This is a variation of the fantasy that we can
eliminate bad
genes by diluting them with good genes.
Children are never
identical copies of their parents. Sometimes a child will have a
greater visual
resemblance to a grandparent,
or inherit a bad gene from one of
his great-grandparents.
We are cruel to ignore genetics
By not having any concern
about the quality
a human life, and allowing everybody to reproduce regardless of their
genetic characteristics, every generation has a larger percentage of
people who have a miserable
I have been able to improve my life tremendously by adjusting my diet,
and especially by taking thyroid hormones, but it is only an
improvement. It doesn't fix whatever my problems are.
I consider my genetic disorders to be so serious that people like me
should not reproduce, but my problems seem insignificant compared to
what most of the population is suffering from. Although most people
have bodies that are better than mine, I would not want to
have their minds.
Most of us don't notice how many people are suffering because many of
the miserable people spend a lot of their life inside their home, a
mental hospital, or a jail.
Furthermore, many people with serious mental disorders look like
ordinary people, so we are oblivious to their suffering until we watch
a documentary about their lives. For example, this
documentary shows four people with OCD who look like normal people but
are suffering every day, and cannot fit into society. I think their
problems are much worse than
People who oppose abortion, euthanasia, and restrictions on
reproduction boast that they are wonderful people, but they are the
primary reason that every generation has more alcoholism, obesity,
suicide, OCD, bipolar disorders, crime, corruption, drug
addiction, loneliness, allergies, unemployment, and other
problems. They are causing the human race to degrade into miserable
freaks. They are behaving like animals
that reproduce simply to titillate their cravings for sex and babies.
Probation cannot identify all problems
This constitution
recommends a probation period of four years, but with our current
technology and knowledge, that is not enough time to identify some
serious genetic problems. For example, the people in the OCD
documentary were not diagnosed with the problem until they were much
older than four years. Muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's also usually
develops much later in life.
In order to reduce those type of problems, the people who develop them
must be prohibited from reproducing, and if they have already
reproduced, then their children must be prohibited from reproducing.
People of any age can be euthanized
The Death Ministry provides
assisted suicide services, but not many people are likely to choose
that option because we have such a strong desire to live. Furthermore,
as a person's brain deteriorates from concussions, cancer, old age, or
disease, he will have less concern for the quality of his life, so he
will be even less likely to request assisted suicide.
Since no culture cares about the quality of anybody's life, an
increasingly large percentage of the population, including children, is
being kept alive in hospitals and nursing homes. They suffer every day,
and are exploited by businesses, religions, and criminals.
The Euthanasia document pointed
out that the Death Ministry has the authority to determine when an elderly
person should be euthanized, but they can euthanize a person at any age.
The Death Ministry is responsible for making a decision about when a
person, including a child, should be considered so hopeless and
miserable that he should be euthanized.
This policy will prevent the situation that is occurring in all nations
today; namley, children and adults who are merely existing from one day
to the next in hospitals and nursing homes.
Children belong to the human race,
not to the parents, so the Death Ministry determines which of the
children are permitted to live and which are to die. They must post a
document in the Explanations
category to explain their euthanasia decisions.
Witches were the result of unrestricted reproduction
If we can make sensible
decisions about restricting reproduction, every generation will have
higher quality minds and bodies, and less crime, divorce, loneliness,
unemployment, mental illness, and other problems.
If our ancestors had been restricting reproduction during the past few
thousand years, many of the problems that they suffered from would not
have occurred. An example are witches.
During the Middle Ages, the
Europeans killed hundreds or thousands of
witches, but historians misinterpret those killings by encouraging pity
for the people who were accused of being a witch. Although it was sad
that those people were tormented and sometimes executed, encouraging
pity for them is as idiotic as encouraging pity for an antelope that
is caught by a lion. Historians need to keep their emotions under
control and treat humans in the same manner that we treat animals.
A more sensible explanation of the witches is that they were similar to
the Africans who were sold as slaves, and the children who are bullied
in school. Specifically, they were defective
who were disliked or feared.
Ever since nomadic people settled into agricultural cities, every
generation had an
increasingly wider range of mental and physical characteristics and
disorders, which in turn resulted in every generation having more
people who had trouble taking care of themselves and forming stable
relationships. The witches were not
a random sample of the population. They were the misfits who had
bizarre behavior.
If the people who had been accused of being witches had been born in a
prehistoric tribe, many of them would have died at a young age, but
during the Middle Ages, a lot of the misfits
could survive through begging, prostitution, churches, palm reading,
crime, and healing the sick with herbs and prayers.
By the Middle Ages, the low-quality and defective people had been
reproducing so much that they were having a detrimental effect on
society, such as giving tremendous support to religion, witchcraft, and
monarchies. They had also created a large peasant class that was barely
Not many people believe in witchcraft today, but the world now has so
many low-quality people that religion is dominating every society; many
nations are still supporting political and economic monarchies; and a
percentage of the population survives on handouts, begging, charities,
churches, crime, think tanks, and nonsensical businesses.
We resist criticizing the mental characteristics of the anti-genetics
people because we are in a minority. Ideally, we
would work together as a team to counteract the mentally inferior
people and get control of all nations, but that requires that we be
able to work together, and select
useful leaders for ourselves.
Since that has not yet happened, the world has become dominated by
religious fanatics, pedophile networks, Zionist Jews, communists,
Freudian psychologists, and other low-quality people.
The execution of witches was not due to "ignorance". Rather, it was the
result of defective human
minds. Specifically:
1) |
The misfits whose
behavior was so abnormal that other people disliked or feared them.
Some of those misfits believed in witches, and some of them believed
that they were witches, or
that they had magic powers. |

who believe that God needs them to kill people should be
regarded as mentally
defective and dangerous.
The misfits who
could not think very well and who believed
that God needed their help to find and execute witches.
An example of those fanatics is Matthew Hopkins, who
gave himself the title of Witch
Finder General.
The Chronicle organization has videos about
him and witches,
such as this.
The religious fanatics who believe that God needs humans to
find and kill witches, heathens, infidels, heretics, evil people, or
supporters of abortion, are a constant source of wars, fights, hatred,
insults, torture, and abuse. We should not be afraid to tell them that
they are suffering from significant mental disorders, and that they are
destructive and dangerous. |
If our ancestors had been restricting reproduction to the better
quality people as soon as they settled into agricultural villages, then
there would have been so few mentally defective people during the
Middle Ages that there would not likely have been anybody claiming to
be a witch, or accused of being a witch, or believing that God wants
him to find and kill the witches.
There would also have been much less support for monarchies, organized
religions, wars, gambling, alcohol, and crime networks.
Serial killers are the result of
unrestricted reproduction
Serial killers are
mentally defective members of society, also, and they have a tendency
choose the mentally defective people to murder. There would be very
few, if any,
serial killers today if we had been restricting reproduction to
higher-quality people. If there were some serial killers, they would
have a difficult time finding victims because there would not be any
prostitutes, homeless people, drug addicts, unwanted children, or other
Some serial killers may be the result of brain damage, ( as I suggested on
page 151 of my book about 9/11), but we would have fewer
problems with brain damaged people if we had been restricting
reproduction to better
quality people. The reason is because if all of the people were
higher-quality today,
we would have better quality leadership.
We would not have leaders
similar to those in the NFL who cover up brain damage. Instead, we
would have leaders who have an attitude similar to what this
Constitution requires, which is to be concerned
about brain damage, and look for ways to reduce it.
Unfortunately, the people who dominate the world today don't care if we
are living among brain-damaged people, homeless people, unwanted
children, drug addicts,
lunatics, criminals, or illegal aliens. They also don't care about the
health effects of insecticides, herbicides, or toxic chemicals
in our environment. We are dominated by people who are primarily
interested in material wealth, status, pampering by servants,
trust funds, inheritances, eliminating competitors, censorship, and sex.
We must raise standards for people
The people who cannot
understand that we must control reproduction are mentally
unfit for our modern era, and they must be
prohibited from
influential positions. They promote policies that cause the human race
to degrade into retards, and which cause parents to suffer with
defective children. Those people should not be
described as "intelligent", even though some of them are capable of
above-average in math or physics.
Unfortunately, those people dominate every society, and that makes it
difficult for us to describe them as mentally unfit
for influential positions. We cannot improve this world until we get
them out of the
influential positions.
People today must meet higher standards for intellectual and emotional
characteristics. We must stop tolerating people in leadership positions
who ignore reality,
believe in pleasant fantasies, and sweep trash into other people's
This constitution requires the schools to teach children why it is
important to control reproduction, and the world as of 2024 should be
one of the examples of what happens when we do not control
reproduction. Specifically, the world becomes dominated by people who
are so physically and mentally defective that they are unable to cope
with alcohol, gambling, food, drugs, money, relationships, and the
evidence that a group of Jews are instigating wars, blackmailing the
leaders of society, and operating pedophile networks.
Raising children should be a
pleasant activity
One of the difficulties of
being a parent is that human babies are extremely helpless for many
years. Many animals can walk within hours of
birth, or cling to their mothers fur, but human babies require months
before they can crawl, and months more before they can walk. Human
babies also frequently vomit, and they require many years before they
can use a toilet or speak.
By euthanizing the babies who are the slowest to develop, we can
reverse a trend that has been occurring during the past million or so
years. Specifically, human babies have become increasingly helpless as
a result of parents becoming
increasingly intelligent.
Some people point out that Albert Einstein did not speak in complete
sentences until he was nearly 5 years old. That slow development has
been described as the Einstein
If Einstein had been euthanized as a result of being slow to develop,
we would have been deprived of the world's greatest plagiarist. However,
that does not justify allowing babies with the Einstein syndrome to
live, and if we allow those babies to live, then they should be
prohibited from reproducing.
We will create a much more pleasant life for ourselves if we reverse
the trend of babies becoming increasingly helpless. By euthanizing the
lowest quality babies, such as those with Einstein syndrome, bad
behavior, and medical problems, every generation of parents will have
an easier time raising their children. Parents in the future will spend
more time enjoying
their children, and less time taking care of them.
The euthanized children cannot have
Every culture has evolved
to give people what they want, and what we enjoy doing, especially
women, is to pout and cry when a person has died. This
results in every culture wasting a lot of labor, land, and resources on
funerals, and encouraging people to cry and pout for weeks or
months after a death. No culture encourages people to deal with death
in an intelligent manner.
The Events Minister is responsible for experimenting with more sensible
funerals, but the euthanized children cannot have
any type of funeral. The reason is to discourage parents from wasting
their time and becoming a nuisance by crying and pouting, and to to
avoid wasting labor and resources on a detrimental
The children that are euthanized must be treated in the same manner
as how a farmer treats a defective animal or plant. Specifically,
everybody is required to accept the death as a part of the unpleasant
aspect of life. The euthanized child can be used in medical research,
as practice for medical students, as fertilizer for farms, or whatever
other purpose that people can
think of. Their bodies should not go to waste, such as filling them
with formaldehyde and burying them in a coffin. We should get some use
from them.
The parents who cannot react in a calm manner to the euthanasia of
their child are prohibited
from having more children. This will result in every generation being
better able to handle euthanasia.
Every existing culture would consider a person to be disgusting if he wanted to euthanize
his child, and if he remained calm when scientists used the child's
body in medical experiments, but this constitution regards the people
who become hysterical over such issues as having a mind that is too
similar to an animal mind to belong in this modern era. Those people
are prohibited from reproducing.
In this modern era, people need to acknowledge and accept the
unpleasant reality that creating life is a difficult process, and that
we must produce more children than we need to replace those who are
dying in order to prevent genetic degradation.
I wrote about this concept years ago here,
and I thought I had described it with the phrase, " We have to run to stay in the same
place", but I cannot find that remark anywhere, so I will
mention it here. What it means is that we we must produce more children
than we need to replace ourselves in each generation in order to
prevent humans from degrading into retards. And to evolve into
something better requires producing even more children.
Undesirable fetuses must be
The Death Ministry has the
authority and responsibility to decide whether a fetus should be
aborted, not the parents. They are
responsible for ensuring that the children are mentally and physically
healthy, and will become productive members of the human race.
Defective babies must be
After a child is born, the
Death Ministry will give all babies a probationary period of four
years. During that period they will pass judgment on whether the child
is likely to have a pleasant life, and become a productive member of
society, and if not, they must have the baby euthanized. The probation
period has been set for four years for two
1) |
Children younger
than four do not have the mental abilities to understand
the concept that they are being observed for possible euthanasia, so it
will not cause them any emotional trauma or give them miserable
childhood memories. However, as we learn more about human behavior,
that age limit might need to be adjusted up or down. |
Children younger
than four do not have the mental abilities to deceive the
Quality division into believing that they are high-quality babies. This
is a problem that occurs with adults on a routine basis, and we need to
deal with it. For two examples:
When an adult
is hired by a business, he realizes that he
is being judged during his probation period, and that can cause him to
suppress his bad behavior during the probationary period in order to deceive the
people who are observing him. That deception defeats the purpose of the
probationary period.
There is no value in putting an adult on probation if we allow him to
know that he is on probation, or if he suspects that he is on probation.
Instead of putting new employees on probation, it would be better to
change our economic system so that nobody is afraid to fire an
employee, and people are not terrified of being fired. By eliminating
that fear, the new employees would not need probation. Instead, they
would occasionally have a job performance review, and if they do not
fit into the team, they would be fired. |
When single
men and women are looking for a spouse, they are aware that they are
being judged, and that causes them to suppress their undesirable
behavior in order to deceive their
potential spouse into marrying them. That deception allows a lot of
miserable marriages.
In order to improve our marriages, we must prevent people from
deceiving potential spouses. The only way to do that is to eliminate secrecy,
and to experiment with courtship procedures that force people to be
more honest about themselves. |
The Death Ministry considers the quality of life
Children should be
euthanized according to the quality of their life, and how they will
affect other people, not according to whether they will live a long
life. For example, modern technology allows many people with cystic
fibrosis to survive for 30 to 50 years, but that does not justify making people suffer
with that problem, or making society provide health services for them.
Likewise, children who are extremely ugly will suffer in life because
none of us want them as a spouse, friend, neighbor, coworker, or
in-law. Therefore, the Death Ministry must euthanize the ugly babies,
even though they might be healthy and live a long life.
The concept of killing a baby simply because he is ugly might seem
cruel, but this constitution believes that we are more cruel when we
let them live and then push them aside as if they are trash. Killing
the ugly babies is preventing them from suffering from decades of low
self-esteem, rejection, disappointment, and loneliness. It also spares
them from looking at themselves in a mirror every day and wishing they
were nice-looking.
Our natural tendency is to ignore and push aside the ugly, deformed,
retarded, and defective people. In a prehistoric tribe, that would have
resulted in those people dying quickly, but modern technology and
welfare programs allows them to survive the isolation, and suffer for
decades. We must now do what nature was doing for our prehistoric
It is a personal opinion as to which child should be euthanized, so
everybody is encouraged to post a document in the Suggestions
if they believe that the Death Ministry is making a bad decision, but
everybody must acknowledge that we cannot
have perfection.
Parents can complain about their
The Death Ministry is
responsible for making the decisions about abortion and euthanasia, but
parents have a much better understanding of a child's behavior than the
Death Ministry since the parents interact with the child all day and
night for several years during the child's probation. Therefore,
parents are encouraged to notify the Death Ministry when they are
worried about or upset with the child's behavior or health. The Death
Ministry must then investigate.
If the Death Ministry is unsure of what to do, and if the parents want
the child euthanized, then the Death Ministry should euthanize the
Most people become enraged when they hear that a parent has killed one
of his children, and the reason they become enraged is because they
visualize an angry, violent adult who is killing a beautiful, wonderful
child, and that fantasy stimulates their emotional craving to protect
children. However, those people are tormenting
themselves with unrealistic
The concept that parents would kill a wonderful child is extremely
unrealistic. There are only a few reasons why
parents want to kill one of children:
The parents are
mentally disturbed, in which case they should kill
their children because their children are likely to inherit their
mental disorders. |
The children are
defective, in which case everybody benefits by removing them from
society. |
The parents have
lost their interest in raising children, in which case their children should be
killed because their children are likely to inherit that same
undesirable characteristic. Specifically, the
characteristic that causes people to abandon a project because they
don't have the whatever mental quality is necessary to finish a
project. |
All of the children who have been killed by their
parents are likely to have been seriously
defective. If those children had been
allowed to become adults, it is likely that most or all of them would
become adults that none of us want as a friend or a spouse. Some of
them would have become criminals, in which case some of the people who
wanted to protect them as a child would demand that they be tortured in
jail or given the
death penalty.
Modern humans must control their craving to protect babies and
acknowledge the evidence that we need to euthanize some of them.
Executions should be by
oxygen deprivation
In the USA, criminals are
executed in a manner that is so elaborate that it resembles a religious
ceremony. Furthermore, the execution methods are so ineffective that
they frequently fail.
This constitution suggests that executions be conducted in a much
simpler and faster method. Specifically, deprivation of oxygen, which
is a painless method of having a
person go unconscious within about 15 seconds, and then dying within a
minute or two. That
method is simple, and doesn't require much labor or resources.
That method is so simple and foolproof that there was a period of time
in my childhood, I think around junior high school, when some of the
children would entertain themselves by having their friend make them go
unconscious by pressing against the arteries in their neck. There was
no pain or discomfort.
There is no benefit to making executions into elaborate ceremonies.
Furthermore, there is no benefit to giving the funerals or
burials to criminals. Instead,
criminals should be used for some useful
purpose, such as medical research or fertilizer.