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The Kastron Constitution
34) The Legal System

28 May 2024

Relationships are more important than material items

It is foolish to be afraid of criminals

A significant percentage of the American people are worried about becoming victims of crime. Every year more Americans install some type of home security system. As of 2023, about 40% of the American households have video surveillance. Americans are spending billions of dollars a year on security systems, and that number is increasing every year.

Many American parents are so afraid that their children will be molested or kidnapped that they drive them to and from school and their friend's home, which wastes their time and money.

If we live in fear of criminals, we create a miserable social environment for ourselves, and we waste a lot of technical talent, labor, and resources on security systems, crime investigations, and other expenses related to crime.

We must experiment with our attitude towards crime

When prehistoric people encountered somebody with bad behavior, they reacted just like an animal, such as by yelling at or hitting the person, and in extreme cases, by chasing him out of the tribe or killing him. We are treating criminals in the same crude manner, but with modern technology, such as by punishing them in jail, making them pay a fine, or executing them with cyanide or electricity.

Humans and other animals have such a strong fear of trying something different that every nation follows the same policies for crime that they followed in the past. Unfortunately, nothing can improve when we repeat the same policies over and over. We must help one another suppress our fear of the unknown and experiment with our attitudes towards crime.

We must implement unpleasant policies

When somebody annoys us, they stimulate an emotion that causes us to become angry and want to attack them, and those emotional feelings has resulted in us developing crime policies that allow us to hurt the criminals.

We are emotionally titillated when we punish criminals, so we enjoy doing it, but it does not reduce crime. Punishing a criminal is as ineffective as punishing a rat (photo, right).

We need to use our intelligence to experiment with our policies on crime. We must stop designing policies according to what is emotionally pleasing and push ourselves into doing what is intellectually sensible. That requires that we be able to follow policies that are emotionally unpleasant.

Friends are more important than material items

Most of the people who are getting into influential positions of every nation are those who believe that material wealth, fame, sex, and pampering by servants will provide them with the best possible life. They also believe that it is acceptable to get involved with crime networks in order to achieve those goals. However, those people are behaving like animals that grab nesting materials, food, and babies from one another, and who rape one another.

Material wealth, sex, and fame will only provide some momentary titillation. It will not give us a satisfying life.

Most people are misinterpreting their emotions. They assume that they want to show off their material wealth, college diplomas, job title, spouse, children, and trophies because those things are exciting, but in reality we want to show off because we want friends, and we want to be admired. We are social animals, so we do not want to be alone, or to be insulted.

We deliberately do things in order to become a member of a group, and to be admired by other people. For example, we mimic their hairs and clothing styles, and their recreational activities.

We get real satisfaction from friendships, and when we can work together to do something beneficial for one another. Our social environment is more important to us than our material wealth. We will improve our lives significantly if we can live among people that we trust and enjoy, and when we have work that allows us to do something beneficial for the team.

It is idiotic to live among people we are afraid of.

We should restrict our city to people that we trust and enjoy.

It is foolish to live in a city in which we are so afraid of one another that we want guns, dogs, and security systems for protection from them. Living in that type of city is merely existing. It is a waste of our life.

Therefore, this Constitution requires the ministers to give the reduction of crime and corruption a higher priority to than providing more material wealth.

Our city should be our home

The Behavior Ministry is required to set high standards for people, especially those in influential positions, and the Courts Ministry must remove the people who are detrimental so that we can create a city in which we trust and respect the people we live with, and depend upon our leaders to provide us with sensible guidance.

The Employment Minister must ensure that all of the jobs are beneficial to society so that nobody feels as if he is wasting his life on worthless tasks, or that he is pampering wealthy parasites.

The Leisure and Social Clubs Ministers must ensure that there are plenty of beneficial activities for people so that they don't get bored and waste their life alone with a dog or a television.

By making those type of changes, we will create a city that feels as if it is our home, and that we are living among family members, friends, and relatives.
Trials should depend on evidence

Reducing crime requires reducing secrecy

One reason every legal system is failing to reduce crime and corruption is because every culture provides people with tremendous secrecy, especially the people in influential positions. For example, the police are prohibited from creating a DNA database, and that has interfered with the investigation of many crimes.

This constitution changes the situation by eliminating secrecy, and authorizing the Database Ministry to collect detailed information about everybody's life, including DNA samples, and put it into the People database.

The Database Ministry is authorized to install security cameras around the city, and use tracking software to keep track of everybody. They are required to know exactly who is living in the city, and be able to identify illegal immigrants.

They are also allowed to create a 3D mesh of everybody's body, and to update it as people age, if the Security Ministry shows that it is beneficial to collect such data, or if the Medical Ministry can show that it would be useful for understanding health problems.

A 3D mesh of our body with temperature data might be useful.
Everybody is also allowed to add even more data about themselves to the database, if they want to.

For example, a person might want to exercise naked in front of infrared and visible light cameras that allow software to create a 3D mesh of his body with temperature data, which might be useful to identify problems with joints, tendons, or muscles, or to learn how our body changes as we grow older, or how it changes from exercise.

A person could also install infrared cameras in his bedroom to record video of how he sleeps if he wants to do an analysis of himself.

The data that people voluntarily collect about themselves must be put directly into the People database because it belongs to everybody. A person is capable of collecting such data about himself because he is a member of a large team of people who designed, manufactured, and maintain the cameras, software, and other devices that collected the data, so the data should belong to the entire team.

We must control our inhibitions and stop demanding secrecy. We will not hurt ourselves by eliminating secrecy. Rather, we will learn more about ourselves and the human race.

Our nomadic ancestors had so little secrecy that they knew almost every intimate detail about one another, such as who made noises as they slept, and who spent the most time picking their nose or masturbating. Although none of us can imagine what it would be like to grow up in such an intimate environment, we can almost simulate it by going on a camping trip with friends and family members.

Most adults today are so familiar with comfortable beds and temperature controlled bedrooms that we would not enjoy camping in the primitive conditions of our nomadic ancestors, but all of us would enjoy the intimate social environment because that is what all animals evolved for. Young children would especially enjoy being able to sleep next to their parents and friends.

It is impossible for us to live in a modern city while also having a social environment that is as intimate as it was for nomadic people, but we can increase the intimacy significantly by eliminating secrecy and deception.

Instead of giving people the freedom to hide information about themselves and deceive people about themselves, this constitution gives everybody the right to know the truth about the people that they live with.

All existing cultures would regard the People database as "an invasion of privacy", but there is no evidence that we suffer from a lack of secrecy. The sailors on a submarine don't have much secrecy, but they don't suffer from it. The people who go on camping trips don't show any signs of suffering from a lack of secrecy, either. The children that have slumber parties do not suffer from a lack of secrecy.

The reason we enjoy "gossiping" about other people is because we want to know what they are doing, and how they treat other people. We don't want people to be secretive. We want to know the truth about them.

Eliminating secrecy has tremendous advantages, such as making it easier for us to find compatible friends and a spouse. It will also allow us to learn more about the health and behavior of the human race. Even more important, the less secrecy that we have, the easier it is for the police to solve crimes, and the simpler the trials will be. The only people who suffer when we eliminate secrecy are the people who are trying to cheat or deceive us.

What is “evidence”?

Whether something is "evidence" of a crime depends upon our mind. It is a judgment that we make. Everybody will come to a different conclusion on what is evidence because we all have slightly different intellectual and emotional characteristics, and different educations. For example, a few centuries ago some people found evidence that a member of their village was a witch, and other people found evidence that Galileo was guilty of heresy.

Furthermore, whether something is evidence depends upon the honesty of the person. For example, in September 2001, the FBI and other security agencies found evidence that 19 Arabs who live in caves had attacked us. In 2016, the FBI found evidence that some Russians were interfering with the US election and were responsible for getting Trump elected.

A legal system is useful only if the people want to be honest. Likewise, DNA analyses, fingerprint analyses, and other "evidence" is useful only if the people providing the analyses want to be honest.

A trial is only as useful as our minds can make it

Every culture promotes the theory that we can create an honest legal system simply by designing it properly, but the most important aspect of a legal system are the people in it. Specifically, the intellectual and emotional characteristics of the people, and their education.

A trial is an analysis, and an analysis is only as good as the minds of the people who are producing it. For example:

A group of people who are as ignorant as our medieval ancestors will arrest and convict people for being witches and heathens.

If a legal system is dominated by Zionist Jews, they will convict people of Holocaust denial, white privilege, and anti-Semitism, and they will support the firing of James Damore.

In order to provide ourselves with a better legal system, we must raise standards for the people involved with the system.

Evidence should come from technology

Ideally, the only information that should be considered as "evidence" of a crime is the information that we get from technology, such as fingerprints, DNA analyses, and especially video. Although that type of evidence is useful only if the people who provide it to us are honest and competent, it is much better than having testimony from witnesses.

The testimony of witnesses cannot be considered accurate because the human mind is unreliable. Our eyes and ears were not designed to be accurate scientific instruments, and our brain was not designed to interpret the world accurately. Furthermore, and even more important, people frequently lie during trials.

In order to do a better job of reducing crime, we need to gather accurate information about what the people are doing. This can be accomplished with video cameras, and eventually robots. The more data we can collect about ourselves, the less likely an innocent person will be accused or convicted of a crime. Ideally, a trial would be an analysis of security video, DNA samples, fingerprints, photographs, and other information that is more reliable than witness testimony.

We would also benefit tremendously by having software track us so that we know where everybody is throughout the day and night. The more detailed the tracking information is, the better.

We must eliminate secrecy

In order to collect data about us, and especially to track us, we must be willing to eliminate secrecy. However, the people who complain the most about innocent people being convicted of crimes are the people who are the most opposed to eliminating secrecy. Most of those people refer to themselves as "liberals". Those people are more evidence that the people with serious intellectual or emotional disorders tend to become "liberals".

The liberals want to prevent innocent people from being convicted of crimes, but the best way to do that is to eliminate secrecy, which they oppose. They complain that security cameras, DNA databases, and other crime prevention techniques are Nazi policies.

The liberals are constantly boasting about how they love people, support freedom, and want to protect us from abuse, but they create policies that are hypocritical, nonsensical, and cruel.

The liberals are frequently frightening themselves and other people with scenarios of innocent people being convicted, but it is their policies that allow innocent people to be convicted, and which allow crime rates to reach high levels.

We did not evolve for secrecy

Our emotions evolved for the intimate environment of a small, nomadic tribe in which nobody had any secrecy. We want secrecy because we want to hide our undesirable characteristics and impress people with our better characteristics, but secrecy interferes with our "emotional checks and balances". For example, a man has strong sexual desires, and they evolved to be counteracted by:

1) A woman's resistance to sex.

At a young age, girls develop sexual inhibitions, and they should slap or yell when any man who touches them in a sexual manner. Today, however, women are so ignorant about men, sex, and life, and have so many idiotic beliefs about sex and men as a result of Hollywood movies and feminist propaganda, that many women become silent or submissive, like a frightened baby deer. This is one of the reasons that the School Ministry is required to give the girls exercises in dealing with boys who show a sexual interest in them.

The lack of secrecy.

Prehistoric, nomadic men were rarely, if ever, alone with a woman, including their wife and daughters. The women were almost always within visual sight or auditory distances of other women and children.

Men did not evolve to be in alone with a woman, such as when a man goes into a home to repair a refrigerator, and a woman is the only person in the home. We were also not designed to be in an office with a woman, or in a school classroom with young girls. We were not designed to be alone with an intoxicated woman, either, or a woman who is under anesthesia.

Putting man in those situations is like putting a dog in a house that has meat on the table. A dog will leave the meat alone only if it is in an environment in which it is concerned about being attacked if it takes the meat.

Likewise, when a prehistoric, nomadic man was around women, there were almost always other people within visual sight or auditory distance of him, and that would have caused him to realize that he would be reprimanded or attacked if he abused any of the women. That awareness was one of the checks and balances over a man's sexual cravings.

Today we have so much secrecy and privacy that men need a lot more self-control than our nomadic ancestors. However, we should do more than expect the men to exert self-control. We should avoid putting people into situations that are unnatural to us, and which cause unnecessary emotional stimulation.

This is the reason this Constitution requires that men and women be separated when possible at our jobs, and why flirting is prohibited in public areas. When men and women must work together, it is best to find a way to have other women in the vicinity, or at least some other men, rather than allow a woman to become alone with a man.

Children evolved for an environment in which they are exposed to naked children and adults, and adults who occasionally flirt, have sex, breast-feed babies, give birth, eat food, sleep, socialize, sing songs, make tools, and make clothing. That intimate contact with other people allowed the children to learn their culture, and learn how to interact with other people.

However, modern children in the advanced nations are learning about sex, marriage, weddings, and flirting from perverted Hollywood movies, romance novels, sexual pornography, and television programs. This is resulting in children who are awkward, confused, and ignorant about those issues, and many develop obnoxious or unrealistic expectations for marriage, weddings, and sex. Secrecy is interfering with the development of children.

Secrecy causes trouble for a lot of our emotions

Secrecy causes trouble for many of our emotions. For example, in a nomadic tribe, a person would not be likely to steal somebody's material items because his craving for material items was counteracted by the realization that if he were to steal somebody's item, he would be reprimanded or attacked. He did not have the secrecy to hide the stolen items, or to sell them.

Likewise, women have intense cravings for babies, but the nomadic women would not steal a baby, or cut open a pregnant woman and take her baby, because they would realize that they would be attacked by other people if they did so.

The secrecy that we have today has eliminated one of the checks and balances that our emotions were designed for, and the result is that a lot of people are doing things that they know they should not do, but are hoping that nobody will notice.

Some people control their cravings by reminding themselves that Jesus, or some supreme being, is always watching them, and will send them to hell if they misbehave, but that is not a good solution to the problem. It is better to eliminate secrecy so that our environment is more natural, and to restrict reproduction to the people who are better adapted to our modern era.

By eliminating secrecy, we put ourselves into a more natural environment. We want secrecy because we want to hide our unpleasant characteristics and be free to do whatever we please without worrying about what other people will think about us, but we should not design our culture according to what our emotions want because our emotions are inappropriate today. We must design our culture according to intellectual analyses.

Random people make “average” legal decisions

We will never know how our prehistoric ancestors settled disputes among themselves, but about 800 years ago in England, disputes were being settled by selecting some men to be a jury to investigate and make a decision about what to do.

In the United States today, women are allowed to be jurors, the jurors are supposed to be picked at random, and they are not allowed to do their own investigation of the crime.

The US legal system is based on the theory that every adult is so intelligent and educated that we can pick people at random to provide us with an intelligent analysis of a crime, but that theory is as idiotic as the theory that we can pick people at random to give us an excellent decision about cancer treatments, voting, raising children, abortion, religion, and nutrition. In reality, most of the population make average decisions, and half the population makes stupid decisions.

We should be frightened to have our
fate determined by random people.
A jury is only as good as the people in it. For example, a jury of people who believe in witches would want to execute witches.

A jury of people who are similar to Daniel Lee would want to execute people who send their children to a public school.

The people who want to prevent an innocent person from being convicted of a crime should oppose the concept of a jury of random people because a group of random people are more likely to convict an innocent person compared to a jury that consists of people with above-average intelligence, education, self-control, and mental health.

Every culture is willing to acknowledge that some people are better at chemistry, athletics, music, engineering, and carpentry, but every culture is refusing to believe that some people are better at voting, raising children, and creating policies for abortion. Every culture promotes the fantasy that everybody is capable of creating intelligent analyses of social issues.

Every culture also disapproves of passing judgment on the quality of a person's mind, and we especially resist criticizing the mental characteristics of the people in top leadership positions. We normally only consider that a leader is senile, stupid, or suffering from dementia when they are from a previous generation.

For example, the English people ignored the bizarre behavior of King George, but now that he has been dead for centuries, most of the English people are capable of acknowledging the evidence that he was suffering from something serious, such as bipolar disorder or porphyria.

Incidentally, an interesting comment in that BBC article about King George says that when he was having his episodes of mental illness, "his vocabulary became much more complex, creative and colourful."

The journalists don't provide examples of his remarks, so we have to guess at what they meant by "complex, creative and colourful". I suspect that a more accurate description would be "confused and unintelligible".

The social scientists, religious fanatics, and artists regularly make remarks that could be described as "complex, creative, and colorful". This is more evidence that those people have more significant mental disorders compared to the people who are easier to understand.

Winston Churchill was also mentally ill, and when he was 77, he suffered such a serious stroke that he was paralyzed on one side of his body. Since he has been dead for only a few decades, there are still a lot of English citizens who are refusing to consider that a mentally ill man was in control of their nation during World War II, and a brain-damaged, mentally ill man was in control of their nation after the war.

Perhaps when Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and other government officials have been dead for a few centuries, the descendants of the American people will be able to acknowledge that they are also suffering from brain damage.

Every culture considers analyzing a crime to be such simplistic tasks that every adult is capable of doing an excellent job, but this Constitution believes that trials are intellectually complex and difficult chores.

This constitution does not support juries. Instead, trials are determined by a judge, and the judges are restricted to people who have demonstrated an above average-ability to control their emotions and provide intelligent analyses of crime. They must also understand that humans are animals.

Legal decisions must be justified

Every culture allows lawyers, judges, and government officials to make legal decisions without any justification for how society benefits, or how the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Furthermore, there is no requirement that anybody give a "job performance review" to a trial, law, or legal decision to ensure that it has truly been beneficial.

For example, Gypsy Blanchard was severely abused by her mother throughout her childhood, and when she got older, she decided to kill her mother. The court decided to consider her guilty of murder, and to torment her for eight more years in jail. Nobody in the American legal system had to explain how torturing her in jail was beneficial to society or the future generations, or how it would prevent future children from being abused by their parents.

The US legal system, and most other legal systems, allow us to kill a person only if we do so while they are hurting us. Unfortunately, that is impossible for most children who are abused by an adult, and for most women who are abused by a strong man.

The American legal system is concerned only with determining whether a person has violated a law, and if so, what their punishment should be. Since Gypsy Blanchard violated a law against murder, she was considered to be a "criminal".

However, we could consider her to be a victim of a mentally defective mother, and of a society that has so little concern about the quality of life that they allow mentally disturbed people to have children. We could also say that she was a victim of a society that allows such extreme secrecy that parents can abuse their children for decades without anybody noticing.

We don't want citizens making decisions about who to kill, but putting a woman in jail for killing her abuser is not improving life for anybody. There have also been some wives who were arrested for killing their abusive husband, and some citizens and police officers were arrested for killing burglars and other criminals.

Rather than put people in jail for killing their abusive spouse or parents, this Constitution advocates reducing the abuse through such techniques as:

Develop AI software to routinely analyze the medical treatments in the People database, and identify the people who might be suffering from abuse.

Develop software to identify people in security video, and to analyze their appearance and behavior to determine if they are showing signs of abuse, such as limping or bruises.

Allow people to request the Security Ministry to install hidden video cameras in their home in order to catch a family member in the act of abuse.

Trials should have “performance reviews

When a trial is completed, the judge must post a document to explain how his decision is beneficial to society. Since a trial is just the opinion of one judge, everybody is encouraged to give his decision a "trial performance review" after some number of months or years to ensure that it has the benefit that it was expected to have.

A judge can review his own decisions, and the decisions of other judges, and everybody is encouraged to post a document in the Suggestions category if they believe a particular trial is failing to achieve its purpose, or is causing trouble.

There is no pity for criminals

This constitution does not allow murder, but the courts are required to analyze whether a murder should be regarded as a "crime", or whether it should be tolerated or justified. In the case of Gypsy Blanchard, the American courts should have ruled that she was justified in killing her mother because the American legal system had failed to protect her.

Likewise, the citizens and police officers who have killed burglars, rapists, and other criminals could also be described as victims of a legal system that is such a failure that crime is rampant and people are frightened. This includes killing criminals who have turned their back on the person.

Rather than punish the people who kill criminals, our goal should be to reduce crime. For example, this constitution would not have allowed Gypsy Blanchard's mother to have children because she had demonstrated undesirable behavior throughout her childhood and adult years.

We will reduce the number of children who are suffering from abuse by passing judgment on the value of everybody's mind, and prohibiting at least half of the population from reproducing. By comparison, putting people in jail for killing their abusive parents does nothing to reduce the abuse.

Restricting reproduction will also reduce the number of abusive husbands, burglars, rapists, and other criminals. By comparison, putting people into jail for killing criminals or abusive husbands does nothing to improve society.

Finally, we will reduce the number of parents who want to kill their retarded children by putting children through a probationary period, and euthanizing those that are determined to be too defective for our modern era. By comparison, putting parents in jail for killing their retarded children does nothing to improve life for anybody, and forcing parents to raise retarded children is also tormenting those parents, and those retarded people degrade our social environment.

False confessions are a crime

The Behavior document mentioned that one of the problems the police have to deal when they are investigating a crime is that some people will contact the police and falsely confess to the crime, apparently because they have a serious mental problem.

There have also been some men who falsely confessed to a crime to their friends in order to intimidate them, and one of those friends contacted the police because he believed that the confession was real.

The people who make false confessions waste the time, labor, and resources of the police, but the US legal system does not regard them as criminals unless they cause a lot of trouble. By comparison, the Courts Ministry is required to treat false confessions as a serious and unacceptable crime. The Courts Ministry is required to regard mentally disturbed people as dirt in the transmission, and they must be put on restrictions, evicted, or euthanized.

None of us have an obligation to tolerate the abusive behavior of mentally disturbed people. It is not our fault that the creation of life is so complex and difficult that some people's brains don't function properly.

Police interrogations need to be limited

There have been many criminals who admitted to a crime after many hours of being interrogated by the police, but there have also been people who falsely confessed to crimes as a result of the interrogations. As the Behavior document pointed out, these coerced confessions waste the time and resources of the police.

One of the coerced confessions is so bizarre that it seems to be fictional. Specifically, a man admitted to killing his father after he was interrogated for 17 hours by the police, but not long after making the confession, the police discovered that his father was actually alive.

The man later filed a lawsuit against the police, and his lawyer said:
This case shows that if the police are skilled enough, and they grill you hard enough, they can get anybody to confess to anything.

However, it would be more accurate to say that this case shows what happens when we allow mentally disturbed people to live among us. Although the police could be accused of incompetence for tormenting a mentally ill person, and for not bothering to investigate whether the father was dead, a person with a properly functioning brain would have given the police sensible answers to their questions, and the interrogation would have been very brief.

Some television programs, such as 48 Hours, show portions of actual police interrogations, and they show people behaving in such strange manners that they appear to be hiding something from the police.

Furthermore, some people lie to the police for stupid reasons, such as they are embarrassed to admit that they were using drugs, gambling, or with a prostitute when the crime occurred. When the police discover that they are lying, they appear to be guilty of the crime, which results in the police putting even more pressure on them to admit to the crime.

There are also people who refuse to give DNA samples or provide certain other information, which makes them seem guilty.

If a society consisted of people who were in good mental health, and of reasonable intelligence, everybody would give sensible answers to the questions of the police, and the interrogations would be much less abusive and lengthy.

Although most people blame the police for the coerced confessions, this Constitution considers most of them to be the result of low-quality people who have abnormal behavior or some type of mental problem that makes it difficult for them to properly answer questions about what they have been doing. Therefore, we can reduce the number of coerced confessions by setting higher standards for people, and requiring the Courts Ministry to put the mentally inferior people on restrictions, and evict or euthanize those that are destructive.

Allowing the mentally inferior people to live among us is not beneficial to them or us. They suffer throughout their life, and they cause trouble for the rest of us.

We must control our craving to protect children

In the USA, when parents request medical attention for their baby, the medical personnel are required to notify the government if they suspect that the child has been abused or neglected. Although that law is intended to protect children from abusive parents, the majority of people have so little control over their emotions that they are reporting ordinary injuries and diseases as possible cases of child abuse. This is resulting in a lot of wasted labor and resources on investigations, and it torments the parents.

The medical personnel need to realize that the parents who are most likely to take their children to a doctor are those who are concerned about their health of the child, aside from the women suffering from Munchausen syndrome. The parents who deliberately abuse their children are less likely to take their children to a doctor for medical treatment.

When a baby dies, the government can investigate to determine whether the parents are responsible for the death. If doctors cannot be certain of what caused a baby to die, many people will accuse the parents of killing the baby.

Americans boast that their legal system considers a person innocent until proven guilty, but parents are likely to be considered guilty of murder when nobody knows why their baby died. There have been some parents who have been put in jail for murdering their babies, and it was eventually discovered that their babies died of natural causes.

An extreme example is when Kathleen Folbigg was found guilty of killing her children, even though there was no evidence that she did anything to hurt them. She spent 20 years in jail before technology had advanced enough for scientists to analyze the genetic characteristics of her children, and they discovered they her dead children had rare genetic defects that caused them to die at a young age.

There was no evidence that Kathleen Folbigg did anything to harm her children, but the court did not care about the lack of evidence. Kathleen was tortured for 20 years in jail simply because most people cannot control their cravings to protect children. The court made a decision based on emotions, not evidence.

The people who worry about innocent people being falsely convicted of a crime don't show much concern about parents being falsely accused of abusing their children.

As discussed near the beginning of this document, the Courts Ministry is required to make decisions according to scientific evidence rather than people's opinions and witness testimony.
Nobody is permitted to control other people

Humans are more controlling than the animals

Humans behave much better than all other animals, but there is at least one characteristic in which we could be described as worse than the animals. Specifically, we are more intolerant of people who are different from us than the animals are. To rephrase that, we do not provide other people with as much freedom as the animals provide one another.

This is undoubtedly the result of humans evolving the ability to work in an organized team. Teamwork requires that we follow orders, and that we work for the benefit of the team, and that requires suppressing the freedom of the people in our team and forcing them to behave in a certain manner.

Everything in life has advantages and disadvantages. Teamwork has tremendous advantages, but it has the disadvantage of requiring us to put restrictions on our freedom and become less independent.

This concept also applies to other animals. The animals that work in teams, such as hyenas and prairie dogs, can accomplish a lot more than the animals that are independent, such as cats and gophers. Prairie dogs can create big cities for themselves because they work together, whereas gophers can only make small homes for themselves. However, cats and gophers have the freedom to do whatever they please.

Ants and termites are also excellent examples of how working together can allow incredible accomplishments, but that it requires reducing freedom tremendously.

The ability to work in a team has advantages that are so tremendous that it is worth suppressing our freedom. However, we must only allow government officials to put restrictions of on our freedom. Furthermore, the government must be required to justify all of the restrictions as being beneficial to the team.

We must prohibit citizens and organizations from trying to control us. For example:

We must not allow citizens to use violence and intimidation to stop us from eating meat, or to allow us to eat certain meat but not horses, pigs, cows, dogs, cats, or other animals.

We must not allow citizens to tell us what our language will be, such as demanding that we refer to pedophiles as "minor attracted persons", or to refer to fat people as "plus-sized people".

We must not allow religious people to try to control us with threats of hell or insults of ignorance.

This constitution prohibits everybody from trying to control or change other people. Nobody is permitted to use intimidation, insults, punishments, or other techniques to control or change other people. A person wants to change our culture has to post a document in the Suggestions category that explains its advantages and disadvantages.

The US legal system is based on ape emotions

The US legal system was designed to satisfy our emotions, not to improve our lives or society. This results in a legal system that is being used for two primary purposes:

1) To hurt criminals.

When a monkey is annoyed by another monkey, he becomes angry and reacts by hurting the other monkey. Humans inherited that desire to hurt the people who irritate us, and our legal system gives us that opportunity by tormenting those people with fines or jail.

To profit from mistakes and crimes

Animals are always looking for an opportunity to satisfy their cravings for food, territory, sex, and water. Humans inherited that desire to satisfy our cravings, and this has resulted in some people using the legal system to file lawsuits in order to make money, or to inhibit a business competitor. Those people are exploiting the legal system for their own selfish benefit, not using it to reduce crime or improve society.

This constitution creates a court system that is significantly different. This Constitution requires the courts to operate in the same manner as a group of engineers who are experimenting with a new product, or who are investigating the crash of an rocket.

For example, when engineers test a rocket, and the rocket explodes, they analyze the rocket in an attempt to understand what caused the explosion, and then they experiment with the design of the rocket in an attempt to reduce the explosions in the future rockets.

The engineers do not punish anybody with jail or beatings, and they do not reward anybody with large amounts of money. Their goal is to improve the product, not to hurt or reward anybody.

Example: Hot foods

The US legal system allowed women to receive large amounts of money from lawsuits against McDonald's for providing coffee that was too hot and McNuggets that were too hot.

This constitution prohibits the legal system from providing people with rewards. The legal system is required to make decisions according to what is best for society, not according to what some people want.

The courts are required to provide documentation to explain how their decision will encourage good behavior in the future, and reduce problems. An example of what the courts could say in regards to the complaints of coffee and food that is too hot:

a) Beverages that are too hot to drink

Many of the people who drink tea and coffee want it to be nearly boiling, but since nobody can drink it at that temperature, those people slurp a tiny bit at a time until it cools down.

If restaurants provided beverages at a more appropriate temperature, then they could drink without making slurping noises, and there would be no chance of people getting burned from the drinks.

The disadvantage with this policy is that the beverage will become cool more quickly. Therefore, this court recommends that the restaurants provide beverages at a temperature that is appropriate for drinking, and experimenting with one of these two options to prevent it from cooling down to quickly:
1) Provide the beverage in an insulated cup.
Provide the beverage in an insulated pot, and provide a person with a small, insulated cup, thereby allowing him to pour a small amount into a cup whenever he wants it.

b) Food that is too hot to eat

There are only certain foods that are likely to be too hot to eat, such as items that are baked or deep-fried. Therefore, the restaurants should allow those items to cool down before serving them.

However, the most important way to avoid being burned by hot food is to require people to eat only in the designated eating areas, and with designated utensils. People who eat in any other area, or with their fingers, are responsible for any problems they suffer from.

In order to keep food warm, this court recommends experimenting with insulated plates, or plates that have inserts of heat retaining materials, such as metal.

That type of conclusion does not reward people for being irresponsible. Rather, it encourages experimenting with methods of improving life for everybody.
A legal system cannot be perfect

We must accept imperfections in life

The Courts and Security Ministries are required to be much more intolerant of bad behavior than any of the existing legal systems. This will result in people being evicted, put on restrictions, or euthanized for behavior that would have resulted in them being fined or punished in jail in other cultures.

We can easily frightened ourselves with imaginary scenarios in which a judge makes a mistake and convicts an innocent person, or a legal system that is so corrupt that the officials deliberately arrest their critics and competitors, but every legal system is already suffering from those problems.

The US legal system was supposed to be an improvement over the English legal system, but if we could measure corruption, we might find that the US legal system is more corrupt, and that the FBI is more corrupt than MI5.

It is impossible to create a perfect legal system because every legal system consists of humans, and humans are a species of ape. The only way to ensure that a legal system is working properly is to have other humans pass judgment on it, and deal with the dishonest and incompetent officials, but those humans are also a species of ape. Therefore, the value of a legal system depends upon the ability of one group of apes to watch over another group of apes.

A legal system can be designed to discourage corruption, but it cannot prevent the judges, police officers, and other people in the system from behaving in a dishonest manner because, as described in the Laws document, people follow the laws only if they want to.

Furthermore, no matter how we design a legal system, it cannot prevent citizens from being so apathetic that they do nothing to stop corruption, or so stupid that they cannot figure out if the system is corrupt.

We cannot design a legal system to be free of abuse, mistakes, or bias. The only way to provide ourselves with a better legal system is to raise the standards of the people in the system, and the people who pass judgment on the system. As with all of our culture, a legal system can only be as good as the people are capable of making it. The higher the quality of the people, the more useful and honest the legal system will be.

However, as pointed out in many documents, who among us is "high quality" is a personal opinion. If we consider pedophiles, Freudian psychologists, religious fanatics, or Zionist Jews to be high quality, then we will have a legal system that some of us consider abusive no matter how we design it, and no matter what checks and balances we give it.

We must choose a group of people to be regarded as the standard for high quality. This constitution refers to them as the City Elders. Since people live for only a few decades, the future of a society depends upon the children to maintain those standards.

Everybody is already suffering from their legal system

Whenever somebody proposes a change to the government, some people frighten themselves with imaginary scenarios of corruption and abuse, but all of us are already suffering from corruption and abuse. It is idiotic to use the fear of potential problems as an excuse to do nothing to improve our lives.

Every legal system claims to be honest and fair, and to be protecting the people from crime, but every legal system is so corrupt and ineffective that everybody in every nation is suffering in many ways. For example, everybody lives in fear of crime, and every society is wasting a lot of technical talent, labor, and resources on security devices. Every person also wastes a lot of time on passwords and security locks.

Many businesses and people also waste electricity by keeping some lights on at night in an attempt to deter burglars, and some businesses waste time and resources on security badges. Many people are frightened to walk around some sections of their city, especially at night, and many parents are frightened to let their children wander around in their own neighborhood, even during the daytime.

Perfection is impossible, but we can improve our situation

We cannot expect a legal system to be perfect, but we can certainly create a society that has lower levels of corruption and crime than the existing societies. How could we possibly make things worse than what we have right now? We would have to be very ignorant, stupid, or mentally ill to create a city that is worse than what we are living in today.
We must try a new legal system

All legal systems have been failures

Every legal system has been a failure at helping us to understand and reduce crime and corruption, so we must resist the craving to mimic our ancestors. We must push ourselves into experimenting with a different legal system.

The existing legal systems are such failures that everybody in the world is trying to protect themselves from crime because they don't believe their police or courts can protect them.

Even more amazing, the legal systems are so worthless, and there are so many people who cannot control their emotional cravings, that the personnel at police departments cannot trust one another.

For example, in a police department in Britain, somebody was stealing milk from the office refrigerator, and some of the officers responded by putting locks on their containers of milk to discourage the thief (photo to the right).

Also, most, or all, police departments have lockers that the officers put their personal possessions into when they change into their uniforms, and they must have a security lock on it to prevent other members of the Police Department from stealing their items.

If the police cannot trust one another, how can we trust the police?

Perhaps the most obvious example that our legal systems are failures is that many people did not contact the police after becoming a victim of a crime because they were afraid that the criminals would retaliate against them, and that the police and courts would do nothing to protect them. This has resulted in some very sad situations, such as Katie Piper.

The US legal system is pathetic

The US legal system is so ineffective that many businesses are protecting themselves with fences, razor wire, security cameras, and security guards. The American people are so afraid of crime, and have so little faith in their legal system, that they are estimated to have 393 million guns, although some of the guns are only for hunting or sports. The US military has less than 5 million guns. Millions of Americans also have security systems and aggressive dogs for protection.

The US government officials also have no faith that the legal system will protect them from criminals. As a result, the White House is occasionally protected by concrete barricades, tall fences, razor wire, and National Guard troops, causing it to like a prison facility.

There are so many teenagers committing crimes that some American schools have armed police officers patrolling the hallways to watch for students committing crimes.

We cannot prevent jurors from being biased

The US legal system tries to prevent bias in a trial in several different ways, but none of them have been successful because they are based on the fantasy that humans are the wonderful creation of a supreme being. Three of the problems with this fantasy are:

1) A random selection of people will give us average analyses

In the USA, many trials are settled by a jury of people selected at random. This policy is based on the assumption that every adult can provide an excellent analysis of a trial.

2) Censoring information cannot prevent bias

The U.S. Constitution believes that we can prevent bias by having the lawyers and judges censor information that they regard as irrelevant. This theory seems to be valid because if we censor the irrelevant information from a trial, then the jurors will not be influenced by it.

One problem with that theory is that the censoring is done by humans, and humans are apes. Another problem is that we follow the laws only if we want to, so there is no way to prevent people from censoring the information in a manner that will manipulate the jury.

This constitution requires a trial to be similar to an scientific analysis. When a scientist wants to analyze a rock, wolf, or chemical, he does not hire lawyers to gather information about the item, and provide him with censored information. Rather, he analyzes all of the information himself, and he makes the determination of which information is relevant.

This constitution does not believe there is any difference between a scientist analyzing a rock, and a juror analyzing a crime. Both the scientist and the juror needs the ability to analyze all aspects of the issue, and each of them must be able to decide for himself which information is relevant. If we allow a person to provide a scientist or juror with censored information, then the person providing the information will influence the outcome of the analysis, in which case, we may as well let that person provide the analysis.

Providing an intelligent analysis of an issue, regardless of whether the issue is about a crime or an aircraft engine, requires a person to be above-average in analyzing issues. If it is a social issue, then he also needs to be above-average in controlling his emotions because social issues stimulate our emotions.

Therefore, it is absurd to expect a random selection of people to provide us with intelligent analyses of crime. This constitution does not allow lawyers or juries, or the censoring of information. Instead, a judge analyzes the crime, as if he is a scientist analyzing a rock, and he makes a decision by himself.

Judges are regarded as leaders of society, so they must meet high standards. They must also have shown an above-average ability to analyze crimes and control their emotions.

3) The human memory is imperfect

The American legal system believes that jurors will make better decisions when they are prohibited from refreshing their memory, so the jurors are discouraged from asking questions, taking notes, and recording the trial with audio or video recorders.

Scientists, engineers, carpenters, plumbers, and almost everybody else has discovered that they do a better job of analyzing problems when they are allowed to refresh their memory, and nobody has evidence that the people who analyze crimes are an exception to this concept.

This constitution regards the human mind as a variation of a monkey brain, and that our memory is as imperfect as all other animal brains. Our mind can also easily be distracted as we listen to information, thereby causing us to miss some of the information.

This constitution assumes that everybody has an imperfect memory, so the judges are expected to refresh their memory with written material and video. They are also allowed to ask questions about the crimes they are analyzing.

All legal systems are “unbelievable” failures

Every legal system is not just a "failure". Rather, they are such extreme failures that they are allowing crimes that are "unbelievable" to most people. Instead of investigating the accusations, most people ridicule them as "idiotic conspiracy theories" or as "anti-Semitism". Some examples of the crimes that most people have trouble believing:

The Apollo moon landings were faked.

Vicki Polin's Jewish relatives have been involved with pedophilia and murder rituals for many generations.

Paul McCartney was murdered in 1966 and was replaced to cover up the murder, and many other entertainers, such as Michael Jackson and Jim Morrison, were murdered.

An international Jewish crime network is trying to get control of the world by murdering, deceiving, intimidating, and blackmailing business executives, government officials, entertainers, and other influential people, and by conducting false flag operations, instigating wars, and causing economic problems.

Jews demolished the World Trade Center towers and Building 7 with explosives.

Jews instigated the world wars, and they are lying about the Holocaust and Anne Frank's diary.

That the Comet pizza parlor is just one business that is involved with a pedophile network.

When a nation is experiencing crimes that are so extreme that people cannot believe they are possible, the legal system should be considered to be such a failure that it should be tossed in the trash. The educational system of the nation should also be considered to be a failure.

Imagine a business with as much crime as the USA

Imagine if the managers of a business were so incompetent at dealing with bad behavior that crime was as extreme inside their business as it is outside.

In such a case, the employees would be so frightened of one another, and have so little faith that their management can protect them from the criminal employees, that some of them would install their own security cameras in their cubicles; some of them would bring guns or aggressive dogs into their cubicles; and some would hire private, armed security guards to stand by their cubicle and protect them from the other employees.

And imagine that some of the employees who work in the kitchen to make pizza for the company cafeteria are members of a pedophile network, and that they are helping pedophiles get promoted to management, and then blackmailing those pedophiles.

Finally, imagine that some Jewish employees get control of the company newsletter in security personnel, and are trying to get control of the company and exploit the employees.

If any business had as much crime within their business as there is outside of the business, even the stupidest executives would realize that their security system and management was a failure, and they would do something to improve the situation.

Blackstone's ratio is detrimental today

The US legal system promotes the concept of "Blackstone's ratio", which is a theory from the 1760s that promotes the philosophy that it is better to let some criminals get away with their crime than to convict an innocent person.

That theory was sensible in 1760 because very few trials had "evidence". For example:

There were no security cameras or telephone records, and the police did not collect fingerprints or have DNA analyses.

Many people arranged business deals verbally, with cash, or by bartering, so there were not many checks or bank records to document financial transactions. Many people were also illiterate.

There were no police detectives or police laboratories to analyze crimes.

In 1760, most trials were one person's opinion against another. It is so difficult for a person to defend himself in such a crude trial that many people were frightened of being accused of a crime. This resulted in those people demanding the courts assume that a person is innocent, even if that meant some criminals got away with their crime.

According to some historians, the police did not bother investigating crimes until after the Sherlock Holmes novels became popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Furthermore, when they first began investigating crimes, they did not know much about the issue, so they did not do a good job.

Even today the police are so ignorant that they believe that they would be violating a person's right to demand a DNA sample. They still don't understand that they are protecting the innocent people by demanding DNA samples.

We can significantly reduce the chances that an innocent person is convicted of a crime simply by eliminating secrecy, installing security cameras around the city, using facial recognition and other techniques to track and identify people, and by maintaining a DNA database.

Modern technology allows the police to identify criminals with tremendous accuracy, but we must be willing to use that technology rather than be afraid that were going to suffer from a "lack of privacy". The social animals evolved to live in close contact with one another, so we should not allow criminals and anti-social people fool us into believing that we must be secretive and anonymous.

Instead of worrying that an innocent person will be convicted of a crime, we need to be more concerned about all of the innocent people who are suffering constantly as a result of criminals, Zionist groups, pedophile networks, mentally ill people, abusive business executives, and dishonest government officials. All of us are routinely suffering as a result of the badly behaved people.

Our legal systems are not protecting the innocent people. Rather, our legal systems are allowing criminals to torment us and destroy our world.

We no longer need a Statute Of Limitations

When the US legal system was created, it operated primarily on the memory of witnesses and victims. Since the human memory is imperfect, the legal system was designed to ignore crimes beyond a certain age on the grounds that people's memories were too imperfect to be useful beyond that age.

This Constitution authorizes a DNA database, security cameras around the city, tracking software, facial recognition software, and any other technology that can provide evidence that remains the same forever, so there is no longer a need for a Statute of Limitations.

Most people cannot cope with our modern era

Even though crime and corruption is extreme in every nation, nobody is demanding that their nation experiment with a new legal system.

Instead of trying to improve their legal system and reduce crime, almost everybody reacts to the extreme crime levels by making jokes about lawyers, and by purchasing security devices, dogs, or guns.

Their inappropriate reaction is more evidence that most people cannot cope with the complexities of our modern world, and that they should be prohibited from voting and influencing our culture. Most people need guidance.

Every nation's legal system is so useless that crime would probably decrease significantly if we eliminated all of the police departments and courts, and told every citizen to deal with criminals.

Although a lot of men would be too afraid to do anything about criminals, there would be a large number of men who would use that freedom to kill the pedophiles, dishonest government officials, crime networks, telemarketers, abusive business executives, and the teenage gang members. They would undoubtedly reduce crime to much lower levels than it is right now.

The US legal system allows people to profit from crimes

Another problem with the US legal system is that it allows individual citizens and organizations to file lawsuits for large amounts of money, which does nothing to help us understand or reduce crimes. Instead, it allows them to benefit from crimes.

The Federal Trade Commission disapproved of some of the ads created by The Relion Group, but they did nothing about it.
It also allows lawyers to profit from the crimes, which gives the lawyers an incentive to encourage lawsuits and prolong trials as long as possible.

Some lawyers create advertisements to encourage people to file lawsuits, as in the advertisement to the right.

The FTC complained that the advertisements of The Relion Group were deceptive, but did nothing about it on the grounds that the group had stopped their deceptive advertisements before the FTC investigated them. That is as idiotic as a police department that decides not to arrest a person for rape, murder, pedophilia, or kidnapping because the criminal stopped committing those crimes before the police had investigated the crime.

However, in a free enterprise system, all advertisements are biased and deceptive, so it is impractical to arrest people for making deceptive advertisements. An advertisement has to be extremely deceptive before a person or business will be considered to be violating the law. This is another reason why we must find the courage to change to an economic system that puts businesses into competition to be the most beneficial to society.

The US legal system sets up fights between lawyers

The US legal system does not arrange for trials to be a scientific investigation of a crime. A trial is not expected to explain why the crime occurred, or to recommend changes to culture to reduce future crimes. Instead, a trial is intended to determine if somebody committed a crime, and if so, how he should be punished. As a result, a trial has no concern for what is best for society.

In order to assist the defendant in this battle, he is allowed to hire lawyers, and the prosecution is also allowed to hire lawyers. The end result is that a trial is a battle between lawyers over whether the defendant has committed a crime.

To make the situation more ridiculous, the lawyers have no obligation to be honest. For example, a lawyer for the defendant is not considered to be an accessory to a crime even if he knows for certain that the defendant is guilty. Likewise, a lawyer for the prosecution is not an accessory to a crime even if he knows for certain that the prosecution is making a mistake or lying.

The legal system of the USA is outdated

When the USA was first created, a trial was essentially people arguing with each other. Some of the aspects of the US legal system made sense in that primitive era. For example:

The purpose of a trial in the US is to determine whether the defendant committed a specific crime. The trial is not an analysis of the defendant. The prosecution is not supposed to include information about the defendant's popularity, previous criminal behavior, or the criminal behavior of his relatives and friends.

That type of trial makes sense in a primitive era because the trials did not have much evidence, and because the social animals have a natural desire to be submissive to the animals that are higher in the hierarchy, and to look down on the animals who are lower in the hierarchy. Therefore, the defendants who were low in the social hierarchy, or who had a history of bad behavior or badly behaved friends or relatives, would be at a serious disadvantage.

A primitive trial is more fair if it is restricted to determining whether the defendant committed a crime, rather than an analysis of the defendant.

Primitive people are too ignorant to do useful analyses of people.

Most of the English citizens who emigrated to, or were evicted to, the American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s were idiots, alcoholics, criminals, or mentally ill people, so they were much more frightened of trials than the "ordinary" citizens. Therefore, the U.S. legal system was designed to counteract the bias against the people who were low in the hierarchy or who had a history of undesirable behavior.

The US legal system allows a defendant to have a lawyer to represent him in a trial, and to have the right to remain silent throughout the trial. This makes sense in a primitive era because a primitive trial doesn't have much, if any, evidence. Rather, the trial consists of people arguing with each other, and a person will be at a disadvantage when he must argue with somebody who is more intelligent than he is.

Furthermore, a person is at a disadvantage if he is ignorant about the techniques of deception and intimidation.

Therefore, a trial is more fair to both the defendant and the prosecution when experienced lawyers do the arguing, and the defendant has the opportunity to remain silent.

The US legal system is analogous to a horse-drawn stagecoach. Our legal system was sensible in 1776, but it is absurd today. We need to develop a more modern legal system that takes advantage of our new technology.

European legal systems are disgusting, also

The Europeans legal systems are just as ineffective, and in some aspects, they are worse. For example, many European nations have allowed Jews to make "Holocaust Denial" illegal, which is as absurd as arresting a person for "Extinction Denial" if investigates the theory that a meteor exterminated the dinosaurs.
Our legal system should improve our lives

We need to reduce crime, not “serve justice

In the USA, a popular expression among people who are angry at criminals is that they "want to see that justice is done", or that they "want justice to be served".

Those expressions are a way of demanding revenge on a criminal, but most people are too ignorant about their emotions, or too embarrassed to be honest, to admit that they "want revenge", or that they want to "hurt the criminal", or that they want to "see the criminal suffer". So, instead of demanding that the criminal be tortured, they make it appear as if they are peaceful people who are simply interested in ensuring that the laws are followed.

Those expressions are more examples of how we frequently create a false image of ourselves to impress ourselves and other people.

No culture yet promotes the attitude that humans are animals, and as a result, people are embarrassed to admit that they have crude, animal cravings. All of us routinely lie about a lot of our desires and past behavior, especially when we are young and don't have a good understanding of how deception can hurt us more than it helps us.

This constitution promotes the philosophy that humans are animals, and that all of us occasionally have crude, selfish, and violent thoughts. Instead of encouraging people to pretend that they don't have animal emotions, the schools are required to teach children that they are a species of ape. The children must be put to exercises in which they practice analyzing themselves and one another to identify and admit to their animal qualities.

In regards to trials, our goal should be to understand crimes and reduce them, not try to satisfy our cravings to hurt other people, and pretend that hurting them is "serving justice".

We want revenge, but revenge is a waste

Our emotions want us to react to crime by hurting the criminal, but that does not improve our lives or reduce crime. Rather, it wastes our time and creates more anger and fights.

This emotion is beneficial for animals because it causes the animals that are higher in the hierarchy to glare at, hit, and bite the animals that misbehave, and that helps to ensure that the animals are behaving properly. However, that emotion is troublesome for modern humans because we cannot improve a person's behavior by hurting him. We need to push ourselves into using our intelligence to experiment with methods of reducing crime.

Every culture is misinterpreting human emotions, and this is resulting in idiotic policies. For example, we assume that our desire to hurt criminals is because it is a sensible policy, and this mistake has resulted in every culture creating policies to punish criminals.

Our natural tendency is to assume that whatever we want to do is something that we should do. However, our emotional cravings evolved for a prehistoric, nomadic life, so they are inappropriate today.

Punishing criminals by putting them in jail is putting a burden on society, and when the criminals are released, they often become even more troublesome because their criminal history makes it more difficult for them to find a job, a place to live, and friends.

The jails are also a waste of land, and they require people to work in jobs that nobody seems to enjoy.

Criminals are already suffering

Although we enjoy hurting criminals, they are already suffering. Their suffering is the reason that they became criminals. If they were having wonderful lives, they would not be interested in becoming criminals.

No culture has a concern about the quality of a person's life, and this is resulting in a lot of people having miserable lives. Some people have trouble finding a job, others have trouble finding a friend, and others have so many failures in life that they suffer from low self-esteem and become envious of people who are successful.

A person who is having a miserable life is not as likely to worry about being punished as people who are enjoying life. He is more likely to risk being punished in order to bring himself some pleasure.

Nobody wants to be a criminal because the social animals have powerful cravings to be respected, not hated, insulted, attacked, or killed. We want to be admired, not despised. We want to be at the top of the hierarchy, not at the bottom.

A person who commits a crime has decided to do something that puts him at the bottom of the hierarchy, and cause him to be despised or killed. Why would he choose to ruin his reputation rather than do something that brings respect and admiration?

Until governments created welfare programs, some people committed crimes simply to feed themselves and their children, but today we could claim that all of the adults who commit crimes are doing so because of a low-quality mind. Some of them have trouble controlling their temper, and others have trouble controlling their cravings for material wealth or sex. Some of them are such failures in life that they want to join a crime gang so that they can feel important.

The adults who commit crimes realize that they are doing something that will cause them to be despised, and they want to be admired, but they are suffering from some problem to such an extent that they are willing to take that risk.

They are secretive about their crimes because they realize that other people will want to hurt or kill them for what they have done. Although they are likely to titillate themselves with praise about how they got away with the crime, they realize that only their criminal friends will admire them for it.

The believe that their crimes are improving their lives, but in reality they hurt themselves even more because they must spend the rest of their lives trying to prevent the police and other people from discovering the truth about them. Their life becomes a constant state of fear, secrecy, and suspicion. This is not how a person with a properly functioning mind, and who is enjoying his life, wants to spend his life.

A legal system should serve society, not “justice

Instead of trying to get revenge on criminals, the government is required to react to criminals in the same way we react to badly behaved animals. Specifically, restrict reproduction to the better behaved people, and evict, euthanize, or put restrictions on the badly behaved people, or use them in research programs, such as testing surgical robots and doing research on nutrition.

The legal system is required to analyze crimes and experiment with ways to reduce crime. The purpose of the legal system is to improve our lives, our social environment, and our society, rather than torment criminals, or to allow lawyers or victims to profit from crimes.

The legal system cannot care about the desires of the citizens or organizations. Instead, the legal system must be concerned with what is best for the human race and the future generations.

There is no benefit to pampering criminals

The legal system is not permitted to torment criminals, but they are not permitted to pamper them, either. For example, in the USA, criminals are often provided with a "last meal" even though it is a burden on society.

Although jails are unpleasant places to live, some of the jails in the USA and Europe, especially in Norway, are providing criminals with better living conditions, and are living longer, healthier lives, than the poor people of the Middle Ages, and many of the poor and homeless people in modern India and Africa. The people in our jails are getting better quality food, medical care, dental care, and protection from the weather and insects. Some of them also have television, electricity, books, and recreational equipment.

This constitution requires evicting many criminals to the City of Exiles, but that city is whatever the criminals make it. If they are so anti-social, mentally ill, selfish, or stupid that they create a city that resembles a medieval village of subsistence farmers, that is their problem. We are not cruel to tell the criminals to take care of themselves.We do not have any obligation to provide them with food, technology, electricity, or handouts.

A trial should help us reduce crime

The Courts Ministry is required to arrange for trials that analyze crimes for the purpose of trying to understand why it occurred, and what the city can do to reduce such crimes. This is how militaries, businesses, and other organizations react to problems.

For example, when an employee of a corporation is accused of bad behavior, such as stealing items, or irritating a female employee, the management does not arrange for a trial in which lawyers spend months or years in a battle over whether the employee has misbehaved, and if so, how he should be punished. Rather, the management analyzes the situation as quickly as possible, and they pass judgment on what is best for the organization. Their goal is to reduce the crimes and disputes.

The Courts Ministry is similar to the informal legal system of a corporation. Specifically, their goal is to rapidly analyze crimes and disputes between people and organizations, and for the purpose of understanding the problems and looking for ways to reduce them. This requires the trial to analyze both the defendant and the victim, rather than assume that the victim has no significant influence in the problem.

Another way to describe the Courts Ministry is that it is analogous to a group of engineers who analyze the wreckage of an airplane that has crashed. Their investigation is not to determine if somebody should be punished, and what his punishment should be. Rather, they want to determine why the airplane crashed, and whether there is a way to reduce such accidents in the future, such as by making changes to the design of the airplane, the training programs of the pilots, the work environment of the pilots, or the maintenance procedures.

If engineers analyzed airplane wreckage only to determine who should be punished, nothing would improve with the airplanes, the training programs, or the working conditions of the pilots. Instead, society would waste a lot of labor and resources analyzing airplane wreckage and punishing people.

If the Courts Ministry decides that a crime is due to our culture, then they will recommend experimenting with cultural changes. If they determine that the defendant and/or victim misbehaved as a result of their particular, low-quality, mental characteristics, they have to decide whether the defendant and/or the victim is so much trouble that he should be put on restrictions or evicted.

Example: Pedophiles

The Courts Ministry is required to analyze pedophilia related problems from the point of view of how to reduce the problems. By comparison, the US government has no concern for reducing the problem. For example, a Colorado government official, Scott Bottoms, complained that most of the men who were arrested for buying children for sex were put on probation. He proposed a law to make them spend at least four years in jail, but the Democrats voted against it because they believe that the men are victims also, and deserve pity.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are trying to understand or reduce pedophilia. Instead, they want to either punish criminals, or give them pity.

The liberals are correct that the pedophiles are "victims", but all of us are victims of various things. For example, when we were children, we were victims of parents who were imperfect and ignorant, and we were victims of abusive and neurotic children at school and in our neighborhoods. All of us are also victims of corrupt, neurotic, and selfish FBI agents, government officials, journalists, business executives, advertisers, Zionists, religious leaders, and other influential people.

The Courts Ministry is prohibited from allowing adults to justify pedophilia by claiming that they are "victims". We have to expect children and teenagers to mimic the bad behavior of their friends and parents, but the adults who purchase children for sex are doing so because they want to. However, the adults who are convicted of pedophilia cannot be punished or given pity. Instead they must be evicted from the city, euthanized, or used for medical research.
The Courts Ministry must be intolerant of cheating

Technology allows criminals to be more destructive

The more advanced our technology becomes, the more important it is for us to raise standards for people. The reason is because technology allows a person to become more destructive, and to be more destructive to more people, including future generations. For example, there will eventually be a point at which crime gangs will be able to create biological weapons, and deliver those weapons with tiny drones.

The more advanced our technology is, the more intolerant we must be of destructive behavior. We must occasionally raise the standards for people to meet in order to be a member of society, which will require evicting people who were previously tolerated. Raising standards will also allow every generation to become more honest.

Students who cheat are criminals

Harvard students boast about being superior to rest of us, but some of them are cheaters.
Militaries have training programs, and if one of their students is caught cheating on either a written or physical test, he is likely to be evicted from the course.

By comparison, the public and private schools, including the universities, only discourage cheating.

There is a significant difference between discouraging cheating and evicting the cheaters. Specifically, when an organization evicts the cheaters, they cleanse their organization of dishonest people, which creates an organization of people who are willing to follow the rules. When an organization only discourages cheating, such as by having students put blinders on their head to block their vision, the create an organization in which some of the people will cheat when they notice the opportunity to do so.

No society considers a student to be a "criminal" for cheating on school tests, and none of the public schools will evict the student from the school for cheating on a test. However, this Constitution requires everybody to earn what they want in an honest manner, and the students who cheat are considered to be low-quality people who are behaving more like an animal than a modern human.

The School Ministry is required to have an attitude similar to that of a military. Specifically, the students who cheat on school tests must be regarded as "criminals" because they are as detrimental to society. Some of them cause even more trouble than the burglars and rapists. For example:

People who cheat on school tests, especially the university students, can get into influential jobs that they cannot do properly, and this results in incompetent government officials, scientists, business executives, doctors, mechanics, technicians, and other people who have a significant effect on our lives and future. Those incompetent people can cause more trouble for more people than a burglar, and they can cause trouble for other societies and for future generations.

People who cheat to get into their position of importance will usually have to continue cheating to remain in that position, and they will have to worry about being exposed as a cheater. This will result in them promoting secrecy, and looking for opportunities to censor, blackmail, suppress, or murder the people who are more talented, or who expose their cheating. By suppressing the talented people, they are essentially giving a society a lobotomy.

The people who are willing to cheat are the most likely to admire and promote other criminals, such as pirates and Bonnie and Clyde. They are also likely to support the concept of giving criminal second chances, third chances, and fourth chances.

All existing cultures are so tolerant of liars, cheaters, and other criminals that it is possible that most of the people in top positions of every nation have achieved their positions through cheating.

Criminals torment themselves and all of us

The social animals have a tremendous craving to be at the top of the hierarchy. We want other people to admire and respect us. We do not want to be criticized, ignored, insulted, attacked, or treated as an inferior person.

A lot of people are trying to become important by cheating. Those people can be successful only if they can keep their crimes a secret. This results in criminals living in constant fear that somebody will expose the truth about them.

The end result is that criminals inadvertently torment themselves in their attempt to become important. They can never be truly relaxed. They must constantly put time and effort into maintaining their lies.

As mentioned earlier in this document, criminals are people who are suffering. They believe that they are benefiting from their cheating, but they are tormenting themselves because they worry constantly about people discovering and exposing the truth about them. They are also a detrimental influence on everybody else's life.

We should not tolerate them. They are dirt in a transmission. They are animals in a human world. The Courts Ministry is required to behave like a military and be intolerant of people who are dishonest, destructive, or a bad influence. Some of need to be put on restrictions, like children and animals, and others need to be removed from our lives.