Groups of organizations need
The world consists of more
than 100 nations, all of which are
independent, and this results in anarchy.
As described in other
documents, such as here,
anarchy will always
result in the largest and most diabolical crime network getting
control. That is why Israel has so much control over the world. They
are not
dominating the world because they earned their position. Rather, they
dominate us because of deception, murder, blackmail, censorship,
inheritances, and
other types of cheating.
We cannot expect a group of individuals, businesses, nations, or other
organizations to function well when there is no leadership to
coordinate them and resolve conflicts between them. Without leadership,
crime networks will dominate.
Modern humans need a
better understanding of “freedom”
Everybody boasts that they
support "freedom", but all of us support only the
freedoms that we approve of, and we
want to deny other freedoms. Everybody has hypocritical and
selfish policies about freedom. Some examples are:
One purpose of the
U.S. Constitution was to provide us with freedom of
religion, and to prevent the government from promoting a religion, but
many religious people continuously try to
force their
religion on other people through such techniques as putting "In God We
Trust" on currency and buildings, and having people swear an
oath to their particular god while putting their hand on a Bible.
Some religious people go even further and send missionaries through our
neighborhoods, and to other nations,
to convince us to follow their religion.
However, those religious people do not consider
themselves to be hypocrites
when they boast about supporting freedom while pushing their religion
on other people, their children, or other nations. Rather, they
consider themselves to
be helpful, kind, generous, and loving. They regard themselves as educating the
ignorant people. |
A lot of people want the freedom to
use alcohol, marijuana, oxycodone, steroids, or some
other drug, but many of those people want to prohibit the
freedom to use
the drugs that they
disapprove of. However, they do not consider
themselves to be hypocrites.
Rather, they regard themselves as protecting people from the "bad"
drugs. |
Everybody wants the
freedom to choose the foods that they eat, but some of those people
want to deny us the freedom to eat meat, or certain types of
meat. However, they do not consider
themselves to be hypocrites.
Rather, they regard themselves as heroes who are protecting animals, or
improving our health, or helping the Earth's climate, or following the
correct religious beliefs. |
The situation could be summarized as:
Everybody boasts about
supporting freedom, but each of us selfishly
supports only the freedoms
that we
personally want, and we oppose
the freedoms that we disapprove of.
Nobody supports the concept of providing everybody with the freedom
to do whatever they please. Everybody
wants a lot of restrictions on
our freedoms.
The people who boast about supporting
freedom are either too ignorant to realize that they
support only certain freedoms, or too stupid to understand
this concept, or emotionally unable to admit to being hypocritical.
We all want
restrictions on our freedoms, but we disagree on what the restrictions
should be. Rather than discuss the issue of freedom and compromise on
which restrictions to impose on us, most people are so ignorant about
the concept of freedom that they believe that their particular desires
are the only sensible desires. They don't realize that there is no
right or wrong for which freedoms we should have, and that we need to
make arbitrary decisions about this issue.
Unfortunately, we cannot expect a unorganized group of people to agree
on arbitrary decisions. We need leaders
to make those decisions, and we need everybody to be willing to follow
their arbitrary decisions. However, we cannot expect people to agree on
arbitrary decisions when there are wide differences in our intellectual
and emotional characteristics.
The only way people will be able to live in peace is if we reduce the
mental diversity among us to the extent that we become more compatible.
We cannot
create a peaceful world when there are
such wide variations between our minds that some people support
murder rituals and pedophilia, and other people consider those
activities to be
We must reduce the diversity in our mental
characteristics. All of us must be compatible enough so that we can
resist hating and fighting with one another. This requires restricting our freedom to reproduce
so that we become more compatible, which requires a world
government to ensure that all societies are doing a good job of
We have conflicting emotional
We have some conflicting
emotions that are intended to provide checks and balances on us. For
example, we want the freedom to do as we please and to be the leader of
our group, but we also have a
desire to mimic the people in our group and be submissive to whoever
our leader is.
When our conflicting emotions are not balanced properly, it can create
problems. For example, a man who has an abnormally intense craving to
be leader
will struggle to be a leader, and if he cannot be a leader, he will
whine about being " a
cog in the machine", or "stuck in a rat race". He will whine about
having to follow orders, and he will demand the freedom to be his own
At the other extreme, a man who has an abnormally low desire to be a
leader, and an abnormally high desire to mimic other people, will be
abnormally submissive. He will be described with such words as
introverted, shy, mindless, low self-esteem, neurotic, indecisive, or
We also have conflicting emotional cravings with our spouse. For
example, men want a wife for emotional and sexual pleasure, but that
selfishness is counteracted by a desire to pamper and please our wife.
Likewise, women want men for support and pampering, but they also want
to please their husband.
The prehistoric men and women who are abnormally selfish or unsociable
were less successful at maintaining a marriage and raising children.
Today, however, our divorce laws put pressure on us to remain in
miserable marriages, and divorced women can successfully raise children
by themselves by getting a job, or because of alimony and child support.
The prehistoric people who had inappropriate emotional cravings
were less successful at survival and reproduction, but today we provide
pity and assistance to them, which increases the
number of
abnormal people in every generation.
One of the purposes of the World Government is to
ensure that every city is making sensible decisions about
which of their citizens should reproduce.
We experience loneliness because we are social
Only the social animals can
experience "loneliness". The independent animals, such as some of the
cats and insects, cannot
experience loneliness. Instead, they are annoyed by other creatures.
Humans can experience loneliness because we are social animals.
There is nothing wrong with allowing the human race to evolve into
creatures that want to live alone, but this constitution advocates we
ensure that humans are sociable.
This requires passing judgment on the emotional characteristics of
people, and restricting reproduction to the people who regard human
relationships as more important than material items, status, food, sex,
pet dogs, religion, trophies, and drugs. We must pass judgment on who
among us wants to be our friends and team members, and who wants to be
a pampered king or queen, a hermit, a serial killer, or a parasite.
We want to restrict the freedom of our team
The social animals have a
strong craving to be a member of the
team, and that causes
us to mimic the people in our social group that we regard as our
Our craving to be a member of a group causes us to become upset with
people who do not fit into the group. We want to live among people who
are similar to us in appearance, behavior, and culture.
When we notice that one of our team members is not behaving like the
rest of us, we want to
either chase him away, or force him to change his behavior so that he
fits into the team. We want to
live among people who are following compatible customs for
clothing, hairstyles, holiday celebrations, work environments, and
We cannot expect the world to be peaceful when our culture promotes DEI and allows our
societies to become a mixture of people of different languages,
clothing styles, religions, foods, holiday celebrations, and other
culture. We want to live among people who are compatible and friendly with us, so we
must restrict reproduction to prevent the human race from diverging
into different species.
We must allow discrimination rather than freedom. We must also allow
business, neighborhood, city, and other organization to ensure that
their members are compatible. We should enjoy the people we live and work
not ignore, fear, fight with, or tolerate them.
We cannot let every person, organization, and government official have
the freedom to determine who to accept into our society, and who should
reproduce. We need a world government to make those arbitrary
decisions, and we need to remove secrecy so that we can see their
reasoning and pass judgment on their leadership abilities.
We need to be less concerned about our status
All of social animals,
especially the adult males, have such intense cravings to be the leader
that we constantly compete for status. If we cannot be at
the top of the hierarchy, we become submissive to whoever is above us,
and we behave as a leader to the people below us.
Each of us tries to control the people below us, and we are submissive
to the people above us. In order to create a more pleasant social
environment, we need to keep
these emotions under control. We need to be less submissive to the
people above us, less dictatorial to the people below us, and more
interested in becoming friends and team members with everybody.
We need to control our craving to compete for status,
show off, boast about ourselves, and insult the people
who we regard as below us in the hierarchy. However, we will treat
other people as our friends only
if we reduce
the diversity in our intellectual and emotional characteristics so that
we are more compatible.
We must understand our emotions
None of the
people who get into arguments about freedom have anything intelligent
to say. They are following their
emotional cravings to do what they please, rather than using their
intelligence to analyze
and discuss the issue. They are behaving like animals that are fighting
They get into arguments that have no
benefit. They waste their time and irritate themselves and each other
with their arrogant and angry behavior.
We all have a
powerful emotional craving to be at the top of the hierarchy. We want
to give orders to other people, and
we try to control other people with emotional
and physical techniques, such as yelling, pouting, insults, and
violence. We want to prohibit the freedoms that we
disapprove of, and we
want to hurt or kill whoever irritates us or disagrees with us.
Modern humans must be educated about animal behavior so that everybody
realizes that our emotional cravings are inappropriate today. We need
to make intelligent
decisions about how to behave and treat other people.
We do not always know when our
emotions affect us
All throughout history,
disputes were settled in the
same manner that animals settle their disputes; specifically, by fighting. During
prehistoric times, there were not many disputes
because their lives were so simple, but today people are fighting over hundreds of issues that never
existed before, such as abortion, immigration, and religion.
 Married couples,
relatives, friends, and children are also fighting over issues that
never existed before, such as money, toys, school, alcohol, and
The reason we resolve differences of opinion by yelling, pouting, and
fighting is because we have an animal
brain, and we inherited their
emotional desire to deal with problems with those techniques.
Our brains are designed with emotions that, when stimulated, try to
influence our
opinions. We can produce intelligent thoughts about an issue if it
does not stimulate any of our
such as when we are designing a refrigerator, but when we have to
resolve an issue about sex, babies, abortion, and other issues that
stimulate our
emotions, those emotions will try to distort our decisions.
The only way we can produce intelligent thoughts about emotional issues
if we have the desire and ability to prevent our emotions from
manipulating our thoughts.
Unfortunately, there is no way any of us can figure out if we have successfully
prevented our emotions from interfering with our thoughts,
or if other people have
successfully prevented their emotions from interfering with their thoughts. All we can do is
analyze and discuss one another's opinions, and try to learn from one
We cannot completely ignore our
To complicate the issue of
making intelligent decisions, we cannot
completely ignore our emotions. For example, when we
design our work environments, holiday celebrations, meals, recreational
activities, and other culture, we must consider how our culture will
stimulate our emotions because that will
determine whether we enjoy life.
For example, the most intelligent
way to feed ourselves is to do so in
the manner we feed farm animals, but that would make our lives
We must consider our emotional desires when we design our culture, and
that requires a society in which almost everybody can agree on what is
emotionally pleasurable. This
requires restricting reproduction in
order to ensure that the people are compatible. Otherwise, every
will have more trouble agreeing on what their culture should be,
resulting in people becoming increasingly miserable.
Furthermore, the people in each city must be intellectually,
physically, and emotionally compatible to the people in other cities, or else there will be
conflicts between the cities.
A World Government is needed to supervise the restrictions on
reproduction to ensure that every city is compatible with the