The Operations branch keeps the
city functioning
The three divisions of the Operations branch
control all
aspects of the city, which means that the city will function without the Analysis branch.
The Economic
division is the alternative to a free enterprise system. |
The Health
division deals with all of the mental and physical health issues of
the people, which includes education, journalism, and employment. |
The Social
division manages most of the culture of the city, such as
social and
activities, and the artistic aspects of the city, |
The Economic division manages the economy
The Economic Division is
responsible for creating the businesses that provide the city with all
of its products and services, such as electricity, food, clothing,
furniture, apartment buildings, office buildings, warehouses,
computers, cell phones, maintenance, recycling, and gardening.
The economic ministers create and terminate all of the
businesses, but does not micromanage any of them. Each business has one
person in control of it, who will always have the title of
"executive" to make it easy to identify who is in that position, and he
is responsible for managing his business.
When an Economic Minister creates a business, he must arrange for most
businesses to compete
with at least one other business, and he is responsible for ensuring
that the executives are competing in a friendly manner that inspires
the employees to do a good job, rather than encourage them to fight one
another, as they do in a free enterprise system.
All of the businesses belong to the city,
not to investors or citizens,
every employee of a business, including the executive, is working for
the city. Everybody, including the government officials, are city employees.
The city does not use money, and all of the material wealth is divided
equally among the people,
so it is impossible for the government officials, executives, and other
people to to make
themselves wealthy, or get special pampering. The only way the people
in leadership positions can improve their
homes, furniture, foods, bathrooms, clothing, restaurants, recreational
areas, medical services, and swimming pools is to improve those things
for everybody in the city.
The businesses do not appease or pander to consumers or investors.
Instead, they appease the Economic Division ministers.
The government officials create businesses for the benefit of the city, not for themselves, and the
executives manage the businesses for the city, not for themselves.
Nobody works
for his own benefit, or for the benefit of
a business.
To improve the chances that the economic division produces useful material items, and to reduce
the chances that a minister exploits his authority, none of
the economic ministers can decide which
products and services to
provide the city. Instead, the government officials of the other
divisions send them requests for products and
services, and the economic ministers can only accept or reject those
requests. ( Details
are here.)
The executives follow
In a free enterprise system, the executives of a business decide what
their business does, and they can change the purpose of their business
whenever they please, and they can merge with other businesses, or sell
part of their business.
By comparison, when the ministers create a business, the executive is
in the same role as the manager of a department within a corporation.
The executive does not have the
freedom to decide what type of products or services he provides, and he
change the purpose of his business, or combine his business with other
The ministers create a business for a specific purpose, such as to
manufacture a
particular product, or to conduct a particular research program. The
executive must fulfill the purpose of his business. He does not have
the authority to change what his business does.
The ministers determine which products to manufacture, and they must
make those decisions according to
the benefits and disadvantages to society,
not according to what the
public likes or wants, and not according to what is the least expensive
A society has a
limited supply of labor and resources, and producing,
distributing, maintaining, and disposing of a
product requires a certain amount of labor and resources. That labor
and resources is the "cost" or "price" of the product. Although money
is not used in this economic system, items are given prices to make
easier to make economic decisions.
The government officials are required to give priority to human life,
not prices, so that athey can authorize products and research
programs that are expensive, but which provide significant benefits to
us. They must judge the products and research programs according to
their advantages and disadvantages to the human race, rather than
what individual citizens and organizations want. Their goal is to
provide us with a satisfying life,
not some momentary emotional titillation.
Job satisfaction has high priority
One of the concepts behind this constitution is that we should enjoy our jobs. The
executives compete to provide the most beneficial work environment.
This is not
necessarily the environment that we like the most. As discussed in many
documents, what our emotions want is not always
what is best for us, so the executives must ignore what we want and try
to figure out what type of work environment will provide us with the
most satisfying life.
The offices and factories must be pleasant
In a free enterprise system and a democracy, the cities are haphazard
jumbles of ugly parking lots, bridges, businesses, roads, and other
structures, and the cities are noisy, overcrowded, and filthy.
This constitution requires the ministers to design a city with the same
attitude that we design a zoo exhibit. Although we don't yet know much
about humans, this constitution advocates a city in which the offices and factories are in
clusters of tall buildings that are surrounded by nature, just like the
clusters of apartment buildings.
Furthermore, every
neighborhood is required to have different
architecture to make the city more interesting and less monotonous.
All of the business
neighborhoods must also have foot paths, bicycle
paths, and other recreational facilities so that the employees can get
some exercise, socialize, and enjoy
nature during their lunch break, or, with the " Two-Meal"
schedule, their breakfast break.
The Health division observes everybody
The health division is
responsible for researching and experimenting with the mental and
physical health of the
people. Although every existing culture is concerned about health, all
existing cultures are based on
the false
theory that the majority of
people are in perfect health, and that only
a small percentage of the population has mental or physical
unrealistic attitude causes all cultures to
divide people into two, distinct
groups, such as:
Those with allergies
and those without. |
Those with the
mental illness and those without. |
and female. |
Those with
diabetes and those without. |
By comparison, this constitution is based on the theory that if we had
the knowledge to measure our physical or mental characteristics,
we would find that people form a spectrum
from one extreme to the other.
For example, there is no distinct group of people who have "diabetes".
Rather, each of us has a slightly different reaction to sugars and
as a result of each of us having a slightly different digestive system,
liver, pancreas, mitochondria, and other characteristics.
There is a lot of research into helping the people who are "unhealthy",
but since all cultures assume that the majority of people are healthy,
there is not
much interest in funding research programs of how to improve the health
of the "healthy" people, such as by studying how "healthy" people
are affected by such things as
lectins, phytates, goitrogens,
acid, fructose, and amadin.
This constitution promotes a significantly different attitude because
it is based on the theory that every living creature is
just a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics; that nobody is
"perfect"; and that it is impossible
to divide us into distinct
This constitution does not
divide people into the
two categories of " healthy" and
" sickly". Instead, if we could
measure our health, we would create a bell graph in which some people
are the most healthy and others are the most sickly, and the majority
of people are between the extremes.
All of us have the same physical and
mental characteristics, but to different degrees. Instead of belonging
to one of two distinct groups, each of us has a different
location on a spectrum for every mental and physical characteristic.
This constitution does not even believe that we can divide people into
the distinct groups of "children" and "adults". The reason is because
when a child becomes an adult, his physical and mental characteristics
change, but each of us changes in a unique manner. Some people acquire
their adult characteristics sooner than others, and some people retain
more of some of their childhood characteristics.
For example, as a child becomes an adult, he loses his baby teeth and
develops his adult teeth, but that process is not identical
for everybody. My mother, her father, and my sister have a baby tooth
was never
replaced. Therefore, in a graph that shows the development of our
adult teeth, those three people would be at the extreme edge where
adults retain one or more baby teeth.
Most of us have
all our our adult teeth by age 22, but one of my mother's baby teeth
was never replaced by an adult

If we could measure our mental
characteristics, we would discover that our intellectual and emotional
characteristics change as we become
an adult, but the changes are unique for each person. We would discover
that some adults retain more of some of their childhood emotional or
intellectual characteristics, causing them to behave or think more like
a child than the other adults.
Everybody is free to analyze
The US government
provides us with the freedom to inspect and maintain our bicycles,
automobiles, lawnmowers, and other devices, and the California
government forces us to give our automobiles a smog inspection every
two years, but we are not permitted
have access to certain types of medical equipment or drugs, so we
cannot analyze our health by
ourselves, or experiment with certain medical drugs.
Most cultures also give us access to unlimited amounts of alcohol,
aspirin, and other dangerous drugs, but not insulin, thyroid
medication, and numerous other common drugs.
The California government also prohibits us from having our blood
We must pay a doctor to authorize a blood analysis, and then we must
pay the doctor again to see the results because the California
government will not allow the laboratory to give us the results.
This constitution considers the health of people to be more important than the
health of automobiles. Since
this constitution regards all people as imperfect and unhealthy,
everybody is encouraged to get involved with analyzing their health and
experimenting with diets and medical drugs.
The Social Clubs Minister has the authority to provide clubs with
medical equipment so that people can get
together in their leisure time to learn about and analyze themselves,
their children, and their friends. The clubs will provide people with
access to such medical equipment as electrocardiogram machines and
metabolic testing machines. This will allow people to do medical
analyses that don't require the expertise and experience of a doctor.
This will also allow a person to do more analyses of his health
because he will not be bothering doctors, or putting a burden on the
healthcare system.
The Health Division is required to save everybody's medical information
in the People
database. In addition to helping individuals understand their own
health and how they compare to other people, that database will allow
scientists and doctors to get a better understanding of
human health issues.
By eliminating secrecy and gathering health information about
everybody, the scientists will be able to determine such things as
which foods
are causing trouble to which people, and which of our health problems
are environmental and which are genetic, and which recreational
activities are causing the most health problems.
Culture is designed for
high-quality people
Some people might respond
that it would be a waste of resources for social
clubs to allow people to "play with" expensive medical equipment, and
they might also worry that some people will misinterpret the results of
their analyses, such as assume that they have a medical problem that
don't have, or assume they are healthy because they did not use the
medical equipment properly, or they misinterpreted the results.
However, this problem of misusing equipment, wasting our time in an
attempt to improve or understand something, and misinterpreting an
analysis is already
happening in our
lives on a regular basis.
Many doctors and nurses have misinterpreted the results of medical
analyses. Furthermore, most (or all) of us occasionally waste some of
our time trying and failing to fix bicycles, household appliances,
plumbing fixtures, or automobiles. Some of us have made situations
worse, or destroyed things, in our attempts to fix them. There are also
people doing unnecessary things because of ignorance, such as changing
the oil in their automobile when it was unnecessary. Some people also
waste their money and time taking vitamins that they don't need, and
some people take aspirin in the hope that it will reduce heart attacks,
but does that really work? Some people wash towels and clothing that
doesn't need to be washed, and some people clean items excessively,
wasting resources and their time.
Everybody occasionally wastes some of his time
on something unnecessary, or because that they did not know how to
properly use some equipment. We cannot expect perfection from humans.
Furthermore, every social and recreational activity could be described
as "wasteful" and "stupid".
It is easier to understand this concept by considering how we would
react to robots that behaved like humans. Imagine if the
engineers designed robots to spend some time every morning getting
dressed in clothing and putting on cosmetics and jewelry, and then
spending a few hours watching Star Trek movies, and then spending some
time playing jigsaw puzzles, video games, or golf. Imagine that some of
the robots change their oil when it's not truly necessary, and some of
the robots give themselves body piercings or tattoos.
Everybody would complain
that the engineers are causing the robots to waste time and
resources on worthless, stupid
activities. We would also be upset if
the robots were designed to spend some time praying to a robot god, or
if the robots became hysterical when they saw a naked robot.
If robots behaved like humans, we would be disgusted with the engineers
who designed them. We expect robots to behave in a perfect and
intelligent manner.
We cannot expect humans to behave in an intelligent
manner because we have emotions, and there are subtle differences in
our intellectual characteristics and defects. The end result is that
each of us has
a different idea on about which activities are intelligent, stupid,
worthless, or destructive.
Is it idiotic or wasteful to provide people with social clubs that give
them access to EKG machines, VO2
Max equipment, and other medical devices? Or is
it idiotic to provide people with soccer fields where they chase after
inflatable balls and injure themselves?
We cannot design social or recreational activities to be "intelligent".
However, we can design them to be beneficial. For example, recreational
activities can be designed to provide useful exercise, rather than
encourage concussions, torn ligaments, and broken bones. Likewise,
social activities can be designed to encourage us to meet new people,
or learn something new about the world or ourselves.
By creating social clubs that allow people to do medical analyses of
themselves, they can learn about their health. A person will not be
harmed if he gives himself an unnecessary blood pressure or EKG
analysis, and he will not be wasting any significant resources.
This constitution requies culture to be designed for the higher-quality
people, who are referred to
as the City
Elders. If the minister believes that the elders would benefit by
having access to medical equipment, then the ministers should provide
it. If a person is too stupid or irresponsible to properly use the
equipment, then the social club executive must prohibit him from having
access to the equipment. The government cannot deny people access to
equipment, or other advanced technology, simply
because some people are too irresponsible or stupid to use the
equipment properly. Instead, those people must be prohibited from
access to those items or clubs. This constitution does not promote the
"feel sorry for the underdog" attitude.
The Social Division is a “scientific” division
The social division is
responsible for experimenting with the city's culture, which includes
leisure activities, holiday celebrations,
city festivals, museums, music concerts, birthday parties for children,
courtship activities, working environments, and the artistic
decorations of the city and its parks.
People around the world and all throughout history have experimented
with social activities, such as birthday
parties, trips for children to explore the forest, weddings, music
events, and picnics. However, virtually everybody has been designing
social activities to be entertaining.
Therefore, everybody might assume that the ministers of the social
will have lots of fun as they
experiment with the city's culture.
For example, they might imagine themselves creating a
new type of birthday party for children, and they might
titillate themselves with fantasies of children and parents praising
them for designing such a wonderful party.
However, this constitution regards culture as social technology,
similar to computer software, or scientific knowledge. Therefore, the
officials in this division are scientists
who study the particular animal species that we refer to as humans.
The officials are not analogous
to entertainers, prostitutes, or comedians,
who try to titillate people. They are analogous to zoologists, farmers, and biologists
who study animals, and try to design farms and zoos to provide animals
with the best health and life.
A person who designs a pig farm is doing
serious, intellectual "work", not "having
fun". He is trying to figure out how to provide
a group of pigs with a pleasant environment, and which will keep them
in good health. He is not trying to
entertain the pigs.
Likewise, the social ministers are scientists
who are trying to figure out how to provide a group of humans with a
pleasant environment, and which will keep us in good health. Their goal
is to give us a life that we
enjoy reminiscing about when we are elderly. ( More
details are here.)