If animals
were as intelligent as humans,
would they behave like you
or me?
If we could increase the intelligence of a gorilla to the point at
which it was as intelligent as you,
would it behave so much like you that it would be able to substitute for
you at your job and family? Would intelligent animals blend into human
Or if your intelligence could be
reduced to the level of a gorilla or a spider, would you behave like a
gorilla or a spider?
The answer is no! A gorilla with
the intelligence of a human would be an intelligent
gorilla, not a human. And a human with the intelligence of a
gorilla would be a stupid human, not
a gorilla.
The behavior of an animal is determined mainly by its emotions, not
its intelligence. The primary reason that rabbits, spiders,
dogs, dolphins, birds, and gorillas have different behavior is because
they have different emotions, not because
they have different levels of intelligence. |
If all humans had identical
intelligence, would we behave the same?
Imagine that we could increase everybody's intelligence to
whatever the maximum is for humans. We would all become geniuses with identical
intellectual qualities, but would that make us behave the same? Would men
and women behave the same? Consider how different people are today:
Some people eat so much food that they become fat, and some
are so worried about becoming fat that they become anorexic. Some people
abuse alcohol or other drugs. Some people purchase more material items
than they can afford, thereby putting themselves in debt.
Most people become very upset or frightened by the evidence that Jews
staged the 9/11 attack, the world wars, and other crimes, and that the
Jews are lying about the Holocaust and a lot of other historical events.
They ignore all of this information, and they try to stop other people
from talking about it.
Some people can't have calm, serious discussions about euthanasia,
orphans, voting systems, school systems, raising children, or other issues
that affect modern society. Instead, they fight over right or wrong, good
and evil, smart and stupid.
Some people have the ability to discuss crimes, such the 9/11 attack
and the HoloHoax, and some can also discuss the issues that modern society
faces, such as euthanasia and orphans, but they don't care enough about
society to be interested in spending their time discussing these issues
and experimenting with different policies. They would rather watch television,
play video games, have parties, or play with their dogs.
Some people rape, murder, steal, vandalize, cheat, and join crime
Why do we behave so differently? Why do men behave differently than women?
Why do children behave differently than adults? It's not because we have
different intellectual abilities. There's a wide variety of intellectual
abilities among alcoholics, for example, so their alcoholism isn't due
to a particular level of intelligence.
The reason we behave differently is because we have different
emotional qualities. All humans have exactly the same emotions,
but there are subtle differences between us. For example, some people are
more arrogant; some have stronger sexual cravings; some are more easily
frightened; and some are more independent. Furthermore, no living creature
is "perfect". We all have defects. Therefore, some people behave differently
simply because they have different types of defects in their brain.
What do we do with the misfits?
As I described in Part
4 of my Social Technology articles, people today must be capable of
working with one another for the benefit of society. The people who can't
deal with the problems of modern society, or who simply don't care much
about society, are inadvertently allowing the criminals and other destructive
people to cause tremendous corruption, suffering, and wars. Unfortunately,
there is no way yet of helping any of these troublesome people. The destructive
people have to be sterilized and exiled,
or killed. The people who obey the
laws but who can't or won't deal with society's problems have to be told
to keep their mouth shut, stop voting,
and let the rest of us deal with the problems.
We can't coexist peacefully!
Either we

...or the criminals

Nobody wants to exile or kill people, but allowing destructive
people to live among us is allowing them to kill, rape, and abuse us.
We can't fix their problems with jail
or fines. We have to decide
who is
going to suffer. If we exile or kill the destructive people, then they
will do the suffering, but if we let them live among us, then we
become their victims, and we do the
We can make the world safe and peaceful...

...or allow the abuse to continue.

There's no right or wrong with this issue. We simply make a
decision on how we want to live. We don't
to tolerate abuse. None of us owes anything to any criminal. We are under
no obligation to feel sorry for them, or give them second chances, or do
them any favors.
Feeding the hungry is making
the problem worse!
Humans and animals have powerful cravings to have lots of children
and take care of all of them, regardless of how badly behaved they are.
Unfortunately, this type of behavior is no longer acceptable. Nature is
no longer killing children for us, so we must now decide who reproduces,
and who doesn't. The people who can't deal with this issue are misfits
in this modern world, and they must be told to keep
their mouth shut.
The people who help the homeless and the hungry assume that they are
wonderful people. For example, here
is a report about an American family that sold their house, and gave half
the money to The Hunger Project to help
a village in Ghana. The family has written a book
about their sacrifice. (Or were they hoping to profit from this? Was it
just a publicity stunt?)
Giving food to hungry people actually makes the problem worse
because it allows them to live long enough to reproduce,
thereby increasing the number of hungry
people! Furthermore, some of these poor people become criminals,
and some become victims of crime networks
who deliberately cripple them so that
they make more money begging, and some are sold as sex
labor slaves.
Imagine if there were homeless people living in the streets
of your neighborhood, and in front
of your home. What would you think
if a family in America sold their house and gave half the money to feed
the homeless people in your neighborhood? Would you be impressed by that
family and want to purchase their book so that you could read about their
noble sacrifice? And what would you think of a charity that was providing
the homeless people in your neighborhood with food and medicine? Would
you want to donate money to that charity?
If we behave like animals,
we will suffer like animals
If we decide to feed the homeless and hungry people, then we
should sterilize them, and if we don't
want to sterilize them, then we should either let them die, or put
them out of their misery in a quiet and painless manner. India,
Africa, and other nations should get rid of
all of the charities that are feeding or providing medicines to the homeless
and hungry people. Who benefits by letting them suffer?
The Madras Famine
in India killed millions of poor people,
but we can stop hunger and starvation whenever
we want to. All we have to do is stop acting like stupid
animals and start restricting reproduction.
However, if the majority of humans are still too similar to animals
to deal with reproductive issues, then we will continue to live - and
suffer - just like animals. |
I suspect that some of the loving, caring people who are trying
to help the victims of the recent Haitian earthquake, and who want to feed
the hungry people in India and Africa, are actually
criminal Jews who want to increase the number of homeless and
retarded people in order to destroy our nations,
which in turn makes it easier for them to get
control of us, as they describe in the Protocols
of Zion.
We should put unwanted people
out of their misery, not let them suffer!
Every year Americans abandon millions
of unwanted dogs, cats, lizards, and horses.
And every year Americans abandon unwanted children
in orphanages, hospitals, military academies, and Catholic schools. The
people who release their unwanted pets in the city,
or who dump their unwanted children in orphanages or other institutions,
rather than kill their unwanted pets and children,
consider themselves to be compassionate
and loving, but how many of those abandoned animals and children
end up having a happy life? Who benefits
giving life to unwanted or defective people who never enjoy life?
(I mentioned the issue of unwanted pets and humans in
my audio file for
11_Feb 2008 and
in Denial of the Obvious, one of
the articles in my Sheeple Psychology
Some Philosophical Questions
If a child's life is dominated by hunger, loneliness, rejection, mental
or physical pains, suicidal thoughts, beatings, rapes, and envy of children
who are happy and healthy, did we do a wonderful deed by allowing him to
live? Or did we torture an innocent child? Should we care whether an
unwanted child is suffering? If so, and if there's nothing we can do to
end his suffering, should we let it continue? Or put him out of his misery?
If we kill a child who doesn't enjoy life, are we ending his life,
or ending his suffering?
Some of us have pleasant childhoods that provide us with lots of wonderful
memories to enjoy when we are older, but some people have miserable childhoods
that they try to forget.
It's difficult for the unhappy people to die of old age because they
feel cheated for never having the opportunity to enjoy life. When they
look back at their life, they are reminded of the pain, the sadness, and
the misery. They want to live a while longer and hope that soon they'll
find happiness. They're not interested in singing along with Louis Armstrong
in What a Wonderful
World. They want to find friends and enjoy life before they die. |
Take a serious look at the lives of the criminals who are causing
trouble in the world today. How many of them are happy as adults? How many
were happy as children? I don't think any of them are happy. It seems that
they merely exist, or survive,
from one day to the next, just like a primitive savage, or an animal. They
don't enjoy other people, and they don't enjoy the universe, either. Instead,
they waste their lives in crime networks, or on drugs or alcohol, or struggling
to be rich and famous, or raping children, or fantasizing of revenge.
Their lives are full of miserable experiences that they want to forget.
They are suffering, and they bring misery to other people. If society had
killed these people while they were young, we would have spared them a
lot of misery, and we would have spared the rest of us the years of abuse
that they inflicted on us. Everybody gains by getting rid of miserable,
destructive people.
How can we deny life to "Baby Hope"?
CNN has a report
about a baby girl in China with a defect that surgeons can correct today,
but the parents are in China, and they decided to let the baby slowly die
on its own. An organization in China heard about this baby and is trying
to save her, and this is bringing up the issue of who decides whether this
baby lives.
CNN points out that another baby with the same defect was put up for
adoption, and an American family gave it the necessary surgery, and the
baby is doing fine. |
However, a news article
from China claims that the baby also had swelling of her kidneys and heart
disease, and that the baby was given medical treatment in China, but after
13 days the parents decided the situation was hopeless and that the baby
was being put through unnecessary pain. I suspect that CNN is minimizing
the baby's problems in order to promote the philosophy that we should save
all defective babies.
Our ancestors never had to be concerned about defective babies. They
took care of every baby that was born. Nature made the decision of which
of the babies lived and which died. Today we have to decide what to do
with defective babies, and we have to decide whether parents should make
the decision, or whether society decides for the parents. I think society
should do the job that nature did for our ancestors. We should pass judgment
on which defects are acceptable, but the babies with the unacceptable defects
should be killed in a quiet and painless manner, not
allowed to die slowly!
We have such strong inhibitions about killing people that we prefer
to let babies and terminally ill people die a very slow and painful death,
but who benefits from this idiotic policy? We should stop acting like stupid
animals and put these people out of their misery.
Some people promote the philosophy that we should try to save every
baby, no matter how difficult, painful, and expensive the medical procedures
are. But there are billions of eggs and sperm that never have the chance
to become people. By killing a defective baby, the parents can have another
baby, and the next one may be in better health. Why should we waste time
and resources on defective babies when millions of eggs and sperm are wasted
every day? And why should parents suffer the burden of defective babies?
And how many of the defective babies will have a happy life?
The human race survived millions of years of high infant mortality rates,
and their babies suffered slow and miserable deaths. It will be easier
for us to deal with this issue because we can put the babies to death in
a quiet and painless manner. But are there enough people who can handle
a child killing service? Or an assisted
suicide service?
No pain, no gain
Our government, schools, industries, and cities will improve
if we discuss the problems we face and start experimenting
with possible solutions. Nothing improves all by itself. We actually have
to do something about the corruption,
crime, starvation, and retards.
What would happen if every nation began sterilizing their unwanted and
retarded people? What would happen if we started exiling the misfits and
executing the dangerous criminals? The answer is that the transition period
would be unpleasant, but eventually every nation would become a beautiful
area of the world; every nation would become full of people
that we enjoy and are
proud of.
The transition period would be brutal, but the human race would become
happier and healthier as a result. The world would become a garden of wonderful
humans who work together and trust one another. And the future generations
would look back at our era with
at the thought of living among freaks, criminals, and retards. They would
be thankful that they were born in the future and not during our time.
So, what will it be? Will we continue to suffer abuse from criminals and
freaks? Or will we cleanse the world of destructive people and turn this
planet into a paradise?