Don't fear "Big
Brother" or government databases!
In December 2009, Jesse Ventura's television show about Big
Brother was broadcast. As I've mentioned already, we should not
fear the government. When we discover that we have some corrupt
government officials, we should not hide from
them like frightened animals! Instead, we should remove
the corrupt and incompetent government officials and create a government
we are proud of. We should react to
problems by trying to improve the situation.
Corrupt, selfish, and incompetent government official should be afraid
of us.
A database is like a hammer, knife, or bulldozer. All of these items
can be useful or dangerous depending upon how
you use it. We shouldn't worry about the databases; rather,
our goal should be to create a government that is so honest and respectable
that we don't have to worry about them using the databases, the police,
or even the military for diabolical purposes.
A database with extensive details on how each of us lives
would be of tremendous use for medical research, and for understanding
the human mind. It would also help us to understand the difference between
men and women, different races, and how we change as we grow older.
The database would also show us changes that occur between generations. Unfortunately,
it's difficult to discuss the differences between the races and between men and women
because the criminal Jews are constantly trying to create fights
between us. People must become aware of what these Jews are doing, and
avoid becoming a victim of their tricks. We have to expose this trick so
that more people avoid becoming a victim of it.
Help people understand that
are trying to create racial fights
Months ago I wrote this
article about how the Jews tried and failed to start racial fights over
Obama. The Jews also frequently promote and emphasize the crimes and strange
behavior of Muslims, blacks, and other races in order to encourage our
arrogance and create fights between different races and religions. It may
seem as if nobody is dumb enough to fall for this propaganda, but I can
see it work with my own relatives. For example, my mother has occasionally
forwarded e-mail messages to me that she received in which a news article
describes a weird crime committed by a Muslim. My mother doesn't realize
that the Jews are searching through all of the crimes, ignoring the crimes
by Jews, and promoting the most bizarre crimes by Muslims in order to create
the impression that most Muslims are an inferior race of violent, psychotic,
suicidal maniacs.
It's easiest to learn about this trick by observing the white supremacist
and Nazi groups because they use it in a very obvious manner, apparently
because the members of these organizations are very stupid. For example,
at such message boards as the Romanian National Vanguard
and TheJewishQuestion,
an article about the attack on Katie Piper has been posted with the title:
"British model Katie Piper attacked by her
savage nigger boyfriend with acid on her face"
The article has such remarks as:
"She still remains a dumb nigger-lover and
most likely despite all that happend to her, she will date niggers again
and again until one of them kills her because that’s how niggers are… animals!"
Curt Maynard is not quite as crude, but he has such idiotic remarks
"If this blog post saves one white women from
being raped, mutilated and/or murdered by a black man it was well worth
it, ..."
As I've described in other articles, such as this,
the Jews dominate the patriot, white supremacist, and Nazi groups. The
Jews are trying to fool the members into believing that crime is primarily
the result of non-Caucasians. The people who fall for this trick will make
stupid remarks about how the crime in America is the result of black people,
Muslims, Mexicans, and Chinese. The Jews can then use those suckers as
examples of how the nation has organizations of violent, dangerous patriots
who hate people simply because they are a different race or religion.
This in turn allows the Jews to complain that we need more hate crime laws.
The Jews can also use these suckers to frighten Jews, blacks, and other
people, and then the Jews send a savior to protect those frightened people.
For example, they will send Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to save the frightened
black people.
It's easy to figure out that
Nazis are
As I've explained in other files, the Internet makes it easy
for us to observe who is promoting who, and we can analyze what everybody
has been saying through the years. The Internet makes it easy for us to
notice certain patterns. For example, consider Erich Josef Gliebe,
the leader of the National Alliance.
Is he a real Nazi? Or is he a Jew in Nazi clothing?
It's easy to figure this out! Here are three patterns to notice about
him and all of the other phony white supremacists and phony patriots:
1) They defend the Apollo moon landing.
For example, in this
article Erich Gliebe, the leader of the National Alliance, refers to the
moon landing as "that great White exploration
into the nature of our universe"! Don't assume that the leaders
of the white supremacist organizations are stupid or naive. They know that
the moon landing is a scam.
2) They promote thousands of other
people, websites, and organizations but they won't promote me.
judicial-inc promotes
Erich Gliebe, for example.
3) They get lots of publicity by the ADL, the Wikipedia, the Southern
Poverty Law Center (for example, Gliebe has this),
and other Jews. David Duke even gets publicity on national
television! They don't put David Duke on television to ruin
his image; rather, they interview him
and allow him to speak.
By comparison, Wikipedia won't even allow an article about me!
Please notice the pattern that the Jews give publicity only
to the people that they have control over.
Note: Erich Gliebe became the leader
of the National Alliance after the founder, William Pierce, died of kidney
failure, which is usually due to diabetes, but I haven't seen any
evidence that he had diabetes. Was he murdered by Jewish wolves in Nazi
clothing so that Erich Gliebe could get control of the organization? It
reminds me of how Francis Parker Yockey committed suicide
in jail after being visited by Willis
Carto, of the American Free Press. Information about his suicide is scarce,
and it seems to come from other wolves in sheep's
clothing, so I doubt if we are getting the true story of what
The Jews are rather quiet
about pedophilia
It's interesting to note that the groups that are under the
control of Jews are suspiciously quiet about the pedophilia among Caucasians
in Europe and America. The feminists - including John McCain's wife and
daughter - will routinely complain about sexism and "glass
ceilings", and the so-called leaders of the black community
often complain about racism, and the ACLU routinely complains that criminals
are not being treated properly by the police, and peace groups routinely
complain that Israel is abusing Palestinians, but how often do you hear
any of these people complaining about the pedophilia among government officials,
church officials, and school officials? How often do you hear them complain
about the sex slave trade, such as with Johnny Gosch
or Natalie Holloway?
Incidentally, I never studied the issue of whether different races have
a tendency to commit different crimes, but from my casual observations,
it seems that Caucasians are more likely to be involved with pedophilia
than the other races. I'm also starting to wonder if Jews are the primary
Caucasian race involved with pedophilia. Or perhaps pedophiles are the
people with the most Neanderthal qualities. This brings up the interesting
issue that most people are afraid to talk about in public; specifically,
what are the differences between the races of humans?
What are the differences
between the races?
A lot of people have noticed that Africans are phenomenal in
basketball, football, and certain other sports, but they don't seem to
do well in the position of quarterback on American football teams. I've
heard Caucasians claim that the reason is because Africans are too stupid
to be quarterbacks.
However, intelligence doesn't have anything to do with this issue. There
are a lot of women who are far above average intelligence, but they do
a terrible job of throwing footballs and baseballs. I suspect that different
races differ in their ability to throw objects.
As I mentioned in one of my other audio files, humans are the only animals
that can throw objects, and only men are good at throwing, not women. However,
I think that different races developed this talent to different extents.
Some Caucasian races may excel at throwing footballs and baseballs because
their ancestors were routinely throwing objects when they were hunting
animals, whereas other races may have thrown objects only occasionally.
Perhaps one reason that soccer has become so popular around
the world is that it doesn't require the ability to throw objects. Everybody
can play soccer because everybody can run and kick, and since all races
are virtually identical in their running and kicking abilities, different
races can mix in a soccer game without one race dominating the others.
In fact, women and young girls can play almost as well as men.
Unfortunately, as I've mentioned in other files, humans are extremely
arrogant, and as a result, we are always looking for reasons to praise
ourselves and criticize other people. Therefore, when Caucasians notice
that they are better at throwing footballs than other races, they climb
onto a pedestal and boast that they are the superior race. We need to control
our arrogance. We should be able to study and discuss the differences between
the races, and between men and women. We should try to understand our talents
and limitations, and try to control our tendency to use these differences
as a way of insulting one another.
Do different races have different
tastes in art, life, and activities?
Each of us has certain preferences in regards to clothing styles,
architecture, music, paintings, and other forms of artwork. The environment
plays a significant role in what we like and dislike. This is most obvious
with clothing styles. We have a tendency to like the style of clothing
that other people are wearing. However, there seems to be a genetic influence
in what we like. For example, when we have to select clothing or furniture,
all of the available items in the retail store are acceptable by society,
so we can pick any of them. But we don't pick at random. I think we select
the item that we have the strongest "natural" emotional attraction to.
And I think there are subtle differences between the races in regards to
what we find appealing.
When I was a child, there were several television shows that seemed
almost identical to me, and I was confused as to why I would want to watch
only one of them. For example, The Adams Family and The Munsters seemed
almost identical, but I liked The Adams Family, not The Munsters.
The Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone also seemed very similar, but
I liked most of the episodes on The Outer Limits, but most episodes of
The Twilight Zone bothered me. When the Outer Limits was canceled and the
Twilight Zone continued, I was confused as to why they would cancel the
better of the two shows. It made me start to wonder if perhaps my interests
in life are not "typical".
Recently I saw some episodes of Night Gallery on television. There is
something that bothers me about the way Rod Serling talks, and I have never
been interested in ghosts, paranormal nonsense, or magic. Am I in a minority
for being irritated by this paranormal subject matter? If so, what minority
is it? A database about us could help answer these questions.
Don't be afraid of "Big Brother"
or corrupt businessmen
Some people are afraid to use the
shopping cards that some markets provide because they worry that the government
and businesses will keep track of what they purchase. However, it's idiotic
to be afraid of a database or a government or businesses.
The proper reaction to abusive government officials and businessmen
is to replace them with respectable
people. Don't hide from freaks. Don't
live in fear. Instead, help us create a world in which we can trust one
another and be proud of our government and businesses! |
A database can help us understand
A database that had complete records of everybody's meals, clothing,
artwork, medical history, leisure time activities, and sleeping patterns,
would help us understand the differences between men and women, adults
and children, and the different races. The database would help each of
us individually, and help us understand the human race.
For example, we might notice that people who eat a certain amount of
hot peppers are less likely to get certain types of cancer. We might also discover
that the peppers, or other foods, interfere with healing after surgery,
accidents, or exercise. We might notice patterns in the way we sleep, such
as how food and activities affect our sleeping, which could help us adjust
our lives so that we sleep better, and perhaps for fewer hours. |
A database could help us understand if an attraction to the macabre
(i.e., skeletons, gargoyles, graveyards, hell, torture, masochism) is due
to mental illness, or if certain races or ages have a naturally stronger
attraction to it.
15-year old girl killed a younger girl simply to "know what it felt like".
The person/people who wrote this
article are attracted to the acronym "EVIL". People who become artists
seem especially attracted to the macabre, from the Middle
Ages to today. |
14-year-old boy killed his mother and stepfather because he didn't want
to do household chores. He then spent the day watching
movies and playing on the computer.
He spent a lot of his time reading books, and he would suck
his thumb while reading on the school bus! What type of books
did he read? What other characteristics did he have? His ears
stick out, which might be significant, as I mentioned on my Neanderthal
page_5. |
15-year-old Romanian boy killed his adoptive mother because she tried to
stop him from playing Internet video games.
A database about all of us could help identify dangerous people
before they cause trouble. It would also be useful to see what type of
people put their children up for adoption. |
A database of everybody's preference in clothing might show us that
some races or age groups have a stronger attraction to herringbone, while
others are more attracted to abstract patterns, solid colors, or floral
I like some of the tweeds here,
but I find the herringbone styles to be bland and visually annoying, like
an optical illusion. If everybody was like me, there wouldn't be any herringbone
styles. What is different about me? |
Are certain races or age groups more attracted to the medieval fantasies
of monarchies, torture chambers, witches, sorcerers, and magic? Examples
are the Harry Potter books and the television show
Of The Seeker (which is based on books by Terry Goodkind,
who is on my Neanderthal page here).
The Legend Of The Seeker also has sexual titillation and hints
of S&M. Are certain races or age groups more attracted to S&M? |
The person who created this
website, and the people who posted comments, are disgusted
by the paintings of Thomas Kinkade.
Is there any pattern in the type of people who like or dislike this
type of artwork? I am neutral about some of Kinkade's paintings, and I
love some of them, but I am not disgusted by any of them. I suppose I like
this style of art because I find it visually attractive, and because it
makes me think about issues or have pleasant daydreams. |
I like some "abstract art", such as these
colors, but it doesn't cause me to think or fantasize, so I quickly become
bored with it.
This type of artwork would be useful if it was displayed on an LCD screen
and was changed on a frequent basis, or if the images were animated. |
I don't see a pattern to the architecture, paintings, music, or clothing
styles that I like. I like lots of different styles, and I like variety.
I love this painting
from François Boucher, and I would love to have this type of art
on the walls of my home, as a mural. I find it visually attractive, and
it evokes pleasant fantasies.
By comparison, there are some artists who are very impressive, such
as Salvador Dali,
but I find the subject matter of most of his paintings to be psychotic
or dreary. |
I like some "modern" or "contemporary" art, and I think it's especially
useful for children, but I find most of it bland or dreary, such as this
and this
IKEA furniture. There is something I don't like about the colors and style,
and I find some of the striped patterns to be visually annoying.
As I explained 27 January 2008,
most modern art is "trash". I think
the Jews are pushing trash as "art" because they're trying to destroy our
nations, as they describe in the Protocols
of Zion. |
IKEA and Skanska joined together to create BoKlok
to provide homes.
The apartments in this photo are described as "Cutting Edge Design"
and having a "contemporary Scandinavian feel", but they look to me as if
they're still in the construction phase! |
is the main entrance of the BoKlok apartment building seen above. I think
it looks like a minimum security prison.
Do the Swedish people like this
architecture? Or are Jews responsible
for this? In case you didn't know, Sweden was not
involved in either of the world wars, apparently because the Jews were
using it as one of their bases of operation. By the 1960s the Jews had
so much influence in Sweden that it became the sex capital of the world,
and later it became very socialist. The Swedish people are allowing the
Jews to conquer and destroy their nation. |
Most of the music I like was created prior to 1980, although I don't
like much in the Jazz category.
Incidentally, I like the music of the Beatles prior to about 1966, but
after 1966 their music seemed sad and psychotic. As I wrote here,
the theory that Paul McCartney was killed or murdered would explain the
change in their music. |
Don't fear “Big Brother”! A database
can help us!
The point I'm trying to make is that an extensive database
about us can help us in many ways, such as helping us understand human
health and identifying potentially dangerous people. It can also help us
to understand some of our emotional cravings, which in turn can help us
control our cravings. For example, when I was young, I loved to climb in
trees, and I wished I could jump from one branch to another, just like
monkeys. And so one of my goals as a child was to have an airplane. In
my fantasies, the airplanes were quiet, smooth, comfortable, and maneuverable.
I assumed that flying an airplane would be as simple and as fun as jumping
on a bicycle and riding around the neighborhood.
Eventually I had a chance to ride in both a small private airplane and
a large commercial jet, and I discovered that airplanes are certainly fun,
but they weren't what I was expecting. I came to the conclusion that airplanes
are serious transportation devices, not toys to play with.
If we were to study the differences between men and women, adults and
children, and different races, we would probably discover that boys fantasize
about flying more than girls, and that we do it mainly during a certain
period of our childhood. We might find that lots of boys fantasize about
having airplanes. This in turn could help a lot of boys understand and
control their craving for airplanes.