Men would not want women to
treat us as we treat them
Imagine women making remarks like this
to men as men walk down the street. |
recent video shows a young woman walking around New York City by herself.
As she passed by men, some of them would whistle at her, say 'Hello' to
her, or make idiotic remarks. In this
article, some women took photographs of themselves while holding paper
cards that show some of the stupid or lewd remarks that men said to them
as they walked down the street.
Although the women are deceptive to imply that those lewd men are typical
of men, the fact is that men behave
like this, not women. What is different between men and women that causes
men to behave in this manner but not women?
If some women were treating men in the same crude manner that the badly
behaved men treat women, most men would quickly become disgusted. I don't
think many men would be tolerant of women who made lewd remarks to us,
who brushed up against us as we passed by, or who groped us on crowded
trains. So why do men behave in this manner? And why don't the better behaved
men do anything to stop the badly behaved men? Men will give a trivial
punishment to the men who grab women on public trains, but we do nothing
about the men who make lewd remarks or brush up against women.
Imagine if dogs had enough intelligence to create videos. Imagine a
female dog strapping a camera to her head and creating a video to show
us that as she walks down the street, male dogs sniff her rear end. The
female dogs would not be bothered by the majority of male dogs, but a minority
of male dogs would be abnormally aggressive and crude, and the female dogs
would likely whine about them. What would your reaction be to her complaints?
Most humans would react with a remark similar to, "Well,
what do you expect? You are a dog. That is how dogs find mates."
I suspect that an alien from another planet would make a similar remark
to the women who complain about lewd remarks, groping on public trains,
and being bumped up against.
Men are willing to reprimand a man who gropes women on public trains
because we can make a distinction between a man who does that and a man
who does not, but how can we stop men from making lewd remarks? There is
no clear dividing line between a lewd remark and other types of remarks.
Since all men make remarks to women, rather than try to pass judgment on
which man is making an inappropriate remark, most men prefer to ignore
the issue.
If we want to stop that minority of male dogs from irritating the females,
we cannot accomplish that goal simply by whining about their behavior.
The most effective ways of improving the behavior of male dogs is to:
1) Evict the worst behaved dogs.
2) Restrict reproduction to the males who behave in the best
3) Experiment with changes in the social environment to reduce
the stimulation of certain emotions, and to increase the stimulation of
certain other emotions, thereby encouraging the males to behave in a better
The same concept applies to humans. We will not improve men's behavior
by whining about the minority of men who have crude or idiotic behavior.
The most effective ways to change the behavior of men is exactly the same
as with dogs.
For an example of how changing our culture can help us, if we were to
eliminate the sexual titillation in advertisements and television, we might
be able to reduce the time that men spend fantasizing about sex.
Our custom of kissing under mistletoe makes our lives
more awkward and embarrassing, not more pleasant. |
For another example, consider the custom of kissing a person
under mistletoe, or kissing them on New Year's eve. Although some people
might enjoy those customs, I think that if we analyze the benefits and
disadvantages of these customs, we will come to the conclusion that they
have no benefit, but they create a lot of frustration, awkwardness,
embarrassment, and anger. I think that if two societies are identical in
all respects, except that one of them has kissing customs and the other
does not, the people in the society that have them will suffer from slightly
frustration, awkwardness, embarrassment, and irritation.
The kissing customs may have gotten started in an innocent manner, but
I suspect that the people who are most likely to promote and practice them
are the men who are looking for an excuse to grab and kiss women. If dogs
were intelligent enough to create social customs, some male dogs might
promote the custom of sniffing rear ends under mistletoe.
Imagine if people with unusual sexual desires had created some customs
for us. For example, imagine if Jerry Sandusky and his friends started
a custom in which, on New Year's Eve, every adult man celebrates the new
year by putting his finger into some young boy's butt.
Most people will not look critically at themselves or their culture,
and as a result, they mindlessly promote whatever customs they learned
during their childhood. We must push ourselves into looking critically
at our culture and passing judgment on which of our customs is truly beneficial
to us.
I don't think a society benefits by encouraging people to kiss each
other. I think it encourages men to believe that it is acceptable to grab
and kiss women, which in turn creates a lot of unpleasant and awkward situations.
I think we should eliminate the kissing customs. Our social customs should
encourage beneficial behavior and attitudes. They should make our lives
more pleasant, not more awkward or frustrating.
Women are different
from men, not better
It doesn't make sense to blame the problems in male-female
relationships on men, or to accuse men of being "sexist". It makes more
sense to say that men and women are "different". The problems in our relationships
are not due to men. Our problems are due to the fact that both men and
women are monkeys who evolved to fit
a very simple, nomadic life. Furthermore, both men and women are selfish,
and both men and women are abusive.
For example, as I write this article, another
woman's story of a brutal rape is turning
out to be false. The rape victim made a few mistakes in her story, and
if she had done a better job of lying, people would still believe her.
This should make you wonder, how many other rape stories are false, but
nobody realized it? It is very unlikely that every false rape has been
exposed as a fraud.
Why do women lie about rape? Why do women steal babies? Why have some
women cut open pregnant women and taken their fetus? Why do women shoplift?
Why do women participate in burglaries and murder? Why are so many women
suffering from alcohol or drug problems? Why are so many women obese? The
reason women have bad behavior is simply because they are just female versions
of the same creature that a man is. They are not a superior species.
We need to understand our animal qualities, exert some control over
ourselves, and experiment with new culture. For example, we need to develop
an economic system that takes into account the fact that men and women
have slightly different personalities and talents, and that women get pregnant
and need to take care of babies.
It would also be beneficial for us to experiment with different ways
of separating men and women when we have no need to be mixed together.
For example, I suspect that teenage boys will do better in school when
the girls are in a different classroom. For another example, we might reduce
the problems between men and women in office buildings if we separate more
of the male and female employees. Some nations have separate trains and
beaches for women, although that extreme level of separation might be desirable
only when a society refuses to evict or suppress the badly behaved men.
Some women complain that men are keeping everything as it is rather
than making changes to our economy and social environment, but this resistance
to change is not due to men being sexist. This is due to the fact that
adult animals and humans resist changes in their life. This is especially
true of the people who refer to themselves as "conservatives".
The majority of adults are frightened of making changes to their
lives, and frightened of exploring the unknown. Most people want to gather
with the others in a crowd and do what the others are doing, just like
a herd of sheep. Furthermore, women are more frightened of exploration
than men. Most of the resistance to experimenting with a new life is coming
from women, not men. Women mimic one another much more than men
mimic each other, and women resist experimenting with life much more than
men do. Women put pressure on men to make money and give them gifts; they
do not put pressure on men to analyze life and experiment with improvements
to society.
Females animals want a long-term
It is easier to understand the problems in male-female relationships
if we first understand the simpler relationships between male and female
animals. Although different animal species have subtle differences between
them, there are certain characteristics that we find in both humans and
certain animals.
Perhaps the most important aspect of females in regards to male-female
relationships is that females do not want a male for casual sex,
friendship, or socializing. To a male, sex is just a form of entertainment,
but to a female, sex is a meaningful event. Sex is analogous to a wedding
in which she is entering a long-term relationship with a male.
It should be obvious as to why females do not want casual sex. Raising
babies requires a lot of effort, and the females who were the most successful
at it were those who wanted a partner to help her gather food and protect
the babies.
Female humans have the same emotions as female animals. Women do not
want men for casual sex or friendship. They want a man who will make a
long-term commitment to helping her take care of her children. The act
of sex essentially flips the switch in her mind and causes her to enter
a new mode of life in which she stops flirting with other men and starts
a long-term relationship with a man.
Her emotions assume that by having sex, the man is going to remain with
her for a long time. If the man abandons her, her emotions will be upset.
She will feel as if she was cheated. She might complain that he took advantage
of her, or that he raped her.
How can a dumb female animal
make a wise decision about males?
A female animal wants a male who will form a long-term relationship
with her, but how can a stupid, ignorant animal figure out if a male is
going to make a long-term commitment? Nature solves this problem by making
the females extremely resistant to sex, and giving them a characteristic
that we call "playing hard to get". This characteristic forces the
males to put a tremendous amount of effort into chasing after her.
The males who do not have much physical stamina will become tired
before the more healthy males, and the males who do not have much of an
interest in a female will give up before the other males. The end result
is that the males that get the females are those with a lot of physical
stamina, and a very strong craving for females.
This technique of playing hard to get does not guarantee that the male
will remain with the female, but what else can a dumb animal do?
A female animal also needs to find a male who is capable of helping
her to support the children, but how can a stupid female animal distinguish
between a male that is capable of providing her with food and protection,
and a male who cannot? What is different between the males who are best
at finding food and protecting a family, and those who are the worst at
it? What characteristic does she look for?
The most noticeable difference between the successful and unsuccessful
males is that the more successful males will be in the best physical health
because they will be able to provide themselves with plenty of high-quality
food. Their feathers or fur will be attractive and thick, and they will
have a lot of physical strength and stamina. They will also have more leisure
time, allowing them to spend more time grooming themselves, chasing females,
fighting with the other males, putting on elaborate displays with their
feathers, or building nests.
Therefore, the females that have an attraction to the healthy, strong,
nice-looking males will have more success in raising babies than the females
who select a sickly, weak, and ugly male.
Females are not titillated by males who have "potential"; they
are titillated by achievements. They are attracted to males who
can prove that they are in good health, have exceptional physical
strength and stamina, and have so much talent that they have lots of leisure
time for grooming and other activities.
Women behave like female
As with animals, women do not want men for casual sex, or to
be their friend. A woman wants a man who is dedicated to her, and who will
make a long-term commitment to her. A woman is impressed by a man who pursues
her, not by a man who gives up quickly. She wants a man to prove that he
has a tremendous attraction to her, not a casual interest. For example,
a woman is titillated when a man gets on his hands and knees and begs her
for marriage; she is not impressed by a man who calmly discusses the issue
of marriage as if they are friends.
A woman is impressed by a man who pampers her with gifts, food, and
entertainment, not by a man who wants her to share the expenses. A woman
is titillated by a man who worships her, not by a man who treats her as
her equal.
Women are not impressed by potential; they want to see achievements.
They are not impressed by a man who claims that he is capable of getting
a job, or who promises that when he gets married, he will be willing to
spend a lot of his time and money taking care of the family. She wants
proof before she is married that he is capable of making a living,
and that he is willing to sacrifice a lot of his time and money for the
A woman essentially wants a slave who will devote his life to providing
her and her children with food, material items, and protection. The manner
in which women force men to prove their abilities and dedication is by
expecting the men to give them expensive gifts, and over a long period
of time. If a man is not capable of giving lots of gifts to a woman, then
how could he provide a lot of support to a family? Or, if he is capable
of providing her with gifts but is unwilling to give her many, then why
should she expect him to be willing to provide long term support to a family?
Women want men to prove that they are both willing and able to sacrifice
their own desires in order to take care of a family.
I suppose some people will respond to my remarks with examples of women
who don't fit my description, such as women who enjoy casual sex, or women
who get married to unemployed men who have no potential to take care of
themselves, or women who prefer to spend their life with a dog rather than
a man.
Since we are not controlling reproduction, people are becoming increasingly
defective, and so every year it becomes easier to find people whose behavior
is more bizarre than it was in the previous year. Also, our social environment
is unpleasant and unfriendly, and that causes a lot of loneliness and frustration,
which in turn causes a lot of people to behave in odd manners. We cannot
use the unusual people as examples of what the human race is.
If a woman is still single during her 30s, or if she is so undesirable
that no man showed an interest in her when she was young, then her fear
of never getting married can overpower her other emotions, thereby causing
her to become significantly easier for men to marry, and she may be willing
to have casual sex, but that doesn't change the fact that her emotions
want her to play hard to get and be pursued by men who give her gifts.
Men have no choice but to
pursue women
A woman may complain about an aggressive man who will not stop
pursuing her and giving her gifts, but, unfortunately, that is the type
of personality that women are titillated by. Women are not attracted to
"polite" men who stop the pursuit when she shows no interest. Women are
titillated by men who don't give up easily. I mentioned
an example years ago in which Julianne Hough, who initially had no interest
in Ryan Seacrest, eventually found herself in love with him because of
his endless pursuit of her, and his endless giving of expensive gifts.
Men and women are opposites in regards to this issue. Specifically,
men do not want women to aggressively pursue them, and men are not
impressed by women who get on their hands and knees and beg them for marriage.
When a woman shows an interest in a man, and the man has no interest in
her, he will become annoyed if she does not give up and leave him alone.
Men do not play hard to get, and are not impressed by women who continuously
pursue them. Men are not impressed by women who give them gifts, either.
If a woman were to treat a man in the manner that Ryan Seacrest treated
Julianne Hough, the man would be disgusted that she does not leave him
Men fantasize about pampering a beautiful, well behaved,
talented, intelligent woman.
Perhaps the most misunderstood characteristic of men is that
- contrary to what most men and women believe - men do not want
a woman who will be his slave. Rather, our emotions want a woman that we
can pamper. We want to provide her with food, a home, gifts, and
entertainment. We want to devote our life to taking care of her and giving
her whatever she pleases. We want to worship her. We want to admire her
talents, behavior, beauty, and intelligence.
The feminists frequently find exceptions, such as a man who is abusive
to his wife rather than her slave, but those men are not "normal". The
"typical" human man spends his life working for his wife and children,
not for himself. He struggles to bring money home to his family, and he
puts his family's needs ahead of his own desires. Men have a tendency to
give things to their wife, and let the wives make the decisions of how
to take care of the house and children. Men do not want to dominate their
wife and tell her what to do with the children or the house.
Since nature is no longer exerting much control over human reproduction,
the world is slowly filling up with retarded, psychotic, and defective
humans. Every year it becomes easier for the feminists to find men with
abnormal behavior. There are already thousands of men in the world who
regularly beat or rape their wives, and for no apparent reason. There are
also men who rape dogs and young boys. There are thousands of men who vandalize
property, start forest fires, and torture animals. There are also thousands
of angry, envious men who sabotage and hurt other people who have something
that they wish they had. However, we are foolish to judge the human race
according to the behavior of those odd men. They are not an example
of male behavior; rather, they are more evidence that we must start
controlling reproduction.
Women expect men to pamper
If you watched either of the documentaries about the falcons
or eagles that I mentioned in a previous file (this
documentary about falcons, or this
about eagles), then you might have noticed that the male bird constantly
brings food for the female, but the female never does anything for the
male. The female is in the role of a receiver of gifts, and the
male is in the role of a giver of gifts. The male bird does this
willingly simply because the males that were the most successful in raising
children were those that had a very strong craving to pamper a female,
and no desire to get anything in return.
The baby falcons and eagles constantly receive gifts from their mother,
but they do nothing in return for her. Once again it should be obvious
that the females do this willingly simply because the females that were
the most successful in raising children were those that had a strong craving
to pamper their children, and no desire to get anything in return.
Humans have the exact same attitudes. Children expect gifts and pampering
from their parents, but they give nothing in return. Women have such a
strong craving to care for children that they enjoy pampering them.
When women are dating men, the situation reverses itself; the women
become the receiver of gifts. They expect the men to entertain them and
provide them with food and gifts, but they give nothing in return. When
a woman gets married, she has the intelligence to realize that she needs
to give something, but she continues to expect her husband to provide her
with gifts.
These attitudes made sense for our prehistoric ancestors, but it can
cause trouble today. For example, since children assume that adults will
pamper and care for them, a Hollywood director can offer a child a role
in a Hollywood movie, and the child will trust him. The child will follow
him to his house, or to an empty office in the Hollywood studios, where
he will be drugged and raped.
Since adult women assume that men will provide them with free gifts
and services, the wealthy and famous men in the entertainment business
can offer to help a woman with her modeling career, acting career, or singing
career. She will trust that man to provide this service for free, and she
will be shocked when she discovers that he wants sex in return for doing
her a favor.
During prehistoric times, it was acceptable for women to expect men
to provide them with free food and other gifts, but this behavior is no
longer acceptable. An example of this problem are some of the women who
are complaining that Bill Cosby pushed them into sex or raped them. I have
the impression that many of those women believed that Cosby was going to
help them with their career, and for free. They were shocked to
discover that Cosby was expecting something in return.
In this modern world, it is unacceptable for men to take advantage of
women and children, but it is also unacceptable for women to expect men
they do not know very well to do things for them for free. Many women complain
that they want men to treat them as equals, but we are not equals
when women expect men to provide them with free dinners, gifts, and career
Humans were designed to live
among people
Humans evolved to live in close contact with other people.
Prehistoric women spent almost their entire lives within speaking distance
of other women and children. A woman would rarely wander beyond visual
distance of other people.
Men also spent their lives in close contact with other people, but they
were willing to wander beyond visual distance of other people in order
to search for food and tools. During the day, the men would wander away
from the women and children, but during the evenings the men would get
together with the women and children. The people rarely spent their evenings
isolated from other people.
If the weather was unpleasant, the people might spend the evenings struggling
to deal with the rain and wind, but when the weather was pleasant, the
people might gather around a campfire to tell stories about what happened
during the day, and some of the people might sing a song.
Sometimes a man would spend an evening with other men, or by quietly
making a tool by himself, but his wife would not complain that he was ignoring
her. He was within speaking distance of his wife, and his wife was surrounded
by other women and children. None of the women or children would feel as
if they were abandoned by their husbands or fathers. Even though the men
might be physically separated from the women and talking among themselves,
or quietly working on tools by themselves, they were in such close proximity
to their wives and children that nobody felt alone or abandoned.
The children were always surrounded by adults. They were never isolated
from other people, not even when they were sleeping. They would go to sleep
in close contact with other children, and while adults were talking or
working on tools.
As I mentioned in a previous file, our craving for large houses and
large plots of land has brought some significant changes to our social
lives. We are inadvertently causing ourselves to live in isolation. The
wealthy families put their children in their own bedrooms, and the large
homes and large plots of land separate friends from one another.
When we design a zoo exhibit for monkeys, we do not provide each monkey
with his own home on his own large plot of land, and we don't provide separate
bedrooms for each of the baby monkeys to sleep in. We design the zoo exhibit
so that the monkeys can live in close contact with one another.
One of the reasons I advocate the City of Castles is because it puts
people in close contact with one another, and it allows people to freely
move around the city so that they can be near their friends. I think this
will create a much more pleasant environment for us because we have a natural
desire to be with other people during both the day and evening. Men are
tolerant of isolation while they are working, but women and children do
not like isolation, and everybody enjoys getting together with other people
during the evening.
In the wealthy nations, most families spend their evenings in their
house. I think this is creating loneliness and frustration, especially
for the women and children. I think the primary reason that people are
spending so much time with their television is because they are lonely,
and they want to see and hear people. Some women turn on a television simply
to put some human voices into their environment. They do not even watch
the television. Rather, they just want to hear some human voices so that
they don't feel alone and isolated.
Some women expect their husbands to fill their need for female friends
and children, but this puts a terrible burden on the husbands. Men and
women do not have much in common, and so a man is not going to be a good
substitute for female friends. Women need to have female friends; they
cannot expect their husband to be their only friend in life.
During prehistoric times, the people would often gather around a campfire,
and everybody was welcome to join the group. Nobody had to pay a fee to
sit around the fire, and nobody had to quickly eat their food and then
By comparison, our cities are designed for business activity, not human
life, and as a result, they are not a place for us to relax and socialize.
Everything in our city is a business, and so everywhere we go we must spend
money, and we are treated as customers, not as friends. When we go to a
restaurant, we must quickly eat so that another customer can have the table.
If we are thirsty, we cannot just drink some water; rather, we must buy
something to drink.
The reason I advocate the City of Castles is because the city becomes
analogous to a prehistoric campsite. Everybody would be welcome to spend
their leisure time in the city, and there would be no obligation to spend
money because every foot path, park, recreational facility, museum, swimming
pool, restaurant, and social club belongs to society, not to private businesses
or individuals.
By designing the city so that the homes and businesses are clustered
in large buildings that are surrounded by parks, everybody can easily walk,
ride a bicycle, or take an underground train to the social clubs, museums,
theaters, music concerts, recreational areas, and restaurants. I think
this would significantly reduce the number of people who want to sit at
home in the evenings by themselves or with their spouse.
However, this type of city provides married couples with a lot of decisions
to make, such as how to spend the evenings and how to spend the weekends.
In our cities today, there are not a lot of activities for people to choose
from, but when the government is supporting and encouraging activities,
there will be a lot of variety. This requires that we can do a better job
of finding somebody who we are compatible with. We need to have compatible
sleeping habits, for example, and we should enjoy some activities together.
Unfortunately, men and women were not designed to discuss their compatibility.
Men have no desire to talk honestly about themselves to women; rather,
we have a craving to impress and entertain women. Likewise, women do not
want men to ask them about their sleeping habits, leisure activities, eating
habits, or what they do on a weekend. Women want to be passive with men,
and they want the men to titillate and impress them. Women want men to
get on their hands and knees and pamper and worship them. In order for
us to form better relationships, both men and women must push themselves
into behaving more like an intelligent human and less like a stupid monkey.
If a woman likes a man, she
wants him to pursue her
If a woman truly does not care for a particular man, she will
be irritated if he pursues her aggressively, but if she has any interest
in him, she wants him to aggressively pursue her. This creates a dilemma
for the men. The women complain about being pursued, but that is what they
want the men to do. How is a man supposed to know when a woman is truly
rejecting him, and when she is merely playing hard to get? A man has no
choice but to pursue women even if they show no interest in him.
This creates an awkward and uncomfortable situation for both men and women.
In prehistoric tribes, there would have been only a few single adults,
and everybody knew one another intimately. The women in those tribes would
have been pursued by only a couple of men, and only occasionally. The women
would have enjoyed the occasional flirting, not been annoyed by it. When
neighboring tribes got together, the men and women from the different tribes
would sometimes flirt with one another, but those encounters would have
been fun for both the men and women.
Today, however, many of us are living in close contact with thousands
of other people. A woman today may have to tolerate hundreds of
men making remarks to her as she walks down the street, rides a train,
or works at her job. Prehistoric women never had to deal with so many men.
To make our situation worse, people today do not know one another very
well. We grow up in large houses that are isolated from one another, and
we allow everybody to have tremendous secrecy, and we allow people to deceive
one another. People can hide and lie about their history,
age, police records, cosmetic surgery, and medical records. Furthermore,
there are so many people who cannot handle homosexuality and other sexual
problems that some homosexuals and transsexuals are pretending to be normal
During prehistoric times, the men and women would have enjoyed flirting
with each other, and the people certainly looked forward to flirtatious
encounters with neighboring tribes. In our era, this crude method of finding
a mate is awkward, uncomfortable, and inefficient. Many women, especially
those who are unusually attractive, do not feel comfortable walking around
the streets alone. We are tormenting ourselves and one another by continuing
to find a spouse in this crude manner.
article describes an electronic device that women can put into their shoes
when they are on a date with men. By clicking their heels together, the
device can provide them with an excuse to get out of the date, such as
by making a phone call to them, or sending a text message to one of their
friends. Ideally, no society would have to waste its technical talent or
resources on these type of devices. Ideally, we would experiment with better
methods for men and women to find a spouse.
What percentage of women
are truly abused?
It is common today for men and women to get into arguments,
and they sometimes hit or slap one another, but how many women are truly
abused by their husbands? Half of the population is women, and half
of our relatives are women, so all of us know a lot of women. How many
of your female relatives are being
abused? Half of the people in your neighborhood are women; how many
of those women are abused? How many of the husbands that you personally
know are not struggling to support their wife and family? Be serious with
this issue. Do you actually know men who are abusing their wives or children?
The feminists are distorting reality by focusing on a small minority
of psychotic men. There are not many women in Lorena Bobbitt's situation.
The truth is that most women are not abused. Rather, most women
are pampered and cared for by their husbands.
To complicate this issue, men have different emotional qualities, different
abilities and desires to think, and different educational levels. The end
result is that even though all men are trying to protect and pamper their
wife and children, what some men consider to be "pampering" is what another
person will condemn as "idiotic" or "abusive".
The most obvious examples are the religious fanatics. They believe that
they are protecting and pampering their family by forcing a certain religion
on them. For example, in May 2013, thousands of Jews spit
and threw rocks at 400 women who were praying at the Western Wall.
Those Jews did not attack the women in order to be abusive, or because
they were sexist. Rather, they truly believed that they were pampering
and protecting the women by trying to pressure them into following the
correct rules of life.
Men do not force burqas and other clothing styles on
women because we are sexist. Rather, men assume they are taking care
of the women. |
Men also set clothing standards for men, women, and children,
but not to be abusive. Rather, the men believe they are pampering and protecting
the women and children. For example, Islamic fanatics believe that they
are protecting their women by forcing them to wear burqas when they are
in public. American men believe they are protecting their women by forcing
them to cover their breasts when they nurse their babies, and by prohibiting
women from showing their nipples or vaginas. In Israel, some fanatical
Jews were spitting
on and harassing an eight-year-old girl because they considered her
clothing to be too provocative.
Prior to the 1970s, many men were discouraging their wives from smoking
cigarettes. The feminists interpreted this as more evidence that men are
sexist and abusive, but the men were doing it because they thought they
were protecting and pampering their wives.
It is idiotic for women to accuse men of being sexist because most men
are actually trying their best to pamper and care for their
wives and daughters. If a woman doesn't like something that a man is doing
for her, she has to provide the man with an intelligent analysis of the
situation. For example, if she does not like the clothing rules that her
husband is imposing on her, she must provide him with an intelligent analysis
of how his recommendations are wasting money, or that they are uncomfortable
for the women, or that the paranoia of nudity is causing children to grow
up as sexually dysfunctional adults. By providing an intelligent analysis
of the situation, she may change his mind, but whining about abuse will
do nothing because he does not believe he is abusing her.
These concepts apply to children, also. A "normal" mother is dedicated
to protecting and pampering her children, but a child will not always interpret
his mother's actions as "pampering". A child will often imagine that he
is abused, neglected, unappreciated, or tortured.
If a child whines about his mother's abuse, she will ignore him because
she considers herself to be sacrificing her life for her children. If a
child wants his mother to treat him differently, he must provide her with
an intelligent analysis of the situation and show her that it would be
better for her to change some of her attitudes. Unfortunately, children
do not have the intellectual ability to provide intelligent analyses.
Should a husband be able to prohibit his wife from smoking cigarettes,
drinking alcohol, or watching certain types of television shows? Should
a mother be allowed to deny her child certain activities, foods, or toys?
Should husbands be able to tell their wives which parts of their body to
cover up in public?
Our primitive ancestors never had to deal with these issues, but today
we should push ourselves into discussing these issues. Furthermore, before
a man and woman decide to get married, they should have spent some time
discussing these issues and ensuring that they are compatible with one
another. Men and women should not get married and then discover that they
have different ideas on how to live and raise children.
Unfortunately, single men and women are not going to discuss
these issues when they go on dates. Women want to be passive monkeys who
are titillated with expensive gifts, food, and entertainment. They don't
want men asking them questions about what they think or how they live,
and they have no interest in asking a man how he lives or what he wants
from life. Women do not want to be interviewed or analyzed by men, and
they have no desire to analyze any of the men. Instead, they want to be
passive monkeys who are aggressively pursued and titillated with gifts.
The end result is that single men and women learn almost nothing about
one another when they go on dates. Instead, they deceive one another with
false images of themselves, makeup, cosmetic surgery, and lies about their
In order for single men and women to discuss these issues seriously,
we need to develop courtship activities that push us into discussing
them. Without any pressure to behave in an intelligent manner, we will
follow our emotions and behave like monkeys. We need somebody to put pressure
on us to control our emotional cravings, stop trying to impress one another,
be more honest about ourselves, and seriously discuss the issues that affect
a married couple.
Furthermore, these issues are not private or personal issues that men
and women should discuss secretly between themselves. These are issues
that affect everybody, and so we would all benefit if our leaders
were discussing these issues in public. This will allow everybody to get
involved and get ideas from one another. This will help everybody figure
out what they want from life, and that will enable people at courtship
activities to have productive discussions about these issues with potential
Teenagers would also benefit if schools pushed them into discussing
these issues. In addition to getting the teenagers accustomed to discussing
these issues, it would cause them to start thinking about them before they
are married.
Men want to take care of
Although prehistoric men considered women to be as intelligent
as men, they did not regard women as being physically equal to men. They
realized that women and children were weak, and that they needed men to
handle the physically difficult chores and to chase away predators. A man's
natural attitude is to take care of a woman and protect her from harm.
I think women will have a better understanding of men when they consider
how they regard children. From the point of view of a woman, a child is
a helpless creature who needs support and protection. Women do not consider
children to be their equal. If children were to complain that their mother
regards them as an inferior creature, and if they were to demand equality
and respect, women would reprimand them with a remark similar to,
"Yes, I consider you to be dumb and ignorant,
but I don't disrespect you. I treat you differently in order to help you.
You would not want me to treat you as my equal because that would require
you to share in the housework, the making of meals, and other chores, just
as I would treat a female roommate. You are being pampered, not abused,
and I am making a lot of sacrifices in my personal life for you."
Although women regard children as dumb and helpless, they have a very
strong attraction to children. They do not "look down on" children. Rather,
they love the way children look, behave, smell, sound, and feel.
Women are not irritated by the ignorance or stupidity of children. Rather,
they enjoy making meals for them, tying their shoes, combing their hair,
and teaching them how to pronounce words.
The attitude that women have towards children seems very similar to
the attitude men have towards women, and this similarity may not be a coincidence.
The emotion that causes women to care for their children may be the same
emotion that causes men to care for their wives. Of course, the issue is
complicated by the fact that men also have a sexual attraction to women,
but I think women will have a better understanding of a man's emotional
attraction to women when they consider their attraction to children.
It is true that men regard women as helpless, but we do not "look down
on" women. Rather, we love the way women look, behave, smell, sound, and
feel. Their helplessness does not bother us; rather, it is an opportunity
for us to be a woman's hero and do things for her.
Queen Elizabeth never does or says anything worthy of a leadership position,
but millions of British men do not care. They are titillated at
the thought of being able to get on their hands and knees and pamper her.
If she were to show signs of amazing stupidity or ignorance, such
as having trouble figuring out how to open the door to her limousine, British
men would be excited at the opportunity to help her open it. They would
not be disgusted that they are pampering a stupid woman who never does
anything for them in return. Instead of news reports that have such headlines
as "Our Queen is so stupid that she cannot open a
car door", the journalists would write articles with such remarks
as, "A photo that will melt your heart! The Queen
could not figure out how to open her limousine door or put on her seatbelt,
and dozens of wonderful men rushed over to help her. Chivalry is alive
and well here in Britain!"
Men today realize that women
are intellectually inferior
Men want to pamper women, but today many men realize that women
are less intelligent, and this is having an effect on our attitudes and
our treatment of women. I agree with the feminists that men and women in
this modern world need to be treated more equally, but women today are
equal to men, and we cannot make them equal simply by saying they are.
The only way we are going to achieve equality is to restrict reproduction
to the women who are more intelligent.
During the past few thousand years, and especially during the past century,
an enormous number of men have impressed the world with their exploration
of it, their development of cities and material items, their engineering
achievements, and their scientific analyses. Prehistoric women impressed
the men with their talent, but they are not impressing us today. Rather,
they are disappointing us with their idiotic remarks about feminism, religion,
astrology, and other issues.
Women cannot use the excuse that they are too busy taking care of babies
to do something intelligent. They have plenty of time during their lives
to do something intelligent. While they are nursing babies, for example,
they have the time to think intelligent thoughts and discuss intelligent
issues, but instead they think idiotic thoughts and have idiotic discussions.
Men have a natural tendency to admire and worship women, not to abuse
or look down on women. It hurts us to realize that a woman that we are
attracted to is feebleminded. Our emotions expect a woman to be an intelligent,
well behaved, and talented princess. It is both a shock and a disappointment
to hear their idiotic remarks.
If women were to show us that they are as intelligent as men, we would
be impressed, and we would admire their intelligence. We would not try
to suppress their intelligence. The proof for my remark is that men are
already recognizing whatever talents a woman has. There are a few female
scientists, for example, and men can recognize their talent, and there
are women with unusually good memories, music abilities, singing abilities,
or math abilities, and men recognized those abilities, also. We have no
desire to suppress a woman's talent. Rather, we want them to have talent.
We want them to impress us.
Men will recognize and admire a woman's talent, if she has one. Unfortunately,
most women do not impress us with their intellectual abilities. Most women
disappoint us with their idiotic opinions and their helplessness with material
We tend to be oblivious to
whatever is natural to us
A "normal" man has a strong emotional craving to get on his
hands and knees and pamper his wife. He wants to be a slave who devotes
his life to taking care of her and her children.
Since men struggle with one another to get to the top of the social
hierarchy, we are well aware that men want to be the boss, so it does not
occur to us that a man also wants to be the slave of a woman. A man may
appear to be the boss of his family, but in reality he is a slave who serves
his wife. A man's position in his family is similar to that between a mother
and her child, not between a manager of a business and his employees.
At a business, the manager truly is the boss, and he makes decisions
for the employees. He does not try to serve his employees, and he does
not worship the employees. He does not give the employees what they want;
he gives the employees what they need.
A mother may consider herself to be the boss of her children, but she
is actually a slave to the children. She is sacrificing her own desires
in order to pamper and care for her children, but how many women realize
it? Women enjoy this relationship, so from their point of view, they are
doing what they want to do. Not many women seem to regard themselves as
a "slave".
We assume that a person who is a slave is having a miserable life, but
if the slave enjoys serving his master, then he will enjoy his life.
The same concept applies to men. A man may consider himself to be the
boss of the family, but in reality, he is sacrificing his own desires and
devoting his life to taking care of his wife and children. He is their
slave. However, this is a natural craving for men, and so they don't regard
themselves as a slave to their family. The men regard themselves as doing
what they want to do.
A few times I have heard a man make a remark that is something to the
effect of, "What was I thinking?" These remarks
come about after a man has been on a date with a woman and he said or did
something extreme, such as buying her some expensive gift, or telling her
that he wants to be her faithful servant. The next day, when he is in a
less emotional state, he wonders how he could have done something so extreme.
The reason men will do these extreme things is because we have a powerful
craving to get on our hands and knees and pamper a woman.
Men want to be a leader, but we also have cravings
to be the slave of our wife. |
Men don't normally notice that they want to be slaves to their
wives, and women don't normally notice that they want to be slaves to their
children, and women don't notice that their husbands are pampering them,
and children don't notice that their mothers are pampering them. The reason
we are oblivious to these master-slave relationships is because this type
of relationship is natural to us.
It is not easy to notice something that is natural. For example, how
often do you notice that your heart is beating or that you are swallowing
saliva and mucus every few seconds? We don't normally notice something
that is natural and comfortable. We normally only notice the things that
irritate us, or are abnormal. For example, we don't notice our eyes are
blinking every few second until a piece of dust gets into our eye and irritates
it. Then we suddenly become aware that we are blinking on a regular basis.
We don't notice that we are swallowing every few seconds until we have
an infection in our throat that causes swallowing to become painful.
Children don't normally notice the nice things that their mother does
for them. They are more likely to notice the irritating things that she
does, such as denying them toys or candy. Because children tend to be oblivious
to the nice things that their mother does but aware of every irritating
thing, they are likely to come to the conclusion that they are regularly
abused. They don't analyze the situation very well and realize that their
mother is putting a lot of effort into pampering them, and that she never
abuses them.
Women are the same as children. They are usually oblivious to the effort
that their husband is putting into providing them with food, clothing,
a home, and entertainment. However, they are likely to notice everything
their husband does that irritates them. This lopsided observation of life
can lead them to the conclusion that they are being abused and unappreciated.
Men are the same as the women and children. Men are also oblivious to
most of the wonderful things around them, but they notice everything that
irritates them.
We can also see this problem with people in leadership positions. They
are often oblivious to the wonderful things that people are doing, but
they are very likely to notice everything that irritates them.
Why are we so unappreciative?
Why do people focus so much on the irritating aspects of life
rather than be grateful for the pleasant aspects? The reason is because
this is what makes the most sense for a stupid animal. It would be idiotic
for an animal to spend its time appreciating life. Imagine a deer that
wanted to spend some time each day to enjoy smelling the flowers, watching
the clouds blow around, and watch water trickle down a creek. Imagine a
bison that wanted to get together with friends and enjoy the scenery around
them. Imagine a wolf that wanted to sit under a tree for a while and appreciate
how beautiful the forest was.
Animals don't have the intelligence to appreciate life, but if they
had enough intelligence to do so, they would be wasting their time on a
nonproductive activity. It would be foolish for them to do so. They would
suffer in the competitive battle for life.
Natural selection never gave animals the ability to be grateful for
anything, or appreciate life, or contemplate life. They were designed only
to respond to problems. They merely exist from one day to the next, and
without any idea of where they have been or where they are going. They
merely respond to events.
Humans are a bit more advanced than animals, so we have a slight ability
to appreciate life. We occasionally notice the beauty of the world around
us, and we sometimes stop what we are doing to smell a flower, appreciate
a sunset, watch a bird hatch from its egg, or enjoy a rainbow. However,
we are not exactly the same in our ability to appreciate the world. Some
people are better able to appreciate life than others.
What is "civilized"
There is a mysterious difference between animals and humans
that some people describe as "civilized". Although we don't understand
much about this issue, it is easy for us to see that there is a significant
difference between humans and animals. For example, consider the difference
in the way we eat food. Animals do not care how food is presented to them.
A dog does not care if we arrange his meal in a beautiful manner, or if
we dump some meat on the dirt. Furthermore, animals don't enjoy the food,
and they don't get together with their friends to make meals into a social
activity. Instead, they quickly gobble the food.
By comparison, humans are concerned with how the food looks, and how
it is arranged on a plate. We also eat at a slower pace so that we can
taste the food and enjoy it, and we get together with other people so that
meals can become a social activity. Animals eat only to survive, but humans
eat to enjoy life.
Animals also show no concern for their "home". They don't care if they
are living in a filthy, ugly, garbage dump, or a beautiful garden. Animals
will trample on plants, even if they are beautiful flowers.
By comparison, humans have a concern for what their home looks like,
and we want the plants around the house to be attractive. We avoid stepping
on plants. To an animal, a home is just a temporary place to sleep, but
to a human, it is something to enjoy.
To an animal, trees are just shelter from the rain and
snow, but to humans, they are beautiful works of nature to enjoy. Why can
we enjoy trees, but not animals? And why do some humans enjoy and appreciate
the world more than others? |
Animals merely exist from one day to the next. As animals evolved
into humans, our ancestors began doing more than merely existing. They
began noticing the world and enjoying it. The trees became more than shelters
from sun and rain; they became beautiful entities. Food became more than
something to eliminate hunger; it became something to enjoy, and with other
people. A creek became more than a material to quench thirst; it became
something to swim in and watch as it flows down rocks.
Some people describe this difference between animals and humans by saying
that humans are "civilized", but what exactly is different between animal
and human minds? Furthermore, if we compare humans to one another, we will
discover that we differ slightly in our civilized characteristics. Some
people have a strong interest in making attractive meals and enjoying the
food, whereas others show little concern for what the food looks like,
and they have a tendency to gobble their food. Some people show a greater
interest in making their city attractive, whereas others show almost no
concern for what their city looks like. Some people show a strong interest
in doing things with other people and forming a society, whereas other
people prefer to focus on pleasing themselves and ignoring other people.
If we could turn a knob on a monkey's brain to increase its intelligence,
it would eventually reach the point at which it could build houses, kitchens,
dining room tables, and clothing. What type of city would those monkeys
create for themselves? What would their clothing look like? How would they
eat their meals? Would they show civilized behavior, like humans, or would
they continue to behave like animals? Would they have any artwork or decorations
in their city, and if so, what kind?
I don't think that merely increasing the intelligence of a monkey will
cause him to become civilized. I think that civilized behavior is due to
emotional differences between us, not intellectual differences. The reason
I say that is because I don't see any correlation between the civilized
behavior of humans and their intelligence. There are some stupid people
who show civilized behavior, and there are some intelligent people that
behave more like animals.
Men and women do not seem to be identical in their civilized behavior.
Women show a stronger interest in having meals with other people, and presenting
those meals in an attractive manner. They also show more of an interest
in decorating homes and clothing, and they have a strong tendency to get
people together for social affairs and recreation.
I think the difference between men and women is the result of the difference
in the way we select a mate. Men want women to be a pleasure in their lives,
whereas women want men to be able to support for a family. Therefore, men
are attracted to the women who behave better than an animal, whereas women
are attracted to the men who can provide them with lots of food and material
Do you
notice or appreciate what other people do?
Most people don't appreciate something until it has been taken
away from them. For example, most people don't appreciate having legs until
they lose one of them, and most people don't appreciate having eyesight
until they go blind.
I think the reason we have elaborate funerals is because most people
don't appreciate other people until they die. I think that if we were more
capable of appreciating people while they were alive, we would have less
of a craving to sulk when they die.
Animals have no desire or ability to appreciate life. They merely respond
to emotional stimulation. When a dog is hungry, it wants food, and it doesn't
care how it gets food, or where the food comes from. All a dog is concerned
with is satisfying its emotional cravings.
Baby humans and mentally retarded humans are very similar to animals
because they cannot think very well, and that causes their emotions to
dominate their behavior. When a baby human is hungry, it wants food, and
just like a dog, it will not appreciate the meal we provide it.
If an adult were to never think, he would resemble an animal, or a mentally
retarded human, or a baby. People would describe him as being "emotional"
rather than as "calm and rational". The adult would notice every irritation
in his life, but he would be oblivious to all of the wonderful things.
When he was hungry, he would want food, but he would not appreciate the
farmers who grew the food, or the people who ship the food, or the people
who prepared the food. He would want a house, but he would not appreciate
the carpenters who built the house, or the plumbers who provided him with
running water.
Each of us is well aware of the wonderful things that we
have done, and how hard we work, but
how many people noticed the wonderful things that other people do?
How many people appreciate other people?
How many of the people who have a cell phone are thankful that a lot
of people put a lot of time and effort into developing the phone, manufacturing
the phone, designing and maintaining a radio network for the phones, and
designing batteries for the phone? How many people in the world appreciate
electricity, or the people who provide it for them? How many people appreciate
the dentists who provide them with dental care?
A child has no concern that somebody put a lot of time and effort into
providing him with food, clothing, or a bed to sleep in. A child will consider
it amusing to throw food around the room or destroy material items. They
cannot appreciate food, material items, or life.
Adults have the ability to appreciate life and people, but how many
adults do so? How many husbands appreciate what their wife is doing for
them? How many wives appreciate what their husband does? Most people focus
on what irritates them. They whine about not having enough material items,
not having enough freedom, not being given enough respect, and not having
enough land.
The reason people are so unappreciative is because this is what makes
the most sense for an animal. The only sensible way to design an animal
is to give it emotional cravings and let it spend its life trying to satisfy
those cravings. Animals focus on eliminating the irritations in life. They
want to eat food; they don't want to appreciate food. They want to fight
for territory; they don't want to appreciate the beauty of the earth.
Now that humans are no longer struggling to survive, we need to evolve
into a more advanced creature. We need to be less focused on titillating
our emotional cravings and more interested in appreciating life and people.
It is idiotic for us to continue fighting one another for food, territory,
and material items. We should start sharing the world with other
people and working with them to make life better for everybody.
Men and women need more equality
As with male falcons, prehistoric men spent their entire
lives struggling to provide their family with food, tools, and protection. |
During prehistoric times, each man spent each day searching
for food and making tools, and for the purpose of supporting his family.
Each man was a slave to his wife, and he struggled to please her. Men provided
their wives with food, furs, and tools, and their wives enjoyed every item
that he gave to her.
Prehistoric men would rarely, if ever, tell their wives what to do with
the food or furs that they gave to them. Each woman would make her own
decisions on how to divide the food between herself and her children, and
how to provide the children with furs, toys, bedding materials, and tools.
The men did not "micromanage" their family.
During the day, while the men were hunting, each woman was on her own
to figure out how to spend the day. They did not have to follow orders
from the men, and they did not work in teams with other women. As a result
of these different lifestyles, men are more comfortable working in highly
structured teams, whereas women have a preference for being more independent.
Also, prehistoric men had a tendency to quietly focus on one particular
task at a time, such as hunting or making tools, whereas women tended to
work around other women and children, so there were lots of conversations,
and lots of interruptions.
Even though each prehistoric woman was on her own to do as she pleased,
her emotions caused her to be a slave to her children. Rather than focus
on herself, she spent most of her time struggling to provide her children
with food, teaching them how to speak, grooming them, making clothing items
for them, and teaching them about the world. If there was not enough food
for everybody, she would often sacrifice her meal in order to feed her
The children in that era would not have spent much time whining that
their mother was abusing them simply because their mother was not denying
them anything. Their mother would struggle to give them everything they
asked for. In that era, the children were asking for simple things, such
as food, water, simplistic toys, and clothing items. Their mother would
not have been able to give them everything they wanted, but because she
was trying to get those things, the children would not feel as if she was
abusing them. Prehistoric mothers rarely told their children "No" when
they asked for something. Instead, they would respond with something like,
"I'll try to get it for you."
To further reduce arguments between mothers and their children, since
the people were nomadic, the children never had to do household chores,
yard work, or go to school, and so their mother never irritated them by
telling them to do things that they didn't want to do.
The crude, master-slave relationship worked perfectly in prehistoric
times because it caused the men to take care of the women, and it caused
the women to take care of the children. There would have been very few
arguments between the men and women, or between the women and children.
However, our environment has changed dramatically. For example, men
today are no longer bringing small amounts of food or furs to their wife.
Instead, they are making lots of money, and this requires decisions to
be made on how to spend the money. How much food, jewelry, beer, lottery
tickets, and astrology predictions should be purchased with that money?
How much money should they spend on a house, furniture, automobile, and
vacations? Should a man make the decisions on how to spend the money, and
then give food and other items to his wife? Or should he give the money
to his wife, and let her make the decisions on how to spend it? Or should
both the men and women discuss the issue together and compromise on policies?
To complicate the issue, many women today have jobs, and this creates
the dilemma of who does the housework and childcare. It also creates the
dilemma of deciding how to spend the wife's income.
Raising children has also changed dramatically. Mothers no longer have
to struggle to keep their children alive. Instead, they have a lot of decisions
to make, such as how much food and which food to give their children; where
to send their children to school; and whether their children should have
cell phones or video games. Should the children be required to help with
household chores? If so, which chores? Should each mother resolve the childcare
issues by herself? Or should her husband get involved with the issue?
Prehistoric men and women would not have had many arguments simply because
there were very few issues for them to argue about. If we could go back
in time 50,000 years, we would undoubtedly find that men and women were
enjoying one another much more than most men and women are doing today.
We would also notice that there were significantly fewer arguments between
children and their mothers. The children would not whine for candy bars
or complain about household chores. Furthermore, nature got rid of the
sickly and retarded children, so none of the mothers were burdened with
that problem.
Since the male and female mind evolved for a very simple life, we never
developed the intellectual abilities or emotional desires to discuss complex
issues with one another, research the issues, or compromise on solutions.
It is natural for men and women to flirt with each other, and it is natural
for men to get on their hands and knees and beg a woman for marriage, but
it is not natural for men and women to get together for a serious discussion
about life, or to compromise with one another. In order for men and women
to deal with the problems of the modern world, both of us must push ourselves
into thinking, discussing, and compromising.
Now that we have dramatically changed our environment, we should improve
upon our crude master-slave relationship. Men and women need to become
more equal. One reason that the master-slave relationship is idiotic today
is that we have the technology to produce phenomenal amounts of food and
material wealth. As a result, when a man follows his craving to pamper
his wife with food and material wealth, he ends up providing her with excessive
During prehistoric times, the women craved items that were truly useful
to the family, such as food, furs, and tools. Women were constantly putting
pressure on men to give them more food and more material items, and a man
would be proud of himself for providing his wife with those items. No man
could provide his family with too much of anything.
In our era, however, a man can hurt his family if he mindlessly delivers
piles of money to his wife, and his wife can hurt the children if she mindlessly
gives the children everything they ask for. The most obvious example are
the women who let their children eat whatever they please, and in whatever
quantity, resulting in children that become obese, sickly, or malnourished.
Toys are another example of this problem. During prehistoric times,
children would play with extremely simple toys, such as sticks and rocks.
The children could play games with one another with those type of toys,
and that would be beneficial to them. Today, however, people in the wealthy
nations are providing their children with enormous numbers of expensive
toys, but where is the evidence that modern toys are more beneficial to
children than some wooden sticks?
Many children play with modern toys by themselves, or over an Internet
connection, and that may be unhealthy for children. Children might become
physically healthier and better able to form friendships and marriages
if they spend their childhood playing with other children. Furthermore,
the toys are a burden on the mother and father because they have to pay
for the toys, and the toys clutter the house, closets, attic, garage, and
Children are titillated by gifts, but I don't think that many of the
toys that American families are giving their children are truly beneficial.
The children quickly lose interest in the toys, and then they end up in
the trash. Our society is wasting time, talent, and resources on the production
of toys, and the toys are increasing the size of our garbage dumps.
Houses are another example of this problem. When people were nomadic,
a home was just a temporary location to sleep at night. The prehistoric
men would provide their family with a home simply by clearing away the
tree branches and rocks, and perhaps providing a pile of leaves or furs
for their children to sleep on. None of those men could take the issue
of homebuilding to an extreme.
In our era, however, when men and women mindlessly follow their emotional
cravings, they can end up providing themselves with gigantic homes on gigantic
plots of land. Rather than improve life for the family, they burden themselves
with maintenance chores. The large homes also increase the distance between
people, thereby adding to the loneliness of the modern world. Those large
distances also increase the time and money that people must waste traveling
to their jobs and friends, and it increases the number of traffic accidents.
If the city has snow or ice during the winter, the people have to travel
long distances over dangerous and irritating roads.
When a prehistoric man struggled to bring home as much food and material
wealth as possible, he was taking care of his family. When a prehistoric
woman gave her children as much food and material items as possible, she
was taking care of her children. In our era, when men and women behave
in that manner, they are wasting their time, talent, and resources on unnecessary
material items, food, and large houses.
In our era, both men and women should push themselves into forming a
more sensible relationship with each other and with their children. Women
should stop being slaves of their children and start providing them with
guidance. Men should get off their hands and knees, stop worshiping women,
and provide their family with guidance.
Society should provide guidance
Since most men are only of average intelligence, and half of
the men are below average, it would be foolish to tell the men to provide
guidance to their wives because most of the men would make dumb decisions.
Likewise, the typical woman will make dumb decisions on how to raise children.
A better solution for this modern world is for society to provide guidance
to everybody. Society should be involved with the decisions about how much
of each food item to produce, how much cosmetics and jewelry to produce,
how many toys to produce, and what type of toys to produce.
During prehistoric times, the men had to spend their entire lives struggling
to provide their wife and children with food and other items, and the women
had to spend their entire lives struggling to take care of their children
and protect them from predators and other dangers. However, in our era,
we no longer have to struggle to provide ourselves with food, a home, or
material items. We can easily provide everybody with adequate amounts of
food and material wealth. We also don't have to watch our children constantly
because we don't have the problem of predators trying to eat them.
A man should no longer devote his life to gathering as much food and
material items as possible, and a woman should no longer devote her life
to taking care of her children. It is becoming increasingly easy for us
to raise children, and it will become even easier if we stop being tolerant
of crime. Without crime, children become free to wander around the city
without adult supervision. Parents will not have to be bodyguards to their
children, and that will allow them to find something better to do with
their lives.
Our prehistoric ancestors struggled each day to survive. With modern
technology, we no longer have that problem. We can so easily support ourselves
and our families today that we have the option of dramatically changing
the purpose of our existence. Instead of struggling to compete with one
another for the most food and material wealth as possible, we can share
the Earth's resources with one another, and we can work together for the
benefit of all people. We can design beautiful cities, and we can provide
the cities with a wide variety of recreational, social, and intellectual
So, why do women get pestered
by men?
Male animals evolved a desire to aggressively pursue females,
even if the female shows no interest in him. Even if we did not want to
be aggressive, we have no other option because females are inherently passive.
If we waited for woman to show an interest in us, most of us would wait
forever. There are only a few men who don't have to pursue women, such
as Elvis Presley.
Most men have no choice but to pursue women and try to impress them.
The more undesirable a man is, the more effort he has to put into chasing
after women.
If each woman came with an instruction manual that explained what a
man needs to do in order to impress her, then we would know how to treat
a woman. Unfortunately, the women will not provide us with any clues or
assistance. It is up to each man to figure out for himself how to attract
a woman's attention, and how to impress her.
How can a man know what to say to impress a woman? All
we can do is try different remarks and see what happens. Both men
and women suffer because of this crude method of finding a spouse. |
The men who have bizarre personalities, or who are stupid,
or who picked up idiotic ideas from music videos or movies, are likely
to annoy the women with idiotic remarks, whistling, or lewd remarks. Some
men might come to the conclusion that they can impress a woman with their
physical qualities, or by boasting about how they know famous people. Men
who are drunk or on drugs might make lots of idiotic decisions about how
to impress the women.
Some women might respond that lewd remarks will not impress a woman,
but it is possible that the men who make lewd remarks are not expecting
the women to be impressed. Rather, they may be like Elliot Rodger; specifically,
angry and bitter that they are unable to attract a woman, and their frustration
is coming out in the form of lewd remarks and insults.
It should be obvious that our courtship characteristics are crude,
and that it results in a lot of frustration, awkwardness, irritation, and
anger for both the men and the women.
The women complain that they are being bothered by men, but men
are bothered by the process, also. It is not just the women who are suffering.
The feminists believe that they can improve the situation by reprimanding
men, but the only way to improve this situation is to start experimenting
with different courtship procedures, and to start restricting reproduction
to the men and women who have the most suitable emotional and intellectual
characteristics. The problem is not due to men, or to women. It is due
to human nature. It is due to the fact that humans are intelligent monkeys
who were designed for a simple, nomadic life in a small tribe.
We need to develop courtship procedures that don't require men to pursue,
impress, or titillate the women, and we need to put pressure on the women
to stop behaving like passive monkeys and start taking a more active role
in helping men find a spouse. Both men and women have to push themselves
into being more honest about themselves and helping a potential spouse
determine their compatibility.
As I suggested in previous documents, we should eliminate secrecy and
restrict courtship to certain activities rather than allowing men to pursue
women in public areas. This would allow women to wander around in public
without being bothered by lewd remarks or aggressive men.
Both men and women would benefit from these changes because it would
spare both of us from suffering with the crude, animal-like courtship that
we suffer from today. We wouldn't have to wonder who is single or who is
married, or who has something in common with us. Anybody who wanted to
look for a spouse would know that they can find lots of single people at
the courtship activities, and that the people will be pushed into being
honest about themselves and suppressing their attempt to impress one another
with a false image.
Females care about social
status, not mental qualities
Another characteristic of females that causes trouble in the
world today is that they have a preference for males who are high in the
social hierarchy. The reason animals developed this characteristic should
be obvious; it is nature's way of ensuring that the better quality males
reproduce more often than the lower quality males. In our era, however,
this behavioral characteristic is causing trouble for us. Five reasons
1) There are too many women today for the dominant men to deal with.
A man such as Elvis Presley will find millions of women around the
world offering themselves to him. The reason this characteristic evolved
in women is to allow the dominant men to produce more children, but today
the men are likely to avoid getting the women pregnant, so they defeat
the purpose of the characteristic. The men will instead have sex simply
for pleasure.
2) The children have abnormal lives.
Occasionally one of the women gets pregnant, but the famous man is
not likely to live near the woman, or even be interested in becoming the
father of the child. He is likely to abandon the woman and his child, and
pretend that he doesn't know them. He may secretly send them financial
support, but that child will grow up in an abnormal family, and the child
will have to hide the truth about his father. I don't think this is healthy
for the child.
3) The pregnancies create resentment or anger.
The women that the famous men get pregnant are not living in this world
by themselves. They are somebody's friend, mother, sister, or daughter.
Those other people are likely to be annoyed or disgusted that a famous
man got the woman pregnant and then denied that he is the father. Every
time another famous man does this, he causes a few more people to become
angry, bitter, or resentful. This is not beneficial to society.
Men in influential positions should be improving people's attitudes,
not increasing the levels of resentment, anger, and bitterness.
4) Men who are high in the hierarchy today are not necessarily desirable.
With animals, the dominant male is always strong, healthy, and beneficial
to the tribe, but in modern societies, many undesirable men are becoming
rich and famous for a variety of undesirable reasons, such as crime, inheritances,
and gambling. When women give preference to those men, they are helping
the human race to degrade into freaks.
Feminists often whine that men have some undesirable characteristics,
such as arrogance and bad tempers, but part of the reason that men are
this way is because women have never shown an interest in a man's mental
qualities. A man with a criminal background has no trouble attracting women,
if he has money. A man with no skills and no desire to do anything of value
can also attract women, if he has money. In our era, women should have
a concern for a man's mental qualities.
5) Women prefer entertainers, not intellectuals
Animals don't have much intelligence, and so the females never developed
an interest in judging the mental qualities of a male animal. Instead,
a female animal judges a male by his ability to titillate her emotions.
Human women also show no interest in the intellectual characteristics
of a man, or his sense of responsibility, honesty, or concern for society.
Women also don't care whether he can control his alcohol consumption, temper,
arrogance, envy, or anger. Women don't analyze a man's mind. Rather, they
passively wait for men to titillate them.
British police struggle
to control women at a Beatles concert in 1965. Those policemen may have
made better husbands than the musicians, but women don't care. Women are
attracted to entertainment, money, and status, not to intelligence, skills,
or honesty. |
Elvis Presley titillated millions of women simply by singing.
If Elvis Presley had been one of the most talented airline mechanics, engineers,
scientists, or carpenters, many men would have been impressed by his abilities,
but no woman would have noticed or cared.
Women are titillated by a man who can sing and dance, but their emotions
are not stimulated by a man who can produce intelligent thoughts, control
his temper, fix a robotic drone, or resist the bribes of crime networks.
As a result, the entertainers attract millions of women, but other men
have to struggle to attract just one.
Women are impressed by a man's expensive house, but not by a man's sense
of responsibility. A woman is impressed when a man gives her a diamond
ring, but not by a man who gives her some intelligent information.
When young girls fantasize about a husband, they fantasize about a wealthy
man, or a man who can sing and dance, not a man with skills, intelligence,
or control of his arrogance.
If women were truly better than men, then women would give preference
to the men who were better behaved, more honest, and more useful to society.
They would avoid the criminals, psychotic men, and parasitic men. This
would help to breed men into a better creature.
The same concept applies to men. Men are more interested in a woman's
visual appearance and personality than in her intellectual abilities or
skills. This causes women to develop a strong craving to look pretty, but
no craving to learn, think, or explore. It creates women who have a nice
personality, but not much intelligence. In our era, men have to develop
a greater interest in a woman's intellectual abilities.
Animals don't understand
It is easy for us to realize that an amoeba does not have the
ability to understand its behavior or predict its future, but what about
cats, dogs, or elephants? Can any of them understand themselves or predict
their future? I don't think so. I think this is an ability that only humans
If birds had enough intelligence to speak to us, and if we were to ask
a male peacock why he is displaying his feathers at females, he would give
us an extremely simplistic answer, such as, "I enjoy
it". I don't think any male peacock has the intelligence necessary
to realize that he has those particular emotional cravings because it is
nature's way of determining which of the male peacocks will reproduce.
If we were to ask a female peacock why she watches the male peacocks,
she would also give us a stupid answer, such as, "I
am not watching them". She would be unaware that she was passively
observing the males, and that occasionally one of the males titillates
her to such an extent that she becomes sexually receptive.
When a female animal is being pursued by a male, I don't think the females
are capable of understanding that there is a possibility that she will
become sexually aroused by the male, and then the male will mate with her,
and then she will get pregnant. When a male animal jumps on a female, I
suspect that the female is initially shocked and upset. However, because
she is sexually receptive, she is willing to hold still for a moment. In
other words, I think her mind is going through an emotional conflict in
which one emotion is shocked and appalled that the male has jumped on top
of her, while another emotion is telling her to hold still for a moment
because it feels good. As soon as that sexual emotion is satisfied, the
other emotion takes over and she runs away.
If my assumption is correct, then if female animals could talk to us,
I think they would describe most sexual encounters as unexpected attacks,
or "rapes", or "date rapes". I think that from the point of view of a female
animal, she was innocently watching the males when he suddenly jumped on
top of her and raped her. However, even though the females might complain
that they were "date raped", after they raised their babies they would
once again develop a craving to "flirt" with the males, and that would
lead to another date rape. I don't think any female animals have the intelligence
necessary to understand that they are partly responsible for date rapes.
The reason I don't believe any animal can understand these concepts
is because the concept is not obvious to humans, so how could it be obvious
to animals? Young girls are a good example of this. A young girl will sometimes
flirt with older boys without any expectation or understanding that she
may inadvertently cause one of the boys to become sexually aroused. If
one of the boys were to touch or have sex with her, she would be shocked.
She would complain that she had no idea that he would do such a thing.
She would complain that she was innocently watching him when he attacked
her for no reason.
Young girls flirt with boys without any idea that they are flirting,
or why they are flirting, or that the flirting might lead to sex. They
are just like the stupid animals who go through courtship procedures without
any idea of what they are doing or why.
A young human girl is much more intelligent than any animal, and she
is much more educated, but she has no idea that she is "flirting" with
boys, and she has no idea that her "having fun" might result in sex. How
could a stupid animal know more than she does?
The same concept applies to boys. Boys have a craving to flirt with
girls, but boys do not inherently know that flirting can cause them to
become sexually aroused, and that sex can lead to pregnancy or venereal
disease. Without an education about these issues, a boy would flirt with
a girl without any understanding what it could lead to. If she gets pregnant,
he would be shocked. He would respond with a remark similar to, "I
was just having fun! I didn't know she was going to get pregnant."
Since humans do not inherently understand that flirting can lead to
sex, and that sex can lead to babies, how could animals understand it?
Another way to understand the sexual attitude of female animals is to
observe the way some pet dogs want humans to throw balls for them to chase,
but when the dogs bring the balls back to the humans, they have a difficult
time letting go of the ball. They have the ball in their mouth, and they
bring the ball near the human so that he can grab it, but as soon as he
tries to grab it, one of their emotions is triggered that causes the dog
to back away. The dog has a conflict going on inside its mind. One emotion
wants the human to take the ball, but a different emotion does not want
another animal to take its possessions.
Human women are the same in regards to sex. They will flirt with and
get close to men, especially rich and famous men, but when the man tries
to touch them, they back away. One emotion wants affection and sex, but
other emotions want the men to stay away by a certain distance. Trying
to be affectionate or have sex with those women is like trying to get a
ball from a dog's mouth.
I think it's also important to consider the possibility that female
animals never truly "enjoy" sex. I think that from the point of view of
a female animal, sex would be better described as a "pleasurable rape".
I think they always have a conflict going on inside their minds because
they have some emotions that are upset that the male animal is doing it
to them, but at the same time their sexual emotions are telling them to
hold still because it feels good. Since the sexual pleasure is very brief,
and since it is occurring at the same time that other emotions are creating
unpleasant feelings, I don't think the females can truly enjoy the sex.
By comparison, the male animals can enjoy sex because they don't have
any conflicting emotions that are struggling to make them stop and run
away from the female. They can relax and enjoy themselves.
I suspect that the same situation occurs with humans. I don't think
many women truly enjoy sex. I suspect that the female human mind suffers
from the same emotional turmoil as the female animal mind. The women have
an emotion that enjoys the sex, but they have other emotions that are embarrassed
by it, and other emotions that don't want men touching them. I suspect
that for most women, sex is better described as a form of
pleasurable rape.
In order for a woman to enjoy sex, she needs to get control of her emotions
and learn to relax. She is not going to enjoy sex if she is embarrassed
by it or upset with what the man is doing. Furthermore, to truly enjoy
sex, she has to let the man know what she enjoys. Although men and women
evolved to be compatible with each other, evolution did not do a very good
job. Evolution does only the bare minimum necessary; it does not do what
is ideal. Therefore, if women want to truly enjoy sex, they need to put
some effort into analyzing their sexual feelings as they have sex, and
she and her partner must experiment to figure out what she enjoys the most.
How many women have the desire or ability to analyze their sexual feelings?
How many women have the ability or desire to talk to their partner about
these issues and experiment with sex? I suspect that most women are too
sexually inhibited and too dumb to do this type of analysis and experimentation.
Therefore, I don't think many women are truly enjoying sex.
Furthermore, I don't think many women have a partner who is capable
of discussing these issues or experimenting with sex. Most men seem to
have sexual inhibitions that are too powerful to allow them to discuss
these issues. Most men are also so arrogant that they have trouble dealing
with the possibility that they are not the world's greatest lover, and
that their wife is not enjoying the sex, and that they need to learn more
about the issue.
The arrogance of men causes trouble for more than just sex. All around
the world we can find men who are firmly convinced that they know the correct
policy for religion, marijuana, alcohol, abortion, and euthanasia. Every
man is a super genius who knows everything there is to know. Men don't
want to listen to other people; rather, we want to give lectures
to other people. We want to impress women, not listen to
them complain that we are not pleasing them sexually.
We need an education on animal
In a previous file, I pointed out that we design zoo exhibits
according to the physical and mental characteristics of the animals, and
that is what we must do for humans. We need to gather information about
how our mind and body react to different environmental events, and that
knowledge will enable us to design an environment that will keep us in
good physical health, and which will encourage productive behavior.
If humans were a creation of some god, then we might be able to learn
about ourselves by studying religious materials, but since we are an animal
that evolved from other animals, we need to study animals and evolution
in order to understand ourselves.
A human, even if he is intelligent, cannot understand himself or design
a better economic system or holiday celebration if he doesn't know much
about natural selection or animal behavior, or if he believes that humans
are a creation of a god. Ignorant and religious people develop idiotic
theories to explain human behavior and life, such as blaming crime on poverty,
and explaining a baby boy with four arms and four legs as a miracle
from some god.
Religious and ignorant people cannot improve our lives because they
will design school systems, government system, and social affairs according
to some religious fantasy or idiotic assumptions, and that will result
in a social environment that is inappropriate for our mental and physical
Actually, religious people are evidence of a characteristic of our mind
that we must be aware of and deal with. Specifically, the human mind does
not have any inherent concern for reality or the truth. Our mind is concerned
with pleasing itself, and so we have a tendency to believe whatever is
most emotionally pleasing, regardless of the evidence. When reality is
pleasant, we will accept it, but otherwise we disregard it as idiotic and
believe something more desirable.
For example, we don't like to think of ourselves as decaying like a
dead animal when we die. We prefer to believe that after we die, we will
have another, even better life. There is no evidence for this theory, but
many people, possibly the majority, do not care that there is no evidence.
The human mind does not care about the truth. We want pleasure, not the
The qualities of our mind make sense when you understand that we are
animals. An animal's goal in life is simply to reproduce. An animal is
just a bunch of mindless chemicals. An animal spends each day trying to
titillate its emotional cravings. Whether the animal enjoys life, sex,
or food is irrelevant. All that matters is that the animal successfully
Since an animal brain is just a simplistic human brain, we can assume
that if animals were a bit more intelligent, they would also believe in
gods, life after death, and astrology rather than evolution and science.
Although humans are much more intelligent than animals, if we don't
use our intelligence and think about what we are doing with our life, we
will closely resemble an animal that merely exists from one day to the
next. We will waste our life trying to stimulate our cravings for material
items, territory, babies, sex, and status. We will resist thinking, learning,
and looking critically at ourselves. We will not necessarily enjoy life,
food, or other people.
The emotions of an animal could be described as the "operating system"
for the animal. Emotions control the animal's behavior by creating "feelings"
or "cravings". As the animal tries to satisfy those cravings, it eats food,
drinks water, defends its territory, avoids predators, reproduces, and
raises babies.
Emotions evolved only for the purpose of keeping an animal alive and
allowing it to reproduce. Animals never developed a craving to learn, look
critically at themselves, or deal with reality.
Our prehistoric ancestors survived quite nicely while behaving like
animals, but people today need to meet a higher standard. Animal behavior
is becoming increasingly inappropriate. People must become more considerate,
more honest, and more concerned about society. We need to be able to learn
a useful skill and work in teams. We also need a better ability to compromise,
accept failure, cope with reality, and learn from critical reviews.
People today also need a much better understanding of human behavior
in order to form stable friendships and marriages. Men and women are often
irritating one another, and I would say the primary reason is because most
people are behaving too much like animals. Our prehistoric ancestors could
form stable relationships despite their ignorance because their relationships
were simplistic. In our era, however, married couples have a lot of complex
issues to deal with.
We also form relationships today that didn't exist in prehistoric times,
such as teacher-student relationships, and employer-employee relationships.
We are also forming relationships with people in foreign nations, and many
people are forming friendships and business relationships with people they
know only through the Internet or the telephone system.
Is it healthy for children to form "cell phone relationships"? Or is
this creating socially awkward children? This is an issue our prehistoric
ancestors never had to deal with, but we need to start studying this issue
and experimenting with our environment.
Our prehistoric ancestors didn't have to do anything to form a friendship
or a marriage; they simply followed their emotions and the relationships
formed naturally. Today we need to put time and effort into analyzing people
in order to form stable marriages, productive business relationships, and
effective relationships between teachers and students, and between managers
and their employees.
Girls today need to be aware
of "date rape"
If we ask a group of young, single women why they spend so
much time trying to look pretty, and then wandering around in public, they
would give us a stupid answer, such as that they are "having fun". They
are unaware, or unwilling to accept, the fact that they are putting themselves
on display, and waiting for a man to pursue and titillate them. Furthermore,
those women expect men to entertain them, buy them dinners, and buy them
gifts, while they give the men nothing in return.
How are such ignorant women going to find a compatible husband or avoid
date rape? They are not taking an active role in finding a husband, and
they do not work with the men to determine whether they are compatible.
Some of those women don't even seem to realize that what they are doing
could lead to sex, or date rapes.
There are different types of date rapes. In some cases a woman clearly
lets the man know that she does not want sex, and when the man disregards
her, we could say that he really did rape her. For example, Joan Collins
recently claimed
that when she went on a date with a famous entertainer, he drugged her,
and while she was partly unconscious, he raped her. If she is being honest,
we could describe that situation as a rape.
However, there are some rape cases in which women do not put up resistance
to sex, and in those cases, the victims are not truly "victims". Rather,
they are behaving like a female animal that flirts with the males and is
surprised when one of them jumps on her back, but she does nothing to stop
him. Instead of describing those women as innocent victims, it would be
better to describe them as ignorant and/or stupid monkeys who don't have
a good understanding of themselves, men, or relationships.
How can we stop or reduce date rapes? One method would be to start educating
girls on how the female mind works. Girls should understand
why they have a craving to look pretty and put themselves on display, and
they should understand why men want to buy them dinners and entertain them.
They need an understanding of men and women, sex, and human relationships.
It is idiotic for people in our era to send children into the world
with no understanding of themselves or human behavior. We are not primitive
savages any longer. Children need preparation for our more complex world.
Adults must push themselves into suppressing their sexual inhibitions and
allowing schools to teach children about relationships, sex, pregnancy,
and other issues.
We do not let a person fly an airplane until we train him on how to
do the job properly. We don't let children use power tools until we teach
them how to use those tools correctly. Why not apply this philosophy to
sex and relationships between men and women? You would not expect your
child to figure out for himself how to drive an automobile, so why expect
him to figure out sex and marriage?
Instead of expecting children to learn about sex and human relationships
on their own, the adults need to exert enough control over their sexual
inhibitions to allow the schools to provide children with information about
these issues. By the time the children are adults, they should have a lot
of information about marriage, sex, diseases, divorce, and other issues.
They should be
prepared for courtship and marriage rather than confused
by it or afraid of it.
How many women have been
drugged and raped?
Joan Collins claimed that she was drugged and raped when she
was 17 years old, and there are accusations that Bill Cosby also drugged
and raped women. There are lots of police reports about other people being
drugged and either raped or robbed. Some doctors and dentists had been
caught having sex with some of their unconscious patients, including children,
as I mentioned here.
There are also lots of women who claim that men encouraged them to drink
alcohol so that the men could take advantage of them sexually.
Although most of these type of accusations are against men, women sometimes
do this, also. For example, some women will get a man drunk and lead him
into sex so that she can get pregnant, thereby pressuring him into getting
married to her. And some women seem to encourage men to become intoxicated
in the hope that the men will spend more money on them. If we are going
to complain about men who abuse women, why not complain about the women
who abuse men?
There are also lots of reports of men and women getting a person intoxicated
in order to make it easier to get that person to sign a purchase order,
or to change their will and testament. This problem became so obvious and
extreme during the 1980s that the government decided to forbid government
employees from having dinners and personal contact with salesmen.
I know an electrical engineer who worked for IBM many years ago. He
told me that the IBM managers would do virtually anything to get the CIA
contracts. He said one of the CIA agents would pick one of the women in
the office that he was attracted to, and the IBM manager would try to arrange
a "date" for him. The electrical engineer believes that the woman was agreeing
to provide him with sex, perhaps because she was getting paid a lot of
money for the sex, but it is possible that she was just agreeing to go
on an ordinary "date" with a CIA agent who was such a loser that he could
not get a date on his own. Regardless, it could be described as unacceptable
behavior by both the CIA agent and the IBM manager.
If we could remove the secrecy and truly observe how people treat one
another, we might find that there is a lot more secret druggings than we
realize, and a lot of men and women are encouraging one another to become
intoxicated simply so that they can take advantage of the intoxicated person,
and a lot of people may be doing favors in return for sex.
Furthermore, if we were to remove secrecy and observe people, I think
we would discover that certain groups of people have a more significant
problem with this type of behavior than others. For example, I suspect
that the entertainers are more involved with drugging one another
than farmers, architects, and airline mechanics. I also suspect that there
are more people giving and receiving sexual favors in the entertainment
business than in the other businesses.
Women should be able to look
around as they walk
In case you never noticed, when women walk around in public,
they have a tendency to look straight ahead or down at the ground, and
they try to avoid eye contact with men. They don't notice much of the world
around them. One reason is simply because women don't have much of an interest
in the world. Men have a noticeably stronger interest in looking out of
the windows of trains and airplanes, and men have a stronger interest in
exploring forests and coral reefs. Women are primarily interested in babies
and children. Women will notice the children in their vicinity, but they
don't pay much attention to the clouds, architecture, trees, cement mixers,
or bulldozers.
If women had as much interest in the world as men, they would want to
look around themselves as they walked, but that would cause trouble in
the world today because they would occasionally make eye contact with men.
The man would often interpret that as a sign that she is interested in
him, and that could cause the man to pursue the woman, or make remarks
to her, thereby irritating her and wasting both of their lives.
If we were to change our society so that courtship is restricted to
certain, designated activities, then women would be free to look around
themselves when they were in public. They would even be able to say hello
to the men.
I would say that both men and women would have a more pleasant, relaxed
life if we prohibited courtship in public areas and restricted it to special
activities. This type of change would allow both of us to avoid the crude
and embarrassing courtship procedures that we have to go through today.
Furthermore, we would eventually figure out how to design very effective
courtship activities, and this would result in men and women finding significantly
more compatible spouses, which would benefit both men and women.
We have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by developing more advanced
courtship procedures, so what is stopping us from doing it? The only thing
stopping us are the people in this
world. The majority of them do not want to think, experiment with their
culture, look critically at themselves, try something different, or push
themselves into controlling their crude behavior. The only way to improve
the world is to find a lot of people who have the intellectual ability
and desire to control their emotions and experiment with their future.