Some races may have a greater
attraction to toilet humor and casual sex
On the TMZ television show 16 September 2010, the host was the Jewish
comedian Jeff Ross, and they had a short excerpt of a Jewish porn star,
Hailey James (photo), who mentioned
that she just had sex in the bathroom
of a club.
The video is gone but here
is a transcript, and an excerpt:
180 Kbytes
The next day on the TMZ show, 17 September 2010, Harvey Levin made some
amusing remarks about Jews and poop, such as:
I'm interested in poop!
Jews are interested in poop.
The video is gone but here
is a transcript, and an excerpt:
60 Kbytes |
Hailey James,
a Jewish porn star
Perhaps Harvey Levin was exaggerating for the sake of entertainment,
and perhaps Hailey James is an unusual Jew, but we should consider the
possibility that the people who refer to themselves as "Jews" may truly
have significant personality differences from some other races. They may
have a noticeably greater interest in toilet humor, casual sex, and
pornography, for example. Furthermore, there may be some races of Chinese,
Africans, and Indians who are also significantly different from the others,
even though they have a similar physical appearance.
Anna Chapman, the Russian woman who was arrested for spying, (who I
mentioned here), may also
have a significantly different personality than the rest of us. Have you
seen some of the latest descriptions of her (eg, here)?
Two remarks about her from her friend, Lena Savitskaya:
If she wanted sex, Anna would just
call a male friend over, usually a Russian, and do it. She liked sex very
much, but was very matter of fact about it.
...she said of one businessman she knew: I
used to sleep with him. I did not like sex with him, but I wanted his money.
Anna Chapman, upper left, and her friend, Lena Savitskaya,
upper right, and two men that they were pursuing. |
Is Anna Chapman capable of - or even interested in - a stable,
long-term relationship with a man? It doesn't appear that way. As with
Hailey James, Chapman seems to have sex simply to satisfy
her urges! This is what I would expect from a teenage
boy or an animal, not an
adult woman. Furthermore, she seemed to also use her body to get money,
job opportunities, and information. Why was she willing to live this type
of life? We ought to consider the possibility that the people who are involved
with casual sex are doing so because they are either a race of people that
prefers casual relationships, or they inherited primitive, animal-like
qualities. In either case, these people are going to create problems when
mixed with people who want long-term commitments.
Chapman's relationships with women were also abusive. For example, Chapman
was supposedly friends with the Russian woman, Lena Savitskaya, but as
soon as Savitskaya found a wealthy man, Chapman tried to take him away
because she wanted his money. Neither of those two women seemed interested
in the man, however; they seemed to want his money.
Most prostitutes don't seem to care whether one of their customers visits
another prostitute, but these two women, even though they were friends,
were incapable of sharing that wealthy man. Each of the women wanted him
for themselves. Should these women even be described as "human"? Their
behavior is more like some type of primitive savage.
Consider what a woman like Anna Chapman would have been like a few centuries
ago, when there was no birth control or cures for venereal disease. She
is the type of woman who might get pregnant without a husband, or is not
sure of who the father of her child is. Furthermore, her attempt to exploit
men could cause some men to become angry, which in turn could cause them
to rape, beat, or kill her. She is the type of woman who would have reinforced
the "old wives' tale" that prostitutes, women who get raped or beaten,
and promiscuous women, are low-quality women.
People behave in strange manners
when they are afraid
When a woman is being attacked, or in fear of her life, or
being tortured, she will say and do a lot of strange things in order to
protect itself, but what was Anna Chapman in fear of? Why was she wasting
the prime years of her life and using
her body as a tool simply to deceive
and abuse people? Why wasn't she interested in having a "normal"
life? Why did Monica Lewinsky also
voluntarily choose to use her body to manipulate and deceive President
People who are being attacked have
valid reasons for lying and deceiving, but the people who call themselves
"Jews" are not
being attacked, and they never have been.
They have always been treated nicely everywhere they go. They could
have chosen to join the other societies
and contribute to making the world
a better place, but they have voluntarily chosen to remain
separate from the rest of us and lie, cheat, manipulate, deceive,
murder, and abuse. The question we need to answer is, Why
are Jews choosing to abuse us? Is it because of their crude religion? Or
are they a primitive, inferior race of people?
Some races may be more prone to
Anna Chapman reminds me of Bob Hall, a man I met in the 1980s.
The reason I got to know Bob is that after he got divorced from his second
wife, he began pursuing my mother,
who was divorced. He was very friendly, and he seemed to be a very talented
and successful man. For example, he was a Rhodes Scholar with a PhD in
psychology. He also had impressive job titles. For example, he was a manager
at Litton Industries, and he was responsible for them developing some product
(I can't remember exactly what it was, maybe night vision devices for helicopter
pilots). I believed all of his stories. I hadn't yet realized that there
are some people who grossly
and sometimes lie about themselves
in order to make themselves appear more impressive than they really are.
Bob had a problem with alcohol, but I didn't think anything of it because
half the population of America seems to have a problem with alcohol. He
had an interest in pornography that reminded me of when I was a teenager,
but I didn't think much of that, either, because it seems to me that most
Americans have a childlike fascination with pornography and toilet humor.
His mother was a Russian Jew, but in the 1980s I wasn't concerned about
a person being Jewish. I was aware that Israel was a fraud, but I didn't
think that Jews were any different from the rest of us.
Bob eventually convinced my mother to marry him. She had been resisting,
but he was very persistent and convincing.
I had no objection to the marriage. In fact, he seemed to be a wonderful,
generous man. After they got married, I met some of his children from his
first marriage, and it turned out that I was the same age as one of his
daughters, and she was in the same junior high and high school. She said
she could remember me, but I couldn't remember her.
Bob had been working as an independent contractor for quite a few years,
and we decided to work together. I became his only employee, although we
sometimes had to hire somebody part-time or temporary. He knew of a company
that needed some work, and he knew how to apply for government contracts,
and so we wrote a few proposals, and got a few contracts. As is typical
of contracts, we didn't get any significant money until the work was finished.
At the end of one big contract I got a check for $58,000. I can't remember
exactly what he told me, but he said something to the effect of how I should
treat the money as a loan from his business, and then I don't have to pay
any taxes on it, and I don't have to repay the loan. So, from the point
of view of the IRS, I will be taking a $58,000 loan from his company, but
I never bother to pay back the money. He told me that he does tricks like
this all the time. However, it seemed illegal, so I reported it as income,
and I paid taxes on it.
As I was working with Bob, I started to realize that he was unbelievably
incompetent. In fact, everybody who read something that he had written
on his own, such as a business proposal, would make a remark similar to,
"How did he get a PhD? Don't students have to write a thesis in order to
get a PhD?" I began complaining to my mother and my relatives that
Bob was an incompetent, dishonest jerk.
However, they didn't want to hear that.
I had to edit everything Bob wrote, even his ordinary letters. He would
mess up the grammar, and he would make remarks that were confusing and
vague. He couldn't spell very well, either. He would blame his troubles
on "dyslexia", which he said he suffered from as a child, but I think he
was suffering from a serious "mental defect".
I sometimes get digits mixed up in phone numbers, but does that mean I
have dyslexia? What is "dyslexia"?
I had to do almost all of the work that the company needed done. The
only job that Bob was good at was sales.
He was a very friendly person who liked to drink and socialize, and this
made him a wonderful salesman. He was always smiling, cheerful, and promising
whatever a person wanted, and he would tell people whatever they wanted
to hear. He was what some people would describe as "happy-go-lucky". The
fact that Bob got a PhD in psychology should be used as evidence that the
social sciences are a joke, and being a "Rhodes Scholar" is meaningless.
Eventually I became so disgusted with Bob that when one of our contracts
was finished, I abandoned him and started on my own business. He found
somebody to replace me, but that person was a bit incompetent, also. Bob
was helpless and hopeless, like Daryl Smith. When I stopped working with
Smith, he found somebody to replace me, but he couldn't find anybody with
any talent. His radio show began to fail. Likewise, when I stopped working
with Bob, he couldn't get any more contracts, although he did find a wealthy
man who was willing to invest some of his savings in one of Bob's crazy
My mother and relatives were not happy that I was abandoning Bob, and
they were even more upset that I was referring to him as an incompetent,
dishonest jerk who was exaggerating about his previous jobs. My relatives
ignored me. This was in the late 1980s, before I had tried talking to my
relatives about the 9/11 attack. I wasn't yet aware that most people truly
can't handle the truth. I became so irritated with my relatives for not
taking a serious look at Bob that eventually I wasn't talking much to them,
not even to my mother. I can't remember the details any longer, but I remember
yelling at my mother in a phone conversation, and then I hung up the phone.
Not surprisingly, years later, when I told my relatives that we were
lied to about the 9/11 attack, they ignored or insulted me. Once again
I found myself irritated with my relatives, and, once again, I ended up
yelling at my mother over the phone and hanging up on her, but this time
it was to yell at her to grow up and take a look at the 9/11 attack.
You might think that the reason I yelled at my mother is because I'm
cruel, but I think it's because I care
so much for her. When I don't like somebody, I don't
try to help them. I was trying to help my mother realize that
she married a parasitic, incompetent, dishonest jerk, and I also tried
to help my mother realize that we were lied to about the 9/11 attack. But
she didn't respond to my help, and I ended up getting frustrated and yelling
at her. If I didn't like my mother, I never would have bothered trying
to help her.
This is one of the problems that humans have; specifically, we
try to help the people we care for. Unfortunately, many of them
want our help. They would rather behave like stupid animals.
As a result, we waste our time helping the sheeple, and sometimes we cause
trouble for ourselves, and sometimes we hurt the entire human race. We
have to learn to walk away from people
who don't appreciate our help, even if they are people we love. We have
to learn to turn our back on people
who behave like animals, even if they are our close friends and relatives.
We have to find and get together with humans,
even if we don't know them, and even if they are another race or living
in a different nation.
Getting back to the problems I had with Bob and my relatives, one day
my grandmother decided to visit me. Her husband had died recently, and
she lived in another city, and I think that she came to visit specifically
to see me and hope that she could convince me to be friendly with my mother
and Bob. She wanted to spend one night at my house, and I was willing to
let her stay overnight, but I didn't bother to talk much with her. The
next morning, either I was going to drive her back to my mother's house,
or somebody was going to pick her up. I can't remember who was going to
drive her back, but I remember telling her that she could wait outside
in the front yard, and so she went outside and sat on a rock, and looked
rather sad. I just ignored her. It's sad that I treated her like that,
but it's appalling that my relatives and most of the human population has
an inability to face reality.
Thousands of years ago fathers were concerned about who their daughters
married. Even brothers were concerned about who their sisters were getting
involved with. Today nobody cares what anybody does. Fathers today don't
care if their daughters get married to a man who behaves like a savage,
or has no source of income, or who is mentally ill. Brothers don't care
what their sisters do, either. The end result is that a lot of the women
are getting involved with parasites, predators, and freaks of all types,
and they're often having babies with these freaks.
I could write a lot about Bob, but there was one particular event that
all of this is leading up to. As I mentioned, after I abandoned Bob, he
found a wealthy man to invest in his company. Meanwhile, my mother was
finally realizing that Bob was indeed a dishonest jerk, and she soon divorced
him. Bob began pursuing the sister of the man who was investing in his
company. However, after some number of months it became obvious to the
wealthy man that all of his money was being wasted, and so both he and
his sister abandoned Bob. Bob closed his business since he had no source
of income. He then found a woman with a job and convinced her to marry
him, and she supported him financially.
Many years later, in the year 2000, I received a phone call from Bob.
I can't remember exactly what he said, but he told me that the $58,000
loan that I took from this company hasn't been repaid. He said that he
had contacted some lawyers, and he wanted to avoid a court case, so he
was offering to be nice to me. He said that he would take ownership of
my house, and in return he would rent the house to me.
I told Bob that I had reported the money as income, but he told me that
his records showed that there was a $58,000 loan that has not been repaid.
I was wondering if he had fabricated some accounting records to make it
look like I owed him $58,000, or if he was such an incompetent jerk that
he actually thought he could fool me into turning my house over to him.
I won't bother with all of the details, but I told him that I would look
into the issue, and after a few more phone calls and letters, I eventually
sent him proof that I had reported the money as income. He has not contacted
me since.
Lessons to learn from Bob Hall and
Anna Chapman
People like Bob and Anna Chapman are extremely friendly and
generous. However, they are friendly only
when they think they can benefit by being friendly, and they
attack us when they think they will benefit by attacking us.
We can't trust or depend on them. They
are like parasites or predators.
Furthermore, their ability to lie is
Don't underestimate their ability to lie. Don't be an arrogant jerk who
thinks that you have some magic ability to detect lies by watching a person's
facial expression, voice, or mannerisms. I bet a lot of Jews would be able
to pass lie detector tests. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the
more mentally ill among them end up becoming confused by their own lies
in regards to what the truth is.
Another lesson to learn from both Bob and Chapman is that neither of
them is capable of forming long-term, stable relationships with either
men or women. They don't form "relationships";
rather, they exploit, abuse,
and manipulate people. Bob would get
involved with one woman after the next, like a flea that is chased from
one dog to another. Chapman would go from one man to another. Ideally,
before you get involved with a potential spouse or friend, you should look
at their failed relationships. When
you find a person who has been abandoned over and over, you should be careful
because you may end up wanting to abandon him, also.
Furthermore, a lot of our first impressions
about a person are correct. My mother didn't want to get married to Bob,
but he was very persistent and convincing.
This is a very common problem with women. They are easily convinced into
believing that a man loves them simply because he shows them a lot of attention
over a span of months or years.
A lot of women are fooled into thinking that a man who spends a lot
of time with them is a man who loves them. This simply isn't
true. Men and women can spend only a certain amount of time
together before we get on each other's nerves. A man who spends a lot of
time with a woman is a
parasite; he
is behaving like a flea who is clinging
to a dog. Women are fools to think that these men love them.
Incidentally, I don't know anything about the Rhodes
scholarships, but some people think that the Jews use it as a way of recruiting
members to their crime network. If that is true, then perhaps the reason
Bob was given a Rhodes scholarship was because the Jews thought he would
become a valuable member of their network, but they abandoned him after
discovering that he was too incompetent to be of any value. In other words,
in addition to being abandoned by both men and women all throughout his
life, he may have also been abandoned by the criminal Jews! When someone
can't even meet the low standards of a crime network, that person is truly
a loser.
Be careful of people who boast
about their previous jobs
Bob would boast about being the manager of a project at some
company he worked for, but what I've discovered is that sometimes the people
who are promoted to management are incompetent people, and they were promoted
because the company they worked for had trouble firing
people, so they promoted some of the incompetent people simply to get them
out of the way of the people who did the real work. However, since they
end up in management, they fool people into thinking that they are the
most talented member of the team, and they take credit for everything that
the team does. They also get paid more money than everybody else. This
situation is ridiculous! We need to
raise standards for people in management positions.
Some background information on the
Jews who try to manipulate me
and my brother
If I can remember the details correctly, sometime around 2004,
I got a phone call from Dr. Hal Kopeikin.
(I mentioned him a few years ago here.)
He told me that he's a friend and neighbor of my brother. I personally
don't know my brother's friends, even though we live near to one another.
We don't have that much in common.
Kopeikin told told me that my brother had given him my video about 9/11.
He told me that he has not watched it, but he thinks his wife may
have watched it. He told me that I should get in contact with a woman named
Little, who is also interested in the 9/11 issue. Penny Little lives
a few streets away from my brother and Kopeikin. I thought it was strange
that my video would inspire him to call me and tell me to get in touch with
somebody else who is also trying to expose the 9/11 attack when he didn't
even bother to look at my video, but years earlier I had come to the conclusion
that most of the people in the psychology field were crazy,
so I assumed that he was just too emotionally weak to deal with the "conspiracy
At the time I didn't know anything about Kopeikin or Penny Little, but
I've since discovered that Kopeikin is a Zionist Jew, and he is an extremely
strong supporter of the wars in the Middle East. I now suspect that he
actually did watch my video, and he
probably told his Jewish friends about my video, but he pretended that
he did not see my video, and he pretended that he wasn't sure if his wife
had seen my video, so that he could avoid questions
about 9/11 and my video. I also discovered that Kopeikin had a television
show on our local public television station, but a couple years ago he
was forced to leave because he was becoming too hysterical in his support
of the Mideast wars.
Penny Little has also turned out to be just another Zionist agent who
mixes propaganda with her videos. She lives in a large house with some
other roommates and a man that I suppose could be described as her "boyfriend",
although since he wears women's clothing, I'm not sure if they're just
friends or if there is more to it than that. Also, judging by the Jewish
paraphernalia on the doorway of the house, somebody in the house is Jewish.
When Christopher Bollyn and his family stayed at my house many years
ago, Penny Little invited him over to her house, where she has a small
video studio in the backyard, and she interviewed him for her video about
the cheating during the elections. She has also interviewed David Ray Griffin
about the 9/11 attack (he also lives in the same neighborhood), but she
will not interview me, and she was not interested in interviewing
Bollyn about issues that expose the Jewish involvement in crimes.
So, the background information that I want you to keep in mind is that
ever since January 2002, when I first got involved with exposing the 9/11
attack, Jews have been contacting me by e-mail, phone, and in person. And
they have been trying to become my friend and manipulate me. I must've
been contacted by hundreds, possibly thousands of them. And they have also
been trying to manipulate my brother, and I suspect that some of them have
even been working on my cousins.
They have a gigantic network around
the world, and whenever one of us tries to expose their crimes, they ask
one another if anybody knows us, lives near us, knows any of our relatives,
or works at the same company as us. And they begin the process of trying
to become our friend. They try to manipulate our opinions, trick us into
doing or saying something embarrassing, nasty, crude, or idiotic in order
to ruin our image, and they look for information that they can use, such
as to set us up for financial ruin, getting fired from our job, divorced,
suicide, accidental death, murder, or kidnapping.
Why is a Jewish
man in love with my niece?
Now consider that my brother has a daughter, Alyssa, who just
started college. A few months ago she fell in love with a man who also
just began college at Cal Poly. His name is Max Ross, and he's a Jew,
and he also has a slightly slanted forehead! What are the chances that
he, his family members, and their relatives don't yet know who I am, and
that I am routinely criticizing both Jews and Neanderthals?
My niece has the same last name as me, so I would bet that he and his family
know that she is my niece.
Is Max Ross really in love with my niece? Or is he only pretending
to be in love with her? Is his true goal to get into our family for
diabolical reasons? Am I "paranoid" when I wonder if Max Ross is just a
male version of Monica Lewinsky or Anna Chapman? Is my niece involved with
an extremely dangerous criminal? Is Max Ross hoping to get information
that he and the other Jews can use to arrange for me to be kidnapped or
murdered? Am I getting carried away with these paranoid thoughts?
I have strong emotional feelings for my mother, so I wanted to help
her realize that Bob was an incompetent jerk, but I'm not going to waste
my time trying to warn Alyssa to be careful. Let the Jews persue her, and
even get her pregnant. Her parents don't care, so why should I? I am more
interested in finding more advanced humans who want to create a better
world. I don't want to waste my time with sheep.
Your relatives don't care about
Some people might describe me as "cruel" for not warning my
niece that she should be careful with Jews, but why should I worry about
her? None of my relatives want to hear what I have to say, so why should
I waste my time telling them my opinions? They don't
want my opinions! They ridicule me, not listen to me.
Furthermore, if the Jews were to kidnap or murder me, do you think any
of my relatives would do anything to help me? I don't think so. Look at
the neighbors and relatives of Christopher Bollyn. What are they doing
to help the Bollyn family or the human race? What are they doing to stop
future kidnappings and murders?
It's important that you take this issue seriously. We are in a very
battle with these Jews. They have been killing, kidnapping, blackmailing,
raping, and torturing people for centuries.
They instigate racial fights, wars, and fights between men and women. We
are not going to defeat them if we
waste our time feeling sorry for sheeple
who don't care! When your house is
on fire, you save what is valuable,
not your bag of trash.
My brother's family is not valuable to me.
The people who are valuable to me are, unfortunately, people I don't know,
such as the people who are helping to fight the crime network. Those are
the people I need to protect, although since I don't know them, I can't
directly help them. But if I discover who some of them are, I will help
them if I can.
The majority of people don't want to deal with the problems of the modern
world. They want to play, like children. They want to titillate themselves,
like an animal. They want to ignore the complex problems of the modern
world and live like a primitive savage.
Most of our relatives are like balls and chains around our
legs. Those of us who want to create a better world need to walk away from
our relatives and get together with the more advanced
people. If you allow yourself to feel sorry for your relatives or friends,
you're going to hurt yourself and the human race.
We should spread information to everybody, and give everybody a fair
chance to have access to this information, but when people refuse to deal
with the information, turn your back on them and walk away. Don't let them
drag you into their cesspool of television, pornography, gambling, alcohol,
or whatever they happen to be involved with. Find a better group of people.
You have to discriminate about who you protect and care for. You have
to become like a gardener. You should
take care of the flowers, not the weeds. You should take care of people
who are valuable, not the jerks, criminals, retards, or sheep.
Where do "Beauty
and the Beast" stories come from?
The plot in some books and movies is that a beautiful, intelligent,
well behaved woman falls in love with an ugly, crude man. Who created these
stories? And why?
Have you ever noticed how many of the rich and famous men are ugly Neanderthals,
but many of their wives are beautiful humans? Take a look at some
of the marriages in Hollywood, most of which seem to fail after a few years
when the woman gets tired of her crude husband.
I suspect that the "Beauty and Beast" stories came about as a result
of the mixing of crude people with advanced humans. The people who look,
speak, eat, and behave like primitive savages have been shunned throughout
history. The human women do not consider the Neanderthal men to be physically
attractive, and they don't like their crude feeding habits, their inability
to speak properly, their toilet humor, their lewd remarks, etc. And so
the Neanderthal men are often pouting, becoming envious, having temper
tantrums, and sabotaging their competitors. They like to believe that behind
their crude exterior is a wonderful man. They also frequently daydream
of a beautiful woman ignoring their disgusting qualities and falling in
love with them.
If the crude people would be happy with their
own women, we might not have a problem with them, but they want
women. Unfortunately, they can't compete with us. Nobody fantasizes
about a prince or a princess who looks like a
Neanderthal, or who has trouble pronouncing words, or who has
sloppy table manners.
It's not practical to mix advanced humans with crude savages. The crude
man will want the more advanced women, but how can they attract them? They
will have to use deception, or find some way to stimulate a woman's emotions.
For example, women are attracted to dominant men, so if a crude
man can acquire lots of money or fame, then he can stimulate a woman into
thinking that he is one of the important, dominant men. Also, women are
titillated by men who show a lot of interest in them, so a crude man can
stimulate a woman by following her around, sending her flowers and gifts,
and basically behaving like a puppy dog.
The remarks by Julianne Hough are still in my mind; Specifically, her
remarks about how Ryan Seacrest is "persistent",
and how she was pursued by him ever
since she was 18, and that her initial reaction
to him was essentially, "get out of my life". Her remarks remind me of
what I saw my mother and other women
go through. |
If Larry King was
If Ryan Seacrest was

When something seems too good to
be true...
I discovered many years ago that because I never went to college
or made much money, neither men nor women are impressed by me. They assume
I'm some type of an idiot with no "initiative". Most women are very
concerned and aware of a man's job title, income level, and position in
the social hierarchy. Ryan Seacrest has what women want; namely, wealth,
fame, and status. He could easily find a wife and get married. So what
is he waiting for?
Julianne Hough's remarks (I mentioned them here
on my Neanderthal page) and the fact that he is still single (he will be
36 years old in Dec 2010) reminds me of when I was perhaps 14 years old
and would fantasize about having sex with every attractive girl. I eventually
grew up, but a lot of men seem to remain in an infantile state forever.
I decided to scan through the Wikipedia entry for Seacrest, and I noticed
a remark by Simon Cowell that the secret to Seacrest's success is that
has the appeal of a dog that has been rescued from the pound".
Is that a compliment? A normal man
has a life of his own. However, the
"puppy dog behavior" is exactly what I've seen with a lot of Jews who have
tried to become my friend. Women are
especially susceptible to this behavior. Women become excited by men who
spend hours a day following them around, and giving them compliments, smiles,
gifts, and flowers. Women are easily fooled into thinking that this behavior
is evidence that the man is truly in love.
I suppose Julianne Hough is thinking to herself, "Gosh, I'm so
lucky that Ryan hasn't gotten married yet!" But is she really lucky?
When a woman meets a man who is rich and famous, and who has had unbelievable
opportunities to meet women for many
years, she ought to wonder how it is possible that he has remained
single for so many years. Why have all of his previous relationships failed?
She should wonder if her relationship will be successful, or if she will
become "Failed relationship #623".
I have become very suspicious of
Ever since 2002, strangers
have been trying to become my friend. They were extremely nice and friendly
to me, but they didn't know me! Some of them even told me that they would
love to have me stay over at their house if I was visiting their city,
and they would offer this after only a couple brief
When a person shows an intense interest
in you, and they don't know you, your
reaction should be to wonder what they are truly attracted to. Don't let
your arrogance interfere with your
ability to understand the situation. Don't be fooled into thinking that
you are so special that strangers truly
fall in love with you.
How can a man be in love with a woman, or vice versa, when they don't
know them? Julianne Hough said that Ryan Seacrest began pursuing her at
age 18. She should seriously look back at her life at age 18 and ask herself,
"Did I meet him during my 18th year? Is that when he got to know me and
fell in love with me? How much time did we spend together when I was 18?
How well did he get to know me?" My suspicion is that he was simply waiting
for her to become 18 so that nobody could accuse him of being a pedophile.
Men can help women select
men, and vice versa
Throughout most of human history, fathers and brothers have
been helping their daughter select men. Furthermore, the women have been
helping men select women. The reason that we can help one another select
a spouse is because we see our own sex in a different manner. However,
the feminists are encouraging women to follow their emotions, not to consider
their father's advice, or look for a man who can take care of them.
All of us men know what Ryan Seacrest is thinking. He can easily fool
the women with gifts, money, smiles, and the rest of his tricks, but he
can't fool any of us men. We know exactly what fantasies are going through
his mind. Of course, it is possible that his fantasies are more infantile
and/or perverted than yours and mine, but even so, we
know what he's thinking! The difference between us men is not
too great; it's not like the difference between a human and a butterfly.
Likewise, a woman can easily fool a man, but it's more difficult for
her to fool other women. This is why it's important for men to listen
to what women have to say about one another. For example, I
suspect that most women would have been able to warn Mel
Gibson to stay away from Oksana Grigorieva.
When I was a child, everything was fun; there were no responsibilities.
I wanted to eat whatever tasted good, and I would have fantasies of M&Ms
and milk chocolate. After I became sexually mature, I would fantasize of
sex, but only for the entertainment, not because I wanted the responsibilities
of marriage or raising children. Animals are also irresponsible. Just like
human children, animals will eat whatever tastes good to them, and they
do whatever titillates their emotions. Animals have no sense of responsibility.
Adult humans in this modern world have to be better than animals and
children. We can't eat whatever tastes good, and men can't have sex with
every woman that attracts our attention. Men today need to be capable of
forming more serious, more stable, more responsible relationships with
both men and women.
Unfortunately, as children become adults, we differ in how responsible
we become; we differ in how well adapted we become to this modern world.
The remarks about Ryan Seacrest that were made by Julianne Hough and other
people, and Seacrest's other relationships and behavior, remind me of when
I was 14 years old, not as I am today.
I and other men know what Seacrest
is thinking when he looks at Julianne Hough. I think the same thoughts,
but I could never bring myself to deceiving her or any other woman simply
so that I could use them for entertainment. Incidentally, this brings up
a very interesting issue. If a man were to honestly tell a woman about
the fantasies that run through his mind, I think most women would have
a difficult time dealing with it. Women, at least when they're young, occasionally
make remarks about how they want honesty,
but I suspect that women have more trouble handling reality than men. If
women could read minds, I think they would have an extremely
difficult time getting through life!
Women don't seem to care about reality. Their opinions about the world
seem to be based on their fantasies, not on serious observations of the
real world. In fact, they frequently make a remark such as "I
like to believe..." We can't believe what we like to believe.
We have to believe what the evidence
Is life better for men
or women? For
or children?
This issue doesn't have any particular relevance, but you might
find it interesting to think about. When I was a child, I wanted to be
like Peter Pan and never grow up. When I was a teenager I would wonder
what would happen if it were possible for me to experience life with a female
mind, and I wondered if I would prefer being female, or if I would be grateful
that I am not. And I wondered what women would think if they had a chance
to experience life with a man's mind. Would they prefer being men or women?
Is life better as a child or as an adult? Is life better as a male or a
It's possible that if we could experience life as both male and female,
we would come to the conclusion that life is equally pleasant for both
men and women, and that the most important aspect of life is the quality
of our mind and whether we are around people that we enjoy. Life is miserable
for both men and women when their minds or bodies are not functioning properly
or when they are in miserable environments, but life may be equally wonderful
if we have healthy minds and bodies and a pleasant environment to live
I am not
trying to hurt Ryan Seacrest; he is just an example
I used Margaret Cho as an example in my previous
file. It's important to keep in mind that I mention specific people simply
because they attracted my attention for some reason. It's the concepts
that are important, not the actual people. In this particular case, I'm
using Seacrest as an example of why we should be careful about people who
are pursuing us. Everybody has to be
aware of this concept, especially women who are very attractive, or people
who are rich or famous.
Who were the vampires
and leeches after
Michael Jackson?
Another example of why everybody has to be serious about this issue
of being pursued is this
remark made in June 2009 by Lisa Presley about the reasons she got divorced
from Michael Jackson:
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually
exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior
and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize
around him.
I was in over my head while trying
She tried to help Jackson deal with the "vampires and leeches", but perhaps
he didn't understand the concept, or perhaps he was too overwhelmed with
life to deal with it. |
It would be useful if we could identify and analyze the "vampires
and leeches" who were pursuing Jackson. Are they a particular race of people?
Are they the people who refer to themselves as Jews?
Do they resemble Neanderthals?
I suggest that everybody start taking a close look at the people who are
vampires, leeches, parasites, and predators.
Are there really some Hollywood
"Star Whackers"?
In September 2010, Randy Quaid and his wife were arrested for
living in a house that they no longer had ownership of. They were released
after posting bail. A month later they were arrested in Canada for immigration
violations. They are now claiming that they want to escape America because
there are some Hollywood "Star
Whackers" trying to kill them. No matter how you look at this situation,
it's evidence that something is seriously wrong
with America and Hollywood. Here are some possibilities:
1) This is a trick to justify their
They may be making this up simply to have an excuse to get away with
their crimes. If so, then the police in America and Canada are fools to
allow them to succeed.
2) There really is an assassination squad in
If there really is such an assassination squad, then the police should
be investigating who the squad is, and who they work for.
3) This is a trick to create fear of Jews.
As is typical of the people who become whistleblowers, ex-CIA agents,
truth seekers, and crime investigators, the Quaids have nothing intelligent
to say about the 9/11 attack, or the lies about the Holocaust, or the Apollo
moon landing, and I'm sure they wouldn't dare mention that they were living
in the same city as "Eric Hufschmid". I don't think they would dare mention
my name.
I suspect that the Jews really are killing, kidnapping, raping, blackmailing,
and lying to people in Hollywood, government, and business on a regular
basis. However, I don't think Randy Quaid or his wife are trying to
expose or stop this abuse. Rather, I suspect that they are in desperate
financial shape, and the Jews offered to help them in return for their
assistance in promoting fear among
people in Hollywood. I think the Jews are simply trying to frighten the
people in Hollywood into thinking that there is an assassination squad
roaming the streets and killing everybody who dares to resist the Jews.
I have an audio excerpt of an actor, Dirk Benedict (here,
240 Kb), claiming that there are hundreds
of murders in Hollywood. However, the people who talk about the murders
- including Dirk Benedict - may not
be trying to expose or stop the murders. Rather, some of them may release
this information as a way of frightening
people in Hollywood. Here are some interesting aspects of the Quaid situation
to keep in mind:
1) Quaid wrote the message on a scrap of paper.
Their method of announcing the assassination squad was to write a note
on a scrap of paper, give it to their lawyer, and let the lawyer read the
remark. Our legal system is designed so that people are pressured
to let lawyers speak for them, but the Quaids had lots of opportunities
to expose details about the assassinations, and to talk about 9/11, the
Holocaust lies, and the Apollo moon landing. If I was in their situation
- if I had all that publicity - I would be talking until the Jews turned
off their cameras and walked away in fear. And if any of the
policemen started to hide or become uncomfortable, I would tell them that
they are behaving like children who
are frightened of a dark room.
What would you do if you were trying
to escape from an assassination squad and you were given television publicity?
Would you talk about it in such a strange manner? Also, if the Quaids were
truly trying to expose the Jews, why would the Jews give them so much publicity?
2) The Hollywood executives don't seem to care
It's possible that Hollywood executives are ignoring the Quaids because
they regard his remarks as idiotic, but I suspect that they don't
want to defend themselves because they are hoping that these
rumors will spread quietly among the blackmailed Hollywood puppets and
create fear among them.
When you sleep with dogs, you get
bit by fleas
If a person is willing to deceive us into marriage or friendship,
he should be classified as a con artist, a criminal,
or a psycho, and he should be considered dangerous.
Bob Hall and Oksana Grigorieva are examples. These people are friendly,
happy, and kind while they are pursuing us, but once we get tired of them,
they can become angry, spiteful, and
nasty. Take a look at what Mel Gibson
is going through right now. Also, take a look at these
remarks from Christina Aguilera about her recent divorce:
Its not easy, and there have been a lot of
tears and sadness,
Its impossible to redefine yourself and your
life overnight. Thankfully, I have my mom and a small group of close friends
who are there for me 24/7 and whom I can trust and depend on. On days when
it feels impossible to even get out of bed, much less function as a mother,
their support and encouragement have kept me moving forward.
Out of respect for my husband, I prefer to keep
the specifics private. Right now, Im just trying to figure out how to
make it through each day.
Thankfully, I have Max to keep me on a sane path.
His needs and happiness are my top priorities, and my biggest concern is
to protect him and make him feel safe. |
If Jordan Bratman
was more Neanderthal:
Lots of people get divorced, but is it typical for people to
make remarks like that? For example,
her biggest concern is "protecting" her son, Max, and making him "feel
safe", but protecting him from what?
And making him feel safe from what?
And why is it difficult for her to get through each day? She doesn't have
any financial problems, she doesn't have to worry about being so ugly,
sickly, or old that she cannot find another man. So what is her problem?
Why is her divorce so traumatic? Is she psychotic? Or is there something
psychotic about the relationship? Her remarks make it appear as if her
life is falling apart, but most people don't have anywhere near as lucky
of a situation as she does. So why is she crying?
Extremely rich or famous people
should be investigated,
not admired
As I mentioned in my article
about Michael Jackson, Simon Cowell was
to have an income of $144 million a year, and Oprah Winfrey made almost
as much during one year! How do you
explain individual people getting that much money? I haven't investigated
many of the people who are rich and famous, but the few people I have looked
closely at seem to have connections to criminals, but not just any
criminals. Rather, the Jewish criminals
who are connected to the 9/11 attack, the world wars, and Zionism. Katy
Perry's music video is
even more evidence that the only people
who become extremely rich and famous are people who have joined
the Jewish crime network.
Therefore, when a woman finds herself in love with a wealthy and famous
man, she should ask herself, "Why is this man
so rich and famous?" Women should stop being impressed by a
man's money and fame and start looking at the source
of that money and fame. If a man became rich and famous from crime, inheritances,
gambling, or investments, he hasn't earned
his position.
It looks to me as if Julianne Hough and her brother Derek became
famous because they truly have a talent.
(They also have nice personalities and appearances.) Ryan Seacrest must
also have some talent or he never would
have been allowed to become rich and famous, but the Jews allow him almost
free reign on television and radio. Everybody should be wondering why he
has the Jewish stamp of approval. The
Jews won't even mention my name, but Seacrest, who has nothing intelligent
to say about any subject, is allowed to be a host
for a talk show, and he gets
all sorts
of other publicity. How do
you explain
Respectable men do not
behave like puppy dogs
or women
I don't think it's a coincidence that the feminist movement
has been encouraging women to believe that they should look for men who
they can talk to for hours, just like a female friend. A normal
man does not behave in this manner.
However, when women are fooled into thinking that the ideal man will spend
hours talking to her and giving her gifts, then the crude men can get women
simply by following them around and acting like a puppy dog.
The men should protect their daughters by providing them with guidance,
but as I mentioned before, most men today are so out of place in modern
society that they can't even have a calm discussion about the Jewish involvement
in the 9/11 attack.
I don't know Ryan Seacrest, so he may
be a respectable man, but during the past few years I've become very sensitive
to people who look like Neanderthals, have crude behavior, or who seem
abnormally interested in becoming our friend or spouse. My recommendation
is for everybody to be suspicious of a person who seems "too good to be
true". Keep in mind the concept that I discussed in Part_2
of my audio file for 21 Nov 2009. Namely, that we should put everybody into
an "acid bath". A man who is
as wonderful as he claims to be will be happy
that we take a close look at him because that's the only
way we will realize that he is what he claims to be.
Women today have to be suspicious of men who are "abnormal" in their
persistence, or their puppy dog behavior. Fleas are persistent, but not
because they love the animal that they're sucking blood from. Puppy dogs
are friendly, but only because they
food and attention, not because they're capable of forming an
advanced relationship with a human.
Where did "Ugly
Duckling" stories come from?
The aspect of the "Ugly Duckling" story that I find interesting
is that it's not simply about a child that looks uglier than the other
children. Rather, it's about a child that is a different
species than the others, and it becomes a much larger creature
when it's older. What would inspire a human to create a story like this?
It's possible that some human observed something similar to this in
nature, such as when a bird raises an egg from another bird, or when an
animal raises the baby of another animal. However, it's possible that this
story came about as a result of interbreeding between different races of
humans, such as humans and Neanderthals.
It's very likely that women in prehistoric times were occasionally seduced
or raped by a Neanderthal, and then one of her children was partly Neanderthal.
That child would have had more crude behavior and a different physical
Imagine if Julianne Hough is not
related to Neanderthals, and Ryan Seacrest is.
In such a case, if they have a child, their child will be partly Neanderthal.
If she then gets involved with a man who is her own race, then her subsequent
children will resemble her and her family members. Her child with Seacrest
will be the "Ugly Duckling" who looks and behaves different from the others.
Now imagine this situation happening centuries ago, before people had
any understanding of genetics. Imagine a woman being seduced or raped by
a Neanderthal, but never telling her husband. One of their children ends
up looking and behaving differently from the others, and her husband assumes
that it's his child. Since there were
no laws against killing babies, he may have been tempted to kill the strange child.
However, the adults in society who had been ugly ducklings but who were
allowed to grow up and become adults would be upset at the thought of people
killing their ugly children. They wouldn't understand why they or other
children were so much uglier than the others, but they would be likely
to put pressure on society to feel sorry for the ugly children rather than
kill them.
Do Neanderthals have bland
On February 24, 2010, Nigel Farage, a British government official,
complained about the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy,
at a meeting of European leaders. Among his remarks are:
But really, you have the charisma of a damp rag,
and the appearance of the low grade bank clerk. And the question that I
want to ask, is, who are you? I've never heard of you. Nobody in Europe
had ever heard of you. I would like to ask you, president, who voted for
A video and transcript is here. |
Nigel Farage, left, and Herman Van Rompuy |
After Nigel Farage finished complaining about Van Rompuy (here
of my Neanderthal pages), a representative from Germany, Martin
Schulz, criticized Nigel Farage. Schulz is another Neanderthal
who I complained about in 2009 here,
and I included a picture of him fooling around with Daniel
Cohn Bendit, a European official who is considered a pedophile.
Is it just a coincidence that some of us consider the Neanderthals to
have dreary personalities and unpleasant visual appearances? I don't think
so. We can also see this on television. The Neanderthals do an excellent
job of playing criminals, monsters, and freaks, but most of them don't
do well in roles in which they need to appeal to us. Most of
them have unpleasant physical appearances and/or unpleasant personalities.
I also don't even like the "whiny" voices that a lot of Jewish women have.
Are some people "better
Although people like to joke about this issue, this is an important
topic. Why do some people complain about the way other people show affection,
kiss, or make love? Is there such a thing as a "great lover"? Is there such
a thing as a "great kisser"? I don't think so. I think people are misinterpreting
the situation.
Consider the issue of eating dinner.
Is there such a thing as a person who is better
at eating dinner than another person? It should be obvious that the answer
is no. However, there are some people
that you enjoy eating dinner with more
than others. Those particular people will seem to be better
dinner partners. But it's not because they eat
better. Rather, it's a compatibility
issue. You will enjoy spending dinner with people who have compatible eating
habits and compatible personalities.
Likewise, I don't think there is such a thing as a "good" kisser or
a "good" lover. Rather, it is a compatibility issue. If you are compatible
with the person, then they will seem wonderful to you. It's possible that
some races kiss or make love in a manner that only people of that particular
race find appealing.
This issue is complicated by the fact that some people are ignorant
or awkward, and this can interfere with their behavior. The same would
be true of having dinner with people. If a person that you were having
dinner with was very uncomfortable, perhaps because he wasn't sure how
to use the utensils properly, or because he was nervous around you, then
his table manners may seem strange to you, or awkward. Likewise, when a
person doesn't know much about the issue of sex, he may be awkward, uncomfortable,
and nervous, which in turn can make the relationship miserable.