Christopher Bollyn
by Barbara
Jean on 15 May 2009
16 May 2009
Updated with comments 18 May
It's very difficult for me to make these telephone..
these radio shows right now. I have to, you know, arrange a connection,
and all that kind of thing, because I don't personally have a phone.
Um, I personally don't even have a house. Um,
you know, I, I, I stay where I can and, and where I can afford to stay.
Umm, that's why support is really needed now to
get this book done....
At 39 minutes in Hour 1 of the interview |
After I was interviewed by Susie of The Patriot Dames, I received
some comments from listeners.
Therefore, I wasn't surprised when people sent me comments about Christopher
Bollyn's appearance on the Barbara Jean radio show on 15 May 2009. Here
is the audio of the show:
Why will Bollyn speak only to
Barbara Jean?
his interview with Barbara Jean, Bollyn
wrote on his website:
"I was willing to spend two-hours and
pay the price of using a long-distance telephone line to speak with Barbara
Jean because I have known her for years and respect her intelligence and
OK, so, I guess Bollyn doesn't respect my
intelligence or fairness, or anybody else's, either! And I'm even willing
to pay for the phone call.
Why was Pat Owens
also invited as a guest?
Why did Barbara Jean invite a woman named Pat
Owens of Wisconsin to be a second guest
during the second hour of the show? I didn't see any connection between
Owens and Christopher Bollyn, or any of the issues that Bollyn was discussing.
Because these radio shows take most of their phone calls during the
second hour, my assumption was that Owens was just another Zionist agent
who was going to help Barbara Jean with damage control and propaganda.
However, one of the listeners to the show sent me the interesting remark:
"Was Pat there on stand-by because she
knew Christopher's handlers might have to cut his phone connection?"
This is an interesting possibility. It must be difficult for a person to
be a guest on a radio show that is intended to help his kidnappers create
the impression that he is free and independent. What would happen if Bollyn
became nervous during the show? Or what if he accidentally - or deliberately
- released some information that his kidnappers wanted to remain a secret?
In such a case, his kidnappers would terminate the phone conversation,
and the second guest would continue the conversation without any interruption.
One comment the listener sent me about this issue:
"When Bollyn was talking about Bernard
Madoff, he was cut-off during mid-sentence. Barbara Jean and her other
guest Pat started making some vacuous comments to fill the dead air."
Was 9/11 the "crime of the century"?
Bollyn says he needs donations to publish his book, Solving
9-11: An Independent Investigation of the Crime of the Century.
A man sent me the following comment (English is not his primary language):
I was right about him putting all his
attention on 9/11. "The crime of the century", I thought the apollo Moon
landing hoaxes were the crime of the century. I thought killing 30 millions
of people in Russia could be called the crime of the century. I thought
world war 2 with the 80 millions of deads and wounded should be called
the jewish crime of all time. But 9/11??? It sure was a hell of a cover-up
but it's not the crime of the century. Even if he means the 21th century.
And what about the firebombing of Dresden?
Before Christopher Bollyn disappeared in June 2007, he wrote an article
about this incredible "Holocaust".
The 9/11 attack has turned out to be just one of thousands of crimes
committed by an international network of disgusting, selfish, criminal
I don't mind if Bollyn wants to uncover more details about 9/11, but
I stopped investigating 9/11 several years ago. I think we have more
than enough evidence to prove that the World Trade Center was demolished
with explosives, and that the 9/11 attack was a false
flag operation conducted by Jews.
The sheeple refuse to face 9/11
and other problems, so there is no sense providing them with more details
about these issues. And the minority of humans
who are capable of facing society's problems can easily understand what
is going on with the information we already have.
Therefore, we are wasting our time if we search for more details about
9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and the attack on the USS Liberty. It
would be more productive for us to search for the few humans who are willing
to help the world. |
Nothing will improve if we waste our lives discussing the latest
report about thermite from the suspicious Professor Steven Jones. Instead,
we should be discussing such issues as:
How do we get rid of the criminal Jews?
What would be a better method of selecting government leaders?
How do we create a more honest police force?
How can we improve our economy, schools, and other social systems?
We've already done enough of an analysis of 9/11, the HoloHoax, etc.
We don't need any more details about
these crimes. Instead, we need more military and policemen with the courage
and desire to destroy
organized crime networks. And we need more people who are interested
in discussing methods to improve our world.
We know who is responsible for 9/11, the world wars, etc. It's now time
for the military and police to start destroying
the international network of criminal Jews. We need to get the
criminal Jews out of our lives forever. |
Bollyn is linking to Jim
Hoffman's website!
Prior to his disappearance in June 2007, Christopher Bollyn agreed
with me that Jim Hoffman is yet another
Zionist agent.
Bollyn was confused as to why Professor Steven Jones was working with
Hoffman. Bollyn was a very trusting person who gave everybody the benefit
of the doubt. Bollyn didn't like it when I told him that Professor Steven
Jones cannot be trusted, either. |
People who work closely with criminals
should be considered as criminals. Don't assume they are naive. My opinion
is that Professor Jones, Kevin Ryan, and virtually everybody else in the
9/11 "truth movement" are either criminal Jews, or they are working for
the Jews because of blackmail or bribery. My advice is to avoid all of
them, and be suspicious of everybody.
After Bollyn's interview with Barbara Jean, he described
the interview at his website, and he promoted this
article by Kevin Ryan that Hoffman
is carrying on one of his websites!
That article has been posted at more than one website, so why would
Bollyn select Hoffman's site when he
trusted Hoffman? As far as I'm concerned, this is more evidence that criminal
Jews are telling Bollyn what to write, or they are writing the material
for him.
Incidentally, Kevin Ryan is another
of the 9/11 investigators who always appears to be unhappy.
Perhaps I'm misinterpreting his emotional state, but after getting to
know many of the people in the 9/11 truth groups, the anti-war groups,
the Holocaust revisionist groups, etc., my opinion is that the Jewish crime
network is recruiting people with mental disorders. |
More comments from listeners
about Bollyn's interview:
One caller praised Eric Hufschmid's work and commented on how Christopher
and Eric are not promoted by other "truth seekers." Christopher sharply
said something to the effect, "Thanks, Thank you," as if he wanted the
caller to stop talking and hang up. Christopher did not say anything about
Eric Hufschmid afterwards. |
Another caller called about how he enjoyed Christopher's articles in
the American Free Press and asked about Christopher's fallout with that
organization. Barbara Jean quickly said that there would not be time to
go into that issue. Why was Barbara Jean continuing to be Bollyn's mommy
as she has in past interviews? |
Although Christopher blamed Israel and "Orthodox Zionist Jews," he
said that it was only a small number of very organized Jews. Why has he
forgotten that there is evidence that the crime network is much larger
than most of us ever imagined? |
A caller asked about if the Zionist control of America will ever be
destroyed. Christopher said that the picture was grim and that Israel's
grip on America was getting stronger. He said something like we can only
hope the Pope will stand up to Israel. Why was Christopher fear-mongering?
He never used to promote fear. He always was dedicated to exposing corruption.
Why did he not emphasize that the internet has made it impossible for
the Zionists to hide any longer? Why did he bring up the Pope as having
influence over Israel? Does Christopher really think the Pope could have
any influence? Doesn't Christopher know that there is evidence that the
Pope is controlled by Zionists? |
Christopher talked about how he doesn't have a house or a phone, but
he never mentioned how or where he was calling from. If he is constantly
trying to find a place to live, how does he have time to write his book?
How are his wife and children coping with this constant struggle to find
shelter? |
I noticed Pat talking about how we need to go back to researching the
CIA involvement in killing Kennedy. She also said that the CIA was the
same organization that is causing all of our problems today. Was this a
last minute ploy to shift the blame away from Israel? |
Comments from listeners whose
first language is not English:
Bollyn asks : « we have to find who did! » about
who put the « super-thermite » in the towers. We know it was
the israelis with their moving company front in New York. |
Get the evidence about super thermite to our local medias? He knows
the medias are under jewish control, maybe his handlers don't know people
looking for the truth figured that out a time ago already. Same for politicians
and « elected » leaders.
Give us a single example of a media not « completely controlled
». And by saying « not completely controlled, it means they
are partly controlled so why waste our time on it so it'll be filtered
at the end by the jewish boss? |
And when he mentioned his beating by the Chicago police, he didn't
mention you or Daryl Smith for helping him out and get him out of jail.
He just said ordinary people. |
Thailand example : they replace a corrupt government by another corrupt
government that was in the run for the control of the country. Are we suppose
to get the masses on the streets to remove the Democrats to be replaced
by the Republicans or vice-versa? That's not an improvement. He's not telling
who will replace the known corrupt politicians. Are we going to replace
them by our jewish saviors and complete the protocol of the elders of zion? |
Is it normal that the first caller gets so much time to ask «
his » stuff and tell what he learned? Leon got way less time and
it's probably for mentioning you. |