control a large number of goyim?
18 February 2008
When I first started explaining 9/11 to other people in 2002, I was shocked to discover that they refuse to seriously look at the evidence. When I tried to explain to them that the Apollo moon landing was staged here on the earth, I was shocked that even people with science backgrounds couldn't understand and/or face the issue.1) Weirdos The Jews who have serious emotional disorders and spend a lot of their time with drugs, gambling, strange sexual behavior, bestiality, and crime. Some of them set up strip clubs, homosexual bathhouses, bestiality farms, gambling casinos, wife swapping clubs, and S&M clubs. Two reasons these weird Jews are extremely valuable to the Jewish crime network are: Setting up Blackmail Traps As I've explained in other audio files and documents; some businesses
are blackmail traps. If the following
news item is real, it is a good example. It claims that the Jews were raping
and killing Russian orphans, some as young as two years old, and selling
the films to mostly non-Jewish customers:
Finding your weakness Ever since I got into exposing 9/11, I have been contacted by people (some of them admitted to being Jewish) who want to have friendly conversations with me, and they bring up the issues of sex, or drugs, or S&M, or taking a trip to Thailand for sex. They also ask if I have any health problems. I don't think they start these conversation with me because they actually like me or because they are concerned about my health. I think they're looking for my weakness in order to set me up for arrest or blackmail. And if I had a life-threatening health problem, and they might try to arrange for me to die as a result of that problem. What amazes me is how many of these Jews there are, and some of them are in other nations. The man who tried to convince me to take a trip to Thailand to have sex was in Norway. As I mentioned in my file about the angry phone call from Daryl Smith, Smith may have been looking for my weaknesses, also, when he was talking about going to Amsterdam to have sex with prostitutes. These Jews are relentless. For example, for about 2 years I have been getting phone calls almost every day from one particular man who seems to be trying to set me up to get involved in a fight. I could just hang up on him, but I'm hoping the NSA taps my phone lines and starts identifying some of the people who contact me. Also, it is somewhat interesting to watch these people try to trick me. This brings up an interesting issue. The man who is calling me every day doesn't appear to be on anybody's payroll. He seems to be barely surviving financially. It makes me wonder if the reason he's struggling so hard to catch me is because there is a reward out for me. Or is he just so dedicated to Zionism that he will do this for the good of all Jews? Whatever, he is such a loser that I can't believe he'll be successful. Or is that what you would call "famous last words"? Anyway, I couldn't possibly be the only person who is getting this type of treatment. I bet that everybody who gets involved in government, or who is seen as a potential threat to the Jews, is contacted by these friendly perverts, drug users, and weirdos. If you don't realize what they are doing, then you will consider these
Jews to be friendly people who want to have some fun, and you might be
talked into joining them as they look for a prostitute or visit a "special"
farm to have sex with a goat. You wouldn't realize that you're being tricked
until it's too late. I'm lucky my credit card transaction didn't go through
when I tried to pay for that trip to Thailand! (Just kidding!)
2) Bullies The bullies behave like the criminals we see in Hollywood movies; i.e.,
they try to manipulate us through intimidation and fear. Some examples:
Don't let the bullies intimidate you! These bullies are similar to Bugsy Siegel, Bonnie and Clyde, and mafia
gang members. They try to intimidate, frighten, and deceive. They are pushy,
aggressive, manipulative, and dishonest. They are like dogs that won't
stop barking.
3) Con artists. Con artists don't frighten us; instead, they make us feel good. They are sweet and adorable. They give us praise, and offer to help us when we need it. They trick us into trusting them. This is how Christopher Bollyn ended up missing. Some "wonderful" people
offered to help the Bollyns escape from Chicago.
What are the offspring of bullies,
con artists, and weirdos?
Why are criminals glorified?
Movies, television shows, and children's games often glorify Italian
gang members, Bugsy Siegel, Bonnie and Clyde, and pirates.
The Disneyland in Los Angeles has a ride called Pirates of the Caribbean. I was on that ride as a child, and one of the few memories that stayed with me all these years is the image of the pirates chasing after the women in order to rape them. Male animals like to chase after females, but why would Disneyland want to make this animal-like behavior appear respectable? Apparently a lot of people were upset by this part of the ride because
Disneyland changed it about 10 years ago so that the women are carrying
trays of food, so today it looks like the men are chasing after appetizers.
Why are the entertainment businesses glorifying criminals? Part of the
reason may be because the Jews are deliberately encouraging this behavior
in order to ruin our society, and part of the reason may be because the
entertainment business is attracting people with mental disorders.
Would you let your child eat poison? We are allowing the entertainment companies to produce all sorts of Zionist propaganda, such as Holocaust lies, hatred of Germans and Arabs, and Anne Frank fantasies. We also allow them to promote UFOs, crop circles, psychic abilities, and ghosts. And we allow them to glorify criminals and bizarre sexual behavior. Nobody would allow their children to purchase food that had poison in it, but nobody cares if children are purchasing video games, movies, or magazines that are full of Zionist propaganda. What's the difference? The difference is that most people can't understand that poisoning a child's mind is as bad as poisoning their body. The Chinese government is planning to ban movies that promote such nonsense as ghosts and UFO's, including Steven Spielberg's movie ET. (In the photo below, the creature on the left is ET, and the one with the slanted forehead is Steven Spielberg. I have a page of photos of slanted forehead people here) ![]()
The Jews don't have any intelligent justification for their promotion of ghosts, UFO's, Holocaust lies, psychotic sexual behavior, or Anne Frank propaganda. Instead, the Jews try to intimidate us into believing that their disgusting propaganda is "artwork", and that only Nazis try to stifle creative talent. I don't consider ET or Schindler's List to be "art"; I consider it to be "propaganda". Don't let the Jews intimidate you! Take a serious look at what they're doing, and ask yourself: "What effect does their art have on the world? Is it helping children or adults to have better lives or better attitudes? If there is no benefit to this art, or if it's detrimental, why should we allow businesses to profit from it? Why should freedom of speech be used to justify worthless or destructive products?" |
Criminals are defective, not
A lot of people, especially when very young, will commit a crime occasionally, but only certain adults make a career out of crime. Most people seem to believe that criminals are "evil", but criminals are humans like the rest of us. However, as I describe in my Dumbing Down articles, the criminals have more mental or physical disorders than the rest of us. They are the outcasts; the misfits. Nobody wants to be a criminal. All of us, especially men, want to be admired for our talent; we don't want to be hated. We want to be respected, not hunted like a rat. We want to be able to walk around in public with pride, not hide in the darkness and run from the police. Criminals are not admirable people. They are suffering from serious disorders. They are retarded; they are defective; they are genetic garbage.
When I see a criminal, an alcoholic, or a person with a gambling problem, I feel the same type of sadness that I would feel if I saw a baby bird that was born with a defective wing, or a horse with a broken leg. There is nothing admirable about a retarded bird; it's a sad aspect of life. People will kill a horse with a broken leg rather than let it suffer a miserable life, but the current policy in regards to defective humans is to ignore them.
We should not glorify criminals, and we should not ignore them. We have to get better people in control of the world and start dealing with these problems. I think the reason the entertainment business tends to glorify criminals is because many of the people in these businesses are suffering from serious mental disorders. They feel a closer bond to the criminals and weirdos than they do to "normal" people. They regard healthy people as anal-retentive, prudish, boring, and stuck up. |