Zionism’s fatal flaws
1) Parasites
cannot dominate
2) Freaks
cannot trust each other
9 August 2009
Since I haven't added anything to my website for weeks, some
of you are wondering if I'm okay.
Yes, I'm doing fine, and until I create something more substantial,
here is an article I put together quickly today for those of you who are
worried that the Jews are taking control of the world.
The pestering by freaks
On Sunday, 2 August 2009, I received yet another strange phone call.
Within a minute or so I assumed it was one of the friends of that mysterious
man in Sweden who calls himself Joe Blow. (On his videos,
he appears as a terrorist with a scarf around his face.)
He occasionally has somebody call me to pretend to be one of my supporters
while Joe and others are secretly listening and recording the conversation.
So I turned on my audio recorder. |
I received several other idiotic phone calls during the past
couple weeks, and one of them was from Joe Blow, and he admitted that he
was listening to one of the conversations, but now I can't remember which
one he admitted to listening to. Jews and goofballs have been contacting
me by e-mail and phone since 2002. I forget most of them, and I get others
mixed up. However, I think the person who called me on August 2nd was one
of Joe's friends who they refer to as "Hogarl".
I assumed Joe Blow would post the phone conversation on piratebay,
as he did before (such as this
one), but I don't see it on the site. It's possible that he didn't like
what I was saying to Hogarl. So, perhaps you would enjoy listening to it!
Update: Joe Blow finally
posted the audio file at this
page. So, that mysterious man was indeed Hogarl, and Joe Blow was secretly
listening and recording the conversation. And he says that the name "Hogar"
has an L at the end: "Hogarl", so I corrected it in this document.
In this conversation, Hogarl tries to convince me over and over that the
Jews are beating us. I responded with some issues that I think are very
important for you to understand, and I suppose the criminal Jews don't
want to hear this. Namely, that I think the Jewish crime network is losing,
and that they suffer from two fatal flaws
that will cause them to lose time after time. Here is that phone conversation,
missing the first minute or so. He hangs up on me at the end, or his phone
disconnected by accident.
The Jews have been failing
for centuries
During the past few centuries, a large group of criminal Jews
has been trying to take over the world. They have achieved a considerable
amount of success in getting control of our banking system, governments,
schools, police departments, and other organizations.
However, whenever the Jews start to achieve significant control over
our societies, some of the more observant people start to notice what the
Jews are doing. And a few individuals manage to get some of the Jews arrested,
or have their organizations destroyed. The other Jews then go into hiding,
or escape to some other nation, and later they try again to take over the
Jews believe that their brief periods of success is the result of their
superior intelligence, but I've come to the conclusion that their success
is due to the fact that the majority of people are little more than monkeys
with speech capabilities.
Just like animals, most people want to entertain themselves, not deal
with problems. This selfish, irresponsible behavior allows crime networks
to thrive.
Furthermore, most people have trouble resisting bribes, and many are
easily intimidated by threats, and many are easily tricked into doing something
that they can be blackmailed over. Crime networks are operating freely
all over the world because most people are either allowing
them to operate, or assisting them! |
Criminals are defects,
not “Underdogs”
If you are familiar with my unusual philosophy towards life
and crime, then you know that I believe that "criminals" are humans who
are suffering from some type of mental or physical problem, or they inherited
a more primitive mind than the rest of us, which caused them to be more
like our primitive ancestors, or more like an animal.
According to my philosophy, criminals are an
inferior type of human. They are losers, freaks, weirdos, genetic
garbage, human trash. The more advanced humans should be able to easily
deal with crime. So what is stopping us from dealing with crime?
The primary problem seems to be that the "advanced" humans are a very
small percentage of the world's population. Most people in the world are
either freaks, or talking
monkeys who don't care about anything except themselves.
Furthermore, the majority of people, since they are of low quality,
have a strong tendency to feel sorry for criminals
and other weirdos rather than suppress them. Americans refer to this philosophy
as "Defending the Underdog", or "Helping
the disadvantaged".
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
“Send these, and the hopeless losers to me,
And your human garbage; the retards and freaks.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” |
1) Parasites cannot dominate
The major flaw with Zionism is that crime networks will never be able
to dominate the world for the same reason that fleas, ticks, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis,
and other parasites will
never become
a dominant species. A parasitic species will always be insignificant because
whenever they start to achieve success in dominating their host, they start
their host.
The Jews have achieved so much success in dominating America that they
are now destroying their primary host. And they are destroying some European
nations, also. They have achieved so much success that they are going to
themselves, once again.
America suffers from a similar problem. The American philosophy is to
pity and pamper the disadvantaged, the criminals, the alcoholics, and the
freaks, while ignoring the healthy, honest, and happy people. This philosophy
will eventually destroy a nation. It is equivalent to a farmer who puts
his effort into saving the sickly plants
and allowing the healthy plants to die. |
Will the Jews be able to
move to China, Japan, or India?
In my conversation with Hogarl, he expressed an opinion that I've heard
from many Jews during the past few years. Namely, that the Jews don't worry
about destroying America or Europe because they believe that they can simply
move to another nation, such as China, Japan, or India.
The Jews have been bribing Chinese government officials for decades
with the Panama Canal, American military and scientific technology, and
who knows what else, but is that going to be enough? I don't think so.
In my audio file for 27 February
2008, I mentioned that the Jews are trying to convince the Japanese that
they're of Jewish origin, but is this trick going to work on the Japanese?
I don't think so. |
Modern technology, such as the Internet, computers, and cell
phone cameras, are making it easy for people around the world to observe
what the Jews have been doing to America and Europe. People today can easily
learn how the Jews staged the 9/11 attack, and how they tricked Europe,
America, and Japan into world wars, and how they tricked America into dropping
atomic bombs on Japan, and how they almost tricked America into a nuclear
war with China and Russia.
Ordinary people in India can learn how the Jews got control of the American
media, banking system, police departments, and military. Ordinary people
in China can easily learn how the Jews tricked Americans into faking the
Apollo moon landing, and how they tricked Americans into assassinating
President Kennedy.
Even though most people in China and India don't care about
anything except entertaining themselves, I think there will be enough respectable
people in both nations to prevent the Jews from getting as much control
of their nations as the Americans and Europeans have allowed.
It's possible that the Jews will be able to destroy America and Europe,
but they cannot destroy the entire planet. The world is very large, and
the Jews are a small percentage of the total population. If a fight breaks
out, the Jews are going to lose.
Furthermore, as America becomes weak, Israel will lose its only attack
dog. Europe and Japan will become free to say what they please
about the world wars, the Holocaust, and the Apollo moon landing. Without
America, there will be no nation to force the other nations to be submissive
to Israel.
My advice is to let America disintegrate rather than worry about it.
When a business is failing, the most sensible attitude is to understand
why it's failing, and then create a better business. Likewise, when a nation
is deteriorating, the best policy is to learn
from its mistakes and then create a
better nation.
2) Freaks cannot trust each other
The other very serious flaw with Zionism will make sense to
you only if you agree with with my philosophy that criminals are defective
or primitive humans. My attitude is that the people who join crime networks
will always lose in the long run when they have to compete against higher
quality humans because as a group they will be less intelligent, less responsible,
and less dependable. Also, they will be more likely to turn on one another
when the situation becomes difficult. The members of crime gangs cannot
trust one another because they tend to abuse everybody, including their
own friends.
Take a look at the people who support the Zionist crime network. They
are not people who I would describe as "normal" or "healthy" humans. And
an amazing number of them have physical features that resemble Neanderthals,
or they show symptoms of genetic disorders, such as misshapen faces, or
an inability to pronounce words properly, especially the letter "R" (I
mentioned this problem in my audio file for 2
July 2008).
The Zionist crime network is full of freaks, and once you understand
their tricks, it's almost embarrassing to think that these people have
been fooling us for years. Here are some examples that I downloaded yesterday
from the radio show of G. Gordon Liddy for August 7, 2009. You can find
his audio files at his website.
Gordon Liddy
Liddy, (yet another Neanderthal)
spent four years in jail for his involvement in the Watergate burglary.
You might think that a convicted criminal would have trouble getting an
important position in society, but he has a radio show and has access to
all sorts of "important" people, and he gets publicity by television, newspapers,
The fact that the Jewish media promotes him should be enough evidence
to convince you that he is just another Jewish puppet, but if you need
more evidence, listen to some of his radio shows. Here are three excerpts
from his radio show for August 7, 2009:
On August 7, 2009, Liddy interviewed George Gilder, who wrote
a book in which he promotes the theory that Jews are a superior race, and
that we are envious of them. Gilder
is a senior fellow
at the Discovery Institute. (I've complained in other documents that a
lot of people with no useful talent are using their college diplomas to
intimidate us into thinking that they are intelligent, and they are getting
involved in mysterious, parasitic "charities" and "think tanks" that work
with the criminal Jews to manipulate society.) Here is an excerpt from
Liddy's interview with Gilder:
Mr. Gilder, your latest book is called The Israel Test,
and it is a remarkable book, as Israel is certainly a remarkable country.
It has always puzzled me why Christians could be anti-Semitic in that they
worship a Jew as God. And I think you've answered the question in that
it is envy, and indeed, my thought is this, and I'd like you to criticize
it if you would.
That millennia of persecution and pogroms, and the rest, of Jews, plus
the forces of assimilation and the rest, have had the evolutionary, if
you will, effect of causing the Jews as a whole to be extraordinarily intelligent,
able, and diligent, etc., more so than the rest of the population, and
therefore they have this tendency to succeed and excel, and this induces
envy among others. What do you think of that?
I think that is a beautiful statement of the basic theme of
my book.
only 250 kb |
Also on August 7, 2009, Liddy interviewed Armand
Lakner, a Holocaust survivor who claims that 32 of his family
members were killed at Auschwitz. He was also a plaintiff in a case
against Swiss banks to get $1.2 billion of Holocaust payments. After he
miraculously survived the Nazi death camp at Mauthausen, he got a job with
NASA and helped put men on the moon!
By the way, if you think NASA landed men on the moon,
please look at my page about Apollo.
Here is an excerpt in which a Liddy promotes Lakner's fictional book,
Mauthausen to the Moon. Take a close look at Lakner's remark. Have
you learned enough about con artists and Zionism to realize that his answer
is an attempt to deceive us?
Don't be surprised if when you turn the final page, that you
lie awake wondering, how much of what I just read is a product of Armand
Lakner's fertile imagination, or have I just read a thinly disguised memoir
of the man.
I don't know, and you won't either. But you can't help wondering. So
Dr. Lakner, how much is fact, and how much is fiction?
If I were a statistician, I could probably express this in
percentage, but I am not, and I really don't know if it's a 50-50 story,
or 75 or 25. As a matter of fact, my editor, jokingly, in a relaxed moment,
asked me, if a certain episode, is true, or is it fiction?
I talked about it so many times, and I have been thinking about it so
many times, that I myself did not know what was reality and what was fiction.
However, most of the events taking place in the concentration camp as well
as in the space program described in the book are actual events.
only 160 kb |
If you were part of a military tribunal to determine the fate
of these criminal Jews, would you allow them to use this type of excuse:
“Gosh, if I were an accountant, I could probably give you good records
of how many Goyim I've killed, kidnapped, raped, and cheated, but I'm not.
“Besides, I've fantasized about committing many crimes that I can no
longer distinguish reality from fiction. So I plead not
guilty; I plead insanity and confusion.” |
Also on August 7, 2009, Liddy interviewed Tom Borelli of Free
Enterpriser. He is a senior fellow at the National
Center for Public Policy Research, another mysterious organization
of criminals and parasites with college diplomas.
Borelli's interview is more complex, and longer, so I didn't bother
to transcribe it, but it's important to understand his propaganda. Specifically,
Borelli and many other criminals are promoting the theory that the world's
problems are coming from a few corporate executives. In this particular
interview they attack General Electric CEO, Jeff Immelt:
2 mb, 18 minutes
Borelli is part a large group of criminals who are trying to convince
us that our problems are due to a mysterious group of people that is referred
to as "the military industrial establishment",
or "the corporations", or simply the
My father is a victim of this particular trick; he thinks the "super-rich"
are in control of the world.
People who failed to make as much money as they want, and who cannot
accept their failures, are most likely to believe this theory because they
are envious of the people who are wealthy, and they want to blame somebody
for their failures rather than blame themselves.
Zionism depends upon human
Crime gangs of all races and nationalities are collections
of freaks. Their members are alcoholics,
drug addicts, psychos, and retards who are suffering from all sorts of
mental disorders. Many seem to retain a childish attraction to toilet humor
and temper tantrums. They are crude, disgusting, dishonest, mentally unstable
creatures who will cheat one another in
addition to the rest of us.
You might find it interesting to imagine yourself dependent upon these
freaks. Would you feel safe with them on your side? Would you want them
to be part of your team?
For example, consider Daryl Smith.
He had tremendous problems with his stepfather, with schools, and with
people he worked with. He can't get along with anybody. Have you seen my
about him?
Would you want to be part of an organization in which your life is dependent
upon a man like him?
Consider how he almost demands that
we donate money to him. What would happen if somebody offered him money
in return for turning on one of his so-called friends? Where is his true
loyalty? Is it to whoever offers the most money? Does he really care about
anybody other than himself? |
“F*** you, you pencil-necked, motherf******, s***head, c***sucker! I'll
have you killed if you don't condemn Chris Bollyn!” |
How about Alex Jones? Would you
feel safe with this man on your side? Is he truly dedicated to Zionism?
Or will he sell out as soon as he experiences financial trouble, or as
soon as he is arrested?
By the way, this photo is from his amusing - or weird - imitation
of the "Obama joker". You can watch it here.
And here is
an amusing video of him talking to the police while wearing this clown
makeup. |
“The Rockefellers and the New World Order want to kill and torture most
of you. But I will save you from those eugenicists and rich elitists. Buy
my videos and trust me with your life!” |
Have you ever spent time contemplating how nice the world could be
if it was dominated by honest and respectable people rather than selfish,
parasitic freaks? |