The secretive “Mishko”
of the Voice
of Reason Broadcast Network
calls to complain about my criticism of their
15 August 2009
“Eric, I'm angry at you for calling us Jews!”
The strange phone calls continue!
A few days ago I posted this
article about a phone call from Hogarl. It has turned out that "Joe Blow"
was indeed secretly listening in and recording the conversation because
he eventually posted the conversation and admitted it here.
And he says that the name "Hogar" has an L at the end: "Hogarl".
On Tuesday, 11 August 2009, I received a phone call from a man who was
upset with me. I assumed it was another freaky friend of Joe Blow, so I
turned on my audio recorder in case it was worth saving for historical
purposes. As you can see, I am learning from the Israelis:
“My purpose was to document the event.”
– Eric Hufschmid, August 2009 |
It turned out that this particular phone call was from Mishko
of VoR. He was upset that
I criticized their network several months earlier in such articles as this.
As with the phone call from Hogarl, this call is both entertaining and
useful for helping us understand these criminal Jews and their tricks.
One of the interesting aspects of this call is that he does not want people
talking about the Apollo Moon Landing scam.
Apollo moon landing is off-limits
to "truth seekers"
For many years people have been telling me to stop talking
about the Apollo moon landing scam. For example, in 2005 Dave
vonKleist called me to lecture me on why I should remain silent
about both the Holocaust and the Apollo moon landing. Rather than be intimidated
by the disgusting behavior of that Neanderthal (his photo is
I wrote this article. (By
the way, vonKleist might be one of their blackmail victims rather than
a willing participant, as I mentioned here.)
Months later, when I saw him in person at one of the 9/11 events that Jimmy
Walter had arranged for us, he lectured me again
about remaining silent on Apollo and the Holocaust!
Stan Tipton would also try to stop
me from talking about such issues as the Apollo moon landing when I was
speaking at Jimmy Walter's 9/11 events (I mention Tipton in several pages,
such as this).
There is a very noticeable pattern
among the so-called Patriots, truth seekers, white nationalists, veteran
groups, and anti-war activists. Specifically, they are all trying to make
me and other people remain silent about
the Apollo moon landing scam. This
is evidence that the Jews are responsible for this crime.
Furthermore, I think we should consider the possibility that the intense
concern that the Jews show in regards to the moon landing is evidence that
that the Jews are afraid that if we investigate NASA, we will uncover
Jewish crimes, such as their diversion of tax money into attempts to simulate
alien spacecraft so that they can fake an alien contact, and their experiments
in mind control and
pedophilia (Cathy
O'Brien claims she was abused at one of the NASA facilities).
My phone conversation with Mishko should make it even more obvious that
the "white nationalists" are actually
Jews who are trying to cover up the Apollo moon landing scam
and other crimes, and that the Voice of Reason network is just another
gang of Zionist Jews.
Instead of being intimidated by these criminals, we should react by
the Apollo information to even more
people, such as passing around
this page
of links. Also, pass around this phone conversation to show people in the
patriot and white nationalist groups what sort of freaks they're following:
Warning: don't play this in public;
he is a bit crude at times.
5 mb, 42 mins
To download, click your right mouse button and
select Save Target As
Learn their tricks!
Don't become one of their
a Jew expose his own crime?
One of the arguments that Mishko, Alex Jones, and other "truth
seekers" frequently use to convince us of their honesty is that they expose
crimes, such as 9/11 or the Holocaust, and therefore, by exposing
crime, they must be honest people.
They will often ask a question similar to, "If I
was a criminal, why would I expose my crimes?" In 2005 I wrote
introduction to the concept of a wolf in sheep's
clothing for those of you who are not familiar with the concept.
Would a criminal expose another
A very popular trick among the criminal Jews is that they will
criticize one another, and then they boast about being condemned. For example,
Alex Jones will boast that he is being criticized by the Southern Poverty
Law Center or the ADL, and he uses this as proof that he is exposing
Jewish crimes, not working for the Jews. They also frequently
boast about being censored by YouTube, receiving death threats, or being
followed by mysterious people in Army uniforms. They are trying to fool
you into thinking that they must be honest or they wouldn't be having these
They also play the role of a victim
in order to trick us into feeling sorry for them.
They all use the same tricks, so it doesn't matter which of them you
learn their tricks from. Here is an example with Alex Jones:
14 August 2009, Alex Jones boasted that the Spanish newspapers in Florida
were calling for his arrest for encouraging people to post "Obama clown"
only 60 kb
Jones also claimed to be frightened for his life, and for our
lives. Jones must be an honest person because criminals would never be
frightened, or care about us, would they?
only 95 kb
After playing the role of the victim for a while, he interviewed Stewart
Rhodes, the founder of,
and both of them boasted that the Southern Poverty Law Center is criticizing
only 60 kb
Then Jones asked Rhodes if he had seen the comments
that they should be killed that were posted by mysterious people on the
SPLC website:
only 20 kb
Later in the show, after Jones hopes he has acquired the trust of his
listeners, he starts slipping in the Jewish propaganda, namely that the
US government is under the control of offshore
foreign banks, and that "The Feds"
are the evil group that we should hate and fear. Then he pretends to have
figured out how "The Feds" operate. He says they play the role of the victim
before they stage a false flag attack. In reality, he's telling us how
his criminal friends operate!
only 170 kb |
are “our” people?
Notice that Mishko, like many people who call themselves "white
nationalists", frequently use the expression "our
people". Who are "our people"?
This is a very important trick that I discuss in my audio file for 19_May
2008. The leaders of the white nationalist groups are criminal Jews who
are trying to encourage us to separate by race, nationality, language,
and religion. They want us to think that our primary enemy are other
races. They want each race and nationality to feel sorry for
themselves and imagine that they are abused by other races and other nationalities.
They also encourage women to imagine that they are being abused by men.
The Jews encourage fights. They don't want us to realize that the primary
enemy of the planet Earth are what we describe as criminals, parasites,
lunatics, drug addicts, and retards of every race
and nationality. And many of these freaks are Jews.
Even if every nation prohibited immigration and evicted people of minority
races, every nation would continue to be full of crime, corruption, and
chaos because of all the criminals and other weirdos who are of the same
race as us. Nothing is going to improve
in this world simply by telling all of the races to segregate. The only
way to improve the world is to deal with the destructive and parasitic
people, regardless of their race. And
we must be able to deal with the destructive people who
are related to us. Nobody should have special privileges to
be a parasite or a criminal. Everybody must behave in respectable manner
and contribute to society, even if they are our identical twin.
The missing POWs are
important to white nationalists?
Notice that Mishko doesn't think it's important for "white
nationalists" to hear the accusations that the American military was often
set up during the Korean and Vietnam wars to be captured and sent to Russian
prisons for experimentation. There are also accusations that both military
personnel and civilians were kidnapped and sent to Russia during and after
World War II.
I personally consider these type of accusations to be
very important to the entire world. The evidence is overwhelming
that all of the wars of the 20th century, and the current wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan, were instigated and manipulated by Jews.
I think it's disgusting that the Jews instigated these wars, and I think
it's even more appalling to think that the Jews arranged for thousands
of Americans, British, Germans, etc., to be kidnapped and sent to Russia
for experimentation and torture.
I think that Mishko's attitude that this issue is irrelevant to white
nationalists is simply more evidence that he is actually working for those
criminal Jews, and he is trying to keep this information hidden from "our
Who is Mishko hiding from?
On the "support
VoR" page, where they beg for money, we discover that we must send
them cash or cashier's check. They will not accept
personal checks. Why not? Are they afraid that we will see which
bank they deposit the check into when we get our canceled check? Or don't
these people have banking accounts?
When I asked him who he was hiding from, I assumed he would respond
that he's hiding from the Jews, or the Mossad, or the ADL, but he couldn't
come up with any answer. I think he is hiding from "our
people". You should be very cautious about trusting somebody
you know nothing about.
Your best defense:
suspicious of everybody!
Learn from the mistakes of other people, such as Christopher
Bollyn. Your best defense is to be suspicious
of everybody. There should be no exceptions.
I wrote about this years ago here.
Don't assume that somebody is honest simply because they are frightened,
or simply because the ADL has criticized them. |
Don't end up like Bollyn!
Be especially suspicious of people
who are condemning Jews. A lot of criminal
Jews are pretending to be white nationalists who hate the Jews in order
to fool you into trusting them. They are trying to lead you into a "Goy
Pen" where they can feed you propaganda and keep you away from
people like me.
If you fall for this trick, you will allow criminal Jews to be your
leader in fighting criminal Jews! |
Don't be a child who follows whoever offers you candy. Don't look for
somebody to give you compliments or praise. Learn how
con artists operate!
“You children are so adorable! Here's some candy for
“Do you hate Jews? Well, I hate them, too!
“Come over to my house! Me and my friends have lots
of candy, and we all hate Jews.” |
It's difficult to determine who is a leader and who is a con artist. This
is why a democracy fails. Most people can't make a good decision in regards
to who should be a leader.
A real leader doesn't give you what you want.
Instead, a real leader helps you to become a better
person. He shows you where you're making
mistakes, and he teaches you things that you
don't know. He doesn't necessarily have much in common with
You should not look for a "friend"
when you look for a leader. Instead, look for somebody that you and others
can work with so that you form an organization
that works together for the benefit of the entire
group. |
"white nationalists"
are criminal Jews
Mishko adds more evidence to my accusation that the white nationalists,
patriots, and Nazis are actually criminal Jews.
They are constantly making angry remarks about Jews in order to attract
those of us who are becoming disgusted with Jews. They also try to create
racial fights. I have articles with more detail, such as:
• Ashkenazi-Nazis.html
• InfiltrationOrIncompetence.html
are bullies,
not respectable people
My phone call with Mishko adds evidence to what I described
in this document. Specifically, the
Jewish crime network is full of crude, violent, aggressive bullies
who try to intimidate us. They "get
in our face", as some people describe it.
It's also important to notice that they are always trying to meet
us in person. In 2002, when both Christopher Bollyn and Nic
Levis (one of the co-founders of
were both living in Germany, Levis would frequently try to convince Christopher
Bollyn to meet with him in person. Many of the people in the "truth movement"
have also offered to let me and Bollyn stay at their homes for free.
There are lots of reasons why criminals want to meet us and stay at
their homes. One reason is that it's easier for criminals to intimidate
us when they have direct contact with us rather than via phone calls or
e-mail. Another reason is to slip us poisons or drugs. Did you hear about
the history of the "Mickey Finn"? The
Zionist Wikipedia has a summary of this
drug along with some other poisonings in Chicago. And did you know that
a few days after Edward Abboud visited
Susie, he committed suicide?
Freaks cannot impress us
If the Zionist network was a group of intelligent, responsible
Jews, then they could acquire supporters all around the world simply by
telling us about their brilliant opinions for improving governments, school
systems, etc. If they could impress us, then we would be willing
and happy to work with them.
However, as I described in other audio files and documents, the Internet
has removed the secrecy that has been protecting them. We now realize that
they are a gang of alcoholics, criminals, retards, pedophiles, and parasites.
They cannot impress us with their brilliant opinions because they don't
have anything intelligent to say about any issue (except when they plagiarize
it). Therefore, they have to use deception, blackmail, threats, intimidation,
murder, and bribery.
let criminals intimidate you!
It's understandable when women and children are intimidated
by criminals, but grown men should have the ability to stand up to these
freaks. Grown men should be able to take care of themselves and
their families; they should not behave like frightened girls.
This is especially true of men in the police
and military. If any of them cannot
discuss the 9/11 attack, the HoloHoax, the Apollo Moon Landing scam, or
other crimes, they should not have such jobs!
If you know a man in the military or police, tell him to become
a man, or find another job.
We are under attack by a gigantic,
international network of criminal Jews, and we need men
in the police and military to help us defeat these criminals.
Don't be afraid of criminals!
Most people hide from criminals because they worry about retaliation,
and some people worry about FEMA death camps, World War III, global warming,
and economic chaos. It's true that an individual cannot fight an organized
gang, but together we can beat these crime gangs and put an end to their
wars and other disasters.
All of us are going to die, and most of us will suffer a slow, miserable
death due to old age. But don't waste your life fearing death. Instead,
spend your time enjoying life and trying
to make it better for all of us.
We have an incredible opportunity!
Technology, such as computers, CD-ROMs, the Internet, audio
recorders, telephones, and cell phone cameras, are allowing us to expose
crime networks and pass information around.
We have an opportunity that has never existed in the history of the
human race. We have an opportunity to expose
and destroy all crime networks around
the world. If we can find enough respectable people, we can transform this
planet from a collection of corrupt and disgusting nations that are dominated
by freaks, parasites, and criminals, into a beautiful world that is dominated
by people we can trust and respect.
We could build cities that are as beautiful, clean, and orderly as
they are in paintings.
So please help us! Don't assume somebody else will do all work!
We can
do it !
Humans have the intelligence
and the talent ! |