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The Kastron Constitution
4g) The Clothing Ministry

1 June 2024

The Clothing Ministry controls clothing

Clothing freedom is limited

Rather than let everybody design whatever clothing they please, the Clothing Minister has the authority to determine what is acceptable in regards to clothing for both leisure activities and work. Everybody is free to choose their clothing, but we must select from the clothing that the Clothing Minister has authorized for the particular activity that we are involved with.

This is the same concept that was described for city art. Specifically, everyone has the freedom to choose their home furnishings and decorations, but they must choose from what the Neighborhoods Ministry has authorized.

For example, a person who is working around high-temperature furnaces must choose from the clothing that has been authorized for that type of job, and people who are swimming in public pools must choose from the clothing that has been authorized for public pools.

The Clothing Minister is the only official who can authorize the production of clothing items. This includes shoes, safety goggles, and all other types of apparel for both work and leisure. He has the authority to set the rules for clothing, nudity, and breast-feeding, and he supervises the experiments with new clothing styles. He is also responsible for disposing of used clothing. He is expected to experiment with ways of recycling the clothing, and finding some use for certain items, such as fuel or fertilizer.

As with the other ministers, he must judge clothing by what is most beneficial for the City Elders, not according to what our emotions want. He must judge clothing by the effect it has on our relationships and attitudes. His goal is to provide us with clothing that is the most beneficial to us, but that is not always what our emotions prefer.

For example, in a free enterprise system, people often choose safety clothing and safety goggles for their appearance rather than their function, but the Clothing Minister is required to ignore what the public wants and design safety clothing to be practical and functional.

The Social Clubs Minister is certain to authorize clubs that provide people with sewing machines, embroidery machines, fabrics, and other clothing related equipment, but those clubs cannot become factories to produce clothing for the city. Rather, they are intended for the public to experiment with clothing, repair clothing items, add decorations to clothing items, and alter clothing items to fit people with unusual shapes or medical problems. The clothing clubs can also create clothing items for entertainment purposes, such as city festivals, music concerts, and holiday celebrations.

Everybody is free to suggest new clothing policies

The Clothing Ministry is responsible for setting clothing policies, but every citizen is free to experiment with clothing at the social clubs. If somebody creates a clothing item that he thinks should be put into production, he must post a suggestion in the Suggestions category to describe it to let everybody know about it. People would be able to go to the social club to see it or try it on.

If the Clothing Minister agrees that it is worth putting into production, then he will arrange for it to be produced, and the person who created the clothing item will have a "success" listed in his database entry, which would be beneficial for certain types of jobs, such as in the Clothing Ministry.

Clothing items have an effect on society

The businesses in a free enterprise system create clothing with no regard to its benefits and burdens, but the Clothing Minister is required to set clothing policies according to what is best for the human race. For example, he is required to pass judgment on which clothing items are so delicate and decorative that they are restricted to certain social affairs, and which clothing items are rugged enough for recreation and work.

The clothing for work should be designed to be comfortable, durable, and safe, rather than to appease the desires of the employees or their bosses for clothing that fits the latest fashion trends, or which is sexually attractive. An example is that eye goggles should be designed for safety and comfort, not fashion or sex appeal.

As with other government agencies, the Clothing Minister cannot pander to the people. The Clothing Minister must consider the desires of the City Elders, but his goal is to provide clothing that truly improves our lives, such as providing us with clothing that is more comfortable and practical, and which reduces the labor and resources to produce and maintain. For some examples of what the clothing minister can do:

Prohibit wool clothing
He can prohibit all types of wool clothing on the grounds that raising and shearing goats and sheep, and processing the wool, puts a large burden on society and requires a lot of undesirable labor, compared to clothing made from cotton, rayon, and other materials.

Another disadvantage is that wool is more attractive to insects than cotton, thereby giving wool clothing a shorter lifetime and increasing the number of insects inside our homes, which in turn increases the number of spiders.

Although naphthalene can deter insects, that requires businesses to produce a toxic chemical that gets into our homes and lungs. Even though naphthalene is a "natural" chemical produced by some plants, there are thousands of "natural" things that we should avoid or limit our contact with.

Restrict white clothing items
White clothing items, especially white cotton socks, become gray very quickly. This upsets almost everybody, especially women. This results in some people discarding the item while it is still functional, and other people trying to restore the whiteness with chlorine bleach.

Both of those reactions waste society's labor and resources. The bleach, and whatever chlorinated chemicals it produces, get into the sewage treatment facilities, and eventually the rivers and groundwater. The Clothing Minister is expected to investigate such issues, and pass judgment on whether the bleaching of clothing is beneficial or detrimental.

The Clothing Minister is required to pass judgment on the benefits and disadvantages of all clothing items, and this includes analyzing their lifetime, cleaning requirements, and recycling properties.

The Clothing Minister has the authority to restrict or prohibit clothing items, such as white cotton socks, if he believes that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. He could also prohibit white cotton underwear for the same reason.

Restrict sexually attractive clothing

Every culture regards nudity as disgusting, unacceptable, and dangerous to children. There is an intelligent reason for prohibiting nudity in public buildings; namely, to prevents us from smearing perspiration, body oils, dead skin cells, poop, and body hairs on furniture, but there is no intelligent reason to prohibit people from being naked at swimming areas, or the grass fields of a city park.

All animals evolved to be naked, so none of us are harmed by nudity. Our fear of nudity is due to our emotions, not to intelligent reasoning.

The Clothing Minister is required to design clothing according to what is best for us, not according to what our emotions like or fear. He must have the personality of an explorer who is willing to experiment with clothing issues. For example:

Bathing suits
This Constitution allows people to go swimming naked, but the people who want to sit on furniture around a swimming area are required to wear bathing suits. However, a bathing suit has no value if it is as skimpy as a bikini, or if it is made from thin, nonabsorbent material.

The reason for requiring people to wear a bathing suit is to prevent poop, pee, menstrual fluids, and body oils from getting onto furniture. An additional benefit is that a bathing suit can make it more comfortable to sit on hot, cold, or rough surfaces, and on grass and sand.

A bathing suit can also be beneficial for people who want to get involved with certain recreational activities because a bathing suit can prevent our sexual organs from bouncing around.

However, bikinis tend to be too skimpy, and made of material that is too thin and nonabsorbent. Therefore, the ministers can prohibit bikinis and require bathing suits to cover more of the crotch area, and be made from thicker, more absorbent material.

Furthermore, bikinis are designed to be sexually attractive, and this Constitution prohibits flirting in public. The sexually attractive clothing is restricted to courtship activities and certain other social affairs.

Although this is a restriction on a woman's freedom, nobody benefits by allowing women to dress in sexually attractive clothing at public swimming pools, parks, museums, or other public facilities. Rather, it is detrimental because it stimulates the men beyond what we were designed for.

It is especially detrimental to let young girls dress in sexually attractive clothing that makes them look like miniature adults.

It is also important for us to overcome our inhibitions and acknowledge that the human digestive system is so imperfect that sometimes when we think we are going to fart, some liquid or poop comes out. The people who sit on furniture at pools would keep them cleaner if they were wearing bathing suits that had absorbent material in the crotch area.

The Clothing Minister is responsible for designing bathing suits, and he must post a document to explain his decisions so that we can pass judgment on whether he is providing sensible analyses and guidance.

Clothing for work
Allowing women to wear sexually attractive clothing while they are working causes men to be sexually stimulated much more than we were designed for.

The Behavior Ministry of the Health Division is responsible for experimenting with work environments and setting standards for behavior, and the Clothing Ministry sets the policies for the clothing, so they will have to work together to decide what type of clothing, jewelry, and cosmetics are "too" sexually attractive for women to wear while working.

Each business can impose additional restrictions on clothing, but the businesses cannot override the restrictions that the Clothing Ministry sets.

Every culture has a lot of restrictions on public nudity, and some culture also prohibit mothers from breast-feeding their babies unless they wear some type of nursing burqa that hides their breasts. Most cultures also promote the attitude that children will be damaged if they see a naked body.

However, the legal system document points out that we did not evolve for an environment in which we hide our bodies, or are secretive about anything else.

If we had grown up in a society in which women were covering their faces with burqas, then we would be horrified to see women's faces, and we would protect children from naked faces.

The fear of nudity is creating a lot of unnecessary stress and frustration, but without any benefits.

We will have a more pleasant and relaxed life when we are as comfortable with naked bodies as we are with naked faces. For example, we could go swimming without bathing suits, and we could use "people rinsing tunnels" after recreational activities.

However, the only way to eliminate the hysteria about nudity is expose children to naked bodies to such an extent so that they become as accustomed to naked bodies as they are with naked faces and naked hands.

Therefore, the Schools Ministry is required to teach children about their bodies and sex, and expose the children to naked bodies while they are young so that they become accustomed to it.

The Clothing Minister has to make decisions about what type of clothing is allowed and required, but he is not permitted to authorize nursing burqas or face burqas. He can even prohibit bathing suits for children so that they are forced to be naked when they are swimming.

By exposing children to nudity at some of the public parks or pools, and by providing them with an education about sex, digestion, menstruation, childbirth, and female animal bodies, the boys will eventually get tired of looking at crotches.

Instead of developing an obnoxious obsession for a woman's crotch, the boys will realize that a woman's crotch is designed for pooping, peeing, giving birth to children, and eliminating the lining of the uterus.

It might also be beneficial to show the children the sexual organs of other animals so that they realize that human sexual organs are virtually identical to those of other animals. That might help the boys realize that the human vagina is not much different, or attractive, than a monkey's vagina.

By exposing children to breast-feeding of both humans and animals, the boys are more likely to realize that a woman's breast is the same as the those on a cow and pig. That might prevent the boys from developing obnoxious obsessions with breasts and nipples, which in turn should dampen a woman's desire for artificially large breasts.
Modern culture is ruining marriages

Sexual inhibitions are too extreme

This constitution puts a lot of emphasis on overcoming inhibitions about our bodies because sexual inhibitions are causing a lot of trouble for us.

Although we don't know what relationships were like between prehistoric men and women, it is unlikely that prehistoric couples were arguing and fighting as often as they do today, and it is unlikely that there was as much loneliness as there is today.

Nobody knows why men and women today have such miserable relationships so the only way we can improve our lives is to find the courage to experiment with our culture, and this constitution advocates reducing the inhibitions about the human body.

This is based on the assumption that many of the problems we are having is the result of our abnormal social environment in which children are deprived of an adequate understanding of sex, childbirth, digestion, and many other issues, and they pick up unrealistic and perverted attitudes from Hollywood movies, businesses, and religious fanatics. Two problems with our modern culture are:

1) Men develop obnoxious sexual obsessions.

Examples of this problem have been mentioned in many documents, such as how men giggle at or become hysterical with sexual information, and how teenage boys become obsessed with trying to see what a woman's crotch and breasts look like.

We are terrified that somebody will see us naked

The sexual inhibitions of Americans is so extreme that in 2004 many of them began using phrase "wardrobe malfunction" to describe the "terrifying" incident in which something happens with our clothing that exposes our "intimate parts".

By comparison, the February painting from the early 1400s shows that the people in France had no concern about somebody seeing their intimate parts.

Example: The World Naked Bike Ride in London

An example of how our sexual inhibitions are causing idiotic and detrimental behavior is the World Naked Bike Ride in London. This is an annual event in which people who are almost completely naked ride bicycles around the streets of London.

The organization that arranges the event claims that it "demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists and is a protest against car culture." In addition to reducing accidents between bicycles and motor vehicles, the protests are also supposed to reduce the paranoia of nudity.

It is unlikely that our prehistoric ancestors would have conceived of an event in which they are naked in front of the other members of their group, and if they had decided to have such an event, it is unlikely that the other members would have cared that they were naked.

It is unlikely that our prehistoric ancestors would have conceived of the idea that being naked in front of the other members would improve life for the group, and if they had decided to do such a thing, it is unlikely that the other members would have cared that they were naked.

Rather than ignore or insult the World Naked Bicycle Ride, we ought to analyze it and try to learn from it. Some lessons that we can learn are:

 • Nudity makes most people uncomfortable or angry

The World Naked Bike Ride is one of the most peaceful and quiet protests, and doesn't seem to produce any litter, but some of the English citizens were more intolerant of those protesters than the protesters who are destructive. For example, this video shows people along the streets throwing objects at one of the naked bicycle riders and knocking him on the asphalt, and some of the people posting comments to the video advocate arresting the naked people.

If those protesters had been wearing clothing, most people would have ignored them, but by being naked, they stimulated anger and awkwardness in a lot of people.

Modern culture has caused so many people to become so sexually inhibited that many people become more angry with people who are naked in public than they are with corrupt government officials, illegal immigrants, people who litter, shoplifters, bicycle thieves, and many other destructive people.

If King Charles and other royal family members were to walk along a public street, most of the British citizens would have been excited to encounter them, and many would bow in submission. None of them would throw rocks at King Charles, yell insults, or knock him onto the ground. However, those royal family members are more of a nuisance to Britain than the naked bicycle riders.

Journalists routinely lie to the British public, but none of the British citizens throw rocks at the journalists, or push them onto the ground. Likewise, they do not throw rocks at the Pope or other religious leaders, or push them onto the ground.

One lesson to learn from the naked bicycle riders is that the public often reacts with anger towards people who are not causing them any trouble, or not causing much trouble. Another example is how some people become upset with a waitress who they believe has mistreated them, even though waitresses are among the least troublesome people.

The majority of people cannot deal with the complex problems of our modern era. They become angry at people who do not cause them any trouble, and they bow in submission to the people who are involved with pedophile networks, financial crimes, human trafficking, wars, deceptive news reports, and racial fights.

The reason some people react with anger towards naked people is because naked bodies stimulate certain emotions that make them uncomfortable. They want to stop the uncomfortable feelings, and an animal's only two reactions is to run away or become angry.

By comparison, most people bow before King Charles because they regard him as being at the top of the social hierarchy, rather than a worthless parasite, and that stimulates their desire to become submissive. They also submissively accepted the explanation of why a naked boy climbed out of a window at Buckingham Palace and fell to the ground. They did not become angry that such an event would be in a television program, or why.

When we tell people that we have been lied to about the 9/11 attack or the Holocaust, they become uncomfortable at the thought that they were lied to, and most people react just like an animal. Specifically, they either ignore the information, or they become angry at us and insult us for being conspiracy theorists or Nazis.

The public doesn't have an adequate understanding of their emotions, and they don't have much self-control, and this results in them behaving like stupid animals. It also makes it easy to manipulate them by stimulating certain emotions.

 • Protests cannot reduce bicycle accidents

It is dangerous to ride a bicycle in most cities because of the high density of motor vehicles, and it is visually unpleasant because the cities are almost entirely ugly buildings, roads, and parking lots. However, protests cannot reduce accidents between bicycles and motor vehicles, and cannot make the cities more attractive.

Protests are an adult version of a temper tantrum, and tantrums cannot improve our cities or culture. A tantrum is an effective technique for a young child to pressure his mother into stopping whatever she is doing and giving him whatever he wants, but protests by adults are more likely to cause other adults to become disgusted or angry, rather than cause them to submissively give the protesters whatever they are demanding.

The only way to improve our cities is for a lot of people to put a lot of labor and resources into experimenting with a better city and culture. We must put a lot of time and effort into thinking, researching, discussing, and working together, but protests cannot make people stop whatever they are doing and switch to those activities.

This Constitution reduces bicycle accidents by designing cities in which the main transportation system is underground, and the city consists of neighborhoods of tall buildings surrounded by bicycle paths, parks, foot paths, and recreational areas. We would also reduce accidents by making more of the bicycle paths one-way only, as in the image below:

In addition to reducing bicycle accident significantly, that type of city will also make it more pleasurable to ride a bicycle because the bicycle paths will be surrounded by beautiful and quiet parks, creeks, and ponds.

In addition, by giving every neighborhood different architecture, parks, gardens, ponds, creeks, and swimming areas, riding a bicycle in the city will be even more enjoyable.

However, we cannot improve a city by having protests, throwing rocks, praying, making insults, or whining. We also cannot improve our city if we have leaders who only care about mansions, yachts, pampering, and sex.  We need leaders who will be our team members and friends, rather than pampered royalty.

In order to create a better city, we need to restrict it to people who are willing to put a lot of their time and effort into working for the benefit of the city, and who have the courage to experiment with new ideas.

 • Naked protesters cannot reduce sexual problems

It is idiotic to believe that being naked is going to assist in making the protest more effective. Furthermore, it is uncomfortable to ride a bicycle naked because our crotch was not designed to rub against plastic or leather seats.

Their desire to be naked during the bicycle ride seems to be because the organizers are irritated by the sexual inhibitions of modern society, and they believe that their naked bodies will help the public and government officials to control their inhibitions.

This is a variation of the liberal philosophy that we can fix a person's problems with therapy, rehabilitation programs, punishments, or counseling. However, their nudity is more likely to irritate the people who cannot control their inhibitions, rather than provide them with psychological therapy that helps them eliminate their inhibitions.

Protests are illegal

It is idiotic to promote the attitude that the public can improve the world by having protests in the public streets. We must experiment with a better method of allowing the public to express their suggestions on how to improve our culture. The method this Constitution uses is to have the Database Ministry maintain a Suggestions category; require the government to respond to the suggestions; and give credit to a person if one of his ideas turns out to be beneficial.

This constitution also requires the government to experiment with methods to reduce sexual inhibitions. In addition to providing children with sex education, the children must be exposed to so much nudity that they become as accustomed to it as our prehistoric ancestors.

That should cause the children to become adults who are tired of looking at other people's crotches, and prefer to wear attractive clothing, but who do not become hysterical, angry, or embarrassed when they see a naked body.

We need to know who is sexually defective

The advanced nations are providing us with so much secrecy, and keeping us so ignorant about human bodies, that some people are getting married without realizing that their spouse has defective organs. Many people have no idea if they, their children, or their spouse has "normal" sexual organs.

Although it might seem to be unnecessary to know who among us has defective sexual organs, it is just as important to know that as it is to know who has mental problems, diabetes, cancer, and blindness.

Humans and other animals are very finicky about who they reproduce with because that is one of the ways that nature maintains the genetic health of a species.

Our nomadic ancestors were aware of what everybody's body looked like, smelled like, and how it functioned, and the people with the higher-quality bodies had an advantage in attracting a spouse.

However, during the past few thousand years, people have been able to hide their sexual organs, and many defective people have been able to survive to adulthood, get married, and raise children. This has resulted in every generation having increasingly defective sexual organs.

Today we must make decisions about who should reproduce, and that requires we analyze their sexual organs, digestive system, teeth, sweat glands, oil glands, liver, heart, eyes, ears, and all other characteristics.

We cannot allow people who want to have children to be secretive about their genetic characteristics. Their children will be a random sample of their genetic characteristics, and this constitution gives all children the right to have the best chance to be healthy.

Everybody also has the right to live among people who are mentally and physically healthy, and who can be trusted, and who will contribute something of value to society. Nobody has the right to produce defective children.