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The Kastron Constitution

4f) The Dining Ministry
28 April 2024

Meals should be our primary leisure pleasures

After working, we should enjoy meals

The Jobs document pointed out that our primary pleasure in life should come from working with our team members, and this document points out that our meals should be our primary source of pleasure during our leisure time.

Our prehistoric ancestors loved to spend every day working, and then getting together in the evening to eat, relax, and socialize. We evolved for that type of life, so we should design our culture to provide it to us.

We do not get much enjoyment from our meals when we eat them in our automobile, or when we are eating alone. However, just as no culture cares whether we enjoy our jobs, no culture cares whether we enjoy our meals.

The Dining Minister is required to experiment with our culture in order to make meals one of our most pleasurable leisure activities. In addition to looking for ways to make restaurants and meals more enjoyable, he and the other ministers can experiment with ways of making it easy for us to enjoy other people before, during, and after our meals.

For example, by putting some restaurants in a beautiful park, along with some social and recreational facilities, people will be able to get together to go swimming before dinner, or take a walk through the park after dinner to go to a Karaoke facility or a social club.
Those restaurants would provide us with meals in a beautiful and quiet setting, and by restricting the people in the city to those who meet high standards of behavior, we would love having dinner with them, and participating in social and recreational activities with them. Every day we would look forward to dinner and the people.

Material items are tools, not sources of pleasure

Most people believe that their life will improve if they could acquire more material items, but material items only provide momentary stimulation. Furthermore, there is a point at which getting more wealth makes our life worse. For example, getting a larger house increases the amount of work we have to do to clean and maintain it.

Most people in the advanced nations have more material items than they need, and many people have such an excess of items that they put some of it in closets, attics, garages, basements, and storage centers. Their lives will not improve by gathering more items. Many of them would have an more pleasant life if somebody would remove their excess items.

Many of the people whose homes are cluttered with items believe that they would be able to end the clutter problem if they could afford a larger home, but if they had a larger home, they would collect more unnecessary items. A cluttered home is not the result of a small home. It is the result of people who cannot control their emotional cravings.

Meals are a true source of pleasure

Material items can make our lives more physically comfortable, but they cannot bring us any real pleasure. However, we do get pleasure from meals and human relationships. Therefore, we would have a more satisfying life if we could live in a society in which we could enjoy our meals and the people we live with. We would also benefit by developing meals that are less allergenic and healthier than what we are eating today.

Living in that type of environment would provide us with the pleasure from the meal, and the pleasure from people. If we have two meals a day, that would allow us to have that pleasure twice a day.

Every morning we should enjoy breakfast.

Every evening we should enjoy dinner.

We should regard meals and people as some of our primary sources of pleasure, and we should regard material items as tools that we use to make our life more comfortable.

How many people enjoy their meals?

Some people go to fast food restaurants when they are traveling, but the people who actually enjoy those foods seem to be the people who don't have nice meals at home. For example, Donald Trump can afford to eat high quality meals, but he enjoys the foods produced by McDonald's restaurants. That is an indication that the meals made at the McDonald's restaurants are as good, or better, than his meals he gets at his home.

I suspect that he likes the McDonald's hamburgers because he prefers meat to be "well done", which most of us would describe as overcooked and miserable.

I have been cooking meat at a low temperature for decades. Long ago I cooked it at 70°C because I could not control the temperature accurately, but a few years ago I bought a sous vide device, so now I cook chicken at 58°C and pork at 57°C. That produces such juicy and flavorable meat that I don't need any spices or sauces. I only add a small amount of salt.

Donald Trump is an example of how wealthy people are not necessarily having a more pleasant life than the ordinary people. The wealthy people can afford to eat whatever they want, but how many of them are enjoying their meals? Some of them seem to be choosing foods according to the price, rather than according to the flavor.

I also wonder how many of them enjoy people since many of them seem to regard people as opportunities, rather than as friends.

I suspect that there are millions of ordinary people who are getting more pleasure from meals and human relationships than many of the wealthy people.

Bodybuilders are another group of people who do not seem to be enjoying their meals as much as they should. Although they eat healthy meals, they force themselves to eat more than they want to because they are in a battle with their body to make their muscles grow larger than they were designed to be. Many of them are eating 5 to 7 meals a day, which results in them eating when they are not hungry. That makes eating a chore rather than a pleasure. For example, Brian Shaw described his life as:

"all day long I have to eat, but it's part of the job."

Our meal should be a pleasure, not a refueling operation. A remark made by Jay Cutler, another bodybuilder, that has been regarded by many other bodybuilders as an inspirational quote, is:

"I don't eat for taste, I eat for function."

The bodybuilders are tormenting themselves by fighting with their genetic characteristics. If they changed their attitude from having the most unnaturally large muscles, to having the most healthy, attractive, and natural body, then they would be able to enjoy their meals. They would also be able to move their arms and legs in a natural manner when they walk, rather than waddle like a duck.

Meals should be a pleasurable aspect of our life,
not a chore to refuel our body.

We get pleasure from chewing food

We get pleasure from chewing food, but Brian Shaw made an interesting remark about how he likes to cook eggs:

"One thing that I've learned over the years with eggs is that you don't want to cook them too long. You want to make sure they're still soft, because in a big quantity, they're easier to eat if they're a little bit softer."

I also discovered that I like to cook eggs at a low temperature, (at 70°C for about 6 to 10 minutes), but I do it because I prefer the flavor of the eggs when cooked like that, not to make them easier to eat.

Designing meals to make them easier to eat is not much different than putting a tube down our throat and pumping food into our stomach, as farmers do with geese to make foie gras.

Likewise, the people who want food that "melts in their mouth" are denying themselves the pleasure of chewing their food.

Many of the snacks that people prefer are those that are crunchy and require chewing. An example are the toasted almonds and other nuts that have been coated with a flavor or sugar. A raw almond does not have much flavor, and we don't particularly care for the texture, but when toasted, it becomes crunchy, and when coated with a flavor, then we get the type of food item that we enjoy the most; namely, a strong flavor that we can chew. Sprouting and then drying the almonds also make them more crunchy.

Another example is that many people prefer chocolate that has something crunchy in it, such as toasted nuts or rice. When we eat chocolate that does not have anything crunchy in it, we tend to chew the chocolate rather than let it dissolve slowly because we have such a strong desire to chew food.

Chewing a chocolate bar causes it to be consumed quickly, thereby providing us only a few moments of pleasure. If we instead put a small amount of chocolate in our mouth at a time, and let it dissolve slowly, we enjoy the chocolate for a tremendous amount of time. That will give us a lot more pleasure per calorie. However, our enjoyment of chewing is so strong that we have a difficult time allowing chocolate to dissolve slowly.

Another example is that many people put crackers or croutons into soups, and some people put croutons or other crunchy things, such as nuts, in salads. This is more evidence that we want to chew our food.

Why do we enjoy chewing gum?

A lot of people chew on ice cream and ice cubes, and some people chew on "chewing gum". When I was in school, many of us would occasionally chew on our pencils.

Why do we enjoy chewing gum and chewing on pencils? Some people believe it is to relieve jaw pain, or due to a "nervous disorder", but it seems more likely that we evolved to chew our food, and so we have an emotional craving to chew. Therefore, we should design meals so that we can chew our food.

Eliminating menus simplifies our lives

One method of simplifying our meals and our lives is to prohibit menus at the restaurants that prepare meals, and require their customers to make reservations (this was mentioned here).

That would allow every restaurant to plan their meals ahead of time, and the Food Ministry would deliver only the foods that the restaurants need. There would be no wasted food because the restaurants would be given only as much food as there were reservations.

Instead of choosing a meal from a menu, a person would choose a restaurant according to the meal it was providing. By eliminating menus, nobody at the restaurants would have to waste their time taking orders from people or making different meals for each person. This would reduce labor at the restaurants because they would mass-produce only one type of meal at their maximum efficiency. It would also provide customers with the maximum freshness of ingredients.

To be more accurate, eliminating the menus would not truly eliminate menus. It merely replaces the menus within a restaurant to a menu that lists all of the restaurants and the meals that they were providing. With modern technology, a person could access the list through a phone or computer, and using his voice to request where he could find a particular type of food, or to ask what a particular restaurant was serving.

People must be responsible at restaurants

In order for us to truly enjoy having every meal in a public restaurant, we need to ensure that we enjoy eating among the other people. This requires setting standards of behavior for the people and evicting those that are rude, irresponsible, and obnoxious, or putting them on restrictions, such as restricting them to certain neighborhoods.

In a free enterprise system, businesses tend to allow people to be irresponsible and obnoxious at restaurants, such as making a lot of noise, leaving a mess on the table or the floor, and making reservations and then showing up late, or not showing up at all. The restaurants that have salad bars, buffets, and smorgasbords have even more trouble with sloppy and obnoxious people.

This Constitution sets higher standards for people, and none of the restaurants can pander to the public. The restaurants are prohibited from treating their customers as Kings and Queens. Rather, everybody in the city is regarded as a team member of equal status, and everybody is expected to treat other people in a respectable manner.

Every restaurant is free to discriminate against their customers. Therefore, if the restaurant employees do not like the behavior of a customer, they can prohibit him from entering. Nobody has a right to eat at any particular restaurant.

Restaurants compete to be beneficial, not popular

In a free enterprise system, the restaurants compete to make profit, and that puts pressure on them to attract a lot of customers, and to tolerate abusive and wasteful customers. It also encourages the restaurants to provide meals that taste good but are not necessarily healthy. This constitution changes the situation by putting the restaurants in competition to be the most beneficial to society. Specifically:

The restaurants must provide meals that are tasty, but they must follow the health guidelines of the Meals Ministry. This allows the Meals Ministry to ensure children become accustomed to healthy meals.


The restaurants must provide meals in an efficient manner so as to reduce the labor and resources required to produce and distribute food items, and to prepare and clean up meals.

A restaurant does not have to attract a lot of customers. Rather, it only has to provide food in an efficient manner. A person is allowed to operate a restaurant even if he's only serving 12 customers for dinner, if he can produce those meals efficiently.


The restaurants must provide an environment that is so desirable we prefer to eat at the restaurants rather than our home. This puts pressure on the restaurants to prohibit the annoying customers so that they can create a pleasant environment for the other customers.

If a restaurant prohibits somebody, it will affect his social credit score, and if enough restaurants prohibit him, he risks being restricted to certain neighborhoods or evicted.

A restaurant can schedule a meal

Every restaurant executive can decide if he wants to require reservations. He can be even more restrictive and specify the time at which he will serve a meal. For example, he might specify that dinner will be served at 18:00. By specifying the time at which the meal is served, and by requiring reservations, the chef will know exactly how many meals to produce, thereby reducing food waste to the minimum possible, and providing everybody with a fresh, warm meal. It would be similar to going to somebody's house for dinner.

The people who make reservations but do not cancel them ahead of time will have that irresponsible behavior listed in their database entry. The restaurant executives have the option of prohibiting those people from their restaurant.

The concept of restaurants and government officials keeping track of people who are late for the reservations might seem like a policy from a dystopian Hollywood movie, but it is the type of policy that all us follow. For example, parents are aware of which of their children are late for dinner, and when we arrange a dinner with our friends, we are aware of which of our friends are late, or never show up.

We are also aware of which of our friends and family members are obnoxious, irresponsible, sloppy, or destructive. Those people hurt their social credit score that we maintain within our mind, and we might not invite them to dinner again.

This Constitution creates a city that is essentially a large group of friends, and everybody has the right to know the truth about the people that they live with, and that includes knowing which people are the most irresponsible, obnoxious, and destructive.

That information is also useful when trying to decide who should have restrictions on their reproduction.

Our dinners should be social affairs

Our prehistoric ancestors got together every evening to eat, relax, and socialize, but today the people in the wealthy nations frequently have dinner in their home by themselves or with their family members. Then many of them spend the rest of the evening in their home. When they go to restaurants, they usually go with the same people that they eat with at home, and they don't socialize with anybody at the restaurant.

This Constitution designs the city and its culture to make it easy for us to have a meal and spend the evening with other people. For example, by living in clusters of tall apartments buildings that do not have kitchens, everybody will have to go to restaurants for their meals, or pick up some food for a picnic, which will encourage us to have meals with their friends or coworkers.

Even more important, by reducing "diversity", the people will be more compatible with one another, and by setting high standards of behavior, we will be living among people that we trust and enjoy. Those changes will provide a much more friendly and safe social environment, which will increase the chances that everybody has plenty of friends and a spouse. Instead of being frightened by strangers, we will often enjoy meeting them.

Furthermore, the restaurants are allowed to do things that are difficult in a free enterprise system, such as providing only partial meals. This allows us to get together with some friends at a restaurant for an appetizer, and then walk to another restaurant and get together with some other people for the main course.

In a free enterprise system, a restaurant that served only a simple appetizer would have trouble making enough profit to pay its rent, so it would likely be small and cramped. However, the Restaurant Ministry puts human life ahead of profit, so they will allow an "uneconomical" restaurant to exist if it provides us with a more pleasant life.

This will allow us to have spacious, comfortable restaurants that serve appetizers, and when we are finished with the appetizer, we could wander around the city to do something, or have our main meal.

We could meet friends for
appetizers before dinner.

Then we might have
dinner with our spouse.

When we are finished with dinner, we can walk or take an elevator to one of the recreational or social activities in the neighborhood, or we could take a trip on the underground transportation system to some other neighborhood or recreational area.

The Leisure and Social Club Ministers are constantly experimenting with activities in order to encourage us to do something in the evening rather than sit at home, so there will be plenty of things for us to do in the evening.

The Quality Division is required to keep crime at such a low level that parents are not frightened to let their children go to the children's facilities by themselves, or let their children ride bicycles or electric vehicles around the city. That will allow the adults to do things in the evening without providing security for their children.

That friendly social environment will encourage adults to get together with their friends or family members after dinner and do something, even if it is a "simple" activity, such as listening to music, or relaxing in a lounge room, or watching a documentary in a video room.

By providing all of the neighborhoods with lots of foot paths, plazas, bicycle paths, swimming pools, and other recreational options, and by evicting criminals, the children would be able to play outdoors after dinner by taking a short walk from the restaurant. They would not have to spend their time at home with a television, or have their parents drive them to a friend's home.

The adults could also get out into nature to take a walk, go swimming, drift along a canal in a row boat, or take a ride on a bicycle during the sunset. Bicycle stores are scattered around the city, so a person could pick one up at any of the stores, ride it to any destination, and leave it at any other bicycle store. He could then continue doing other things, such as eating, getting involved with some recreational activity, or relaxing in one of the social lounges at the top of a building.

Robots can already retrieve items from a warehouse and put them back, so they will soon be able to allow a person to request a robot to bring him a bicycle, drone, raincoat, binoculars, camera, phone, laptop computer, or other item, and when a person is finished with the item, he could request a robot to pick it up and put it back into storage.
We must prefer to eat at restaurants

There are four ministries involved with meals

Meals are a significant aspect of our lives, jobs, and culture. There are four different ministries involved with meals:

1) The Food Ministry of the Operations Division produces and distributes food.
The Restaurants Ministry of the Operations Division hires and replaces executives to operate the restaurants.
The Meals Ministry of the Health Division set standards for the meals.
The Dining Ministry is responsible for the "social" aspects of the restaurants, such as the ambiance, decorations, architecture, furnishings, and locations. They are responsible for ensuring that the restaurants are so pleasant that we prefer to eat in one of the restaurants rather than in our own home.

Restaurants must be truly enjoyable

The restaurants in a free enterprise system want to purchase the least expensive furniture possible, and they want the tables and chairs to be as small as possible to that they can fit a lot of tables in the restaurant. The end result is that restaurants are crowded, the tables are cluttered, and the chairs tend to be small, uncomfortable, unadjustable, and have inadequate cushions.

This Constitution requires everybody to get all of their meals from restaurants, and in order for us to be willing to do that, the restaurants must be designed so that we enjoy them more than we enjoy eating in our home. The restaurants must be more desirable than our own home.

Therefore, the Dining Ministry must design the restaurants to be spacious, comfortable, quiet, and relaxing. The restaurants must provide meals that are more desirable than we could make ourselves, and we should not feel any pressure to eat quickly and leave. The furniture should be comfortable, and they should experiment with chairs with adjustable height for the unusually tall and short people. We must want to go to the restaurants rather than feel as if we are forced to eat at restaurants.

All restaurants must be unique

A free enterprise system allows people to create restaurant chains, such as McDonald's, in which all of the restaurants are identical in appearance so that we recognize them as belonging to the same business.

This constitution prohibits restaurant chains, and prohibits restaurants from having logos and from promoting their name. The Dining Minister must design the restaurants so that they feel as if they are beautiful dining rooms within our home, not businesses. Every restaurant must be unique in regards to their decorations in order to provide us with a tremendous variety.

The restaurants must be so spacious that nobody feels crowded, and everybody can have conversations at their dinner table without bothering their neighbors, as in the image below.

The city will need so many restaurants that some of them might have to be in locations that don't give them views of nature. Those particular restaurants would not have windows. Instead, some of them might have light panels behind stained-glass windows, as in the images above and below.

This constitution supports discrimination, so every restaurant executive has the option of serving a particular group of people, such as elderly men, young adult women, mothers with children, or children. An executive can also restrict certain times or days for certain groups of people, such as restricting Monday dinners to elderly men, and restricting Tuesdays for adult women (the drawing below).

The Dining Minister determines the quantity of restaurants, their locations, and the architecture of the buildings, which requires that he work with the Neighborhoods Minister. He also requests the production of a variety of chairs, tables, paintings, light fixtures, and other furnishings for the restaurants to choose from.

The Dining Minister sets standards for artistic decorations

The restaurant executives who work full-time have the authority to choose furnishings for their restaurant, and they can change furnishings whenever they please by giving back what they don't want and picking up something else.

However, the restaurant executives cannot design their own furnishings. They must choose from what the Dining Minister has provided for them to chose from. This enables the Dining Minister to ensure that all restaurants have high quality and comfortable chairs, tables, utensils, lights, and other furnishings.

The Dining Minister also determines the artistic decorations that the restaurants can choose from, and he must make decisions according to what would be best for the City Elders, rather than what he personally likes, or what the public or some organization wants. This allows him to prevent restaurants from being decorated in a manner that he considers to be undesirable for the Elders, such as the decorations in the photo below of a Rothschild's dinner party.

Restaurant executives do not work seven days a week

In a free enterprise system, the owner of a restaurant either works seven days a week, or he hires somebody to work during his days off, or he shuts the restaurant down when he doesn't want to work.

With this Constitution, the restaurant executives are city employees who work on whichever days they please, and either full-time or part-time. They share the buildings, equipment, and food, but each of them is independent.

Therefore, if an executive does not want to work on the weekends, or if he wants to work on the weekends but not on Mondays and Tuesdays, then a part-time executive will take over the restaurant on those days. That part-time executive is independent of the full-time executive so he can serve different meals, and he can serve a different group of people if he wants to. The name of the restaurant will change in order to let people know that it is a different restaurant for those particular days. However, he cannot change any of the furnishings because he is only sharing the building for a day or two.

This concept will require people to become accustomed to the idea of a building in which the restaurants are regularly changing names and meals. For example, in the image below, the gray portion of the sign that shows "John Doe's Lamb Chops" and the image of a lamb could be an LCD screen that changes whenever the executive changes.

If the part-time executive wants to work only one day, then another part-time executive will take over the restaurant on the other day. Since this constitution encourages part-time jobs, a person could even become a restaurant executive for one day each month.

The concept is similar to a family member using a kitchen to make a dinner, and the next night a different family member uses the same kitchen to make a different dinner.

The furniture must be high quality

In a free enterprise system, the tables at restaurants tend to be such low quality that when several of them are placed together to make a large table, the result is a group of uneven and wobbly tables. The chairs also tend to have low quality cushions, and many of the cushions are not easily removed for cleaning. Furthermore, businesses in a free enterprise system tend to resist cleaning the cushions in order to save money. As a result, a lot of the cushions accumulate food and materials from human bodies.
(Modern humans are so ignorant about our bodies that many people don't realize that young girls sometimes leaving pee on the cushions because they don't clean themselves very well, and on hot days they don't wear much clothing. This is another reason schools are required to provide children with a more adequate sex education.)

Sometimes a person will want to eat by himself, or with just one other person, so some restaurants need to provide tables for one or two people.

By designing all of the computers to be terminals that connect to the city computers, the restaurants that have tables for one person could provide those tables with a laptop terminal (described here) so that people don't have to carry a laptop to a restaurant.

When we want to eat with a large group, the restaurants need tables that can either be joined together or expanded. However, in order to make that convenient, the tables need to be much higher quality than what the free enterprise system is providing. Therefore, the Dining Minister is required to ensure that the tables that join together are made with more accurate dimensions, and have much higher-quality rollers to make it easier to move them around the room. They also need higher-quality coupling mechanisms that don't require us to climb under the table and struggle to join flimsy hooking mechanisms.

The restaurants must provide tables for one and two people.

Some tables can join together to make large tables.

The tables that expand also need to be made much higher quality so that they can be expanded collapsed easily and repeatedly, and so that they create a sturdy table when expanded.

The chairs must also have high quality cushions that can easily be removed for cleaning, preferably by a robot.

Since there is only one class of people in the city, none of the restaurants are designed for poor or wealthy people. All restaurants must be equal in quality.

Presidents resolve disputes

The production of meals requires four different ministries, so they have an effect on one another, even though they each have slightly different responsibilities. This will result in occasional conflicts between them in regards to what to do. Two examples are:

The Dining Minister might request a particular type of robotic waiter to serve meals and clean up afterwards, but the ministers in the Economic Division might complain that he is asking for something that requires too much time and technical talent to develop.

The Meals Minister might conclude that a particular restaurant executive should be replaced, but only the Restaurants Minister has the authority to replace the restaurant executives. Therefore, the Meals Minister must post a complaint to replace the executive, but the Restaurants Minister might disagree and refuse to replace the executive.

When the ministers in different divisions have a disagreement on what to do, all three presidents are required to get involved and make the decision. Since there are only three presidents, there will never be a tie when they vote on what to do.

If ministers within a division have a disagreement, such as the Neighborhoods Minister and the Dining Minister, then the president of that division will settle the dispute by himself.
Try to imagine the future meals

Future meals will be different

Imagine creating meals on a planet with different types of foods.
One technique that can help us determine what we want to do in our life, or what type of experiments we should conduct with our culture, is to look at how something has changed through history, and try to imagine what it will be like in the distant future.

Or, try to imagine that you have traveled to another solar system, and you must create a completely new society.

Those type of thought experiments can increase the chances that you think thoughts that are different from what you are accustomed to thinking. It can help you to become more creative, and to get ideas on what we should experiment with.

For example, if you had to travel to another planet, you would be more willing to take some fungus foods with you (mentioned here) and less interested in transporting and raising dairy cows.

I suspect that the people in the distant future will have radically different foods, and that they will alter all of their recipes to make it easier for machines and robots to make the meals (mentioned here).

Truly bite-sized food items

Although we cannot figure out what the future meals will be, one possibility is that the robots and machines will be so advanced that they will be able to make meals that are small enough to eat in one bite. We already create a variety of "bite-sized" foods, but most of them usually require two or more bites. The machines in the future will be able to make bite-size items that are truly small enough for one bite, such as the size of a grape or raspberry.

Furthermore, the future machines will have the dexterity to make the bite-sized items  very decorative.

Foods will be completely artificial, and with flavors that don't exist yet.

The future foods might be one bite in size to reduce the mess of eating.

The advantage of bite-sized foods is that nobody needs knives or spoons, thereby eliminating the noise of knives scraping against plates, and plates becoming scratched by the knives. It also reduces the clutter at the table, and the number of items that have to be cleaned after the meal.

Instead of cutting food with knives, people could pick up the bite-sized pieces of food with their fingers, or they could spear them with forks, similar to those that we use for appetizers (photo, below left). They might also create some variation of tongs to pick up and eat the items, similar to those that we used to pick up ice cubes (photo, below right).

By making the food items that are truly one bite in size, the people don't have to bite pieces off, thereby avoiding the creation of crumbs that get on the table, their clothing, and their lips. It would also prevent creamy fillings and juices from squeezing out onto their lips, clothing, and table.

By making the bite-size items clean and dry on the outside, they would be able to pick them up with their fingers without getting messy. Therefore they would not need forks, spears, tongs, or napkins, further reducing the clutter and mess at the table.

Their machines we will be able to give the bite-sized foods a variety of artistic shapes and designs, and be able to provide them with decorative toppings and fillings.

The fillings and toppings would be nutritious, rather than oil and sugar.

Instead of growing fruits, they will create imitation blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and other fruits without seeds, mold, mildew, rotten spots, un-ripe sections, or insects. They will also create new and unique artificial fruits and nuts that don't exist in nature, thereby providing them with a variety of unique flavors, colors, textures, and visual images.

They will produce bite-sized pies, pastries, biscuits, and granola bars with a variety of imitation and artificial fruits and nuts that are healthy, delicious, free of allergens, and in a wide variety of flavors, colors, and textures.

Their artificial nuts and dried fruits will have flavors, colors, and textures that we have never experienced.
The artificial fruit will give them pies, pastries, and tarts that are free of seeds, mold, insects, and overripe/unripe fruit.

Their machinery will be able to create so many different flavors, and so many different shapes and designs, that every meal is a visually unique collection of bite-sized items of different shapes, flavors, and textures.

Another of the advantages of bite-sized foods is that it is practical to eat them while sitting in comfortable chairs. The people will not need forks or knives, and they will not need to be seated at a dinner table. They would pick the food items up with their fingers, or with spears or tongs. They don't have to worry about food dribbling onto their clothing or the furniture. They would be able to have slow, casual meals while relaxing in lounges, or while listening to people sing, or while watching a video documentary.

A robot could provide each person with a few warm, bite-sized items. By serving only a few at a time, they would remain warm. After everybody had finished eating them, the robot would bring another few items. That process would be repeated until they have had a complete meal.

Having a lot of courses of bite-sized food items, rather than having all of the food served at one time, makes it easy to eat in more comfortable chairs compared to eating at a restaurant table, and we can eat at a very relaxed pace, and without making a mess. It also allows people to move around the room during their meal, or use a laptop computer.

Our prehistoric ancestors would not have realized that our restaurants are places to eat, and they would not have understood menus, forks, spoons, money, or waitresses. If we were to travel into the distant future, we might be just as confused with their eating habits. They might not have anything that resembles our restaurants or dinner plates.

Instead of restaurants, the future cities might have lots of comfortable lounge rooms, and when the people want to eat a meal, they go to one of the lounge rooms and ask one of the robots to bring them some type of tiny, clean, bite-size food items. When they are finished with one course, they could wander around the city, get involved with recreational activities, listen to music, sing with their friends, or go to another lounge room for another portion of their meal.

I also predict that the future foods will be designed to be less sticky to teeth to keep the teeth cleaner. By also restricting reproduction, the future generations will have better quality teeth and saliva. Eventually they will not need to bother cleaning their teeth, so they will not need toothbrushes, toothpicks, or dental floss.

Our eyes can keep themselves clean, and by restricting reproduction, the future generations will eventually have a mouth, nose, and ears that keep themselves clean.

The drinks of the future will also be better than ours because they will have restricted reproduction to such an extent that none of them want alcohol, marijuana, or caffeine. They will either drink water or a manufactured drink that has flavors that we cannot imagine. They will regard animal milk as a drink for technically primitive people, and they will regard our sugary sodas as a drink of ignorant people who eat whatever tastes good. They might regard the phosphoric acid in our sodas as an example of how the free enterprise system favors the business executives who care more about profit than protecting tooth enamel.

If we could travel into the distant future, we might be as shocked and confused by their meals as a prehistoric human would be if he could see our meals.

We consider the prehistoric meals to be uncomfortable and messy.
Future generations will regard our meals as cramped, noisy, messy, and ugly.

I also predict that the robots that provide food will not bother providing salt, pepper, syrup, butter, sugar, or other condiments because the people will have restricted reproduction to such an extent that everybody enjoys the meals that are provided to them. There will not have any finicky eaters who demand extra spices or sugar. That will make eating a meal in a lounge room even more pleasant.

The bite-sized foods will also make it much easier for people to have meals outdoors, including areas where there are insects. For example, if they decided to ride bicycles out into the forest and have a picnic, they would take a container of bite-size items that were designed for picnics. Those food items would be dry on the outside, and strong enough to be put into a container without leaking juice or becoming squashed or broken. (Unfortunately, the AI software gave them a container of brown pellets.)

I also predict that the future generations will design food to reduce the problems of burping, indigestion, farting, and stinky, messy poop.
We should be explorers on another planet

We should experiment with our meals

In 2011, I posted a document with descriptions of some of the foods that I've experimented with. That document seems silly to me now, but I wrote it because I had been shocked and disappointed by the fear of people to try Mochi ice cream. So I was hoping that the document would help some people find the courage to experiment with their meals.

Most people believe that they are courageous explorers of foods when they alter the spices in recipe, or reduce the quantity of sugar, but that is not experimenting with food. That is making an insignificant modification to a recipe.

The people who eat bizarre foods, such as a live spider, are not experimenting with food, either. Rather, they are trying to shock people, or become the center of attention.

Imagine that you have traveled to another planet and must create a new world.
We will not bring significant improvements to our meals or lives simply by making a few trivial changes to some existing recipes, or by shocking one another by eating spiders and cockroaches.

Instead, we should become an explorer of foods, clothing, recreational activities, and other culture.

We should design meals as if we have traveled to another planet and must create meals from different food items.

Furthermore, we should consider changing our meal schedule. This Constitution advocates experimenting with two meals a day. There are lots of variations of a two-meal schedule, so I will mention only one possibility.

The two-meal schedule

After waking up, we would go to our job, school, or take care of babies, rather than eat breakfast. My preference is that the businesses and schools start at 7 so that we can enjoy the morning, and to quit work earlier, so that we can enjoy the evenings.

It would be easy for us to start work early in this type of city because, unlike the existing cities and cultures, we will not need as much time in the morning to prepare for work:

By not allowing kitchens in the homes, nobody would need time to make meals or coffee for themselves, their children, or their spouse.

By not allowing pet animals or plants in the homes, nobody would need time to provide food or water to animals or plants, either.

By keeping crime to a low level, parents would not need time to take their children to school.

By prohibiting women from dressing in sexually attractive manners while working, the women would not need time for cosmetics, jewelry, hair curling, or delicate clothing. The women would also walk much faster because they would be restricted to wearing clothing and shoes that the Clothing Minister has authorized, rather than high-heeled shoes and dresses that are so tight that they can't move their legs properly.

By having schools provide uniforms for children, neither parents nor children would need time to choose clothing.

By designing the city as neighborhoods connected by underground trains, most of which are for one or two passengers, everybody would be able to get to work quickly by train, bicycle, or walking.

We would work until 9, and then have a breakfast break for 1.5 hours. By living and working in a city that consists of neighborhoods of tall buildings that are surrounded by nature, when the weather is nice, everybody will be able to easily and quickly go outside to take a walk, swim, ride a bicycle, ride in a kayak, or get involved with some recreational activity. Or we could go to one of the lounge rooms to relax or socialize. Then we could have breakfast.

Every neighborhood would have thousands of people. Since immigration is by invitation only, and the badly behaved people are evicted or restricted to their own neighborhoods, we would not be bothered by people we despise or fear, who speak a different language, or who want to unload a revolver into our head. That makes it easy for us to get together with friends, coworkers, or family members for recreation before breakfast, if we didn't want to spend the time alone.

Our meals will be better without sexual inhibitions

The problem with getting exercise before breakfast or dinner is that we will perspire or get dirty. That cause us to want to change into recreational clothing, get some exercise, take a shower, and then change back into our work or leisure clothing. That is time-consuming and awkward when people are as sexually inhibited as they are today.

We would have a more pleasant life if we were as relaxed around naked people as our prehistoric ancestors. Therefore, the ministers are required to experiment with ways to help everybody control their sexual inhibitions, such as forcing children to become accustomed to nudity.

If we can control our sexual inhibitions, then we could change into recreational clothing at a "people rinsing tunnel", (described here), and in front of other people, rather than need to build a lot of private dressing rooms.

When we are finished with the recreation, we would rinse off by walking through the rinsing tunnel.
(The text-to-image software doesn't understand the concept, but the image to the right might help you imagine it. Also, the people should be naked in the rinsing tunnel.)

We would then get dressed in front of other people. By keeping crime to an extremely low level, we would not need security locks for our clothing. Instead, the rinsing tunnels would have shelves or compartments for us to put our clothing into, allowing us to change into and out of our clothing quicker and easier.

The rinsing tunnels would significantly reduce the time we need for a shower. In the dry climates, the water from the tunnels could be used for irrigating the city parks or farms.

If we can control our sexual inhibitions and cravings enough to handle a rinsing tunnel, then it would also be much easier for us to go swimming during our breakfast break because we would not need to waste any time changing into or out of bathing suits. We would just take off our clothes and jump into the water.

By designing the neighborhoods so that the water in the swimming pools can be warmed up from the waste heat of the factories and office buildings, we could go swimming in outdoor pools that are so large that they would be too expensive to heat with fuel. Some neighborhoods might have enough waste heat to make it comfortable to swim on foggy and cold mornings.

In a free enterprise system, the public swimming pools tend to be ugly, rectangular pits of concrete, surrounded by ugly concrete, but the Neighborhoods Minister is required to put human life ahead of profit, so the swimming pools must be artistic decorations for the city. As mentioned here, the ministers have to decide when they are making the city "too beautiful".

Since this Constitution permits discrimination, some of the swimming pools could be restricted for women and others for men in order to avoid stimulating our sexual emotions, and because men and women have different personalities. That would make it more relaxing for the people to go swimming before breakfast. The pools could be side-by-side, as in the image below, but one pool could be for women and the other for men.

It is possible that having the pools side-by-side would have the advantage of helping the men and women become accustomed to nudity, while keeping them separate from one another. This concept might also be beneficial with children. Specifically, a pool for children could be next to a pool for adults so that the children become accustomed to both naked children and naked adults, but without irritating the adults.

Mothers with young children have restaurants to themselves

The neighborhoods that are designed for families would have restaurants, schools, and other facilities for young children. Mothers would be able to eat with their children, or they could have breakfast with other mothers while their children had breakfast with other children.

The mothers could have breakfast while their children ate with other children.

A mother could have breakfast with her children if she wanted to.

Every adult is required to have a job, and women have priority for taking care of children, so there would be few, if any, men taking care of children. The teenagers would be in Teentown, so none of the teenagers would be wandering around the neighborhoods during the day. Therefore, the mothers with young children who remain in their neighborhoods during the day would have the restaurants and children's facilities to themselves. There would be elderly people who were not working, but the city provides them with separate apartment buildings, restaurants, and other facilities.

Dinner would be within three hours in the evening

A 1.5 hour breakfast would provide us with plenty of time for enjoying the sunshine, nature, and recreational activities, and still have enough time for a relaxing breakfast. The restaurants would shut down after serving breakfast, and we would go back to work. All of the social and recreational activities would shut down, also.

We would then continue to work the rest of the day without any further meals, although the people who do physically demanding work might benefit from having a snack during the afternoon.

The restaurants would open for three hours for dinner, between 17:00 and 20:00. All of the social and recreational activities would also open at this time, but they would remain open until perhaps 23:00. We could have dinner immediately after working, or get involved with social or recreational activities first.

Advantages to the two-meal schedule

Breakfast will be casual and relaxed. Most people who have three meals a day are rushing in the morning to eat breakfast. That makes breakfast more of a refueling operation instead of one of life's pleasures.

The restaurants need to open only twice a day, (1.5 hours for breakfast, and 3 hours for dinner), which reduces the amount of labor and resources involved with providing meals, and it makes it more practical for people to work part-time at the restaurants, such as working only at breakfast.

Also, none of the restaurant employees would have to get to work early in the morning in order to serve early breakfasts, and none of them have to work late at night to serve late dinners.

Breakfast will occur during the late mornings, which is when the weather is usually the nicest, and when we are the most physically active. Therefore, every morning we have a chance to enjoy the sunshine and nature, and get some exercise.

The meal misfits cannot reproduce

No matter what type of meal schedule we decide to follow, there will be some people who will not want to follow it because they either dislike it, or because it causes problems with their particular genetic characteristics.

Likewise, no matter what type of foods the Meals Ministry authorizes, there will be some people who want special meals, and there will be other people who cannot eat some of the foods because of allergies, digestive problems, or other problems.

Those "meal misfits" can have special meals, but they must be restricted from reproducing so that we don't increase the number of people who cannot, or refuse to, follow the meal schedule and eat the foods that are available to them. We must reduce diversity and ensure that people are compatible with one another and with our culture.