Animals want to be dictators
The leader of a group of animals is a selfish
dictator that does whatever he pleases, and he uses intimidation and violence to control the other
members and his competitors.
The bonobos are an exception because they are dominated by females
rather than
males, and they do not use violence to
control one another, but they are almost extinct because they are much
successful than the chimpanzees. This is evidence that their culture
put them at a serious disadvantage. They are analogous to the
primitive tribes of humans that still exist in the tropics.
Our emotions allow abusive
Human culture and emotions
are similar to that of chimpanzees
rather than bonobos. The men
compete for leadership by fighting,
and we want to be dictators.
These emotional cravings are appropriate for chimpanzees because they
don't have the intellectual ability or technology to be abusive, but
our modern societies allow people in leadership positions to be extremely abusive.
We need an understanding of our emotions, and the ability to control
them. We must be especially concerned that our leaders are controlling
their emotions. Some of the emotions that are causing trouble for
us are:
We want to be the
leader of the world simply to satisfy our cravings for
dominance, not because we want to deal with the problems of a modern
society, or because we have compared ourselves to other people and
found evidence that we would provide the best leadership. This is
giving us leaders who want to titillate
themselves, rather than analyze and deal with the problems of a
modern society
That type of leader is analogous to a man who wants a wife simply
to satisfy his
cravings for sex, or a woman who wants to get married only for
financial support and children.
We want to get to
the top of the hierarchy by intimidating and fighting our competitors,
not by analyzing everybody's leadership abilities and making an
intelligent decision about who will provide the best leadership. This
gives us leaders who excel at fighting, not leaders who excel at
providing us with intelligent guidance.
We become submissive
to whoever happens to get to the top of the hierarchy rather than give
them job performance reviews and fire those who are incompetent. This
allows our leaders to be abusive, incompetent, and
Those characteristics were beneficial
for prehistoric, nomadic tribes for the same reason that that type of
leader is beneficial to animals. Specifically, prehistoric
people and animals benefit from a leader who is a strong, courageous, fighter.
Today, however, our leaders are capable of incredible abuse, such as imposing taxes,
instigating wars, and protecting pedophile networks.
They can also protect themselves from their competitors
by blackmailing,
murdering, intimidating, arresting, or harassing their competitors, and
by fooling
us into
believing that they have a divine right
to be our leader, and that their children have the right to inherit
that leadership position.
We must be critical of our leaders
It was beneficial for
prehistoric people to be submissive to their leaders, but today we must
become actively involved with ensuring that our leaders are providing
sensible guidance. This includes all
types of leaders, such as leaders in businesses, recreational
activities, holiday celebrations, and schools.
The School Ministry is required to prepare children for modern society,
and that includes teaching them to be critical of their leaders. This
includes the leader of a group of friends who
are doing something
together during their leisure time. Children must be taught that they
need to be concerned about which of their friends is
taking a leadership role, and whether he is providing them with good
leadership. Children must be encouraged to be critical of their leaders.
Security personnel must
protect society, not governments
Human history can provide
us with ideas on how to reduce the abuse of our leaders. For example,
two reasons that the medieval Kings and Queens were able to get away
with abuse were:
1) |
They had control of
the security force and legal
system. This gave them the ability to arrest, murder,
and censor their critics and competitors.
The people in the
legal system and security force were so ignorant,
trusting, stupid, apathetic, or corrupt that they protected their
leaders rather than society. |
History shows us that there are some ways we can reduce corruption. For
1) |
The government
officials must be prohibited from having authority over the security
personnel. The security
personnel must be an independent
The security
personnel must be restricted to people who have enough of an education
understand that their purpose is to protect the nation from criminals, not to
protect the government officials
from criticism or competition.
They must also
have the emotional ability to
treat the government officials in the same manner that they treat other
Specifically, they must be able to to fire
the incompetent officials, and
evict or execute the criminal officials.
This requires that they have the ability to resist their
craving to be submissive to their leaders.
The US legal system is not independent
The men who wrote the U.S.
Constitution assumed that they had made the legal system independent
from the rest of the government, but they failed. For example, they allowed
the Federal
government to select the Supreme Court judges, and those judges can
remain in their job regardless of how elderly and incompetent they
become. That is not
separating the legal system from the government. That is giving the
government control of the legal
The government officials also select and fire the top military
leaders, and they determine the military budget, which gives them control of the military. They
also have control over the FBI,
CIA, NSA, and other agencies.
To make the situation worse, the
government officials have so much secrecy that nobody knows what any of
the agencies are doing, or whether they are hiring Americans or
The US Constitution is such a failure at keeping the security personnel
separate from the government that the US government can start wars
almost as easily as the medieval Kings and Queens. It has also allowed
Israel to prevent the US Air Force from defending the USS
Liberty, and prevent the security agencies from investigating the 9/11
attack and the accusations of a pedophile network operating within the
The “Deep State” concept is a
Some people claim that the
CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies are in control of the USA. They refer
to them as the " Deep
State", and they claim that the president and other government
officials are following orders from the Deep State.
The problem with that theory is that no one can explain how the Deep
State can control the government, the media, the professors, and
everybody else, and nobody can identify the people who are members of
the Deep
A more sensible explanation for the corruption in the USA is that
Israelis and other Jews have been tricking the American voters into
electing Jews and their blackmailed puppets, and that has allowed those
Jews to get control of the CIA, FBI, and other agencies. The Jews have
also taken control of most of the media companies. There are also Jews,
such as Jeffrey Epstein, who are involved with blackmailing people.
is no "Deep State" organization. Rather, there is an international
organization of
Jews who are trying to shift the blame for the corruption away from
Jews and onto a mysterious and elusive entity.
Likewise, we are not under the
control of the Military-Industrial Complex,
the Bilderberg
group, the Vatican, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, or the
of Foreign Affairs.
We must compensate for our
animal emotions
We cannot expect a legal system
to be useful if it is based on the
theory that humans are a creation of a supreme being, or that we are
pieces of clay that mold itself to the environment. Those false beliefs
will cause the legal system to blame crime on such idiotic concepts as
the devil, poverty, sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, and bad parenting.
Likewise, we cannot expect a government, a school system, or any of our
other culture,
to be useful when it is based on false theories of what a human is. We
must design all of our culture for a group of apes.
For example, we must design our culture to compensate for our tendency
to do what is the most emotionally pleasing. Our desire to please
ourself causes us to do things and create policies that are
selfish, abusive, and hypocritical.
An example is that Oliver Cromwell
opposed monarchies, but after
he acquired a top leadership position, he wanted to behave like a king
and pass his leadership position on to his son.
That selfishness and hypocrisy can be seen in every human, and all
throughout history, and without
exception. The reason is because humans
inherited the emotional and behavioral characteristics of animals.
All of us inherited a
craving to fight for the top
of the hierarchy, and to give orders
to other people without any regards to
the consequences. We want to be a dictator with special privileges, and
we want everybody to obey us and respect us. We want laws to apply to
everybody except ourselves and our children.
When we design a chicken farm, a zoo exhibit for gorillas, or an
aquarium, we design it according to the physical and mental
characteristics of the animals. We must treat humans in the same
manner. We must design our cities, jobs, schools, holiday celebrations,
work environments, recreational activities, and other culture
according to the physical and mental
characteristics of a human, which means designing it according to the
characteristics of a species of ape.
We must design our city and our culture to dampen our
inappropriate animal characteristics, such as arrogance, selfishness,
and vengeance, and encourage our more appropriate qualities. For
Our school system
must be designed to take into account that we have an animal's tendency
to avoid thinking and learning, and that children have a
craving to "pluck the feathers" out of the inferior children.
We need to design
our restaurants and meals to take into account that we have a tendency
to eat excessive amounts of food, and that we have
excessive cravings for sugar and salt.
We must design our
government system to take into account that we have an animal's craving
to fight for leadership, and behave like a selfish, arrogant
We must design our
recreational activities to take into account that we inherited the
craving of animals to become obsessed with winning competitive battles.
Security Ministry must be independent
A security force is detrimental if it protects
an abusive or incompetent government. A security force is beneficial only if
protects society.
This Constitution divides the government up in such a manner that the
security force is independent of the other government divisions.
Furthermore, the security force is held accountable for what they do.
They must justify their work as being
beneficial to society, rather
than to appease some government official or organization.
This Constitution breaks
the government into several divisions, but none of them have authority
over the Security Ministry, and the Security Ministry does not
have control over the other divisions.
To provide some more checks and balances, the Security Ministry is
dependent upon the other divisions for its equipment and
supplies. For example, the Security Ministry is in
control of the police, but they cannot produce weapons,
food, buildings, clothing, medical products, electricity, or any other
supplies. Furthermore, they are not allowed to stockpile more than a
few days
worth of
weapons, food, fuels, medicines, or other supplies. Therefore, they
are dependent upon the other divisions to provide them with the items
that they need to operate.
The officials in the Security Ministry must request the
supplies they need. Therefore,
if the Security Minister
were to get out of control, the other
government divisions would be able to stop or inhibit the abuse by
refusing to
provide the Security Ministry with the supplies, electricity, water,
food, and equipment that
they need to operate.
The president of the Economic
Division is in control of the production of guns, bullets, poisons,
food, electricity, and other products, but he cannot use or stockpile any of those
weapons, and he
is not permitted to create any type of security force. He is only
allowed to manufacture, distribute, recycle, and repair products.
Therefore, he cannot use any of the weapons to arrest, intimidate, or
abuse his critics or competitors, or get control of the city.
The Security Ministry is not permitted to stockpile medical
supplies, either, or hire medical personnel. Therefore, if any of the
personnel needs medical treatment, they are required to get it from the
Medical Ministry. This provides the Medical Ministry with some ability
to inhibit an abusive Security Ministry.
For example, if the Security Ministry were to become abusive, the
Medical Ministry would be able to refuse to provide them with medical
supplies and assistance, thereby dampening their desire for violence.
The Security Ministry is not permitted to get into fights with other
cities, either, so they cannot
send their personnel outside of the city
for any purpose. The Security
Ministry is
authorized only to deal with security problems within the city. Disputes between
cities are
settled by the world government.
To further ensure that each government division is independent, each
division must have their offices in separate neighborhood clusters to
reduce the
chances that
the officials collude with one another.