Information is more important
than food
The quality of the
information we put in our minds is more important than the quality of
the foods that we put into our mouth. Allowing people to give us
deceptive or false information is more foolish
than allowing people to
put poisons
in our foods.
document that explains
why everybody is held accountable for their effect on other people
points out that people who alter our culture are essentially opening
our skull
and trying to change the information in our memories.
Everybody is prohibited from making changes to our culture because our
mind depends upon
it to make decisions. If we give people organizations the
freedom to alter our culture, we allow them to manipulate our thoughts, behavior,
and life.
It is important that we ensure that the information we put into our
minds, especially the information that we provide to children, is beneficial, and this Constitution
achieves that goal by giving the government total control of culture, and
holding the government officials accountable for their effect on
Our natural assumption is that food
is more important than information
because we can die from a lack of food,
and from poisonous foods, but
information has more of an
effect on our health and life than food. For example:
The information in
our mind
determines which
foods we eat, how we prepare
them, and whether we have
any understanding of nutrition, salmonella, diabetes, or poisonous
mushrooms. The information in our minds also determines whether we know
how to grow apples, raise chickens, and hunt pigs.
We will not
die from
poisonous foods if we have accurate information about
which foods are poisonous.
Likewise, we are not likely to
die from
starvation if we have information about how to work in a team, grow
crops, raise animals, and irrigate fields.
However, if we pick up idiotic or deceptive information about foods,
or if we pick up information that makes it difficult for us to form a
productive, stable team, we can hurt ourselves and
other people. For example:
A mysterious
man has been so frightened to eat "bioengineered"
foods (previously referred to as GMO foods) that he suggests
that we consider avoiding the Aldi markets
because they sell foods with bioengineered ingredients. He was
frightened by a video that he got from "Concerned Citizen", who in turn
got it from "The Trutherist".
A man responded to his suggestion by pointing out that Aldi is also
trying to avoid cash, which he described
as a "dystopian world". He suggests that we "never allow this to
happen", and that we stand up for our rights.
He also posted this
video of people reading the ingredients of their food products and
becoming horrified that the food "May contain traces" of other
food items.
No society cares whether people have supporting evidence for the
information that they provide to us. This allows people to describe a
cashless society is as "dystopian" without showing any evidence that we
are going to suffer as a result of using electronic money.
People are also free to create fear of food products that "may contain
traces" of other foods. That fear is idiotic
because that concept applies to almost everything. For example,
if we were to analyze the air we breathe we would find that it "may
contain traces of" automobile tires, dog poop, asphalt particles,
saliva, mucus, mold spores, viruses, and bacteria.
If we were to analyze the mouth of a person that we kiss, we would
discover that our mouths may contain traces of food items, viruses, and
These are just a few examples of how every culture provides everybody
with the freedom to pass around idiotic
information about issues they know nothing about, which can cause
people to make idiotic decisions that cause trouble for themselves, the
farmers, and the businesses.
There are
some documents, such as this
and this,
that claim that apples, mushrooms, beets, and some other fruits and
vegetables contain vitamin B12, and there are other documents that
claim that those foods do not have
vitamin B12.
There is even more contradictory information about the health benefits
and digestibility of mushrooms.
For example, some people claim that chitin is beneficial for our immune
system, and other people claim that it causes trouble for our immune
system. Insects have a lot of chitin also, so some people advise us to
eat insects and others warn us to avoid eating them.
The US government is ensuring that our food is safe to eat,
but there is no concern for whether the information about food is
sensible or beneficial. The end result is that the foods we put into
our stomach
are safe to eat, but a lot of the information about foods that we put
into our minds
is contradictory and idiotic.
It is more useful for us to have accurate and honest information
about foods than it is to have foods that are safe to eat. The reason
is that the information allows us to make intelligent decisions about
For example, the USA has such agencies as the FDA to ensure that the oils that we
eat are safe, but it would be more useful if we had information
about oils. The lack of information about the oils is
causing everybody to be confused about whether we should eat vegetable
oil, lard, Crisco, butter, coconut oil, or olive oil, and whether it is
safe to heat those oils to high temperatures, and what quantities are
safe to eat.
We also don't know what happens when we mix oils together in the same
meal. For example, if we are eating of meal that has pork fat, corn
oil, and coconut oil, does our body digest them all equally, or does it
have a preference for certain oils?
For another example, the US government ensures that lollipops, potato
chips, and Miracle
Whip is safe to eat, but it would be more useful to have
information about how those foods affect our digestion and health.
It is more important for us to be provided with knowledge about foods and health
than to be provided with foods that are safe to eat. The more thoroughly we
foods and health, the better our decisions will be about which foods to
eat, when
to eat, the quantities to eat, how to process the foods, and which
foods should not be combined in the same meal.
in our mind determines whether we "trust
the science".
The information in our minds determines what we know about medicines, and whether we choose to use some
of them,
and if so, how, when, and why.
If we have inaccurate
or deceptive information about
medicines, we will create or use medicines that are dangerous, or use
them in inappropriate manners.
The US government is ensuring that our medicines are safe, but it would
be more beneficial for us to have a government agency that investigated
medicines and provided us with accurate and honest information about
medicines and health issues. The reason is because that information
would allow us to make intelligent decisions about health and medicines.
The lack of information about the health issues is causing to be
confused about what is causing our health problems, and whether
medicines are the best solution, or whether the best way to improve our
health is to alter our diet, sleeping patterns, recreational
activities, exposure to ultraviolet light, or consumption of alcohol;
whether we should take supplements of hormones or vitamins; whether we
should reduce the use of pesticides; or whether we
should restrict reproduction to the people with the best health.
It is more important for us to be provided with knowledge about
medicines and health than to be provided with medicines that are safe.
The more thoroughly we understand
health issues, the better our decisions will be about how to keep
ourselves in good health.
The information in our minds also determines which jobs we know how to
do; which social
and recreational activities we know how to participate in; who we
trust; who we are suspicious of; whether we believe that some Arabs who
live in caves
flew airplanes into the World Trade Center
towers; whether we believe that six teams of astronauts have been on
the moon; whether the Russians are the reason
Donald Trump was elected president; and whether
Nazis killed and incinerated 6 million Jews.
If any of us could have access to the information that people a million
years in the future will have, we would benefit more from that
than from becoming wealthy and famous.
The information in our mind also determines whether we are aware of the
concepts of deception and propaganda. For example, a person
who is ignorant about
deception techniques, or who has been "educated" to believe that
"conspiracy theories" are "crazy", will not understand
the concept that most of the people
promote the Flat Earth theory
are deliberately
a nonsensical theory.
The reason that most people ignore or ridicule the "crazy
conspiracy theories" is because their
minds have collected false information
about "conspiracies".
Most people
are puppets
of Jews
If we can control the
information in a person's mind, he becomes our puppet.
We can
manipulate his
clothing styles, his leisure activities, how he treats people,
who he trusts, and which foods he eats.
A group of Jews, pedophiles, and other criminals have gotten control of
of most of the news agencies,
publishers, YouTube, Facebook, Google, and many other sources of
information, and they
have been providing us with false information for centuries.
This has allowed them to manipulate our opinions about conspiracy
theories, the Holocaust, and the 9/11 attack.
However, most people will not
look critically at the Jews because some of the information that the
Jews have provided to us has
convinced them that Jews are the most
honest, non-violent, generous, considerate, intelligent, and
trustworthy group of
people, and that whoever criticizes a Jew is an "anti-Semite".
The organized religions are also manipulating people with false
information. For example, they routinely refresh people's memory with
the false concept that whoever criticizes or
contradicts their religion is ignorant, misguided, or evil. They also
repeatedly dampen people's curiosity by telling them to
"have faith" that their religion is accurate.
Information is useful only to some
To complicate the issue,
information is valuable only to people
who can understand it, and
who have the desire and ability to use
properly. An obvious example is that it is waste of time to provide
information about nutrition to a two-year-old child.
A less obvious example is that it is a waste of time to provide
about evolution and genetics to the adults who are too stupid to understand it, or
who are emotionally unable to
accept it. This is one reason why we must require people to meet higher
intellectual and emotional standards today.
We need information to understand
the value of information
Most people are more
concerned with the quality of their foods
than with the quality of their information
because they have knowledge about the dangers of food, but they don't
have knowledge about the dangers of false information.
Every society
teaches people to ensure that the foods they eat are safe, but no
society teaches people to be concerned about the quality or value of
the information that they put
into their minds.
Actually, the exact opposite is happening. Governments, religions,
media companies, the ADL, the FBI, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia,
Google, and
many other organizations, are deliberately providing us with
deceptive and censored information in an attempt to keep us ignorant about the value of
Those organizations would destroy themselves if they encouraged us to
demand high quality information. For example, a religion would
disintegrate if its members demanded supporting evidence for it, and
YouTube would be exposed as a criminal organization if we demanded an
explanation for their censorship and warning messages.
We need a certain amount of education to realize that the information
that we put into our mind is more important than the food we put into
our mouth.
By keeping people ignorant about the value of information, no society
cares about the value of the information that we get from journalists,
college professors, government officials, business executives,
religious leaders, charity officials, or think
tank analysts. This allows them to lie repeatedly about historical and
news events, and to insult and censor people they don't like.
We must investigate accusations
None of the school systems
are teaching children about crime networks, censorship, blackmail,
propaganda, false flag operations, and the wolf in sheep's clothing
Instead, we have been provided with the propaganda that the people who
complain that we have been lied to about the Holocaust, the
Apollo moon landing, and other events are "idiotic conspiracy
theorists". This is analogous to "educating" people into believing that
the people who complain about salmonella are "conspiracy theorists".
Most of us were
fooled into ignoring or ridiculing the "conspiracy theories", but
the most sensible reaction to
an accusation is to investigate
it and determine if:
1) |
The accusation is valid.
The person made a mistake.
The person deliberately made a false accusation.
For example, instead of ignoring or insulting the people who promote
the Flat
Earth theory, we should investigate them to determine why they
believe such a stupid theory. They are part of our team, and we should
understand why they are defective
team members.
An investigation of why those
people are promoting the Flat Earth theory would would
show us that most (or all) of those people are doing so in
order to give "conspiracy theories" a bad image.
An investigation of why they are
trying to give conspiracy theories a bad image would show us that some
of them are Jews who are trying to manipulate us, and others are people
who have been bribed or blackmailed by the Jews.
An investigation of why those
people became bribed or blackmailed would show us that they have
trouble making a living, or got involved with crimes. We could continue
with this concept by investigating why they have trouble making a
living, or why they got involved with crimes.
By understanding why some people promote the Flat Earth theory, we will
be able to figure out how to improve our world. By comparison, if we
ignore or insult those people, nothing will improve.
Likewise, we should investigate the people who are promoting a fear of
bioengineered foods, a cashless society, and foods that may contain
traces of other foods. We would undoubtedly discover that many of them
are working for the Jewish crime network and trying to manipulate us.
or insulting people who promote false information is more detrimental and more idiotic
than ignoring or insulting people who provide us with poisoned food. We
should be as intolerant of
people who provide false information
as we are about people who provide poisoned food.
Some people have made accusations that there are tunnels under the Getty
Museum, Disney
World in Florida, and other
locations, and that the leaders of society are using them for
pedophilia and human trafficking.
Virginia Giuffre was interviewed on television and claimed
that Jeffrey Epstein was secretly recording video of people at his
mansion and island, and for the purpose of blackmailing influential
people. There are also accusations and that some
of the women were sometimes raped three
times a day.
However, the journalists, police, FBI, and other people who
should have investigated those
accusations have been ignoring, insulting, or minimizing
them, or
treating them as entertainment.
We should investigate why Epstein
was blackmailing people, who he
blackmailed, who
was assisting Epstein with the blackmail operation,
and what effect the
had on
government policies, news reports, business activities, school
curriculum, and other issues.
Investigations by idiots and liars are worthless
An investigation of Epstein
is not necessarily
of any value. An investigation is useful only if the people
doing the investigation have the intelligence
to provide a useful
and the desire to provide an honest
For example, the US government, some college professors and scientists,
and some other intelligent
and educated people, have provided us with an analysis of the collapse
of the World Trade Center buildings, and their conclusion was that the
buildings collapsed because of fires.
That is proof that they either lack the mental
abilities to provide a proper analysis, which is unlikely, or they are
deliberately lying
to us.
In order for a legal system to provide useful investigations of crimes,
we must
raise standards for the people in it, and hold them accountable for
their analyses.
Investigations are worthless if
they are ignored
Even if a legal system were
to provide an honest and intelligent investigation of an issue, their
information will be useful only
if the people have the desire to use it in a beneficial manner.
For example, many of us have told our friends, neighbors, and relatives
that the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed with explosives,
or that NASA is lying about the Apollo moon landings, but most people
responded to that information by ignoring it or ridiculing it, rather
than investigating it and passing it to other people.
Providing the typical person with an intelligent investigation of the
9/11 attack, the
Holocaust, and the Apollo moon landing is as much
of a waste of time as providing the information to a dog.
Most people do not
have the emotional desire or ability to deal with the
complex problems of our modern era, such as false flag operations and
pedophile networks.
Instead, they want to run away and hide from the problems, like an
An organization is only as good as its members, so in order to improve
the world, we must set higher standards for people.
People today need information
about our emotions
Our school systems provide
us with a tremendous amount of information, which results in us
assuming that we are highly educated, but we are not given any
education about emotions,
or the similarity between human and ape behavior.
A person who believes that his emotions were given to him by a supreme
being, or that his emotions are adapting to the environment, is likely
to assume his emotional cravings are sensible, which will result in him
wanted to satisfy his cravings. He
is more likely to do whatever brings him pleasure, and avoid whatever
he dislikes, just like Marquis de Sade.
It was acceptable for prehistoric people
to do whatever they pleased, but today we need to realize that we have
ape emotions, and that our emotional cravings are often inappropriate
in our modern era. We need to regularly suppress some of our cravings
and fears.
In order for us to enjoy our technically advanced societies, we need
information about our emotions, and how they affect our behavior. Some
examples of this concept have been discussed in other documents.
example, an unpleasant emotional feeling is triggered when we see naked
bodies or smell waste products or rotten food, but if we
don't understand why
we have those unpleasant feelings, we will assume that we are
uncomfortable around nudity and waste products because those things are
dangerous or disgusting, which can lead us to the
idiotic conclusion that we will
protect children from harm when we prevent them from seeing
naked bodies
and learning about sex, waste products, and digestion.
Another emotion that we must be educated about is that we
inherited a strong craving to become submissive
to our leaders. It was acceptable for prehistoric people to be
submissive to their leaders because their leaders had to earn their
position. A prehistoric man could not
become a leader through crime networks,
inheritances, blackmail, or other forms of cheating. Furthermore, the
leader of a prehistoric tribe could not be very
abusive to his members.
However, our modern societies allow people to
get into leadership positions by cheating,
and they can be extremely
abusive because they can hire men to be their
private security force to eliminate competitors and critics; they
can impose taxes; and they can fool people into believing that their
children should inherit their leadership position.

Organized religions demand extreme submission.
The organized religions have fooled people into becoming so submissive
that they make phenomenal
amounts of money and have special tax benefits.
The people who join an organized religion allow themselves to be
treated more like slaves than
team members.
Sexual abuse and pedophilia has been so common in the organized
that 216,000
children, mostly boys, were abused by the French Catholic Church
official between 1950 and 2020, and there has been abuse at other
religions, and in other nations, and all throughout history. The
Protestant Reformation got some
of its support from people who were disgusted with the sexual abuse of
the Catholic Church officials.
Modern humans need an education about our craving to be submissive to
our leaders, and we should help one another exert self-control over
craving. We must demand that our leaders earn
their position.
Modern children need to be taught that our leaders should be team members in a
management position, not our owners, kings,
or gods. Our leaders
should work with us,
not be pampered by us. We must set high
standards for our leaders,
be critical of their performance, and become intolerant of their incompetence and
Abusive people depend on false information and censorship
should not
information into our mind simply because somebody gave it to us, or
because it is emotionally pleasing. By being critical of the
information we are provided, we will significantly reduce crime and
The people who want to
abuse or exploit us depend
upon propaganda, lies, censorship, and deception. If we had high
standards for the information that people provide to us, it would be
more difficult for people to manipulate and exploit us. For example:
People would
realize that it makes no sense to arrest people for
"Holocaust Denial" because the only way to understand history is to investigate it.
The religions would
have trouble existing because none of the religions can provide
evidence for their beliefs. They would have to admit that their beliefs
are just speculations that are
no more accurate than alternative speculations.
The religions depend upon tricking people
into suppressing their
curiosity, ignoring or insulting conflicting information, and "having
faith" that
their religion is
It would also be
for people to get away with political or economic monarchies because
there is no intelligent evidence to support the concept that a child
have the right to inherit his
father's job, business, employees, or land, or that a society benefits
from monarchies.
It is insignificant when a child inherits a small amount of material
wealth or land, but allowing children to inherit enormous amounts is allowing
children to become influential members of society without earning the position. That degrades leadership, and there is no
way to justify it, except with deception.
For example, the Egyptian Pharaohs were successful with a monarchy by
fooling the people into believing that the Pharaohs were more like gods
humans; the medieval Kings and Queens fooled people into believing in
the Divine
Right of Kings; and wealthy people today are fooling people into
believing that everybody has a right
to inherit whatever their relatives want to give them, and that taxes
inheritances are a cruel and
unfair "death
It would be
difficult for college professors to promote lies, propaganda, and
deception. An
example is
Professor Judy Wood, who wrote this
book to show that the World Trade Center towers were
demolished with "directed free-energy technology". No society cares
whether professors are educating
people or manipulating and deceiving them. |
By setting higher standards for information, it would have also been
difficult for Jews to instigate the world wars, and get away with the
9/11 attack and other false flag operations.
Our culture must be updated
If a school cafeteria was
providing the children with food that was
contaminated with arsenic,
the government would do something about the problem,
regardless of whether the contamination was accidental or deliberate.
What is the difference between a school that provides children with
contaminated food,
and a school that provides them with contaminated information?
The difference is that it is more detrimental
to give them contaminated information.
Our prehistoric ancestors had to be concerned about poisonous foods,
which is why every culture today is concerned about that issue, but
they did not
have to be
concerned about propaganda, false flag operations, censorship, or other
types of
contaminated or deceptive information.
Our culture evolved for a prehistoric era, and it must be
to fit our modern era. Although some of our culture has improved
during the past few thousand years, some
of it has degraded.
For example, our prehistoric ancestors did not
have monarchies, so leadership has degraded since then. Although the
USA does not have a political
monarchy, we have thousands of economic