I started to record "Reptilian
Girls", but...
I am not a "musical person" (I don't sing in the shower or
while driving a car), and I've never tried singing a song before, other
than the silly "happy birthday" song, so I assumed I would have to sing
"Reptilian Girls" a few times before I got a recording that was worth posting.
I expected it would take me about 30 minutes to get a useful recording.
So I downloaded the music to the song, but I was shocked to discover
that without the words, it's just a simple tune
that repeats over and over. I was confused!
How do I know when to start singing? How do I know if I'm singing too fast
or too slow?
I now understand why people want to see the lyrics when they
do karaoke. I thought the lyrics were
because they couldn't remember the song!
I was reminded of when I tried ice skating. I thought ice-skating
would be easy because the professional ice skaters and hockey players
make it look effortless. I was shocked
to discover that ice skating was much more difficult
skiing on snow, and I understood why ordinary people struggle just to go
around in a circle on an ice rink. I had assumed that the ice rinks were
dumb people who
going around in circles!
I was also shocked to discover that falling down on the ice hurt as
badly as falling onto concrete. How do the professionals fall onto the
ice and then quickly get up as if they had fallen onto foam rubber?
Anyway, I didn't bother trying to record Reptilian Girls, but I am curious
as to whether I can do it, and what my singing will sound like, so I'm
planing to give it a try. In the meantime, if you want some entertainment:
Ladies and gentlemen, place
your bets!
Which possibility do you think will come true in regards to Hufschmid's
plan to made a recording of "Reptilian Girls"?
1) |
He'll make a few attempts, give up, and then make plans to try acting
in one of his Holocaust
Denial Survivor movies. |
2) |
He'll eventually record a song, but nobody will be able to listen to
it without doing the "facepalm". |
3) |
His singing will be "ordinary". |
4) |
He will sing better than William Shatner. |
5) |
Diana Ross will be so impressed that she asks him for personal singing
lessons. |
Reptilians Girls
[Verse 1]
I know a race
that is only partly human.
You can't trust what they say,
cuz they're masters of deception.
Behavior so crude,
you may dismiss the accusations.
The cops
always fail,
try'na stop their giant network.
You could travel the world,
but nowhere is safe,
from this savage race.
Once you learn of their crimes,
you'll know why they're despised.
Oooooh oh oooooh
Reptilian girls,
they're so despicable!
They can lie,
without any guilt.
Trust them once -
that's it!
The last mistake you'll make!
Oooooh oh oooooh
[Verse 2]
I know a race,
ugly and diabolical.
Cant speak like us,
their envy's uncontrollable.
Wont help the world,
they love crime and destruction.
But now
we will win!
We've exposed their horrid network.
We'll soon travel the world,
and visit any place,
without fear of that race.
Once we kill all their whores,
We'll be safe to fall in love.
Reptilian girls,
deadly and treacherous!
They are whores,
but try to trap us.
Learn from those
they caught!
Become more suspicous!
Oooooh oh oooooh
Update, 28 August 2010:
My idea about the Reptilian Girls song inspired a musician
to create Reptile Woman. Instead of imitating Katy Perry's song,
he wrote his own tune and lyrics. He describes the tune as sort of a mix
of Black Magic Woman, by Santana, and Riders On The Storm,
by The Doors.
2.9 mb Lyrics are here
Update, 4 September
2010: The results
of my attempt to sing!
I didn't have anything important to do this Saturday morning,
so I decided to try singing that song. I thought it would be best if I
first sing only the chorus, and then if I could do that properly,
I would sing the entire song.
Since I have a difficult time remembering lyrics and tunes, I began
by listening to Katy Perry's original song over and over while reading
the lyrics to my version of it. However, without her music playing, I couldn't
remember the tune, so I decided to play her song in headphones while I
After about a dozen recordings I decided to combine one with the music
and find out what it sounded like. I then discovered I have a major
problem! I couldn't figure out where
in the music my chorus is supposed to be located. I could figure out approximately
where my singing belonged (plus or minus a few seconds), but it didn't
seem to fit the music no matter where I put it.
I decided to download a karaoke version that had the words in the music.
I thought that might help me place my singing properly, but that didn't
do me any good, either! Music and singing are definitely not
one of my talents!
The morning had just been wasted on this attempt, and I didn't feel
like wasting my Saturday afternoon also, so I decided to stop trying to
imitate Katy Perry and just sing the chorus without any music. I recorded
about a dozen variations, and I experimented with different speeds and
styles. Here is one:
290 Kb
18 September 2010: I finally
recorded a song!
As I mentioned in part
5 of my Social Technology article about history, I like to determine
my abilities and weaknesses. I heard a song by Cass Elliot a few months
ago called the New
World Coming. In my mind, I can sing just as good as she does. So I
changed the lyrics a bit and decided to put myself to the test. However,
after a couple hours of struggling, I came to the conclusion that there
is no way that I can do what she does
to the words "day" and "by" in this line (at 40 seconds into the song):
"With each day that passes by"
It was also impossible for me to sing the very last line the way she
does. However, I accomplished (sort of) some of the "warbling" that she
does. Next I'll do a song that men
sing! By the way, I've come to the conclusion that I can't follow somebody
else's tune, so I can't add music. The music would have to be created to
fit my singing.
My version of New
World Coming
790 Kb
There's a New World Coming,
I can promise you my friend.
But it's not the "New World Order".
That one's coming to an end.
There's a new group rising.
You can see us if you try.
And we're growing larger,
with each day that passes by.
We could wake up every morning,
spend our day with people we trust.
We could have jobs that we love working,
we can do this, and we must!
So join this wonderful movement,
to make the life we all dream of.
Let's bring peace! Let's bring joy! Let's bring love! |
19 September 2010: A love
song for the future
Most love songs are written for men who have just become infatuated
with a woman. Very few relationships are still happy decades later, and
this problem has been getting worse during my life. Not many people today
even write or sing love songs.
However, the human race will improve. Eventually people will
live in societies in which they get along with one another, and everybody
will be able to find friends and a spouse that they are truly attracted
to. In that future world, they'll need love songs for people who've been
married for a long time. Here is my version of "Devoted to You" for those
future generations. (If you've never heard this song, I love the way the
Brothers do it, and this
man does the music by itself on an instrument I've never seen before. Of
course, the women, such as Anges
Chan, with their ability to "stretch" words, can outdo the men.)
This song was considerably less stressful than "Reptilian Girls" and
"New World Coming", but I'm still not able to completely relax while singing,
so I suppose that affects my voice. My struggling reminds me of the people
on the television show Dancing with the Stars who don't seem very
comfortable, either.
Incidentally, I discovered that I had to record the chorus separately.
I couldn't make the switch between the main tune and the chorus and then
back again. I'm not yet able to switch tunes in the middle of the song.
So I recorded the chorus afterwards, and then inserted it. Singing is turning
out to be an interesting experience. The professionals make it look so
easy! I'll try one more song after this. Or maybe two.
25 September 2010: I added another verse
This time I managed to sing the entire song at once; I didn't
have to do the chorus separately. I made about 16 recordings, and almost
had it memorized by the last one, although I still had to glance at the
words. (There's a pause after "I hope you don't mind" because
I forgot what came next and had a look at the words! How long is it supposed
to take to memorize such a short song?)
My version of Devoted
to You
1.5 mb
Through the years our love has grown,
like a patch of flowers that some angels had sown.
Our many years of pleasure have made me so,
Devoted to you.
Darling, I'm so happy that you're mine,
that I had to pause on our jouney through time,
just to take a moment and let you know that I'm,
still in love with you.
We've been in love for most of our lives.
I'm full of precious memories of you.
When I reminice I get tears in my eyes,
and we've got more years to look forward to!
Through the years our love has grown.
My bond with you is stronger than with anyone I've known.
Thoughts of you pop up so much, I never feel alone.
I'm so, in love with you.
Darling, as we continue life's adventure,
enjoying all the time that we spend together,
I hope you don't mind that I repeat over and over,
that I still do, love you. |
Here is my first recording in case somebody wonders
if I improved any:
first version, 1 mb
Incidentally, it's very embarrassing to listen to my singing
over speakers, but I don't mind listening
to myself over headphones. Why would
that be? Is that true for any of you, also? Maybe it's because my headphones
do a better job of reproducing the sound.